GOS :: Volume #9

#842: Leaves ice-breaking!

The black corner/horn strikes cannot win, expression is swiftly dignified, induces the fluctuation that on Shi Yan has transmitted earnestly, had a scare. 黑角一击没能获胜,神色倏然凝重起来,认真感应了一下石岩身上传来的波动,也吓了一跳。 At this moment, the energy fluctuation that passes from Shi Yan, is far from God King Second Sky Realm can have, even if general God King Third Sky Realm, energy that perhaps in the body plaster hides cannot reach so the altitude. 这一刻,从石岩身上传出来的能量波动,绝非神王二重天境界者可以持有的,就算是一般神王三重天境界者,或许体垩内藏匿的能量都达不到如此高度。 The black corner/horn concentrates on, did not have the tiny bit contempt, stands there standing firm, fits nicely in the plaster actually to gush out the huge cold fog, the winding around whole body, the fog is misty, spread comes unceasingly. 黑角全神贯注起来,没有了一丝一毫的轻视,站在那儿屹然不动,可体垩内却涌出庞大的寒雾,缭绕全身,雾蒙蒙的,不断地扩散开来。 Biting cold woods cold aura, overflows from the black corner/horn body plaster, mildew that several thousand square meters practice fields were covered by Cold Qi spread. 一股彻骨森寒的气息,从黑角体垩内流溢出来,霉那间,数千平米的修练场都被寒气扩散笼罩起来。 ! kacha! 喀嚓!咔嚓 In white fog boundless, a glacier splits to come from the place bottom deep place, emerges slowly, majestic towers in practicing the field. 在白雾茫茫中,一座冰川从地底深处绽裂来开,缓缓浮出,巍峨耸立在修练场内。 The clear glacier, the bottom river water, attaches the side cold strength of black corner/horn precise, is having ice cold biting cold aura, bright bright, is situated in practicing the field, rays of light four shoot, appears quite flash eye. 晶莹的冰川,凝炼地底河水而成,附有黑角的极寒之力,拥有着冰寒彻骨的气息,晶亮亮的,坐落在修练场内,光芒四射,显得颇为耀目。 Woods cold aura that the Green Demon foothold reveals, gradual fills the air, goes in Heaven Punishment City each direction. 青鬼据点流露出来的森寒气息,逐渐的弥漫开来,朝着天罚城各个方向而去。 Many Heaven Punishment City Warrior, are moving on the warm feelings street, suddenly thought that Cold Qi, is out of control to hit to tremble. 许多天罚城武者,在热络的街道上活动着,忽然觉得一股寒气袭来,禁不住打个寒颤。 At once, these people had then discovered the unusuality of Green Demon foothold, hesitant, gathers toward this. 旋即,那些人便发现了青鬼据点的异常,犹豫了一下,纷纷朝着这一块聚集过来。 The black corner/horn and place of Shi Yan confrontation, is outside the Green Demon foothold the broad practice field, the surroundings have several Stone Gate to come, each Stone Gate entrance, has Green Demon Marauder guarding, refusing inexplicable to intrude at will. 黑角和石岩对峙之地,乃青鬼据点外面宽阔的修练场,周围有几个石门可以进来,每一个石门的门口,都有青鬼掠夺者驻守,严禁莫名者随意闯入。 Leader a Stone Gate mouth, Green Demon Marauder Warrior, looks distantly to Feng Ke, shouted to clear the way: „Do they request to come to observe, do permit?” “魁首”一处石门口,青鬼掠夺者的一名武者,遥遥看向丰岢,喝道:“他们要求进来观战,允不允许?” The practice field surrounding Stone Gate place, has heard the huge clamoring sound at this time, Expert in many Heaven Punishment City, were clamoring must come to take a look. 修练场外围石门处,此时传来了巨大的喧哗声,很多天罚城内的强者,都在叫嚣着要进来瞧瞧。 A Feng Ke brow wrinkle, observes the situation all around on stone, has thought that cannot help but slightly lowers the head, said indifferently: Puts them to come.” 