GOS :: Volume #9

#847: Fei Lan

The master of store, that age enormous old woman, the sleepiness continuous activity a rickets body, has opened eyes slowly, the eye pollution does not have the light, a lethargic appearance. 商铺的主人,那一位岁数极大的老妪,睡意绵绵的活动了一下佝偻身子,缓缓睁开眼,眼睛浑浊无光,一副暮气沉沉的模样。 She by restraint in the True God Realm innumerable years, always cannot breakthrough arrive at God King Realm, seemed numb, lost the confidence to the promotion of Realm, pins the remaining years of life on this small store, probably is waiting for anything. 她被束缚真神境界无数年,始终不能突破神王境,似乎已经麻木了,对境界的提升失去了信心,将余生寄托在这间小小的商铺,好像在等候着什么。 Many people said that she is waiting for her man, that many years ago Divine Punishment Grounds to strong Marauder, vanishes in the place of Lie Yan Star Field border. 很多人说,她在等候她的男人,那一位许多年前神罚之地的至强掠夺者,消失在烈焰星域边沿之地。 That, was once same as Feng Ke in several thousand years, is the Divine Punishment Grounds name to the Marauder chi head that the reality turns over , the influence compared with present Feng Ke strong many, Realm is also profound, the activity region already did not limit Lie Yan Star Field, the tentacle of plundering extends to the star territory border, even hovers in the merchant appearing and disappearing area of other star territory. 那一位,在数千年曾经和丰岢一样,乃神罚之地名至实归的掠夺者魑首,势力比如今的丰岢强的多,境界也高深,活动的区域早已不限烈焰星域,掠夺的触手伸到星域边沿,甚至在别的星域的商船出没区游动。 Perhaps, because he is extremely bold, power is too proud, will suffer the accident, cannot return from the place of Lie Yan Star Field border again. 或许,正是因为他太过胆大包天,力量太强太自负,才会遭受意外,再也没能从烈焰星域边沿之地返回。 For these years, rose many new Marauder leaders, however, including today's Feng Rao, Marauder has not led the influence and method of da sleeve, compared favorably with that person of past years. 这么多年来,重新崛起了不少新的掠夺者首领,然而,包括今日的丰娆在内,没有一个掠夺者领龘袖的势力和手段,比得上当年的那人。 The master of store, the old woman of lethargic, is that only woman, sells the commodity that loots in Heaven Punishment City for him. 商铺的主人,暮气沉沉的老妪,便是那一位的唯一女人,在天罚城内为他贩售洗劫来的物资。 Originally, this store is extremely famous and lively, because that person vanished many years, gradually is quiet, until now, the store is still famous, the commodity that but da sells was scarce, does not have too many people to come the patronage, as if has forgotten this place. 原本,这间商铺极其著名并且热闹,只是因为那人消失了许多年,渐渐的沉寂下来,直至今日,商铺依然有名,但出龘售的物资却稀少了,也没有太多人过来光顾,似乎遗忘了此地。 Feng Rao stopped the tuck dive of goods, frowns to collect, is astonished however said: „ Grandma Fei Lan 丰娆停下了物品的翻腾,皱着眉头凑过来,讶然道:“费兰奶奶 Why doesn't sell? ” 为何不卖啊?” Old woman named Fei Lan, can know her real name in the character of Heaven Punishment City a little influence generally slightly. 老妪名为费兰,一般在天罚城稍有点势力的人物才能知道她的真名。 That small shield “那块小盾牌 My the man gave my small gadget in the past, did not have any special place, but commemorable. ” Fei Lan recalls, the look appears a sea tender feelings honey intent, he if when tired were tired, came back, discovered that I gave my thing to lose him, did not meet happy.” 