GOS :: Volume #9

#860: Pale great hand

The fight sends Gansu imagines him is much quicker than! 战斗发甘的比他想象中要快得多! His Divine Sense lets loose, immediately perceived a energy fluctuation of terrifying, shoots up to the sky from the Anna directly. 神识才一放开来,立即觉察到一股恐怖能量波动,直接从lì安娜那边冲天而起。 Shakes everything may become vulnerable wild power raging tide, such as ten volcanos erupt together, reacted in Heaven Punishment City gets up loudly, world-shaking. 一震地动山摇的狂暴力量狂潮,如十来座火山一起爆发开来,轰然在天罚城震动起来,惊天动地 In the absolute darkness, splits the pale flame, as if spread the entire city to be ordinary, under that fluctuation, all natural law and morality and justice in world, seemed given to suppress. 绝对黑暗中,绽出苍白的火焰,似乎蔓延了整座城池一般,在那股波动下,世间的一切规则和道义,似乎都被给压制下来。 Can win any lives the Spiritual Qi breath power, has covered the entire city, making in the city any Warrior heart live to shiver, spills over whole body to be incapable, awe fear that even wants to lie prostrate in worship. 能够夺走任何生灵气息的力量,笼罩了整座城市,让城内任何一名武者都心生颤抖,泛出浑身无力,甚至想要顶礼膜拜的敬畏恐惧。 Warrior in all cities, regardless of the Realm height, realize at this moment in Heaven Punishment City, has one to let heaven and earth for the fearful character of it discoloration, that aura fearful corrosion strength, must give to destroy general all. 所有城内的武者,不论境界高低,这一刻都意识到在天罚城内,有着一名让天地为之色变的可怕人物,那种气息的可怕腐蚀力,要将一切都给摧毁一般。 Brother Ka Tuo the discoloration, know excitedly fought non- started, subconscious thought frightened restless. 卡托兄弟勃然色变,都知道战非开始了,下意识的觉得恐惧不安。 Senior Brother is small......, Is this Senior power deep meaning?” The Ka Tuo sound a little trembles, good Ran, the formidable corrosion strength, can dissolve all power, the day, has not thought in our Heaven Punishment City, but also has existence of this rank.” 师兄小……,这就是前辈力量奥义吗?”卡托声音有点发颤,“好可冉,强大的腐蚀力,能够溶解一切力量似的,天,没想到在我们天罚城,还真有这个级别的存在。” Ka Fu frightens does not dare to speak, finally understands that Shi Yan so will be why extravagant, making him deliver 10,000 high grade Divine Crystal. 卡夫吓的不敢讲话了,终于明白为何石岩会那么阔绰的,让他送10000块上品神晶了。 His thought gets up, the discovery from the Anna's worn-out manor direction, splits dazzling light, looked with rapt attention that he dumbfounded fiercely. 他这个念头才起,就发现从lì安娜破旧的庄园方向,绽出一块块炫目的光,凝神一看,他猛地呆住了。 Divine Crystal that he offers personally. 正是他亲手奉上的神晶 Glittering and translucent carving Divine Crystal, are stars is likely radiant, arranges neatly float sky over Heaven Punishment City, is rotating unceasingly, in Divine Crystal is containing power, was derived fiercely cleanly, Divine Crystal even spread the grating howl, energy is stimulated, was the raindrop crashes likely. 一块块晶莹剔透的神晶,像是一枚枚繁星璀璨,排列整齐的悬浮在天罚城上空,不断地转动着,神晶内蕴藏着的力量,猛地被汲取干净,一块块神晶甚至传出了刺耳的啸声,能量都被激发出来,像是雨点般坠落下来。 In Divine Crystal, includes strong energy of heaven and earth, heaven and earth energy that in high grade Divine Crystal has together, endures Essence Qi in ratio God King one, Second Sky Realm body plaster. 神晶中,含有浓烈的天地之力,一块上品神晶内藏有的天地能量,堪比一名神王一、二重天境界者体垩内的精元 power in Divine Crystal is extremely difficult to stimulate really one time, is unlikely to be used to fight, formidable Warrior also can only the strength of little absorption Divine Crystal, the remittance body plaster in slowly. 只是,神晶内的力量极难真的一次性激发出来,更加不太可能用来战斗,就连强大的武者也只能一点点的吸收神晶之力,慢慢的汇入体垩内。 …… …… More than 10,000 Divine Crystal, such as the gigantic raindrop crashes, looked fiercely that is Bai Zhuo the meteor descends from the day likely, from the sky turns into the beautiful arc, by the influence of black Dark Energy, once for a while will not be collided, splashes the dazzling flame. 