GOS :: Volume #9

#839: Station!

Barrett such as a crazy lion of violent anger, batters, does not attend to Heaven Punishment City banned fly natural law, speeds away toward the Feng Ke Green Demon foothold. 巴雷特如一头暴怒的狂狮,一路横冲直撞,不顾天罚城的禁飞规则,朝着丰岢青鬼据点疾驰。 Spacious Heaven Punishment City block, because his anger dashes about wildly, making many people be affected, was cursing secretly, avoided, lived to fear by his flame injuring accidentally. 宽敞的天罚城街区,因为他的怒火狂奔,让很多人受到波及,暗自咒骂着,纷纷避开来,生恐被他身上的火焰给误伤了。 The deep meaning that Barrett majors is the flame, the courage is always irritable staunchly, once the anger has come up, whole body ignites the flaming flame, the sharp flame that the Source God Realm Expert deep meaning grows, the burning hot high temperature, lets warm of entire Heaven Punishment City, immediately climbs up a social stratum. 巴雷特主修的奥义为火焰,胆气向来火爆刚烈,一旦怒火上来了,浑身都燃起熊熊火焰,源神境强者奥义衍生出来的尖焰,炙热高温,让整个天罚城的温,都顿时攀上一个阶层。 Warrior on street, shouting curses, looks up the day, one presently destroys natural law unexpectedly is Barrett, suddenly keeps silent, does not dare to say anything. 街道上的武者,叫骂着,抬头看天,一现破坏规则者的竟然是巴雷特,忽然噤若寒蝉,再也不敢多说什么。 In the Divine Punishment Grounds nearby region, is fleeing in all directions dozens influence Marauder associations, may can be called a side giant truly, has four, Barrett Black Curtain Marauder, is extremely ominous fiercely mindless. 神罚之地附近区域,流窜着数十股势力不等的掠夺者团体,可真正称得上一方巨头的,只有四支,巴雷特黑幕掠夺者,便是其中极其凶烈不讲理的一股。 Barrett Black Curtain rises fast extremely quick, has only used for short two years, never the well-known small influence, at one fell swoop has become one of the Heaven Punishment City four big giants. 巴雷特黑幕崛起的速极快,只用了短短两年时间,就从不知名的小势力,一举成了天罚城四大巨头之一。 Black Curtain Marauder, has been well-known entire Lie Yan Star Field, becomes a Heaven Punishment City legend. 黑幕掠夺者,也闻名了整个烈焰星域,成为天罚城的一个传奇。 Kui Barrett, is this founder of legend, two years, from First Sky of God King Realm, breakthrough arrive at Source God Realm, the Black Curtain belt to peak, the influence were abundant, overawe the four directions. 巴雷特,便是这传奇的缔造者,两年时间,从神王一重天之境,突破源神境,将黑幕带向了巅峰,势力雄厚强大,威震四方。 These were being affected by the Barrett flame, feels indignant but not daring to speak out, is shrinking the head, feigns has not seen him to destroy natural law, is careful, for fear that by Barrett present their disaffection. 那些被巴雷特火焰波及着,敢怒不敢言,一个个缩着头,佯装没有看见他破坏规则,小心谨慎的,生怕被巴雷特现了他们的不满。 In four big giants, the Barrett neck air/Qi is most irritable, often the mindless murder, starts to be relentless, believes in power is Venerable, the subordinates ominous person are countless, does not have many people to dare to provoke him seriously. 四大巨头中,巴雷特脖气最火爆,时常不讲理的杀人,下手毫不留情,信奉力量为尊,麾下凶人无数,当真没有多少人胆敢招惹他。 Speeds away, the Barrett whole body flame stirs up da to shoot, is the flame meteor is likely ordinary, falls loudly to the Green Demon foothold. 一路疾驰,巴雷特周身火焰激龘射,像是火焰流星一般,轰然落向青鬼据点。 