GOS :: Volume #9

#844: Zi Yao hidden bitterness

In a place ice sludge, Shi Yan knitting the brows is standing, Divine Sense wanders in the noise crowd, the mind palpitated. 一地碎冰中,石岩皱眉站着,神识游荡在喧嚣人群中,心神悸动了一下。 His line of sight has loafed in the crowd, has a sleep suddenly, eye slightly one bright, some discovery, did not have the attention to fall to the direction that he induces. 他的视线在人群中游荡了一圈,忽有所觉,眼睛微微一亮,有了发现,却没有将注意力落向他感应的方向。 In Solar Stars Exploding Fragment Field mystical forbidden land, he and Zi Yao is together toward the sword for a long time, and has restored the Zi Yao injury using the life deep meaning, to her life magnetic field, Shi Yan is extremely familiar. 日星爆碎场神秘禁地内,他和紫耀朝剑相处许久,并且利用生命奥义恢复过紫耀的伤势,对她的生命磁场,石岩是极其熟悉的。 With the black corner/horn battle, his Divine Sense unprecedented brightness, all around all slight trend captures, in that moment, he will know Zi Yao then in the crowd. 和黑角交战中,他神识空前的明净,将周遭一切细微动向捕捉,也在那一刻,他知道紫耀便在人群中。 Zi Yao as the Dark Sky God Country princess, in Heaven Punishment City, once exposes the status to come out, definitely will annoy greatest not to have to be troublesome. 紫耀身为天涅神国的公主,在天罚城一旦暴露身份出来,必然会惹来莫大冇麻烦。 In his heart the stomach is bright. 他心中肚明。 Therefore, induced the Zi Yao direction obviously, he has not paid attention to look that is worried to cause others' attention, will make the Zi Yao status expose ahead of time. 因此,明明感应了紫耀的方向,他没有留神去看,担心引得别人的注目,会让紫耀身份提前曝光。 This battle because of Barrett leaves to leave, drops the prologue slowly, is laughing abundantly wonderfully, seems to be happy, the speaker shouted to clear the way high: Everybody diverges, do not continue to stay, um, all invited leaders, but also please leave behind a to chat, I ask you to have the important matter business stubble.” 这一场争斗因巴雷特的抽身离开,缓缓落下序幕,丰奇哈哈大笑着,心情似乎不错,扬声高喝道:“各位散去吧,不要继续呆着了,嗯,各方受邀的魁首,还请留下一叙,我找你们有要事商楂。” He spreads message, making the Divine Punishment Grounds all parties leaders gather, to discuss the important matter of nova territory. Barrett goes crazy suddenly, had such a fight, now the dust falls completely ’ to probably straighten out, the miscellaneous personnel cannot certainly continue to remain. 他传出讯息,让神罚之地各方魁首聚集过来,是为了商谈新星域的要事。只是巴雷特突然发疯,才有了这么一遭战斗,如今尘埃落尽’一切要步入正轨,闲杂人等当然不能继续留下来。 Abundant wonderful such called that locates respectively the Stone Gate mouth Green Demon Marauder guard, starts to catch up with the person following his words. 丰奇这么一吆喝,各处石门青鬼掠夺者守卫,顺着他的话开始赶人。 Not Heaven Punishment City Warrior that was invited by outside, has to leave to leave under the abundant wonderful deterrent, then has Kashewen, Bi Tian and the others. 没有受外邀请的天罚城武者,在丰奇的威慑下不得不抽身离开,其中便有卡修恩碧天等人。 long time, everywhere center the cultivating field of shaved ice not to have Yang, only does not remain all leaders, Russell and Jie Nong neglects one, frowns toward abundant strange the line, Gester, is the stay is motionless, a eyes eyeball stares at Shi Yan not to put, as if there is countless words to say general. 多时,满地冰屑的修球场正中冇央,只剩各方魁首,拉塞尔介侬忽视一眼,皱着眉头朝着丰奇这边行来,那杰斯特,则是停留不动,一双眼睛盯着石岩不放,似乎有着千言万语要说一般。 