GOS :: Volume #9

#845: Bets your future!

Meets once more, Shi Yan does not know that should say anything. 再次相见,石岩也不知道该说些什么。 Distinguishes after the Zi Yao star, Zi Yao since the day star, but Shi Yan under her arrangement, goes to the purgatory star to participate said extremely the purgatory field disciplines. 紫耀星分别以后,紫耀进入天涅星,而石岩则是在她的安排下,前往炼狱星参加极道炼狱场磨练。 On the way, War Chariot explodes broken, forms the wild violent darkness to kill the magnetism to explode, he almost meets a cruel death. 途中,战车爆碎,形成狂暴猛烈的暗殛磁爆,他差点粉身碎骨。 He can affirm that starting decides in secret however is Ao Gela! 他可以肯定,暗中下手者定然便是奥格拉斯! Arrives at the purgatory star soon, Ao Guduo suddenly strong must kill him, said that he colludes with blood slaughter Ka Tuo to try to plot to murder Zi Yao, if not Anna comes out to prevent, he should already[ hundred degree celsius post first round] died. 来到炼狱星不多久,奥古多忽然强势的要杀他,说他勾结血屠卡托试图谋害紫耀,如果不是lì安娜出来阻止,他应该已经[百度贴吧首发]死了。 Twice the condition of most bad risk, and Ao Gela has the enormous connection, but Zi Yao comes Heaven Punishment City today, still has taken Ao Gela, she has not punished Ao Gela obviously, has regarded an extremely important board game piece Ao Gela. 两次最凶险的境况,都和奥格拉斯有着极大的关联,可今天紫耀前来天罚城,依然带上了奥格拉斯,她明显没有惩治奥格拉斯,还是将奥格拉斯当成了一枚极其重要的棋子。 Perhaps, Ao Gela the value in the Zi Yao eye, is still larger, perhaps is also she abstains from the Ao Guduo influence and power...... 或许,在紫耀眼中奥格拉斯的价值,依然要大的多,也或许是她忌讳奥古多的势力和力量…… Regardless of a that situation, to victim Shi Yan, cannot get over an emotion, so long as Ao Gela also keeps side Zi Yao, in his heart is uncomfortable. 不论那一种情况,对受害者石岩来说,都是不能释怀的,只要奥格拉斯还留在紫耀身旁,他就心中不舒服。 Princess, the Heaven Punishment City bad risk not measured, if you do not have enough power and assurance, should better morning a point leave.” “公主殿下,天罚城凶险莫测,如果你们没有足够的力量和把握,最好早一点离开。” The Shi Yan silent half sound, said suddenly. 石岩沉默半响,忽然说道。 Zi Yao beautiful pupil dim one point you? Can you leave with me together?” 紫耀美眸黯淡了一分“你呢?你会不会和我一道离开?” If you pursued Ao Gela, I may.” A Shi Yan brow wrinkle I twice was almost harmed by him, he must still, me sleep on pins and needles in your side.” “如果你驱逐了奥格拉斯,我或许会。”石岩眉头一皱“我差点两次被他所害,他要还在,我在你身旁寝食难安。” „Are you definitely he?” Zi Yao spooky say|way. “你肯定是他?”紫耀幽幽道。 Shi Yan gives a calm smile by princess's wisdom, is impossible unable to see him to my hatred, regardless of side you keep him stemming from the what kind reason, I will be uncomfortable, will not fight side-by-side with him. Both of us, must decide life and death sooner or later.” 石岩淡然一笑“以公主殿下的智慧,不可能看不出他对我的恨意,不论你出于何种原因将他留在身边,我都不会舒服,也不会和他并肩作战。我们俩,早晚要一决生死的。” A Zi Yao face is bitter and astringent Ao Gela with my many years, not having the merit also to have the efforts, is also known as in the Zi Yao star wisely, I have not really given a pretext pursue him. Also, his behind also wanted Ao Guduo, do you give me to select the time to be good?” 紫耀一脸苦涩“奥格拉斯跟我多年,没有功劳也有苦劳,在紫耀星也素有英明,我实在没有借口驱逐他啊。