GOS :: Volume #9

#850: Fusion

Dark blue stone ball, Can, if stars, dazzling, sends out one to rush turbulent galaxy energy. 暗蓝色的石球,灿若星辰,璀璨夺目,散发出一股澎湃汹涌的星河能量 In the vast star territory, innumerable star light die, was the rivers converges the sea to spill into that stone ball Center likely, grasped Stone Qiu, Shi Yan Stars Deep Meaning releases, in unusual energy with stone ball achieved the relation. 浩瀚星域内,无数星光陨落下来,像是河流汇入大海涌进了那石球〖中〗央,手持石球,石岩星辰奥义释放开来,和石球内部的奇特能量达成联系。 , Countless bright star light, twine suddenly fiercely to his Divine Sense, all of a sudden his fleshly body restraint. 突地,数不尽的灿烂星光,猛地向他神休缠绕过来,一下子将他肉身束缚 Looked fiercely that he has become a giant stars light cocoon, the whole body is brilliant, such as gigantic diamond, incomparable radiant dazzling, making the person not dare to face up. 猛地一看,他成了一个巨大的星辰光茧,周身绚烂夺目,如硕大的钻石,无比的璀璨耀眼,让人不敢正视。 Boundless stars energy, such as light beams fly from the day, such as the river like the stream, floods in this shatter stone chamber, looks fiercely, this stone chamber such as vicissitude in galaxy, extremely mysterious. 磅礴星辰能量,如一道道光束从天外飞逝下来,如河如溪,充斥在这间破碎的石室,猛地一看,这石室如浮沉在星河之中,极其的玄妙。 Feng Ke, Feng Xiao, Feng Rao and the others, induced the huge change, was the same with these Marauder, gathered. 丰岢丰枭丰娆等人,都感应到了巨大的变动,和那些掠夺者一样,纷纷聚集过来。 Person's shadows, float in stone chamber out of the window that Shi Yan is, amazed looks to the interior. 一道道人影,悬浮在石岩所在的石室窗外,惊诧的看向内部。 One group of radiant light, in the galaxy the vicissitude in stone chamber, flash eye of thorn person, the person eyes that shakes can not long-term opening, the magnificent star light is beautiful, is similar to the space most striking stars is common. 一团璀璨光,在石室内星河内浮沉着,耀目刺人,晃的人眼睛都不能长时间的睁开,瑰丽的星光非常美丽,如同天上最醒目的繁星一般。 Intense stars fluctuation, passes from stone chamber, is released God's Domain that by Shi Yan, spreads out turns into the Outer Territory Star Sea appearance, adsorbs beyond the day unceasingly the stars broken light, lets Star Cluster that his Divine Sense forms, even more eye-catching scary. 强烈的星辰波动,从石室内部传出来,由石岩释放出来的神之领域,衍变成域外星海模样,不断地吸附天外星辰碎光,让他神休形成的星团,愈发的夺目骇人。 This?” The Feng Ke eye shines, turns the head to look to Feng Rao. “这?”丰岢眼睛发亮,不由地别头看向丰娆 Shook the head, Feng Rao is the whole face is also puzzled how I not to know a matter, his cultivation power deep meaning, has stars......” 摇了摇头,丰娆也是满脸不解“我不知道怎么一回事,他修炼力量奥义,有星辰方面的……” Feng Ke: Occupies „......, ` 丰岢:占“……,‘ Isn't the space and flame deep meaning?” Feng Xiao is astonished however. “不是空间和火焰奥义?”丰枭讶然。 Does not have the cultivation flame deep meaning. Space Deep Meaning, is only one type............, Feng Rao explained. “没有修炼火焰奥义。空间奥义,只是一种“…………,丰娆解释。 Feng Ke and Feng Xiao, one and tarries. 丰岢丰枭,一并呆住子。 He should in carrying on the comprehension on Stars Deep Meaning, at this time, cannot be disturbed.” Feng Rao has hesitated, a little indefinite saying. “他应该在进行星辰奥义上的领悟,这时候,不能够被打搅。”丰娆迟疑了一下,有点不确定的说道。 Feng Ke nodded, the complexion sinks to nearby person shouts to clear the way: Draws back, do not delay resting of little brother deep meaning to become aware.” 