GOS :: Volume #9

#848: The hand of terrifying cannot see

The wind such as the grey smoke hurricane, middle silhouette is together dusky, looks clearly, only cannot induce to one boundless makes an all-out effort abundantly. 风如灰烟狂飙,中间一道身影灰蒙蒙,瞧不清楚,只能感应到一股磅礴雄厚狠劲。 The ash-gray wind is howling, pressure several fold that heavy such as the mountain pushes wells up, suddenly, the hard cliff in lane, suddenly appears the grain, at once blasts open fiercely, the crushed stone like the rain, falls. 灰色的风呼啸着,沉重如山推的压力数倍的涌来,一时间,巷子内的坚硬石壁,突然显出石纹,旋即猛地炸裂开来,碎石如雨,蓬蓬落下。 The grating wind roar, just likes a handle handle shining light blade edge, goes directly to will of the people Sea of Consciousness. 刺耳的风啸,犹如一柄柄明晃晃的光刃,直达人心识海 The Shi Yan God Realm severe pain, suddenly cannot be precise consciousness, the idea cannot transmit Soul Altar, Divine Soul floats erratically, such as was evacuated Sea of Consciousness sacrificial altar. 石岩神境剧痛,一时间连意识都不能凝炼,想法不能传递灵魂祭台,神魂漂浮不定,如被撤离了识海祭台 The wind roar, the pressure that rushes vastly, is extruding the air, spreads the burnt flavor, the crushed stone raindrop falls, each crushed stone, has power of wind to help to rise, all of a sudden becomes heavy over extremely heavy, such as mountain Ruhai, terrifying is fearful. 风啸中,浩瀚澎湃的压力,挤压着空气,传出焦糊的味道,碎石雨点般落下,每一颗碎石内部,都有风之力量助涨,一下子变得重逾万钧,如山如海,恐怖可怕。 In God's Domain of wind, the severe gale howls, the line of sight is unclear, a heaven and earth piece boundless gloomy, heavenly might raids enormously and powerful, the potential must tear the myriad things to be ordinary. 风之神之领域内,厉风呼啸,视线不清,天地一片苍茫灰暗,天威浩荡袭来,势要撕裂万物一般。 Imprisonment!” “禁锢!” The stone almost the roaring rave is getting up, the acoustic shock vault of heaven, the complexion is fierce. 石著几乎咆哮狂吼起来,声震苍穹,脸色狰狞。 The innumerable close space ripple, are centered on his God Body expands fiercely, such as the sea water ripples, instantaneously has become the lineup. 无数细密的空间波纹,以他神体为中心猛地扩张,如海水荡漾出来,瞬间成了阵形。 The space transmits ka ka the bang, such as not can see chains layer upon layer lives to tying up, the sound cannot pass on. 空间传来咔咔巨响,如被看不见的锁链给层层的捆缚住,声音都传不进来。 In his side eyes closed is sitting well Feng Rao, the face sinks like the water, the tall and slender willow-leaf eyebrows such as the sickle is twisting, the jade lip is wriggling, swift and fierce such as the syllable of sword emits, the fierce thorn ties Center that say|way fuzzy silhouette to the front ash-gray wind. 在他身旁闭目端坐着的丰娆,脸沉如水,细长的柳叶眉如弯刀拧着,玉唇蠕动着,一个个凌厉如剑的音节喷吐出来,狂烈的刺向前方灰色风束〖中〗央的那道模糊身影 bo bo bo! 啵啵啵! The dull thumping sound transmits constantly, the Feng Rao deep meaning of illness sound shoots, blasts open in that wind bunch. 闷响不迭传来,丰娆的音之奥义疾射,在那风束内炸裂开来。 The ash-gray mist and dust dissipated much, but the wind bunch slightly has stagnated, gyrates high-speed. 灰色烟尘消散了不少,可风束只是稍稍凝滞了一下,又高速旋动起来。 The strong winds stick out suddenly, sweep across around eight sides, wreaks havoc all around every c cuns (2.5cm) land. 狂风暴起,席卷八方四面,肆虐周遭每c寸土地。 God's Domain that Shi Yan is precise, the imprisonment of space locks, in his strong winds sway under tearing, shakes fiercely, locking of space was broken immediately. 