GOS :: Volume #9

#855: Furiously crazy war

The street corner outside store. 商铺外的街道拐角。 Next time will pay attention, do not conflict with him, since we take over Bao Ao that three people, with him in online, you also knows that his power, why does act difficult?” Ka Tuo reproved. “下次注意一点,别和他冲突,从我们接手暴骜那三人起,就和他在一条线上了,你也知道他的力量,何必闹别扭呢?”卡托训斥道。 Big brother, 10,000 high grade Divine Crystal, such at will were granted a useless old woman by him, this is spends freely with your wealth!” Ka Fu blushes, the resentment clashes the Heavenly Dao: I do not want big brother looks at helplessly many years of labor, to be given little ruining to fall by him. For these years, how many do our brothers eat to have today painstakingly? Your my scar many were innumerable, makes hundreds of thousands of high grade Divine Crystal, he loses 10,000 all of a sudden, seriously is extravagant, but these wealth are not his, is our brothers goes all out to trade? 10,000 high grade Divine Crystal, can purchase ten bullhead shark War Chariot!” “大哥,10000块上品神晶啊,就这么被他给随意赠与一个没有用的老太太,这是拿你的财富挥霍啊!”卡夫红着脸,怨气冲天道:“我是不想眼睁睁的看着大哥多年的辛苦,被他给一点点的葬送掉。这么多年来,我俩兄弟吃了多少苦才有今天?你我身上的伤痕多的都数不清了,也只是挣来数十万上品神晶啊,他一下子就丢出去10000块,当真是阔绰的可以,可那些财富不是他的,都是我们兄弟拼命换来的啊?10000块上品神晶,可以购买十辆虎鲨战车了啊!” I naturally know.” Ka Tuo nodded, helpless sighing of „, but doesn't invest can have the repayment? Gives compared with my deep meaning inheritance with him, trivial 10,000 high grade were Divine Crystal, what considered as? When arrives at Source God Realm to my breakthrough, Heaven Punishment City will have my small space, when the time comes also feared that doesn't have more wealth to well up?” “我自然知道。”卡托点了点头,无奈的叹了一口气“但不投入怎能有回报?和他给我的奥义传承相比,区区10000块上品神晶,算得了什么?待到我突破源神境,天罚城将有我一席之地,到时候还怕没有更多财富涌过来?” Ok, I said you, is only not willingly. If he is used to do the proper matter but actually, but Fei Lan that old woman, only then True God Realm, what I cannot think through her to have to affect, added the person on one's own side, making us respectful, isn't the joke? I think him, regarded the subordinate to regard us, what was he? Although individual a little power, may the tyrannical influence support, I not think that this time can live to be difficult to say in the Star Chart exploration.” Ka Fu shakes the head to say. “算了,我说不过你,只是不甘心啊。他要是用来做正经事倒也罢了,可费兰那老太太,只有真神境啊,我想不通她能有什么作用,还说自己人,让我们毕恭毕敬,不是笑话么?我看他,是将我们当成下属来看待了,他算什么啊?虽然个人有点力量,可并没有强横的势力支撑,我看这次能不能在星图探索中活下来都难说。”卡夫摇头道。 Perhaps, he really knows that old woman has the unusual place.” Ka Tuo has hesitated, complexion is dignified, as if has remembered anything. “也许,他真的知道那老太太有不同寻常之处。”卡托沉吟了一下,脸色凝重,似乎想起了什么。 Can't? Big brother, you also think that Fei Lan does have the strange place? Won't be convinced by him?” Ka Fu look surprise. “不会吧?大哥,你也认为那费兰有奇怪的地方?不会是被他说服了吧?”卡夫眼神诧异。 