GOS :: Volume #9

#833: Was overestimated?

Russell nonstop flushes away toward the Green Demon foothold. 拉塞尔马不停蹄的往青鬼据点冲去。 He did not know to be deceived, thought Star Chart seriously in the Feng Rao hand, to for fear that Feng Ke catch up, he has not wasted the energy, Shi Yan three people of silence a witness. 他并不知道上当受骗,以为星图当真在丰娆手中,为了生怕丰岢赶过来,他也没有浪费精力,将石岩三人灭口 The Star Chart importance, him, naturally too be importantly more than Shi Yan three people of lives. 星图的重要性,在他来看,自然要比石岩三人的性命重要太多。 However, he is moving under water in the place bottom, arrives at the Green Demon foothold underground, immediately did not shout darkly wonderfully, in the heart was annoyed. 然而,他在地底潜行着,才来到青鬼据点地下,马上暗叫不妙,心中恼火起来。 Feng Ke unexpectedly already[ hundred degree celsius post first round]. 丰岢竟已经[百度贴吧首发]到了。 He can obvious perceiving, in the top of the head hard stone, that come from the Feng Ke huge life magnetic field. 他能明显的觉察到,在头顶坚硬的石块上,那来自于丰岢的庞大生命磁场。 Russell, what do you make?” The Feng Ke sound, conveys from his top of the head spookily, energy of tearing earth, jumps to shoot immediately, until center of earth. 拉塞尔,你来做什么?”丰岢的声音,从他头顶幽幽传来,一股撕裂大地的能量,顿时迸射下来,直到地心内部。 Russell knew that again difficult diving trace, hesitant, he he the chuckle gets up, crops up from the place bottom fiercely. 拉塞尔自知再难潜踪,犹豫了一下,呵呵轻笑起来,猛地从地底冒头。 The broad palace, Feng Ke, Feng Rao and Feng Xiao three people, besides these three people, dozens Green Demon Warrior assume personal command, majority in God King two, Third Sky Realm, the strength do not allow to look down upon. 宽阔的殿堂内部,丰岢丰娆丰枭三人都在,除了这三人外,还有数十名青鬼武者坐镇,大多数都在神王二、三重天境界,实力不容小视。 Feng Ke crazily spreads to come, in addition does not have talks about old days with the daughter with enough time, immediately perceived underground spread the Russell unique life magnetism to move, immediately some response, has compelled it using power stiffly. 丰岢一路狂驰而来,尚且没来得及和女儿叙旧,立即觉察到地下传出了拉塞尔独特的生命磁动,马上有了反应,硬生生利用力量将其逼了出来。 Facial features thin Feng Ke, the complexion sank immediately, coldly snorted, what deal does your stealthy wish make?” 面容消瘦的丰岢,脸色顿时沉了下来,冷哼一声,“你鬼鬼祟祟的想要做什么勾当?” I heard that the niece came back, urgently was congratulating, didn't the abundant brother welcome me?” Russell expression is calm, smiles, a while ago after that waste barrow on-board saw the niece, I then wanted to protect the good niece, gave you to send him safely is only has not thought that the niece by a boy holding under duress, has drawn support from spatial phantom crystal energy escapes to exited to let me to help in the heart actually guilty. Today knows that niece came back, naturally must come to see.” “我听说侄女回来了,急着过来道贺啊,丰兄难道不欢迎我?”拉塞尔神色镇定,笑眯眯的,“前段时间在那废弃矿星上见到侄女后,我便想要保护好侄女,将他给你安然送来只是没有想到侄女被一个小子给挟持了,借助于空幻晶的能量遁离了出去倒是让我没能帮上忙心中愧疚的很。今天知道侄女儿回来了,自然要来看看。” Ratio that the Russell mouthful nonsense, said sang also of pleasant to hear, face thick-skinned. 拉塞尔满嘴鬼话,说的比唱的还好听,脸皮厚的很。 Feng Ke or Feng Rao, know that he does not have a truth, the manner is unfriendly, coldly looks at he boasted that develops. 