With for of Jie Nong giants, full of enthusiasm with, wishes one could the worldwide chaos to be ordinary, but also spoke to ridicule one once for a while, „, pitiful Barrett, the bitter marquis more than two years, actually waited for Feng Rao and pleasant my dear returns together, this was any taste!” 同为巨头之一的介侬,兴致勃勃的跟来,恨不得天下大乱一般,还时不时出言讥讽一句,“啧啧,可怜的巴雷特啊,苦侯了两多年,却等来了丰娆和如意郎君一起返回,这是什么一个滋味啊!” Aggravates the situation, the Barrett anger prestige, fell, then the violent shouted to clear the way: Feng Ke!” 火上浇油似的,巴雷特怒火更威了,一落下来,便暴喝道:“丰岢!” In stone hall, sinks to Feng Ke that the mind Star Chart wanders about, called out by his one had a scare, Divine Sense takes back fiercely, the complexion gloomy gets down immediately. 石殿内,将心神沉入星图徜徉的丰岢,被他一声暴喝吓了一跳,神识猛地收回,脸色顿时阴沉下来。 silhouette dodges, he then arrives at Barrett in the position, complexion ugly scolding said: Barrett, you what insanity? My good intention invited you to conspire Star Chart, do not disturb to me!” 身影一闪间,他便来到巴雷特所在位置,脸色难看的呵斥道:“巴雷特,你又什么疯?我好心邀请你来共谋星图,你别给我捣乱啊!” Feng Rao? Let her come out to me!” Barrett deeply inspires, the eye torching, the anger exclaimed: „Did you initially comply my? You had said that some day my breakthrough arrives at Source God Realm, you then marry Feng Rao to me, now I to Source God Realm, Feng Rao also came back, should you give me a confession?” 丰娆呢?让她给我出来!”巴雷特深吸一口气,眼睛喷火,怒吼道:“你当初怎么答应我的?你曾经说过,有朝一日我突破源神境,你便将丰娆下嫁给我,现在我到源神境了,丰娆也回来了,你是不是应该给我一个交代?” Jie Nong he he the chuckle, is raising hand to take a stand, „the Feng Ke Boss, you truly had said in the past, I can testify.” 介侬呵呵轻笑着,举手表态,“丰岢老大,当年你确实说过,我可以作证的。” I can also testify, you indeed have said.” The Russell sound, conveys from the place bottom deep place spookily, the sound falls, his person's shadow flashes before fiercely, stands with Barrett and Jie Nong in together, grins smiles strangely, the stance of anxiousing to stir up trouble. “我也能作证,你的确这么说过。”拉塞尔的声音,从地底深处幽幽传来,声落,他人影猛地闪现,和巴雷特介侬站在一块儿,咧嘴怪笑不已,一副唯恐天下不乱的架势。 Feng Ke is face stunned. 丰岢则是一脸愕然 This matter passed for more than two years, Feng Rao also left is too long, he did not have to care, soon has forgotten, today to a Barrett saying, he suddenly thinks that as if had really so had pledged. 这件事过了两多年,丰娆也离开太久,他心里没有太在意,都快要遗忘了,今天给巴雷特这么一说,他才忽然想起来,似乎真的有过如此承诺。 More than two years ago, Barrett is only God King First Sky Realm Warrior, was chased down to become a fugitive Divine Punishment Grounds, first time sees Feng Rao then startled is being a beauty, swore that must marry Feng Rao for the wife. 两多年前,巴雷特只是一名神王一重天境界武者,被人追杀逃亡到神罚之地,第一次见着丰娆便惊为天人,立誓要娶丰娆为妻。 Then Feng Ke, near Divine Punishment Grounds already[] was a side overlord, naturally was looking down upon, only then God King First Sky Realm Barrett, ridiculed that his Realm was too low, did not match to marry his daughter, but also was in front of people to talk wildly, said that if Barrett breakthrough arrived at Source God Realm, had enough power and influence, will promise him. 