丰岢眉头一皱,在石台上环视四周,想了一下,不由得微微垂头,淡然道:“放他们进来。” This word Stone Gate mouth people clamored, laughed is flushing has come is only a mildew that time, many people will practice the field to encircle, the glacier that looks at reappeared baseless, changed colors with amazement, inquired hurriedly people around exactly had anything. 此言一处石门口众人喧哗不已,哈哈大笑着冲了进来只是一霉那功夫,很多人就将修练场团团围住,看着凭空浮现出来的冰川,骇然失色,急忙询问身边人到底发生了什么。 In crowd, several bunches of person concealing in the rear end, careful is hiding, as if for fear that was noted. 人群中,有几簇人隐匿在后侧,小心的躲藏着,似乎生怕被注意到。 And a bunch of person, is Kashewen, Zi Yao and Ao Gela and Aranza and Tie Mu, in five people Kashewen, Zi Yao and Ao Gela hid the look after front Heaven Punishment City Marauder, does not dare before, but hides to observe by far. 其中一簇人,便是卡修恩紫耀奥格拉斯和亚兰、铁牧,五人中卡修恩紫耀奥格拉斯都将相貌隐藏了在前方天罚城掠夺者之后,没有敢靠前,只是远远躲起来观战。 Is he Zi Yao comes in swiftly, but casts a sidelong glance then the ketone body lightly to tremble, clenches teeth secretly light shout. “是他”紫耀倏一进来,只是瞟了一眼便酮体轻颤,暗暗咬牙轻喝 Kashewen and Ao Gela and the others took advantage of opportunity to look, the expression difference, had discovered practice field Center, after the glacier, is standing indifferently youth. 卡修恩奥格拉斯等人顺势看去,神色异样,都发现了修练场正〖中〗央,冰川之后,漠然站立着的青年。 Why does he battle with the person?” Zi Yao is filled with be astonished however, doubts puzzled muttered whispers. “他为何与人交战?”紫耀满心讶然,疑惑不解的喃喃低语。 Friend, how matter?” Kashewen knit the brows silhouette to collect in the previous dot hand five middle grade Divine Crystal to spread out slightly, squeezes in a Marauder sleeve cuff at will. “朋友,怎么一回事?”卡修恩皱了皱眉头身影略略凑前一点丶手中五块中品神晶摊开来,随意塞入一名掠夺者袖口。 Ha Ha, Sir Rhett must marry Feng Rao Young Lady for the Feng Rao Young Lady battle, Feng Rao Young Lady that Sir Feng Ke once complied in the past as if opens heart with that boy, then the heart......” took Marauder of Kashewen advantage vividly the matter after describing, adding of dancing with joy: Just the black corner/horn and that boy began, the boy has not revealed the defeat mark, this fights splendidly extremely, but must look well clearly.” “哈哈,为了丰娆小姐争斗呢吧雷特大人要娶丰娆小姐,丰岢大人当年曾经答应的不过丰娆小姐似乎和那小子交心,然后心……”拿了卡修恩好处的掠夺者绘声绘色的将事情经过描述了一遍,手舞足蹈的补充道:“刚刚黑角和那小子动手了,那小子没有露出败迹,这一战精彩万分啊,可要好好看清楚了。” Kashewen stunned, nodded, draws back slightly quietly, pulled down the sound to explain the situation to Zi Yao and the others. 卡修恩愕然,微微点了点头,悄然退回来,压低声音将情况向紫耀等人解释了一遍。 Bastard, for unexpectedly a woman and Barrett person begins, damn Zi Yao hear of he explained that a lot was not feeling well, whispered in a low voice, beautiful pupil nursing hatred belt angry looked to Shi Yan, clenched teeth secretly. “混蛋,居然为了一个女人和巴雷特的人动手,该死”紫耀听他解释完毕,一肚子不爽,低声嘀咕起来,美眸含恨带恼的看向石岩,暗暗咬牙。 Second Sky, God King Second Sky, this fellow was seriously abnormal.” Kashewen smiled bitterly in secret, turns head to look at Ao Gela one eyes, in the heart has compared, expression was strange. 二重天了,神王二重天了,这家伙当真变态啊。”卡修恩暗中苦笑不已,不由回头看了奥格拉斯一眼,心中比较了一下,神色怪异。 The Ao Gela complexion is ugly, a little stands to be restless there. 