不论是丰岢还是丰娆,都知道他没一句真话,态度都不友善,冷冷看着他自夸自演。 Niece is all right well, Ha Ha, I am have a look at the situation, um I feel relieved now.” Russell sees nobody to welcome is very tactful, has dodged two at will, must be about to leave. “侄女儿没事就好,哈哈,我就是过来看看情况,嗯我现在放心了。”拉塞尔见没人欢迎也很知趣,随意搪塞了两句,就要准备离开。 Wait a moment.” Feng Ke drinks one lowly. 等一下。”丰岢低喝一声。 What's wrong?” A Russell face is astonished however, none who does not becomes the abundant brother must keep me to eat meal inadequately? He He, your father and daughter meet, should have many words to say? I remain, is not quite convenient.” “怎么?”拉塞尔一脸讶然,“莫不成丰兄还要留我吃饭不成?呵呵,你们父女才见面,应该有很多话语要说吧?我留下来,不太方便啊。” Since came, might as well well chatted.” Feng Ke is narrowing the eye, frowns saying: I summoned the major leaders to gather, to conspire Star Chart my daughter came now, this matter can put on the agenda. Un, your Russell power not weak is among us greatly strengthened one, naturally must have your.” “既然来了,不妨好好聊一聊。”丰岢眯着眼睛,皱着眉头说道:“我召唤各大魁首聚集,是为了共谋星图如今我女儿来了,这件事就可以提上议程了。嗯,你拉塞尔力量不弱是我们当中极强的一股,自然少不了你那一份。” Ha Ha, the abundant brother is the heroic spirit, Star Chart also wants one seriously and shares. Good! Calculates my one!” Russell has readily agreed that he comes for Star Chart, naturally is not willing to drop. “哈哈,丰兄当真是豪气,星图也愿意一并分享。好!算我一份!”拉塞尔一口答应了下来,他就是为星图而来,当然不愿意放手了。 Star Chart is important, is only my strength, cannot swallow.” Feng Ke snort|hum, Russell, your Blood Skull Chief, although is not weak, may want unshared Star Chart seriously, feared that is also dream of a fool. I receive the accurate message, three big influence Expert will leave for toward our Divine Punishment Grounds, how long Divine Punishment Grounds audiences cannot want to stand in great numbers, the Nine Star Chamber of Commerce person will also appear, might is Fan Family Expert arrives, we had the common enemy, I hope that you can be tactful, do not get up to any tricks in secret.” 星图事关重大,单凭我一人之力,根本吞不下。”丰岢哼了一声,“拉塞尔,你血骷髅头虽然不弱,可当真想要独享星图,怕也是痴人说梦而已。我收到准确消息,三大势力强者都朝着我们神罚之地开赴,要不了多久神罚之地就会众强林立,九星商会的人也会出现,很有可能就是梵家强者到来,我们有共同的敌人,我希望你能够识趣一点,别暗中做什么手脚。” , Feng Ke slowly said: For example goes to that side Ka Fu, tries to rob Star Chart, this matter...... I do not hope to see again.” 顿了一下,丰岢缓缓说道:“譬如去卡夫那边,试图抢夺星图,这种事……我不希望再看到。” The Russell complexion changes, snort|hum, not saying a word returning place bottom, has not confessed anything, disappears in a flash. 拉塞尔脸色一变,哼了一声,一言不发的重返地底,也没有交代什么,转瞬不见了。 Father, how you knows that he did go to that side Ka Fu?” In the Feng Rao heart the surprise, cannot bear ask. “父亲,你怎么知道他去了卡夫那边?”丰娆心中诧异,忍不住问道。 My line, returns to Heaven Punishment City, perceived the Russell trend. I did not have care, give you, as soon as reminded, said that boy went to that side Ka Fu, I naturally know that he had any thoughts.” Feng Ke said with a smile. “我一路行来,才返回天罚城,就觉察到了拉塞尔的动向。本来我也没太在意,给你一提醒,说那小子去了卡夫那边,我自然就知道他起了什么心思了。”丰岢笑道。 „Can Shi Yan have the accident? It is not good, I must pass to have a look at the situation!” Feng Rao urgently said. 石岩会不会有意外?