再说了,他身后还要奥古多,你给我点时间好不好?” I cannot beg princess anything.” Shi Yan smiled „, but I sincerely princess to my help, but treats Ao Gela I not to be lenient, if he continues to keep Heaven Punishment City, most likely...... I will kill him.” “我不能央求公主什么。”石岩笑了笑“但我会谨记公主对我的帮助,但对待奥格拉斯我不会手软,他如果继续留在天罚城,保不定……我会杀了他。” You, what do you are relate with that Feng Rao?” Zi Yao black eyebrows permits Shi Yan to be astonished however, mixes shaking the head of does not care about, loses says with a smile: This and don't you have too to relate? What woman pursues, is my[ from] by, you doesn't have the right and necessity of interference?” “你呢,你和那丰娆又是什么关系?”紫耀黛眉微允石岩讶然,混不在意的摇了摇头,失笑道:“这和你没有太多关系吧?追求什么女人,是我的〖自〗由,你没有干涉的权利和必要吧?” She is Marauder!” Zi Yao drinks lowly. “她是掠夺者!”紫耀低喝。 Which how?” Shi Yan said at will. “哪又如何?”石岩随意道。 Divine Punishment Grounds Marauder, is in three big self-seeking attitudes punctures in the meat to sew, is our enemies. You and she arrive together, is and our tripartite trend opposite!” Zi Yao shouted to clear the way. 神罚之地掠夺者,是三大势力眼中刺肉中钉,是我们的敌人啊。你和她走到一块儿,便是和我们三方走向对立面!”紫耀喝道。 Which how?” Shi Yan asked again. “哪又如何?”石岩再问。 Mouth flash inspired, smiles bitterly does not speak. 嘴耀吸了一口气,苦笑不语。 chi chi chi! 嗤嗤嗤 Marvelous electric current magnetism moves, stirs up da to shoot suddenly in neighbor, the electric current such as the slight flame splash, appears slowly in nearby house corner. 奇妙的电流磁动,在附近突然激龘射起来,电流如细微的火苗飞溅,在旁边的屋舍角落慢慢显现出来。 What person?!” In not far away stone chamber, transmits Kashewen suddenly drinks lowly, at once the gust of wind howls, silver-white silhouette appears together fiercely. “什么人?!”不远处的石室内,突然传来卡修恩的低喝,旋即疾风呼啸,一道银白色的身影猛地显现。 Sir Kashewen has been well since last meeting.” Shi Yan bows slightly. 卡修恩大人别来无恙。”石岩略略躬身。 Kashewen nodded, the complexion is dignified, whole body exposes the wind to roar the fluctuation. 卡修恩点了点头,脸色凝重,周身展露出风啸波动。 pa pa! 啪啪 ** Stone Gate of institute explodes to break to pieces, one line of ten people file , the manner sprinkles however, is one person, the height body expands, the aquiline nose, the eye socket gets sucked, a sinister and vicious uninhibited haughty appearance. 一间**院的石门爆碎开来,一行十来人鱼贯而入,神态洒然,为首一人,身高体扩,鹰钩鼻,眼眶深陷,一副阴鸷不羁的狂傲模样。 In his behind, Alchemist master Allard and Bi Rou appear impressively, is the facial expression surprise, is sizing up Shi Yan secretly. 在他身后,炼药师阿拉德和碧柔赫然显现出来,皆是神情诧异,暗暗打量着石岩 Shi Yan also stares, fiercely is at once discrete, hit fully the spirit, at any time standing by. 石岩也是微愣,旋即猛地谨慎起来,打足了精神,随时准备战斗。 Bi Tian!” 碧天!” Kashewen and Zi Yao they, simultaneously startled shout, expression are startled change. 卡修恩紫耀两人,同时惊喝一声,神色惊变。 In Hidden League, Bi Tian is under one person powerful roles above ten thousand people, Source God Second Sky Realm cultivation base, wants high to plan compared with Kashewen, the family influence is huge, wields the stars of several fertile life, the subordinates master like clouds. 幽盟中,碧天乃是一人之下万人之上的强悍角色,源神二重天境界修为,比卡修恩还要高一筹,家族势力庞大雄厚,执掌数个肥沃的生命之星,麾下高手如云。 