GOS :: Volume #9

#834: Ring Spirit injunction

The left hand imaginary point, the fingertip quiet rice is bright, following pulling of finger, moves, a space slit such as the paper was torn to pieces, dazzling stream ray suddenly to launch, appears little from the slit. 左手虚点,指尖幽米崭亮,顺着手指的拉扯哉,动,一条空间缝隙如纸张被撕破,炫目的流光暴射,从缝隙内一点点地显现出来。 Narrows the eye, in the pupil is having the close mark crack that the faint trace hunchback, body side spatial warping Chaos, power in the veins rolling surges, goes directly to the left hand palm, seeps by the fingertip to the stream ray lasing slit mouth. 眯着眼睛,瞳仁内有丝丝偻偻的细密纹裂,身侧空间扭曲混乱,力量在筋脉内滚滚涌动,直达左手掌心,由指尖渗透向流光激射的缝隙口。 Divine Sense like the ray, the look in the slit is searching for slowly, stretches across several space bands. 神识如光线,在缝隙内慢慢眼神搜寻着,横跨数个空间夹层。 Blood Vein Ring aura, as if star light, fiercely reveals in his Divine Soul! 血纹戒气息,仿佛一点星光,在他神魂中猛地一显! Soul Altar gyrates suddenly, splits the none remaining that going out person never may estimate, attracts the strength of pulling, lightning glow and Blood Vein Ring connects. 灵魂祭台突然旋动,绽出外人永远不可测度的精光,一股吸扯之力,电芒般和血纹戒连接起来。 Xiu! 咻! A ring departs quickly, falls into his palm steadily, was worn by him. 一枚戒指倏地飞出,稳稳落入他掌心,被他重新佩戴起来。 Has not been receiving the hand anxiously, his Divine Sense stays in the space turbulent flow , to continue to search, achieves the relation with that Star Chart together. 没有急着收手,他神识停留在空间乱流内,继续搜索着,和那一块星图达成联系。 However, when he is trying Star Chart tows, obviously thought that Star Chart heavy over extremely heavy, the soul is a little strenuous, completely has not pulled the relaxedness of Blood Vein Ring. 然而,当他试着将星图从中牵引而出的时候,却明显觉得星图重逾万钧,灵魂有点吃力,全然没有拉扯血纹戒的轻松。 Suspended, he has felt silently some little time, the strength of gradual enhancement soul, changes into the tentacle that cannot see, layer upon layer binds that Star Chart. 暂停了一下,他默默感受了好一会儿,逐渐的增强灵魂之力,化为看不见的触手,将那星图层层裹住。 Makes an effort fiercely! 猛地使力! Soul energy crazy consumption. 灵魂能量疯狂的消耗起来。 The space appears layer upon layer the ripple, in water that such as ripples ripples, is really attractive. 空间显出层层波纹,如荡漾起来的水中涟漪,煞是好看。 In space ripple, the space slit mouth that splits together, the little crack is big, middle space turbulent flow riot is unusual, as if must spout. 在一圈圈的空间波纹中,那一道绽裂出来的空间缝隙口,一点点的裂大,当中的空间乱流暴乱异常,似乎要从中喷涌出来。 The complexion slightly is pale, power is consuming fast, the Shi Yan spirit is exhausted, concentrates on, does not dare to have slight relax. 脸色略显苍白,一身力量快速消耗着,石岩精神疲惫,全神贯注,不敢有丝毫松懈 Brother Ka Tuo amazed looks to him, once for a while shoots a look at a space slit mouth, releases Divine Sense secretly, however, Divine Sense moves these space turbulent flow, then such as gets sucked into the mire, cannot meet again. 卡托兄弟惊诧的看向他,时不时瞥一眼空间缝隙口,暗暗释放神识,然而,神识一碰触那些空间乱流,便如深陷泥沼,怎么也不能重聚起来。 Two brothers complexions fiercely change, does not dare the optional searching side, Divine Sense draws in completely, deep has attracted several tones, in nearby honest law-abiding. 