石岩凝炼起来的神之领域,空间的禁锢才锁定,在他狂风吹拂撕裂下,猛地一震,空间的锁定顿时被打破。 The axe that naked eye obvious giant tornados, such as circle in flight, clashes from the space and four directions, the rumor is grating, the fluctuation of energy destroys the hardest defenses simply. 一条条肉眼可见的巨大旋风,如飞旋的斧头,从天上和四方冲来,风声刺耳凄厉,能量的波动简直无坚不摧。 The flagstone of lane ground, was lifted to fly instantaneously, was stirred by the tornado, immediately crushes the stone chip dust, the cliff scrap comes, the space such as by the hurricane submerging, must stir to break to pieces all life flesh and blood to be ordinary. 巷子地上的石板,被瞬间掀开飞起,被旋风一搅,立即粉碎成石屑灰尘,石壁炸碎开来,空间如被飓风给淹没了,要搅碎一切生灵血肉一般。 Feng Rao closes one's eyes, frowns, two have the seal Secret Art, whole body power urges, roar calls out unceasingly. 丰娆闭着眼,皱着眉头,两手结出印诀,全身力量催出来,不断地厉啸暴喝。 The note blasts open, concentrates unceasingly the lightning bolt of white silk, pricks in that bunch of ash-gray tornados maliciously, but still cannot penetrate breaks through, could not injure that person of slightest. 音符炸裂开来,不断地凝成电光匹练,狠狠地刺入那一束灰色旋风内,但依然不能穿透冲破,伤害不了那人分毫。 Realm differs First-Step, is separation of beauty, huge gap as if power is hard to make up, from the start cannot harm one opposite party God's Domain, could not find a flaw. 境界相差一阶,便是天人之隔,巨大的鸿沟仿佛力量难以弥补,压根不能将对方神之领域损害一丝,找不到一点破绽。 xiū xiū xiū! 咻咻咻 Three Bone Thorn such as the evil spirit howls, reveals in the tornado suddenly, tries to rout that to say silhouette. 三根骨刺如厉鬼呼啸,在旋风中骤然一显,试图去击溃那道身影 Wind blade edge void formations, such as the pointed knife sea appeared towering, three Bone Thorn puncture, but blasts open the wind blade edge, cannot injure the Chinese. 一枚枚风刃虚空形成,如尖刀海洋突兀出现了,三根骨刺刺去,只是将风刃炸裂开来,也不能将华人伤害。 Bang! 轰! If the winding that stuffy Thunder Yalai, the rope of violent wind cannot see, the flash, Shi Yan and Feng Rao God Body, was imprisoned, cannot move. 如闷雷压来,猛烈之极的风之绳索看不见的缠绕过来,一霎那,石岩丰娆神体,都被禁锢了,动弹不得。 The thumb thick or thin ash-gray wind rope, appears slowly, tight binding in two people, like the steamed rice dumpling that they twine. 拇指粗细的灰色风绳,慢慢显现出来,紧紧的裹在两人身上,将两人缠绕的有如粽子。 Has been howling the strong winds, cease suddenly, fuzzy person's shadow in that together wind bunch, slowly becomes must be clear. 一直呼啸着的狂风,忽然停息下来,那一道风束内的模糊人影,也慢慢的变得清晰起来。 Fan Ye!” Feng Rao is out of control to drink you to dare coldly Heaven Punishment City, but also dares to come this to flaunt ominously, you think seriously my Heaven Punishment City nobody is inadequate?” 梵夜!”丰娆禁不住冷喝“你竟敢来天罚城,还敢来此逞凶,你当真以为我天罚城无人不成?” Comes person Nine Star Chamber of Commerce Fan Ye, Source God First Sky Realm cultivation base, had once fought with Russell, as if also suffered a loss. 来人正是九星商会梵夜,源神一重天境界修为,和拉塞尔曾经交过手,似乎还吃了亏。 Not long from now, he arrived at Heaven Punishment City unexpectedly, but also sneak attacks to seize deliberately Shi Yan and Feng Rao, bold Bao Tian, regards the Heaven Punishment City custom not to attend. 时隔不久,他居然来到了天罚城,还蓄意偷袭将石岩丰娆擒住,大胆包天,视天罚城的规矩不顾。 