Wonderfully is abundantly happy, clashes Feng Rao to say with a smile: „The parliament of a while extremely will be bored dully, you do not need to participate. Unthis Imaginary Space Ring gives you, inside has thousand high grade Divine Crystal, you bring Shi Yan in the city internal circulation revolutions, has a look to have anything to need to purchase. Beginning him Heaven Punishment City, should not have the time to stroll well, you go, some time here need discussedhad the result to tell you.” 丰奇心情不错,含笑冲丰娆道:“一会儿的议会将会极其无聊没趣,你不用参与进来。嗯’这枚幻空戒给你,里面有千块上品神晶,你带石岩在城内转转,看看有什么需要购买的。他初来天罚城,应该还没时间好好逛逛,你们去吧,这边需要一段时间商讨的’等有了结果会告诉你。” Feng Xiao also smiles, younger sister, boy Realm and power are indeed uncommon, but must look tightly. After this war, his given name decides however spreads over Divine Punishment Grounds, our rude and unreasonable female must very much, not be robbed.” 丰枭也满脸笑容,“小妹,那小子境界力量的确不凡,可要看紧一点啊。经过这一战,他的名号定然传遍神罚之地,我们这里泼辣的女子多得很,别被人抢走了啊。” In Divine Punishment Grounds, whose appearance ratio has resulted in me?” Feng Rao smiles proudly, said self-confidently: „ Relax, I will favor his, um, I walked. 神罚之地内,有谁容貌比得过我?”丰娆傲然一笑,自信满满说道:“放心吧,我会看好他的,嗯,我走了。 During the speech, she floating flies to fall from stone, arrives at side Shi Yan, tender sound track: Walks, our as one wishes strolls, the Heaven Punishment City interesting place are many, the thing that some innumerable store rare object, you want has everything expected to find.” 讲话间,她从石台上飘然飞落下来,来到石岩身旁,娇声道:“走,我们随便逛逛,天罚城有趣的地方很多,有无数商铺奇物,你想要的东西应有尽有。” Since arrives at Heaven Punishment City, Shi Yan not moment calm and steady, stays with Brother Ka Tuo shortly, by running away that Russell forces, at once has hidden in Heaven Punishment City foreign object, not having the opportunity to stroll well. 自从来到天罚城,石岩没有一刻安稳的,和卡托兄弟才呆没多久,就被拉塞尔逼迫的逃遁,旋即一直藏匿在天罚城外物,没有机会好好闲逛。 A Feng Rao such saying, was just right for his intent, he also needs through the Heaven Punishment City broad street, to come and Zi Yao meets unable to meet. 丰娆这么一说,正合他意,他也需要通过天罚城的宽阔街道,来和紫耀碰头见上一面。 Complies refreshedly, Shi Yan and Feng Rao left together have repaired the field, arrived on the Heaven Punishment City spacious lively street. 爽快答应下来,石岩丰娆一起出了修球场,来到天罚城宽敞热闹的街道上。 Two person's shadows one after the other arrive, first newcomer is Ka Fu, saying of being all smiles: My big brother remained, I was nothing, does Shi Yan, want to fight to accompany you to walk?” 两道人影一前一后到来,先来者卡夫,笑容满面的说道:“我大哥留下来了,我则是没有什么事情,石岩,要不要争陪你走一走?” Blood slaughter Ka Tuo was also invited this, in discovering abundant strange relates to be close after Shi Yan, decided that remains to search, does not have anxiously departure, told Ka Fu secretly, making him accompany Shi Yan, so as to avoid had any accident. 血屠卡托也是受邀请这一,在发现丰奇和石岩关系紧密以后,决定留下来探探,就没有急着离开,暗地里吩咐卡夫,让他陪着石岩,免得出了什么意外。 In Heaven Punishment City, Ka Fu, but worldly-wise person, all shops not to have sells the value of goods, he knows fairly well, if Shi Yan wants to purchase any thing, he must with, definitely not suffer a loss. 天罚城,卡夫可是老江湖了,所有店铺的出冇售物品的价值,他都心中有数,石岩要是真想要购买什么东西,他要跟着,肯定不会吃亏。 