I am that easily am affected by others?” Ka Tuo chuckled smiles just because of his beforehand words, I asked the friend to inquire a matter, knows existed in our Divine Punishment Grounds as if really mystical Expert, I listened to other leader saying that Divine Punishment Grounds in many years ago, once almost fell to the enemy, was bewildered was broken through, but Fei Lan, was our Heaven Punishment City is oldest, if had such a character, she had the suspicion very much.” “我是那么容易被别人影响的么?”卡托嘿嘿笑笑“只不过因为他之前的一番话,我找朋友询问了一点事情,知道在我们神罚之地似乎真有一位神秘强者存在,我听别的魁首说,神罚之地在很多年前,曾经差点沦陷,都是莫名其妙的被解围了,而费兰,是我们天罚城年龄最大的,如果说真有这么一个人物,她很有嫌疑啊。” Ka Fu does not dare Xun with, smiles bitterly shaking the head not to be impossible, she must be so fierce, why in Heaven Punishment City? Lie Yan Star Field is so big, doesn't have a good swim willfully? How also to have a liking for trivial Divine Crystal?” 卡夫不敢荀同,苦笑着摇头“不可能的,她要那么厉害,何必在天罚城烈焰星域这么大,不是任意畅游?又岂会看得上区区神晶?” „The idea of this character we guess that the side is airtight.” In Ka Tuo also heart puzzled. “这种人物的想法我们是猜侧不透的。”卡托也心中不解。 What person?!” “什么人?!” In this time, from the store following garden, fiercely heard Shi Yan one to call out, turbulent violent energy, shot up to the sky immediately. 就在此时,从商铺后面的庭院内,猛地传来了石岩的一声暴喝,一股汹涌猛烈的能量,顿时冲天而起。 Brother Ka Tuo one dull, at once has not hesitated, flushes away toward the garden behind together. 卡托兄弟一呆,旋即没有丝毫迟疑,一起朝着庭院后方冲去。 In the garden, is growing several old trees, silent trembles, the fallen leaf flutters about, Shi Yan is standing erect in Center of everywhere leaf, the complexion appears extremely dignified. 庭院内,生长着的几株古树,无声的抖颤起来,落叶纷飞,石岩在漫天叶子的〖中〗央屹立着,脸色显得极其凝重。 Air/Qi of burning hot, does not know that fills the air from where, backyard old tree combustion gets up suddenly, flame flaming. 一股炙热之气,不知从何处弥漫开来,后院的古树突然燃烧起来,火焰熊熊。 Shortly, the fire spread behind the Ka Fu store, forms the brilliant red colorful sea of fire. 顷刻间,在卡夫商铺后面已经大火蔓延,形成红艳艳的火海。 The Shi Yan thought changes, an extremely cold strength from[ body] in bursts out, whole body ties turn into ice to be frozen, clear such as high integrity crystal, each pore as if had the cold current to brave. 石岩念头变动间,一股极寒之力从〖体〗内迸发,浑身成冰冻,晶莹如寒玉水晶,每一个毛孔似乎都有寒流冒了出来。 Strange restriction barrier, likely is the net that cannot see, has covered the Ka Fu store all of a sudden completely, the burning hot flame rises dramatically, the temperature of Ka Fu store upward, hot person[ body] in blood must evaporate general. 奇异的禁制结界,像是看不见的网,一下子将卡夫商铺全部笼罩了,炙热的火焰飙升,卡夫商铺的温度一路往上,热的人〖体〗内的血液都要蒸发出来一般。 Ka Tuo arrives at the following garden, the complexion suddenly changes, calls out in alarm fiercely: Is Barrett! He dares to begin in Heaven Punishment City!” 卡托一来到后面的庭院,脸色骤然一变,猛地惊叫起来:“是巴雷特!他竟敢在天罚城动手!” Ka Fu cannot bear scream that Damn it, I am the store!” 卡夫也忍不住尖叫起来“该死的,我是商铺啊!” The extremely cold strength fills the air, the whole body ice depth three meters, are used to resist burning hot energy, the Shi Yan eye like the ice skates, calls out one: Dares to begin not to reveal only part of the truth!” 