丰岢点了点头,脸色一沉冲旁边人喝道:“都退下,别耽误小兄弟奥义的休悟。” Marauder that encircles, listening to him to call that draws back to disperse in abundance, a blink time here only remaining Feng Rao, Feng Ke and Feng Xiao three people. 围上来的掠夺者,听他一吆喝,纷纷退散开来,一眨眼功夫这儿只剩下丰娆丰岢丰枭三人。 „Did girl, how many unusual places this boy hide? Actually are you clear?” The Feng Ke forced smile why does not know, I always thought that he is extremely dangerous, can go bad our important matter?” “丫头,这小子到底隐藏了多少奇特之处?你究竟清楚不清楚?”丰岢苦笑“不知道为何,我总觉得他极其危险,会不会坏了我们的大事?” I do not know some of his many unusual places.” Feng Rao shakes the head „, but I know that he should not be our enemies.” “我也不知道他到底有多少奇特之处。”丰娆摇头“但我知道,他应该不会是我们的敌人。” Feng Ke was silent, stares at Shi Yan to look at a while, nodded saying: You leave behind responsible take care of he, I have the important matter to arrange, owlet, comes with me.” The words him and Feng Xiao vanish slowly. 丰岢默然,盯着石岩看了一会儿,才点头说道:“你留下负责照顾他,我还有要紧事安排,枭儿,跟我来。”话罢他和丰枭缓缓消失。 Feng Rao all alone keeps this, the bright eyes glistens, silently looks at Shi Yan. 丰娆孤身一人留在这一块,明眸闪亮,默默地看着石岩 Shi Yan whole body was bound to tie by the star light, such as a giant light cocoon has intense stars fluctuation to clear away, can affect beyond the day galaxy, entrains the innumerable star light, gathers on his Divine Sense. 石岩浑身被星光裹缚住,如一个巨大的光茧其中有非常强烈的星辰波动涤荡,能影响天外星河似的,拽下来无数星光,汇聚在他神休上。 This condition has continued a long time, no longer has the space star light to overflow to descend gradually. 这个状态持续了很长一段时间,渐渐地,不再有天上星光流溢降落下来。 God's Domain evolves the sea of star becomes, disappearance slowly disappears, finally once more appears until this moment Shi Yan Divine Sense. 神之领域衍变而成的星之海洋,也慢慢的消失不见了,直到这一刻石岩神休才终于再次显现出来。 All just like return to normal. 一切俨然恢复正常。 He sits well in the place indifferently, breath is even, closes one's eyes, does not have the difference with average man cultivation. 他漠然端坐在地,呼吸均匀平稳,闭着眼,和常人修炼没有两样。 Without a trace that dark blue Stone Qiu who he gripped tightly, somehow vanishes. 只是他原先紧握的暗蓝色石球,不知怎的消失的无影无踪。 The place of his lower abdomen Essence Qi light group, actually splits under the misty star light lower abdomen, as if forms the marvelous nebula, making the person look askance. 他小腹精元光团之处,却绽出蒙蒙星光小腹下部,似乎形成奇妙星云般,让人侧目。 Some little time, the change of lower abdomen also returned to normal, not having rays of light to glisten the appearance. 好一会儿,小腹的变化也恢复了正常,没有光芒闪亮出现。 Also at this time, Shi Yan woke up spookily, if eye pupil Can the stars, such as the diamond were dazzling. 也在这时候,石岩幽幽醒来,眼瞳灿若星辰,如钻石璀璨夺目。 You how?” Feng Rao asked anxiously. “你怎么了?”丰娆紧张问道。 Pulled the corners of the mouth, Shi Yan has stood indifferently, in examined with rapt attention, the eye was even more bright. 扯了扯嘴角,石岩淡然站了起来,凝神内检,眼睛越发明亮了。 Stars Martial Spirit of his heart place vanished thoroughly, that dark blue stone ball also disappears, however, in his dantian cyclone, besides the clear Essence Qi old tree, were many misty nebulas, in the nebula, the stars, are sending out the eye-catching star light radiantly. 