GOS :: Volume #9

#836: Feasts

In Divine Punishment Grounds covert burrow. 神罚之地隐蔽地穴内。 Ka Tuo sits cross-legged to sit well, the complexion safely, quickly, he perceives anything, takes out together Transmission Stone from the sleeve cuff fiercely, in knits the brows examines. 卡托盘膝端坐着,脸色安然,倏地,他觉察到什么,猛地从袖口取出一块音石,皱眉内检。 The sound wave transmits from Transmission Stone, resounds through directly in Ka Tuo Sea of Consciousness, Ka Tuo eye one bright, suddenly smiled getting up Senior Brother, that side Feng Ke has rescued the person.” 声波从音石内传来,直接在卡托识海内响彻出来,卡托眼睛一亮,忽然笑了起来“师兄,丰岢那边将人救好了。” If stone complexion one happy semi-definite?” 石若脸色一喜“半定么?” Sure.” Ka Tuo nodded my person, saw that three people, the body did not have to attract spirit monster flower, live well. At this time already[ hundred degree celsius post first round] was restoring power, should not have the mistake.” “肯定。”卡托点了点头“我的人,见到那三人了,身上都没有了吸灵妖huā,活的好好的。这时候已经[百度贴吧首发]在恢复力量了,应该不会有错的。” Makes him send the person.” Shi Yan told. “让他将人送来。”石岩吩咐。 Good.” “好。” Ka Tuo feels Transmission Stone, is narrowing eye, spread the news to read. 卡托摸着音石,眯着眼睛,传出了讯念。 Now what to do?” Ka Fu inquired. “现在怎么办?”卡夫询问。 Shi Yan stands, hesitated I to comply with Feng Rao, after the person revived, then Star Chart offers. Evidently, I must go to Heaven Punishment City, matter solving.” 石岩站起来,沉吟了一下“我答应了丰娆,人救活以后,便将星图奉上。看样子,我要去一趟天罚城了,将事情给解决了。” Senior Brother, you go to Heaven Punishment City now, what danger won't have?” Saying of Ka Tuo worry. 师兄,你现在去天罚城,不会有什么危险吧?”卡托不无担心的说道。 Person has revived, I pass to hand over Star Chart, what danger has?” Shi Yan smiled, saying that does not care about: Their main goals, are in my hand Star Chart, will not cause complications.” “人救活了,我过去交出星图,有什么危险?”石岩笑了笑,不在意的说道:“他们主要的目的,便是我手中星图,不会节外生枝的。” Senior Brother, the matter of star of that life, can not...... Should better not to mention. The star of life is extremely precious, Feng Ke may not give to you, if really has enraged him, perhaps instead cannot leave.” Ka Tuo hesitant, spoke the reminder. 师兄,那生命之星的事,能不呃……最好别提了。生命之星极其宝贵,丰岢不一定会割舍给你,真要是激怒了他,说不定反而走不掉。”卡托犹豫了一下,出言提醒。 Un, I know fairly well, once that three people return, you arrange immediately, delivers them to Divine Punishment Grounds.” Shi Yan inspired, said: I left first, has any matter we to relate again.” “嗯,我心中有数,那三人一旦返回,你们马上安排,将他们送离神罚之地。”石岩吸了一口气,道:“我先离开了,有什么事情我们再联系。” Good.” “好。” Shi Yan braves from the burrow stone-paved road, distinguishes a direction, leaves directly. 石岩从地穴石道冒出来,辨别一个方向,径直离开。 After he disappeared the quarter, Ka Fu let loose Divine Sense to survey, suddenly gloomy the face, was shouting: Big brother, that Star Chart, why don't you begin to rob? If we obtain Star Chart, can bargain back and forth with any side. The inheritance source you also obtained, is the boy useful to you? None who does not becomes, you, when he is Senior Brother is inadequate? In our Divine Punishment Grounds, only then the benefit is supreme, other are illusory.” 