GOS :: Volume #9

#837: Don't by too near...

Hahaha, the hero has the youth, today the little friend defends to come, here was fence lives the splendor seriously!” 哈哈哈,英雄出少年啊,今日小友守诺而来,我这儿当真是蓬筚生辉了!” The Feng Ke speaker laughs, in broad stone hall passionate, appears extremely happy. 丰岢扬声大笑,在宽阔的石殿内热情洋溢,显得极其高兴 Shi Yan and Feng Rao one and returns, the Green Demon Marauder whole face along the way is curious, pays attention France , Italy he, in the eye appears the color of stunned. 石岩丰娆一并返回,沿途的青鬼掠夺者满脸好奇,都留神法意着他,眼中显出愕然之色。 Was separated by for more than 200 years, Feng Rao returned suddenly, has brought the Star Chart news, making these know that Marauder of Lie Yan Star Field legend, was excited is quite curious, knows Star Chart in the Shi Yan hand, secret excited. 相隔200多年了,丰娆忽然返回,带来了星图的消息,让这些知道烈焰星域传说的掠夺者,都是颇为的〖兴〗奋好奇,知道星图石岩手中,一个个暗暗激动。 Black tight-fitting common Warrior fights Shi Yan of clothing/taking, seems like not specially outstanding, only then the eye is bright, appears full of energy, whole body aura is reserved, making the person not dare to look down upon. 一身黑色紧身的常见武者战服的石岩,看起来不是特别出众,只有眼睛明亮熠熠,显得精神抖擞,浑身气息内敛,让人不敢小视。 Feng Rao a silk dress, is having to exquisite the ketone body reveals with nothing left, the beautiful leg of a pair of straight moves, sense of beauty as if made by Heaven. 丰娆着一件丝绸裙装,玲珑有致的酮体显露无遗,一双修直的美腿挪动间,美感天成 In the Divine Punishment Grounds Feng Rao colorful remoteness, more than 200 years ago were the beautiful women of ranking among the best, after was so long, after this time returned, Qing flattered gorgeously, not only has not reduced slightly, added has wiped the mature attractive graceful bearing, these Marauder two that looked at shone, drools. 神罚之地丰娆艳名远扬,200多年前便是数一数二的美女了,时隔这么久,这次返回以后,清媚艳丽不但未曾稍减,更添了一抹成熟诱人的风韵,看的那些掠夺者两眼放光,垂涎不已。 She and Shi Yan walks shoulder to shoulder, instead captured most fiery attention is only nobody dares to reveal ** appearance, in the surface was also respectful exceptionally. 她和石岩并肩走来,反而吸引了大多数火热的目光只是没有一个人胆敢露出**模样,表面上还都是恭敬异常。 She is the Feng Ke only daughter, is the daughter small da elder sister of leader, itself Realm is also high, method very ruthless is ominous, leaves Divine Punishment Grounds is the famous hard to deal with role, this carries the heavy treasure to return, cannot dare to look down on her. 她是丰岢独女,是魁首的千金小龘姐,本身境界又高,手段狠辣凶厉,离开神罚之地便是有名的难缠角色,这趟携带重宝返回,更加没能胆敢小瞧她了。 Has seen Feng Ke Senior.” Shi Yan gives a calm smile, to bow slightly, neither arrogant nor servile, floating arrives in stone hall da Yang, the back is stiff, the manner publicizes. “见过丰岢前辈。”石岩淡然一笑,略略躬身,不亢不卑,飘然来到石殿中龘央,背脊挺直,气宇宣扬。 The Green Demon foothold height hundred meters, is a cone-shape unusual building, the base occupies the ground to be enormous broadly, toward the high place, is incisive narrow. 青鬼据点高百米,是一座锥形的奇特建筑物,底部宽阔占地面极大,越往高处,越是尖锐狭窄。 At this time Shi Yan then in the building, all around open did not have the window, stone hall to stand erect connections stone pillar, on stone pillar was carving the fine flower mark, was mounting bright Crystal Stone, had the light energy fluctuation to emit from stone pillar. 