GOS :: Volume #9

#854: Dispute

A Fan Ye corpse point is not unusual, lies down in the sarcophagus ice-cold not lonesome, Soul Altar dissipates, life aura does not remain. 梵夜尸身没有一点异常,躺在石棺内冰冷无寂,灵魂祭台消散,生命的气息一点不剩。 Nine Star Chamber of Commerce advocation of Li Yuefeng Li, then calls out one, the complexion slightly palely, fiercely retreat one step, the likely not can see great strength strikes in the bang, expression appears a little distressed. 九星商会的李家之主李岳峰,则是暴喝一声,脸色略显苍白,猛地后退一步,像是被看不见的巨力一击轰中,神色显得有点狼狈。 He touches to a hand of Fan Ye Dead body neck, is shivering unceasingly, five fingers scarlet, the nail had not dissolved at the naked eye obvious speed, at once spreads to referring to the abdomen, as if must give all melt to fall his finger. 他摸向梵夜尸体脖颈的一只手,不断地颤抖着,五指没有一点血色,指甲以肉眼可见的速度溶解了,旋即蔓延向指腹,似乎要将他指头都给全部消融掉。 Li Yuefeng deeply inspires, in nine stars under the gazes of numerous Warrior, will sit on the ground suddenly, closes one's eyes, concentrates rapidly power in body refining. 李岳峰深吸一口气,在九星嘀会众多武者的注视下,突然一屁股坐在地上,闭着眼睛,迅速凝炼体内的力量 The golden color broken glow, blooms in vain on his finger, the gold/metal sharp air/Qi winding is referring to the abdomen, will contend with that wisp of evil power, crosses some little time, will have invaded power of five fingers to consume all. 点点金色碎芒,在他指头上徒然绽放出来,金锐之气缠绕在指腹,和那一缕邪恶力量抗衡,过了好一会儿,才将侵入五指的力量尽数消耗掉。 His complexion was even more pale, does not know that has consumed too many energy, the mind was damaged is frightened excessively. 他脸色愈发苍白了,也不知道是消耗了太多的能量,还是心神受创被惊吓过度了。 These Nine Star Chamber of Commerce Warrior, looks with amazement, dull looks at he, does not dare to say one, in the heart has actually raised the difficult situation. 那些九星商会武者,一个个眼神骇然,呆呆的看着他,不敢多说一句,心中却掀起了惊涛骇浪。 Unusual evil energy, seeps in Fan Ye within the body, lets Fan Ye intelligence sober return, actually overnight takes away his life, destroyed his Soul Altar, making him fall from the sky thoroughly. 奇特的邪恶能量,渗透在梵夜体内,让梵夜神智清醒的返回,却在一夜之间带去他的性命,破坏了他的灵魂祭台,让他彻底陨灭了。 Has separated for several days, has not thought that wisp of energy has not dissipated unexpectedly thoroughly, Li Yuefeng by the cultivation base survey of Source God Second Sky Realm, but also by backlash, so power, seriously could be called the fairy not to measure intensely, strong oddness. 隔了几天,没想到那一缕能量竟然并没有彻底消散,李岳峰源神二重天境界修为探测,还受到强烈的反噬,如此力量,当真称得上神鬼莫测,强的离谱。 The people rejoice suddenly secretly that rejoiced own Realm is too low does not dare to study Li Yuefeng such understands clearly the Fan Ye cause of death by Divine Sense and power. 众人忽然暗暗庆幸起来,庆幸自己境界太低没有敢学李岳峰那样以神识力量洞悉梵夜的死因。 Otherwise, they are impossible also safely to stand here, does not have Li Yuefeng Realm cultivation base, the survey, feared rashly will end up to turn out the divine soul entirely extinguished fate. 若不然,他们不可能还安然站在这儿,没有李岳峰境界修为,冒然探测,怕是会落得个神魂俱灭的下场。 Good strength!” Some little time, Li Yuefeng slow the god has come, the complexion resumed scarlet deep inspiration dignified inquiry, what exactly had? Has a point news, actually under whose hand?” “好强!”好一会儿,李岳峰缓过神来,脸色恢复了血色深深吸了一口气神情凝重之极的询问,“到底发生了什么?有没有一点的消息,究竟谁下的手?” The people all are silent, the whole face is smiling bitterly shaking the head. 众人皆是沉默,满脸苦笑着摇头。 Sir Li, starting in what kind Realm? cultivation power deep meaning why?” A person of careful inquiry look trembles. “李大人,下手者到底在何种境界修炼力量奥义为何?”一人小心询问眼神颤颤。 