GOS :: Volume #9

#841: Devil Clan black corner/horn

Hears the name of black corner/horn, numerous leaders are all silent, expression embarrasedly, as if quite dreaded to this person. 一听到黑角之名,众多魁首皆是沉默下来,神色讪讪,似乎对此人颇为忌惮。 Blood slaughter Ka Tuo is in the heart sinks, crops up in the crowd slowly. Signaled with the eyes toward Shi Yan, hints him to be extremely discrete. 就连血屠卡托都是心中一沉,在人群中缓缓冒头。朝着石岩使了个眼色,示意他一定要万分谨慎。 Feng Rao listened to Feng Xiao introduced simply that the complexion great change, even more is worried. 丰娆听了丰枭的简单介绍,脸色巨变,愈发担心起来。 However, at this time Shi Yan and Barrett dough figurine was in front of people, has decided the fight bugle, if she spoke to prevent, to look down upon Shi Yan? 然而,这时候石岩巴雷特面人当着众人的面,已经敲定了战斗的号角,她要是出言阻止了,岂不是看不起石岩 Careful, it is said black corner/horn person is extremely hard to deal with.” But, Feng Rao has to walk, reminded one on the quiet. “小心一点,据说黑角这个人极其难缠。”无奈下,丰娆只好走了过来,悄悄提醒一句。 All right.” Shi Yan expression is still tranquil, indifferent response, has not fought to approach anxious urgent. “没事。”石岩神色依然平静,淡然回应,没有大战来临的紧张急迫。 Barrett, you also are really...... Thinks highly of him.” Jie Nong shakes the head slightly, unexpectedly makes the black corner/horn fight him, gave him the face?” 巴雷特,你还真是……看得起他啊。”介侬微微摇头,“居然让黑角战他,也太给他面子了吧?” Snort!” The Barrett board the dirty look, is sneering saying: I do not want to see that any accident happens.” “哼!”巴雷特板着臭脸,冷笑道:“我只是不想见到什么意外发生。” Un, the discrete point will not be wrong, boy...... It is not extremely weak, I have seen. Strength of Space...... It is not easy to cope, making the black corner/horn come out to fight him, can guarantee absolutely safe.” Russell nodded. “嗯,谨慎点不会错,那小子……极其不弱的,我见过。空间之力……可不是容易对付的,让黑角出来战他,才可以保证万无一失。”拉塞尔点了点头 In Divine Punishment Grounds, Feng Ke, because has Source God Second Sky Realm cultivation base, therefore the influence is most abundant formidable, is so, faces Feng Ke each time time, Russell, Jie Nong and Barrett three people will share a common hatred, comes mechanical reactance Feng Ke together. 神罚之地内,丰岢因为有着源神二重天境界修为,所以势力最为雄厚强大,也是如此,每次面对丰岢的时候,拉塞尔介侬巴雷特三人都会同仇敌忾,一起来力抗丰岢 Once has changed the location, three people are together alone, will be in sharp opposition, formed the convention to be ordinary likely. 一旦换了场地,三人单独相处,又会针锋相对,像是形成了惯例一般。 Three people in a low voice exchanges time, ice-cold severely cold aura, shoots quickly from the distant place illness, a wisp of boundless white light flashes through, a height about three meters great Han, comes fiercely. 三人低声交流的时候,一股冰冷严寒气息,倏地从远处疾射过来,一缕苍茫白光闪过,一个身高近三米的巨汉,猛地现身。 The Devil Clan Dragon Horn Clan clansman, on the forehead grows curving fierce dragon horn, the flesh swarthy like the scrap iron, the muscle is intertwining powerfully, seems containing inexhaustible power. 魔族龙角族族人,额头上生长着弯曲狰狞的龙角,肌肤黝黑如墨铁,肌肉纠结有力,似乎蕴藏着无穷无尽的力量 This Devil Clan great Han, the upper part puts on chest armor, on shoulder both sides armor pieces has the sharp check thorn, one meter is long, appears exaggerates. 