Does not need, to have me to be good.” Shi Yan just wants to comply, Feng Rao suddenly light shout, first one step has actually rejected, frowns saying: Ka Fu, you returns to your shop, does own business.” “不必了,有我就行了。”石岩正想答应下来,丰娆却突然轻喝,先一步拒绝了,皱着眉头道:“卡夫,你还是回你的店铺,做好自己的生意吧。” Ka Fu is astonished however smiles bitterly, but had not replied immediately, but looks to Shi Yan. 卡夫讶然苦笑,但却没有立即回答,只是看向石岩 Shi Yan slight bow. 石岩微微点头。 Ka Fu no longer says anything at once, the arch cups one hand in the other across the chest, then vanishes in the rapid stream of people. 卡夫旋即不再多说什么,拱拱手,便在湍急的人流中消失。 silhouette that latter together presents, is Alchemist master Gester, this presented the Green Demon foothold, discussed the Alchemist master of nova territory matters concerned with numerous leaders, unexpectedly came out on own initiative, sought Shi Yan. 后一道出现的身影,乃是炼药师杰斯特,这个本来出现青鬼据点内部,和众多魁首一起商榷新星域事宜的炼药师,居然主动出来了,寻上了石岩 Gester sage, how will you come out?” Feng Rao puzzled light shouted, complexion one positive, was Shi Yan introduced: This is Gester sage, in our Divine Punishment Grounds the Source God Realm Alchemist master, Bao Ao their three, the first cow was treated by Gester.” “杰斯特贤者,您怎会出来了?”丰娆不解的轻呼,脸色一正,为石岩介绍:“这是杰斯特贤者,我们神罚之地源神境炼药师,暴骜他们三个,就是被杰斯特先牛医治好的。” Shi Yan changes countenance terrified, is respectful, bows the expression of gratitude, mister great ability, gets rid to treat without you, my three friends feared how long could not endure.” 石岩悚然动容,也恭敬起来,躬身道谢,“先生大才,没有您出手医治,我的三个朋友怕是熬不过多久。” Alchemist master Gester beckons with the hand, expression said excitedly: Six J and matter minor matters. That, can take the liberty asked one, flame that you released before, but such asSichuan Heavenly Flame? ” 炼药师杰斯特摆摆手,神色激动道:六J、事小事。那个,能否冒昧的问一句,你之前释放的火焰,可如”川天火?” Good.” Shi Yan this point does not conceal actually, nod affirmed. “不错。”石岩这一点倒是不隐瞒,点头肯定了。 Gester facial expression shakes fiercely, eyes Divine Light is bright, your can Heavenly Flame leave not to have to sell me? Regardless of the what kind price, so long as you nod, doesn't have the issue?” 杰斯特神情猛地一震,双眸神光熠熠,“你的天火能否出冇售给我?无论何种价格,只要你点点头,都没有问题?” Heavenly Flame is the Alchemist master and Refiner Master basis, a formidable Alchemist master and Refiner Master, if has Heavenly Flame, in Alchemist and General Refiner even more powerful, Realm also will obtain the promotion, has the extremely remarkable help. 天火乃是炼药师、炼器师的根本,一名强大的炼药师、炼器师若是身怀天火,在炼药炼器上将会如虎添翼,境界也会获得提升,有着极其显著的帮助。 Has the Heavenly Flame Alchemist master, Alchemist does not even need the medicine cauldron, Heavenly Flame is the best cauldron furnace. 天火炼药师,炼药甚至不需要药鼎,天火就是最佳的鼎炉。 Gester, is a biased excellent Alchemist master, has listened to the Heavenly Flame marvelous place, therefore, saw him to affirm Heavenly Flame, immediately was popular not to have to exert inexplicably, wished one could to integrate Soul Altar Heavenly Flame, making a Alchemist way has one's wish. 杰斯特,便是一名偏执的高超炼药师,也听过天火的奇妙之处,因此,一见他肯定了天火,马上兴冇奋莫名,恨不得将天火融入灵魂祭台,让炼药一途变得随心所欲起来。 Sorry, regardless of you pay the big price, I am impossible not to have to sell.” Shi Yan shook the head with a smile, you are the Alchemist master, should know the Heavenly Flame marvelous place. But I, besides am Warrior, is Refiner Master, Heavenly Flame for me, is equally important, therefore I will not bring not to have to sell.” “抱歉,不论你付出多大的代价,我都不可能出冇售。”