GOS :: Volume #9

#843: One the war becomes famous

God Body of black corner/horn, such as the kite ship of line 黑角的神体,如断了线的风筝一船 Sways in void, actually throughout does not fall. 在虚空中摇摇晃晃,却始终不落。 The extremely cold air/Qi, overflows from his God Body plaster, the strong white fog covers his whole body, making his Divine Sense have thick freezing, looked fiercely, the black corner/horn likely was a huge ice sculpture, clear glistened. 极寒之气,从他神体垩内流溢出来,浓烈的白雾覆盖他全身,让他神休结出了厚厚的冰冻,猛地一看,黑角像是一块巨大的冰雕,晶莹闪亮。 ka ka ka! 咔咔咔 Three pure white Bone Thorn are speeding away, tears the vault of heaven, is howling gratingly, has hit black corner/horn Divine Sense time and time again. 三根洁白骨刺疾驰着,撕裂天穹,刺耳呼啸着,一次又一次的,击中了黑角神休 The ice rock scrap, black corner/horn Divine Sense splashes the blood, with the remnant broken shaved ice, thick woods white Cold Qi, twines his whole body, is protecting his Divine Sense firmly, although rests the scale wound, has not actually injured and basis. 冰岩炸碎,黑角神休溅出鲜血,和残碎的冰屑,浓稠的森白寒气,缠绕他全身,将他神休牢牢护卫着,虽遍休鳞伤,却并未伤及根本。 The black corner/horn is the Devil Clan Dragon Horn Clan clansman, fleshly body powerful was indestructible, after achieving God King Third Sky, after innumerable being repeatedly tempered, stronger broken. 黑角是魔族龙角族族人,肉身本就强悍不可摧,达到神王三重天以后,经过无数次的千锤百炼,更加强硬不破。 Although Bone Thorn is sharp , can only keep the hemorrhaging hole on his Divine Sense, cannot pierce his Divine Sense directly. 骨刺虽锋利,也只能在他神休上留下血洞,不能将他神休直接洞穿。 The star light extravagant sword splashes the shining stars light wing, Shi Yan is relying on the stars revolution path, is fluctuating unceasingly the position, within two is precise flame meteors, such as the rainbow passed through the date to shoot toward the black corner/horn wind. 星光阔剑溅出灿灿星辰光翼,石岩依循着星辰运转轨迹,不断地变幻着方位,两手间凝炼出一道道火焰流星,如长虹贯日往黑角飙射。 The black corner/horn cultivation extremely cold strength, can seep God Body by Vermilion Bird True Flame and Earthcore Flame scalding hot flame, in the body plaster the qi and blood disorder, suddenly power cannot meet again, this is the reason that he deals with temporarily weak. 黑角修炼极寒之力,被朱雀真火地心火灼热炎能渗透了神体,体垩内气血紊乱,一时间力量不能重聚,这才是他暂时无力应对的缘由。 Shi Yan fully realized that black corner/horn power is tyrannical, once gets rid, then spares no effort, energy stimulates thoroughly. 石岩深知黑角力量强横,一旦出手,便不遗余力,一身能量彻底激发出来。 In the boundary of Rampage Third Sky, the continual fluctuation stars and space god deep meaning, spread out turn into all sorts of unpredictable power Martial Skills, forms the flame meteor, imprisons the space, the precise space wind blade edge, imperial moves three Bone Thorn by the mind, launches the attack in entire aspect, such as Thunder Huo Fengbao binds to tie up black corner/horn Divine Sense. 暴走三重天之境,连续变幻星辰、空间神之奥义,衍变成种种奇奥难测的力量武技,形成火焰流星,禁锢空间,凝炼空间风刃,以心神御动三根骨刺,发动全方面的攻击,如雷霍风暴将黑角神休裹缚。 hōng hōng hōng! 轰轰轰 The rock the earth wild rumbled sound, transmits in the region from the black corner/horn, there shaved ice splash, innumerable ice sludge clear flash splits, brilliant. 震天动地的狂暴轰鸣声,从黑角所在区域传来,那儿冰屑飞溅,无数碎冰晶明耀一绽,光彩夺目。 