他消失了一刻钟后,卡夫放开神识探测了一下,忽然阴沉着脸,呼道:“大哥,那星图,为何你不动手抢夺?如果我们得到星图,可以和任何一方讨价还价的。传承源你也得到了,那小子对你还有什么用?莫不成,你真的当他是师兄不成?在我们神罚之地,只有利益至上,其它都是虚幻啊。” Since knowing in the Shi Yan hand has Star Chart, Ka Fu often with the look suggested that hopes blood slaughter Ka Tuo gets rid to rob directly. 自从知道石岩手中有星图以后,卡夫就时常用眼神暗示,希望血屠卡托直接出手抢夺。 He already looked, Shi Yan only then God King Second Sky Realm cultivation base, is the same with his Realm, but blood slaughter Ka Tuo is actually the boundary of God King peak, after having been inherited the source, a foot has entered into Source God Realm. 他早就看出来了,石岩只有神王二重天境界修为,和他境界一样,而血屠卡托却是神王巅峰之境,得到传承源后,一只脚迈入了源神境 Once two brothers collaborate, him, captures Star Chart should from the Shi Yan hand forcefully very easily, will not have anything to trouble. 两兄弟一旦联手,在他来看,从石岩手中强行夺取星图应该很轻易,不会有什么麻烦。 Star Chart succeeds in obtaining, two brothers can escape Divine Punishment Grounds, returns to den concealing to get up, when to one day of Ka Tuo breakthrough arrives at Source God Realm, schemes Star Chart to be also good, received exchange for enough benefit being also good with Star Chart, the ratio follows in Shi Yan strong many. 星图一到手,两兄弟可以遁出神罚之地,返回老巢隐匿起来,待到有一天卡托突破源神境,图谋星图也好,用星图换取足够的利益也好,都比跟在石岩强的多。 Blood slaughter Ka Tuo silent a while, suddenly said spookily: „Do you know my first time sees his time, he in what Realm?” 血屠卡托沉默了一会儿,忽然幽幽说道:“你知不知道我第一次见到他的时候,他在什么境界?” What Realm?” A Ka Fu face is astonished however. “什么境界?”卡夫一脸讶然。 Second Sky of True God Realm.” Ka Tuo deeply inspired after seven years, merely seven years, he already[ hundred degree celsius post first round] achieves God King Realm, is God King Second Sky! Can you believe?” 真神二重天之境。”卡托深深吸了一口气“时隔七年时间,仅仅七年啊,他已经[百度贴吧首发]达到神王之境,还是神王二重天!你敢相信?” The Ka Fu beautiful color, is out of control to scream with amazement: How possible?” 卡夫骇然娈色,禁不住尖叫起来:“怎么可能?” Blood slaughter Ka Tuo is smiling bitterly shaking the head of „, let alone you do not believe that my this with own eyes seeing, cannot believe that this is real. Can seven years, stretch across big Realm, from True God Second Sky to God King Second Sky, you hear this rare talent in our Lie Yan Star Field?” 血屠卡托苦笑着摇了摇头“别说你不相信了,我这个亲眼所见者,都不敢相信这是真的。七年时间,横跨一个大境界,从真神二重天神王二重天,在我们烈焰星域你可听说过这种奇才?” Hears something never heard of before!” The Ka Fu sound shivers, in eye has the deep alarmed and afraid color. “闻所未闻!”卡夫声音都颤抖起来,眼中有着深深的惊惧之色。 In the past, he in Solar Stars Exploding Fragment Field, power that only then True God Realm cultivation base, may present, actually endures to compare God King Realm.” Ka Tuo pain recalled the past at that time, I was a little at wit's end, naturally, he has drawn support from the Solar Stars Exploding Fragment Field particular situation, even if so, I must kill him not to be easy. But today, he already[ hundred degree celsius post first round] achieved God King Second Sky, I energy aura that induced from him, compared with you...... powerful five times continue!” “当年,他在日星爆碎场内,只有真神境修为,可呈现出来的力量,却堪比神王境。”