10000多块神晶,如硕大的雨点坠落,猛地一看,像是一条条白灼的流星从天降落,在空中化成妖艳的弧线,不受黑暗能量的影响,相互间还会时不时的碰撞,溅出炫目的火光。 The strength of Divine Crystal, is just like God King Realm Warrior power together, more than 10,000 Divine Crystal throw together, full impacts of equivalent to about ten thousand God King Realm Expert. 一块神晶之力,好比一个神王境武者力量,10000多块神晶一起抛落下来,相当于近万名神王境强者的全力冲击。 Suddenly, has transmitted the parched beans pa pa explosive in Heaven Punishment City suddenly, the intensive demolition sound, came from Anna that same place, Expert that as if gathers, was affected, in resistance of doing utmost. 一时间,在天罚城内突地传来了炒豆子般的啪啪爆响,密集的爆破声,大多数来自于lì安娜那一块,似乎很多聚集过来的强者,都受到了波及,在竭尽全力的抵抗。 Heaven Punishment City is void, quickly appears an only towering great hand, likely is the god of death hand imprint, oppresses in the sky, grasps each hand toward silhouette, pale strange, is winding around the white smog, to the person an absolutely terrified feeling, is carrying corrosion aura, the time that the overhead presses, Divine Crystal explode to break to pieces suddenly, energy converges that only pale big hand, causes corrosion energy in that pale big hand, even more astonishing fearsome. 天罚城虚空,倏地显出一只只参天巨手,像是死神的手印,当空压迫下来,朝着一道道身影抓来每一只手,都苍白诡异,缭绕着白色的烟雾,给人一种毛骨悚然的感觉,携带着腐蚀的气息,当头按下来的时候,一块块神晶骤然爆碎开来,能量汇入那一只只苍白大手,使得那苍白大手内的腐蚀能量,愈发的惊人可怖。 hōng hōng hōng! 轰轰轰 The earth-shattering is ordinary, in a Heaven Punishment City region, spreads the reacted sound, the explosion complementary waves spreads, houses collapse loudly, change into the ruins. 天崩地裂一般,在天罚城的一处区域,传出震动响声,爆炸的余波蔓延开来,一栋栋房屋轰然倒塌,化为废墟。 long time, cannot hear stuffy snort|hum and sad and shrill pitiful yell in the explosion, probably many people suffered a loss, by that only pale great hand holding down, the gearing did not move. 多时,可以在爆炸中听到闷哼和凄厉惨叫,好像很多人都吃了大亏,被那一只只苍白巨手给按住了,连动都动不了。 Noise reacted Heaven Punishment City, strangely is quickly peaceful. 喧嚣震动天罚城,倏地诡异安静下来。 In the darkness, a sound has not passed on, why does not know, in Anna that same place, all energy fluctuations temporarily stopped. 黑暗中,没有一个声音传出来,不知为何,在lì安娜那一块,一切能量波动都暂时停了下来。 As if, accumulation past Source God Realm Expert, by the pale big hand that these appeared according to the ground, making their power be suppressed completely, cannot by own power deep meaning revolt, only be able to strive to resist the corrosion strength that in the great hand transmitted, was impossible to work loose to Anna has the influence. 仿佛,聚集过去的一名名源神境强者,都被那些显现出来的苍白大手给按在了地上,使得他们的力量被全部压制下来,不能以自己的力量奥义反抗,只能勉力抵挡巨手上传来的腐蚀力,根本不可能挣脱对lì安娜造成影响。 After a while, in other Heaven Punishment City region, transmits immediately roars and shouts loudly shout innumerably. 过了一会儿,在天罚城别的区域,顿时传来无数咆哮和吆喝声 In the city several thousand Realm Warrior, realized that in the city has the heaven shaking god to fight occurrence, subconscious speeds along in the darkness, closes up toward the region that the fight spreads, screams to call out in alarm, indicates own position. 城内数万名境界不等的武者,都意识到城内有惊天神战发生,下意识的在黑暗中飞驰,朝着战斗传出的区域靠拢,大声嚷嚷惊叫着,来表明自己的位置。 Silent, Shi Yan said suddenly: We also in the past took a look.” 沉默一下,石岩突然道:“我们也过去瞧瞧。” Ka Tuo nods, immediately complied, walks, we had a look, to have a look exactly to have anything in the past.” 卡托点头,立即答应了下来,“走,我们过去看看,看看到底发生了什么。” The battle of Source God Realm Expert, is generally very difficult to find, achieves so the rank, gathered a numerous Source God Realm Expert war, is once in a thousand years, has missed, feared that will regret life-long. 源神境强者的交战,一般很难瞧见,达到如此级别,聚集了众多源神境强者的一战,更是千载难逢,错过了,怕是会后悔终生。 