GOS :: Volume #9

#849: concealing mystical Expert

Source God First Sky Realm Fan Ye, was struck to tow to extremely the distant place, already could not see the trail, acts recklessly. 源神一重天境界梵夜,被一击拖向极远处,早已看不见踪迹,也不知死活。 In the stone lane in remnants of destroyed buildings, fog does not wind around loose, spreads many Warrior cursing roaring sounds, these receive affect, struggles in the stone chip, the crazy sound is shouting, must seek for starting. 残垣断壁的石头巷子内,灰雾缭绕不散,传出不少武者的咒骂怒吼声,那些受到波及者,在石屑中挣扎出来,狂声嚷嚷着,要找寻下手者。 This time Shi Yan and Feng Rao, to prevent the Fan Ye under killer, the fast shunt, went according to the burst toward Green Demon again. 这时候的石岩丰娆,为了防止梵夜再下杀手,已快速闪开,朝着青鬼据点射去。 In everywhere stone chip flies upwards, another alley entrance, on a sharp worn-out house, Hidden League commands Bi Tian greatly, is standing with Bi Rou and Allard several people silently, the expression heavy looks at stone chip fluttering about place, the look appears extremely strange. 在漫天石屑飞扬中,另外一处巷子口,一尖破旧的屋舍上面,幽盟的大统领碧天,和碧柔、阿拉德数人默默站着,神色沉重的看着石屑纷飞处,眼神显得极其怪异。 power that braves suddenly, is quite fearful!” Allard deeply inspires, the complexion is a little pale, subconscious looks to Bi Tian, „can Sir, be Feng Ke gets rid suddenly?” “那一股突然冒出来的力量,好可怕!”阿拉德深吸一口气,脸色有点苍白,下意识的看向身旁的碧天,“大人,会不会是丰岢突然出手了?” Feng Ke?” Bi Tian shook the head, he discussed the matter of Star Chart still at the Green Demon foothold, simply did not have the leisure. Also, he did not have this power, even if were I, wanted to trig Fan Ye easily, making him not have the slight strength to hit back not possible, Feng Ke cannot.” 丰岢?”碧天摇了摇头,“他尚在青鬼据点商榷星图之事,根本没有闲暇。再说,他也没有这种力量,即便是我,想要轻而易举制住梵夜,令他没有丝毫的还手之力也没可能,丰岢更加不能。” With is Source God Second Sky Realm, Bi Tian thinks that power plans compared with Feng Ke, therefore there is this to be proud. 同为源神二重天境界,碧天自认为力量丰岢强上一筹,所以有此自负。 Including Source God Second Sky Realm him, did not state clearly this power, that getting rid should, in secret strong? 源神二重天境界的他,都言明没有这一股力量,那暗中出手者,该有多强? Allard and Bi Rou quietly were silent, expression is dignified. 阿拉德和碧柔都悄然沉默了,神色凝重。 It seems like outside world passed on a message Heaven Punishment City to have concealing Expert, really not empty.” Bi Tian eye glittering the different light, was saying lightly: Three big influences collaborate to sweep clear Heaven Punishment City multiple, cannot destroy completely Marauder thoroughly, has forbidden land besides the surroundings, possibly...... Other reason.” “看来外界传言天罚城隐匿强者,果然不虚。”碧天眼睛闪烁着异光,淡淡说道:“三大势力联手清扫天罚城多次,未能将掠夺者彻底灭掉,除了周围有一个个禁地之外,可能……还有别的原因。” This word, Allard and Bi Rou simultaneously discoloration. 此言一处,阿拉德和碧柔同时色变。 Father, you “父亲,你是呃 ...... Even has here compared with you still strong Warrior exists? ” Bi Rou drinks tenderly, a face does not dare to believe that Du Tianji of god country's, is only Source God Third Sky! In Lie Yan Star Field, achieves Expert of boundary of Source God Third Sky, not that three people?” ……在这儿甚至有比你还强的武者存在?”