Your Heaven Punishment City custom, with my what Gan?” Fan Ye facial expression gloomy and cold, disdains saying: „The cleanness that our Nine Star Chamber of Commerce in cleaning up your Heaven Punishment City, the dirt of your star territories, sooner or later one day kill, trivial Heaven Punishment City, to the city that my Fan Ye must ruin, how will I observe its inside natural law?” “你们天罚城的规矩,与我何干?”梵夜神情阴冷,不屑道:“我们九星商会一直在清理你们天罚城,你们这些星域的污垢,早晚有一日会被杀的干干净净,区区天罚城,对我梵夜来说早就是要毁掉的城池,我岂会遵守它里面的规则?” In the Lie Yan Star Field three big influences, Nine Star Chamber of Commerce most hates to Divine Punishment Grounds, must clean up wholeheartedly cleanly Marauder. 烈焰星域三大势力中,九星商会神罚之地最为痛恨,一心要将掠夺者清理干净。 Nine Star Chamber of Commerce in Lie Yan Star Field is the biggest chamber of commerce, the influence is broad, the business is very big, but Divine Punishment Grounds Marauder, is their business biggest enemy, often loots their merchants, and sells in Heaven Punishment City blatantly, has the enormous influence to them. 九星商会烈焰星域乃是最大的商会,势力广阔,生意很大,而神罚之地掠夺者,便是他们生意最大的敌人,时常洗劫他们的商船,并且在天罚城公然出售,对他们有着极大的影响。 Because nearby Divine Punishment Grounds has innumerable forbidden land, can hide easily, making anybody Divine Sense not catch, Nine Star Chamber of Commerce must use to destroy fully this place. 要不是因为神罚之地附近有无数禁地,可以轻易躲藏起来,让任何人神识捕捉不到,九星商会必会倾尽全力将此地毁去。 You cope with our two juniors, is what skill? You must plant, should look for Russell to revenge, he in city.” Feng Rao angry quirk. “你来对付我们两个小辈,算什么本事?你要有种,应该去找拉塞尔报仇,他就在城内。”丰娆恼火道。 Meeting, Russell naturally cannot run away, he must die without doubt.” Fan Ye sneers „, but you have your values, that spatial phantom crystal where? Initially I saw you to leave by the spatial phantom crystal secretly, the spatial phantom crystal value was enormous, our Nine Star Chamber of Commerce purchased to have big using with great difficulty, did not allow to make one hide to the junior secretly.”, Fan Ye coldly looked to Feng Rao, raises head saying: Heard that Feng Ke quite preciously loves dearly you not to know him to want, received exchange for your life by Star Chart. I will ponder to half singular point time, but the time arrived, if he cannot that Star Chart change players, do not blame me not being impolite.” During the speech, Fan Ye walks step by step, before Shi Yan and Feng Rao body. “会的,拉塞尔自然跑不掉,他必死无疑。”梵夜冷笑“但你们有你们的价值,那空幻晶在何处?当初我见你们偷偷以空幻晶离开的,空幻晶价值极大,我们九星商会好不容易收购过来有大用,绝不允许让一个给小辈偷藏了。”顿了一下,梵夜冷冷看向丰娆,仰头说道:“听说丰岢颇为宝贵心疼你不知道他愿意不愿意,以星图换取你的性命。我会给半奇点时间思考,但时间到了,他若是不能那星图换人,就别怪我不客气了。”讲话间,梵夜一步步走来,到了石岩丰娆身前。 Puchi! 噗哧 The severe gale passed over gently and swiftly together, the Shi Yan neck place splits a bloodstain immediately, has separation to the aorta. 一道厉风掠过,石岩脖颈处顿时绽出一道血痕,离大动脉只有一线之隔。 In Fan Ye fingers, is the wind blade edge comes out together precise, indifferent saying: I must know the spatial phantom crystal the position.” 梵夜手指间,又是一道风刃凝炼出来,冷漠的说道:“我要知道空幻晶的方位。” The Shi Yan eye pupil is scarlet, tranquil looks to Fan Ye, grins: Was broken by me.” The Fan Ye complexion changes, the wind blade edge between fingers like the blade, delimits fiercely to his neck bloodlines. 石岩眼瞳猩红,平静的看向梵夜,咧嘴道:“被我砸碎了。”梵夜脸色一变,手指间的风刃如刀,猛地划向他脖颈血脉。 Lou! 娄! If landslide cracks in the earth, wild, from Shi Yan[ body] in bursts open, the volcano explodes general. 