GOS :: Volume #9

#846: The mark reappears

Feng Rao worries to shout, Shi Yan has not then asked for stops over, is left by Zi Yao and Kashewen here hurriedly, did not have the trail rapidly. 丰娆着急呼喊,石岩便没有讨多逗留,急匆匆由紫耀卡修恩这边离开,迅速没有了踪迹。 Bi Tian one line, also one step went far away first, the Ao Gela present, Aranza and Tie Mu three people had not been arranged, therefore, in this manor, only remaining Zi Yao and Kashewen they. 碧天一行人,也先一步远去了,奥格拉斯、亚兰、铁牧三人没有被安排过来,因此,这一处庄园内,只剩下紫耀卡修恩两人。 Bi Tian and Shi Yan left, Kashewen and Zi Yao did not say for a very long time, the complexion somewhat was serious. 碧天石岩离开了,卡修恩紫耀久久不言,脸色都有些沉重。 For a long time after for a long time, Kashewen sighed Bi Tian to suffice the breadth of spirit seriously! Fierce!” 许久许久以后,卡修恩叹息一声“碧天当真够气魄!厉害啊!” Zi Yao knits the brows does not say. 紫耀皱眉不言。 Bets Shi Yan by daughter's life happily in the future, this unrestrained gambling, if really can achieve, I thought that he will gain greatly!” Kashewen deeply inspires, said seriously: By the potential of that boy, 200 years, sufficiently becomes the Lie Yan Star Field most dazzling fierce and ambitious, even has possibly pressed Bi Tian! If he married Bi Rou, was used the power cultivation by Bi Tian, the speed of this rising also wants to be faster! Fearful, Bi Tian is really fearful! To today, I was a little convinced to this person finally.” “以女儿的一生幸福来赌石岩未来,这场豪赌,真要是能够达成,我看他将会大赚啊!”卡修恩深吸一口气,一本正经道:“以那小子的潜力,200年的时间,足以成为烈焰星域最耀眼的枭雄,甚至可能压过碧天!他要是娶了碧柔,被碧天倾尽力量栽培,这个崛起的速度还要快一些!可怕,碧天真是可怕啊!到今天,我终于对此人有点服气了。” The Zi Yao look appears the bitter and astringent meaning, but sighed lightly. 紫耀眼神显出苦涩之意,无奈轻叹。 The time that she and Shi Yan knows is extremely long, the Shi Yan potential, she is how clearer than anybody. 她和石岩认识的时间极长,石岩的潜力如何,她比任何人都清楚。 When Solar Stars Exploding Fragment Field, Shi Yan only then True God Realm cultivation base, the short less than ten years, he has achieved God King Second Sky! 日星爆碎场时,石岩只有真神境修为,短短十年不到,他已经达到神王二重天了! Zi Yao, only then God King Third Sky Realm, is so long, her Realm stops motionless, Shi Yan actually progresses by leaps and bounds, just had defeated the black corner/horn of deep meaning of cultivation ice, Devil Clan Expert, engages in introspection, Zi Yao has not grasped can win the black corner/horn steadily. 就连紫耀自己,也只有神王三重天境界,这么久,她境界停止不动,石岩却突飞猛进,刚刚又击败了修炼冰之奥义的黑角,魔族强者,扪心自问,紫耀也没有把握可以稳胜黑角。 Such, this time Shi Yan did not draw support the external force as if also had qualifications and power of frontage war with her. 这么来看,今时今日的石岩就算是不借助于外力似乎也和她有了正面一战的资格和力量了。 How long ”... 才多久啊”… Zi Yao secret is thinking, appeared has a little had a headache. 紫耀暗暗的想着,显得有点头疼了起来。 Behind the Ao Gela present has Ao Guduo, but if throws this point, he is inferior to Shi Yan seriously.” Kashewen deeply inspired, the complexion is serious not to drop easily, once this time has missed, you may regret life-long.” 奥格拉斯背后有奥古多,可如果抛去这一点来看,他当真不如石岩。”