Extremely cold strength winding around black corner/horn whole body, under so crazy fierce attack, his God Body hard such as ice iron, hears the gold/metal iron sonorous sound, is consuming power fast, strives to offer a sacrifice to the ice shield, the silk solid ice forms the barrier defense. 极寒之力缭绕黑角全身,在如此狂猛的攻击之下,他神体坚硬如冰铁,传来金铁铿锵之声,快速的消耗着力量,勉力祭出冰盾,丝坚冰形成屏障防御。 Changes of a series of being dazzled, making bystander expression amazed, suspended clamoring the conversation, the vision brilliant looked to battle. 一连串眼花缭乱的变化,让围观者神色惊诧莫名,都暂停了喧哗交谈,目光灼灼看向交战者。 By Shi Yan of glacier blockade, is only mildew, whole body combustion leaves the strong flame, comes out fiercely ice-breaking, seeps black corner/horn God Body by the flame, enabling the black corner/horn short time to display power, then erupts a wave of wanton bombing, making the black corner/horn be tired out by dealing, strength of the counter-attack does not have. 被冰川封锁的石岩,只是一霉,周身燃烧出浓烈火焰,猛地破冰出来,以火焰渗透黑角神体,让黑角短时间不能施展力量,进而爆发出一波狂轰滥炸,让黑角疲于应对,一点反击之力都没有。 This fight continually, making the people tarry, the meddlesome sound, responded that is out of control to shout loud. 这一连番的战斗,让众人都呆住了,好事响,才纷纷反应过来,禁不住高声嚷嚷起来。 „The strength of flame! How changed? Isn't his cultivation main deep meaning, power of ice?” “火焰之力!怎么又变了?他修炼的主奥义,不是冰之力量么?” Damn! Has a look to have the change of Strength of Space obviously? How also to have the flame to show? This boy what origin, cultivation power deep meaning too heterogeneous?” “见鬼!看看明显有空间之力的变化啊?怎么又有火焰展现?这小子什么来历,修炼力量奥义太驳杂了吧?” But, several power deep meanings display, quite exquisite uncommon.” “可是,数种力量奥义施展开来,颇为的精妙不凡啊。” Black corner/horn was suppressed, was too fearful, this Outsider is very strong “黑角被压制下来了,太可怕了,这外来者很强啊” „It is indeed strong “的确很强” Almost all passers- by surrounding, unanimously had affirmed the Shi Yan strength, Second Sky of God King Realm, suppresses the black corner/horn, this proves all sufficiently. 几乎所有围观的路人,都一致肯定了石岩的实力,神王二重天之境,将黑角压制下来,这足以证明一切。 Feng Ke, Russell, Jie Nong, Gester and other Source God Realm Expert, are silent at this time, reveals the shocking complexion, in the heart secret panic-stricken. 就连丰岢拉塞尔介侬、杰斯特等源神境强者,此时也都沉默下来,露出震惊的脸色,心中暗暗惊骇。 The Barrett complexion extraordinary ugliness, did not say a word, but was staring at the fight center stubbornly. 巴雷特脸色出奇的难看,一言不发,只是死死盯着战斗中央。 He as if is still anticipating anything...... 他似乎还在期待着什么…… Has not thought of him already formidable to so the situation.” In crowd, Kashewen sighed,( 6 that Barrett should anticipate black corner/horn Divine Sense powerful, what a pity, he actually does not know Shi Yan that boy, God Body also abnormal inconceivable, I looked at Barrett to take a rash step. ” “没想到他已强大到如此地步。”人群中,卡修恩感叹了一声,(6那巴雷特应该期待黑角神休强悍,可惜,他却不知道石岩那小子,神体也变态的不可思议,我看巴雷特失策了。” Aranza and Tie Mu they, secret nod, same sound track: Of Shi Yan Divine Sense is unprecedented 亚兰和铁牧两人,暗暗点头,同声道:“石岩神休之强前所未见” The Zi Yao beautiful pupil extraordinary splendor flow of tears, the line of sight brilliant condensation on Shi Yan, flickers does not move, as if not remember by her, admired she many years of Ao Gela to exist. 紫耀美眸异彩涟涟,视线灼灼凝聚在石岩身上,一瞬不移,似乎不记得在她旁边,还有钦慕她多年的奥格拉斯存在了。 