奥格拉斯脸色难看,在那儿有点站立不安起来。 This boy was too fierce.” Tie Mu acclaimed. “这小子太厉害了。”铁牧赞叹。 Nod of Aranza in agreement. 亚兰附和的点头。 I knew that he in another bunch of crowd, transmits Bi Rou drinks father lowly, he called Shi Yan, initially we wanted him from the sixth medicine star Nita hand, made the person medicine cauldron with him some time, afterward he and Du Feng gangs up in together, was robbed from my hand by Zi Yao. This fellow, had initially killed our Hidden League Fei Ji, starts ruthlessly , he Du Feng cannot leave “我认识他”另一簇人群中,传来碧柔的低喝“父亲,他叫石岩,当初我们从第六药星博妮塔手中要了他,用他做人身药鼎一段时间,后来他和镀封勾搭在一块儿,被紫耀从我手中抢走了。这家伙,当初杀了我们幽盟菲姬,下手极狠,要不是他,镀封也走不掉” Like Zi Yao, Bi Rou also changed a face, appears quite ordinary, did not have in the past delicate white and tender. 紫耀一样,碧柔也变了一张脸,显出颇为普通,没有往昔的清秀白嫩。 Is a character.” Hidden League commands the Bi Tian slight bow, wears rain clothes, the head binds cape Realm not to be weak, God King Second Sky, was right, his Realm is not low, how in the past to be held under duress the person medicine cauldron by you?” “是个人物。”幽盟统领碧天微微点头,着一身蓑衣,头上裹着斗篷“境界不弱,神王二重天,哦,对了,他境界不低呀,当年怎么被你们挟持成人身药鼎的?” Bi Rou: 6 „......” 碧柔:6“……” Un?” Bi Tian recovers, the knitting the brows head, changes countenance saying: What has to step on the pinworm?” “嗯?”碧天回过神来,皱了皱眉头,动容道:“有什么踩蛲?” Initially, he had Second Sky of True God Realm.” Bi Rou has gawked for a long time for a long time, a little indefinite saying. “当初,他只有真神二重天之境。”碧柔愣了许久许久,才有点不确定的说道。 Is the Bi Tian complexion suddenly dignified you not to make a mistake?” 碧天脸色霍然凝重起来“你没弄错吧?” I cannot affirm, in the past he indeed only then True God Second Sky, otherwise, our nobody can trig him.” Saying that Bi Rou also bothersomely worries, the beautiful pupil overflowed completely the unthinkable expression. “我也不敢肯定了,当年他的确只有真神二重天,要不然,我们无人可以制住他啊。”碧柔也烦愁的说道,美眸溢满了匪夷所思的表情。 Allard Bi Tian drinks one lowly. “阿拉德”碧天低喝一声。 Commands greatly, supple Young Lady has not made a mistake, that time he, had Second Sky of True God Realm, was ............ breakthrough on our ship, during person medicine cauldron.” Alchemist master Allard puts on a long face, the expression ratio died the parents to be ugly. “大统领,柔小姐没弄错,那时候的他,真的只有真神二重天之境,还是…………在我们船上突破的,在人身药鼎期间。”炼药师阿拉德哭丧着脸,神色比死了爹娘还要难看。 This character you have not bossed around unexpectedly, but also made Dark Sky God Country make, stupid Bi Tian pulled down the sound violent to shout to clear the way. “这种人物你们居然没有笼络到,还让天涅神国弄走了,愚蠢”碧天压低声音暴喝道。 Allard and Bi Rou, a lot of regret are helpless, that in looks at practice field said silhouette, does not know that should say any good. 阿拉德和碧柔两人,都一肚子懊悔无奈,看着修练场内的那道身影,不知道该说些什么好。 hū hū shouted! 呼呼呼! The black corner/horn, the whole body ice blade edge dance, God's Domain releases from out of the blue, covers in the sky toward Shi Yan. 黑角破空而出,周身冰刃狂舞,神之领域释放开来,朝着石岩当空罩来。 Glacier that appears, the innumerable ice pieces splash, emerges in his God's Domain, forms many ice edges, looks, such as trillion ice skates are circling in flight the agitation, deters terrifying. 