GOS :: Volume #9

#838: Can you shameless?

On strange tall Heaven Punishment City stone. 奇高的天罚城石台上。 Shi Yan is sticking to Feng Rao, chest cavity relative, the eye is scalding hot, the corners of the mouth hold badly are smiling, teases recklessly. 石岩紧贴着丰娆,胸腔相对,眼睛灼热赤裸,嘴角噙着坏笑,肆意挑逗。 Feng Rao of silk light garment, a curve is sending exquisite, the milk-white bosom stands tall and erect plentifully, tender face blushes bashfully, the bright eyes are bright and intelligent, clenches teeth to stare him. 着丝绸轻衫的丰娆,一身的曲线玲珑有致,酥胸丰满高耸,娇颜羞赧,明眸水汪汪的,咬牙瞪着他。 Shi Yan turns a blind eye, is rocking the shoulder, is eating the bean curd, is in a good mood, does not have a point embarrassment. 石岩视若无睹,晃动着肩膀,吃着豆腐,心情畅快,没有一点的不好意思。 „Can you shameless?” Feng Rao blushes, heart angry snort|hum said that immediately has not actually withdrawn, as to have a look at his shameless limit. “你能更加无耻一点么?”丰娆红着脸,芳心恼怒的哼道,却没有立即后撤开来,似乎想看看他无耻的极限。 Can.” Shi Yan arrives at the mouth, the smiling face is evil, the left leg has stepped one step, inserts in Feng Rao cultivates the straight beautiful legs, the leg meat pastes, each other can feel increasing of opposite party body temperature. “能啊。”石岩到嘴,笑容邪恶,左腿跨了一步,插在丰娆修直美腿之间,腿肉相贴,彼此能感觉到对方体温的攀升。 His left leg upward raised slowly has raised, arrives places under Feng Rao, the eye was even more scalding hot, shouted to clear the way lowly: This moment you, are really beautiful!” 他左腿缓缓往上提了一提,抵在丰娆下身处,眼睛愈发灼热起来,低喝道:“这一刻的你,真美!” Shameless!” Feng Rao a little cannot endure, only thinks that two legs a little become tender, forbidden land is hot and damp. “无耻至极!”丰娆有点吃不消,只觉两腿有点发软,禁地不知不觉间湿热起来。 Her retreat one step, the big mouth has gasped for breath fiercely, seductive and lovable blushing look can infiltrate bleeding to come, clenches teeth to stare Shi Yan maliciously your origin, I inquired for these days, you are Dark Sky God Country Princess Zi Yao attachment, you are admiring her, is willing into her Entourage? Otherwise, by her power Realm, how could restraint you? If you are good to her wholeheartedly, do not provoke me, otherwise I will not make you feel better!” 她猛地后退了一步,大口喘气,娇容红的似能渗出血来,狠狠地咬牙瞪着石岩“你的来历,我这几天都打听到了,你是天涅神国紫耀公主的依附者,你是不是爱慕着她,才甘愿成为她的扈从?要不然,以她的力量境界,岂能束缚你?你若是一心对她好,就别招惹我,不然我不会让你好过的!” Do not be jealous, I and she mutually use, you have not thought is so complex.” “别吃醋嘛,我和她只是相互利用而已,没你想的那么复杂。” Shi Yan cannot help laughing, shook the head, said seriously: I and her relations, are well below to be so close with you, believe me, in this Lie Yan Star Field I only then your woman.” 石岩哑然失笑,摇了摇头,一本正经道:“我和她的关系,远远不如与你这般亲密,相信我,在这烈焰星域内我心里只有你一个女人。” The Feng Rao heart secretly rejoices, raises head slightly, reveals one section fairly such as jade neck that you to promise me, from now on will get up, you no longer are that Princess Zi Yao follower.” 丰娆芳心暗喜,微微仰着头,露出一截白皙如玉的脖颈“那你答应我,从今起,你不再是那紫耀公主的跟随者。” Does not have the issue.” Shi Yan wants not to think that full mouth complies, saying that the smiling face brims with: You have anything to request, one and said that I can satisfy. Hehe, you are Lou's woman, I naturally can be good to you.” “没问题。”