碧柔娇喝,一脸的不敢置信,“神国的镀天奇,也只是源神三重天啊!在烈焰星域,达到源神三重天之境的强者,不就那三人么?” Known, only then that three people.” Bi Tian frowns, „, but unknown, Qing that who can say?” “已知的只有那三人。”碧天皱着眉头,“但未知的,谁能说的清?” His subordinates Warrior, heard that word complexion is startled changes, frightened completely. 他麾下武者,闻言脸色惊变,全部震慑到了。 Makes my surprised is not Heaven Punishment City is hiding Expert.” Bi Tian has hesitated, sound is low and deep: My more surprised Shi Yan true power!” “让我惊奇的并不是天罚城隐藏着的强者。”碧天沉吟了一下,声音低沉道:“我更加惊奇石岩真正的力量!” His such saying, Bi Rou and Allard responded, was in the heart shocks, revealed the color of alarming. 他这么一说,碧柔和阿拉德才反应过来,也是心中震撼,露出惊动之色。 With a that black corner/horn war, he has not tried obviously, Fan Ye must kill the attack, aroused his potential, exposes real power. In my opinion, even if no that person to strike in secret, the boy not necessarily will immediately also die, he has strength of the war.” Bi Tian deeply inspires, eye Divine Light suddenly to launch, may in fact, he now have Second Sky of God King Realm, Fan Ye is actually Source God First Sky, this fellow simply strong was odd, must strive to use for us surely fully.” “和那黑角一战,他显然并没有尽全力,梵夜的必杀攻击,才激起了他的潜力,将真实力量暴露出来。依我看,即便没有那暗中人一击,那小子也不见得会马上遇难,他有一战之力。”碧天深吸一口气,眼睛神光暴射,“可事实上,他现在只有神王二重天之境,梵夜却是源神一重天,这家伙简直强的离谱了,定要全力争取为我们所用。” Allard, Bi Rou nod with deep veneration. 阿拉德、碧柔肃然点头。 Shi Yan and Feng Rao speed away, go directly to the Heaven Punishment City Feng Ke manor, sees his grand building, the mind stabilizes finally. 石岩丰娆一路疾驰,直达天罚城丰岢的庄园,看到他雄阔的建筑物,心神终于安定下来。 Here, Expert also perceived that the fluctuation of Heaven Punishment City fight, suspended the discussion of Star Chart, arrives at Shi Yan and practice field of black corner/horn battle, much discussion. 这边,强者也觉察到了天罚城战斗的波动,暂停了星图的商议,都来到石岩和黑角交战的修练场,纷纷议论起来。 Shi Yan and a Feng Rao appearance, had caused swiftly immediately the gaze of people, Feng Ke on stone, closes one's eyes at this time, but also is inducing anything, like has not perceived return of Shi Yan. 石岩丰娆倏一出现,立即引得了众人的注视,丰岢石台上,此时闭着眼睛,还在感应什么,像是没有觉察到石岩的返回。 Sir Russell, your good friend Fan Ye in Heaven Punishment City, just getting rid was he.” Shi Yan comes, footsteps also not steady, then light shout. 拉塞尔大人,你的好朋友梵夜天罚城,刚刚出手者就是他。”石岩一过来,脚步还没稳,便率先轻喝 Russell complexion one cold, immediately is ominous light brightly, I thought that the power deep meaning is familiar, originally also was really he came, good!” 拉塞尔脸色一寒,顿时凶光熠熠,“我就觉得力量奥义熟悉,原来还真是他来了,好!” His silhouette, as if the silt integrates in the earth da Yang, contracts the bottom fiercely, did not have the trace all of a sudden, should be searches for the Fan Ye trail. 他的身影,仿佛泥沙融入大地中龘央,猛地收缩地底,一下子没了踪影,应该是去搜寻梵夜的踪迹了。 Feng Ke awakes to turn around, the eye moves, expression is a little unusual, deeply frowns. 丰岢醒转过来,眼睛动了动,神色有点异样,深深地皱着眉头。 