卡修恩深吸了一口气,脸色沉重起来“别轻易放手,一旦这次错过了,你或许会后悔终生。” Did Zi Yao knit the brows what Uncle Kashewen you to say?” 紫耀皱眉“卡修恩叔叔你想说什么?” In your heart understands that I reminded your one, today's Shi Yan, is not the obscure individual. Including Bi Tian for he goes into action personally, abundant wonderful fully will also win over him, if you do not understand the assurance, forever will lose, you put best into it.” Kashewen sighed, shook the head, said: Walked the Ao Gela present and Aranza they to wait for some time, on the road you think well, um, Ao Guduo approached fast, but Anna also, you thought over is looking.” “你自己心里面明白,我只是提醒你一句,今天的石岩,再也不是无名之辈。连碧天都为了他亲自出马,丰奇也会全力拉拢他,如果你不懂得把握,将会永远失去,你好自为之吧。”卡修恩叹息一声,摇了摇头,道:“走吧奥格拉斯、亚兰他们等了一段时间了,路上你好好想想吧,嗯,奥古多快来了,不过lì安娜也在,你自己掂量着看。” Zi Yao deeply knits the brows, does not say a word, silently follows in Kashewen behind, expression is absent-minded. 紫耀深深皱眉,一言不发,就默默跟在卡修恩身后,神色恍惚。 On the warm feelings street Shi Yan and Feng Rao are walking shoulder to shoulder, once for a while smiles lowly, seems happy. 热络的街道上石岩丰娆并肩走着,时不时低笑,似乎心情不错。 Walks, this store leaves " " the strange thing that sets sail the not to have watermark to sell to be extremely numerous, the lots our Lie Yan Star Field cannot see.” Feng Rao eye one bright, points at to see the shop to smile tenderly, the interest is extremely as if high, smiling looking back looked that you wants the urgency of urination to him the words, I can wait for your a while to again quickly.” “走,这家商铺出「启航冇水印」售的稀奇古怪东西极多,很多东西我们烈焰星域都见不着。”丰娆眼睛一亮,指着一见店铺娇笑起来,兴致似乎极高,笑盈盈的回首看向他“你要尿急的话,我可以再等你一会儿不过要快一点。” In the Feng Rao words has the words, the beautiful pupil glistens, intent has referred. 丰娆话里有话,美眸闪亮,意有所指。 She can bear patiently for hundred years to seek Star Chart in purgatory Star Chart, can emerge in the audiences, naturally is not the jerk. 她能隐忍百年在炼狱星图星图,能在众强中脱颖而出,自然不是愚笨之人。 On the contrary, the Feng Rao plans are still meticulous, are clear-headed. 相反,丰娆依然心机缜密,头脑清醒。 The time that Shi Yan vanishes is too long one after another, before relating strange, in Feng Rao heart bright as snow, knows that he should see any person, Feng Rao is an intelligent woman, has not revealed that also had not asked that but feigns does not know. 石岩消失的时间太长,联系起之前的一连串古怪,丰娆心中雪亮,知道他应该见了什么人,丰娆是个聪明的女人,并没有揭穿,也没有多问,只是佯装不知。 But this does not represent her to disregard seriously, therefore taking the opportunity will tease. 但这不代表她可以当真无视,所以才会借机调侃一下。 Just had urinated, was clean.” Shi Yan is ridiculing, did not wait for Feng Rao saying that flushed away toward that shop on own initiative. “刚尿过,干净了。”石岩讪笑着,不等丰娆多说,主动朝着那店铺冲去。 Is the smart people, sometimes some words do not explain, in the heart is bright. 都是聪明人,有时候有些话不要说明白,心中都亮堂着呢。 The store occupies a land area in thousand squares, on the counters of four square shapes, is standing erect many unusual ores, not well-known medicinal herbs fresh flower, the precious superficial knowledge, in the superficial knowledge has the natural texture, the Demonic Beast skeleton, has the unusual books and so on. 