石岩想也不想,满口答应下来,笑容洋溢的说道:“你还有什么要求,一并说出来,我都可以满足。嘿嘿,你是娄的女人,我自然会对你好。” Your woman?” Feng Rao blushes snort|hum not to be easy, before your this bastard, to my? Have you almost killed me? It is not easy to forgive you!” “你的女人?”丰娆红着脸哼了一声“没那么容易,你这混蛋之前怎么对我的?你差点杀了我?没那么容易原谅你!” Past passing, be not keeping always thinking.” Shi Yan chuckled, silhouette dodges. Then arrives at Feng Rao at present, embraces her slowly to the bosom, collects said to her ear bank: „Isn't this good? For you, did I arrive at Divine Punishment Grounds? For you, my stingy does not hand over Star Chart, for you, I ties your father elder brother desirably, you are happy, I satisfy “过去的都过去,别老是惦记着了。”石岩轻笑一声,身影一闪间。便又来到丰娆眼前,将她缓缓揽向怀内,凑向她耳畔说道:“这样不是挺好的?为了你,我来到了神罚之地?为了你,我毫不吝啬星图交出,为了你,我刻意结好你的父亲兄长,你开心,我就满足” Not the valuable talk between lovers, said in a soft voice from his mouth leaves, undisguised talks between lovers, as if the spell makes Feng Rao honestly law-abiding, enclasps him unexpectedly on own initiative, sleep talking twittering said: You said real of pleasant to hear, said some again......” 不值钱的情话,从他口中柔声道出,一句句露骨的情话,仿佛魔咒般让丰娆老实安分下来,竟主动抱紧他,梦呓的呢喃道:“你说的真好听,再多说一些……” Shi Yan naturally with every effort satisfies, he in the star group consisting of four stars in draco sentiment language that another world has a good command, was being traded the flower type soft voice lecture by him, making the Feng Rao heart overflow completely happily, naked body joyful shivered gently. 石岩自然尽力满足,他在另一世界掌握的御女情语,被他换着huā温声讲来,让丰娆芳心溢满了甜蜜,胴体都喜悦的轻轻颤抖起来。 „The bastard does not know where, such for a long time did not have the news, can leave?” “那混蛋不知道去了何处,这么久都没有消息,会不会离开了?” On the Heaven Punishment City street of spaciousness, Zi Yao is bored to death is strolling, gua chirp. 宽敝的天罚城街道上,紫耀百无聊赖的闲逛着,呱噪不已。 Aranza, Tie Mu and Ao Gela three people, are extremely interested to the Heaven Punishment City numerous scarce cultivation materials, dispersed to purchase, only then Kashewen with her together, strolled in Heaven Punishment City. 亚兰、铁牧奥格拉斯三人,对天罚城众多稀缺的修炼材料极其有兴趣,分散开来去购买了,只有卡修恩与她一道,在天罚城闲逛。 I receive the message, said that he and Brother Ka Tuo was left by Heaven Punishment City together, um, should hide in Divine Punishment Grounds.” Kashewen smiled, said indifferently: Do not worry, heard that he complied with female of Feng Rao Feng Ke, after can waits for three friend lives to preserve, on own initiative comes back Star Chart to hand over.” “我收到消息,说他和卡托兄弟一同由天罚城离开了,嗯,应该在神罚之地藏匿起来了。”卡修恩笑了笑,淡然说道:“别着急,听说他答应了丰岢之女丰娆,会等三个朋友性命保住以后,主动回来将星图交出来。” „... Feng Rao, is she very attractive?” Zi Yao black eyebrows micro pressed, inquired subconsciously. “…丰娆,她很漂亮么?”紫耀黛眉微蹙,下意识地询问道。 Rose that „a Divine Punishment Grounds belt punctures, the Feng Ke beloved daughter, the nature was attractive. He He, many Divine Punishment Grounds avid followers, secretly admire her, but compares to the princess palace to get down, should be inferior to slightly.” Kashewen replied with a smile. 神罚之地一朵带刺的玫瑰,丰岢的掌上明珠,自然漂亮了。呵呵,很多神罚之地的狂徒,都暗自钦慕她,不过比起公主殿下来,应该稍稍不及的。”卡修恩含笑答道。 How can he stir with that woman about in together?” Zi Yao is light. “他怎会和那个女人搅合在一块儿?”紫耀轻哼。 