Fierce boy, your stupid has not bossed around it, is you biggest dereliction of duty the Bi Tian complexion is gloomy, turns head to look to Allard and Bi Rou, inspired, said: You think, recalling leeway?” “厉害的小子,你们愚蠢的没有将其笼络,是你们最大的失职”碧天脸色阴森,回头看向阿拉德和碧柔,吸了一口气,道:“你们自己想一想,还有挽回余地没有?” Allard and Bi Rou, smile bitterly together, does not know how to reply. 阿拉德和碧柔两人,一起苦笑,不知道怎么回答。 Must try.” The Bi Tian brow twists, told: „After this war ended, you try to find the solution and he make the contacts, have a look whether to persuade him, joined me to hold here. This boy in the future absolutely is a role, if can use for us, is a big strong help “总要试一试。”碧天眉头一拧,吩咐道:“此战结束以后,你们想办法和他搭线,看看能否说动他,加入我扪这边。这小子将来绝对是个角色,如果能够为我们所用,将是一大强援” Father, he...... Some you really said is so fierce?” Bi Rou said in a low voice. “父亲,他……真有你说的那么厉害?”碧柔低声道。 I have walked in Lie Yan Star Field this for many years, never had seen the potential such big boy.” Bi Tian deeply inspires, serious saying: If can boss around him, marries you to him, I will not hesitate “我在烈焰星域行走这多年来,从未见过潜力这么大的小子。”碧天深吸一口气,一脸严肃的说道:“如果能够笼络他,将你下嫁给他,我都绝不会犹豫” Bi Rou beautiful face changing colors, dumbfounded swiftly. 碧柔花容失色,倏然呆住了。 Initially before and Shi Yan distinguished, she once boasted extravagantly to make Shi Yan pay the price, making Shi Yan some day clearly offend her, will pay the what kind price. 当初和石岩分别之前,她曾经夸下海口要让石岩付出代价,让石岩有朝一日明白得罪了她,将会付出何等的代价。 But today, her father Bi Tian to boss around Shi Yan, even spares no sacrifice her lifetime happiness, making her marry to Shi Yan, how can this make her go facing Shi Yan? 而今天,她父亲碧天为了笼络石岩,甚至不惜牺牲她一生的幸福,让她下嫁给石岩,这要让她如何去面对石岩 In the past, may really be mistaken also......, Allard deeply lowers the head, does not dare to talk too much , is filled with bitter and astringent helpless, secret wants to say. 当年,可真是看走眼了亦……,阿拉德深深垂着头,不敢多言,也是满心的苦涩无奈,暗暗的想道。 When crowd noise, the Shi Yan whole body star light overflows, Blood Pupil is scarlet is firing into black corner/horn Divine Sense, in the thick woods cold white fog center, these two fleshly body strikes, fights hand-to-hand fiercely. 人群喧嚣时,石岩浑身星光流溢,血瞳猩红着冲向黑角神休,在浓稠的森寒白雾中央,这两人肉身碰击,猛地肉搏起来。 Devil Clan fleshly body powerful, after precise Divine Sense, in various clans, is ranks the front row fleshly body to be firm absolutely, Shi Yan dares to break, attacks fiercely with the black corner/horn fleshly body crazy bang, then must have a look at his Divine Sense powerful to the what kind degree. 魔族肉身强悍,凝炼神休之后,在各族之中,绝对是排名前列的肉身坚固,石岩胆敢冲入其中,和黑角肉身狂轰猛击,便是要看看他自己的神休到底强悍何种程度。 Bang bang Peng! 嘭嘭嘭! Beats a drum rumbled, they battle in the strong white fog, fought hand-to-hand personal, spread the deafening explosive. 擂鼓轰鸣般,两人在浓烈白雾中交战,贴身肉搏,传出了震耳欲聋的爆响。 The explosive is continuous, for a long time continues, had passed about half double-hour, gradually subsides. 爆响连绵不绝,许久不止,一直过了近半个时辰,才渐渐平息下来。 Gradually, thick white fog dissipates gradually, the practice field little presents, the location is central, reveals the innumerable cave entrance endocraters, scattered the clear broken ice piece, sores all over the eye. 逐渐的,浓稠的白雾渐渐消散开来,修练场一点点重新呈现,场地中央千疮百孔,露出无数的洞口巨坑,散落了晶莹的碎冰块,满目疮痍。 Central, spreads to rest scale wound Shi Yan and black corner/horn they, looks at each other to be right. 