GOS :: Volume #9

#852: Dark blood evening

I was old, Realm is also too low, only wants to barely exist, when my man comes back, “我老了,境界也太低,只想赖活着,等我的男人回来, Does not want to provoke unnecessary trouble. ” Fei Lan narrows the eyes to focus, said lightly. 不想招惹不必要的麻烦。”费兰眯着眼,淡淡说道。 Good, has disturbed Senior, sorry.” Shi Yan inspired,[ body] in power comes out precise, is trying with the Divine Soul mark involvement great shield. “那好,打搅了前辈,抱歉。”石岩吸了一口气,将〖体〗内的力量凝炼出来,试着以神魂的印记勾连巨盾。 Scarlet lightning flashes through from Sea of Consciousness together, that great shield also bloody glow one bright, next quarter, turns into the compact size small shield, the above scarlet mark also vanishes to disappear, once more has become the sloppy ordinary thing. 一道血色电光识海闪过,那巨盾也血光一亮,下一刻,又变成袖珍型的小盾牌,上方的血色印记也消失不见了,再次成了稀松平常之物。 Shi Yan silently takes the small shield, this time simply light as a swan's feather, he was careful that returns that grocery pile the small shield, toward the Fei Lan respectful saluting expression of gratitude, turns around to leave at once. 石岩默默的将小盾牌拿起来,这次简直轻如鸿毛,他小心将小盾牌放回那杂货堆,朝着费兰恭敬的行礼道谢,旋即转身离开。 Fei Lan lowers the head, has not responded him , to continue to sleep soundly. 费兰垂着头,没有搭理他,继续酣睡。 Leaves the store, on remote street, Shi Yan frowns, returns to look at behind one, shakes the head sighs one lowly, then walks toward the front. 离开商铺,在偏僻的街道上,石岩皱着眉头,回看了一眼后面,摇头低叹一声,便往前方走去。 Walked pill step, he sees graceful silhouette, whole body is binding the black robe together, including solid, cannot find the look that binds, face-to-face walks with him. 才走了丹步,他看到一道曼妙的身影,浑身裹着黑袍,连头都裹的严严实实,瞧不见相貌,和他面对面走来。 That black robe person also present he, the moving body stopped, did not say with his wrong body, has gone toward the Fei Lan store line. 那黑袍人也现了他,动人的身子停了一下,一言不的和他错身而过,往费兰的商铺行去。 Shi Yan stunned, turns head to look to that black robe person, the brow deep lock, always thinks a little familiar, but because cannot see clearly the look, cannot feel opposite party Realm cultivation base, therefore is not good to judge, has not thought that walks toward the Ka Fu store. 石岩愕然,回头看向那道黑袍人,眉头深锁,总觉得有点熟悉,可因为看不清相貌,也感觉不出对方的境界修为,所以不好判断,也就没有多想,往卡夫的商铺走去。 After he leaves, black robe person also stopped, turns the head to look that to direction that he vanishes, as if a little looking pensive. 在他离开后,黑袍人也停了下来,别头看向他消失的方向,似乎有点若有所思。 After a while, black robe talented person continues to proceed, arrives at the Fei Lan store. 过了一会儿,黑袍人才继续往前走,来到费兰的商铺。 Fei Lan that lowers the head eyes closed to maintain mental tranquility, body shakes suddenly, the opacitas eye, as if first time has shone. 垂头闭目养神的费兰,身躯突然一震,浑浊的眼睛,似乎第一次亮了一下。 After the black robe person comes, her behind that thick Stone Gate, silent close, the store falls into fiercely does not have the light darkly, this person as if not like luminously. 黑袍人进来后,她身后那厚厚的石门,无声无息的合上,商铺猛地陷入幽暗无光,这人似乎不太喜欢光亮。 