Should be together comes out from purgatory star, Feng Rao that girl, it is said is one of the purgatory star convicts, should schemes Star Chart.” Kashewen knits the brows Feng Ke these fellows is the plans is very seriously deep, for Star Chart, making the biological daughter conceal identity, went to the purgatory star, one dull was more than 200 years, seriously was the good patience.” “应该是一起从炼狱星出来的吧,丰娆那丫头,据说是炼狱星的囚徒之一,应该是图谋星图者。”卡修恩皱眉“丰岢这些家伙当真是心机很深,为了星图,让亲生女儿隐姓埋名,去了炼狱星,一呆就是200多年,当真是好耐性啊。” Shi Yan that bastard, if came Heaven Punishment City, went to the Green Demon foothold directly?” Zi Yao asked. 石岩那混蛋要是来天罚城了,是不是直接去青鬼据点?”紫耀问。 Kashewen nods, puts out a hand a finger, the point to the highest cone-shape building, said: That was Green Demon in the Heaven Punishment City headquarters, the defense was stern, Feng Ke at this time then in inside. Well!” 卡修恩点头,伸手一指,点向最高的锥形建筑物,道:“那便是青鬼天罚城的总部了,防御森严,丰岢此时便在里面。咦!” The words arrive at half, Kashewen are startled suddenly, light shout, the eye emits shining rays of light fiercely, closely stares to that building, a face panic-stricken color. 话到一半,卡修恩突然怔住,猛地轻喝一声,眼睛放出明晃晃的光芒,紧紧盯向那建筑物顶部,一脸惊骇之色。 Zi Yao is also looks up, but her Realm is slightly low, can only find a that building peak fuzziness, does not look clearly. 紫耀也是抬头去看,可她境界略低,只能瞧见那建筑物顶端一片模糊,看不真切。 Kashewen dull half sound, facial expression strangely, hesitant, suddenly takes out at the same time six corner crystal mirrors, keeps off that peak has obstructing the view energy in Zi Yao at present, this mirror, can make you disregard the hindrance, looked clear.” 卡修恩呆愣半响,神情古怪之极,犹豫了一下,忽然取出一面六棱水晶镜子,挡在了紫耀眼前“那顶端有阻碍视线的能量,这面镜子,可以让你无视阻碍,看的清楚一点。” Zi Yao does not doubt him, eye one bright, Qin to that six prism, looked with rapt attention. 紫耀不疑有他,眼睛一亮,秦向那六棱镜子,凝神去看。 Men and women, on stone of that building peak, support in together, as if were talking in whispers, the picture was harmonious, they as if were saying the talk between lovers that cannot speak her tender body trembled, the complexion all of a sudden became extremely ugly, the beautiful pupil several wanted to torch, the anger shouted to clear the way: Has no sense of shame! Have no sense of shame! Bastard who is not concerned about face!” 一对男女,在那建筑物顶端的石台上,相拥在一块儿,似乎在窃窃私语,画面和谐甜蜜,两人似乎在说着讲不完的情话她娇躯一颤,脸色一下子变得极其难看,美眸几欲喷火,怒喝道:“不知羞耻!不知羞耻!不要脸的混蛋!” Her heart, such as was closely gripped to pull, the discomfort that whole body could not say, suffocated, anger such as the volcanic eruption, could not stop climbed up, she of air/Qi wanted to kill people simply, God Body was shivering, clenching jaws kept fighting lowly. 她的芳心,如被人紧紧攥着扯动了一下,浑身说不出来的难受,堵得慌,怒意如火山爆发,止不住的攀上起来,气的她简直想要杀人,神体都在颤抖,咬牙切齿的低骂个不停。 Kashewen feels the chin, looks at she, the look is silently strange hugs in the same place, pours does not say that has no sense of shame, but that boy is quite actually lucky in love, Feng Rao that girl fresh beautiful is seriously uncommon. At this time, the outstanding heroes collected must scheme Star Chart, he was quite actually calm, the leisure talked love, there is one.” 卡修恩摸着下巴,默默看着她,眼神怪异“只是抱在一起,倒也称不上不知羞耻,不过那小子倒是好艳福,丰娆那丫头当真生的枧丽不凡。