GOS :: Volume #9

#853: Heart knot

Person on one's own side?” “自己人?” Blood slaughter Ka Tuo was scared, thought that Shi Yan and he cracked a joke, irritable smiling , the complexion is extremely strange. 血屠卡托傻眼了,觉得石岩和他开了个玩笑,别扭的笑了笑,脸色极其古怪。 Fei Lan is Divine Punishment Grounds oldest, nobody denied, but her does Realm, have True God Realm? A little is slow, the appearance that dies quickly , compared with Shi Yan, this simply is the enormous contrast! 费兰神罚之地岁数最大者,没有人否认,可她的境界,只有真神境啊?还有点迟钝,一副快死的模样,与石岩一比,这简直就是极大的反差啊! How whatever Ka Tuo goes to think that cannot contact with Shi Yan Fei Lan, at is not a world. 任凭卡托如何去想,都不能将费兰石岩联系起来,根本不是一个世界的啊。 Un, should be the person on one's own side.” Shi Yan nods very much earnestly. “嗯,应该是自己人。”石岩很认真地点头。 Ka Tuo must cry simply, „can he be a person on one's own side? Is impossible, Senior Brother, what have you made a mistake?” 卡托简直要哭了,“他怎会是自己人啊?不可能啊,师兄,你是不是弄错了什么?” Will not make a mistake.” “不会弄错。” Shi Yan grins, Fan Ye, should get rid to give to beat by her, protects Divine Punishment Grounds and a Heaven Punishment City several thousand years of character, should be she.” 石岩咧嘴,“梵夜,应该就是被她出手给击垮的,守护神罚之地天罚城数千年的人物,应该就是她了。” A Ka Tuo face delay, looked that monster same look at him, „is Fan Ye Source God Realm? In Heaven Punishment City, can cope with his few. Also, what character I have not listened to protect Heaven Punishment City, Senior Brother, you give her ten thousand high grade Divine Crystal, is when because she is a person on one's own side? This, this also pulled.” 卡托一脸呆滞,看怪物一样看他,“梵夜源神境啊?在天罚城,能够对付他的没几个啊。还有,我可没有听过有什么人物守护天罚城,师兄,你给她一万上品神晶,就是因为当她是自己人?这,这也太扯了吧。” She has not been possible to receive, but I must show the respect.” Shi Yan does not have the detailed explanation, also has you, next time will be seeing her the time, remembers that gives me to be respectful, do not have the slight contempt!” His these words are very serious. “她还不一定会收呢,但我要表示敬意。”石岩也没有详细解释,“还有你,下次见着她的时候,记得,给我恭恭敬敬,不要有丝毫的轻视!”他这番话很是严肃。 Ka Tuo whole face forced smile, helpless nodded, good, you are Senior Brother, you said that is.” His innermost feelings are do not believe. 卡托满脸苦笑,无奈的点了点头,“好吧,你是师兄,你说是就是吧。”他内心是一点不信。 10,000 high grade Divine Crystal, he must rob many years to gain, such in vain has wasted, he regrets suddenly that should not make the younger brother send to happily, heart inside regrets awfully. 10000块上品神晶啊,他要抢夺多少年才可以赚回来啊,就这么白白浪费了,他忽然后悔起来,不该那么痛快的让弟弟送去,心里面懊悔的要命。 Sir, receives the message, the boy left that side Feng Ke, went to the Ka Fu store.” “大人,收到消息,那小子离开丰岢那边了,去了卡夫商铺。” The Heaven Punishment City Black Curtain center, in spacious stone hall, a Marauder single knee is well-grounded, respectful saying. 天罚城黑幕中心,宽敞的石殿内,一名掠夺者单膝着地,恭敬的说道。 In the palace, is sitting well they, one is Barrett, one is the vice- leader black corner/horn, is the Black Curtain lead(er) da sleeve. 在宫殿内部,端坐着两人,一个是巴雷特,一个是副魁首黑角,都是黑幕的领龘袖。 Black Curtain as the Lie Yan Star Field top Marauder influence, the master is extremely numerous, the influence is abundant, has the small space in Heaven Punishment City. 黑幕作为烈焰星域顶尖的掠夺者势力,高手极多,势力雄厚,在天罚城有一席之地。 Leader Barrett and vice- leader black corner/horn, resounds through the Divine Punishment Grounds fierce person, these many years go on an expedition near Divine Punishment Grounds, consider too little defeat mark. 魁首巴雷特和副魁首黑角,都是响彻神罚之地的猛人,这么多年在神罚之地附近征战,嫌少有败迹。 But the black corner/horn, actually defeated...... 可黑角,却败了…… Gets down.” Barrett waves, that kneels to bend down in place Marauder, immediately respectful evacuation. “下去。”巴雷特挥挥手,那跪伏在地的掠夺者,立即恭敬的撤离。 „Doesn't Barrett, need? Defeated has defeated, I was willing the gambling to concede, do not have anything not to be willingly, the boy also indeed was a character, in Second Sky of God King Realm, can defeat me unexpectedly, I was convinced.” The black corner/horn sound is resounding, does not have point dispirited, but also full of enthusiasm saying: Fierce, currently has such formidable power, in the future will be inevitably more fearful. Right, boy what origin, how and Feng Rao understanding?” 巴雷特,没有必要吧?败了就败了,我愿赌服输,没什么不甘心的,那小子也的确是个人物,在神王二重天之境,居然能够击败我,我服气。”黑角声音响亮,没有一点的颓丧,还兴致勃勃的说道:“厉害啊,现在就有这么强大的力量,将来必然更加可怕。对了,那小子什么来历,怎么和丰娆认识的?” Shut up!” Barrett a little startled shames the anger, you defeated have defeated, but the reputation suffered setbacks, I? I lost Feng Rao!” “闭嘴!”巴雷特有点惊羞成怒,“你败了就败了,只是名声受挫,我呢?我失去了丰娆!” „A woman.” The black corner/horn ridiculed, in your power and method, wanted the words of woman, what couldn't look? Why can stare at Feng Rao with hardship?” “一个女人而已。”黑角嘲笑道,“以你的力量和手段,想要女人的话,什么样的找不着?何必非要苦苦盯着丰娆?” Has hesitated, black corner/horn also said: „ To be honest, I did not agree you and that woman have anything to be connected. For these years, do our brothers fight with hardship, how many blood leave behind to have today? If you unified with Feng Rao, brothers what to do? With Feng Ke? The old fogy is not good, he was old, power and Realm cannot promote once more, does not have the future with him. We are young, give us time, this Heaven Punishment City sooner or later will be our brothers. 迟疑了一下,黑角又说道:“老实说,我一直不同意你和那女人有什么关联。这么多年来,我们兄弟苦苦打拼,留下多少鲜血才有今天?你要是和丰娆结合了,兄弟们怎么办?都跟着丰岢?那老家伙不行了,他老了,力量境界迟迟不能再次提升,跟着他没有前途。我们都年轻,给我们一点时间,这天罚城早晚是我们兄弟的。 Your this fool does not understand, the women to you are the commodities, is tool that vented, you forever could not realize from experience my mood.” Barrett inspired, for me, Feng Rao is I vainly hoped for young. In the past beginning saw, I pledged that sooner or later must obtain her, she was my heart knot, if did not appear might also as well but actually, appeared she came back, if when I cannot realize was young the wish, Realm will be affected, went a step further very much difficultly again.” “你这笨蛋不懂的,对你来说女人都是商品,是发泄的工具,你永远体悟不到我的心境的。”巴雷特吸了一口气,“对我来说,丰娆是我年少的梦想。当年初见的时候,我就发誓早晚要得到她,她是我一个心结,要是不出现倒也无妨,显出她回来了,我若是不能实现年少时的心愿,境界会受到影响,很难再进一步的。” Gave him such a saying, the black corner/horn as if awoke to turn around, the complexion gradually was also proper, said that do't can vow not to rest to Feng Rao?” 给他这么一说,黑角似乎才醒转过来,脸色也渐渐正经起来,“这么说,你不得到丰娆誓不罢休了?” Must! So long as can obtain her, afterward was I have gotten rid, was round I vainly hoped for young that untied my heart knot. But if cannot obtain, I will be very agitated, will not be feeling well very much!” Barrett eye ominously light glittering, that boy, is a stumbling obstacle, I must crush him!” “必须的!只要能得到她,事后就算是我抛弃了,也算是圆了我年少的梦想,解开我的心结。可要是得不到,我会很烦躁,会很不爽!”巴雷特眼睛凶光闪烁,“那小子,就是一个绊脚石,我要粉碎他!” He still in Heaven Punishment City, in city has the stipulation, the fight kills him secretly, everyone knows is under you hand, do not break the rule, making the people laugh?” The black corner/horn persuaded: Endures, he also will explore in any case Star Chart, on the road kills him not on the line.” “他还在天罚城,城内有规定,私自战斗将他干掉,谁都知道是你下的手,你不是要破坏规矩,让众人嗤笑吧?”黑角劝说道:“忍忍吧,反正他也会探索星图,路上干掉他不就行了。” I could not endure!” Barrett coldly snorted one, „isn't the Heaven Punishment City custom , the person decides? When my dynasty breakthrough to Source God Second Sky, I must let leaving office of Feng Ke that old Immortal on the 1st, sets natural law, who can interfere me?” “我忍不了!”巴雷特冷哼一声,“天罚城的规矩,还不是人定的?等我一朝一日突破源神二重天,我要让丰岢那老不死的下台,重新定下规则,谁能干涉我?” „Do you want to start really?” The black corner/horn has stood suddenly, has thought that said: “你真要下手?”