如山崩地裂,一股狂暴之极,从石岩〖体〗内迸开来,火山爆一般。 Ash-gray ropes, were torn instantaneously by him, stimulates to movement fleshly body Immortal Devil Blood power, this moment Shi Yan such as Ferocious Beast gets out of trouble, the imposing manner is wild, Blood Pupil scarlet rays of light dodges, the Death Deep Meaning formation, innumerable negative energy are precise, forms Seal of Death to go toward the Fan Ye bang. 一根根灰色的绳索,被他瞬间撕裂开来,催动肉身不死魔血力量,这一刻的石岩凶兽脱困,气势狂暴惊人,血瞳猩红的光芒一闪,死亡奥义形成,无数负面之力凝炼起来,形成死印梵夜轰去。 Seal of Death such as god of death great hand, Blood Dripping Gem, smell of blood thick cannot melt simply, as if a palm vault of heaven grasping firmly crumb. 死印如死神巨手,血淋琳的,血腥味浓稠的简直化不开来,似乎一掌将天穹给攥住捏碎了。 terrifying ominous severe energy, wells up to come with all sorts of Negative Emotions crazily, first one step gives the influence Fan Ye Soul Altar. 恐怖的凶厉能量,和种种负面情绪一起狂涌而来,先一步将梵夜灵魂祭台给影响。 Shortly, Fan Ye has to place the misconception of scarlet sea to come, complexion fiercely fierce, will not control self will spill over the intense malignant influences. 顷刻间,梵夜顿生身处血色海洋的错觉来,脸色猛地狰狞,不自禁的泛出强烈之极的煞气。 Peng! 嘭! Obstructs the day hurricane to appear fiercely, strikes with god of death superhuman hand Seal of Death, torn to pieces that heaven and earth reacted, the strength of heaven shaking congeals beforehand barrier that strikes Fan Ye. 遮天般的飓风猛地显现,和死神巨掌般的死印碰击,天地震动,惊天之力将梵夜事先凝结的结界击的支离破碎。 energy crazy class[ stirs up] shoots, peripheral dozens rice high buildings, explode to break to pieces loudly, by the power complementary waves exploding the crushed stone, many Warrior was also affected, whole body is appearance of scar comes out. 能量狂流〖激〗射开来,周边数十个米高的建筑物,轰然爆碎掉,被力量余波给炸成碎石,不少武者也受到波及,浑身是伤痕的显现出来。 Fan Ye float silhouette, trembled suddenly trembling, on the face appears the unhealthy red. 梵夜悬浮着的身影,也是突然颤了颤,脸上显出不健康的红色来。 The death hand imprint that Shi Yan precise Immortal Devil Blood explodes, was containing the wild energy broken mountain crack place, was stroked simply including him hoodwinks, barrier that God's Domain formed was blasted open. 石岩凝炼不死魔血爆出来的死亡手印,蕴含着的狂暴能量简直碎山裂地,连他都被一击打蒙了,神之领域形成的结界被炸裂。 In that instant of barrier tearing, he realized that Heaven Punishment City Warrior, presently here sound, definitely will have Expert to come immediately rapidly. 结界撕裂的那一霎,他意识到天罚城武者,将会立即现这边的动静,必然会有强者迅速过来。 Does not want realize seizes to press for an answer disappearance of spatial phantom crystal Shi Yan, captures alive Feng Rao to make Feng Ke hand over Star Chart, right now becomes is almost impossible. 想要不被察觉的将石岩擒住逼问空幻晶的消失,生擒丰娆丰岢交出星图,这下子变得几乎不可能了。 hū hū! 呼呼 Shi Yan breathes loudly, the complexion fierce such as Ferocious Beast bloodstained is crazy, in Blood Pupil bloody glow is bright, Immortal Devil Blood seethes with excitement, the whole body as if gushes out infinite energy, must divulge heartily. 石岩呼吸粗重,脸色狰狞如凶兽染血疯狂,血瞳血光熠熠,不死魔血沸腾起来,周身仿佛涌出无穷能量,要尽情的宣泄出来。 In acupoint negative energy wells up crazily, with the God's Domain perfect fusion that Death Deep Meaning forms, in his Soul Altar under evolving of Death Deep Meaning, the body side as if forms the scarlet sea, the smell of blood soars to the heavens, must submerge general any life. 