魔族的巨汉,上半身穿着胸甲,肩膀两端的甲片上有锋利的勾刺,有一米来长,显得非常夸张。 Ice cold aura, spreads from his whole body, his eyes ice sparkling stone color. The whole body cold fog curls, such as an extremely cold ice piece, making person whole body not think comfortably, wants to him. 冰寒的气息,从他浑身蔓延出来,他双眸冰莹色。周身寒雾袅袅,如一块极寒冰块般,让人浑身觉得不舒服,想要离他远一点。 The deep meaning of ice, comes the person and Barrett cultivation power deep meaning, clearly is happen to opposite, the mutual conflict, has not thought that unexpectedly unexpectedly is the good friend. 冰之奥义,来人和巴雷特修炼力量奥义,正好截然相反,相互冲突,没想到居然竟是挚友。 Barrett, what are you calling me to make anxiously?” Great Hansheng sound thunderclap rumbled, „the matter of nova territory, you took responsibility were not good, what also wanted me to say? This kind of decision, is not you arranges?” 巴雷特,你急着唤我过来做什么?”巨汉声音炸雷般轰鸣,“新星域的事,你做主不就行了,还要我多说什么?这类决定,不都是你来安排的么?” Black corner/horn, I make you come, is makes you help me ask for a woman.” Barrett deeply inspires, the putting out a hand point to Shi Yan, has defeated him, I then can marry Feng Rao , helping my well take care of take care of he!” “黑角,我让你过来,是让你帮我讨个女人。”巴雷特深吸一口气,伸手点向石岩,“败了他,我便能将丰娆娶走,帮我好好照顾照顾他!” Black corner/horn obvious blank expression, is foul-mouthed at once: Barrett your bastard, makes me do this matter unexpectedly, you also are really bored!” 黑角明显一愣神,旋即骂骂咧咧起来:“巴雷特你个混蛋,居然让我过来干这种事情,你还真是无聊啊!” During the speech, black corner/horn then impatient firing into Shi Yan, the speaker roared. Boy dies to me! Do not waste Sir time!” 讲话间,黑角便不耐烦的冲向石岩,扬声咆哮起来。“小子给我死来!别浪费大爷时间!” Does not want the offending somebody life!” Feng Ke sees the fight to light instantaneously, remembers anything quickly, calls out fiercely: Won then, black corner/horn, your boy pays attention to me! You must dare to kill him, do not blame me to get angry!” “不要伤人性命!”丰岢一见战斗瞬间点燃,倏地想起什么,猛地暴喝起来:“胜了即可,黑角,你小子给我留点神!你要真敢杀他,别怪我翻脸!” He does not favor Shi Yan obviously, will otherwise not say. 他显然并不太看好石岩,不然不会那么说。 Black corner/horn person is extremely famous in Divine Punishment Grounds, the boundary of God King Third Sky peak, is the person of Devil Clan, God Body powerful, the power of deep meaning ice is exquisite, in the past before Barrett did not have breakthrough Source God, could not ask for the slight advantage in the face of the black corner/horn. 黑角此人在神罚之地极其出名,神王三重天巅峰之境,又是魔族之人,神体强悍之极,冰之力量奥义精湛,当年巴雷特没有突破源神之前,在黑角面前也讨不到丝毫的好处。 It is said that black corner/horn already[ hundred degree celsius post first round] soon will comprehend the essence of deep meaning of ice, soon arrived at the breakthrough Source God Realm threshold. 据说,黑角已经[百度贴吧首发]即将领悟冰之奥义的精髓,也快要到达突破源神境的门槛了。 The black corner/horn is extremely militant, in Divine Punishment Grounds often does not have the reason with the person fights, in recent years, with his same level became famous Expert to be done by him one after another. Nobody is his match. 黑角极其好战,在神罚之地内时常没来由的与人交手,这些年来,和他同级的出名强者被他轮番干了一遍。没人是他对手。 