GOS :: Volume #9

#840: Arrogate to oneself!

In the Heaven Punishment City Green Demon Marauder headquarters a babel of voices, plundered rushing Kui to come the interest, laughed secretly, waited to look at the joke. 天罚城青鬼掠夺者总部内人声鼎沸,一个个掠奔者魁都来了兴致,窃笑不已,等着看笑话。 As Gester of Source God Realm Alchemist master, is standing with Russell, Barrett and Jie Yi shoulder to shoulder, is listening to the taunt ridicule of Jie Yi and Russell, sizes up Shi Yan earnestly, the facial expression moves quickly fiercely, the look violent lays out, appears panic-stricken inexplicable. 身为源神境炼药师的杰斯特,和拉塞尔巴雷特介依并肩站立着,听着介依拉塞尔的嘲讽讥笑,认真地打量石岩,倏地神情猛地一动,眼神暴亮开来,显得惊骇莫名。 His body shivers slightly, shrinks ten fingers of fingertip in sleeve cuff, splashes continuously the small flame. 他身子微微颤抖起来,缩在袖口内的十指指尖,溅出缕缕小火苗。 These flame, are inferior to Barrett scalding hot turbulent, on the contrary, but also quite gentle docile, fabrication that as if can have one's wish becomes any shape, was controlled by him completely. 那些火苗,不如巴雷特身上的灼热汹涌,相反,还颇为的柔和温顺,似乎可以随心所欲的捏造成任何的形态,完全受到他掌控。 Is the deep meaning that each Alchemist master and Refiner Master, major in the strength of flame,[ body] in also decides however has the unusual flame, Human Flame must be the same with Earth Flame, can continue to strive on Alchemist and Refiner this road. 每一名炼药师、炼器师,主修的奥义就算是不是火焰之力,〖体〗内也定然有奇特的火苗,人火地火必须要有一样,才能在炼药炼器这条路上持续精进下去。 With a Barrett column, the deep meaning that Gester majors in is also the fire, what is only different, in his flame fused Lie Yan Star Field marvelous Earth Flame, although does not have the life to form, the might is enormous. 巴雷特一栏,杰斯特主修的奥义也是火,唯一不同的是,他的火焰中融合了一种烈焰星域奇妙的地火,虽然没有生命形成,却威力极大。 Perhaps Gester flame might, is inferior to Barrett so to stress that explodes fierce pure fight Warrior to be ominous, but he controls the method that the fire plays with fire, is not Barrett can compare. 杰斯特火焰威力,或许不及巴雷特这般强调爆凶猛的纯战斗型武者凶厉,可他控火玩火的手段,绝不是巴雷特可以比拟。 A Shi Yan swiftly appearance, as Gester of Alchemist master, immediately keen perceiving to Shi Yan[ body], is hiding the strength of extremely ominous crazy flame, that flame strong powerful regulation, making him stare. 石岩倏一出现,身为炼药师的杰斯特,立即敏锐的觉察到在石岩的〖体〗内,潜藏着极其凶狂的火焰之力,那种火焰浓烈强悍程,让他都为之瞠目。 Also is so, before was also he of Barrett speech, was quietly silent, looked at carefully Shi Yan with rapt attention carefully, the feeling of being careful. 也是如此,之前还为巴雷特讲话的他,悄然沉默下去,凝神细细端详石岩,更加小心谨慎的感受起来。 Puppy, you also dares to come out unexpectedly, really acts recklessly!” Barrett sees Shi Yan to come, calls out one, the whole body flame[ stirs up] shoots, changes into the flame tide, sweeps across fiercely. “小狗,你居然还敢出来,果然不知死活!”巴雷特一见石岩现身,暴喝一声,周身火焰〖激〗射,化为火焰浪潮,猛地席卷过来。 Dissolute!” Feng Ke has gotten angry immediately, puts out a hand to pull void, thick long thunder and lightning arrives from the day, chops to shoot directly on the Barrett flame tide. “放肆!”丰岢顿时怒了,伸手虚空一扯,一道粗长的雷电从天降临,直接劈射在巴雷特的火焰浪潮上面。 