当时的丰岢,在神罚之地附近已经[]是一方霸主了,自然瞧不起只有神王一重天境界巴雷特,嘲笑他境界太低,不配娶他女儿,还当着众人面放言,说如果巴雷特突破源神境,有了足够的力量和势力,就会答应他。 At that time, he has not seen the Barrett potential, because Barrett was also being chased down, he thinks that Barrett could not live breakthrough Source God Realm that moment. 那时候,他没有看出巴雷特的潜力,又因为巴雷特还被人追杀着,他以为巴雷特活不到突破源神境的那一刻。 Afterward soon, Feng Ke knew that the Star Chart news, Feng Rao on own initiative volunteers for military service to go to purgatory Star Chart to seek Star Chart, left on the one person alone. 事后不多久,丰岢得知星图的消息,丰娆又主动请缨去炼狱星图星图,就孤身离开了。 Because Barrett missing of Feng Rao, but also had made the period of time, is law-abiding, this matter lets it go. 巴雷特因为丰娆的失踪,还曾经闹过一阵子,然后才安分下来,此事不了了之。 Crossed for more than two years, in the past Realm superficial Barrett, already[] achieves Source God Realm, and has substituted for his originally attachment, becomes Black Curtain Kui, a Heaven Punishment City side overlord. 过了两多年了,当年境界浅薄的巴雷特,已经[]达到源神境,并且取代了他原先的依附者,成为黑幕魁,天罚城一方霸主。 But at this time, Feng Rao returned exactly, after Barrett understood clearly the news, excited exceptionally, has immediately caught up. 而这时,丰娆恰恰返回,巴雷特洞悉消息后兴奋异常,立即赶了过来。 But Feng Ke, the past commitment forgetting, to be understood by Barrett, Russell and a Jie Nong three people of beginning, he is suddenly enlighted, remembers such a matter. 丰岢,则将当年的承诺给忘记了,被巴雷特拉塞尔介侬三人一起点明了,他恍然大悟,想起有这么一茬事。 Feng Ke, I asked you, did past commitment also keep a promise!” Barrett horizontally face, eye flame flaming, hot tempered snort|hum said: You , if not mean what he says, we and you one and open up Star Chart, afterward had presently, you are also same can speak do not calculate that we do plow the air?” 丰岢,我就问你,当年的承诺还算不算数!”巴雷特横着脸,眼睛火焰熊熊,暴躁的哼道:“你要是说话不算数,我们与你一并开垦星图,事后有了现,你也一样可以说话不算,那我们岂不是白费力气?” Russell and Jie Nong they, nods in abundance, even/including say|way is such a principle. 拉塞尔介侬两人,也纷纷点头,连道就是这么一个理。 When here three people spoke, there are Marauder Kui who received the invitation, gathered slowly, blood slaughter Ka Tuo in the crowd, was also astonished however looks at both sides. 这边三人讲话时,有更多收到邀请的掠夺者魁,也慢慢聚集过来,其中血屠卡托也在人群中,讶然看着双方。 Gester sage, do you also come?” “杰斯特贤者,您也来啦?” „, Is Gester Senior, in requests personally, in requests personally!” “啊,是杰斯特前辈啊,里面请,里面请!” Mr. Gester, you complies with my medicinal pills, must remember surely.” “杰斯特先生,你答应我的丹药,定要记得啊。” , In the crowd hears the noise sound suddenly, Alchemist master Gester two shrinks in the sleeve cuff, expression is faint, the person who to greeting nods, walked sluggishly. 忽地,人群中传来喧嚣声,炼药师杰斯特两手缩在袖口,神色淡漠,冲打招呼的人点点头,慢吞吞的走了过来。 Source God Realm Gester, Realm is extremely striking in crowd, is in itself an extremely uncommon Alchemist master, these Divine Punishment Grounds Marauder Kui, many medicinal pills must refine through him, quite respects to him, he comes, everybody expressed respectfully, allowed to pass through to him on own initiative. 源神境的杰斯特,境界在人群中极其醒目,本身又是一名极其不凡的炼药师,这些神罚之地掠夺者魁,很多丹药都要通过他来炼制,对他颇为敬重,他一过来,大家纷纷表示恭敬,主动给他让路。 