Bi Tian Hidden League Earth Realm, endures compared with Anna, Ao Guduo in the Dark Sky God Country power and influence, is Lie Yan Star Field shakes tyrant outstanding person of vault of heaven. 碧天幽盟地位,堪比lì安娜、奥古多天涅神国的权势,都是烈焰星域名震苍穹的霸绝人物。 Kashewen, saw that I am very strange?” The Bi Tian complexion is desolate, the stance of selfish line, acting in a completely informal or uninhibited manner you scheme Star Chart, I am also naturally interested to Star Chart, everybody goal is the same, you come, I naturally also come.” 卡修恩,见到我很奇怪么?”碧天脸色冷淡,自顾自的行来,一副旁若无人的架势“你们图谋星图,我自然也对星图有兴趣,大家目的都一样,你们来得,我自然也来得。” You come is actually quick enough.” After Kashewen one startled, calms down rapidly, nodded „, since the goal is the same, what you do come this place to make? None who does not becomes, you also want to collaborate with me, in Star Chart the Feng Ke hand seizes together inadequately?” “你来的倒是够快的。”卡修恩一惊之后,迅速冷静下来,点了点头“既然目的一样,你来此地做什么?莫不成,你还想与我联手,一起将丰岢手中星图夺来不成?” Bi Tian hollow laugh, shook the head I to be the same with Feng Ke Realm, wants to win him not to be easy, but you only then Source God First Sky Realm, could not help too many busy. After all, Russell, Jie Nong and your Realm are consistent, therefore I come not to ask you to cooperate, um, if Anna here, I have the interest of cooperation actually.” 碧天干笑一声,摇了摇头“我和丰岢境界一样,想要胜他可不容易,而你只有源神一重天境界,帮不了太多忙的。毕竟,拉塞尔介侬和你境界一致,所以我过来不是想找你合作,嗯,如果是lì安娜在此,我倒是真有合作的兴趣。” The meaning of his these words, was said obviously Kashewen was inferior to Anna to be formidable. 他这番话的意思,明显是说卡修恩不及lì安娜强大。 Kashewen not Life Qi/angry, on the contrary, but also smiledand Sir Anna low 卡修恩并不生气,相反,还笑了笑“和lì安娜大人相低 I indeed weak many N, since to all not do...... Why does Qing come? ” 我的确弱了不少N嗯,既然不是为了全作……那稞因何而来?” Because of him.” A Bi Tian conveniently finger, point to Shi Yan, complexion one positive, said solemnly and respectfully: Shi Yan? Initially you were our Hidden League have the connection first, was only the daughter is stubbornly disobedient, somewhat was at that time crude to you, I apologized for her first.” “因为他。”碧天随手一指,点向了石岩,脸色一正,肃穆说道:“石岩是吧?当初你是和我们幽盟先有关联的,只是小女顽劣,当时对你有些粗暴了,我先替她道歉。” , Bi Tian turned the head to shoot a look at Bi Rou one, shouted to clear the way lowly: Supple!” 顿了一下,碧天别头瞥了碧柔一眼,低喝道:“柔儿!” The Bi Rou simple and beautiful facial features appeared shyly are not willing, to lower the head, have struggled, the willow waist was light, sorry toward a Shi Yan ritual, the past years was we have made the mistake, I apologized to you.” 碧柔清丽的面容显得扭捏不愿,垂着头,挣扎了一下,才柳腰轻弯,朝着石岩一礼“对不起,当年是我们做错了,我向你道歉。” Shi Yan Little Brother, is broad-minded, is broad-minded.” Alchemist master Allard, is all smile, cups one hand in the other across the chest to bow in salute again and again, manner good serious. 石岩小哥,海涵,海涵啊。”炼药师阿拉德,满脸堆笑,连连拱手作揖,态度好的不得了。 Kashewen has tarried, Zi Yao has gawked, Shi Yan is also a bewilderment of face. 卡修恩呆住了,紫耀愣了,石岩也是一脸的莫名其妙。 Bi Tian, are you which of lane?” Kashewen silent, suddenly the strange inquiry said. 碧天,你这是弄的哪一出?”卡修恩沉默了一下,突然古怪的询问道。 