黑角霍然站了起来,想了一下,说道: If you insist on so, is prudent, the boy is not quite easy to cope, strikes cannot kill him, annoys other people to come the help, is very troublesome, meets do not steal a chicken inadequate counter- eclipse rice, cannot participate including the exploration of Star Chart. ” 如果你执意如此,必须要慎重,那小子不太容易对付,一击不能干掉他,惹来旁人过来帮忙,很麻烦的,会别偷鸡不成反蚀一把米,连星图的探索都参与不进来。” Relax, I will not make the person discover that so long as does not have the handle to stay behind, should not have the matter. Even if others know, does not have the means with me.” Barrett kills the heart same place, again could not repress, immediately prepared to move. “放心吧,我不会让人发现的,只要没有把柄留下,应该就没有事情。就算别人心里知道,也拿我没有办法。”巴雷特杀心一起,就再也按捺不住了,立即就准备行动了。 I and you together, helping you divert Ka Tuo, your my brother joint effort, kills him should not to discuss difficultly.” The black corner/horn is helpless, can only coordinate. “我和你一道,帮你将卡托牵制住,你我兄弟合力,杀他应谈不难。”黑角无奈,只能配合。 Their brotherly love are extremely deep, these many year of anything's weaponry have seen, is the character of fearless, does not do already, once has decided that will not have hesitates slightly, under the meeting the thunder heavy hand, will not leave a counter-attack room to the opposite party. 两人的兄弟之情极深,这么多年什么的阵仗都见过,属于天不怕地不怕的人物,不做则已,一旦决定了,就不会有丝毫迟疑,会下雷霆重手,不会给对方留下一丝的反击余地。 Good brothers!” Barrett laughs, shouts to clear the way: Walks, we kill him first, if he died Feng Ke not to have the means that needs to take advantage of our power.” “好兄弟!”巴雷特哈哈大笑,喝道:“走,我们先干掉他,他若死了丰岢也没有办法,还是需要依仗我们的力量。” They go ahead, has not informed Warrior of subordinates, left Black Curtain quietly, deliberately in secret under killer. 两人说走就走,没有通知麾下的武者,悄悄离开了黑幕,蓄意暗中下杀手了。 Heaven Punishment City, southwest corner, in a remote manor. 天罚城,西南角,一处偏僻的庄园内。 One line of ten people, complexion dignified in the place plinth stone, expression appears extremely heavy. 一行十来人,面色凝重的在地底石室内,神色显得极其的沉重。 In the stone chamber the da Yang's stone collapses, is lying down a person, whole body is icy cold, is Nine Star Chamber of Commerce Fan Ye. 石室中龘央的石塌上,躺着一人,浑身冰凉,正是九星商会梵夜 These person of attires are ordinary, is Nine Star Chamber of Commerce Expert, at this time the look is gloomy. 这些人衣着普通,都是九星商会强者,此时都眼神阴暗。 Fan Ye couple of days ago face whiten ambushed, said was seriously injured, must close up the restoration immediately, however, was only one night, the people sought him to discuss matter time, discovered that he has been mad certainly. 梵夜前两天脸色苍白潜伏回来,说受了重伤,必须要立即闭关恢复,然而,只是过了一夜,众人过来寻他商议事情的时候,发现他已经气绝了。 Source God Realm Expert, was very generally difficult dead, God Body completely has crushed, so long as Soul Altar escaped, can use other method rebirth. 源神境强者,一般很难死亡,神体就算是全部粉碎了,灵魂祭台只要逃逸出来,也能用别的方法重生。 But Fan Ye, dissipated including Soul Altar, died really certainly, was impossible to restore. 梵夜,连灵魂祭台都消散了,是真的死绝了,再也不可能恢复。 He returns, although condition is unsatisfactory, but the intelligence is sober, saw that was also insufficient dead quickly, impossible to explode to break to pieces Soul Altar...... 他返回的时候,虽然状态不佳,可神智还清醒,怎么看也不至于那么快死掉,更加不可能连灵魂祭台都爆碎掉…… But he such died, had is a night, Soul Altar had dissipated. 可他就这么死了,具是过了一夜,灵魂祭台都消散了。 What is strangest, the people have not realized unexpectedly that has not heard the call of Fan Ye, his death, appears strange does not gather the common sense, lets the people while shocking , the heart lives the fear. 最为古怪的是,众人居然没有察觉到,没有听到梵夜的呼叫,他的死,显得非常的诡异不合常理,让众人在震惊的同时,也心生恐惧。 This time Heaven Punishment City, many people were still searching for the Fan Ye trail, they dreaded to getting rid, several days were uneasy, started to discuss must withdraw from Heaven Punishment City. 