是当年我男人给我的小玩意,没有什么特别之处,但值得纪念。”费兰缅怀过去,眼神显出一丝海洋般的柔情蜜意,“他什么时候若是累了倦了,回来了,发现我将他给我的东西丢失了,会不高兴的。” The Feng Rao bright eyes appear change countenance expression, is moved secretly. 丰娆明眸显出动容神色,暗暗感动。 Shi Yan has also gawked, carefully looked that is somewhat sigh with emotion to that Fei Lan 1 heart. 石岩也愣了起来,仔细看向那费兰1心中有些感慨。 Came to see this Fei Lan too to be really foolish in them, for one disappearance millenniums people, was defending in Heaven Punishment City silently painstakingly, crossed for a long time so was so long, still missed the caring, even thinks that person was also living, will also come back. 在他俩来看这费兰着实太痴傻了,为了一个消失千年的人,在天罚城默默苦守着,过了那么久那么久,依然挂念惦记,甚至认为那人还活着,还会重新回来。 But this affection, although stodgy foolish, can actually move anybody. 可这一份深情,虽然迂腐痴傻,却能感动任何人。 Feng Rao deeply had been moved, that considers as finished does not sell does not sell, this Stone Qiu, do you sell?” 丰娆就被深深地感动了,“那算了不卖就不卖吧,这石球,你卖吧?” Fair white hands palm spreads out, that dark blue stone ball is unadorned, does not have a energy fluctuation, in any event looked that is only the stones that forms sparsely, is not special, resembles cannot make the person look at one. 白皙的玉手掌心摊开来,那一枚暗蓝色的石球朴实无华,没有一丝的能量波动,不论如何看,都只是稀疏形成的石头,不特别,似不能引人多看一眼。 The Fei Lan pollution unclear eye, took a look at that dark blue Stone Qiu one eyes, has not spoken immediately, silent. 费兰浑浊不清的眼睛,瞅了那暗蓝色石球一眼,没有立即讲话,沉默了下来。 Grandma Fei Lan, this broken ball don't you sell?” Feng Rao is astonished however, thought that has felt strange. 费兰奶奶,这破球你也不卖?”丰娆讶然,觉得奇怪了起来。 She is not first comes to here, on the contrary, when she has not left Heaven Punishment City, but also comes this to stroll frequently. 她不是第一趟来这儿,相反,在她没有离开天罚城的时候,还经常来此闲逛。 In general, the goods small gadget of this store, is inexpensive, before today, she has not listened to here to have the items not for sale to say. 一般来说,这间商铺的物品小玩意,都非常廉价,在今天之前,她也没有听过这儿有非卖品之说。 But the small shield of Shi Yan choice, Fei Lan said does not sell, this rotten stone, she as if also somewhat hesitates, this lets in the Feng Rao heart is very puzzled. 石岩挑选的小盾牌,费兰却说不卖,就连这块烂石头,她似乎也有些犹豫,这让丰娆心中很是不解。 Old Senior, you , if not sell really...... That then considers as finished.” Shi Yan expression is indifferent, silent a while, suddenly optional saying. “老前辈,你若真的不卖……那便算了。”石岩神色淡然,沉默了一会儿,忽然随意的说道。 His eye, still closely falls to that Stone Qiu, looks to that unusual small shield. 他的眼睛,依然紧紧落向那石球,看向那块奇特的小盾牌。 Fei Lan rubbed the eyes, shook the head, sighed one lightly, muttered: Stone ball takes away, I must live, has sat idle and eaten is not the means.” 费兰揉了揉眼睛,摇了摇头,轻叹了一声,喃喃道:“石球拿去吧,我总要生活的,一直坐吃山空也不是办法呀。” How many Divine Crystal?” Feng Rao spoke thoughtlessly to ask, took out several high grade Divine Crystal from Imaginary Space Ring, wanted to hand over. “多少神晶?”丰娆随口问了一句,就从幻空戒取出几块上品神晶,想要递过去。 