Also is so, the black corner/horn has under Source God the first person of title, in Divine Punishment Grounds this together, ominous illustrious, is larger compared with the blood slaughter Ka Tuo fame, individual strength and behind influence, has surpassed Ka Tuo one section. 也是如此,黑角有源神之下第一人的称号,在神罚之地这一块儿,凶名赫赫,比血屠卡托名气要大的多,个人实力和身后的势力,也超出了卡托一截。 Numerous bystanders, see black corner/horn not a wee bit hesitant, exploded roars to begin, criticized retreat to come. 众多围观者,一见黑角没有丁点犹豫,爆吼一声就动手了,也都暗骂着后退开来。 This fellow battles, no matter since can affect others, once moved began, anything did not attend, if the bystander left was too near, often will be affected. 这家伙交战的时候,从不管会不会波及到别人,一旦动上手了,什么都不顾,围观者要是离的太近,往往会受到波及。 Black corner/horn ice sparkling stone color eye one bright, the woods cold strength sweeps across from his, such as bottom ice Dragon Kuangchong, wells up toward Shi Yan. 黑角冰莹色的眼睛一亮,森寒之力从他脚下一路席卷出来,如地底冰龙狂冲,一路往石岩涌去。 ka ka ka! 咔咔咔 The Qingyan flagstone fiercely appears the giant crack, incisive ice cones appear from the place bottom, the thick ice layer, covers little, between the region the black corner/horn and Shi Yan, frozen gets up. 青岩石板猛地显出巨大的裂纹,一根根尖锐的冰锥从地底显现出来,厚厚的冰层,一点点覆盖起来,将黑角和石岩之间区域,冰封起来。 „The boy cultivation deep meaning, as if is also the deep meaning of ice, is the same with the black corner/horn, Hehe, was attractive!” “那小子修炼的奥义,似乎也是冰之奥义,和黑角一样,嘿嘿,好看了!” Barrett makes the black corner/horn come, should be makes the black corner/horn teach him well, making him know the deep meaning of true might and exquisite place ice.” 巴雷特让黑角过来,应该就是让黑角好好教训他,让他知道冰之奥义真正的威力和精妙之处。” Yes, Barrett must in his complacent main deep meaning, defeat him, making that boy have the mind shadow his entire life, cannot promote Realm, really low toxin.” Deletes that is natural, the boy dares to snatch the food from the Barrett hand, naturally cannot have the good end.” “是呀,巴雷特就是要在他得意的主奥义上,击败他,让那小子一生都有心灵阴影,再也不能提升境界,果然低毒啊。”删“那是当然,那小子敢从巴雷特手中抢食,自然不会有好下场了。” All influence leader who in the future will retreat, whispers, the clamoring sound moment has not ceased, is waiting and seeing with rapt attention, loud shouting. 往后撤退的各方势力魁首,交头接耳,喧哗声没有一刻停息,凝神观望着,大声叫嚷。 The black corner/horn two icicle thighs, have the extremely cold strength to seep unceasingly to the place bottom, the he and Shi Yan region, were frozen thoroughly, the thick ice layer has hundred meters high, ice corner reveal that under his power hauling, the illness shoots suddenly to rush finally. 黑角两条冰柱般的大腿,不断地有极寒之力渗透向地底,他和石岩之间的区域,被彻底冰冻起来,厚厚的冰层有百米高,一根根冰棱显露出来,在他力量牵引之下,终于疾射暴冲。 The extremely cold strength, fills the air, many Realm slightly low, hit to tremble, has to draw back, however the look, actually closely stared is stirring up the ice corner that da shot. 极寒之力,弥漫开来,很多境界略低者,都打了个寒颤,不得不退的更远一点,然而眼神,却紧紧盯着激龘射的冰棱。 Several hundred ice corner, such as the incisive lance, is having the grating howling sound. The tearing vault of heaven, covers the Shi Yan region completely. 数百根冰棱,如尖锐的长矛,带着刺耳的呼啸声。撕裂苍穹般,将石岩的区域全部笼罩。 Feng Ke already brought Feng Xiao and Feng Rao to withdraw, has separated several hundred meters, stands in a stretch of platform looks at battlefield. 