两兄弟脸色猛地一变,再也不敢随意的探侧,神识全部收拢回来,深深的吸了几口气,在旁边老实安分了下来。 Shi Yan forehead perspiration mark flashes before, in eye the close crack was even more obvious, faint trace sharp space energy, seeps, goes directly to the space slit. 石岩额头汗迹闪现,眼睛内细密的裂纹愈发明显了,一丝丝锋锐之极的空间能量,渗透出来,直达空间缝隙。 Roar! 吼! Drinks one lowly, his whole body splits the dazzling crystal light, as if huge crystal by the sun shine, rays of light four was shot. 低喝一声,他浑身绽出炫目晶光,仿佛一块巨大的水晶被太阳照射,光芒四射。 A wild adsorptive attraction, bursts out quickly from his control, that space slit mouth, put in Star Chart appears little, cuns (2.5cm) drilling again. 一股狂暴的吸附力,倏地从他手心迸发出来,那空间缝隙口,被放入的星图一点点显现出来,一寸寸的重新钻出。 Shouted!” “呼!” The big mouth puts out the foul air, has cleaned the perspiration mark of forehead, Shi Yan exhausted weak on the ground, the manner slightly is distressed. 大口吐出浊气,擦拭了一下额头的汗迹,石岩疲惫的瘫软在地上,神态略显狼狈。 Although Ka Tuo is burning with impatience, obviously he is so strenuous, has not spoken the urging, at the same time is sitting well, deeply looks to him, waiting silently. 卡托虽然心急如焚,可见他这么吃力,也没有出言催促,就在一边端坐下来,深深地看向他,默默的等候。 During takes out Divine Crystal, Shi Yan derives together power, crossed some little time, has opened the eye slowly, exhausted smiling, did not have the accident fortunately.” 取出一块神晶,石岩汲取当中的力量,过了好一会儿,缓缓睁开眼睛,疲惫的笑了笑,“还好没有意外。” Pulls together Star Chart, really consumption power such?” Ka Fu is secret, can that ring, why be able reclamation easily? I think you, what vigor probably simply hasn't abandoned?” “拉扯一块星图,真的这么的消耗力量?”卡夫暗暗惊奇,“可那戒指,为什么能轻易的收回?我看你,好像根本没有废什么劲啊?” Solely he does not have doubts puzzled, including Shi Yan a little, not clear condition. 不单单他疑惑不解,连石岩自己都有点云里雾里,不清楚状况。 Similarly is the goods, reclamation of Blood Vein Ring has almost not consumed his soul power, Divine Sense achieves the relation, immediately from space ground return, but Star Chart......, Made him spend the enormous price. 同样为物品,血纹戒的收回几乎没有消耗他的灵魂力量,神识一达成联系,马上就从空间乱流返回了,可星图……,却让他花费了极大的代价。 Fool, that is the rare treasure that the Senior Brother life cultivates, the mind is the same, naturally can receive easily.” Ka Tuo thinks to understand, white his younger brother eyes, expert explanation. “笨蛋,那是师兄性命相修的秘宝,心神相同,自然可以轻易收回来了。”卡托自以为明白,白了他弟弟一眼,内行的解释起来。 „Does this have the distinction?” Ka Fu shook the head, does not believe. “这也有分别?”卡夫摇了摇头,不太相信。 Do not speak, making me slightly peaceful a while.” Shi Yan knits the brows. “别讲话,让我稍稍安静一会儿。”石岩皱眉。 Two brothers shut up immediately. 两兄弟立即闭嘴。 The finger caresses Blood Vein Ring lightly, Shi Yan Soul Consciousness is seeping, that fellow wants the surplus inheritance, that side you,... Doesn't have the issue?” 手指轻抚着血纹戒,石岩灵魂意识渗透进来,“那家伙要剩余的传承,你那边,…没问题吧?” Three matters, you must record sincerely, I only urged one time, when I inherited to pay, will indulge once more, did not have that many energy iterations.” In Blood Vein Ring, transmits the Ring Spirit thought. “有三件事,你要谨记,我只叮嘱一次,等我传承交付了,又会再次沉溺下去,没那么多精力重述。”血纹戒内,传来戒灵的念头。 „ The first matter, will inherit to give when me, in that person fuses the inheritance, your Divine Soul meditates the law to decide, urges to send marvelousness in your mark, hunchback Essence to seize that person of soul. “第一件事,在我将传承给出,在那人融合传承之时,你神魂默念法决,催发你印记内的奇妙,将那人灵魂一偻本源攫取。 His hunchback soul Essence was obtained by you, imprisons in your mark, the life and death will then control by you, becomes your Entourage. ” 他一偻灵魂本源被你得到,禁锢在你印记当中,生死便会由你掌控,成为你的扈从。” „When second, will swallow Soul Altar next time, the advantage do not monopolize. The essence of divergence that soul will emit, gives me part of restorations, like this I will have next time the energy to speak several words. Also, must as far as possible many embezzling Soul Altar, this have the barnyard grass profit to you greatly, compared with God Body formidable also has the advantage. Warrior of this star territory, should some people not know that your secret, does not need extremely to be worried, must quenching Soul Altar as far as possible, making Soul Altar indestructible.” “第二,下次吞食灵魂祭台之时,好处不要独享了。将散溢出来的灵魂之精分流,给我一部分恢复,这样我下次才有精力多说几句话。还有,要尽量多的吞没灵魂祭台,这对你大有稗益,比神体的强大还有好处。这片星域的武者,应该不会有人知道你的秘密,不用太过担心,要尽量淬炼灵魂祭台,让灵魂祭台坚不可摧。” „The third matter, meets again as soon as possible Heavenly Flame, making Heavenly Flame unite, before breakthrough Source God Realm, Heavenly Flame must quenching one time by the technique of Heavenly Flame Spirit Refining, when can let your breakthrough smooth Source God Realm, source soul Little to become. Source soul that the Heavenly Flame fusion becomes, is much more formidable than the general Source God Realm source soul, the wondrous use is infinite, was sure to remember that must gather Heavenly Flame surely, completes before God King peak.” “第三件事,尽快重聚天火,让天火合一,突破源神境界之前,天火要以天火神炼之术淬炼一次,能让你突破顺利源神境之时,源魂小成。天火融合而成的源魂,比一般源神境的源魂强大得多,妙用无穷,切记,定要聚集天火,在神王巅峰之前完成。” After Ring Spirit told three matters, then prepares to inherit precise. 戒灵将三件事吩咐之后,便准备凝炼传承出来。 Who are you? Also, isn't my what clear, speaks the clear points to be good?” “你到底是谁?还有,我什么都不明白,讲清楚一点可好?” My hunchback remnant soul, the majority of memories lost, only then gradually restored, can from endless gather void the memory, now, I cannot to you too many help and dispelling doubt.” “我只是一偻残魂,大部分记忆遗失了,只有逐渐的恢复了,才能将记忆从无尽虚空聚集起来,现在,我不能给你太多的帮助和解惑。” At least, making me understand that what duty I do have?” “至少,让我明白,我有什么义务吧?” Formidable! Unceasingly formidable! Fast entering step breakthrough! This is you now the matter of primary importance! Good, I did not waste time, the law that a while meditated decided that I told you, but must inherit precise, the energy had,... ” “强大!不断地强大!快速的进阶突破!这是你如今最重要的事情!行了,我不浪费时间了,一会儿默念的法决,我告诉你,还要凝炼传承,精力有得”,…” Ring Spirit has interrupted soul communication unilaterally, a hunchback memory fluctuation seeps quickly, goes directly to the Shi Yan mind deep place. 戒灵单方面的截断了灵魂传讯,很快地,一偻记忆波动渗透进来,直达石岩脑海深处。 That law is quite definitely incoherent, as if no essence meaning, but marvelous development of all sorts of syllables, Shi Yan has felt, the completely unclear profound meaning, has to give to remember forcefully that is insufficient a while to put behind, or read mistakenly. 