Is definitely more profound than my Realm, as for a cultivation power native of Austria...... Has not seen, has very fearful corrosiveness you not to investigate earnestly, perhaps does not know the condition in Fan Ye within the body.” Li Yuefeng flung arm fingertip gold/metal sharp air/Qi such as Sword Light to appear, he lifted hand one stroke, only listened to Rip, the Fan Ye chest cavity to split one **. “肯定比我境界高深,至于修炼力量奥人……不曾见过,有非常可怕的腐蚀性你们没有认真探查,或许不知道梵夜体内的状况。”李岳峰甩了甩手臂指尖一条金锐之气如剑芒显现,他抬手一划,只听“哧啦”一声,梵夜胸腔裂开一条**。 Nine stars Warrior of meeting, gathers up to come, is opening the eye greatly, actually looks at the slit of Fan Ye chest. 九星嘀会的武者,纷纷凑上前来,大睁着眼睛,却看梵夜胸口的缝隙。 …… …… Fan Ye at this time looked like by the scarlet starch that rubber ball bound, in the rubber ball, the veins, skeleton and five main internal organs (entrails) melt became the scarlet starch, destroyed thorough, will never restore. 梵夜这时候就像是一个被皮球裹住的血色浆糊,皮球内,筋脉、骨骼、五脏六腑都消融成血色浆糊,被破坏的彻彻底底,永远不可能恢复过来。 The people complexion is all of a sudden pale, the deep fear, to the evil power heart of starting live to shiver in secret, each is restless, thought this Divine Punishment Grounds comes too harebrained a point. 众人脸色一下子苍白起来,深深的恐惧,为暗中下手者的邪恶力量心生颤抖,各个都不安起来,觉得这趟神罚之地来的太冒失了一点。 Except Li Warrior, other people temporarily leaves, we have the matter to discuss.” Li Yuefeng has hesitated a while, whole face serious low drinks suddenly. “除李家武者,其余人暂时离开,我们有事情商榷。”李岳峰沉吟了一会儿,突地满脸严肃的低喝。 Larger part Nine Star Chamber of Commerce Warrior, bows to ask to be excused, the complexion is ugly. 一大半九星商会武者,纷纷躬身告退,脸色难看。 Several people that keeps are Li, sinks to keep silent, looks completely to Fan Ye Dead body, looks with emphasis to the chest cavity **. 留下来的几人都是李家的,沉默不作声,全部看向梵夜尸体,重点看向胸腔的**。 And Source God First Sky Realm, sending must all Bai the old man, the face hide to tremble, eyes appears the deep fear, being absentminded muttered: Exactly the same.” 其中一名源神一重天境界,发须皆白的老头,脸皮子颤颤的,双眸显出深深的恐惧,失魂落魄的喃喃道:“一模一样。” „Did Third Uncle, you also look?” Li Yuefeng sighed, saying of forced smile. “三叔,你也看出来了?”李岳峰叹了一口气,苦笑的说道。 Lixu nodded, the eye pupil does not have gloomily up, and past Family Head died " because of consistently, in the past in Family Head God Body transported Hui, several clans old have inspected carefully, God Body only remained the First Level person skin to be complete, the interior has become the scarlet starch, by the terrifying corrosion strength, the little corrosion internal flesh and blood, Soul Altar is also the gradual dissipation. Yeah, has not thought that Divine Punishment Grounds mystical Expert, can live unexpectedly now, the heaven, this time has gotten rid unexpectedly once more, we feared that must meet with a disaster.” 李圩点了点头,眼眸灰暗无光,“和当年的家主死」因一致,当年家主神体被运回族内,几位族老仔细检查过,神体只剩一层人皮完整,内部成了血色浆糊,也是被恐怖的腐蚀力,一点点的腐蚀了内部血肉,灵魂祭台也是逐渐的消散。哎,没想到神罚之地神秘强者,居然能够一直活到现在,老天,这次居然再次出手了,我们怕是又要遭殃了。” Starting is a person, this point can affirm.” Li Yuefeng deeply frowns, is only our power, wants to scheme Star Chart to fear that is not easy, my a while communication Fan He, told him the death of Fan Ye, making him think over.” “下手者是一个人,这一点可以肯定。”李岳峰深深皱着眉头,“单凭我们的力量,想要图谋星图怕是不容易,我一会儿传讯梵鹤,告诉他梵夜的死亡,让他自己掂量掂量。” „Will Fan He arrive at Divine Punishment Grounds?” Lixu is astonished however. 梵鹤会亲临神罚之地?”李圩讶然。 