丰岢早已带着丰枭丰娆撤走,隔了数百米,站在一片平台看着战场。 The battlefield is the Green Demon Warrior practice field, occupies a land area of several kilometers, is quite vast, the black corner/horn displays the extremely cold strength, the big practice field forms the thick solid ice, such as above the most severely cold lake, freezes to cover all corners. 战场是青鬼武者修练场,占地数千米,极为辽阔,黑角一施展出极寒之力,偌大的修练场都结成厚厚坚冰,如最严寒的湖泊之上,冰冻覆盖一切角落。 Several hundred ice corner puncture, the Shi Yan whole body pa pa resounding, the whole body skeleton vibrates suddenly. 数百冰棱刺来,石岩浑身突然啪啪脆响,浑身骨骼都抖动起来。 He was vigorous grand God Body, strange is withered, became emaciated instantaneously a section, at the same time, extremely evil cruel energy, does not have the upper limit from his within the body rises dramatically, air/Qi of evil spirit from cerebellum rising typhoon heaven, such as the wing of Devil, evil strange. 他本来雄健壮阔的神体,诡异的干瘪下来,瞬间消瘦了一截,与此同时,一股极其邪恶暴戾的能量,从他体内没有上限的飙升起来,一股凶煞之气从后脑扶摇上天,如妖魔之翼,邪恶诡异。 His eye pupil, blood congestion has become the scarlet color, expression is indifferently heartless, to person a not continuously emotion fearful feeling. 他的眼瞳,充血般成了猩红之色,神色漠然无情,给人一种没有一直情感的可怕感。 Rampage Third Sky! 暴走三重天 „! A little fierce!” “靠!有点厉害!” Good strength evil energy! power rose dramatically instantaneously the several fold! motherfucker, fantasy!” “好强的一股邪恶能量力量瞬间飙升了数倍!妈的,活见鬼了!” terrifying boy! power rises suddenly instantaneously, what situation is this?” 恐怖的小子!力量瞬间暴涨,这是什么情况?” Cannot understand!” “看不懂啊!” The people explode to boil the shouting suddenly. 众人忽然炸开锅般叫嚷起来。 Is this! 就是这样! Blood slaughter Ka Tuo deeply inspired, suddenly is calm, that instant that Shi Yan Blood Pupil appears, he knows that Shi Yan opposed the enemy earnestly! 血屠卡托深深地吸了一口气,忽然镇定下来,石岩血瞳显现的那一霎,他就知道,石岩认真对敌了! xiū xiū xiū! 咻咻咻 Several hundred ice corner illness shoot to come, such as ten thousand ghost Suo Hun, might terrifying. Generally God King Second Sky Realm Warrior, even if displays God's Domain, will be routed instantaneously. 数百冰棱疾射而来,如万鬼索魂,威力恐怖之极。一般神王二重天境界武者,就算是施展出神之领域,也会被瞬间击溃。 Lock!” “锁!” Shi Yan Blood Pupil bloody glow dodges, the power deep meaning suddenly changes, puts out a hand distantly, the void finger, calls out suddenly. 石岩血瞳血光一闪,力量奥义骤然一变,遥遥伸手,虚空一指,突地暴喝。 Leaf ka ka! 叶咔咔! The space imprisonment, the wind stops, energy stagnates, the sound isolation, in his God's Domain, strange deathly silence gets down. 空间禁锢,风停,能量凝滞,声音隔绝,他身旁神之领域内,诡异的死寂下来。 Several hundred sharp ice corner, such as the lance void is stagnating strangely, a recent ice corner, has one meter far to him, to his forehead. 数百锋锐的冰棱,如长矛般虚空诡异停滞着,最近的一根冰棱,离他只有一米远,正对着他的眉心 Broken!” “碎!” The strong negative malignant influences that the Shi Yan God's Domain sudden change, the behind rising typhoon ascends the sky, change into azure sex maniac hands, maliciously according to above that ice corner. 石岩神之领域骤变,身后扶摇上天的浓烈负面煞气,化为一条条青色鬼手,狠狠地按在那一根根冰棱之上。 pā pā pā! pā pā pā Pa! 