他心脏处的星辰武魂彻底消失了,那暗蓝色的石球也不见了,然而,在他丹田气旋内,除了晶莹的精元古树以外,多了一片蒙蒙星云,星云内,有一颗繁星璀璨之极,散发着夺目的星光。 Stars Martial Spirit and dark blue stone ball, the absorb numerous Strength of Stars fusions are one, has become the nebula in dantian cyclone, spreads out turns into stars. 星辰武魂和暗蓝色的石球,吸纳众多星辰之力融合为一,成了丹田气旋内的星云,衍变成一颗星辰。 That stars are not illusory, in Divine Sense examine, can discover gigantically incomparable, seriously is Outer Territory stars, is containing endless marvelous. 那星辰绝不是虚幻,神识内检,可以发现硕大无比,当真是一枚域外星辰,蕴藏着无尽奇妙。 The star fog is misty, carefully looks like unexpectedly is a piece of galaxy, there is remnant broken stars, had Sun and Moon Stars aura, Stars Martial Spirit in heart seems transplanted, but that dark blue Stone Qiu, as if has become that radiant star in nebula. 星云雾蒙蒙的,仔细看来竟是一片星河,也有残碎的繁星,有日月星辰气息,心脏内的星辰武魂似乎被移植了过来,而那暗蓝色石球,似乎成了星云内的那颗璀璨星星。 The intention moves, when precise power, heaven and earth energy collects, after the fining, flows in the dantian cyclone, emerges the Essence Qi old tree. 心念一动,凝炼力量之时,天地能量汇集过来,精炼后流入丹田气旋,涌入精元古树。 However, at the same time, there is a star light of not being able to see to gather from the day, when he revolves precise heaven and earth energy, emerges the dantian cyclone in the nebula, converges in the broken star and that radiant stars. 然而,同一时刻,也有看不见的星光从天外聚集过来,在他运转凝炼天地能量之时,涌入丹田气旋的星云内,汇入碎星和那璀璨繁星之内。 The thought changes, exits pure Essence Qi from the Essence Qi old tree internal flow, in the meantime, in that nebula transmits bright Strength of Stars unexpectedly, changes into the icy cold stars brook to tremble in his veins internal flow, one bunch of swift and fierce star light shoot fiercely from his fingertip violent. 念头一变,从精元古树内流转出精纯的精元,同时,那星云内蓦地传来明净的星辰之力,化为冰凉的星辰溪流在他筋脉内流颤,猛地一束凌厉的星光从他指尖暴射出来。 The nebula in dantian cyclone, has become the source of his another power, is the same with the Essence Qi old tree, can absorb the energy of galaxy, and can use easily. 丹田气旋内的星云,成了他另外一股力量之源头,和精元古树一样,能够吸收星河之能,并且可以轻易的动用。 That fog misty nebula, seems to be bright, is hovering in the cyclone unceasingly, that radiant stars, give him a energy extremely abundant feeling, so long as if the exquisiteness of Stars Deep Meaning utilization, can use extremely considerable stars power. 那雾蒙蒙的星云,仿佛鲜活的,不断地在气旋内游动着,其中那颗璀璨星辰,给他一种能量极其充裕的感觉,似乎只要星辰奥义运用的精妙,可以动用极其可观的星辰力量 So long as his precise power, the nebula can profit, absorbs the Outer Territory star light to come fast, constantly strengthens in the nebula is containing power. 只要他凝炼力量,星云都会受益,快速吸收域外星光过来,不断地增强星云内蕴藏着的力量 He believes that if battles with the person, even if were the Essence Qi old tree has dried up, Essence Qi did not remain, is relying on Strength of Stars in nebula, can fight once more tenaciously, was insufficient to be at wit's end. 他相信,如果与人交战,即便是精元古树枯竭了,一丝精元不剩,凭借着星云内的星辰之力,也能再次顽强战斗起来,不至于无计可施。 The nebula, has become his another energy source, can gather, can transfer revolution power, mysterious. 星云,成了他另外一个能量源泉,可以聚集,可以调用运转力量,奥妙非常。 All these, are related with the dark blue stone ball that gets to come from the Fei Lan store, he affirmed that Stone Qiu, absolutely is the stars rare treasure! 