啧啧,这个时候,群雄汇集着要图谋星图,他倒是好淡定,还有闲暇谈情说爱,有一手啊。” Bastard! Drop dead front young bastard!” Zi Yao teeth clench straight sound we make light or traveling thousands of miles, he unexpectedly unexpectedly failing to see the bigger problem so, unexpectedly and daughter of Marauder leader gangs up in the same place, irritated me!” “混蛋!杀千刀锋小混蛋!”紫耀银牙咬的咯嘣直响“我们不远千里而来,他居然居然这般的不识大体,竟和掠夺者魁首的女儿勾搭在一起,气死我了!” Why does not know, looks at Shi Yan and Feng Rao hug in together, her whole body is uncomfortable, the feeling of anger rubs upward braves, to wish one could to rush, rips to pull open forcefully them. 不知道为什么,看着石岩丰娆抱在一块儿,她浑身不舒服,恼意蹭蹭的往上冒,恨不得冲上去,将两人强行撕拉开来。 Do not impulse, Heaven Punishment City restriction speeds along, you must expose the status, before Ao Guduo and Anna has not come, I may unable to guarantee your life.” Kashewen sees her anger to rise dramatically, had a scare, consoles to say hurriedly: Shi Yan is only your follower, you do not need such to care, he has to pursue the woman[ from] by, you do not have the right of interference, do not lack consideration for the whole!” “你可别冲动啊,天罚城禁制飞驰,你要暴露了身份,在奥古多和lì安娜没来之前,我可保不了你的性命。”卡修恩一见她怒意飙升,也吓了一跳,急忙劝解道:“石岩只是你的跟随者,你不用这么在意啊,他有追求女人的〖自〗由,你没有干涉的权利,别不顾大局啊!” pa pa! 啪啪 That six corner crystal mirrors, disrupt suddenly, the chip filing splashes randomly, Zi Yao deeply has attracted several tones, the abundant chest ballooning shivers, angry snort|hum said: The less seen the better, saw that his Xiao Yao is so comfortable, thinks we are worried about him, my Life Qi/angry! The bastards, this bastard have free time to talk love unexpectedly, does not know that others because of his matter, daily is with trepidation, for fear that he has an accident!” 那面六棱水晶镜子,突然碎裂开来,晶片屑子乱溅,紫耀深深吸了几口气,丰胸鼓胀颤动,气恼的哼道:“眼不见为净,看到他这么逍遥自在,想想我们一路担心他,我就生气!混蛋,这个混蛋居然还有空谈情说爱,不知道别人因为他的事情,天天提心吊胆,生怕他出事么!” I have not been worried about him.” A Kashewen face meat pain, the looks at priceless six corner crystal mirrors, fell by the Zi Yao air/Qi under crumb extremely, the helpless whisper that boy a lot of dirty tricks, where has is so easy to have an accident? Among us, only then you are worried about him, others do not have, Ao Gela ......... Perhaps is also hoping he early dies.” “我可没担心他。”卡修恩一脸肉痛,看着价值连城的六棱水晶镜子,被紫耀气极下捏碎掉,无奈的嘀咕起来“那小子一肚子坏水,哪有那么容易出事?我们当中,也只有你担心他,别人可没,奥格拉斯………说不定还盼望着他早死呢。” I must see him, you try to find the solution.” Zi Yao snort|hum, suddenly calm, “我要见他,你想想办法。”紫耀哼了一声,忽然镇定了下来, Said to Kashewen: You arrange.” 卡修恩说道:“你安排一下。” Gives me to select the time.” In the Kashewen heart sighed, braced oneself to comply with getting down „, but you must record sincerely, was careful at Heaven Punishment City all things, cannot expose the status. At least, before Ao Guduo and Anna arrives, to know our status.” “给我点时间吧。”卡修恩心中一叹,硬着头皮答应了下来“但你要谨记,在天罚城万事都要小心,不可暴露了身份。至少,在奥古多和lì安娜到来之前,不要让人知道我们的身份。” Good! I promise you!” Zi Yao nods. “好!我答应你!”紫耀点头。 Heaven Punishment City city gate. 天罚城一处城门口。 One line of they take big strides to enter, the bodyguard in peripheral Chengkou, is the single knee is well-grounded, respectful sound shouted to clear the way: Has seen the Barrett person! Has seen Sir Jie Yi!” 