这时候石岩便在建筑物中部,四周开阔没有窗户,石殿竖立着一根根连通的石柱,石柱上雕刻着精美的huā纹,镶嵌着明亮的晶石,有淡淡的能量波动从石柱内散溢出来。 In stone hall, besides Feng Ke and outside the Feng Xiao fathers and sons, Warrior of several Feng Ke subordinates, majority is God King Third Sky Realm. 石殿内,除了丰岢丰枭父子以外,还有几名丰岢麾下的武者,大多数都是神王三重天境界 When walks to Shi Yan, Feng Ke smiled, lifts the hand to give a hand signal, Warrior that by these margin sits, stands to bow to draw back. 待到石岩走进来,丰岢笑了笑,抬手做了个手势,那些旁边端坐着的武者,都站起来躬身退下。 Then, in stone hall then had Feng Ke, Feng Xiao and Shi Yan and Feng Rao four people. 如此一来,石殿中便只有丰岢丰枭石岩丰娆四人了。 Is very good, is the person of code of honor, this point is seriously commendable.” Feng Ke sits well on stone hall platform, waves to hint Shi Yan as one wishes to sit down, then said: Star Chart is important, you can come on own initiative, to be honest, I am a little accidental. He He, changed me is you, not because the trivial three individual medicine cauldrons, exchange with Star Chart. Does not know after they carried off, but also comes the cash to pledge seriously that for Star Chart, I schemes that many years, anything can pay.” “很好,当真是守信之人,这一点难能可贵啊。”丰岢端坐在石殿高台上,挥手示意石岩随便坐下,然后才说道:“星图事关重大,你能主动过来,老实说,我是有点意外的。呵呵,换了我是你,不会因为区区三个人身药鼎,拿星图来交换。更加不会知道他们被带走以后,还当真过来兑现承诺,为了星图,我图谋那么多年,什么都可以付出的。” Feng Xiao also with a smile nods little brother is a character, really can enter worthily said extremely youth Expert of purgatory field, today sees, knows that Dark Sky God Country is abundance of capable people.” 丰枭也含笑点头“小兄弟是个人物,果然不愧是能够进入极道炼狱场的青年强者,今日一见,才知道天涅神国人才济济啊。” I complied with Feng Rao, naturally cannot retract from an engagement, the life is alive, something must insist. For example my three friends, you, are only the small roles, is not worth mentioning, may extremely be for me important, for their life survivals, will pay Star Chart I not to think unworthy.” Shi Yan smiled, turns head to look around Feng Rao, fiery that the vision appears avoiding mentioning I must retract from an engagement, she does not have a mortal hatred of me to be strange.” “我答应了丰娆,自然不会爽约的,人生在世,有些事情必须要坚持。譬如我的三个朋友,在你们来看,只是小角色,不值得一提,可对我来说却极其重要,为了他们的性命存活,付出星图我并不会觉得不值得。”石岩笑了笑,扭头望了望旁边的丰娆,目光显出一丝隐讳的火热“我要爽约了,她不恨死我才怪呢。” Calculates that you know the limitation.” Feng Rao smiles, beautiful pupil glistens, the mood is extremely as if good. “算你识相。”丰娆抿嘴一笑,美眸闪亮,心情似乎极佳。 Feng Ke and Feng Xiao father and son, are the generations of plans gloomy, from Shi Yan and Feng Rao speech and behavior, as if perceived that anything, the look is a little unusual. 丰岢丰枭父子俩,都是心机阴沉之辈,从石岩丰娆的言谈举止,似乎觉察到了点什么,眼神有点异样。 This is Star Chart, Feng Ke Senior also please receive.” Shi Yan has hesitated, takes out Star Chart from Imaginary Space Ring, the thought moves, that Star Chart changes into ray, projects directly to Feng Ke. “这是星图,丰岢前辈还请收好。”石岩沉吟了一下,从幻空戒内将星图取出,念头一动,那星图化为一条光线,直接抛射向丰岢 Feng Ke eyes suddenly brightened, cannot stop to laugh, closely grasps firmly Star Chart, Divine Sense searches, on the face overflowed completely the color of excited, drank again and again high: Good! Good! Good!” 丰岢双眸暴亮,止不住大笑起来,一把将星图紧紧攥住,神识一探,脸上溢满了〖兴〗奋之色,连连高喝:“好!