Will pull head black curtain in the future, the black robe person has appeared the fierce fearsome appearance, the dark green eye pupil looks to Fei Lan, said in a soft voice: Aunt, had you just seen him?” 将头上黑帘往后扯了一下,黑袍人显现出狰狞可怖的模样来,暗青色的眼眸望向费兰,轻声道:“大娘,你刚见过他了?” Comes the person is Dark Sky God Country five big feudal lord it, the armed forces regimental commander of bloody regiment, Sir Anna. 来人是天涅神国五大诸侯之,血腥军团的军团长,lì安娜大人。 Counter following Fei Lan, the complexion is invariable, nodded, said: Has seen, this is the second time.” 柜台后面的费兰,脸色不变,点了点头,道:“见过了,这是第二次。” Anna eye pupil one bright aunt, said... Did you tell him the matter?” lì安娜眼瞳一亮“大娘,这么说…你将事情告诉他了?” Told him?” Why a Fei Lan face ridicule „do I want to tell him? What relations has with me?” “告诉他?”费兰一脸嘲弄“我为什么要告诉他?与我有什么关系?” Anna knits the brows to look to the stony soil that in the store disrupts, looked at that grocery pile of small shields, said: That thing is him, you should give him.” lì安娜皱眉看向商铺内碎裂的石地,又看了一眼那杂货堆的小盾牌,说道:“那东西属于他,你应该给他的。” Why do I give him?” Fei Lan is light. “我凭什么给他?”费兰轻哼。 This is the matter that the uncle makes you handle, is uncle's last wish.” Anna sinking sound track. “这是大伯让你做的事情,是大伯的遗愿。”lì安娜沉声道。 That is youdark blood curtain. The duty of family, is not my duty, has nothing to do with me!” Fei Lan was cold face old ghost to give me the thing in the past, had not said that I should also observe youdark blood curtain, the duty, he has not married me, I was not youdark blood curtain, the woman of family, therefore that boy and my relations did not have. You, for that duty, your family only remained your one, the old ghost has also been missing for several thousand years, your father they all died, you must persevere oath wedge “那是你们“黑暗血幕。家族的义务,不是我的义务,与我无关!”费兰冷着脸“老鬼当年将东西交给我,没有说我也应该遵守你们“黑暗血幕,的义务,他也没有娶我,我也不是你们“黑暗血幕,家族的女人,所以那小子和我一点关系都没有。还有你,为了那个义务,你们家族只剩你一个了,老鬼也失踪了几千年,你父亲他们全部陨落,你还要坚守誓楔” Wedark blood curtain. So long as there is one person also to live, the pledge will not vanish, I will not forget.” Anna uncle has not married you solemn , because he cannot live coming back, if he is also living, if he can also come back, he will marry you surely! You can also be wedark blood curtain, the woman of family, how regardless of you denied that I called your aunt, you had not denied, default. Since has tacitly approved, you should observe medark blood curtain. The pledge of family, should be the Shi Yan thing, returns to him!” “我们“黑暗血幕。只要有一人还活着,誓约就不会消失,我也不会遗忘。”lì安娜神情肃穆“大伯没有娶你,是因为他没有能活着回来,如果他还活着,如果他还能回来,他定会娶你!你也会是我们“黑暗血幕,家族的女人,不论你如何否认,我喊你大娘,你却没有否认,就是默认了。既然默认了,你就应该遵守我“黑暗血幕。家族的誓约,将应该属于石岩的东西,交还给他!” Fei Lan suddenly silent, the good half sound, spookily to sigh now to him, he cannot use, his Realm is too low.” 