Father, just we strolled when street, Fan Ye suddenly appears, wants to capture alive me to coerce you, when we will soon die, some people got rid to rescue us...... Feng Rao simply to explain the situation in secret. “父亲,刚刚我们在街上闲逛,梵夜突然出现,想要生擒我要挟你,就在我们即将遇难之时,有人暗中出手救了我们……”丰娆简单将情况说明。 Feng Ke hear of earnestness of extremely, said to her, nodded, said: You rest first, I will search for the Fan Ye whereabouts in the city, will not make him feel better.” 丰岢听的极其认真,待到她讲完,才点了点头,道:“你们先去休息,我会在城内搜寻梵夜下落,不会让他好过。” All right?” In the Marauder leader, blood slaughter Ka Tuo collects quietly, inquired the Shi Yan condition. “没事吧?”掠夺者魁首中,血屠卡托悄悄凑上来,询问石岩状况。 All right.” Shi Yan smiled, the slight bow expressed best wishes, at once then and Feng Rao one and leaves. “没事。”石岩笑了笑,微微点头致意,旋即便和丰娆一并离开。 Early knows that three big influences Expert, not honest law-abiding, Fan Ye does not come back strangely, was only too anxious a point.” Feng Ke deeply inspired, has hesitated, waved saying: Today this, everybody first prepares, several days later I will call everybody to continue to discuss the detail.” “早知道三大势力的强者,不会老实安分的,梵夜回来不奇怪,只是太急切了一点。”丰岢深吸一口气,沉吟了一下,挥手道:“今天就这样吧,大家先准备准备,过几天我会召集大家继续商讨细节。” Numerous Marauder leaders, not wordy, said some modesties, said goodbye to depart. 众多掠夺者魁首,也都没啰嗦,说了些客气话,都告辞离去。 Feng Ke returns to his secret room, spreads the news to read. 丰岢返回他的密室,传出讯念。 long time, does not arrange appropriate Feng Rao Shi Yan, opened the secret room good, in the seal stone chamber, barrier layer on layer spoke anybody unable to listen secretly here. 多时,将石岩安排妥当的丰娆,打开密室行了进来,密封的石室内,结界重重在这儿讲话没有任何人可以偷听到。 Rao'er, before you said you died, some people in secret get rid, but who is the knowledge?” Feng Ke complexion dignified inquiry. 娆儿,你说你们遇难之前,有人暗中出手,可知是谁?”丰岢脸色凝重的询问。 Does not know.” Feng Rao shook the head, „ the opposite party seems buckling Fan Ye neck, drags to entrain him, Fan Ye in that manpower, does not have any strength of revolt probably, really regret “不知道。”丰娆摇了摇头,“对方似乎扣着梵夜脖颈,将他一路拖拽走,梵夜在那人手上,好像没有任何的反抗之力,真可悔 ...... ” ……” Feng Ke expression is solemn and respectful, imagines you are more fearful, even if for father I, does not have this power.” 丰岢神色肃穆,“比你想象中还要可怕,即便为父我,也没有这个力量啊。” Feng Rao with amazement, none who does not becomes, opposite party in Source God Third Sky? How possible? Our will Heaven Punishment City, how have Expert of this rank to exist?” 丰娆骇然,“莫不成,对方在源神三重天?怎么可能?我们天罚城,岂会有这个级别的强者存在?” Has the possibility.” The Feng Ke forced smile, „something you do not know, for several thousand years, total destruction that whenever Heaven Punishment City meeting is hard to resist with all one's strength, bewildered being easily solved. Recent one time, when more than 500 years ago, Family Head of Nine Star Chamber of Commerce Li arrives, the potential must sweep away Heaven Punishment City to clean up Marauder, that time, Heaven Punishment City loses seriously, the city was destroyed, many Marauder were executed, when everybody thinks Heaven Punishment City must destroy, does not know why that Li Family Head dies a violent death to perish suddenly, subordinates Expert also one after another was better its wonderful death......” “真有可能。”