好!好!” Feng Xiao is also difficult to cover excited color, before subconscious gathering up, as to have a look at the Star Chart mystery carefully. 丰枭也难掩激动之色,下意识的凑上前,似乎想要仔细看看星图的奥妙。 Rao'er, leading the little brother to rest first, I call all leaders immediately, conspires the nova territory! When all leaders have arrived in full, you lead the little brother one and come to participate, Star Chart comes by him, from, when calculates his one.” Feng Ke very happy, is very happy, in the heart is keeping thinking about Star Chart, this desire said that much several he, at this time could not attend. 娆儿,带小兄弟先去休息,我立即召集各方魁首,共谋新星域!等到各方魁首到齐了,你带小兄弟一并过来参加,星图由他而来,自当算他一份。”丰岢高兴,也很痛快,心中惦记着星图,本欲多说几句的他,这时候也顾不上了。 Feng Rao is smiling, grace and bearing myriad shot a look at Shi Yan, directly outward line. 丰娆笑盈盈的,风情万千的瞥了一眼石岩,径直往外行去。 Shi Yan is not wordy, bows to Feng Ke slightly a ritual, as then she gets out of the way, to Feng Rao arrangement lodging place. 石岩也不啰嗦,略略向丰岢躬身一礼,便随着她走开,任由丰娆安排住宿地。 Father, the younger sister and that boy, the relations seem to be great. I looked that the younger sister resembled the real sentiment......” to treat to Shi Yan they to rising, Feng Xiao smiling face restraining, knit the brows to say. “父亲,小妹和那小子,似乎关系不浅呀。我看,小妹好像动了真感情了……”待到石岩两人离升了,丰枭笑容收敛,皱眉说道。 Feng Ke also suspended the survey of Star Chart, the complexion sank, nodded, said: Un, Rao'er had the true feelings likely, but that boy, I a little...... Cannot completely understand him.” 丰岢也暂停了星图的探测,脸色沉了下来,点了点头,说道:“嗯,娆儿像是动了真情,可那小子,我有点……看不透他。” Younger sister once had said that once has opened up the nova territory, must cede star of the life to give him...... Father...... Do you want to do really? - “小妹曾说过,一旦开垦了新星域,要割让一颗生命之星给他……父亲……你真要那么做?- The Feng Xiao eye does not abandon completely, said in a soft voice: All leaders will participate directly, if the nova territory has discovered, needs to consume the innumerable manpower and resources to open up wasteland. When the time comes, each leader will have the request, the star of life is extremely precious, Russell, Barrett, Jie Nong and the others are not good to deal with, must compete, gives him star of life words, our very difficult office......” 丰枭眼是满是不舍,轻声道:“各方魁首都会直接参与,如果新星域真的发现了,需要耗费无数的人力物力来开垦。到时候,每一个魁首都会有要求的,生命之星极其宝贵,拉塞尔巴雷特介侬等人都不是好相与的,必会争夺的,给他一个生命之星的话,我们很难办啊……” Feng Ke is also silent, deeply frowns, half sound, said: First complies. After waiting for the nova territory to discover, moreover discussed that if...... Really some boy Rao'er said is so outstanding, works for us wholeheartedly, can unify with Rao'er, gives him star of the life not to be possible by no means that, he and Rao'er unified, is our people, the star of life...... Naturally is also our , has a excuse to take one.” 丰岢也沉默下来,深深地皱着眉头,半响,才说道:“先答应下来。等新星域发现之后,另外商榷,如果……那小子真有娆儿说的那么出众,全心全意为我们做事,又真能和娆儿结合了,给他一个生命之星也并非不可,呵,他和娆儿结合了,便是我们的人,生命之星……自然也是我们的,也算是有个借口多要一份。” Father is wise.” Feng Xiao approved one, said: If his ability is not outstanding, cannot arrive with the younger sister together, the sincerity does not work for us, what to do can that?” “父亲高明。”