这一切,都和从费兰商铺得来的暗蓝色石球有关,他肯定,那石球,绝对是星辰异宝! I am very good, is good! You do not need to be worried.” Smiled, Shi Yan comforts Feng Rao to be all right, I in realizing from experience Stars Deep Meaning, now some harvest mouths, were slightly right, I must look for the Ka Tuo management sentiment, after finishing up, comes to look for you again, „ do I accompany you together?” Feng Rao anticipates to say. “我很好,非常好!你不用担心。”笑了笑,石岩宽慰丰娆“没事的,我在体悟星辰奥义,如今略有些收获口哦,对了,我要去找卡托办点事情,完事后再过来找你,“我陪你一起吧?”丰娆期待道。 Shook the head, Shi Yan knits the brows: Ka Tuo that fellow does not like others discovering that his privacy, relax, I will come, Bao Ao their injury restores, I should have a look. Your father is the Star Chart matter is busy, you remain to help him, before waiting for the next leader to marry the collection, I can one and come with Ka Tuo.” 摇了摇头,石岩皱眉道:“卡托那家伙不喜欢别人发现他的隐私,放心,我会过来的,暴骜他们伤势才恢复,我应该看看。你父亲为星图的事情忙碌,你留下来帮他,等下次魁首娶集出发之前,我自会和卡托一并前来。” Good, you, now Divine Punishment Grounds is carefully unsafe, be not sneak attacked by the mean character.” Feng Rao understands at heart some Shi Yan matters do not want to make her know, does not have silly closely examines to be able not to go out of town, try not to go out of town, outside the city is more unsafe Rhett should not to like you, making him know that you have gone out of town, perhaps will start to cope with you, you must know how things stand.” “那好吧,你自己小心一点,现在神罚之地可不安全,别被卑鄙的人物偷袭了。”丰娆心里明白石岩有些事不想让她知道,就没傻的追问下去“能不出城,尽量不要出城,城外更加不安全吧雷特应该不喜欢你,让他知道你出城了,说不定会下手对付你,你要有数。” Un, I understand.” Shi Yan laughed at me to be quick, do not worry, will not have the matter.” “嗯,我明白。”石岩笑了笑“我会很快回来的,别担心,不会有事。” These words said that he jumped to leap, flew from this stone chamber to, fell to the spacious Heaven Punishment City street, shook several to shake in the stream of people, then vanished to disappear. 这番话讲完,他纵身一跃,从这间石室内飞向下方,落向宽敞的天罚城街道,在人流中晃了几晃,便消失不见了。 Feng Rao clearly know he intends to handle affairs alone, naturally cannot stare like the common silly woman is not putting, although was a little worried that Feng Rao remained, frowns the consideration, was worried that he will have the accident. 丰娆明知道他有意单独行事,自然不会像一般傻女人那样盯着不放,虽然有点担心,丰娆却还是留了下来,皱着眉头思量,担心他会有意外。 Dodged in the stream of people continuously several times, the Shi Yan speed has promoted slowly, was shuttling back and forth in the remote street, increasingly estranged. 在人流中连续闪了几次,石岩速度慢慢提升起来,在偏僻的街道穿梭着,渐行渐远。 That dark blue Stone Qiu , helping enormously him, not only forms the nebula in his dantian cyclone, but also made his Stars Deep Meaning promote many comprehensions. 那块暗蓝色石球,对他帮助极大,不但在他丹田气旋形成星云,还让他星辰奥义增进了许多领悟。 He has a feeling faintly, how long possibly could not want, he can rely on Stars Deep Meaning breakthrough to Third Sky of God King Realm. 他隐隐有种感觉,可能要不了多久,他能凭借星辰奥义突破神王三重天之境 Changes the direction unceasingly, crossed some little time, his silhouette stagnates suddenly. 不断地改变方向,过了好一会儿,他身影突然凝滞下来。 Before him, the remote stores, are actually not Ka Fu. 