那法决颇为拗口,似乎没有实质的意思,只是种种音节的奇妙展现,石岩感受了一下,完全不明深意,只好强行给记忆下来,不至于一会儿忘却,或者念错了。 Blood Vein Ring on finger, dissipation quietly leaves the misty halo, Ring Spirit is stimulating to movement the energy accumulation to give the inheritance of Ka Tuo. 手指上的血纹戒,悄悄的散逸出蒙蒙的光晕,戒灵在催动能量聚集给予卡托的传承。 Ka Tuo is excited, face the color of anticipation, rubs hands, anxious is waiting, Hehe keeps laughing silly. 卡托兴奋莫名,一脸的期待之色,搓着手,焦急的等候着,嘿嘿傻笑个不停。 After his previous time obtains some inheritance, immediately hid cultivation to comb, crosses was so long, his power deep meaning stepped regularly, he also had Third Sky of God King Realm cultivation base, had the one pace to the step. 他上次得到部分传承以后,马上躲藏起来修炼梳理,过了这么久,他的力量奥义踏上正规,他本身也有神王三重天之境修为,离进阶只有一步之遥。 So long as obtains the surplus deep meaning inheritance, he believes that so long as gives him to digest some time well, can aspire to seize Source God Realm, becomes Divine Punishment Grounds another Expert, with Russell, Barrett and Jie Nong three people side by side, can make Russell pay a price. 只要得到剩余的奥义传承,他相信,只要给他一段时间好好消化,就能问鼎源神境,成为神罚之地另外一个强者,和拉塞尔巴雷特介侬三人比肩,也可以让拉塞尔付出点代价。 Only then formidable power, can win the dignity in Divine Punishment Grounds, he moves for many years in this place, deep bright this point. 只有强大的力量,才能够在神罚之地赢来尊严,他在此地活动多年,深明这一点。 Big brother, this time must congratulate you. “大哥,这次要恭喜你了。 Ka Fu is also excited, laughs, after this, the big brother can become the Lord of Divine Punishment Grounds side inevitably, thinks excitedly! Ha Ha!” 卡夫也兴奋不已,哈哈大笑,“这趟过后,大哥必然能够成为神罚之地一方之主,想想就兴奋!哈哈!” Russell that mad dog, father decides however must make him attractive!” Ka Tuo grins fiendishly, the look is bloody. 拉塞尔那疯狗,老子定然要让他好看!”卡托狞笑起来,眼神血腥残暴。 ! 蓬! The rainbow light overflows, in Blood Vein Ring spreads shakes energy to palpitate, a inheritance source, appears suddenly in the Shi Yan palm, chaos, the fog is misty, looks not distinctly, middle has the strength of mysterious Chaos to flee in all directions. 虹光四溢,血纹戒内传出一震能量悸动,一股传承源,忽然在石岩掌心显现出来,混沌般,雾蒙蒙的,瞧不分明,当中有神奇的混乱之力流窜。 The Ka Tuo body shivers, immediately is peaceful, eye fiery looks to that inheritance source, flickers does not move. 卡托身躯颤抖,马上安静下来,眼睛火热的看向那传承源,一瞬不移。 Shi Yan gives a calm smile, binds to tie up the inheritance source by Death Deep Meaning life force, fluttering slowly to Ka Tuo. 石岩淡然一笑,以死亡奥义生机裹缚着传承源,慢慢的飘向了卡托 When vanishes in the Ka Tuo eye socket to that inheritance source, Ka Tuo shakes fiercely loudly, whole body appears the strength of Chaos distortion, the God's Domain spontaneous formation, attracts forcefully pulls the Outer Territory sediment, forms the Chaos magnetic field. 待到那传承源在卡托眼眶内消失,卡托猛地轰然一震,浑身显出混乱扭曲之力,神之领域自发形成,强行吸扯域外渣滓,形成混乱磁场。 Ka Tuo closes one's eyes, immediately sits well, holds the breath with rapt attention, is realizing from experience that inheritance source mystery, tries to fuse Divine Soul, becomes profound truths imprint part. 