那座浮现出来的冰川,无数冰块飞溅出来,涌入他神之领域内,形成更多的冰刃,一眼望去,如亿万冰刀在飞旋搅动,威慑恐怖之极。 Vigorous ice storm “疾冰风暴” The black corner/horn explodes the roar, acoustic shock vault of heaven, 10,000 ice edges are circling in flight, forms the verve intense ice blade edge storm, will be big a practice field to bind completely. 黑角爆吼,声震苍穹,10000冰刃飞旋着,形成刚猛激烈之极的冰刃风暴,将偌大一个修练场全部裹住。 That glacier vanishes at the naked eye obvious speed, the innumerable ice corner ice piece flies to the heaven, has converged vigorous ice storm Center of black corner/horn, looked fiercely that the vault of heaven was filled up by the swift and fierce ice blade edge, such as trillion shining ice skates sweep across heaven and earth, terrifying. 那座冰川以肉眼可见的速度消失,无数冰棱冰块飞冲上天,汇入了黑角的疾冰风暴〖中〗央,猛地一看,天穹都被凌厉的冰刃填满,如亿万明晃晃的冰刀席卷天地般,恐怖之极。 Many Realm slightly are lowering, a face avoidance with amazement \; first, to fear losing accuracy of ice blade edge \; first, to fear the extremely cold air/Qi seeps Divine Sense. 很多境界略低着,一脸骇然的躲避开来,一是怕冰刃的失准,一是怕极寒之气渗透神休 kacha! Ka cow! 咔嚓!咔咔牛! Ices the blade edge to strike against the sound mutually, spreads over in all directions, the practice field was abhorred the ice storm to be bound thoroughly, the bystander cannot see scene. 冰刃互相碰击声,传遍四面八方,修练场彻底被疾冰风暴被裹住,外人根本看不见其中的场景。 Only then achieves Source God Realm Expert, line of sight can cover by illness ice storm Cold Qi, sees clearly internal condition faintly. 只有达到源神境强者,视线才可以透过疾冰风暴的寒气笼罩,隐隐看清点内部的状况。 Ices the corner, ice crystal, the ice blade edge and ice thorn to wreak havoc in the illness ice storm, the practice field blue stone explodes to break to pieces thoroughly, during the stone chip and shaved ice flutter about, the black corner/horn carries the illness ice storm to oppress suddenly, silhouette will imprison together fiercely. 冰棱、冰晶、冰刃、冰刺在疾冰风暴内肆虐着,修练场青石地彻底爆碎开来,在石屑、冰屑纷飞之中,黑角携着疾冰风暴霍然压迫下来,将一道身影猛地禁锢住。 Numerous ice corner, ice crystals and ice blade edge well up, forms the extreme woods cold strength, once more precise is the glacier. 众多冰棱、冰晶、冰刃涌过来,形成极度森寒之力,再次凝炼为冰川。 , The stone chip and shaved ice dissipate gradually in abundance, destroys the Heaven Destroyer energy storm gradually ceases, being split up practice field Center, a new glacier formation. 渐渐地,石屑、冰屑纷纷消散开来,毁天灭地般的能量风暴逐渐的停息下来,四分五裂的修练场正〖中〗央,一座新的冰川形成。 Clear glacier kilometer high, several hundred meters thick, such as together bright clean huge crystal, in glacier Center, Shi Yan is still maintaining the standing posture, has not changed, as if has not moved. 晶莹冰川千米高,数百米厚,如一块剔透干净的巨大水晶,在冰川正〖中〗央,石岩依然保持着站立姿势,一点没有变,似乎也从不曾动过。 His God Body was actually imprisoned by the thick glacier, the people stare to look, can still find brook shining white Cold Qi, seeps toward his Divine Sense continually pours into. 只是,他的神体却被厚厚冰川禁锢住,众人凝视去望,依然可以瞧见有溪流般的莹白寒气,朝着他神休持续渗透注入。 The black corner/horn is cold the face, above the glacier, the lowering the head bird's eye view Shi Yan in glacier snort|hum, was saying to that Feng Ke: „ Whether can also continue?” 