商铺占地千平方里,四方形的柜台上,竖立着许多奇特的矿石,不知名的药草鲜huā,珍贵的皮毛,皮毛上有着天然纹理,还有妖兽骸骨,有奇特的书卷云云。 The general store, on the counter is piling up various goods, many goods not well-known, is also inconsistent including Feng Rao. 杂货铺般,柜台上堆积着各类物品,许多物品不知名,连丰娆也对不上号。 The light energy fluctuation, passes from some ores and Demonic Beast skeletons, not too vigorous formidable, does not have many strange places. 淡淡的能量波动,从一些矿石和妖兽尸骸内传出来,并不太浑厚强大,也没有过多的稀奇处。 Silver-haired always drives, to narrow the eyes to focus drowsily, lowers the head to ignite lightly, the spirit is unsatisfactory, as if has not seen some people to come inmiser Realm not to be high, True God Third Sky, as if by restraint this Realm many years, cannot breakthrough, the appearance appears the mustard is quite old, pins the remaining years of life on the goods of store, has not reignited the hope of breakthrough God King Realm. 一个满头银发的老驱,眯着眼昏昏欲睡,垂着头轻点着,精神不佳,似乎没看见有人进来”老抠境界并不高,真神三重天而已,似乎被束缚这个境界许多年了,迟迟不能够突破,以至于容颜显出颇为芥老,将余生寄托在商铺的物品上,没有重燃突破神王境界的希望。 Lie Yan Star Field is enormous, God King Realm Expert finds at everywhere, Source God Realm also has. 烈焰星域极大,神王境强者随处可见,源神境也有一些。 However, is actually not all True God Realm Warrior can breakthrough God King Realm, compared with the Lie Yan Star Field 1 trillion crowd base numbers, these God King Realm Warrior calculates actually extremely scarcely, many people by the card in True God Realm, cannot for a lifetime the breakthrough threshold. 然而,却并不是所有真神境武者都可以突破神王境,和烈焰星域1000000000000的人群基数相比,那些神王境武者其实算极其稀少的,很多人一辈子被卡在真神境,再也不能突破门槛。 That old pivot shaft, as if is this kind of person. 那老枢,似乎便是这一类人。 Her lowering the head lethargic sleep, was not fearing probably others snatched the store the thing sneaks off, mixes not to care. 她垂头昏睡着,好像也不怕别人抢了商铺的的东西溜走,混不在意。 She is our Divine Punishment Grounds oldest mother-in-law, should have several thousand years old, many years ago, her man is our Divine Punishment Grounds most powerful Marauder leader, it is said in place of truncation Lie Yan Star Field edge merchant, but also has the harvest greatly. But that person vanished for several thousand years, definitely already died, but she in Divine Punishment Grounds, has been responsible for helping her man leave " sets sail the not to have watermark " to sell the looting the commodity, it is said here things our Lie Yan Star Field does not have, naturally, valuable had been purchased truly, now remaining, were selected not the valuable goods of innumerable staying behind, sloppy ordinary.......” “她是我们神罚之地最老的一个婆婆,应该有几千岁了,很多很多年前,她的男人是我们神罚之地强悍掠夺者首领,据说在烈焰星域边缘之地都截过商船,还大有收获。但那人消失了几千年,肯定早已死去了,而她在神罚之地内,一直负责帮她男人出「启航冇水印」售洗劫的商品,据说这儿有些东西我们烈焰星域都没有,当然,真正有价值的都被人购买了,现在剩下的,是被挑了无数遍留下的不值钱货,稀松平常……。” After Feng Rao comes, explained in a soft voiceour as one wishes had a look to be good, may not purchase. 丰娆过来后,轻声解释了一番“我们随便看看就好了,不一定要购买的。 