丰岢苦笑,“有些事情你并不知道,数千年来,每当天罚城遇到难以力敌的灭顶之灾,都会莫名其妙的迎刃而解。最近的一次,在500多年前,九星商会李家的家主亲临,势要横扫天罚城清理掠夺者,那一次,天罚城损失惨重,城市被毁,很多掠夺者被格杀,就在大家以为天罚城要毁去之时,不知道为何那李家家主突然暴毙而亡,麾下强者也接连莫若其妙死亡……” Feng Ke inspired, „ Heaven Punishment City must be finished, because actually Li Expert dies a violent death in abundance, must die the bureau to be also easily solved. 丰岢又吸了一口气,“本来天罚城要完蛋了,却因为李家强者纷纷暴毙,必死之局也迎刃而解了。 , Feng Ke expression was unclear, said: Similar matter, several......” 顿了一下,丰岢神色不明,说道:“类似的事情,还有几起……” Feng Rao stunned, the whole face is amazed, father, you are the suspicion in Divine Punishment Grounds, there is terrifying Expert extremely to exist, you...... Can't perceive?” 丰娆愕然,满脸惊诧,“父亲,你是怀疑在神罚之地内,有极其恐怖强者存在,就连你……都觉察不出来?” If that person of Realm surpasses me, can concealing aura, I truly unable to perceive.” Feng Ke nodded, Heaven Punishment City has the matter that mystical Expert assumes, that several of three big influences should also know, is so, since our places can exist, has not vanished truly. Otherwise, you think that three big influences can tolerate really? Thoroughly hasn't destroyed our city?” “如果那人境界超过我,可以隐匿气息,我确实觉察不出。”丰岢点了点头,“天罚城神秘强者坐镇的事,三大势力的那几位应该也知道,也是如此,我们这个地方能够存在至今,没有真正消失。不然,你以为三大势力真能容忍?没有将我们的城市彻底摧毁掉?” Feng Rao is silent. 丰娆默然。 This time, that person gets rid to cope with Fan Ye suddenly, should to help you and Shi Yan breaks through, but does not know him because of you, because Shi Yan......” Feng Ke deeply knits the brows, suddenly said: What person have you seen?” “这一次,那人突然出手对付梵夜,应该是为了帮你和石岩解围,只是不知道他是因为你,还是因为石岩……”丰岢深深地皱眉,突然道:“你们都见过什么人?” Gester, Ka Fu have Grandma Fei Lan, that...... The midway he leaves the period of time, should also see any person, but I do not have, cannot know.” Feng Rao replied. “杰斯特、卡夫还有费兰奶奶,那个……中途他离开一阵子,应该也见过什么人,可我没有跟着,也就不能知晓。”丰娆答道。 Gester, Ka Fu are impossible, Fei Lan...... Third Sky of True God Realm, lethargic, has not seen her to have exceptionally, as if the intelligence is not quite sober, is unlikely. Perhaps, should be his midway has seen any person, reason that perhaps that person gets rid, because of him!” The Feng Ke facial expression changes, considered a while earnestly, said: He is not simple, Rao'er you, if can be occupied by him with sentiment character restraint, uses for us, in the future must be able to be our strong helps.” “杰斯特、卡夫不可能,费兰……真神三重天之境,暮气沉沉的,从来没见她有过异常,似乎神智不太清醒,也不太可能。或许,应该是他中途见过的什么人,说不定那人之所以出手,是因为他!”丰岢神情一变,认真的思量了一会儿,道:“他绝不简单,娆儿你如果能用情字束缚住他,为我们所用,将来必会是我们的强援。” Feng Rao smiles. 丰娆嫣然一笑。 Un, you go, I think again.” Feng Ke has not continued to closely examine, gentle saying. “嗯,你去吧,我再想想。”丰岢也没有继续追问下去,慈祥的说道。 Feng Rao leaves at once. 丰娆旋即离开。 In spacious stone feast, the Shi Yan side lay down in the window border, the lowering the head bird's eye view the Heaven Punishment City stream of people, in the hand is holding appreciatively that dark blue Stone Qiu who changed from the Fei Lan store, the look has been shining gradually. 