GOS :: Volume #9

#856: One ten thousand high grade Divine Crystal values

Original address: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1485006295 原地址:http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1485006295 Dozens flame phantom, likely are the illusory flame great gods, from wells up in all directions crazily, is carrying the torrential flame. 数十个火焰虚影,像是虚幻的火焰巨神,从四面八方狂涌过来,携带着滔滔火焰。 The massive turbulent raging fire, uncontrolled brave to transgress from the place bottom, as if must give to submerge general Heaven Punishment City, the burning hot flame strength covers the four directions, destroys the Heaven Destroyer place. 大量的汹涌烈火,从地底内不受控制的冒逸出来,似乎要将天罚城都给淹没一般,炙热的炎力笼罩四方,毁天灭地。 At this moment, Barrett the power thorough release of Source God Realm, energy that forms attacks terrifying. 这一刻,巴雷特源神境力量彻底的释放出来,形成的能量冲击恐怖之极。 Shi Yan by God Body of flame spirit snake winding hits, flaming combustion in the raging fire got up, within the body is remaining all sorts of power gather in the veins, such as brooks gyrate suddenly. 石岩被一条条火焰灵蛇缠绕撞击的神体,在烈火中熊熊燃烧起来,体内残留着的种种力量汇聚在筋脉中,如一道道溪流突然非常旋动。 Differs hard-to-pass big Realm, so was treated by Barrett fully, he is sufficiently proud. 相差一个难以逾越的大境界,被巴雷特这般全力对待,他足以自傲啊。 Any broad God King Second Sky Realm Expert, with the Source God Realm resistance, almost brings about own destruction, is absolutely impossible to escape death by a hair's breadth. 任何广个神王二重天境界强者,和源神境界者对抗,几乎都是自寻死路,绝对不可能幸免于难。 But he, can support now, and gives to stimulate Barrett power, went to the inconceivable situation. 而他,能够支撑到现在,并且将巴雷特力量都给激发出来,已经达到了不可思议的地步。 Barrett power and to deep meaning realizing from experience, also want powerful many compared with that Fan Ye, stimulates Immortal Devil Blood, assembles all sorts of deep meanings, even one and releases Heavenly Flame, he also can only will support. 巴雷特力量和对奥义的体悟,要比那梵夜还要强悍许多,将不死魔血激发出来,调集种种奥义,甚至将天火一并释放,他也只能堪堪支撑。 Saw with own eyes that flame great god attacks, Shi Yan calms down suddenly, rotates Heavenly Flame Altar by Divine Soul. 眼见火焰巨神冲击过来,石岩霍然冷静下来,以神魂转动天火祭台 All sorts of Heavenly Flame that releases, the extremely fast draws in quickly, has formed several in his body side such as the rainbow common boat rotten Heavenly Flame barrier. 释放出去的种种天火,倏地极速收拢,在他身侧形成了几层如彩虹一般舟烂的天火屏障。 five colors Heavenly Flame precise, looks fiercely, he da Yang in five colors riotous Divine Light, the whole body is likely splendid, the Heavenly Flame barrier of First Level level, perfect conjunction, although cannot with his God Body Divine Soul fusion, still have heaven and earth to be marvelous. 五彩天火凝炼,猛地一看,他像是处在五彩缤纷的神光中龘央,周身熠熠生辉,一层层的天火屏障,完美的契合,虽不能和他神体神魂融合,依然拥有着天地奇妙。 The flame giants, move the Heavenly Flame barrier, likely is the hit coats in the light, cannot attack unexpectedly. 一个个火焰巨人,一碰触到天火屏障,都像是撞击在光罩上,竟不能冲击进来。 chi chi chi! 嗤嗤嗤 The Heavenly Flame barrier and flame giant is resisting, power splash, bright with many colors, flash eye of radiant rays of light, dazzling. 天火屏障和火焰巨人抗拒着,力量飞溅,五光十色,耀目璀璨的光芒,刺眼之极。 