不行,我要过去看看情况!”丰娆急道。 Feng Ke and Feng Xiao their expression is startled, slightly reveals looking of surprise to her, expression strange. 丰岢丰枭两人神色微怔,略显诧异的望向她,表情古怪了起来。 In the past when Feng Rao left, was unsatisfactory in the Divine Punishment Grounds region reputation, but in their hearts understands that Feng Rao and might as well pass on a message like that cannot withstand, then for many years, they have seen only Feng Rao to depend on the temper to play jokes upon Divine Punishment Grounds youth Expert, has not actually seen her to care about anyone. 当年丰娆离开之时,在神罚之地区域名声不佳,但他们心中明白丰娆并不如传言那般不堪,那么多年来,他们只见丰娆依着性子戏耍一个个神罚之地的青年强者,却没有见过她真的关心过谁。 Now realized that Shi Yan will have accident, she was anxious immediately, time does not want to delay, obviously is a little very unusual. 如今一意识到石岩会有意外,她马上急切了,一点时间都不想耽误,很明显有点反常啊。 You...... Like this how to visit me?” Feng Rao is a little also afraid, both cheeks spill over the point to blush, lowering the head that slightly does not feel all right. “你们……怎么这样看我?”丰娆也有点心虚,两腮泛出点红晕,不太好意思的微微垂头。 Feng Ke watched her facial expression, has hesitated, said: Do not be worried that the boy should be well. Otherwise, Russell will not come hurriedly, if he obtained Star Chart, meets first leaves from Divine Punishment Grounds.” 丰岢将她的神情看在眼里,沉吟了一下,道:“别担心,那小子应该无恙。要不然,拉塞尔不会急匆匆过来,他要是得到了星图,会第一时间从神罚之地离开的。” The care is chaotic, Feng Rao after him, as soon as reminded, responded that bit the red lip to smile, that boy, has hidden the truth from Russell this lunatic unexpectedly, he he.” 关心则乱,丰娆经他一提醒,也反应过来,咬着红唇嫣然一笑,“那小子,居然瞒过了拉塞尔这疯子,呵呵。” Younger sister, you and do that boy what relate?” Feng Xiao was startled however a while, is out of control to ask, I thought you, as if cared about him extremely? How matter? His what origin? Isn't nail that’ Dark Sky God Country sends out?” “小妹,你和那小子到底什么关系?”丰枭怔然了一会儿,禁不住问道,“我看你,似乎极其关心他?怎么一回事?他到底什么来历啊?不会是天涅神国派出的‘钉子’吧?” Anything has not related, altogether crosses the adversity, um, has the little friendship, the fellow is uncommon, the potential is infinite, if given time can be Dark Sky God Country to strong one!” Feng Rao serious saying. “没什么关系,就是共过患难罢了,嗯,算是有一点点交情啦,那家伙非常不凡,潜力无穷,假以时日会是天涅神国至强之一!”丰娆一本正经的说道。 Has not seen you such to appraise a person. Really the boy, some you said is so outstanding?” The Feng Ke complexion is dignified. “从来没有见你这么评估过一个人。那小子,真有你说的那么出众?”丰岢脸色凝重起来。 My conservative estimate.” A Feng Rao also face austere accommodates, he although now has Second Sky of God King Realm, but I believe that if really the life and death fight, I am not his match. Finally will die, definitely is I, he certainly live well.” “我还是保守估计了。”丰娆也一脸肃容,“他如今虽然只有神王二重天之境,但我相信,真要是生死战斗,我不是他对手。最后会死的,肯定是我,他一定活的好好的。” Such remarks, Feng Ke and Feng Xiao fathers and sons change countenance terrified, in heart with amazement. 此言一出,丰岢丰枭父子悚然动容,心中骇然。 In Divine Punishment Grounds, Feng Rao is famous powerful is difficult to annoy, the deep meaning is surreptitious, power is fearful, In general, same level Realm Warrior will not be her match, but Shi Yan, but also lowered Realm...... 