丰枭赞了一句,顿了一下,又道:“要是他能力不出众,和小妹不能走到一块儿,不真心为我们做事,那要怎么办?” He He, how does this also want me to teach you to do?” In the Feng Ke pupil murderous intention jumps shoots, cold voice said. “呵呵,这还要我教你怎么做?”丰岢眸中杀机迸射,冷声道。 Feng Xiao suddenly, lowly chuckled got up child to understand.” 丰枭恍然,嘿嘿低笑起来“孩儿懂了。” First has a look at Star Chart, do not want to be too many, if the boy power and ability are insufficient, even if he and Rao'er two sentiments like each other, I must interfere vigorously. Only if he showed that own power, can become the arm of our force, otherwise wants to obtain benefits in our domains, was too naive.” Feng Ke knits the brows, will focus in Star Chart, will sense with rapt attention secretly. “先看看星图,别想太多了,那小子若是力量和能力不足,就算他和娆儿两情相悦,我也要极力干涉。除非他证明自己的力量,能够成为我们强力的臂膀,不然想在我们的地盘获益,太天真了。”丰岢皱眉,又将注意力放在星图上,凝神暗暗感悟起来。 The cone-shape building peak, in a platform of triangle, is standing erect the crystal furniture, is placing the clear attractive fruit. 锥形建筑物顶端,一处三角形的平台上,竖立着水晶桌椅,摆放着晶莹诱人的水果。 Shi Yan and Feng Rao they, sit on the crystal chair stool, is eating the foreign land fruit, is drinking the young wine of delicate fragrance, the bird's eye view Heaven Punishment City of under foot, the manner spontaneously. 石岩丰娆两人,坐在水晶椅凳上,吃着异域水果,喝着清香的小酒,俯瞰着脚下的天罚城,神态油然。 The cone-shape palace in Green Demon Marauder foothold, is Heaven Punishment City is highest, can completely understand the penetrating here Heaven Punishment City each corner, Feng Ke likes this condescending and glance audiences mountain Little feeling, the safe the time, often overlooks the entire city here, becomes one type satisfies spontaneously proudly. 青鬼掠夺者据点的锥形宫殿,是天罚城最高的,在这儿可以将天罚城各个角落看个透彻,丰岢喜欢这种居高临下、一览众山小的感觉,无事的时候,时常在这儿俯视整座城池,油然而成一种自豪满足。 Is away from the crystal table stage to sit with Feng Rao, Shi Yan bird's eye view entire city, realized from experience the Feng Ke feeling of satisfaction faintly. 丰娆隔着水晶桌台坐着,石岩俯瞰全城,也隐隐体悟到了丰岢的满足感。 The big city, Lie Yan Star Field is most abnormal the lively place, innumerable Marauder influence guarding, the hoodlum, the ruthless person and craziness all region appear and disappear, in own under foot activity, as if is grasping, feeling...... Truly very wonderful. 偌大一个城池,烈焰星域最畸形繁华之地,无数掠夺者势力驻守,各方区域的暴徒、狠人、狂者出没,却都在自己脚下活动,似乎一切都在掌握之中,感觉……确实非常的美妙。 What kind of? Hasn't deceived you?” Good wine of Shi Yan in the cup drank completely, has stood suddenly, occupied a commanding position looks at under foot tiny communication Warrior, shouted to clear the way: Your father will enjoy seriously, here bird's eye view entire city, by cultivation base Realm of boundary of his Source God Second Sky, fears can see the under foot any Warrior look and sound quietly, he he, feared that doesn't have what fighting to evade his observation?” “怎样?没有骗你吧?”石岩一口将杯中美酒饮尽,霍然站了起来,居高临下看着脚下渺小的来往武者,喝道:“你父亲当真会享受啊,这儿俯瞰全城,以他源神二重天之境的修为境界,恐悄可以看到脚下任何武者的相貌和动静,呵呵,怕是没有什么械斗可以躲过他的观察吧?” I know that you will certainly come.” The Feng Rao smiling face is brimming with, sets out leisurely, arrives at side him gracefully, overlooks the under foot city with him, said in a soft voice: Man cherishes the ambition hegemony, steps on others in the under foot grasps others life and death, then can obtain indescribable satisfies proudly, but our women, sometimes want is not these, is worth entrusting person lifelong, is more important to us.” “我知道你一定会来的。”