极寒之力弥漫开来,周身冰厚三米,用来抵御炎热的能量,石岩眼睛如冰刀,暴喝一声:“敢来动手就别藏头露尾!” One group of flames appear in sea of fire fiercely, Divine Punishment Grounds big giant Barrett, comes in that group of scalding hot flame, the whole face is fierce, said with a smile crazily: Boy sensation is very keen, what a pity today your difficult running away blind alley.” 一团火光猛地在火海显现,神罚之地的一大巨头巴雷特,在那一团灼热火焰内现身,满脸狰狞,狂笑道:“小子感知挺敏锐,可惜今天你难逃死路。” Bang! 轰! Several thousand large flames emit, likely is flame ribbons, together toward raising Shi Yan God Body twines. 数万道火舌喷吐出来,像是一条条火焰丝带,一起朝养石岩神体缠绕过来。 chi chi chi! 嗤嗤嗤 Reaches three meters ice layer thick, under burning down of these flame ribbons, rapid dissolution. 厚达三米的冰层,在那些火焰丝带的焚烧下,迅速的溶解起来。 „, Do not bring upon oneself honestly dully, otherwise does not take it ill me not to be impolite.” The Barrett crazy condition reveals completely, swept Brother Ka Tuo do not move indifferently, I then did not kill your brothers, began the finger, then with me for the enemy, was not forgiving!” “你们老实一点,别自找没趣,否则休怪我不客气。”巴雷特狂态毕露,冷眼扫了一下卡托兄弟“不要动,我便不杀你们兄弟,动动手指头,便是与我为敌,绝不留情!” The extremely cold strength flows to the whole body, once whole body ice layer melt, fast is precise, Shi Yan is contending with spread burning down of flame strongly. 极寒之力流向全身,浑身冰层一旦消融,又快速的凝炼起来,石岩在竭力抗衡着火焰的蔓延焚烧。 At this time, he has not caused to try, complexion callous looked to Ka Tuo, he wants to have a look in this time, how Brother Ka Tuo chose. 这时候,他没有使尽全力,脸色冷酷的看向卡托,他就是想看看在这种时刻,卡托兄弟如何选择。 Big brother, we can...... Stands by.” Ka Fu said low voice. “大哥,我们可以……作壁上观的。”卡夫小声说道。 Fart!” The Ka Tuo violent anger, Soul Altar moves fiercely, god[ body] in transmits the strength of intense Chaos distortion suddenly, the innumerable crushed stones and junks violent winds in Ka Fu store comes out in abundance, gathers in his God's Domain. “放屁!”卡托暴怒,灵魂祭台猛地一动,神〖体〗内突然传来强烈的混乱扭曲之力,卡夫商铺内的无数碎石和杂物纷纷飙风出来,在他的神之领域内汇聚。 Courts death!” The straightforward hot tempered sound of black corner/horn, transmits from a sea of fire corner/horn, the innumerable ice corner current craze flies, submerges toward Brother Ka Tuo. “找死!”黑角的粗豪暴躁声,从火海一角传来,无数冰棱顿时狂飞出来,朝着卡托兄弟淹没而来。 He ambushes in the hidden place, to prevent Brother Ka Tuo is in the way, discovered that two brothers have made the decision, starts a point not to hesitate, ice cold energy explodes instantaneously, forms the innumerable ice pieces, ice skates and ice sword, peripheral covers completely Brother Ka Tuo. 他潜伏在暗处,就是为了防止卡托兄弟碍事,一发现两兄弟做出了决定,下手没有一点迟疑,冰寒的能量瞬间爆炸开来,形成无数的冰块、冰刀、冰剑,将卡托兄弟周边全部覆盖住。 Killed together!” The Barrett violent anger, drinks one suddenly lowly, likely is a flame giant, the twinkling arrives at side Shi Yan. “一起杀了!”巴雷特暴怒,突然低喝一声,像是一个火焰巨人般,瞬息来到石岩身旁。 A giant flame fist, as if the volcano shells, pounds fiercely to Shi Yan God Body. 一个巨大的火焰拳头,仿佛火山轰击下来,猛地砸向石岩神体 Peng! 嘭! Thick ice layer that comes out by Profound Ice Cold Flame precise, gives him, as soon as strikes under the bang, immediately crushes, shaved ice splash. 玄冰寒焰凝炼出来的厚厚冰层,给他一击轰下,当即粉碎开来,冰屑飞溅。 