He majors in the strength of thunder and lightning, the Divine Tool thunder and lightning ball that Feng Rao had before, then offers a sacrifice to refine by him. 他主修雷电之力,丰娆之前持有的神器雷电球,便是由他祭炼出来的。 chi chi chi! 嗤嗤嗤 Continuously flame, was hit by the strength of thunder and lightning, spark child splashes, part of spark, splutter to the Shi Yan direction. 一缕缕火焰,被雷电之力击中,火星子飞溅开来,其中一部分火星子,都溅射向石岩的方向。 Evades!” In the crowd, by inviter blood slaughter Ka Tuo, could not be borne drinks one high. “避!”人群中,受邀请者血屠卡托,忍不住高喝一声。 The star point fire point, such as drizzle sprinkles, has covered in the direction Shi Yan immediately, including is standing Feng Rao. 星点般的火点,如蓬蓬细雨洒落,将石岩所在方向顿时笼罩了,其中包括站立着的丰娆 Saw with own eyes that inundates the Heavenly Flame light to fall numerously, Shi Yan expression is faint, knits the brows slightly. 眼见漫天火光纷落,石岩神色淡漠,略略皱眉。 Quickly, an extremely cold strength, spread centered on him comes! 倏地,一股极寒之力,以他为中心扩散开来! kā kā kā! 喀喀喀 Freezes as if void, takes his as the source, thick solid ice fast form by the naked eye obviously, extremely quick comes toward peripheral spread. 虚空似乎结冻,以他脚下为源头,一块块厚厚的坚冰以肉眼可见速形成,极快的朝着周边扩散开来。 The woods cold white mist, unexpectedly binds to tie him and Feng Rao silhouette, his clear ice layer, under some power hauling, the lift-off, forms at the same time the upright ice layer suddenly, float in top of the head. 森寒的白茫茫雾气,蓦地将他和丰娆身影裹缚住,他脚下的晶莹冰层,在某种力量牵引之下,霍然升空,形成一面方方正正的冰层,悬浮在头顶。 pā pā pā! 啪啪啪 Intensive demolition sound, transmits in his top of the head, Barrett releases inundates the Heavenly Flame point, was withstood by the thick ice layer interception. 密集的爆破声,在他头顶传来,巴雷特释放出来的漫天火点,都被厚厚的冰层拦截承受下来。 Under Shi Yan and Feng Rao, have not received an injury, does not have spark, can penetrate the ice layer, falls to their bodies. 底下的石岩丰娆,没有受到一点伤害,没有一点火星子,可以穿透冰层,落到两人的身上。 Ice is the deep meaning! Good, unexpectedly can block the Barrett class spark rain, a little experience evil. “冰系奥义!不错嘛,居然可以挡住巴雷特的流星火雨,有点历害。 Fart! The Feng Ke Boss first gets rid, bolide[ stirs up] shoots, can he block is strange?” “放屁!要不是丰岢老大先出手,将火流星给〖激〗射出来,他挡得住才怪呢?” Un, is the Feng Ke Boss is fierce, what he withstands is only the fragmentary flame, cannot be regarded Kazui.” “嗯,还是丰岢老大厉害,他承受的只是零星火光,算不得数井。” This ice is the deep meaning, indeed can also look.” “不过这冰系奥义,的确还能看呀。” Numerous Marauder Kui, was making noise whooping, expression was amazed. 众多掠夺者魁,喧嚣着议论纷纷,神色惊诧。 When they spoke, many invited Kui, from Heaven Punishment City each region clustering, an arrival saw the aspect at daggers drawn, the curious inquiry details, each excited got up in abundance. 在他们讲话时,更多受邀请的魁,也从天罚城各个区域聚集过来,一到来就看见剑拔弩张的局面,纷纷好奇询问详情,各个〖兴〗奋起来。 Marauder Kui who the cutting edge licks the blood, is the hosts of anxiousing to stir up trouble, sees before discussing official business has the pleasure to look that is very excited, laughs is looking at carefully the change of scene earnestly. 刀口舔血的掠夺者魁,都是唯恐天下不乱的主,一见在议事前有乐子可看,都很激动,哈哈大笑着认真端详场面的变化。 „Is ice the deep meaning?” Feng Xiao has also been startled, looked at Shi Yan, knit the brows Barrett cultivation flame deep meaning, but also is really fortunately, ices the fire not to coincide, no wonder must make.” “冰系奥义?”丰枭也怔了一下,看了一眼石岩,皱了皱眉头“巴雷特修炼火焰奥义,还真是凑巧啊,冰火不相合,难怪要闹起来了。” In crowd, only then extremely few people, know that Shi Yan cultivation deep meaning, does not ice is the deep meaning. 人群中,只有极少之人,知道石岩修炼的奥义,绝非冰系奥义。 Blood slaughter Ka Tuo and Feng Rao are insiders, in addition, 血屠卡托丰娆是知情人,除此之外,、 Gester. 还有杰斯特。 Gester facial expression is hard to take excitedly, the face hides to vibrate, in the heart shouts wildly: Heavenly Flame! This is extremely cold Heavenly Flame! 杰斯特神情激动难耐,脸皮子抖动着,心中狂呼:天火!这是极寒天火 He is the Alchemist master, knows the Heavenly Flame mysterious and mysterious place, but in Lie Yan Star Field not Heavenly Flame appears, now suddenly sees Shi Yan to display the strength of Heavenly Flame to come, excited gets up fiercely, eyes appears the excited color. 他是炼药师,知道天火的神奇和玄妙之处,只是烈焰星域内并无天火出现,如今突然见着石岩施展出天火之力来,猛地〖兴〗奋起来,双眸显出激动之极的色彩。 „The Feng Ke Boss, I asked one again, did you speak do turn out as said?!” 丰岢老大,我再问一句,你说话到底算不算话?!” The Barrett complexion is ugly, had kept off one by Feng Ke, deeply inspired, knows Feng Ke, if meddles, he is very difficult to strike a vicious blow, suddenly calms down. 巴雷特脸色难看,被丰岢挡了一记,深吸了一口气,知道丰岢若要插手,他很难下毒手,忽然冷静下来。 My father promised you, but I have not complied, should you listen to my opinion?” Under Feng Rao knows her father to be in the glare of the public eye, very difficult to get free to her, is out of control the sweet and delicate voice to shout Barrett, you want to marry me, passed through my father that to close, has not passed through my this pass/test. Although Shi Yan at this time is inferior to you, after not representative, this, you choose one person from the subordinates, as one wishes Second Sky of God King Realm, so long as can exceed Shi Yan, I marry you, these many people testified, I will not renege on a promise, what kind of?” “我父亲答应了你,可我并没有答应,你们是不是应该听听我的意见?”丰娆知道她父亲众目睽睽之下,也很难给她开脱,禁不住娇声嚷嚷起来“巴雷特,你想娶我,经过了我父亲那一关了,还没经过我这一关。石岩此时虽不如你,不代表以后,这样,你从麾下挑选一人,随便一个神王二重天之境,只要能胜过石岩,我就嫁给你,这么多人作证,我绝不会反悔,怎么样?” Feng Rao such remarks, the people also clamored, the ballooning cheered in abundance, even/including say|way held true. 丰娆此言一出,众人又叫嚣起来,纷纷鼓胀欢呼,连道有理。 Incident that is hard to solve in Divine Punishment Grounds general meeting, will adopt the resort to violence, this is the highest good, Feng Rao puts forward such a compromise proposal, the resort to violence that everybody most likes looking, won the approval of bystander immediately. 神罚之地一般遇到难以解决的事端,都会采取武斗,这是至理,丰娆提出这么一个折中的建议,还是大家最喜欢看的武斗,立即赢得了围观者的赞同。 Yes, your Barrett in Source God Realm, bullies the Second Sky of God King Realm kid, not can be regarded heroes. Has a same level ratio to fight, this is nice!” “是呀,你巴雷特源神境,欺负神王二重天之境的小家伙,算不得英雄好汉。有种同级比斗啊,这才像样!” Un, they battle not to be indeed unfair, the same level ratio fights regardless of the victory or defeat, everybody was sincerely convinced.” “嗯,他们俩交战的确不公平了,同级比斗不论胜败,大家都心服口服。” God King Second Sky to God King Second Sky, this in a component, can bet to fight fairly, I look at the line.” 