卡托痛苦的回忆过去“那时候,我都有点无计可施,当然,他是借助了日星爆碎场的特殊形势,可即便如此,我要杀他也不容易。而今天,他已经[百度贴吧首发]达到神王二重天了,我从他身上感应出来的能量气息,比你……强悍五倍都不止!” Ka Fu whole body shakes, dull such as wooden chicken. 卡夫浑身一震,呆如木鸡。 I can affirm, once my brother begins, not only anything cannot obtain, gave up any idea of that leaves behind him.” Ka Tuo deeply looks to him his true power, should not be inferior I, I, although militant impulsive, is not silly.” “我可以肯定,一旦我兄弟动手,不但什么都得不到,也休想留下他。”卡托深深地看向他“他真正的力量,应该不逊色我,我虽然好战鲁莽,却并不傻。” Ka Fu does not utter a word. 卡夫一声不吭。 Is on good terms with him, more hostile than our advantageous many with him, if I have the full assurance, I will endure now? Kept on proclaiming calls him for Senior Brother?” Blood slaughter Ka Tuo smiles bitterly shaking the head of „unable to completely understand that could not completely understand, if given time, he can be the Lie Yan Star Field most brilliant nova, rays of light possibly has even pressed Du Tianji Fan Tian this kind of existence, I and he have the First Level intimate relation that if not understand the assurance, really has become the fool?” “和他交好,比与他为敌对我们有利的多,如果我有十足把握,我会忍到现在?口口声声唤他为师兄?”血屠卡托苦笑着摇了摇头“看不透啊,怎么也看不透,假以时日,他会是烈焰星域最绚烂的新星,光芒甚至可能压过镀天奇梵天这类存在,我和他有那么一层亲密关系,如果不懂得把握,岂不是真成了傻子?” Ka Fu stunned, the good half sound, nodded, to sigh big brother, I have made a mistake, the vision was too superficial.” 卡夫愕然,好半响,才点了点头,叹息一声“大哥,我错了,目光太浅薄了。” Fully coordinates him, regardless of he makes anything, we help with every effort. He will change your my brother destiny, I believe!” Blood slaughter Ka Tuo is loud and clear to say. “全力配合他,不论他做什么,我们都尽力帮助。他会改变你我兄弟命运,我坚信!”血屠卡托掷地有声道。 Ka Fu eye suddenly Liang. 卡夫眼睛暴亮。 Heaven Punishment City. 天罚城 azure shakes the Marauder foothold. 青晃掠夺者据点。 Feng Ke sits well on platform, look is dark, is waiting for anything silently. 丰岢端坐在高台上,眼神幽暗,默默等候着什么。 That three people, were taken away by the Ka Tuo person for a long time, if Ka Tuo still in Divine Punishment Grounds, definitely should move. Hasn't that boy, why come?” Feng Xiao is a little urgent, paces unceasingly, the complexion a little does not bear younger sister gradually, won't the boy be will play jokes upon you?” “那三个人,被卡托的人领走许久了,卡托如果还在神罚之地,肯定该行动了。那个小子,为何还没有来?”丰枭有点急迫,不断地踱步,脸色渐渐有点不耐“小妹,那小子不会是戏耍你吧?” Feng Rao shook the head, smiles reluctantly not, he should know that in Divine Punishment Grounds and we for the enemy, cannot ask for the advantage., Was also only his strength, took Star Chart unable to make anything.” 丰娆摇了摇头,勉强一笑“不会的,他应该知道在神罚之地和我们为敌,讨不到好处。再说了,单凭他一人之力,拿着星图也做不了什么。” Can by Ka Tuo snatching?” Feng Ke is narrowing the eye, wrinkles was saying: „The Ka Tuo reputation was not usually good, if he knows that the Star Chart matter, will certainly get rid. The fellow, I understood very much that can anything not attend to for the benefit.” “会不会被卡托给抢了?”