Here has Lie Yan Star Field no material, does that beforehand buyer, what precious thing have to obtain?” Shi Yan spoke thoughtlessly asked. “这儿有烈焰星域没有的材料,那以前购买者,有没有得到什么宝贵的东西?”石岩随口一问。 Snort, it is said some people obtain the extremely valuable treasure.” Feng Rao nodded naturally, is only legend, we have not seen. My father, in the past was also only small Marauder time, she , the legend still before, I am listens to my father saying that actually also did not know real.” “哼,据说有人得到过极其有价值的宝物。”丰娆点了点头“当然,只是传说,我们是没有见过的。我父亲,当年还只是一个小掠夺者的时候,她就在了,传说还在之前,我是听我父亲说的,也不知道究竟是不是真的。” Shi Yan is astonished however, does not have to care, as one wishes in this store seethes. 石岩讶然,也没有太在意,就在这商铺内随便翻腾起来。 Not the well-known ore, many interior do not have energy to fluctuate, cannot see to have what use, the Demonic Beast skeleton, is extremely remote because of the time, can clear, cannot distinguish is what kind Level what kind type Demonic Beast, therefore the value is very difficult partly to break, strange many small gadget, does not have energy aura, cannot look exceptionally. 不知名的矿石,许多内部没有能量波动,看不出有何用途,妖兽的尸骸,因时间太过久远,能够散尽了,也不能分辨出是何种等级何种类型的妖兽,所以价值很难半断,稀奇古怪的不少小玩意,也没有一丝能量气息,瞧不出异常。 In the store, the big size small commodity material has several hundred, does not have energy aura, has, is weak, does not have the value. 商铺内,大大小小的商品物质有数百件,大多数没有能量气息,有的,也非常微弱,没有价值。 Shi Yan does not have what goal, is only purely curious, wants to have a look at the thing of other star territory to be any appearance, such seethes is looking at carefully to examine carefully, emits Divine Sense to try to induce. 石岩也没有什么目的,只是纯粹好奇,想看看别的星域的东西会是什么样子,就这么一个个翻腾着端详细看,放出神识试着感应一下。 A dark blue stone ball, fist size, does not have slight energy to fluctuate, starts extremely heavily, has caused the Shi Yan attention. 一枚暗蓝色的石球,拳头大小,其中没有丝毫能量波动,入手极其沉重,引得了石岩注意。 Dark blue stone Qiu, looks fiercely extremely ordinary, does not have a point uncommon place, does not have the natural grain, but his Divine Sense puts, Stars Deep Meaning actually fiercely starts a weak fluctuation, this Stone Qiu, as if with his Strength of Stars a little subtle relation. 暗蓝色的石俅,猛地一看极其普通,没有一点的不凡之处,也没有天然的石纹,可他神识放入其中,星辰奥义却猛地掀起一丝微弱的波动,这石球,似乎和他星辰之力有点微妙的联系。 Gawked, Shi Yan took silently that dark blue stone ball, placed on the counter, to Feng Rao nodded, said: Stone ball I wanted.” 愣了一下,石岩默默将那暗蓝色的石球取出来,摆放在柜台上,冲丰娆点了点头,道:“石球我要了。” He does not have anxiously by Stars Deep Meaning, explores Stone Qiu the mystery carefully, here is others stores, not too aspect, if Stone Qiuzhen has the mystery, was perceived, wants to purchase again, the price of flower fee is different. 他没有急着以星辰奥义,仔细探索石球的奥妙,这儿是人家的商铺,不太方面,万一石球真有玄妙,被人觉察了,再想购买,huā费的代价也不一样。 Un, you continue to look.” Feng Rao shot a look at that Stone Qiu one eyes, then takes back the vision, does not have extremely to care, squats down slightly " sets sail the not to have watermark " body, same seethes in the store with Shi Yan, wants to choose a different unique small gadget to come out. “嗯,你继续看吧。”