神王二重天神王二重天,这在一个份量,可以公平赌斗,我看行。” Numerous inkstone looks at cannot bear shout. 众多砚看着忍不住叫嚷起来。 Russell shot a look at Barrett, looked at self-poise Feng Rao, suddenly knits the brows: „... The boy, I have a reason, generally Second Sky of God King Realm Warrior, but also does not handle him. Do not blame me not to remind you, except for the ice is the deep meaning, he also understood that the wonder of space, you must treat cautiously.” 拉塞尔瞥了一眼巴雷特,又看了一眼镇定自若的丰娆,忽然皱眉道:“…那小子,我有一面之缘,一般神王二重天之境武者,还真搞不定他。别怪我没提醒你,除了冰系奥义,他还懂得空间之妙,你要慎重对待。” He majors is not the deep meaning of ice,[ really] solid power definitely is not such that the present reveals, this point, I can affirm.” Alchemist master Gester, shouted one lightly, spoke the reminder. “他主修的绝不是冰之奥义,〖真〗实力量肯定不是现在显露的那样,这一点,我敢肯定。”炼药师杰斯特,也轻呼一声,出言提醒。 Jie Yi has gawked, looks to Shi Yan. 介依愣了,不由地重新看向石岩 Barrett is pale the face, seems is weighing gains and losses, cannot make the decision immediately. 巴雷特铁青着脸,好似在衡量得失,不能马上做出决定。 I look at such line, Barrett, you choose same level Warrior from your subordinates, fought with him, won, Rao'er followed you, has defeated, this matter again also not to mention! How did you say?” Feng Ke sees the bystander to express approval battle, then took advantage of opportunity to speak. “我看这样行,巴雷特,你从你麾下挑选一个同级的武者,和他一战,胜了,娆儿就跟了你,败了,这件事再也别提!你怎么说?”丰岢见围观者纷纷表示赞同交战,便顺势说话了。 Barrett, do you dare to meet head-on? Your subordinates any God King Second Sky boundary Warrior, so long as exceeds him, I comply with your wedding!” Feng Rao also raises head to urge that dares to meet head-on, to Mou Hua, the words that does not dare, not to mention must marry me!” 巴雷特,你敢不敢迎战?你麾下任何一名神王二重天武者,只要胜过他,我都答应和你的婚事!”丰娆也仰头催促起来“敢不敢迎战,给牟话,不敢的话,就别提要娶我了!” This......” “这样……” In this time, Shi Yan knits the brows to go forward one step, arrives at Feng Ke side to stand firm, is facing numerous Divine Punishment Grounds Marauder Kui, looks to hesitating in making a move Barrett, said indifferently: „ Your subordinates any person, God King Second Sky is also good, God King Third Sky might also as well, your as one wishes elects to battle with me, if your person won, I turn around walk, does not talk too much one. 就在此时,石岩皱眉上前一步,来到丰岢的旁边站定,面对着众多神罚之地掠夺者魁,看向举棋不定的巴雷特,淡然说道:“你麾下任何一人,神王二重天也好,神王三重天也无妨,你随便选来与我交战,若是你的人胜了,我掉头就走,绝不多言一句。 If your person has defeated, you close to me your foul-mouthed! Is short of his motherfucker to be chatty! Dares?! ” 若是你的人败了,你就给我闭上你那臭嘴!少他妈的叽叽歪歪!敢不敢?!” The words arrived afterward, the Shi Yan complexion iced to be cold in vain, the sound such as the ice corner howled, gratingly was fiercely incisive. 话到后来,石岩脸色徒然冰寒下来,声如冰棱呼啸,猛地刺耳尖锐起来。 The people shake loudly, amazed inconceivable looks to him, immediately tarries. 众人轰然一震,惊诧不可思议的看向他,顿时呆住。 Good extremely arrogant boy! 好狂妄的小子! All people are out of control to call out in alarm in the heart. 所有人都禁不住在心中惊呼起来。 