Shi Yan stuffy snort|hum, such as was shelled by the great hammer, the whole body veins and skeleton together shiver, is out of control to urge round of Immortal Devil Blood energy, enters Rampage Third Sky, eyes blood red, face upwards to roar like Ferocious Beast. 石岩闷哼一声,如遭巨锤轰击,浑身筋脉、骨骼都一起颤抖起来,禁不住催发不死魔血能量,进入暴走三重天,双眸血红,仰天如凶兽般咆哮起来。 The sidereal revolution stars circulation, trillion stars luminous spots descend from the day, shortly, will be precise a stars armor on his God Body, will agree with perfectly with the nebula. 周天星辰流转,亿万星辰光点从天降落下来,在顷刻间,在他神体上凝炼出一件星辰铠甲,和星云完美契合起来。 The flame wells up, submerged his God Body, actually cannot give burning down to be clean the stars armor that he comes out precise all of a sudden. 火焰涌来,将他神体淹没了,却不能一下子将他凝炼出来的星辰铠甲给焚烧干净。 Meanwhile, a Shi Yan forehead, Soul Altar gyrates fiercely. 与此同时,石岩一点额头,灵魂祭台猛地旋动起来。 pā pā pā! 啪啪啪 Several hundred thick long such as the thunder and lightning thunderclap of dragon, from his god[ body] in the violent shoots immediately, thick long thunder and lightning winds to sway from side to side, such as the void electricity dragon, worries maliciously to Barrett. 数百道粗长如龙的雷电霹雳,从他神〖体〗内顿时暴射出来,粗长的雷电蜿蜒扭动着,如虚空电龙,狠狠地撕咬向巴雷特 Continuously strange small flame, comes out from the Shi Yan forehead escape instantaneously, is the little elf generally the caper in the sea of fire is likely uncertain, the goal has aimed at Barrett. 一缕缕奇异的小火苗,也瞬间从石岩眉心飞逸出来,像是小精灵一般在火海内跳跃不定,目标都指向了巴雷特 Explodes Shi Yan in roar, God Body is withered, energy that rushes evilly rises dramatically, making his imposing manner such as the Outer Territory god demon not be possible to lean, the power deep meaning fluctuates, sad and shrill ugly face void forming that a death hand imprint came out precise, painful neighed has also been firing into Barrett. 爆吼中的石岩,神体干瘪下来,一股邪恶澎湃的能量一路飙升,让他气势如域外神魔般不可侧,力量奥义变幻之间,一个死亡手印凝炼出来的凄厉鬼脸虚空成形,痛苦的嘶叫着也冲向了巴雷特 At this moment, Shi Yan whole body power erupts, is powerful, unexpectedly not inferior Barrett. 这一刻,石岩全身力量爆发,气势如虹,竟不逊色巴雷特 Has become Barrett of flame giant, by cultivation base of boundary of Source God First Sky, cannot strike Shi Yan unexpectedly strikes to kill, but also made Shi Yan counter-attack, hot tempered anger. 成了火焰巨人的巴雷特,以源神一重天之境的修为,居然没能一击将石岩击杀,还让石岩反击了出来,更加暴躁愤怒。 xiū xiū xiū! 咻咻咻 The flame concentrates the hot snake, several thousand, walk randomly from Barrett God's Domain, is carrying the essential deep meaning of flame, must burn down all, clashes to go toward Shi Yan crazily. 火焰凝成火蛇,有数万条,从巴雷特神之领域内游走,携带着火焰的本质奥义,要焚烧一切般,往石岩狂冲而去。 The burning hot high temperature, making the Ka Fu store shortly thoroughly melt, all goods together burnt down, the torrential flame, as if can give disposable melt Soul Altar astonishingly. 炙热的高温,使得卡夫的商铺在顷刻间彻底融化了,所有物品都一起焚烧起来,滔滔火焰惊人之极,似乎能够将灵魂祭台都给一次性消融了。 Imprisonment!” “禁锢!” Shi Yan God's Domain again changes, Space Deep Meaning displays, he stagnates in region all immediately for one second, at once a huge space slit forming, embezzles the Barrett most flame...... 石岩神之领域再变,空间奥义施展开来,他所在区域一切顿时停滞一秒,旋即一个巨大的空间缝隙成形,将巴雷特的大半火焰吞没下来…… pā pā pā! 