黑角冷着脸,在冰川之上,低头俯瞰着冰川内的石岩“哼了一声,冲那丰岢说道:“是否还要继续?” The people all are silent, as if by prior agreement looks to Feng Ke, looks to Feng Ke behind complexion ugly Feng Rao. 众人皆是沉默,不约而同的看向丰岢,看向丰岢身后脸色难看的丰娆 Barrett Hehe grins fiendishly, the speaker shouted loudly:. The ` Feng Ke Boss did not speak, was tacitly consented to that you have killed people, began 巴雷特嘿嘿狞笑不已,扬声高呼道:。‘丰岢老大不讲话,便是默许你杀人了,动手吧” Careful in this time, has sunk Alchemist master Gester who keeps silent, as if suddenly perceives anything, is out of control to call out. “小心”就在此时,一直沉默不作声的炼药师杰斯特,似乎突然觉察到什么,禁不住暴喝起来。 chi chi chi! 嗤嗤嗤 The scarlet red and red-orange turbulent flame, in the heart of glacier, in the Shi Yan eye pupil deep place, have flashed before mildew suddenly. 赤红色、橘红色的汹涌火焰,在冰川之心,在石岩眼瞳深处,骤然闪现了一霉。 One second, the turbulent terrifying flame then fiercely spreads, suddenly covers the glacier, burning hot the strength of flame, burns down extremely from the glacier, that glacier internal side cold strength, by extremely quick elimination. 只是一秒,汹涌恐怖的火焰便猛地蔓延出来,瞬息间将冰川覆盖,极其炙热的火焰之力,从冰川内部焚烧出来,那冰川内部的极寒之力,被极快的清除。 The scalding hot flame stirs up the plaster to shoot fiercely, goes directly to the black corner/horn foot heart along the glacier, twines on his leg and foot , to continue to clash toward him on, the black corner/horn whole body ignites the flaming flame quickly, the distressed rave gets up, sounding the condition to be as if unsatisfactory. 灼热火焰猛地激垩射出来,沿着冰川直达黑角脚心,缠绕在他腿脚上,继续往他身上冲,很快地,黑角全身燃起熊熊火焰,狼狈的狂吼起来,听起来状态似乎不佳。 Glacier extremely fast melt, Shi Yan gets out of trouble easily, in Blood Pupil severe light dodges, silhouette shoots at the black corner/horn fiercely. 冰川极速消融,石岩轻易脱困而出,血瞳中厉光一闪,身影猛地射向黑角。 xiū xiū xiū! 咻咻咻 The grating roar sound, resounds through suddenly, during is void, appears close slits, as if there is foreign matter shuttle to be void. 刺耳的厉啸声,忽然响彻出来,虚空之中,显出一道道细密的缝隙,似乎有异物穿梭虚空。 Black corner/horn discolored, perceived that had been locked Divine Soul by power, in any event struggles, cannot get rid, he actually cannot perceive the direction of fixed, painful awfully. 黑角勃然变色,觉察到被一股力量锁定了神魂,不论如何挣扎,都摆脱不掉,偏偏,他却不能觉察到锁定者的方向,痛苦的要命。 The innumerable star light gatherings, a handle star light bright extravagant sword, comes out in the Shi Yan palm precise, everywhere stars as if shine above the extravagant sword, is containing the riddle of starry sky, mysterious, changes into the meteor light river, cuts maliciously in the direction of black corner/horn. 无数星光汇聚,一柄星光熠熠的阔剑,在石岩掌心凝炼出来,漫天繁星似乎映照在阔剑之上,蕴藏着星空之谜,奥妙非常,化为流星光河,往黑角的方向狠狠斩去。 Bang! 轰! The black corner/horn was struck to divide, the whole body star light splash, God Body projects by far. 黑角被一击劈中,浑身星光飞溅,神体远远抛射开来。 xiū xiū xiū! 咻咻咻 Three Bone Thorn flash before void, pricks his back of the body maliciously, the blood splash. 三根骨刺虚空闪现,狠狠地刺入他后心,鲜血飞溅。 The Shi Yan complexion is callous, in the eye does not have an emotion to reveal , to continue to chase after and never give up , to continue the wanton bombing. 石岩脸色冷酷,眼中没有一丝情感流露,继续穷追不舍,继续狂轰滥炸。
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