Her, such rotten stone possible successive together high grade Divine Crystal to be unworthy, but Shi Yan likes, that regards as another matter, she plans to ten high grade Divine Crystal, feels sorry for that old woman. 在她来看,这么一枚烂石头可能连一块上品神晶都不值,但石岩喜欢,那就另当别论,她打算给个十块上品神晶,也算是可怜那老妪了。 You think value many, gives many.” Fei Lan has hesitated, gains ground slightly, actually does not look at Feng Rao, but looks to Shi Yan. “你觉得值多少,就给多少。”费兰沉吟了一下,微微抬头,却不是看丰娆,而是看向石岩 Feng Rao stunned. 丰娆愕然 The Shi Yan brow moves, suddenly silent. 石岩眉头一动,忽然沉默了下来。 After dozens seconds, his brow stretches, inspired slowly, looks to Feng Rao: How many Divine Crystal has your father given your?” 数十秒过后,他眉头舒展开来,缓缓吸了一口气,看向丰娆:“你父亲给了你多少神晶?” 1000, are high grade Divine Crystal.” The Feng Rao complexion is very strange. “1000块,都是上品神晶。”丰娆脸色很奇怪。 Stays behind.” Shi Yan said in a low voice. “都留下吧。”石岩低声道。 The Feng Rao tender body trembles, bright eyes appear amazed unclear doubts rays of light, the heart disorder. 丰娆娇躯一颤,明眸显出惊诧不明的疑惑光芒,芳心紊乱。 The sparse ordinary stone ball, comes to see in her together is not worth a red cent, but in high grade Divine Crystal is containing together energy, enough God King Realm Warrior supplements a loss! 一块稀疏平常的石球,在她来看根本一文不值,而一块上品神晶内蕴藏着的能量,足够一名神王境武者补充一次损耗! high grade Divine Crystal in Heaven Punishment City, can purchase majority of Sacred level medicinal pills together, can purchase one wonderfully moving **, can rent cultivation field half a month...... 一块上品神晶天罚城,可以购买到大部分圣级丹药,可以购买一名美妙动人的**,可以租用修炼场半月…… Thousand high grade Divine Crystal, absolutely is a number of not poor wealth...... In Heaven Punishment City, only then the influence abundant pulling up strange leader, can have such wealth. 千块上品神晶,绝对是一批不菲的财富……在天罚城内,也只有势力雄厚的撩奇者首领,能够持有如此财富。 Feng Ke to win over him has gotten down the initial capital, 1000 high grade Divine Crystal lose, sufficed the heroic spirit to suffice the breadth of spirit absolutely. 丰岢为了拉拢他可谓是下了血本,1000块上品神晶丢出来,绝对够豪气够气魄了。 Feng Rao knows the Divine Crystal value, therefore is unclear, therefore has doubts extremely, therefore hesitant...... 丰娆知道神晶的价值,所以不明,所以极其疑惑,所以犹豫…… Gives her.” The Shi Yan knitting the brows head, has duplicated one. “给她。”石岩皱了皱眉头,重复了一句。 Feng Rao no longer hesitates, not saying a word has shed Imaginary Space Ring, on leisurely place counter, the reminder of good intention: „ Grandma Fei Lan, in Imaginary Space Ring 1000 high grade Divine Crystal, you may probably receive, do not reveal the wealth. 丰娆不再迟疑,一言不发的将幻空戒都褪了下来,轻缓的放在柜台上,好心的提醒:“费兰奶奶,幻空戒内真有1000块上品神晶,您可要收收好啊,别露财了。 Such large amount of money, if were known, perhaps by cultivation base of Fei Lan True God Realm, will draw fire to oneself, therefore Feng Rao raises carefully selects her. 这么一笔巨资,如果被人知晓,以费兰真神境界的修为,说不定会引火烧身,所以丰娆小心提点她。 Fei Lan as if has not heard her reminder, not having the eye of spirit still to stare at Shi Yan, the good half sound, the slight bow, a little not to abandon came out dark blue Stone Qiuna, has pushed to front of Shi Yan, it was you.” 