GOS :: Volume #9

#835: Scheme

Ka Tuo with every effort is still fusing inheritance source, simply had not perceived that Shi Yan, his handle to grasping firmly firmly, this life, perhaps was unable to get rid of Shi Yan restraint. 卡托依然在尽力融合传承源,根本没有觉察到石岩在不知不觉间,已经将他把柄给牢牢的攥住,这一生,恐怕都不能摆脱石岩束缚 Shi Yan opens the eye slightly, beams into a smile, looks at silently he. 石岩微微睁开眼睛,灿然一笑,默默的看着他。 After a double-hour, Ka Tuo energy fluctuation little is tranquil, sat a while, Soul Altar also restored stably, this opens eyes. 一个时辰后,卡托身上的能量波动一点点的平静下来,又坐了一会儿,灵魂祭台也恢复了安定,这才睁开眼。 On his face full is wild with joy, is out of control to laugh, how long could not want, the father can go a step further, precise Source God, with Russell, Barrett and Jie Nong side by side, became the Lord of Divine Punishment Grounds side!” 他脸上满是狂喜,禁不住哈哈大笑起来,“要不了多久,老子就能更进一步,凝炼源神,和拉塞尔巴雷特介侬比肩,成为神罚之地一方之主!” Only then Source God Realm Expert, can become the true strong presence in Divine Punishment Grounds Marauder, can have many Entourage, makes a bigger business. 只有源神境强者,在神罚之地掠夺者中才能成为真正的强大势力,也能拥有更多的扈从,做更大的买卖。 Before has not achieved Source God Realm, although his blood slaughter Ka Tuo is known as the ominous name, however the bystander, he is well below the Russell three people, do not raise with abundantly resists wonderfully. 没有达到源神境前,他血屠卡托虽然素有凶名,但是在外人来看,他是远远不及拉塞尔三人的,更不要提和丰奇对抗了。 However, once Ka Tuo achieves Source God Realm, in Divine Punishment Grounds Expert, has his small space inevitably. 然而,一旦卡托达到源神境,在神罚之地强者中,必然有他一席之地。 Congratulates the big brother!” Ka Fu also sincerity has smiled, the facial expression is excited, as if saw the future has revealed the new color. “恭喜大哥!”卡夫也真心的笑了起来,神情激动,似乎看到了未来亮出了新的色彩。 Two brothers strive for success for many years in Divine Punishment Grounds, had today's accumulation and Earth Realm with great difficulty, but that Russell one, releases power, two brothers suddenly feel tiny, has feeling that whole body power cannot cause. 两兄弟在神罚之地拼搏多年,好不容易有了今日的积累和地位,但那拉塞尔一来,将力量释放出来,两兄弟顿觉渺小,有种浑身力量使不出来的感觉。 Source God Realm Russell, has the formidable suppressed strength, in that store, must iron core really silence a witness, their cannot escape. 源神境拉塞尔,有着强大的压制力,在那商铺内,真要铁了心灭口,他们一个逃脱不掉。 If, if beforehand Ka Tuo also has Source God Realm cultivation base, Russell does not dare to be so dissolute decidedly, the silence a witness thoughts cannot get up, all these, because power and Realm were limited. 如果,如果之前卡托也有源神境修为,拉塞尔断然不敢那么放肆,灭口的心思也起不来,这一切,还是因为力量境界受到了限制。 Feels what kind of? What illness has?” Shi Yan a little afraid asking. “感觉怎么样?有没有什么不适?”石岩有点心虚的问道。 He did not determine whether Ka Tuo perceived his small hands and feet, for fear that Ka Tuo suddenly realized, launches an attack fiercely. 他不确定卡托是否觉察到他的小手脚,生怕卡托突然意识到,猛地发难。 Is very good! Very good! Not ill! Hahaha!” Ka Tuo loudly laughs wildly, happy, unexpectedly had not discovered that his hunchback soul Essence, was seized by Shi Yan quietly, the life and death was unable effectively to grasp by him. “很好!非常好!没有一点不适!哈哈哈!”卡托纵声狂笑,心情畅快之极,居然并没有发现他的一偻灵魂本源,被石岩悄悄攫取,生死已经不能真正由他掌握了。 