da Yang in the Heavenly Flame defense, Shi Yan is rapidly precise within the body power, stimulates Immortal Devil Blood energy, lets a imposing manner not failure, precise Strength of Stars forms Star Shield once more, stars that lets out, in place bottom turning round revolving a while, conflicts fiercely , to continue toward the Barrett bombardment. 天火防御中龘央,石岩迅速凝炼着体内力量,激发不死魔血能量,让身上的气势没有一点衰竭,再次凝炼星辰之力形成星盾,那放出去的星辰,在地底滴溜溜的旋转了一会儿,也猛地冲突出来,继续朝着巴雷特轰击。 Divine Soul thought locking, Barrett moves in any event, as if cannot get rid of the pursuit of that stars. 神魂念头锁定,巴雷特不论如何移动,似乎都不能摆脱那一颗星辰的追击。 The shining star light overflows, a meteor glistens to pass suddenly, stares at Barrett not to put, making Barrett be tired out by dealing, cannot continue to exert power to come out. 灿灿星光流溢,一颗流星忽闪忽逝,盯着巴雷特不放,让巴雷特疲于应对,不能继续施加力量出来。 The ugly face that death energy evolved, when did not know gets up, flashed before spookily, and that stars equally strange was staring at Barrett, but negative energy of Shi Yan within the body, was the turbulent eruption, converged in that ugly face. 死亡能量衍变出来的鬼脸,不知道何时起,也幽幽闪现出来,和那一颗星辰一样诡异的盯着巴雷特,而石岩体内的负面能量,则是汹涌喷发,都汇入那鬼脸中。 Faint, he as if has become with that ugly face a body, the ugly face fluctuates his manner appearance, as if has become his soul miniature, is actually flooding the yin cold, evil and cruel all sorts of Negative Emotions, sufficiently will influence of the people. 隐隐中,他和那鬼脸似乎成了一体,鬼脸变幻成他的神态模样,似乎成了他的一具灵魂缩影,却充斥着阴寒、邪恶、暴戾的种种负面情绪,足以影响人心。 Barrett of Source God Realm, Soul Altar was affected, once for a while, meets the facial expression to stagnate, power also suddenly short knot, non-sustainable increasing energy. 源神境界的巴雷特,灵魂祭台都受到了影响,时不时的,会神情一滞,力量也会突然短节,不能持续的攀升能量 In rubber abundant, Shi Yan energy is passing crazily, moreover Ka Tuo and Brother Ka Fu at the same time, had tied down by the black corner/horn, cannot serve with the aid to him. 在胶着丰,石岩能量疯狂流逝着,另外一边的卡托卡夫兄弟,也被黑角缠住了,不能对他施以援手。 Pa! 啪! As if some shell has disrupted, in the flame Sea Store outer layer, barrier explodes broken. 仿佛某种壳碎裂了,在火焰海洋商铺外层,结界爆碎。 Barrett Ling Li God Body in sea of fire, stopped suddenly fiercely, seemed closely gripped by an invisible big hand. 巴雷特凌立在火海中的神体,突然猛地停了下来,仿佛被一只无形的大手紧紧攥在了。 Everywhere flame, by naked eye obvious intensive extremely quick disappearance, three respiration interbreaths, all flame sea does not remain. 漫天的火焰,以肉眼可见的速成极快的消失,三个呼吸间隔,所有火焰海洋一点不剩。 A Barrett face delay, does not dare to believe there, moves cannot move. 巴雷特一脸呆滞,不敢置信的愣在那儿,一动不能动。 Xiu! 咻! His God Body, seemed being pulled by Ferocious Beast, flies upside down, crazily clashes toward his foothold. 他的神体,仿佛被凶兽拉扯着,倒飞出去,一路朝着他的据点狂冲。 Black corner/horn solid ice, changes into the flying chip fiercely, a blood hurricane comes out, he cannot move, vanishes from here with Barrett together, cannot control own God Body. 黑角一身的坚冰,猛地化为飞屑,一口鲜血狂飙出来,他也动弹不得的,和巴雷特一起从这儿消失,根本不能控制自己的神体 Extremely strange, peripheral heaven and earth energy just like was found time, anybody cannot feel energy aura. 