费兰似乎没有听到她的提醒,没有精神的眼睛依然凝视着石岩,好半响,才微微点头,有点不舍的将暗蓝色石球拿出来,推向了石岩面前,“它属于你了。” Under, she also as if thought aloud whispered low voice, it also suits you......” 顿了下,她又仿佛自言自语的小声嘀咕了一句,“它也就适合你……” „The inch thanked.” Shi Yan has smiled, but treasure heavy is good that dark blue Stone Qiushou, bows a ritual, then said to Feng Rao: Walks, we did not disturb the old person.” “啊寸谢。”石岩笑了,珍而重之的将那暗蓝色石球收好,躬身一礼,然后对丰娆道:“走吧,我们不打搅老人家了。” Feng Rao a lot of doubts, amenable nod, has not said anything, follows to leave this store in his behind. 丰娆一肚子疑惑,顺从的点头,也没多说什么,跟在他身后离开这间商铺。 The line of sight of Fei Lan, consistently condenses on Shi Yan, until he disappears to disappear, takes back the vision, silent a while, languid napping, continued the lethargic sleep. 费兰的视线,始终凝聚在石岩身上,直到他消失不见了,才收回目光,沉默了一会儿,又懒洋洋的打盹,继续昏睡了起来。 Why?” Leaves the store, endured for a long time Feng Rao, cannot bear inquire finally that the bright eyes full are puzzled, 1000 high grade Divine Crystal, sufficed you to purchase an extravagant manor in Heaven Punishment City, took a broken stone, was worth really?” “为什么?”离开商铺,忍了许久的丰娆,终忍不住询问起来,明眸满是不解,“1000块上品神晶啊,够你在天罚城购买一处阔绰的庄园了,就拿了一块破石头,真的值得么?” I do not dare definitely to be worth from the beginning.” Shi Yan smiled, „, but hesitation of that old person, making me feel “我一开始也不敢肯定值不值得。”石岩笑了笑,“但那老人家的迟疑,让我觉得 ...... Perhaps I picked the treasure. She does not want to sell, should know that Stone Qiu value, you 1000 high grade Divine Crystal give her the time, I think her not to have an excitement, as if also a little pushes someone take on a difficult job, why do you know? ” ……或许我捡到宝了。她不想卖,应该知道石球的价值,你将1000块上品神晶给她的时候,我看她没有一丝激动,似乎还有点勉为其难,你知道为何?” Why?” “为何?” Because she considers too little.” “因为她嫌少。” Considers too little? Does she also consider too little?!” “嫌少?她还嫌少?!” I thought that she considers too little, will otherwise not have one excitedly excited, but also a little non- sentiment does not hope. Just, she should have no need for that Stone Qiu, can leave da to sell me, perhaps...... Also there is other any reason.” “我觉得她是嫌少,不然不会没有一丝激动兴奋,还有点不情不愿的。只不过,她应该用不着那石球,才会出龘售给我,或许……也有别的什么原因。” Shi Yan is not quite definite, he thought faintly that Fei Lan should know perhaps reason that the marvelous place of small shield, knows the scarlet cloud cluster mark the matter, Fei Lan gives up to trade Stone Qiu, possibly with him saw that the small shield value is related. 石岩也不太确定,他隐隐觉得那费兰应该知道小盾牌的奇妙之处,说不定还知道点血色云团印记的事情,费兰之所以舍得贩卖石球,可能与他看出小盾牌价值有关。 Naturally, all these are his conjecture, he cannot affirm, but a little had a premonition. 当然,这一切都是他的臆想,他也不敢肯定,只是有点预感。 Feng Rao is not stupid, reason that doubts are unclear , because she cannot look at Stone Qiu to have the place of what mystery, only works as is together the broken stone. 丰娆并不笨,之所以疑惑不明,是因为她瞧不出石球有何奥妙之处,只当就是一块破石头。 