这时候的天罚城,很多人还在搜寻梵夜的踪迹,他们对出手者忌惮之极,几天都是忐忑不安,开始商量着要不要退出天罚城了。 Although this place is the place of concealing the Nine Star Chamber of Commerce flower buys at a high price, but Russell and Feng Ke, are the Heaven Punishment City giants, is the local bully, if really gives them to look, how long they could not hide. 此地虽然是九星商会花重金购买的隐匿之地,可拉塞尔丰岢,都是天罚城的巨头,又是地头蛇,真要是给他们一直找下去,他们藏不了多长时间的。 What to do? Fan Ye such died, how to confess to Family Head?” An old man deeply frowns, saying that a little has a headache about, Family Head, if knows this matter, we must with bad luck, was right now miserable, before coming, I persuaded him, waited for Li Yuefeng to arrive at the time together, moved again, he did not listen, now may be good.” “怎么办?梵夜就这么死了,如何向家主交代?”一个老者深深地皱着眉头,有点头疼的说道,“家主要是知道此事,我们都要跟着倒霉,这下子惨了,过来之前,我就劝说他,等李岳峰一起到来的时候,再行动,他偏偏不听,现在可好了。” „Before he must take advantage of the Li Yuefeng arrival, handles the matter, must monopolize the merit, what a pity, fell so to be out, acted without regard for authority too.” Also the person said. “他要趁李岳峰到来之前,就将事情搞定,要独占功劳,可惜,落了个这般下场,太恣意妄为了。”又有一人说道。 Ten people painstakingly face, what to do does not know should, is the headache. 十来人一个个苦着脸,不知道该怎么办,皆是头疼不已。 When they get angry bothersomely, quickly, the secret room transmitted orally the sound. 在他们烦怒不已的时候,倏地,密室口传来响声。 The tall handsome middle-aged person, has braved together suddenly, cultivation base of boundary of Source God Second Sky, Nine Star Chamber of Commerce was next to Fan Family Family Head of Li, Li Yuefeng. 一道颀长的英俊中年人,突然冒了出来,源神二重天之境的修为,九星商会仅次于梵家的李家的家主,李岳峰到了。 Nine Star Chamber of Commerce comprised of the big size small family, Li is the same with Fan Family, is one of the strongest families. 九星商会由大大小小的家族组成,其中李家和梵家一样,都是最强的家族之一。 In many years ago, first several generations of Family Head or the Nine Star Chamber of Commerce of Li master, Li is also that time strongest family, because goes on a punitive expedition against Divine Punishment Grounds time, in Family Head and clan Expert died a violent death the death suddenly in abundance, Li declined the period of time, was displaced by Fan Family. 在很多年前,李家的前几代家主还是九星商会的主人,李家也是那时期最强的家族,只是因为征伐神罚之地的时候,家主和族内强者突然纷纷暴毙死亡,李家才没落了一阵子,被梵家取而代之。 Lives to rest up after these many years resting, Li rose, this first generation Family Head Li Yuefeng Realm is extremely high, in the Nine Star Chamber of Commerce audiences, is next to Fan Tianpo, Li in his hands is hopefully prosperous, making Li exceed Fan Family in the future, will become the Nine Star Chamber of Commerce strongest family. 经过这么多年的休生养息,李家重新崛起了,这一代家主李岳峰境界极高,在九星商会众强中,仅次于梵天破,李家有望在他手中重新兴旺起来,让李家在未来胜过梵家,成为九星商会最强的家族。 Sees him to come, here people all respectfully salute, the color of whole face awe. 一见他现身,这边的众人皆是恭敬行礼,满脸敬畏之色。 Makes me have a look at his situation.” Li Yuefeng frowns, arrived at the Fan Ye Dead body place, puts out a hand to touch to the Dead body neck place, in the hand has the light dim light to appear, continuously rays of light, in the Fan Ye neck activity, gradually seeps, emerges Fan Ye Dead body. “让我看看他的情况。”李岳峰皱着眉头,来到了梵夜尸体处,伸手摸向尸体脖颈处,手中有淡淡幽光显现,一缕缕光芒,在梵夜脖颈活动,渐渐渗透进去,涌入梵夜尸体内部。 The good half sound, Li Yuefeng stuffy snort|hum, the body to shake suddenly fiercely, seemed shelled by the great strength, the complexion also suddenly changes, shouted to clear the way lowly: Good strength!” 好半响,李岳峰突然闷哼一声,身子猛地一震,似乎受到了巨力轰击,脸色也骤然一变,低喝道:“好强!” ps: Thank hitting of Little Brother Tang to enjoy the deep affection to be also many Union Master to thank yesterday...... ps:感谢昨日小唐兄弟的打赏厚爱又多了一位盟主谢谢……
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