He will certainly come. Star Chart is important, he as the Lord of Fan Family, the association president of chamber of commerce, from, when understands that Star Chart will relate the Lie Yan Star Field future. Fan He Realm is higher than me, there him child Fan Tianpo is also the strong oddness, Fan Family after these many years accumulations, the master like clouds, they came we to be able with Divine Punishment Grounds mystical Expert to contend.” In the Li Yuefeng eye appears wipes mean, has to be able to cough jiang to come out to destroy completely that mystical...... Avenges a grievance for the ancestor, making Fan Family occupy then night face pot not to hesitate!” “他一定会来的。星图事关重大,他身为梵家之主,商会的会长,自当明白星图关系烈焰星域的未来。梵鹤境界比我高,他那儿子梵天破也是强的离谱,梵家经过这么多年的积累,高手如云,他们过来了我们才能和神罚之地神秘强者抗衡。”李岳峰眼中显出一抹阴狠,“具要能够将那神秘强嗽糨出来灭掉……为先祖报仇雪恨,让梵家占点便宵脸罐所不惜!” Un, the hatred of family from, when must report, the person of starting was too ruthless, the leeway does not remain, including Soul Altar thorough melt, does not kill this person, Li gains ground in the chamber of commerce truly difficult.” Lixu approves the person of same belief. “嗯,家族的仇恨自当要报,下手的人太狠了,一点余地不留,连灵魂祭台都彻底消融,不杀此人,李家实难在商会抬头。”李圩赞同道。 My this prepares.” The Li Yuefeng calm face, Divine Sense appears the astonishing fluctuation, control were many Transmission Stone, seems relaying that the soul news was reading. “我这就准备。”李岳峰沉着脸,神识显出惊人的波动,手心多了一块音石,似乎在进行着灵魂讯念的传递。 Ka Fu store. 卡夫的商铺。 Shi Yan sits in the rear garden silently, everywhere star light is radiant, such as the raindrop falls slowly. 石岩在后方庭院内默然坐着,漫天星光璀璨皎洁,如雨点般缓缓落下。 Star light mystical is vast, falls to his God Body vanishes does not see, as if integrated the lake water to be ordinary, stars and his God Body, like had marvelous echoing, double was pulled by the hauling of his God Body. 星光神秘浩淼,一落向他神体就消失不见,似乎融入了湖水一般,一颗颗繁星和他的神体,像是有了奇妙的呼应,受他神体的牵引双扯。 Meanwhile, fluctuation obvious heaven and earth energy, changes into the air current that cannot see also to come, to change into the brook toward his God Body gathering to emerge in his veins, after dozens times quenchings the purification, turned into succinct Essence Qi, integrated the dantian cyclone. 与此同时,波动明显的天地能量,化为看不见的气流也朝着他神体汇聚而来,化为溪流涌入他筋脉内,经过数十次淬炼净化,变成了精粹的精元,融入了丹田气旋。 The soul is serene, does not dye dust, does not think that a thought that perseveres the conscience, relies on the exquisiteness of stars, realizes from experience the deep meaning that Stars Fall gets down silently. 灵魂安详明净,不染尘埃,不想一丝的念头,坚守本心,依循星辰之精妙,去默默体悟星辰陨落下来的奥义。 His Stars Deep Meaning after the star the fusion of nucleus and Stars Martial Spirit, had the encouraging enhancement, he has the premonition, perhaps does not use too for a long time, he then can obtain breakthrough on Stars Deep Meaning, enters into the God King Third Sky difficult threshold at one fell swoop. 他的星辰奥义经过星核和星辰武魂的融合,有了可喜的增强,他有预感,或许不用太久,他便可以在星辰奥义上获得突破,一举迈入神王三重天的艰难门槛。 The stars are vast, if stars energy can be made good use, will give him extremely the powerful power support. 星辰浩瀚无际,星辰能量如果可以得到善用,将会给他极其强悍力量支撑。 …… …… Ka Fu aura, entered Sea of Consciousness suddenly leisurely, his brow moves, waking of slowly. 卡夫气息,忽然逸入了识海,他眉头一动,慢慢的醒了过来。 After several respiration interbreaths, Ka Tuo and Ka Fu one and arrived at the backyard from the front store, Shi Yan has also stood, what kind of?” 几个呼吸间隔后,卡托卡夫一并从前方商铺来到后院,石岩也站了起来,“怎样?” Accepted.” Ka Fu puts on a long face, simply accepted very much, 10,000 high grade Divine Crystal, give in vain, who can reject? The big brother ten years plunder, cannot earn these many, did not have all of a sudden, yeah, were really advantage/cheap that old lady.” “收下了。”卡夫哭丧着脸,“很干脆的收下了,10000块上品神晶啊,白送的,谁能拒绝啊?大哥十年掠夺,也不能赚取这么多啊,一下子就没了,哎,真是便宜那老太婆了。” Shut up!” Shi Yan complexion one cold, cold voice said: If next time is impolite, does not take it ill me not to be impolite!” “闭嘴!”