一行两人阔步而入,周边城口的侍卫,都是单膝着地,恭声喝道:“见过巴雷特的人!见过介依大人!” Their slight bow, from attending to trend city, behind dozens Realm are profound, aura bloody ominous severe Warrior follows. 两人微微点头,自顾的走向城内,身后都有数十名境界高深,气息血腥凶厉的武者跟随。 Barrett is person of clan Expert, the height about two meters, jet black heavy armor, the eyebrow bold is extravagant. 巴雷特乃人族强者,身高两米左右,一身漆黑的重甲,眉粗体阔。 Jie Yi is the Dark Spirit Clan clansman, a green long hair hangs the waist, complexion cold Lou. 介依暗灵族族人,一头青色长发垂到腰身,脸色冷嵝。 Feng Ke should obtain Star Chart, will otherwise not be making us catch up anxiously, Hehe, heard that Feng Rao also came back, this time I must pay attention but actually, cannot make her sneak off from my hand easily.” Barrett grins to laugh, gained ground shot a look at one toward Feng Ke Green Demon stone hall. 丰岢应该得到星图了,不然不会急着让我们赶来,嘿嘿,听说丰娆也回来了,这次我倒要留点神了,不能让她轻易从我手中溜走了。”巴雷特咧嘴大笑着,抬头朝着丰岢青鬼石殿瞥了一眼。 His expression is startled, narrows the eyes to focus looked fiercely that the complexion becomes is extremely in vain ugly. 神色一怔,眯着眼猛地一看,脸色徒然变得极其难看起来。 Jie Yi following his vision, stared from afar, suddenly lost one's voice to smile, teased: Barrett, it seems like did you misjudge? You unrequited love the Feng Rao many years, has not thought that will act swiftly to get there first? Interesting, Ha Ha, that boy should be the Star Chart carrier evidently, has not thought that arrived with Feng Rao unexpectedly together.” 介依顺着他的目光,远远凝视了一下,忽然失声笑了起来,调侃道:“巴雷特,看来你失算了啊?你暗恋丰娆多年,没想到会被人捷足先登吧?有趣,哈哈,看样子那小子应该就是星图的携带者了,没想到和丰娆居然走到一块儿了。” Barrett complexion gloomy, ominous pupil suddenly Liang, whole body reveals flaming flame many years ago, Feng Ke has promised me, if I can breakthrough Source God Realm, marry Feng Rao with me. Today's I, am Source God Realm, I must ask that but actually Feng Ke must cash to pledge!” 巴雷特脸色阴沉,凶眸暴亮,浑身流露出熊熊的火苗“很多年前,丰岢答应过我,如果我能突破源神境,就将丰娆下嫁与我。今天的我,已经是源神境,我倒要问问丰岢要不要兑现承诺了!” Barrett, you, if married Feng Rao, with Feng Ke penetrating base plug together? Your these many years fighting, could advantage/cheap the Feng Ke fathers and sons, did you give up really inadequately?” Jie Yi stunned. 巴雷特,你要是娶了丰娆,就和丰岢彻底栓在一块儿?你这么多年的打拼,都会便宜丰岢父子,你真舍得不成?”介依愕然 When Feng Rao has not left Divine Punishment Grounds, Barrett has revealed the admire to her, was only past Barrett Realm is not high, in Divine Punishment Grounds dozens Marauder, was not specially outstanding. 丰娆没有离开神罚之地时,巴雷特都对她表露过爱慕,只是当年的巴雷特境界不算高,在神罚之地数十股掠夺者之中,也并不是特别出众。 Crossed for more than 200 years, Barrett has become one of the Divine Punishment Grounds most Expert, is a Heaven Punishment City big giant, thinks that finally can result in recompenses to hope, which expects enters Heaven Punishment City, saw the picture that makes his anger soar to the heavens. 过了200多年,巴雷特成了神罚之地强者之一,是天罚城的一大巨头,自以为终于能够得偿所愿了,哪料到才进天罚城,就看到了一副让他怒火冲天的画面。 I must see Feng Ke immediately!, Rhett calls out one, does not attend to Heaven Punishment City banned fly natural law, clashes to go fiercely crazily. “我要马上见到丰岢!、吧雷特暴喝一声,不顾天罚城的禁飞规则,猛地狂冲而去。
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