He He, that is good, we waited first, wait for that side Heaven Punishment City to have the news, then sought the following matter.” The Shi Yan old god, was relaxing suddenly, narrows the eyes to focus, the corners of the mouth hold are smiling pale. “呵呵,那就好,我们先等等,等天罚城那边有了消息,再谋下面的事情。”石岩老神在在,忽然放松了,眯着眼,嘴角噙着淡笑。 Here was Heaven Punishment City.” A Kashewen snow white long unlined close-fitting gown, the left cheeks adhere to stick cohere together the silver mask, blocks from the profile, explained with a smile: Heaven Punishment City is loose, anybody can come, I came several. So long as concealing power, were not recognized, nobody can manage me, but Heaven Punishment City the Lie Yan Star Field biggest material sell place, various class rare treasures, ores and Spirit Medicine good medicine, here has everything expected to find, everybody can as one wishes stroll.” “这里就是天罚城了。”卡修恩一身雪白的长衫,左脸颊附着一块银色面具,遮住半边脸,笑着解释:“天罚城非常松散,任何人都可以进来,我都来了几趟了。只要隐匿力量,不被人认出来,无人会管我,天罚城可是烈焰星域最大的材料出售地,各类的秘宝、矿石、灵丹良药,这儿应有尽有,大家可以随便逛逛。” The Zi Yao ketone body is graceful, the curve is attractive, charming unparalleled cheek, has worn the yellowish pink mask, the peerless grace and talent was concealed. 紫耀酮体曼妙,曲线诱人,娇媚无双的脸蛋,也戴了肉色面具,绝世风华被掩饰了起来。 However, on Heaven Punishment City spacious street, communication Warrior, once sees her, can reveal splendidly with the pig elder brother type that the soul gives, look fiery forgets to return in her graceful stature. 然而,天罚城宽敞街道上,来往的武者一旦看到她,还是会露出色与魂授的猪哥样,眼神火热的在她曼妙身材上流连忘返。 Solely is only her has to exquisite the graceful curve, then sufficiently attracts the man to indulge, the appearance sloppily usually, makes her beauty cover up slightly, actually cannot block her beautiful condition completely. 单单只是她那玲珑有致的曼妙曲线,便足以吸引男人沉溺其中,模样稀松平常一点,也只是让她的美艳稍稍遮掩,却不能全部挡住她的美态。 Aranza and Tie Mu and Ao Gela three people, same concealing the appearance, Entourage closely followed in Kashewen and Zi Yao behind, around the curious sizing up store, the facial expression changes countenance. 亚兰和铁牧奥格拉斯三人,也同样隐匿了容貌,扈从般紧紧跟随在卡修恩紫耀身后,好奇的打量四面的商铺,神情动容。 They discovered that has the Lie Yan Star Field missing rare treasure in many shops, many successive god national capital unreachable unusual cultivation materials, but in this place, actually blatantly sell, as if not rare. 他们发现,在很多店铺内有着烈焰星域失踪的秘宝,还有许多连神国都不能得到的奇特修炼材料,但在此地,却公然出售,似乎一点不稀罕 Really is an unusual place.” Saying that Zi Yao observation a while, acclaimed: No wonder others said that the cultivation material was scarce, might as well comes Heaven Punishment City, must have the harvest. I do not believe before, but actually believes today, the Heaven Punishment City product is perhaps richer than Nine Star Chamber of Commerce.” “真是一个奇特的地方。”紫耀观察了一会儿,赞叹的说道:“难怪人家都说修炼材料紧缺了,不妨来天罚城一趟,必有收获。我以前不太相信,可今天却信了,天罚城物产或许比九星商会还要丰富啊。” That is natural.” Kashewen smiled, Heaven Punishment City is quite special, Marauder of this place activity spreads star territory each corner, it is said...... Also some Marauder moved in the star territory edge, explores many unusual ore star point, Nine Star Chamber of Commerce has been possible not to have this ability.” “那是当然。”