石岩笑着摇了摇头,“你是炼药师,应该知道天火的奇妙之处。而我,除了是一名武者之外,还是一名炼器师,天火对我来说,一样至关重要,所以我绝不会拿来出冇售的。” Gester facial expression shakes. 杰斯特神情一震。 Feng Rao also stayed, „are you Refiner Master?” 丰娆也呆了一下,“你还是炼器师?” Touches the nose, Shi Yan optional saying: What has to be quite strange?” 摸了摸鼻子,石岩随意的说道:“有什么好奇怪的?” „Are you not popular Refiner Master? Otherwise, how could do you walk in the power deep meaning are so far?” Her subconscious considering. “你是不入流的炼器师吧?要不然,你岂能在力量奥义上走那么远?”她下意识的认为。 Shi Yan smiled, had not explained. 石岩笑了笑,也没有解释。 I know that the non- ear can have the thing to touch you.” Gester sighed, has hesitated a while, said again: That can help me , helping me refine furnace medicinal pills by Heavenly Flame? Naturally, I naturally can pay enough reward!” “我就知道不耳能有东西打动你。”杰斯特叹了一口气,沉吟了一会儿,再次说道:“那能否帮我一个忙,以天火帮我炼一炉丹药?当然,我自然会付出足够的报酬!” A Gester face requested earnestly earnestly, bowed slightly, in the look longs. 杰斯特一脸认真恳请,微微躬身,眼神内都是渴望。 „If not troublesome, you help him one, Bi intent, Sichuan, he has saved the life of your friend.” Feng Rao spoke word of praise. “要是不麻烦的话,你就帮他一下吧,毕意,川,他救了你朋友的性命。”丰娆说了一句好话。 Good, I can help your, when?” Shi Yan thinks that as if no not the convenient place, then refreshed complies. “那好,我可以帮你一回,什么时候?”石岩想了想,似乎没有不方便的地方,便爽快的答应下来。 Does not worry, he he, does not worry, I have not prepared.” Gester rubs hands, the whole face is popular not to have to exert, „that did not disturb you, I went to listen. Shi Yan, you remember well, when I gather the material, but also asked you to help, I apologized first.” “不着急,呵呵,不着急,我还没有准备好。”杰斯特搓着手,满脸兴冇奋,“那个,不打搅你们了,我进去听听。石岩,你记得就好,等我聚集材料,还请你帮忙,我先谢过了。” Does not have the issue.” Shi Yan smiled, gazes after this Gester to return to the Green Demon foothold, spoke thoughtlessly saying: This old man, you formerly had not said is so hard to deal with? Initially you said that wanted him to help countless sufferings and hardships, isn't will deceive my?” “没问题。”石岩笑了笑,目送这杰斯特重返青鬼据点,随口说道:“这老头,没你先前说的那么难缠啊?当初你说要他帮忙千难万难,不会是骗我的吧?” A Feng Rao face heavy line, you may know that he complies to treat the Bao Ao three people, what price have we paid?” 丰娆一脸黑线,“你可知道他答应医治暴骜三人,我们付出了什么代价?” What price?” “什么代价?” Five ten thousand high grade Divine Crystal! Divine level medicinal herbs that additional three he assigns!” Feng Rao clenches teeth, shouting to clear the way of face meat pain. “五万上品神晶!加三种他指定的神级药草!”丰娆咬着牙,一脸肉痛的喝道。 Shi Yan stunnedat once is happy on heart, grins to laugh, then, the old man is very wealthy, so good, when he asked my time, I made him put out half.” 石岩愕然’旋即喜上心头,咧嘴大笑,“这么说来,老头很富裕嘛,如此甚好,等他求我的时候,我让他吐出一半来。” Feng Rao beautiful pupil one bright, repeatedly nodded, is joyful: Should this I put in order him!” 丰娆美眸一亮,连连点头,欣喜道:“就该这吾整他!” They speak, is walking on the street that Heaven Punishment City extends in all directions, not anxiously not slow, lingers in each family store. 两人讲着话,在天罚城四通八达的街道上行走着,不急不缓,在一家家商铺流连。 