啪啪啪啪啪啪啪! Several hundred ice corner explode void broken, the shaved ice flutters about to scatter in all directions, winds around in the Shi Yan body side, the fog is misty, appears quite the illusion. 数百冰棱虚空爆碎,冰屑纷飞四散,在石岩身侧缭绕起来,雾蒙蒙的,显得颇为梦幻。 People stunned, the clamoring sound stopped suddenly short. 众人愕然,喧哗声忽然短暂停了一下。 On stone, Green Demon leader Feng Ke, in the pupil amazed with amazement is only, suddenly turns head, deeply looks to Feng Rao, your this girl, the vision is indeed extraordinary for these years, never misreads excellently.” 石台上,青鬼的魁首丰岢,眸中惊诧骇然只是,突然回头,深深看向丰娆,“你这丫头,这么多年来眼光的确非凡,从未看错过人。” Feng Xiao is expression is also surprised, mutters to whisper: That words that younger sister formerly spoke, to the present, I believes finally. No wonder he dares to leave with Brother Ka Tuo, really has to hold not fears, um, we have been mistaken, this boy absolutely is a character!” 丰枭也是神色惊讶,喃喃低语道:“小妹先前说的那一番话,到现在,我终于相信的了。难怪他敢和卡托兄弟离开,果然是有持无恐啊,嗯,我们都看走眼了,这小子绝对是个人物啊!” I early have said that even if I and his dying war, finally massacred definitely can also be I, will not be he.” The Feng Rao facial expression rouses, actually feigns calmly. Very indifferent saying: He is this, jumps the ranks the challenge for him, is very ordinary.” “我早说过,就算是我和他死战,最后被杀掉的肯定也会是我,不会是他。”丰娆神情振奋,却佯装镇定。很淡然的说道:“他就是这样,越级挑战对他来说,很平常啦。” Feng Ke and Feng Xiao neglect one, in the heart the secret nod, did not have the suspicion again. 丰岢丰枭忽视一眼,心中暗暗点头,再没有了怀疑。 Ices the corner to explode broken, Shi Yan is entirely still, Blood Pupil glows monster different bloody Red Light, looks distantly to that black corner/horn, does not have anxiously beginning. 冰棱爆碎,石岩纹丝不动,血瞳焕发出妖异血腥的红光,遥遥看向那黑角,没有急着动手。 The black corner/horn has gawked a while, deeply looks to him, mixes the complexion that does not care about to be gradually dignified, the inspiration ice cold air/Qi, said with deep veneration: I have been mistaken, you indeed is a match, now I can whole-heartedly! You won my respect, I will regard evenly matched Expert you truly!” 黑角则是愣了一会儿,深深地看向他,混不在意的脸色渐渐凝重起来,吸了一口气冰寒之气,肃然道:“我看走眼了,你的确是个对手,现在起我会全力以赴!你赢得了我的尊重,我会将你真正当成势均力敌的强者!” Barrett, your this match is not weak, does not work as the annual variation compared with you.” Russell frowns, sinking sound track was you in the past, in Second Sky of God King Realm, feared that didn't have powerful power such?” 巴雷特,你这个对手不弱啊,一点不比你当年差。”拉塞尔皱着眉头,沉声道“就算是你当年,在神王二重天之境,怕是也没有这么强悍力量吧?” Un, absolutely is a character, no wonder can from purgatory star the Star Chart lane...... Comes out, is not simple.” Jie Nong also acclaimed. “嗯,绝对是个人物,难怪可以从炼狱星将星图弄……出来,不简单啊。”介侬也赞叹起来。 The Barrett complexion is ugly, coldly snorted, has not replied. 巴雷特脸色难看,冷哼一声,并没有答话。 Heavenly Flame! The strength of Heavenly Flame! 天火天火之力呢! Gester is the vision burning hot, in heart urgently is shouting, the color of whole face anticipation, is waiting for arrival of Heavenly Flame secretly, must estimate to look at carefully a clarity carefully. 杰斯特则是目光炙热,心中急呼着,满脸期待之色,暗暗等候着天火的降临,要仔细揣摩端详个清楚。
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