石岩脸色一寒,冷声道:“下次若是再敢无礼,休怪我不客气!” The Ka Fu complexion sinks, in the eye also reveals bloody glow, coldly looks to him. 卡夫脸色一沉,眼中也露出一丝血光,冷冷看向他。 Ka Tuo, you, if thought I do is not right, starting today, your I do not have the connection, later takes various roads respectively.” Shi Yan grins, instead calms down, to say fainily: Otherwise, you manage well your this being greedy for money younger brother to me, the thing of lacking prospects, trivial 10,000 Divine Crystal cannot give, what important matter can become?” 卡托,你如果觉得我做的不对,从今天起,你我就没有瓜葛,以后各走各的路。”石岩咧嘴,反而冷静下来,淡漠说道:“否则,你给我管好你这贪财弟弟,没出息的东西,区区10000块神晶都割舍不掉,能成什么大事?” Ka Tuo expression changes, is cold the face saying: Bastard, has not given Senior Brother to apologize, how to understand the Senior Brother respected opinion by your experience?” 卡托神色一变,寒着脸说道:“混蛋,还不给师兄道歉,以你的见识岂会明白师兄高见?” …… …… You are not understanding!” Ka Tuo coldly snorted, gives the Senior Brother apology! Do you dare my words not to listen?” “你懂个屁!”卡托冷哼一声,“给师兄道歉!你敢连我的话都不听?” Gave him such a town, the Ka Fu complexion azure red same place, the manner unceasingly fluctuates, crosses some little time, in the heart sighed, lowered the head to bow toward Shi Yan, sorry.” The words, Ka Fu turned around, was not convinced obviously. 给他这么一镇,卡夫脸色青一块红一块,神态不断地变幻,过了好一会儿,才心中一叹,朝着石岩垂头躬身,“对不起。”话罢,卡夫转身走了出去,明显是不服气。 This boy in Divine Punishment Grounds dull was too long, is a little supercilious, does not have too many experiences, Senior Brother no wonder.” Ka Tuo smiled, said: Senior Brother felt relieved that I will teach well, asking Senior Brother do not haggle over with him generally.” “这小子在神罚之地呆的太久了,有点目中无人,没有太多的见识,师兄莫怪。”卡托笑了笑,说道:“师兄放心,我会好好管教的,请师兄不要与他一般计较。” Indifferent, so long as you were wholeheartedly good to me, as for him “无所谓,只要你一心向我就行了,至于他嘛 ...... It is not willing to strive, in the future will not naturally be able to obtain my help. ” ……不肯出力的,将来自然也得不到我的帮助。” Shi Yan waves, mixes saying that does not care about. 石岩挥挥手,混不在意的说道。 I will make him docile.” Ka Tuo indicated again and again that the hollow laugh, has bowed to retreat. “我会让他服帖的。”卡托连连表示,干笑了一声,躬身退走。 The Shi Yan look is faint, coldly snorted, had not said that sat once more. 石岩眼神淡漠,冷哼一声,也没有多说,再次坐了下来。 Is discontented after the Ka Fu words, he realized that has not controlled these two brothers truly, otherwise Ka Fu has thousand not to hope, does not dare to say anything. 经过卡夫的言辞不满,他意识到尚未真正掌控这两兄弟,要不然卡夫就算是有千般不愿,也绝不敢多说什么。 He starts to consider, must use in Divine Soul that wisp of Ka Tuo Essence, came 0.1 0.2 brothers. 他开始思量着,要不要动用神魂内那一缕卡托本源,来0.10.2兄弟了。 But must such do, although can make Ka Tuo have worry, making Brother Ka Tuo not dare to say anything, may also in the seed that Ka Tuo heart laid down a hatred, definitely will not be willing to be organized by him, future 1 : 00 seeks the means solution, must revolt intensely. 但真要这么做了,虽能让卡托有所顾忌,使得卡托兄弟再也不敢多说什么,可也会在卡托心底埋下一颗仇恨的种子,肯定不会心甘情愿受他摆布,将来一点寻到办法解决,必会激烈的反抗。 His original means that take own power and ability little makes Ka Tuo be willing to serve for him, such appearance from the beginning will have the malpractice, meets is not quite sturdy. 他本来的办法,是以自己的力量和能力一点点的让卡托心甘情愿的为他服务,这么样子一开始会有弊端,会不太牢靠。 But once has realized, after Ka Tuo, will not have the disloyalty, will work for him wholeheartedly. 可一旦实现了,卡托以后将再也不会有异心,会一心一意为他做事。 He a little hesitated suddenly. 他忽然有点犹豫了。
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