极其诡异的,周边天地能量宛如被抽空,任何人感觉不到一丝能量气息 That Barrett and black corner/horn, such whole body cannot move, a face is panic-stricken, maliciously was thrown by throwing directly to Black Curtain, the person in void, outflow blood that the corners of the mouth do not control self. 巴雷特和黑角,就这么浑身动弹不得,一脸惊慌失措的,直接被狠狠的投掷抛向黑幕,人在虚空中,嘴角不自禁的流出鲜血。 Shi Yan stayed. 石岩呆了。 Brother Ka Tuo were also scared. 卡托兄弟也傻眼了。 Many nearby Warrior, had discovered the strange scene, looks up the day, looks at Barrett and black corner/horn are motionless, not can see power binds to tie, was pounded maliciously to Black Curtain, at once hears a terrifying sound, a Black Curtain hundred meters high building collapses loudly, the giant crushed stone crashes, gave to submerge Barrett and black corner/horn. 很多附近的武者,也发现了诡异的场景,纷纷抬头看天,看着巴雷特和黑角一动不动的,被看不见的力量裹缚住,被狠狠地砸向了黑幕,旋即传来一声恐怖的响声,黑幕一栋百米高的建筑物轰然倒塌,巨大的碎石坠落下来,将巴雷特和黑角都给淹没了。 In the store of being reduced to ashes, in the air transmits the ill-smelling burnt taste, Shi Yan and Brother Ka Tuo is startled however, looks at each other in blank diamay, a little does not know that had anything. 化为灰烬的商铺中,空气中传来难闻的焦糊味,石岩卡托兄弟怔然,面面相觑,都有点不知道发生了什么。 Source God Realm Barrett, the God King peak black corner/horn, gathers must kill the attack that the potential comes, such bewildered was melted, they are also also wounded, according to could not be moved in own den, strangely to the extreme. 源神境巴雷特,神王巅峰的黑角,蓄势而来的必杀攻击,就这样莫名其妙的被化解了,两人还同时负伤,被人按在自己的老巢动弹不得,诡异到了极点。 Shi Yan complexion cloudy clear uncertain, in pupil rays of light glittering kept, has hesitated a while, his eye fiercely one bright, bowed suddenly, said toward the air respectfully: Many thanks Senior rescues twice.” 石岩面色阴晴不定,眸中光芒闪烁不停,沉吟了一会儿,他眼睛猛地一亮,突地躬身,朝着空气恭敬道:“多谢前辈两次搭救。” Disappearance heaven and earth energy, emerges slowly, the store of ruins restored just lowly, earth that only the remaining burnt goods, split. 消失的天地能量,慢慢重新涌入过来,废墟的商铺又恢复了正低,只剩下焦糊的物品,裂开的大地。 Brother Ka Tuo the looks at air, the look is panic-stricken, opens mouth does not know that should say anything. 卡托兄弟看着空气,眼神惊骇,张嘴不知道该说什么。 Has not expressed gratitude!” The Shi Yan complexion sinks, scolds fiercely. “还不道谢!”石岩脸色一沉,猛地呵斥。 Brother Ka Tuo the facial expression shakes, as if at this time awoke to turn around, studies him to be respectful, expressed gratitude toward the air, thanked the graciousness of Senior putting out a hand.” 卡托兄弟神情一震,似乎这时候才醒转过来,学着他毕恭毕敬的,朝着空气道谢,“谢谢前辈伸手之恩。” Snort, but looks in a ten thousand Divine Crystal share, otherwise, I will not manage you!” Does not have in the shade invisible space, hears a hoarse female voice, makes that two stupid boy mouths give me solid, dares to say one, must kill it! Does not have the thing of meaningful glance!” “哼,只是看在一万神晶的份上,若不然,我才不会管你们死活!”无影无形的空间中,传来一个沙哑的女声,“让那两个笨小子嘴巴给我严实一点,敢多说一句,必杀之!没眼色的东西!” Brother Ka Tuo the look panic-stricken desire, thorough was certainly scared. 卡托兄弟眼神惊骇欲绝,彻底傻眼了。 That sound, unexpectedly is really Fei Lan! 