Gester nods, indifferent arrives at side Barrett, Russell and Jie Nong, is standing motionless, bows toward Feng Ke slightly, many thanks the Feng Ke Boss permits the obsolete participation.” 杰斯特点着头,冷漠的来到巴雷特拉塞尔介侬身旁,站着不动,朝着丰岢略略躬身,“多谢丰岢老大允许老朽参与。” Feng Ke awkward smiling, beckons with the hand to say hastily: Mister was polite, the spirit medicine spirit grass of nova territory must direct by the mister, our these careless people, the fight, actually cannot clearly recognize the substantive roles of these spirit medicine spirit grass.” 丰岢尴尬的笑了笑,连忙摆手道:“先生客气了,新星域的灵药灵草还要靠先生指点呢,我们这些粗人,战斗可以,却认不清那些灵药灵草的实质作用。” „The Feng Ke Boss was modest, can participate in this matter, is obsolete greatest being honored.” Gester shows a faint smile, at once shot a look at Barrett, knits the brows: What to quarrel?” 丰岢老大谦虚了,能参与此事,是老朽莫大的荣幸。”杰斯特微微一笑,旋即瞥了一眼巴雷特,皱眉道:“吵什么呢?” You came happen, figures out to me, the Feng Ke Boss promised me in the past, achieves my breakthrough Source God Realm, then marries Feng Rao to me, now I achieved Source God Realm, I must ask for an explanation to the Feng Rao Boss.” Barrett when treats Gester, appears quite respects, violent anger expression has restrained much, the complexion is not quite attractive, shouts supinely. “你来了正好,给我评评理,丰岢老大当年答应了我,达到我突破源神境,便将丰娆下嫁给我,现在我达到源神境了,我要向丰娆老大讨个说法。”巴雷特在对待杰斯特的时候,也显得颇为敬重,暴怒的神色收敛了不少,脸色还是不太好看,仰嚷嚷起来。 Feng Ke Boss effective and influential word, wants to come should not to deny. „ Gester said earnestly. 丰岢老大一言九鼎,想来应该不会抵赖的。“杰斯特认真地说道。 Feng Ke Boss, your what meaning? Took a stand?” Marauder Kui in crowd, shouted that worried the matter of Star Chart, does not think, because among Barrett waste too long time. 丰岢老大,你到底什么意思?表个态啊?”人群中的掠夺者魁,都叫嚷起来,都着急星图之事,不想因为巴雷特浪费太多时间。 Rao'er!” Feng Ke is unable to back down, silent a while, suddenly calls out one, loud and clear loudly shout resounds through in all directions. 娆儿!”丰岢骑虎难下,沉默了一会儿,突然暴喝一声,洪亮的喝声响彻四面八方。 Already heard the noise Feng Rao, the beautiful pupil was dark, expression ice-cold came out from the rear side gate quietly, arrived at side Feng Ke to stand firm leisurely, shot a look at Barrett indifferently, light saying: You want to marry me, should ask my meaning?” 早就听到嘈杂声的丰娆,美眸幽暗,神色冰冷的悄悄从后方侧门出来,款款来到丰岢身旁站定,漠然瞥了一眼巴雷特,淡淡的说道:“你想要娶我,是不是应该问问我的意思?” Has stabilized several seconds of Barrett slightly, sees Feng Rao to appear, not only does not have happy to get up, instead the anger has soared to the heavens, fierce shouting to clear the way: Your meaning? When I my blind person? Had not seen that you and that boy are affectionate? „ Red-orange scalding hot flame, spreads instantaneously from him, he likely is in the flame sea, exclaiming of violent anger: „ That external puppy? Let him get lost to me! I must make him know, woman who dares to touch the father, can be any fate! I must burn down the ashes his Soul Altar, makes his little gave me the pain dead!” 稍稍安定了几秒的巴雷特,一见到丰娆出现,不但没高兴起来,反而又怒火冲天了,狰狞的喝道:“你的意思?