费兰忽然沉默了下去,好半响,才幽幽一叹“现在给他,他也用不上,他境界太低。” the cheeks of Anna whole face scar, pulled, as if laughed at me to know that the aunt will not sit by and do nothing, otherwise, will not get rid to help his, that Fan Ye, bewilderment that also will not die.” lì安娜满脸伤痕的脸颊,扯动了一下,似乎笑了“我就知道大娘不会坐视不管,要不然,不会出手帮他一把,那梵夜,也不会死的莫名其妙。” For these days, Feng Ke and Russell and the others, in searched for the Fan Ye trace fully, showed one's true nature to face upwards Heaven Punishment City and Divine Punishment Grounds, but Fan Ye had not seen throughout that nobody knows, this Nine Star Chamber of Commerce most formidable Fan Family Source God Realm Expert, had been killedand him has nothing to do, my repugnant Fan Family, Fan Ye appeared nearby me, that was he courts death. 这几天,丰岢拉塞尔等人,在全力搜寻梵夜的踪影,将天罚城神罚之地都翻了个底朝天,可梵夜始终没有看到,没有人知道,这个九星商会最强大的梵家源神境强者,已经被杀了“和他无关,我讨厌梵家,梵夜在我附近出现,那是他自己找死。 I naturally must help him. ” Fei Lan coldly snorted. 我自然要成全他。”费兰冷哼 He He, the aunt you did not use obstinate argumentative, if you did not acknowledge that will not follow uncle's last wish, has been protecting Heaven Punishment City. “呵呵,大娘你不用嘴硬了,如果你不承认,不会遵循大伯的遗愿,一直守护着天罚城 This city, but the uncle built in the past, you do not allow anybody to destroy , because you know the uncle , if living, does not want to see that Heaven Punishment City was ruined by the ganef. ” Anna gives a calm smile. 这座城市,可是大伯当年一手打造出来的,你不允许任何人破坏,是因为你知道大伯如果活着,也不想见到天罚城被宵小毁掉。”lì安娜淡然一笑。 I lived here was very long, does not want to change the place.” Fei Lan curls the lip, neither cold nor hot saying. “我只是在这儿生活了很久,不想换地方罢了。”费兰撇嘴,不冷不热的说道。 Ok, you did not acknowledge might also as well, my this came, was hopes that you helped me. “算了,你不承认也无妨,我这趟来了,是希望你帮我。 Star Chart appeared, he brings from purgatory star, he comes, saw you twice, during was dark was already doomed, you could not escape... The note is the fate. The Dark Sky God Country country master, is we dark blood curtain, the ancestor of family, in the past uncle also disappeared because of the exploration of Star Chart, you do not want to take a look at the place that Star Chart mentioned by name, what had? Perhaps, you can also see uncle's skeleton.”, Anna once more has supplemented one: If the uncle falls from the sky.” 星图出现了,还是他从炼狱星带过来的,他一过来,就见了你两次,冥冥之中早已注定,你逃不脱的…注是缘分。天涅神国的国师,都是我们“黑暗血幕,家族的祖先,当年大伯也是因为星图的探索而消失,你就不想看看星图点名的地方,到底有什么?或许,你还能见着大伯的尸骨。”顿了一下,lì安娜再次补充了一句:“如果大伯真陨落的话。” You were said that the old ghost hasn't died?!” Fei Lan is suddenly excited. “你是说老鬼没死?!”费兰霍然激动起来。 No one has seen his skeleton, by uncle's Realm and power, even if were Dead body appeared, may not Mo extinguish thoroughly.” Anna said fainily. “谁也没有见过他的尸骨,以大伯的境界力量,就算是尸体出现了,也不一定会彻底陌灭。”lì安娜淡漠说道。 He, if has not died, several thousand years, why didn't see me? This devil! Wants not to refuse stubbornly to appear, I and he are endless!” Fei Lan eyes appears ominous severe rays of light. “他若未死,几千年了,为何不来见我?这死鬼!真要没死不出现,我和他没完没了!”费兰双眸显出凶厉的光芒 „The reason that perhaps has having no other choice, the uncle was perhaps surrounded, was waiting for us to help him extricate.” Anna shows a faint smile. “或许有不得已的原因,或许大伯被困住了,正等着我们帮他解脱呢。”lì安娜微微一笑。 „The girl of dental cusp mouth advantage, youdark blood curtain, the person of family, is a lunatic, is the swindler, I do not believe you.” Fei Lan coldly snorted. “牙尖嘴利的丫头,你们“黑暗血幕,家族的人,都是疯子,都是骗子,我不相信你。”费兰冷哼 Indifferent, you considered, before the boy has not left, I in Heaven Punishment City, when the aunt you have thought through, momentarily looks for me. By aunt your ability, wants to find a person in Divine Punishment Grounds, nobody can hide. “无所谓,你自己考虑,那小子没有离开之前,我都会在天罚城,等大娘你想通了,随时来找我。以大娘你的能力,在神罚之地想要找一个人,无人可以藏匿起来。 Anna said lightly such words, silhouette gradually changes pale, at once vanishes in the darkness, trail aura does not remain. ”lì安娜淡淡说了这么一番话,身影渐渐变淡,旋即消失在黑暗之中,一点踪迹气息不留。 Fei Lan is silent, deeply frowns, does not know that thinks anything. 费兰沉默着,深深地皱着眉头,也不知道想些什么。 Shi Yan arrives at the Ka Fu store. 石岩来到卡夫的商铺。 Blood slaughter Ka Tuo also. 血屠卡托也在。 Senior Brother, you may come back.” Ka Tuo laughs Senior Brother to be really fierce, the black corner/horn is not your match, has been convinced, I was convinced . After this fights, Senior Brother is not the nameless junior, present Heaven Punishment City is on everybody's lips the Senior Brother given name.” 师兄,你可回来了。”卡托哈哈大笑“师兄果然厉害,连黑角都不是你对手,服气了,我真的服气了。这一战过后,师兄再也不是无名小辈,如今的天罚城都在传诵师兄的名号呢。” Yes, Little Brother is seriously fierce, no wonder my big brother such esteems you, I was understand now.” Ka Fu also in agreement gets up. “是呀,小哥当真厉害,难怪我大哥这么推崇你,我现在算是明白了。”卡夫附和起来。 Bao Ao are they what kind of?” Is very good, power soon restored. That three fellows, but also is really uncommon, after this tribulation the Realm income seems to be enormous, I look to be able quick breakthrough.” The Ka Tuo sincerity acclaimed. 暴骜他们三人怎么样?”“很好,力量快要恢复过来了。那三个家伙,还真是不凡,经此磨难后境界似乎收益极大,我看能够很快突破。”卡托真心赞叹。 Bao Ao and Jie are spicy, the Bo Ruo three people were escorted to his hand time, is very weak, after supplement of medicinal pills and Divine Crystal, power immediately restores, the Realm also fast promotion, entered the soul transformation condition, is realizing the Realm essence silently. 暴骜、桀辣、波若三人被送往他手里的时候,都是非常虚弱,经过丹药神晶的补充后,力量马上恢复起来,境界也快速的提升,都进入了灵魂蜕变的境况,在默默体会境界的精髓。 The Ka Tuo vision is extremely good, knows that three people of intelligence are shocking, so long as gives them time, how long could not want, should be able to promote Realm. 卡托眼光极佳,知道那三人资质非常惊艳,只要给他们一点时间,要不了多久,应该都可以提升一个境界 In the place of Grace Mainland energy depletion, Bao Ao they can become peak, is the terrifying fierce characters, arrived at Lie Yan Star Field to have enough many energy to enjoy, that outstanding talent gradually appeared, seemed like moistened the full pearl by the dust, started to put greatly luminously. 神恩大陆能量枯竭之地,暴骜他们可以成为巅峰,都是非常恐怖厉害的人物,来到烈焰星域有了足够多的能量享用,那出类拔萃的天赋都渐渐显现出来,就像是被灰尘沾满的明珠,开始要大放光亮了。 Their people?” Shi Yan asked. “他们人呢?”石岩问。 