中央,遍休鳞伤的石岩和黑角两人,相视而对。 The black corner/horn whole face is exhausted, the cheeks are dropping the blood, the look is pale and weak, two legs tremble, as if stands cannot come to a stop. 黑角满脸疲惫,脸颊滴着血,眼神苍白无力,两腿打颤,似乎站都站不稳。 Reviews Shi Yan, although is also whole body fresh blood drip flowings, the energetic air/Qi is full, look rays of light is still bright, as if still have ample force. 反观石岩,虽然也是浑身血淋漓,精神气却十足,眼神依然光芒熠熠,似乎犹有余力。 The black corner/horn has insisted a while, gruff voice is panting for breath, jar sound jar air/Qi sits, stared at Shi Yan to look at a while stubbornly, dejected said to Barrett: My power has exhausted completely, did not have the means to ask for the woman to you, Divine Sense energy also pressed out to do, father was unfair to you.” 黑角坚持了一会儿,粗声喘息着,瓮声瓮气的一屁股坐地,死死盯着石岩看了一会儿,才垂头丧气的对巴雷特说道:“我力量全部耗尽了,没办法给你讨女人了,神休能量也都榨干了,老子对不起你。” Such remarks, the people all are dumbstruck. 此言一出,众人皆是目瞪口呆 Barrett expression cloudy clear uncertain, looked at Shi Yan, looks at the black corner/horn, half sound, nodded, the person's shadow dodges, arrives at side the black corner/horn, proposes the black corner/horn to clash immediately from the crowd sky violent, a while vanished. 巴雷特神色阴晴不定,看了看石岩,又望了望黑角,半响,才点了点头,人影一闪间,来到黑角身旁,提着黑角顿时从人群上空暴冲出去,一会儿就消失了。 Under is in the glare of the public eye, he and Feng Rao had the agreement, now he has defeated, naturally is speechless, remains is only the disciple annoys the person to ridicule that therefore departure courageously. 众目睽睽之下,他和丰娆有了约定,如今他败了,自然无话可说,留下来只是徒惹人嘲笑而已,所以当机立断的离开了。 Barrett and black corner/horn walk, in field people, if explodes boil to seethe with excitement, the squeal, the roaring sound, the startled shout sound makes a sound unceasingly. 巴雷特和黑角一走,场内众人如炸开锅般沸腾起来,尖叫声,咆哮声,惊喝声不断地响起来。 Many people look at the Shi Yan vision again, was completely different, had color of the respect. 很多人再看石岩的目光,已经全然不同了,有了一丝敬重之色。 Big brother, you are right, I was convinced thoroughly. “大哥,你是对的,我彻底服气了。 , Ka Fu in crowd, midway caught up also to witness the latter half of fight, at this time saying of whole face feelings, our brothers have not begun fortunately, otherwise, will steal a chicken inadequate counter- eclipse rice.” ,人群中的卡夫,中途赶来也见证了战斗的后半截,此时满脸感触的说道,“还好我们兄弟没动手,要不然,会偷鸡不成反蚀一把米。” Blood slaughter Ka Tuo grins Hehe to smile, that is natural, otherwise you think that I will be willing to call him Senior Brother? Am I so inexpensive?” 血屠卡托咧嘴嘿嘿一笑,“那是当然,不然你以为我会心甘情愿叫他师兄啊?我有那么贱么?” Ka Fu laughs. 卡夫哈哈大笑。 Your this girl, has selected my goodness actually.” Feng Ke is all smile, said to the daughter: Un, really good vision! Pays attention, gives me to hold that boy well, do not let him sneak off from your side easily.” “你这丫头,倒是挑了个好家伙。”丰岢满脸堆笑,冲女儿说道:“嗯,果然好眼光!留神一点,将那小子给我好好抓住,别让他从你身旁轻易溜走了。” Knows that but also wants you to remind?” Feng Rao shames report saying with a smile in a low voice, the beautiful pupil overflowed joyfully completely excited, pinched the fist to be secret. “知道啦,还要你提醒啊?”丰娆羞报的低声笑道,美眸溢满了喜悦兴奋,捏着拳头暗暗激动。 