我当我瞎子?没看到你和那小子卿卿我我?“桔红色的灼热火焰,瞬间从他身上蔓延出来,他像是处在火焰海洋之内,暴怒的吼道:“那外来的小狗呢?让他给我滚出来!我要让他知道,敢碰老子的女人,会是什么下场!我要将他灵魂祭台焚烧成灰烬,让他一点点的给我痛苦死去!” Barrett, gives me law-abidingly!” Feng Ke was also hot, complexion gloomy and cold got down suddenly, here was my Green Demon! It is not your Black Curtain! Is Shi Yan brings Star Chart, without him, no one wants to bribe Star Chart! You give me calmly, do not embarrass everybody!” 巴雷特,给我安分一点!”丰岢也火了,脸色骤然阴冷下来,“这里是我青鬼!不是你的黑幕!是石岩星图带过来的,没有他,谁也不想染指星图!你给我冷静一点,别让大家都难堪!” I, no matter, that puppy I must kill!” Barrett is furious exceptionally, roar like thunder. “我不管,那小狗我非杀不可!”巴雷特震怒异常,吼声如雷。 Feng Ke is suddenly silent, eye deep place, has cold You rays of light glittering, as if moved the real anger. 丰岢忽然沉默下来,眼睛深处,有冷幽的光芒闪烁,似乎动了真怒。 Saw him to get angry, Kui who called numerously also suddenly shuts up does not say, knows Feng Ke, once moved really hot, was extremely fearful. 一见他真的怒了,众多吆喝的魁也忽然闭嘴不言了,都知道丰岢一旦动了真火,是极其可怕的。 Just lest also world not chaotic Russell and Jie Nong they, awkward smiling, no longer helped Barrett continue to provoke. 就连刚刚还惟恐天下不乱的拉塞尔介侬两人,也尴尬的笑了笑,不再帮助巴雷特继续挑衅了。 When the audience falls suddenly the needle may hear, together vigorous silhouette, quickly from Feng Rao flashes before, the complexion is faint, I was Shi Yan.” 在全场忽然落针可闻之时,一道雄健的身影,倏地从丰娆身旁闪现,脸色淡漠自若,“我就是石岩了。” Young fellow, but also dares to crop up really!” “好小子,还真敢冒头啊!” Is a little bold, when the Barrett violent anger, jumps unexpectedly on own initiative, doesn't know the life really?” “有点大胆啊,竟然在巴雷特暴怒之时,主动跳出来,难道真的不知道死活?” Hehe, should Outsider, not listen to the Barrett ominous name?” 嘿嘿,外来者嘛,应该没有听过巴雷特的凶名?” Also, this boy must have bad luck.” “也是啊,这小子要倒霉了。” All Marauder Kui in crowd, clamored again, ridiculed loudly. 人群中的各方掠夺者魁,再次喧哗起来,大声嘲笑起来。 Only then blood slaughter Ka Tuo, a word not, complexion ominous severe is staring at Shi Yan, knits the brows does not know that thinks any thoughts. 只有血屠卡托,一言不,脸色凶厉的盯着石岩,皱眉不知道想些什么心思。 Said do not come out, I will solve, why do you also brave?” Feng Rao black eyebrows limps, is smiling bitterly turning head, you, as soon as comes out, the minor matter also turned into the important matter, was really, do you want to provoke that lunatic to be inadequate really?” “都说了别出来,我会解决的,你还冒出来干吗?”丰娆黛眉微蹩,苦笑着回头,“你一出来,小事也变成大事了,真是的,你真想招惹那疯子不成?” Shi Yan gives a calm smile, mixed not to care said: I am not familiar with make woman keep out the wind to obstruct the rain to me.” 石岩淡然一笑,混不在意的说:“我可不习惯让女人给我挡风遮雨。” A little courage, good.” Jie Nong laughs at one, Yin and Yang odd saying: Is a little silly.” “有点胆魄啊,不错。”介侬嗤笑一声,阴阳怪气的说道:“就是有点傻。” Is silly.” Russell nod in agreement, look cold severe, a lot of annoyed, at this time he naturally knows that initially Shi Yan and Ka Tuo same place, collaborated to deceive him, in the heart was not certainly feeling well. “是傻。”拉塞尔点头附和,眼神冷厉,一肚子恼火,这时候他自然知道当初石岩卡托一起,联手欺骗了他,心里面当然不爽了。
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