丰岢眯着眼睛,皱着说道:“卡托名声素来不好,他要是知道星图的事情,一定会出手的。那家伙,我很了解,为了利益可以什么都不顾的。” Has the possibility very much.” Feng Xiao nods, said anxiously: Can send for sweeping the Ka Tuo foothold?” “很有可能啊。”丰枭点头,急切道:“要不要派人扫荡卡托据点?” Impossible, Ka Tuo is not silly.” Feng Ke shook the head. “不可能在的,卡托没那么傻。”丰岢摇了摇头。 That what to do? Like this waits? Waits for that boy to come? Was not quite safe......” Feng Xiao worried flexure scratching the head „, if cannot obtain Star Chart, our time lost face to lose in a big way, already[ hundred degree celsius post first round] the summons all parties leaders gathered Divine Punishment Grounds, to told others to make a mistake finally, to be laughed? „ Ka Tuo is the intention is illegal, is impossible to go well.” Feng Rao is also calm Brother Ka Tuo God King Third Sky, God King Second Sky, two brothers collaborate, cannot grasp him.” “那怎么办?就这样干等?等那小子自己过来?不太稳妥啊……”丰枭苦恼的挠了挠头“如果不能得到星图,我们这次丢脸要丢大了,已经[百度贴吧首发]传唤各方魁首聚集神罚之地,到最后告诉别人弄错了,岂不是被人嗤笑?“卡托就算是心怀不轨,也不可能得手的。”丰娆还算是镇定“卡托兄弟一个神王三重天,一个神王二重天,两兄弟联手,也拿不住他。” Younger sister, you by his fan capacity for clear thinking? His Second Sky Realm God King, can fight Brother Ka Tuo? Cracks a joke!” Feng Xiao complained that you are stranded for the sentiment, I think your beforehand wisdom, was hoodwinked, a little could not distinguish clearly realistically.” “小妹,你是不是被他迷了心窍?他一个二重天境界神王,能够战的过卡托兄弟?开什么玩笑!”丰枭抱怨起来“你是为情所困吧,我看你以前的智慧,都被蒙蔽了,有点分不清现实了。” Feng Ke does not believe that wants to defeat Brother Ka Tuo, is not quite indeed realistic, Rao'er wants to be too many.” 丰岢也不太相信“想要战胜卡托兄弟,的确不太现实,娆儿想太多了。” Feng Rao worriedly, she and Shi Yan have the fierce combat experience, naturally knows that Shi Yan has how hard to deal with, but blood slaughter Ka Tuo in Divine Punishment Grounds is also the known ruthless person, Third Sky of God King Realm same level, majority are not the Ka Tuo matches, his brothers Ka Fu, deceitful hard to deal with, two brothers collaborate these many years little to suffer a loss. 丰娆苦恼不已,她和石岩有过激战经验,自然知道石岩有多么的难缠,可血屠卡托神罚之地也是小有名气的狠人,神王三重天之境的同级者,也大多数不是卡托对手,还有他兄弟卡夫,也奸诈难缠,两兄弟联手这么多年很少吃亏的。 If she has not fought with Shi Yan, perhaps toward the letter, Shi Yan cannot under two brothers collaborate to escape, but she although now believed that the father and elder brothers did not believe that she did not have idea. 如果她没有和石岩战斗过,或许也不会朝信,石岩能够在两兄弟联手下逃脱,可她现在虽然信了,父兄都不信,她也没辙。 Wait / Etc., I believe that he will certainly come, he cannot...... Will not deceive my.” Feng Rao also has in the dessert to lack self-confidence. “等等吧,我相信他一定会来的,他不会……不会骗我的。”丰娆也有点心中没底。 For Star Chart, let alone deceived you, everyone can deceive, Younger sister, your first illustrious name, how because the sentiment character is stranded? Yeah, woman woman, once is moved, the intelligence quotient large scale will really drop, we should not believe your suggestion.” Feng Xiao has a headache about, suddenly the line arrives at the entrance, shouted to clear the way: „It is not good! Must make anything, cannot such wait.” “为了星图,别说骗你了,谁都可以骗的,小妹啊,你一世英名,怎会因为情字所困呢?