卡修恩笑了笑,“天罚城极为特殊,此地活动的掠夺者散布星域各个角落,据说……还有的掠夺者在星域边缘活动,探索了不少奇特矿星点,九星商会可没有这个能耐。” We go to the destination first, the boy, does not know in...” Zi Yao beautiful pupil one bright, purses the lips to shout lightly. “我们先去目的地吧,那小子,不知道在不在呢…”紫耀美眸一亮,抿嘴轻呼。 Kashewen nodded, said: Comes with me.” 卡修恩点了点头,道:“跟我来吧。” After half double-hour, one line of five people arrive at the Ka Fu store, is staying in the entrance, looks with rapt attention. 半个时辰后,一行五人来到卡夫的商铺,在门口停留着,凝神去望。 Nobody left. 空无一人。 The store front door is shutting tightly, does not have the Warrior life trend, but the surrounding direction, several people of stealth, secretly are actually staring at this. 商铺大门紧闭着,其中没有武者生命动向,可周围的方向,却有几人鬼鬼祟祟,暗暗盯着这一块。 Kashewen knitting the brows head, maintaining composure led Zi Yao and the others to leave, sought a secluded block, said: „The boy is not , the store surrounding has the scout to stare, definitely had any new situation to occur. Un, waits a bit a while, we seek a place to live first, I find the person to ask the situation.” 卡修恩皱了皱眉头,不动声色的带着紫耀等人离开,寻了一个僻静的街区,才说道:“那小子不在,商铺外围有探子盯着,肯定有什么新的情况发生了。嗯,稍等一会儿,我们先寻个地方住下来,我找人问问情况。” Besides him, Zi Yao and the others are first time come Heaven Punishment City, to here situation is not very familiar, whatever he arranges. 除了他以外,紫耀等人都是第一次来天罚城,对这边的情况并不是很熟悉,任由他安排。 , Kashewen is leading Zi Yao and the others quickly, arrives at Suffa's cultivating field, Kashewen makes Aranza, Tie Mu and Ao Gela seek a place to live first, he brought Zi Yao to find Suffa directly. 很快地,卡修恩带着紫耀等人,来到萨法的修球场,卡修恩让亚兰、铁牧奥格拉斯先寻个地方住下来,他带着紫耀径直找到了萨法。 Sir Kashewen.” The Suffa respectful single knee is well-grounded, meets is the big ritual relative, expression is excited. 卡修恩大人。”萨法恭敬单膝着地,一见面就是大礼相对,神色激动。 That side Ka Fu, what situation there is? Why closed suddenly?” Kashewen hints him to set out, the optional inquiry said. 卡夫那边,有什么情况?为何忽然关门了?”卡修恩示意他起身,随意的询问道。 Probably Sir Russell went to that side, I send for staring, discovered that Sir Russell displays power, imprisoned that side. In a while, as if Ka Tuo and the others left Heaven Punishment City quietly, now does not know that hides where, nobody can find.” Suffa explained. “好像拉塞尔大人去过那边,我派人盯着,发现拉塞尔大人施展力量,将那边禁锢住了。没过多久,似乎卡托等人悄悄出了天罚城,现在不知道躲在何处,没有人可以找到。”萨法解释。 Kashewen knitting the brows head, also inquired, tells Suffa at once, making him pay attention the sound in city, once there are exceptionally, immediately Bing Bao. 卡修恩皱了皱眉头,又询问了一番,旋即吩咐萨法,让他留意城内的动静,一旦有异常,马上禀报。 Crossed on the several th, Hidden League commanding Bi Tian, bringing Bi Rou and other Warrior, concealing the status also to arrive at Heaven Punishment City, after seeking a manor stayed, then arranges the person to inquire the news. 过了几日,幽盟的统领碧天,带着碧柔等数名武者,隐匿了身份也来到天罚城,寻了一个庄园住下后,便安排人打听消息。 Two days later, Nine Star Chamber of Commerce Fan Tian wears the mask, arrives at Divine Punishment Grounds with audiences Warrior from Outer Territory, entered Heaven Punishment City. 天后,九星商会梵天戴着面具,和一众武者也从域外来到神罚之地,进了天罚城 A Heaven Punishment City corner/horn. 天罚城一角。 