啪啪啪 More hot snakes attack, explodes on Shi Yan God Body, his suddenly to retreat, such as was hit by several hundred fists, the whole body skeleton resounding, the complexion becomes brilliant red is colorful, such as flame combustion gets up. 更多的火蛇冲击过来,在石岩神体上爆炸,他一路暴退,如被数百拳头击中,全身骨骼脆响,脸色变得红艳艳的,如火焰燃烧起来。 This strikes, met the tough head-on with toughness. 这一击,是硬碰硬了。 He[ really] solid power, is inferior to Barrett after all, hits hard to such one, seriously is such as by great mountain Kuangtui, appeared distressed. 他〖真〗实的力量,毕竟不及巴雷特,给这么一个重击,当真是如被巨山狂推,显得狼狈了起来。 Hasn't died?” In the Barrett eye the ominous light was bright, moved really hot, the first discovery killed a God King Second Sky Realm fellow, unexpectedly becomes so difficult. “还没死?”巴雷特眼中凶光熠熠,动了真火,第一次发现杀一个神王二重天境界的家伙,居然会变得如此困难。 In wild with rage calling out, his whole body imposing manner increases once again, releases completely his Source God First Sky Realm energy, terrifying hot tempered aura, world-shaking is simply ordinary. 在狂怒嚎叫中,他浑身气势又一次攀升,将他源神一重天境界能量全部释放出来,恐怖暴躁的气息,简直惊天动地一般。 Star words!” “星话!” Shi Yan Soul Altar again changes,[ body] in the nebula spreads strong Strength of Stars swiftly, achieves the relation with nine days of galaxy, in the nebula, that radiant stars, have braved from the nebula unexpectedly, appears before the Shi Yan body. 石岩灵魂祭台再变,〖体〗内星云倏然传出浓烈的星辰之力,和九天星河达成联系,星云中,那一颗璀璨的繁星,竟然从星云内冒了出来,在石岩身前显现出来。 The Outer Territory star light such as the light beam gathers, shines on that radiant stars, the grain of rice size stars, quickly become huge, such as the complete gigantic crystal ball, derives Strength of Stars unceasingly, dazzling letting person eyes stabbing pain. 域外星光如光束汇聚下来,照射在那颗璀璨繁星上,米粒大小的星辰,倏地变得巨大起来,如完整的硕大水晶球,不断地汲取星辰之力,耀眼的让人眼睛刺痛。 The stars that appears, have the marvelous relation with Shi Yan Divine Soul, under change that he points, has pounded toward Barrett fiercely. 显现出来的星辰,和石岩神魂有着奇妙的联系,在他手指的变动下,猛地朝着巴雷特砸了过去。 Bang! 轰! If the mountain crashes from the day, the stars fall instantaneously to Barrett, the innumerable flames stir up not to have to shoot, Barrett God Body was struck to rumble into the bottom, aura is suppressed immediately. 如山从天外坠落,星辰瞬间落向巴雷特,无数火光激冇射,巴雷特神体被一击轰入地底,气息顿时被压制了一下。 Also is only. 也只是一下。 In the Barrett wild roaring sound, the earth such as was burnt down, the flame flaming braves from the place bottom, he has as if inspired the bottom flame, the illness clashes once more, shouts wildly to fly toward Shi Yan. 巴雷特的狂暴怒吼声,大地如被焚烧了,火焰熊熊从地底冒出来,他似乎引动了地底火焰,再次疾冲出来,狂叫着往石岩飞来。 Flame silhouette, with Barrett exactly the same reappearing in the sea of fire, put out a hand to grasp toward Shi Yan, the potential must rip the fragmentation him, each flame silhouette, has the soul to fluctuate, probably is Barrett flame Clone is ordinary, very mysterious fearful. 一个个火焰身影,和巴雷特一模一样的浮现在火海中,纷纷伸手朝着石岩抓来,势要将他撕裂成碎片,每一个火焰身影,都有灵魂波动,好像是巴雷特的火焰分身一般,非常的玄妙可怕。
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