宽敞的石宴内,石岩侧躺在窗户边沿,低头俯瞰着天罚城的人流,手中把玩着那从费兰商铺换来的暗蓝色石球,眼神渐渐亮了起来。 Wisp of Divine Sense flies to shoot, submerged dark blue Stone Qiunei, the stone ball gloss has not revealed that the forest was solid, does not have a fluctuation. 一缕神识飞射出来,没入了暗蓝色石球内,石球光泽不显,林实无华,没有一点波动。 The knitting the brows head, he poured does not worry, stares at that Stone Qiu to look at carefully a while carefully, revolution Stars Deep Meaning, Soul Altar slowly is at once turbulent, by Stars Deep Meaning understood clearly the stone ball exquisitely. 皱了皱眉头,他倒也不着急,盯着那石球仔细端详了一会儿,旋即运转星辰奥义,灵魂祭台慢慢动荡起来,以星辰奥义的精妙去洞悉石球内部。 Meanwhile, his chest cavity stars rays of light glittering comes out, changes into the firefly luminous spot, submerges toward the stone ball rapidly. 同时,他胸腔点点繁星光芒闪烁出来,化为萤火虫般的光点,迅速朝着石球没入。 Stars Deep Meaning revolves, with the mind portray stars path, as if space Star Sea achieves the subtle relation. 星辰奥义运转,以心神刻画星辰轨迹,似乎和天上星海达成微妙联系。 Injection of stars energy, making the stemming that the stone ball as if certain average men forever could not see eliminating, that solid stone ball, appeared refers to the spatial pinhole gradually. 星辰能量的注入,让石球内部似乎某些常人永远看不见的堵塞物给清除了,渐渐地,那严严实实的石球,显出一个个指空小洞。 Bang! 轰! Sea of Consciousness does not control self shakes, grips tightly Stone Qiu the left hand fiercely star light winding, his power deep meaning sacrificial altar, was similar to with the stone ball in had the exquisite connection. 识海不自禁的一震,紧握石球的左手猛地星光缠绕,他的力量奥义祭台,如同和石球内部有了精妙的连接。 The star light in vast Star Sea, such as the raindrop is common, the sound soughing of wind falls, converges that stone ball completely. 浩瀚星海内的星光,如雨点一般,索索落下来,全部汇入那石球内部。 In the stone ball pinhole, blooms suddenly the radiant dazzling star light, the penetrating power astonishingly. 石球小洞内,骤然绽放出璀璨炫目的星光,穿透力惊人之极。 pā pā pā! 啪啪啪 Dike of star light illumination, explodes instantaneously pierces broken, Stone windows that he anchors crushes fiercely, this spacious stone chamber, by the place of star light illumination, was struck to pierce, easily accomplished stone smashing. 星光照射的岩壁,瞬间爆碎洞穿,他停靠的石窗猛地粉碎,就连他这宽敞的石室,被星光照射之处,也都被一击洞穿,摧枯拉朽般石头粉碎。 The screams, transmit from under stone chamber fiercely, many Warrior of Feng Ke subordinates responded that as flushed the inquiry to have anything. 惊呼声,猛地从底下石室内传来,丰岢麾下的不少武者反应过来,一个个似冲上来询问发生什么。 A Shi Yan face is startled to allow, to feel the shining stone ball, the eye is getting more and more bright, the corners of the mouth transgress the smiling face gradually. 石岩一脸惊容,摸着星光四射的石球,眼睛越来越亮,嘴角渐渐逸出笑容。 Recommendation white-feathered bird «of Makes God», on the Slaughter God page has the direct bus, everybody can look that the book of heaven white crane is worth pursuing looked, everybody pays attention! 推荐白鸟的《造神》,杀神页面上有直通车,大家可以去看,苍天白鹤的书都值得追看,大家留神!
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