Draws carves in the shop that the Alchemist master is symbolizing, the skinny Alchemist master Gester face whiten, in the five fingers emits hunchback the hunchback flame, faint trace exquisite flamelet, Bo Ruo three people of Sea of Consciousness flies back from Bao Ao, Jie Ji and. 一处绘刻着炼药师标志的店铺内,枯瘦的炼药师杰斯特脸色苍白,五指间冒出偻偻火苗,一丝丝精妙的小火焰,从暴骜桀棘波若三人识海内飞回。 Three dragon eye size medicinal pills, disrupts directly in Bao Ao three people of Sea of Consciousness, delicate fragrance efficacy that medicinal pills emits, changes into pure life force to integrate their Sea of Consciousness. 三枚龙眼大小丹药,直接在暴骜三人识海碎裂开来,丹药散溢出来的幽香药力,化为精纯的生机融入他们识海 Gester forehead sweating mark, dignified by the Divine Sense involvement, attracts the unusual fluctuation of spirit Demon Flower the Bao Ao three people of chests, smoothing out slowly, has cut off the Divine Soul line. 杰斯特额头冒出汗迹,神情凝重的以神识勾连,将暴骜三人胸口吸灵妖花的奇特波动,慢慢的捋平,掐断了神魂的线条。 Crossed some little time, Gester is cleaning the perspiration mark, a left hand five fingers ball. 过了好一会儿,杰斯特擦拭着汗迹,左手五指一弹。 Hunchback the gloomily blue flame to fly, attracts spirit Demon Flower to give to cover three, the blue spooky flame burns down, three attract spirit Demon Flower to be reduced to ashes slowly. 一偻偻幽蓝火苗飞出来,将三朵吸灵妖花给覆盖,蓝幽幽的火苗焚烧起来,三朵吸灵妖花慢慢化为了灰烬。 Bao Ao three people of skin and bones bodies, finally after Demon Flower dissipates, slowly appears. 暴骜三人瘦骨嶙峋的身体,终于在妖花消散以后,缓缓的显现出来。 Gester takes out medicinal pills, is busy at swallowing, closes one's eyes to restore to control one's breathing, expression is exhausted. 杰斯特取出一枚枚丹药,忙吞咽下去,闭着眼睛恢复调息,神色疲惫。 Feng Xiao and Feng Rao brother and sister, with five God King Third Sky Realm Warrior, are sitting well in the shop corner, is drinking the green tea, throughout is staring at this. 丰枭丰娆兄妹,和五名神王三重天境界武者,在店铺角落端坐着,喝着清茶,始终盯着这一块。 pā pā pā! 啪啪啪 Bao Ao, Jie Ji and Bo Ruo three people of skeletons, transmit the clear explosive, three people of complexion mustards are white, the eye actually splits the crystal light, excited pleasantly surprised. 暴骜桀棘波若三人的骨骼,传来清脆的爆响,三人脸色芥白,眼睛却绽出晶光,神情兴奋惊喜。 restraint they attract spirit Demon Flower for a long time, finally was thoroughly eliminated, the trace does not remain, not having the feeling of pressure to make three people of each pore happy. 束缚他们许久的吸灵妖花,终于被彻底清除了,一点痕迹不留,没有压力的感觉让三人每一个毛孔都舒畅开来。 Feng Xiao and Feng Rao neglect one, stands up with a smile, walks slowly toward here. 丰枭丰娆忽视一眼,含笑站起,朝着这边慢慢走来。 Many thanks Feng Rao Young Lady.” The Bao Ao three people bow slightly, sincere expression of gratitude. “多谢丰娆小姐。”暴骜三人微微躬身,诚心道谢。 Do not thank me, must thank thanks Shi Yan, without his commitment, I am impossible to spend that many prices for you. He He, you can know that boy, seriously is lucky, to be honest, I envy you very much.” Feng Rao said earnestly. “不要谢我,要谢就谢石岩吧,没有他的承诺,我是不可能为你们花费那么多代价的。呵呵,你们能结识那小子,当真是幸运,老实说,我很羡慕你们。”丰娆认真地说道。 Feng Rao Young Lady does not need to envy us, I think, if Feng Rao Young Lady you meet this kind of suffering disaster, the boy should also meet does not count at all costs to save you.” Bao Ao gives a calm smile. 