Shi Yan does not have the goal likely, numerous strange store goods, his interest is not as if big, not having purchase desire not to have to look, is only curious as, trading of each family, probably is only pure enjoys to stroll the pleasure that. 石岩像是没有目的,众多稀奇古怪的商铺物品,他仿佛兴趣并不大,没有购买的欲冇望,只是好奇似的,一家家的换,好像只是单纯的享受闲逛的乐趣。 Feng Rao does not know that he strolls at will, but in waiting for a person of arrival, instead secretly chuckles to oneself, thinks that Shi Yan likes with the feeling that she lives alone, is glad not anxiously, interest to leads him to flanerie bustling about that has been far away from the noise street gradually, came on the Heaven Punishment City northern brook. 丰娆并不知道他随意闲逛,只是在等候一人的到来,反而暗暗窃喜,以为石岩喜欢和她独处的感觉,也乐得不急,兴致冲冲的带他漫无目的的东奔西走,渐渐远离了喧嚣街道,来了天罚城北部一条溪流上。 In the rivers is standing erect the arched bridge, they stand on the arched bridge, the looks at under foot mountain stream murmur, thought immediately the entire heart calmed down. 河流上竖立着拱桥,两人站在拱桥上,看着脚下溪水潺潺,顿时觉得整个心都静了下来。 Also in this moment, the Shi Yan brow tip moved, suddenly ridicules saying: „ I go to the bathroom | you to wait for my a while here, I come back quickly. 也在这一刻,石岩眉梢动了一下,忽然讪笑道:“我方便一下丨你在这里等我一会儿,我很快回来。 Feng Rao does not doubt him, blushes white his eyes, blushes to say bashfully: Bastard, what can this matter also confess to me? You went are, where must say was so clear?” 丰娆不疑有他,红着脸白了他一眼,羞赧道:“混蛋,这事也要给我交代什么?你去便是了,哪要说的这么明白?” The Shi Yan chuckle, is turning around to leave, shook shaking in the remote lane, loses quickly. 石岩轻笑着,转身离开,在偏僻的巷子内晃了晃,倏地并失。 In a secluded quiet and tasteful garden, graceful silhouette stands together under the mast tree of cover, back to the wide open front door, was saying spookily: You also think that you will not come Sichuan, Sichuan, princess.” Shi Yan stopped in the entrance, bows slightly, complexion complex say|way: You after the Zi Yao star leaves, I have not said goodbye you, took seriously the period of time, why will you come Heaven Punishment City?” 一处僻静幽雅的庭院内,一道曼妙身影立在茂密的桅树底下,背对着敞开的大门,幽幽说道:“你还以为你不会过来了川,川”,“公主殿下。”石岩在门口停了下来,略略躬身,脸色复杂道:“你在紫耀星离开以后,我就没有再见过你,当真有一段时日了,你为什么会来天罚城?” Zi Yao has turned around, the yellowish pink mask already slipped off, the grace and talent unparalleled appearance cancels the not to have soul to seize the soul as before, is only the beautiful pupil deep place, subtle grieved, said in a soft voice: Sir Kashewen receives the message, said that Star Chart appears in Divine Punishment Grounds, therefore then came, but I, am because hears you also in Heaven Punishment City, therefore comes to see you. I think that your condition is difficult, wants to save you to exit, has not actually expected you to be too happy to think of home and duty, it seems like it was I wants to be many, underestimated your ability, I was not worthwhile for you from the start worried that anything......”, in the Shi Yan eye appeared moved, was silent temporarily, he does not know that should say any good. 紫耀转过身来,肉色面具早已褪下,风华无双的容颜依旧勾冇魂夺魄,只是美眸深处,却有一丝微妙的酸楚,轻声说道:“卡修恩大人收到消息,说星图神罚之地出现,于是便来了,而我,是因为听说你也在天罚城,所以过来见你。只是,我本以为你境况艰难,想要救你出去,却没料到你乐不思蜀,看来是我想多了,也小看了你的能耐,我压根犯不着为你担心什么……”,石岩眼中显出一丝感动,却暂时沉默着,他不知道该说些什么好。
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