那个声音,竟然真的就是费兰 They in store outside abdomen , as if listened purity, just were still suspecting that was questioning decision of Shi Yan, has not thought of a blink time, was determined. 他们之前在商铺外面的腹亦,似乎被听的一清二楚,刚刚还在怀疑,在质疑石岩的决定,没想到一眨眼功夫,就被确定了。 Ka Fu must cry simply, the knees are well-grounded to kneel fiercely, did not speak, but kowtowed toward a crushed stone of place, the forehead knocked the blood. 卡夫简直要哭了,猛地双膝着地跪下来,也不讲话,只是朝着一地的碎石磕头,额头都磕出了鲜血。 Ka Tuo has gawked , the single knee is well-grounded, lowering the head of not saying a word, likely is the child of making a mistake, was reproven by the Sir, does not dare the rebuttal the words. 卡托愣了一下,也单膝着地,一言不发的低下头,像是犯了错误的小孩子,被大人训斥,不敢有一句反驳的话语。 Until this moment, two brothers really feel a heartfelt admiration, does not have a point suspicion to Shi Yan again. 直到这一刻,两兄弟才是真的心悦诚服,对石岩再没有一点的怀疑。 Barrett is Source God Realm First Sky Realm, such instantaneously was pulled, point counter-attack power does not have, was pressed in own den cannot move, is this what kind power? What kind powerful? 巴雷特源神境一重天境界,就这么被瞬间扯走,一点的反击力量没有,被按在自家老巢动弹不得,这是何等的力量?何等的强势? Fan Ye died, but Barrett is the Heaven Punishment City person, I teach his, will not kill him. 1000 Divine Crystal, wanted a Fan Ye life, 10,000 Divine Crystal, helping you break through, we two do not owe, you put best into it.” 梵夜死了,但巴雷特天罚城的人,我只是教训他一下,不会杀他。1000块神晶,要了梵夜一命,10000块神晶,帮你解围,我们两不相欠,你好自为之。” The Fei Lan sound remembers once more, expression is desolate, drifts from place to place, does not know from where. 费兰的声音再次想起,语气冷淡,飘忽不定,不知道来自于何处。 Her these words said that as if has not continued to pay attention to this, how regardless of Brother Ka Tuo kowtowed, has not continued to answer. 她这番话讲完,似乎没有继续关注这一块,不论卡托兄弟如何磕头,都没有继续回话。 Shi Yan is very from beginning to end tranquil, has not revealed a surprise, in Barrett by restraint that instant, he is known, Fei Lan once more got rid to rescue. 石岩从始至终都很平静,没有露出一丝的惊奇,在巴雷特束缚的那一霎,他就知道,费兰又再次出手搭救了。 He also knows, reason that Fei Lan does not get rid because of Divine Crystal, definitely because of other reason, very much may because of the scarlet mark. 他也知道,费兰之所以出手绝非是因为神晶,肯定是因为别的原因,很有可能就是因为血色印记。 After a while, sees Fei Lan again not to make noise, Shi Yan said lightly: You get up, she left, is not right, perhaps she simply has not left the store, by her Realm cultivation base, Heaven Punishment City all during her grasps......” 过了一会儿,见费兰没有再一次出声,石岩淡淡说道:“你们起来,她离开了,不对,或许她根本没有离开商铺,以她的境界修为,天罚城一切都在她的掌握之中……” Ka Fu puts on a long face, the look is gloomy, is drooping the head, sighed spookily: I, I knew mistakenly.” 卡夫哭丧着脸,眼神灰暗,耷拉着脑袋,幽幽叹道:“我,我知道错了。” That 10,000 can Divine Crystal, be also worth?” Shi Yan slanting his eyes, coldly said. “那10000块神晶,可还值得?”石岩斜了他一眼,冷冷道。 Value! Too value! Is my dog eye cannot see, but also please no wonder.” Ka Fu repeatedly nodded, dejected saying. “值!太值了!是我狗眼看不见真实,还请莫怪。”卡夫连连点头,垂头丧气的说道。 Blood slaughter Ka Tuo is eye suddenly Liang, rises with a spring from the ground, excited excited saying: Senior Brother, she...... Her what origin? Relates with our what?” 血屠卡托则是眼睛暴亮,从地上一跃而起,兴奋激动的说道:“师兄,她……她到底什么来历?