丰娆笑容洋溢着,也款款起身,婀娜多姿的来到他身旁,和他一起俯视脚下城池,柔声道:“男人心怀雄图霸业,将别人踩在脚下掌握别人生死,便能获得难以言喻的满足自豪,可我们女人,有时候要的并不是这些,一个值得托付终身的人,对我们更加重要。” Shi Yan expression changes countenance, shows a faint smile, turns head to look to her, said: „Do you look at me to be what kind of? Is worth entrusting lifelong?” 石岩神色动容,微微一笑,扭头看向她,说道:“你看我怎么样?值得托付终身吗?” Puchi!” Feng Rao shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not, beautiful pupil strange, will stare at him deeply to look at a while you also really to follow the bamboo pipe upward to crawl, your this fellow was too dangerous, a lot of dirty tricks, your welfare at this moment will not decide, the woman followed you, feared that did not have a day of peaceful life.” 噗哧!”丰娆摇头失笑,美眸奇异,盯着他深深看了一会儿“你还真会顺着竹管往上爬呀,你这家伙太危险,一肚子坏水,不会有一刻安定,女人跟了你,怕是没一天安稳日子过。” „Don't you like the risk wanderer?” Shi Yan smiled „our kind of people, devotes the life energy for power Realm, where has what peaceful life? Does not struggle to whet in the adverse circumstance, does not strive own power, what comes the moment calm and steady comfortable?” “你不是也喜欢冒险闯荡么?”石岩笑了笑“我们这类人,为了力量境界付出一生精力,哪有什么安稳日子?不在逆境中挣扎磨砺,不精进自己的力量,何来片刻的安稳舒服?” During the speech, he turns around quickly, look warm gradually moves toward Feng Rao. 讲话间,他倏地转身,眼神热烈的一步步走向丰娆 The Feng Rao heart trembles, does not have retreat to avoid, the beautiful pupil deeply looks to him, clenches the teeth, purses the lips, both cheeks have to blush bastard! Do not be near by me!” 丰娆芳心一颤,却没有后退避开,美眸深深看向他,咬着银牙,抿着嘴,两腮生出朵朵红晕“混蛋!别靠我太近!” Pa! 啪! Shi Yan halts suddenly, face-to-face personal quarrels with Feng Rao, his spacious chest, arrives directly in the Feng Rao plentiful tall and straight twin peaks place, he can induce to the Feng Rao twin peaks abundant very and full warming up, appreciates with rapt attention secretly, even can perceive that two grains of fruits by weakly become gradual is hard...... 石岩忽然止步,和丰娆面对面贴身相向,他宽敞的胸膛,直接抵在丰娆丰满挺拔双峰处,他能够感应到丰娆双峰的丰挺和饱满温热,凝神暗暗体味,甚至可以觉察到两粒果实由酥软变得逐渐的坚硬起来…… Breath of Feng Rao, suddenly becomes must be rapid, breath was filled with an orchid fragrance, the bright eyes are bright and intelligent, flickers is staring at him who does not move, has not worried retreat, whatever he is occupying advantage/cheap. 丰娆的呼吸,忽的变得急促起来,吐息如兰,明眸水汪汪的,一瞬不移的盯着他,却没有着急后退,任由他占着便宜 The Shi Yan eye burning hot, in the pupil combustion the passion roaring flame, lowly chuckled, the chest is extruding slowly, and about shook shaking, Feng Rao and he is sticking to that moving twin peaks, is out of control to tremble gently, ripples the charming fluctuation. 石岩眼睛炙热,眸中燃烧着情欲烈焰,嘿嘿低笑着,胸口缓缓挤压,并左右晃了晃,丰娆和他紧贴着的那动人双峰,禁不住轻轻抖颤了起来,荡漾出迷人之极的波动。 Fiery energy that yi executes, multiplies among them slowly, fills the air in their body deep places. 旖施的火热能量,在两人之间慢慢滋生,弥漫在两人身体深处。
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