哎,女人啊女人,一旦动情,智商果然会大幅度下降啊,我们不该听信你的建议的。”丰枭头疼不已,忽然行到门口,喝道:“不行!总要做点什么,不能就这么干等下去。” Un, you send for looking around, each cavern do not leak, had the news of that boy, immediately Bing Bao.” Feng Ke also nodded, as if also thinks that his daughter this made a mistake. “嗯,你去派人四处搜寻,各个洞穴都不要漏过,有了那小子的消息,立即禀报。”丰岢点了点头,似乎也认为他女儿这趟错了。 The Feng Rao whole face is helpless, saw with own eyes that Shi Yan does not appear, starts to suspect that come, thought that possibly was deceived by Shi Yan. 丰娆满脸无奈,眼见石岩迟迟不出现,也开始怀疑起自己来,觉得可能是被石岩骗了。 Leader, outside has boy seeks an audience, he said that he called Shi Yan.” In this time, suddenly, a resounding sound transmits. “魁首,外面有个小子求见,他说,他叫石岩。”就在此时,突地,一个响亮的声音传来。 The Feng Rao tender body trembles, the beautiful pupil spills over the astonishing happy expression, heart reacted, whole body relaxes suddenly, could not stop to smile in a soft voice. 丰娆娇躯一颤,美眸泛出惊人的喜色,芳心震动,浑身忽然放松下来,止不住轻声笑了起来。 Whole face stunned Feng Ke, has stood suddenly, accidental shouting to clear the way: Invited!” 满脸错愕的丰岢,霍然站了起来,意外的喝道:“有请!” Feng Xiao also stopped in the entrance, the expression is strange, loses says with a smile: Also really has such silly boy, unexpectedly will come, surprising people.” He looks to Feng Rao, saying with a laugh: Younger sister, couldn't the boy certainly by the Divine Soul inversion of your fan, really be distinguished clearly the east , south , west and north?” 丰枭也在门口停了下来,表情古怪,失笑道:“还真有这么傻的小子啊,居然会真的过来,让人意外啊。”他看向丰娆,笑呵呵的说道:“小妹果然有一手,那小子一定被你迷的神魂颠倒,分不清东南西北了吧?” Feng Ke also smiled getting up to come well, has not thought that also was really a letter person, I looked down on him actually. Un, this boy seriously is a character, unexpectedly dares to come our nests of thieves, Ha Ha, interesting!” 丰岢也笑了起来“来了就好,没想到还真是一个信人,我倒是小瞧他了。嗯,这小子当真是个人物,居然真敢来我们这贼窝,哈哈,有趣!” Brother Ka Tuo, could not deal with him, I early have said.” 卡托兄弟,应付不了他的,我早说过。” Feng Rao complacent smiles, has stood leisurely, feels at the same time the crystal mirror, a little intense entire firing in bursts silk, slightly Shi Baofen, after guaranteeing has no time gorgeously, immediately toward the entrance line goes. 丰娆得意一笑,款款站了起来,摸着一面晶镜,有点紧张的整点发丝,略施薄粉,确保艳丽无暇以后,马上朝着门口行去。 On the spacious street, the Shi Yan long body stands, such as the javelin general back is stiff, the facial expression is firm and resolute. 宽敞的街道上,石岩长身而立,如标枪一般背脊挺直,神情坚毅冷酷。 Nearby Green Demon Marauder Warrior, waits solemnly and respectfully, invited him to enter on own initiative. 旁边青鬼掠夺者武者,一个个肃穆以待,主动邀请他进入。 Shi Yan has not feared intent, nodded, strides bravely forward, strolling is good toward the place of Heaven Punishment City most fearful bad risk, ease comfortable. 石岩没有一丝惧意,点了点头,昂首阔步,闲庭信步的直朝着天罚城最可怕的凶险之地行去,悠然自在。
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