She had not expected in advance that Shi Yan can have this powerful power unexpectedly, can defeat including the black corner/horn of boundary of God King peak, has given her seriously greatest one pleasantly surprised. 她事前也没有预料到,石岩居然真的能够有此强悍力量,连神王巅峰之境的黑角都能战胜,当真给了她一个莫大惊喜。 After this fights, the name of Shi Yan, has fired in the Divine Punishment Grounds region thoroughly, was not the unknown subordinate thing. 这一战过后,石岩之名,在神罚之地区域内算是彻底打响了,再也不是名不经传的小人物了。 He, if can use for us, is enormous to our great undertaking help, if seeks the nova territory, star of this life life, gives him to him, his value price Feng Ke has hesitated, said. “他要是能够为我们所用,对我们的大业帮助极大,如果真的寻到新星域,一今生命之星,给他就给他吧,他值这个价”丰岢沉吟了一下,又说道。 Feng Xiao also terrified changes countenance, nodded,( 6 this person of potential are infinite, really can use for us, star of this life life was worth seriously. ” 丰枭也是悚然动容,点了点头,(6此人潜力无穷,真是能够为我们所用,一今生命之星当真值得了。” The Feng Rao beautiful pupil is beating, the happy expression on face was stronger, Shi Yan can obtain the approval of father and elder brothers, she naturally likes excitedly, thought that in the future light, will think simply in a purgatory star many years of grievance, likely was melted, did not have the heart knot again. 丰娆美眸跳动着,脸上的喜色更浓了,石岩能够得到父兄的认可,她自然欢喜兴奋,觉得未来简直一片光明,觉得在炼狱星多年的委屈,都像是被化解了开来,再没有了心结。 Princess, you are really good luck complete Tian, the boy can become your follower unexpectedly.” In the crowd the Kashewen silent half sound, turns the head suddenly, said in a low voice: „One side I will arrange, making you organically meet as soon as possible to occupy, hopes that he has not changed, will also work for you with every effort. Otherwise, does not use for hundred years, will present one to add compared with Feng Ke, Russell, Jie Nong and Barrett four people in Divine Punishment Grounds, but also wants the terrifying fellow! This is far from the good fortune of god country “公主殿下,你真是鸿运齐天,那小子居然能成为你的跟随者。”人群中卡修恩沉默半响,忽然别头,低声说道:“我会尽快安排,让你们有机会见占一面,希望他没有变,还会尽力为你做事。要不然,不用百年时间,在神罚之地内将会出现一个比丰岢拉塞尔介侬巴雷特四人加起来,还要恐怖的家伙!这绝非神国之幸” I, I do not know that he changed, does not know him also to be able, when my follower.” The Zi Yao whole face is bitter and astringent, as if thought that has any great treasure, sneaked off from the fingertip quietly, grieved is in vain sad. “我,我不知道他变了没有,也不知道他还会不会当我的跟随者。”紫耀满脸苦涩,似乎觉得有什么至宝,从指尖悄然溜走了,徒然酸楚悲伤起来。 In Divine Punishment Grounds the innumerable Marauder influences run amuck, but in the future, may have the actual master to appear.” Hidden League commands Bi Tian deeply to inspire greatly, suddenly said: `( Supple, did boy initially have to reveal to you...... Favorable impression? ” 神罚之地内无数掠夺者势力横行,但未来,或许会有真正的主人出现。”幽盟大统领碧天深吸了一口气,突然道:‘(柔儿,那小子当初对你有没有表露出……好感?” Potential supple one dull, carefully has thought that shook the head at once. 势柔一呆,认真想了一下,旋即摇了摇头。 If no, that makes him have.” Bi Tian whole face stern, by my daughter's beautiful appearance, making him like on, should not be the difficult matter? You plan well, gives me to win over this boy, he is these is next to the Star Chart goal, gives me seriously to treat “没有的话,那就让他有吧。”碧天满脸正色,“以我女儿的美貌,让他喜欢上,应该不是难事吧?你们好好筹谋一下,给我将这小子拉拢过来,他是这一趟仅次于星图的目标,给我认真对待”
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