Was shifted by me to the den, forbidden land of Divine Punishment Grounds surrounding, assures the security. Recently Heaven Punishment City was not peaceful, they were not really suitable to stay for a long time, Senior Brother felt relieved is, I will let following person well take care of they.” Ka Tuo strikes one's chest the guarantee. “被我转移到老巢了,神罚之地外围的一处禁地,保证安全。最近天罚城不太平,他们实在不适合久留啊,师兄放心便是,我会让下面的人好好照顾他们。”卡托拍胸脯保证。 Shi Yan can be the Bao Ao three people, pays Star Chart to come, obviously he is deep to three people of sentiments. 石岩能够为暴骜三人,付出星图来,可见他对三人的感情多深。 Ka Tuo makes the Bao Ao three people, on the one hand sells the Shi Yan favour, on the one hand has also relied on, if Shi Yan must cope with him, person in his hand, there is a safeguard, he seems like straightforward, Sichuan, 卡托暴骜三人弄走,一方面是卖个石岩人情,一方面也是有所凭仗,如果石岩要对付他,人在他手上,也有个保障,他看似粗豪,川、 The thoughts are also non- half detachable. 心思还是非半活络的。 Your person?” The Shi Yan complexion one cold your person is not each is loyal you, the fellow of previous your subordinates, almost kills me!” “你的人?”石岩脸色一冷“你的人并不是各个忠心你,上次你麾下的一个家伙,差点害死我!” Ka Tuo hear of he had said this matter, the complexion was a little awkwardnot, this time, you will definitely not feel relieved and that's the end. Right, Senior Brother, did you that side Feng Ke, how come out well suddenly? 卡托听他说过这事,脸色有点尴尬“不会了,这次肯定不会,你放心就是了。对了,师兄,你在丰岢那边好好的,怎么突然出来了? Here, is not special safety, Barrett must cope with your words, I cannot block. ” 我这儿,可不是特别安全,巴雷特要对付你的话,我挡不住啊。” How many do you have to understand to Fei Lan?” Shi Yan inquired suddenly. “你对费兰有多少了解?”石岩忽然询问。 Fei Lan?” Ka Tuo knits the brows, as if not know this person. 费兰?”卡托皱眉,似乎不知道这个人。 Heaven Punishment City oldest store master, the big brother frequently in Heaven Punishment City, is not clear.” His younger brother Ka Fu explained with a smile „before it is said Heaven Punishment City has not established, Fei Lan in Divine Punishment Grounds, her Realm was not high, the person is also very eccentric, disagreement other people exchange, understands him without many people, I not am quite clear.” 天罚城最老的商铺主人,大哥不经常在天罚城,不清楚。”他弟弟卡夫笑着解释“据说天罚城没有建立之前,费兰就在神罚之地了,她境界并不高,人也很孤僻,不和旁人交流的,没有多少人了解他,我也不太清楚。” Ka Fu, to trouble you with 10,000 high grade Divine Crystal, deliver to the Fei Lan store to me.” Shi Yan has hesitated, suddenly said. 卡夫,劳烦你拿10000块上品神晶,给我送到费兰的商铺。”石岩沉吟了一下,忽然说道。 10,000!” Ka Fu screamed that my ten years could not make these many!” “10000块!”卡夫尖叫起来“我十年也挣不了这么多啊!” Makes you go to go! Wordy anything!” Blood slaughter Ka Tuo stares, violent shouted to clear the way. “让你去就去!罗嗦什么!”血屠卡托一瞪眼,暴喝道。 Ka Fu one necking, puts on a long face, helpless nodded, anxiety going out, went to the Fei Lan store to give in vain Crystal Stone. 卡夫一缩头,哭丧着脸,无奈的点了点头,肉疼之极的出了门,去费兰的商铺白送晶石了。 Why?” After he leaves, blood slaughter Ka Tuo inquiry cautiously said. “为什么?”他离开后,血屠卡托才小心翼翼的询问道。 With us is the person on one's own side.” Shi Yan light say|way “和我们是自己人。”石岩淡淡道
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