穴窍内负面能量狂涌出来,和死亡奥义形成的神之领域完美的融合,在他灵魂祭台死亡奥义的衍变之下,身侧似乎形成血色海洋,血腥味冲天,要将任何生灵淹没一般。 Derives the life soul the characteristics, that Fan Ye whole body luminous spot appears quietly, wells up slowly toward God Body of his God's Domain center. 汲取生命灵魂的特性,悄然而起,在不知不觉间,那梵夜浑身光点浮现,缓缓朝着他神之领域中心的神体涌来。 Broken!” “破!” Deeply inspires, his two blood-red, pull fiercely, tore the rope of Feng Rao wind, making Feng Rao also get rid of Fan Ye strength of wu restraint wind. 深吸一口气,他两手血红色,猛地一扯,将丰娆身上的风之绳索撕毁,使得丰娆也摆脱了梵夜的风之力婺束缚 It seems like can only kill you.” Fan Ye has considered for several seconds, the complexion sudden yin cold get down, must display true power, they strikes to kill Shi Yan. “看来只能杀死你们了。”梵夜斟酌了几秒,脸色突然阴寒下来,就要施展真正的力量,将石岩两人击杀。 He has Source God First Sky Realm cultivation base, just a war, whole-heartedly, now had not determined that can also capture alive Shi Yan and Feng Rao, he was also aroused the anger, has gotten down killing idea. 他有着源神一重天境界修为,刚刚一战,并没有全力以赴,如今确定还能生擒石岩丰娆,他也被激起了怒火,下了杀之的主意。 hū hū shouted! 呼呼呼! The strong winds begin, the crack day hurricane gathers all round, in Fan Ye side forming. 狂风再起,裂天般的飓风团团聚集起来,在梵夜身旁成形。 Looks fiercely, Fan Ye such as the giant tornado, nearby total flooding, terrifying power of wind, has covered heaven and earth to raid, did not know powerful compared with the beforehand might many. 猛地一看,梵夜如成了巨大的龙卷风,将附近全部淹没了起来,恐怖的风之力量,遮天盖地袭来,比之前的威力不知道强悍了多少。 Fan Ye urges power unceasingly, under wants the killer. 梵夜不断地催力量,就要下杀手。 However, when he opens mouth to judge when Shi Yan and Feng Rao death penalty, suddenly the face whiten, is covering neck fiercely stubbornly, in the eye appears extremely the color of fear. 然而,就在他张嘴欲宣判石岩丰娆死刑之时,突然脸色苍白,猛地死死捂着脖颈,眼中显出极恐惧之色。 His God Body, strange slides toward the rear extremely fast unceasingly, in the future, has dashed ten stone house, but also is sliding toward the rear area. 他的神体,诡异的朝着后方不断地极速滑行,一路往后,撞破了十来个石楼,还在朝着后方滑行。 It looks like, the hand that not being able to see pinches on his neck, from the sky drags him to slide, making his power unable to display, energy of wind comes out with great difficulty precise , the dissipation of extremely fast. 就像是,有一只看不见的手掐在他脖颈上,在空中拖着他一路滑行,让他一点力量施展不开,好不容易凝炼出来的风之能量,也都极速的消散开来。 Fan Ye of boundary of Source God First Sky, under that power, looks like a dead dog, a revolt leeway does not have. 源神一重天之境的梵夜,在那股力量之下,就像是一条死狗般,一点反抗余地都没有。 Shi Yan and Feng Rao, a face shocks, eye looks at that Fan Ye is increasingly estranged, until not being able to find trail. 石岩丰娆,一脸震撼,眼看着梵夜渐行渐远,直至瞧不见踪迹。 Walks quickly!” Feng Rao wakes up fiercely, shouted to clear the way hurriedly, did not avoid suspicion was holding his hand, flushed to go toward the Green Demon foothold crazily. “快走!”丰娆猛地醒来,急忙喝道,不避嫌的牵着他的手,朝着青鬼据点狂冲而去。 Shi Yan staggers, as she flies, but after staring for a long time, he manner turning head with amazement looked at one in that Fei Lan store direction, the complexion is complex difficult to be bright. 石岩一个跄踉,随着她飞起来,只是在愣了许久之后,他才神态骇然的回头朝着那费兰的商铺方向看了一眼,脸色复杂难明。
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