丰娆小姐没必要羡慕我们,我想,如果丰娆小姐你遇到这类遭难,那小子应该也会不计一切代价救你。”暴骜淡然一笑。 I do not believe him so to be natural for me.” Feng Rao shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not, you who also only then comes with him, were treated by his sincerity, other people, I looked forever do not have this treatment.” “我才不信他会为我那么大方。”丰娆摇头失笑,“也只有和他一起过来的你们,才被他真心对待,其它人嘛,我看永远没有这个待遇了。” The Bao Ao three people smile, to rejoice in Grace Mainland, not only has not offended Shi Yan, but also extended the aid to draw his with every effort, otherwise, they support less than today. 暴骜三人相视一笑,都庆幸在神恩大陆的时候,不但没有得罪石岩,还尽力伸出援手拉了他一把,要不然,他们撑不到今天的。 Gester, I complies with your reward, will offer on time, will not treat unjustly your.” Feng Xiao looked that controls one's breathing the Alchemist master who to that restores, spoke the guarantee to say. “杰斯特,我答应你的酬劳,会按时奉上,不会亏待你的。”丰枭看向那调息恢复的炼药师,出言保证道。 Complexion exhausted Gester, opens eyes suddenly, the look said wooden: Seeks for the motion of Star Chart, calculates that my, rewards for services rendered me to cut in half.” 脸色疲惫的杰斯特,突然睁开眼,眼神木然道:“寻找星图的行动,算我一个,酬劳我可以减半。” „Do you also know Star Chart?” Feng Rao is astonished however. “你也知道星图?”丰娆讶然。 A little fame leader, received your father's communication, how can I not know?” A Gester face is faint, reason that I such happily comply to help you rescue these three people, looks in the Star Chart share, now they restored, we can discuss that. Un, the new star territory should have the numerous special spirit medicine spirit grass, but you, and nobody are familiar with the characteristics of these spirit medicine spirit grass, in addition my, is very favorable for you. Otherwise, perhaps if your unseemly behavior, will make these spirit medicine spirit grass lose plant recklessly ahead of time.” “有点名望的魁首,都收到了你父亲的传讯,我岂会不知?”杰斯特一脸淡漠,“我之所以这么痛快答应帮你们解救这三人,也是看在星图的份上,现在他们恢复了,我们可以谈一谈了。嗯,新的星域应该有众多特殊的灵药灵草,而你们,并没有人熟悉那些灵药灵草的特性,加我一个,对你们很有利。不然,如果你们肆意妄为,说不定会让那些灵药灵草提前枯死。” Feng Xiao and Feng Rao neglect one, knits the brows slightly. 丰枭丰娆忽视一眼,微微皱眉。 You cannot take responsibility, I early know, after you go back, can say with your fathers that I want by his experience and mind, will know to lead on me to have the advantage. “你们做不了主,我早知道,等你们回去之后,可以和你们父亲说,我想以他的见识和胸襟,会知道带我上有好处的。 Gester closes one's eyes slowly, waves saying: You go.” ”杰斯特缓缓闭上眼,挥手说道:“你们去吧。” Feng Xiao nodded, sinking sound track: I will take to my father your words.” 丰枭点了点头,沉声道:“我会将你的话带给我父亲。” We walk.” Feng Rao to Bao Ao three people of nodded, then with nearby guard Warrior same place, leaves from the store of this Alchemist master. “我们走。”丰娆暴骜三人点了点头,便和旁边护卫武者一起,从这名炼药师的商铺离开。 When left to Feng Xiao and the others for a long time, Gester opens eyes suddenly, eyes suddenly brightened, takes out together Transmission Stone, the single knee is well-grounded, whole face respectful spreading message: Master, I affirm Star Chart abundantly wonderful obtained.” 待到丰枭等人离开许久,杰斯特突地睁眼,双眸暴亮,取出一块音石,单膝着地,满脸恭敬的传出音讯:“主人,我肯定星图被丰奇所得。” ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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