神罚之地内,丰娆乃是有名的强悍难惹,奥义诡秘奇特,力量非常可怕,一般来说,同等境界武者不会是她的对手,而石岩,还低了一个境界…… Younger sister, you are not because likes him, raises high him intentionally?” Feng Xiao shook the head, loses says with a smile: How possible? Can he exceed you? Jumps the ranks? Too laughable.” “小妹,你不会是因为喜欢他,故意高抬他吧?”丰枭摇了摇头,失笑道:“怎么可能?他能胜过你?还是越级?太可笑了。” Do not blend individual emotion, said honestly, he how?” Feng Ke also frowned, in the heart does not believe that he to his daughter is very self-confident, does not think that who has missed a small rank, but can also win Feng Rao steadily. “你不要参杂个人情感,老老实实的说,他到底如何?”丰岢也皱起眉头,心中也是不太相信,他对自己的女儿还是非常自信的,不认为有谁差了一个小级别,还能稳胜丰娆的。 Fathers and sons two left right, has the obvious suspicion, but also metaphor she, because was moved, intentionally will raise Shi Yan, making Feng Rao bashful and angry, snort|hum, but said: Later you naturally can know.” 父子两左一句右一句,都有着明显的怀疑,还暗喻她因为动了情,才会故意抬高石岩,让丰娆又羞又恼,哼了哼,无奈说道:“以后你们自然会知道。” Good, I must see him, having a look at him to be what kind.” Feng Ke nodded. “好吧,我要见见他,看看他到底怎么样。”丰岢点了点头 „Do that three people, want to treat? The father, Gester that old fogy is not good to speak, making him treat the fellow who that three were attracted the spirit Demon Flower violation, the price...... It is not small.” Feng Xiao reminded, in the heart as if too did not approve. “那三个人,要不要医治?父亲,杰斯特那老家伙可不是好说话的,让他医治那三个被吸灵妖花侵害的家伙,代价……可不小啊。”丰枭提醒,心中似乎不太赞同。 Rao'er, did you say?” Feng Ke narrows the eyes to focus on the inquiry. 娆儿,你说呢?”丰岢眯着眼询问。 Treatment! The price is big, none who does not becomes can be more inadequate than Star Chart?” Feng Rao categorical replying. “医治!代价再大,莫不成能够比过星图不成?”丰娆斩钉截铁的答道。 He whether to be trustworthy?” Feng Ke asked again. “他能否值得信任?”丰岢再问。 „Doesn't person in our hands, he take Star Chart to trade to be what kind of? Also, here is Divine Punishment Grounds, our domains, can he also overturn the heavens inadequately?” Feng Rao smiled, felt relieved that I can guarantee, his side is not a problem.” “人在我们手中,他不拿星图来换能怎么样?再说了,这里是神罚之地,我们的地盘,他还能翻天不成?”丰娆笑了笑,“放心吧,我可以保证,他那边不成问题。” Good, such managed.” Feng Ke hesitated, nod complied, said to son Feng Xiao: That three people, you bring to Gester, whatever any condition he opens.” “好,就这么办了。”丰岢沉吟了一下,点头答应了下来,冲儿子丰枭道:“那三人,你带向杰斯特那边,什么条件任由他开。” Child understands.” “孩儿明白。” West Divine Punishment Grounds. 神罚之地西侧。 Earth surface everywhere sore disease, some innumerable giant dark caverns, direct link bottom deep place. 大地表面满目疮瘐,有无数巨大幽暗的洞穴,直达地底深处。 And a Demonic Beast huge mouth cavern, there is liberal place bottom stone hall, stone hall connects through the stone-paved road, extends in all directions, it is said can arrive in Heaven Punishment City directly. 其中一处妖兽巨口般的洞穴内部,有阔大的地底石殿,石殿通过石道连通,四通八达,据说能够直接到达天罚城内。 Executes in restriction stone hall, Shi Yan will obtain the Star Chart process simply to state clearly to Brother Ka Tuo, and explanation and Feng Rao that agreement has not concealed. 一间施有禁制石殿内,石岩将得到星图的经过简单向卡托兄弟言明,并且没有隐瞒的说明和丰娆的协议。 