If can witness the battle of Source God Realm Expert, displays the utilization of sensation to the Expert getting rid way and power deep meaning, will realize from experience to have very big advantage to Warrior future Realm, can perhaps seize the chance breakthrough, will break the shackles since new Realm. 如果能够亲眼目睹源神境强者的交战,感知到强者的出手方式和力量奥义的运用施展,对武者未来的境界体悟有着非常大的好处,说不定可以趁机突破自己,打破桎梏进入新的境界 Why this is also the clearly know fight central danger, will also have the reason that innumerable Expert come in swarms. 这也是为何明知道战斗中央危险,还会有无数强者蜂拥而至的原因。 They want to witness grand that this fights, wants to have a look to the control of Expert to heaven and earth power deep meaning, has achieved what kind the rank that is hard to imagine. 他们都想见证这一战的雄阔,想要看看至强者天地力量奥义的掌控,达到了何种难以想象的级别。 The Shi Yan three people with numerous Expert one that collects toward that side, is shuttling back and forth in the darkness, that region Divine Crystal radiant glittering, the goal is obvious, does not need to be worried not to seek the position. 石岩三人和众多朝着那边汇集的强者一眼,在黑暗中穿梭着,那处区域神晶璀璨闪烁,目标非常明显,根本不用担心寻不到位置。 The people cannot see the opposite party, can only let loose Divine Sense, this lets in Heaven Punishment City Divine Sense Chaos, Divine Sense of various different power deep meanings scurry about, sometimes Divine Sense and Divine Sense move, will deal with the intense Divine Sense fluctuation, then forms the war of soul. 众人相互间看不见对方,只能将神识放开来,这让天罚城神识混乱,各种不同力量奥义的神识乱窜,有时候神识神识碰触,会应付激烈的神识波动,进而形成灵魂之战。 …… …… Today, the Heaven Punishment City Expert mutual battle, in the city refused the resort to violence the custom as if temporarily to be broken, many people while the dark turmoil, under the killer to the person of reprehensible, making the fight in city more, the pitiful yell of sad and shrill pain, the roaring sound of crazy bloodthirsty, has made a sound together. 今天,天罚城强者相互争斗,城内严禁武斗的规矩似乎暂时被打破了,许多人趁着黑暗动乱,对看不顺眼的人下杀手,让城内的战斗更多,凄厉痛苦的惨叫,疯狂嗜杀的咆哮声,一起响了出来。 hōng hōng hōng! 轰轰轰 A series of terrifying reacted sound, transmits from the fight center, destroys the scene that the Heaven Destroyer place the fight complementary waves create, such as heaven and earth was blasted open, extremely exaggeration. 一连串的恐怖震动声,从战斗中央传来,毁天灭地的战斗余波造成的场景,如天地被炸裂,极其夸张。 Various the crushed stones, old trees and kind of goods splash together void in that power is astonishing, Warrior that collects, has not come to a stop with enough time, by some stone hitting, God Body exploded immediately, meets a cruel death directly. 碎石、古树、各类物品在那一块虚空飞溅开来,力量惊人,很多凑上来的武者,还没有来得及站稳,被某一块石头给击中了,当即神体爆炸开来,直接粉身碎骨。 Realm and power are insufficient, breaks in the fight center rashly, is not careful ends up to turn out the fate that a soul dies out. 境界力量不够的,冒然冲入战斗中央,一个不小心就落得个灵魂寂灭的下场。 The Shi Yan line, to the fight center also has very far time, side the discovery are many many corpses to rest, even there is a Soul Altar escape to come out, wants to leave Heaven Punishment City to evade temporarily. 石岩一路行来,离战斗中央还有很远的时候,就发现身旁多了不少尸休,甚至有灵魂祭台飞逸出来,想要离开天罚城暂避。 His eye has shone suddenly. 他眼睛突然亮了起来。 Blood Vein Ring in the quiet beforehand commission, maps in the hearts suddenly, embezzles the Soul Altar thought that cannot be restrained appears in the mind, can hardly be removed. 血纹戒在沉寂之前的嘱托,霍然映入心间,吞没灵魂祭台的念头,不可抑止的在脑海中浮现出来,怎么也挥之不去。 Slightly one hesitant, Shi Yan separates suddenly quietly with Brother Ka Tuo, aura concealing, the ambush in the visible corner, lets loose Soul Altar secretly fiercely, making that black hole sacrificial altar area appear, the black hole in the absolute darkness is not obvious, nobody pays attention to realize. 