However, such pointed out to Shi Yan that she awakes to turn around fiercely, the facial expression shakes, „ you 然而,给石岩这么一点明,她猛地醒转过来,神情一震,“你是呃 ...... Stone does Qiu have strange place? ” ……那石球有古怪之处?” A little subtly contacts with my Stars Deep Meaning. Should be able to affirm that Stone Qiu is not every, I think...... Its true value 1000 high grade Divine Crystal, even is much more this price.” Shi Yan has thought that said earnestly. “和我的星辰奥义有点微妙联系。应该可以肯定石球不是凡品,我想……它真值1000块上品神晶,甚至远远不止这个价。”石岩想了一下,认真地说道。 Feng Rao bright eyes one bright, your meaning...... Does Grandma Fei Lan, she know Stone Qiu the value?” 丰娆明眸一亮,“你的意思……费兰奶奶,她知道石球的价值?” I think that she should know.” Shi Yan nods. “我想她应该知道。”石岩点头。 „Does she have True God Realm? If she knows why did not say the mystery of alum ball, then the high price does sell?” “她只有真神境啊?如果她知道,为何不说明石球的奥妙,然后高价卖出?” You should ask her, I am also airtight.” “你应该问她本人,我也想不透。” „......” “……” They were talking in a low voice, arrived at a remote street gradually, in the line of sight had not seen that a pedestrian took a walk. 两人低声交谈着,渐渐来到一处偏僻的石巷,视线内没有看到一名行人走动。 Shi Yan halts suddenly. 石岩突然止步。 Feng Rao also took advantage of opportunity to stop. 丰娆也顺势停了下来。 The wind stagnated, a sad pressure from covers slowly in all directions, as if the windbreak fence is stopping up the pressure, must imprison to deadlock the person. 风停滞了,一股沉闷的压力缓缓从四面八方笼罩下来,仿佛风墙在堵压,要将人禁锢锁死。 power of deep meaning wind! 风之力量奥义! Shi Yan and Feng Rao neglect one, the complexion is gradually dignified, concentrates in quietly body refining power. 石岩丰娆忽视一眼,脸色渐渐凝重起来,悄悄凝炼体力量 From energy of wind pressure on exceptionally, they know that person Realm is extremely high, should be Source God Realm Expert. 从风压的能量异常上,他们知道来人境界极高,应该是源神境强者 The negative energy release erupts, God Body instantaneous is withered, the eye has become the scarlet, the negative malignant influences hurricane, death domain spread gradually came, pressure of tearing wind. 负面之力释放爆发,神体瞬间干瘪下来,眼睛成了猩红色,负面煞气狂飙,死亡领域渐渐的扩散开来,将风之压力撕裂。 Feng Rao does not utter a word to sit, closes eye, is feeling the change of wind direction silently, the red lips is wriggling, low was shouting anything lightly, by the deep meaning of Chaos opposite party God's Domain sound deterrent force. 丰娆一声不吭坐下来,闭上眼睛,在默默感受着风向的异动,朱唇蠕动着,低低轻呼着什么,以声之奥义混乱对方神之领域的威慑力。 Comes the person in Source God Realm, the essence to ventilate the power deep meaning, comes prepared, power powerful, if, will then be carelessly beyond redemption, even meets the Soul Altar collapse. 来人在源神境,精通风之力量奥义,有备而来,力量强悍,若有一个不慎,便会万劫不复,甚至会灵魂祭台崩溃。 Shi Yan and Feng Rao, are fight experienced Warrior, does not realize wonderfully, immediately whole-heartedly, does not dare to hesitate slightly. 石岩丰娆,都是战斗经验丰富的武者,一意识到不妙,立即全力以赴,不敢丝毫迟疑。 When they are ready in full battle array, in their front tunnel turning mouth, the wind leaves wisp of wind, da Yang is binding one person. 在两人严阵以待之时,在他们前方巷道拐口,飙出一缕风,中龘央裹着一人。
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