Brother Ka Tuo are listening silently, said to him, Ka Tuo frowns, saying of anxiety: „Are trivial three individual medicine cauldrons, worth paying Star Chart really? Senior Brother Senior Brother, your also too heavy sentiment? This may be intolerable, in our Marauder, only then the benefit eternally unchangings, other are the nonsense. You looked, or we escape to Divine Punishment Grounds, by our power, opens that nova territory?” 卡托兄弟默默听着,待到他讲完了,卡托皱着眉头,肉疼的说道:“区区三个人身药鼎,真的值得你付出星图来?师兄师兄,你也太重情了吧?这可要不得啊,在我们掠夺者之中,只有利益永恒不变,其余都是狗屁。你看,要不我们遁离神罚之地,以我们自己的力量,去开辟那新星域?” Ka Tuo are excited first, in the ominous severe eye, unexpectedly appears the illusion expectation color, opens to rise the arm to mutter: New star territory, the stars of ten life, innumerable unusual ore spirit medicine spirit grass, we, if had, this does not worry for a lifetime. Senior Brother, we can establish our area, making that side star territory have as if made by Heaven is three big influence equally formidable existences, how wonderful......” 卡托自己先兴奋起来,凶厉的眼睛中,竟然显出梦幻的憧憬色彩,敞升手臂喃喃道:“新的星域啊,十来个生命之星,无数的奇特矿石灵药灵草,我们要是拥有了,这一辈子都不愁了。师兄啊,我们可以建立自己的疆域,让那边星域有一天成为和三大势力一样强大的存在,多么的美妙……” Do not have a dream.” Shi Yan coldly snorted, is only our power, is unable to achieve all these. Star Chart news already[ hundred degree celsius post first round] walks, does not know how many Expert are staring, including Feng Ke thinks that cannot realize by strength of the, but must contact with your major leaders, can you?” “别做梦了。”石岩冷哼一声,“单凭我们的力量,根本无法达成这一切。星图的消息已经[百度贴吧首发]走喽,不知道多少强者盯着,连丰岢都自认为不能以一己之力实现,还要联系你们各大魁首,你能?” Big brother, awakes, right that this boy said that we can seek for that nova territory, protection. Opening up wasteland of nova territory, needs the innumerable manpower and resources, your influence, difference is not a least bit.” Ka Fu impolite urging. “大哥,醒醒吧,这小子说的对,我们就算是能够找寻到那新星域,也守护不住的。一处新星域的开垦,需要无数的人力物力,你的势力,差的不是一点半点。”卡夫也不客气的劝道。 I also think that you don't need to be so earnest?” Ka Tuo is a little awkward, snort|hum, I will have sent for Heaven Punishment City, if some Feng Ke that side people inquired, person who also there is conveying a message.” “我也就想想,你们不必这么认真吧?”卡托有点尴尬,哼了一声,“我会派人去天罚城,如果丰岢那边有人询问,也有传话的人。” I must guarantee that my three friends are all right, will hand over Star Chart.” Shi Yan nodded, key point is person is all right, other can discuss slowly.” “我要确保我那三个朋友没事,才会将星图交出来。”石岩点了点头,“重点是人没事,别的可以慢慢商谈。” Un, I understand that will not mess up your matter.” Ka Tuo takes responsibility on oneself, in Divine Punishment Grounds, my Ka Tuo also small hee fame, handles the matter to have the discretion.” “嗯,我明白,不会弄糟你的事情的。”卡托大包大揽下来,“在神罚之地内,我卡托也小嘻名气的,做事情有分寸的。” I make the thing, a while, gives your surplus inheritance , helping your as soon as possible breakthrough Source God Realm.” Shi Yan has hesitated, suddenly said. “我将东西弄过来,一会儿,给你剩余的传承,助你尽快突破源神境。”石岩沉吟了一下,忽然说道。 Blood slaughter Ka Tuo eye suddenly Liang, excited whole body shivers, laughs. 血屠卡托眼睛暴亮,兴奋的浑身颤抖起来,哈哈大笑不已。
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