略一犹豫,石岩忽然悄悄和卡托兄弟分开来,将气息隐匿,偷偷潜伏在看不见的角落,猛地放开灵魂祭台,使得那一个黑洞般的祭台区显现,在绝对黑暗中黑洞并不明显,也没有人注意察觉。 Departs shatter Divine Sense Soul Altar, dodges to pass in the darkness, flees toward Heaven Punishment City outside. 一个飞出破碎神休灵魂祭台,在黑暗中一闪而逝,往天罚城外面遁走。 In this time, Shi Yan Divine Sense fiercely has locked him, the thought moves, his Soul Altar central black hole, has had an intense attracting customer interest immediately. 就在此时,石岩神识猛地锁定了他,念头一动,他灵魂祭台中央的黑洞,顿时产生了一股强烈的吸扯力。 Soul Altar of that flying away, unexpected under stagnates fiercely, such as not can see string tying up, unexpectedly fast in the black hole toward Shi Yan sacrificial altar flew. 那个飞走的灵魂祭台,猝不及防下猛地一滞,如被看不见的绳子给拴住了,竟然快速朝着石岩祭台内的黑洞飞了过来。 The soul cannot great shout, only be able to spread the news to read, may under Shi Yan black hole unusual sacrificial altar restraint pulls, Divine Sense of fellow cannot produce, in black hole by Shi Yan Soul Altar embezzling. 灵魂不能大声呼喊,只能传出讯念,可在石岩黑洞般的奇特祭台束缚拉扯下,那家伙的神念都不能产生,神不知鬼不觉的,就被石岩灵魂祭台内的黑洞给吞没了。 A cool feeling, overflows suddenly Sea of Consciousness and Soul Altar area, the scarlet mark in his Divine Soul fiercely one bright, as if obtained the marvelous supplement. 一股清凉的感觉,霍然流溢识海灵魂祭台区,他神魂中的血色印记猛地一亮,似乎获得了奇妙的补充。 Meanwhile, in numerous Warrior death God Body plasters, cannot help but spreads the essence that had not drained immediately, wells up crazily toward his whole body acupoint, making in his acupoint the cyclone gyrate crazily. 同时,众多武者的死亡神体垩内,也不由自主的传出了没有立即流失掉的精气,往他的浑身穴窍内狂涌过来,让他的穴窍内气旋疯狂旋动起来。 In darkness, Heaven Punishment City not solely only then Anna that has the fight occurrence together, in the city each corner has hostile Expert, perceived that the Divine Soul fluctuation of opposite party, then attacks brutally, had the Warrior death unceasingly. 在黑暗中,天罚城不单单只有lì安娜那一块有战斗发生,城内各个角落都有敌对的强者,觉察到对方的神魂波动,进而大打出手,不断地有武者死亡。 Dares in Heaven Punishment City activity Warrior, almost to be worst has True God Realm, God King Realm Expert is the mainstream, once some people died, Shi Yan looks like smells the smell of blood Ferocious Beast to be ordinary, ambush secretly in the past, embezzled opposite party sacrificial altar by the Soul Altar black hole, absorbed the residual essence by acupoint. 敢在天罚城活动的武者,几乎最差都有真神境,神王境强者更是主流,一旦有人死亡了,石岩就像是嗅到血腥味的凶兽一般,偷偷的潜伏过去,以灵魂祭台的黑洞吞没对方的祭台,以穴窍吸收残留的精气。 Energy of power and soul in Warrior body plaster, in his deliberately in view of below, once died, has not dissipated with enough time in heaven and earth, was given by him holds secretly. 一名武者体垩内的力量和灵魂之能,在他的蓄意针对下,一旦死亡,没有来得及消散在天地间,就被他给偷偷的占有了。 Heaven Punishment City Chaos cannot withstand, had the Warrior death unceasingly, but he, instead has become the biggest beneficiary, wandered around in the city, looked like Ferocious Beast, can absorb remnantly completely a Expert essence and soul of falling from the sky. 天罚城混乱不堪,不断地有武者死亡,而他,反而成了最大的受益者,在城内四处游荡着,就像是一头凶兽般,将一个个陨落的强者一身精气和灵魂残能给全部吸收掉。 Has not striven, has not undergone a fight, he has become the final gainer, is hovering unceasingly, absorbs unceasingly. 没有出一份力,没有经过一场战斗,他成了最终的得利者,不断地游动着,不断地吸收。 , His acupoint inflates gradually, the negative essence of full is simply turbulent like the sea, the cyclone crazy gyration purification in acupoint, lets his whole body ache, each acupoint as if shivers, spread not law-abiding surging. 渐渐地,他的穴窍膨胀起来,充盈的负面精气简直如海洋般汹涌,穴窍内的气旋疯狂的旋动净化,让他浑身疼痛不已,每一个穴窍都似乎颤抖起来,传出了不安分的波荡。 Some marvelous change, as if when he always enjoys, started to occur quietly. 某种奇妙的变化,似乎在他乐此不疲的时候,开始悄悄地发生了。
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