cough cough!” Bi Tian coughs lightly, deeply inspires, the complexion is gradually dignified, looks earnestly to Shi Yan, said: Little brother, you thinks my daughter...... Appearance how?” 咳咳!”碧天轻咳一声,深吸一口气,脸色渐渐凝重起来,认真地看向石岩,道:“小兄弟,你觉得我女儿……长相如何?” Shi Yan, Kashewen and a Zi Yao face delay. 石岩卡修恩紫耀一脸呆滞。 Bi Rou snow white neck flood red, shames angry is staring Shi Yan, clenches teeth secretly, bright eyes overflowing full anger and not indignation. 碧柔雪白脖颈泛红,羞恼的瞪着石岩,暗暗咬牙,明眸溢满怒意和不忿。 Is very good, simple and beautiful beautiful appearance, is very pretty.” Shi Yan subconscious reply, a lot of puzzled. “很好啊,清丽美貌,很靓丽。”石岩下意识的回答,一肚子的不解。 Bi Tian pulls the mouth to smile, waves the arms about saying: That was right, I want to betroth the daughter to you, how do you see?” 碧天扯嘴一笑,甩手道:“那就对了,我想将小女许配给你,你怎么看?” The Bi Rou bright eyes several want to torch, shakes the head toward Shi Yan behind Bi Tian again and again, hints him do not comply, almost must call out in alarm. 碧柔明眸几欲喷火,在碧天背后朝着石岩连连摇头,示意他不要答应,差点都要惊叫起来了。 Kashewen and Zi Yao they, the body trembles, a face unthinkable looks to Bi Tian, suddenly also responded that does not come. 卡修恩紫耀两人,身子一颤,一脸匪夷所思的看向碧天,一时间也反应不过来了。 My daughter beautiful appearance is moving, my Bi Tian is also Hidden League greatly commands, regardless of sees compared with his Feng Ke status noblly? You marry my daughter, marrying that Marauder must minus is too more troublesome, how do you see?” Bi Tian is having a smile, has hesitated, Hehe said: Naturally, Princess Zi Yao prettier, the status is also nobler, but I think...... Du Tianji such as my so heroic spirit, will not marry the princess to you. Therefore, my this choice, to you appropriate, did you say?” “我女儿美貌动人,我碧天也是幽盟大统领,不论怎么看都比他丰岢身份高贵一点吧?你娶我女儿,比娶那掠夺者要少掉太多麻烦,你怎么看?”碧天含笑着,迟疑了一下,又嘿嘿说道:“当然,紫耀公主更加貌美,身份也更加高贵,但我想……镀天奇不会如我这般豪气,会将公主下嫁给你。所以嘛,我这个选择,对你来说更加的合适,你说呢?” Kashewen, Shi Yan and Zi Yao three people, dumbstruck, Bi Tian behind several Warrior, is expression strangely. 卡修恩石岩紫耀三人,目瞪口呆,就连碧天身后几名武者,也是神色古怪之极。 Bi Tian behind Bi Rou, shakes the head unceasingly, anxious extremely, hinted him quickly to reject, as if she had the object of admiring, does not want to become her father wins over the potential Expert chip. 碧天身后碧柔,不断地摇头,焦急万分,示意他赶快拒绝了,似乎她有心仪的对象,不想成为她父亲拉拢潜力强者的筹码。 Dull for a long time Shi Yan, silently looks to Bi Tian, looks at Bi Rou, why deeply inspired „? Why chooses me?” 呆愣许久的石岩,默默看向碧天,又望了望碧柔,深吸了一口气“为什么?为什么选择我?” Your present Realm, although insufficiently looks, actually after not representative, I believe that so long as you are living well, later can be a Lie Yan Star Field side overlord!” If day neat reply I bet your future!” “你现在境界虽然不够看,却不代表以后,我坚信只要你好好活着,以后会是烈焰星域一方霸主!”若天干脆利落的回答“我赌你的未来!” The Kashewen facial expression shakes, the eye has shone fiercely, shouted to clear the way: Bi Tian, your good method! Has saying that I admire you very much! Really worthily is a side fierce and ambitious, you suffice the breadth of spirit!” 卡修恩神情一震,眼睛猛地亮了起来,喝道:“碧天,你好手段!不得不说,我很佩服你!果然不愧是一方枭雄,你够气魄!” Zi Yao also responded that tender body trembled. 