和我们什么关系?” Person on one's own side?” Smiling of Shi Yan is as deep as a well, later remembers, when regardless of must speak carefully, in Heaven Punishment City, she wants to listen, no one could conceal.” “自己人?”石岩高深莫测的笑了笑,“以后记得,不论何时都要小心讲话,在天罚城内,她想听的话,谁也隐瞒不了。” The Ka Tuo chicken calligraphy stroke rice nod, Senior Brother felt relieved, starting today, I, when her Patriarch sect is equally respectful, does not dare to have one again is not careful.” 卡托小鸡啄米般点头,“师兄放心,从今天起,我当她老祖宗一样恭敬,绝不敢再有一丝的不小心。” This matter, only then your my three people know, if some fourth people know, your brothers...... I could not guarantee, she will get rid to clean up you on own initiative.” Shi Yan has thought that earnest confession. “这件事,只有你我三人知道,如果有第四人知道,你们兄弟……我也保不了,她会主动出手清理了你们。”石岩想了一下,认真交代。 Brother Ka Tuo naturally do not have two words, pats the chest to guarantee that guaranteed cannot say one, in the heart of hearts, these two brothers, was convinced. 卡托兄弟自然没有二话,都拍着胸膛保证,保证不会多说一句,在内心深处,这两兄弟,算是真的服气了。 Has the existence care of Fei Lan this rank, in Heaven Punishment City, whose active Shi Yan? 费兰这种级别的存在照料,天罚城内,谁能动的石岩 Un?” Shi Yan knits the brows suddenly, the eye narrows the eyes slightly, the facial expression moves. “嗯?”石岩忽地皱眉,眼睛微微眯起,神情一动。 Degenerates into the ruins a store corner/horn, quickly appears dark, spreads wisp of other people not to be possible the marvelous fluctuation of disparity. 沦为废墟的商铺一角,倏地显出一点幽暗,传出一缕旁人不可差距的奇妙波动。 Induces silently, Shi Yan expression has been astonished however, clashes Brother Ka Tuo to say at once: „ Comes with me, this place does not manage. 默默感应了一下,石岩神色讶然,旋即冲卡托兄弟道:“跟我来,此地不管了。 Brother Ka Tuo do not dare to suspect his judgment and decision-making, without demur goes with him, the line arrives at the rear street, shuttles back and forth to rock in the lane unceasingly, three people vanish soon, many Expert come, noses in the ruins, complexions are panic-stricken, whoop. 卡托兄弟再也不敢怀疑他的判断和决策,二话不说的跟他而去,行到后方的街道,在巷子内不断地穿梭晃动,三人消失不多久,很多强者闻讯而来,在废墟中查探起来,一个个脸色惊骇,议论纷纷。 This, how is this matter?” “这,这是怎么一回事?” Does not know that none who does not became is the Feng Ke Boss has gotten rid, routed Barrett and black corner/horn?” “不知道啊,莫不成是丰岢老大出手了,将巴雷特、黑角击溃?” Fart! If the Feng Ke Boss has this ability, Heaven Punishment City did not have four big giants, only then his giant! This power, sweeps away anybody sufficiently, Barrett just simply did not have strength of the counter-attack, you have not seen him to pass over gently and swiftly from our top of the head, fear that on the face appears?” “放屁!丰岢老大要是有这个能耐,天罚城就没有四大巨头了,就只有他一个巨头!这种力量,足以横扫任何人,巴雷特刚刚简直没有一点反击之力,你没有看见他从我们头顶掠过,脸上显现出来的恐惧?” Good, Feng Ke Boss absolutely not so formidable, who is?” “不错,丰岢老大绝对没有如此强大,到底是谁?” Does not know.” “不知道啊。” Brother Ka Tuo?” 卡托兄弟?” Should die?” “应该死了吧?” Also possibly ran away.” “也可能逃了。” „......” “……” The people whoop, must leave a conclusion...... Getting rid is very very strong! 众人议论纷纷,只得出了一个结论……出手者很强很强!
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