Barrett subordinates Expert like clouds, God King Third Sky Realm many are uncountable, does he make Barrett choose unexpectedly at will? Chooses the God King Third Sky Warrior confrontation? Insane inadequate? 巴雷特麾下强者如云,神王三重天境界者多不可数,他居然让巴雷特随意挑选?挑选神王三重天武者交锋?疯了不成? In Heaven Punishment City, Barrett is known as the crazy name, but today, everybody suddenly presently this Outsider , the crazy is extremely crazy! 天罚城,巴雷特素有疯狂之名,可今天,大家突然现这个外来者,也极其疯癫痴狂啊! Feng Rao is also flower allows to change colors, opens mouth greatly, does not know that should say any good child. 丰娆也是huā容失色,大张着嘴,不知道该说些什么好子。 She knows that Shi Yan strength, Warrior of same rank is far from the Shi Yan match, but God King Third Sky Expert to he, Feng Rao, actually the victory and defeat difficult material, he not to comply to suffer a loss, but will also see can win steadily! 她知道石岩的实力,同级别的武者绝非石岩对手,但神王三重天强者对上他,在丰娆来看,却胜负难料,他不答应会吃亏,但也见得就能稳胜啊! Good!” When the people are in an uproar amazed, the Barrett face hides to twitch, complies fiercely, the violent shouted to clear the way: Makes the black rate fast give me to come!” “好!”在众人哗然惊诧时,巴雷特脸皮子抽搐着,猛地答应下来,暴喝道:“让黑角速速给我过来!” Person's shadow illness shoots together quickly, as if went is Barrett calls the person. 一道人影倏地疾射出去,似乎去为巴雷特唤人了。 Various the noisy candidate who placed firsts in the palace examination in the imperial examination system, names of one hear of black corner/horn, suddenly the complexion changes, immediately is peaceful. 本来嘈杂的各大魁,一听黑角之名,突然脸色一变,顿时安静下来。 Russell and Jie Yi they, is a face panic-stricken color, looks to Barrett, shouted to clear the way: Your this even/including Heijiao did bring? Doesn't the den manage?” 拉塞尔介依两人,也是一脸惊骇之色,看向巴雷特,同时喝道:“你这趟连黑角都带来了?老巢不管了?” Feng Ke, hears the name of black corner/horn, deeply frowned, helpless shaking the head, as if knows fierce of this fellow. 就连丰岢,听到黑角之名,也深深地皱起眉头,无奈的摇了摇头,似乎知道这家伙的厉害。 Feng Rao left Divine Punishment Grounds to be too long, was not familiar with the ominous person hoodlum of new promote, did not know black corner/horn character, but looked that the people complexion changed, in the heart sank fiercely, had realized was not wonderful, inquired to nearby Feng Xiao: Big brother, is that black corner/horn very fierce?” 丰娆离开神罚之地太久了,对新晋的凶人暴徒并不熟悉,也不知道黑角这一号人物,但看众人脸色都变了,心中猛地一沉,也意识到了不妙,冲旁边的丰枭询问道:“大哥,那黑角很厉害么?” A ruthless person who Divine Punishment Grounds for the past year braves, Black Curtain vice- Kui, Barrett and he is the brothers is symmetric, before breakthrough Source God Realm, they battles not to know one's place. Nowadays, in our Divine Punishment Grounds, the black corner/horn has under Source God the first person of title, sweeps away all and Warrior of his same rank, the boundary of God King peak!” Feng Xiao complexion heavily, bitter and astringent saying. 神罚之地近一年来冒出来的一个狠人,黑幕的副魁,巴雷特和他都是兄弟相称,在巴雷特不曾突破源神境界之前,两人交战不分上下。现如今,在我们神罚之地,黑角有源神之下第一人的称号,横扫所有和他同级别的武者,神王巅峰之境!”丰枭面色沉重之极,苦涩的说道。 Feng Rao complexion great change. 丰娆脸色巨变。
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