丰娆瞥了那石俅一眼,便收回目光,也没有太过在意,微微蹲下「启航冇水印」身子,和石岩一样在商铺内翻腾起来,也想挑选一两样别致的小玩意出来。 Lowers the head, disorderly commodity of Shi Yan under the counter is changing, because all sorts quite unusual goods do not have energy to fluctuate, Divine Sense cannot perceive exceptionally, by him disregarding. 低着头,石岩在柜台底下杂乱的商品内翻动着,种种颇为奇特的物品因为没有能量波动,神识也觉察不出异常,都被他给无视掉。 Quick, he has traded a direction, went to another pile of grocery places. 很快的,他又换了一处方向,去了另外一堆杂货处。 The small shield of starting yin cold, falls into his control together suddenly, that small shield is compact size, only then face size, appears fine exquisite, even is a little lovable. 一块入手阴寒的小盾牌,忽然落入他手心,那小盾牌是袖珍型的,只有人脸大小,显得精致小巧,甚至有点可爱。 The small shield is blue, starting yin cold are smooth, Divine Sense sinks does not have energy to fluctuate to transmit, the surface of shield does not have the trace, does not have trace that formation engraves. 小盾牌青褐色,入手阴寒光滑,神识沉入其中没有能量波动传来,盾牌的表面也没有纹路,没有阵法镌刻的痕迹。 Shi Yan has swept one, does not have extremely to care, momentarily throws to one side. 石岩扫了一眼,也没有太过在意,随时扔向一边。 Works as! 哐当! The small shield has made a sound in one pile of junks , the Shi Yan line of sight looked at one, suddenly the complexion stagnates. 小盾牌在一堆杂物中响了下,石岩视线瞄了一眼,忽然脸色一滞。 One side that azure brown small shield, appears a mark, five scarlet cloud clusters! 在那青褐色的小盾牌一面,显出一个印记,五朵血色云团! With the mark of his Divine Soul forehead, exactly the same! 和他神魂额头的印记,一模一样! Shi Yan, his complexion in vain is with amazement dignified, because just he carefully had inspected, the pro and con of that small shield, do not have the mark to exist, is smooth smooth. 石岩骇然,他脸色徒然凝重起来,因为刚刚他仔细检查过,那小盾牌的正反两面,都没有印记存在,都是光滑平整。 However, he started to touch, after discarding conveniently, had the strange mark to appear, what situation was this? 然而,他入手摸了一把,随手扔掉以后,却有了奇异印记显现出来,这是什么一个情况? None who does not becomes, because of his reason? 莫不成,是因为他的原因? Shi Yan deeply inspired, urged itself to calm down secretly, expression gradually returned to normal, put out a hand to take that small shield. 石岩深吸了一口气,暗暗叮嘱自己冷静下来,神色逐渐恢复正常,又伸手将那小盾牌拿了起来。 The small shield starts, the mark of that five scarlet cloud clusters, under his vision brilliant focuses attention on, gradual changes pale, unexpectedly little vanished, is only that shield...... Yin Cold even more. 小盾牌入手,那五朵血色云团的印记,在他目光灼灼注目下,逐渐的变淡,竟一点点的消失了,只是那盾牌……愈发的阴寒了起来。 Shi Yan of full belly doubts, has gawked a while, suddenly also places Stone Qiuchu that azure brown small shield, this I also wanted to Feng Rao nodded.” 满肚子疑惑的石岩,愣了一会儿,忽然将那青褐色小盾牌也放在石球处,冲丰娆点了点头“这个我也要了。” Young fellow, was sorry very much, that small shield does not sell.” In this time, slept soundly the period of time master to awake to turn around, saying of sleepy eyes awake niu. “小伙子,很抱歉啊,那小盾牌不卖的。”就在此时,酣睡了一阵子的主人醒转过来,睡眼惺忸的说道。 Shi Yan stunned. 石岩愕然
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