卡托闭上眼,顿时端坐下来,屏息凝神,在体悟那传承源的奥妙,试图融合神魂,成为奥义烙印的一部分。 Also in this time, Shi Yan sat similarly slowly, is narrowing the eye, discrete is paying attention the change of Ka Tuo. 也在此时,石岩同样缓缓坐了下来,眯着眼睛,谨慎的留意着卡托的变化。 Ka Tuo whole body trembles, the strength of Chaos distortion, spreads centered on him, seems adsorbing the Outer Territory impurities remnant energy, strengthens the God Body intensity. 卡托浑身瑟瑟发抖,一波波的混乱扭曲之力,以他为中心蔓延开来,似乎在吸附域外杂质残能,来增强神体的强度。 His soul offers a sacrifice to each, appears from his eye pupil deep place, splendid, such as crystal builds, is unexpectedly glittering and translucent carving, very magnificent unusual. 他的灵魂祭每,从他眼瞳深处显现出来,熠熠生辉,如水晶打造而成,竟然晶莹剔透,非常的瑰丽奇特。 Shi Yan careful looks at, when to discovering his Soul Altar gyrates, the above Divine Soul fusion inheritance source, in his heart moves, does not make the sound, silently talked over Ring Spirit to give the incoherent law that to decide. 石岩细心看着,待到发现他灵魂祭台旋动起来,上方的神魂融合传承源,他心中一动,也不作声,默默的念叨着戒灵给出的拗口法决。 law one sways in mind Sea of Consciousness definitely, then such as thunderclap bombardments in Sea of Consciousness, in his Sea of Consciousness raise the difficult situation, such as thunder and lightning rumbled Soul Altar must wither away general, hunchback Divine Sense along with law definitely drinks, in the marvelous mark toward Divine Soul wells up in abundance broadly. 法决一在心灵识海晃荡,便如一道道炸雷轰击在识海内,他识海内掀起惊涛骇浪,如雷电轰鸣灵魂祭台要消亡一般,一偻偻神识随着法决的喝出,纷纷朝着神魂内的奇妙印记涌广、。 The Sea of Consciousness difficult situation, Divine Soul actually immovability, Divine Sense that the mark that the forehead appears, as if dark Sun, hunchback absorbs to be precise. 识海惊涛骇浪,神魂却不动如山,额头显现出来的印记,仿佛黑暗的太阳,将一偻偻的神识吸收凝炼起来。 The mnemonics continue to be recited by him slowly, marvelous palpitation, fiercely and Ka Tuo Soul Altar achieves the relation, hunchback light, since he sees with own eyes to project, converges the Ka Tuo eye socket deep place. 口诀继续被他缓慢的吟唱着,一股奇妙的悸动,猛地和卡托灵魂祭台达成联系,一偻光,从他眼见射出,汇入卡托的眼眶深处。 Soul Essence of hunchback chaos, following that ray, flies from Ka Tuo Divine Soul, dodges to pass, vanishes in the Shi Yan Divine Soul forehead mark. 一偻混沌的灵魂本源,顺着那光线,从卡托神魂内飞离出来,一闪而逝,在石岩神魂额头印记内消失。 Shortly, that hunchback from Ka Tuo soul Essence, has become his puppet, so long as if moves being moved head, can easily fall Ka Tuo obliterate, making his Divine Soul die, sediment not remaining. 顷刻间,那偻来自于卡托的灵魂本源,就成了他的傀儡,似乎只要动动念头,就可以将卡托轻易的抹杀掉,让他神魂陨落,一点渣滓都不剩下。 Shi Yan with amazement, is the Ring Spirit virulent scheme alarmed and afraid, this restraint Entourage method, seriously is evil and cruel exceptionally. 石岩骇然,为戒灵的恶毒计谋惊惧不已,这束缚扈从的手段,当真是歹毒异常。 He knows, from now on, Ka Tuo cannot get rid of his restraint, the life and death grasps by him, read, Ka Tuo then met divine soul entirely extinguished, dissipated thoroughly. 他知道,从今之后,卡托再也不能摆脱他的束缚,生死由他掌握,一念动,卡托便会神魂俱灭,彻底消散开来。 The dike is three, comes a monthly ticket? ( to be continued ) 圳又是三更,来张月票可以么?(未完待续)
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