在他面前,有一家偏僻的商铺,却不是卡夫的。 The store front door opens wide, has separated day of time, he goes to return, again walked, is the Fei Lan store. 商铺大门敞开,才隔了一天时间,他去而复返,再一次走了进来,是费兰的商铺。 Internal, Fei Lan is actually not, but the front door is actually opening wide, in the room also many commodities pile up in the counter and roof pinnacle, that unusual small shield, how had not been cared about by Fei Lan attaching great importance to impressively probably. 内部,费兰竟然不在,可大门却敞开着,屋内还有不少商品堆积在柜台和屋角,那一块奇特的小盾牌,赫然也在其中,好像并没有被费兰多么的重视在意。 The line of sight of Shi Yan, walks randomly in the store, falls on that small shield, the brow moved, he deeply inspires, draws wooden stool to sit down at will, eyes closed maintains mental tranquility, is waiting for anything silently. 石岩的视线,在商铺内游走一圈,就落在那一块小盾牌上,眉头动了一下,他深吸一口气,随意拉过一个木凳子坐下,闭目养神,在默默等候着什么。 After half double-hour. 半个时辰后。 In the store rear garden, transmits jumps on Shan's footsteps, the Fei Lan rickets of lethargic the body, is leaning on the walking stick to come tremblingly, the opacitas eye shot a look at his one eyes, neither cold nor hot say|way: What do you make? Said, that shield does not sell.” 商铺后方的庭院内,传来蹦珊的脚步上,暮气沉沉的费兰佝偻着身子,拄着拐杖颤颤巍巍过来,浑浊的眼睛瞥了他一眼,不冷不热道:“你又来做什么?都说了,那盾牌是不卖的。” Shi Yan stands fiercely, respectful good a ritual, said earnestly: Thanks Senior.” 石岩猛地站直,恭敬的行了一礼,认真地说道:“谢谢前辈。” Thanked me? What thanked my?” Fei Lan rubbed the eyes, sits in her previous place, raises head slightly, on neck folds completely, the look doubts said. “谢我?谢我什么?”费兰揉了揉眼睛,在她的老地方坐下来,微微仰头,脖颈上满是皱褶,眼神疑惑道。 Thanked getting rid rescuing of Senior, thanked the Senior stone ball big ritual.” Shi Yan still bends the waist, eye brilliant looks at she, whole face stern. “谢前辈的出手搭救,更谢前辈的石球大礼。”石岩依然弯着腰,眼睛灼灼看着她,满脸正色。 Gets rid to rescue?” Fei Lan laughed at you to make a mistake, my Realm was too low, cannot save you. Stone Qiu, is not the valuable gadget, let alone you have also paid 1000 Divine Crystal, you do not need to thank my anything, you do not owe me.” “出手搭救?”费兰嗤笑“你搞错了,我境界太低,救不了你。那石球,也不是什么值钱的玩意,何况你们还付了1000块神晶,你不用谢我什么,你不欠我。” Shi Yan smiled, does not continue to closely examine me to know that Stone Qiu, is anything, but also asked Senior to be liberal to grant instruction.” 石岩笑了笑,也不继续追问下去“我想知道那石球,到底是什么,还请前辈不吝赐教。” Together star nucleus.” Fei Lan spoke thoughtlessly to reply. “一块星核。”费兰随口答道。 Star nucleus? What is star nucleus?” Shi Yan earnest consulting. “星核?什么是星核?”石岩认真的请教。 Your cultivation Stars Deep Meaning, does not know what unexpectedly the star nucleus is?” The Fei Lan look was strange, has hesitated, explained: As the name suggests, the galaxy is the stars core, is the essence of stars is sheltering the heart of stars, Strength of Stars source, the function of star checkup stars, is similar to the effect of heart on Warrior, is just like the Warrior Essence Qi old tree, is the power root.” “你修炼星辰奥义,竟不知星核为何物?”费兰眼神古怪,沉吟了一下,解释道:“顾名思义,星河就是星辰的核心,是星辰之精庇护着的星辰之心,星辰之力的源头,星核对星辰的功用,类似于心脏对武者的作用,好比武者精元古树,是力量的根源。” Shi Yan eyes suddenly brightened. 石岩双眸暴亮
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