紫耀也反应过来,娇躯微颤。 Bi Tian this carries on a unrestrained gambling, with daughter lifelong happy with his abundant influence, bets the Shi Yan future! 碧天这是进行一番豪赌,用女儿的终身幸福和他的雄厚势力,去赌石岩的未来! He believes that future Lie Yan Star Field, Shi Yan can be the most dazzling person, therefore wins over to be on good terms ahead of time, even does not hesitate with the own daughter's happiness , because he has settled on, future Shi Yan, can be Expert of Fang Damo great owlet rank. 他坚信未来的烈焰星域,石岩会是最耀眼的一人,所以提前拉拢交好,甚至不惜用亲身女儿的幸福,就是因为他看准了,未来的石岩,会是一方大魔巨枭级别的强者 The courage of this person of method, grand of breadth of spirit, really astonishingly. 此人手段之果敢,气魄之雄阔,果然惊人之极。 To this moment, Kashewen and Zi Yao they understood, because understood, therefore in the heart sends coldly, is the method shock of Bi Tian. 到了这一刻,卡修恩紫耀两人都明白了过来,因为懂了,所以心中发寒,为碧天的手段震惊。 You married my daughter, is my Bi Tian person, all my cultivation resources pave the way for you, you want any me to give anything!” Bi Tian expression is serious by your intelligence, believes that does not need too for a long time, to be able breakthrough to Source God Realm! I believe that could not need 200 years, Lie Yan Star Field then to have your small space, I do not know that had the person such as I same to regard as important you, but I believe how I most did have sincerity you to say?” “你娶了我女儿,便是我碧天的人,我所有修炼资源为你铺路,你要什么我给什么!”碧天神色严肃“以你的资质,相信不需要太久,就可以突破源神境!我相信要不了200年,烈焰星域便会有你一席之地,我不知道有没有人如我一样看重你,但我相信,我是最有诚意的一个你怎么说?” Can give me to select the time to consider?” Shi Yan for a long time, said silent suddenly. “能给我点时间考虑么?”石岩沉默许久,忽然道。 That side, the vision brilliant has been staring at him, hints him Bi Rou that hurries to reject, listened to his such saying, the tender body shook, the bright eyes appeared the extremely deep hate shame angry, such as the small tigress was common, as if must clash threateningly, the mouth of Shi Yan tearing to pieces. 那边,一直目光灼灼盯着他,示意他赶紧拒绝的碧柔,听他这么一说,娇躯一震,明眸显出极深的怨恨羞恼,如小母老虎一般,似乎要张牙舞爪的冲上来,将石岩的嘴给撕烂。 Bi Tian deeply looks to him, for a long time, cracks into a smile, nodded: Good, I give you time consideration.” 碧天深深看向他,许久后,才咧嘴一笑,点了点头:“好,我给你时间考虑。” Did not disturb everybody.” He looks to Kashewen and Zi Yao, said indifferently, then turns around to go toward the outside line, his subordinates Expert, follows silently, from beginning to end does not have one person to talk too much. “不打搅各位了。”他看向卡修恩紫耀,淡然说了一句,便转身朝着外面行去,他麾下强者,默默跟随,从头至尾没有一人多嘴一句。 Only then that Bi Rou, draws quietly finally, when vanishes after him, secretly crops up, is staring Shi Yan behind Stone Gate bitterly, clenches jaws saying: Do not have a dream! I die will not marry you!” The words, Bi Rou gentle and charming silhouette also gradually vanished. 只有那碧柔,悄悄拉到最后,待到他消失以后,才偷偷冒头出来,在石门后侧恨恨瞪着石岩,咬牙切齿道:“你别做梦了!我死也不会嫁给你!”话罢,碧柔的娇柔身影也逐渐的消失了。 Also in this time, the Feng Rao call transmits, does not come out because of him for a very long time, Feng Rao started to worry. 也在此时,丰娆的呼声传来,因他久久不出来,丰娆开始着急了。
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