GOS :: Volume #9

#832: Fights the wisdom

Ka Tuo and Brother Ka Fu dumbstruck, face warehouse was the surprise is puzzled suddenly one in the store and silent. 卡托卡夫兄弟目瞪口呆,脸‘仓是诧异不解’在商铺内忽然一并沉默了下来。 How in your hand?” Ka Tuo gawked for a long time, muttered whispers, didn't say on Feng Rao?” “怎么会在你的手上?”卡托愣了许久,才喃喃低语,“不是说在丰娆身上么?” Is a long story.” Shi Yan gives a calm smile, „, here is not the speech place, matter Feng Rao that I come knows that I feared her father Feng Ke will have the idea, we first left here to say again.” “说来话长。”石岩淡然一笑,“嗯,这儿不是说话的地方,我过来的事丰娆知道,我怕她父亲丰岢会有想法,我们还是先离开这儿再说。” Star Chart is important, only then a little Expert of power influence, can want completely all means to obtain slightly, will be willing to pay the life not to give up, can Feng Ke have to kill directly, was very difficult saying that sought a safe place to discuss first that had to safeguard a point. 星图事关重大,只有稍有点力量势力的强者,都会想尽一切办法得到,会甘愿为之付出性命也不罢休,丰岢会不会有直接杀上来,很难说,还是先寻到一个安全的地方商谈,才更加有保障一点。 Also good.” Ka Tuo is also very simple, we left Heaven Punishment City first. This city is dominated by Feng Ke, Russell, Barrett and Jie Nong four people, they want to start to a person, some are the method and method.” “也好。”卡托也很干脆,“我们先出了天罚城。这城池由丰岢拉塞尔巴雷特介侬四人把持,他们想要对一个人下手,有的是手段和方法。” Ka Fu also knows that the situation is not quite wonderful, does not have wordy anything, immediately indicated: Big brother, you walk first, here I arrange.” 卡夫也知道情况不太妙,没有啰嗦什么,当即表示:“大哥,你们先走,这儿我来安排一下。” When Ka Tuo must leave to leave, the complexion unexpectedly changes, the look appears wipes the panic-stricken color, shouted to clear the way lowly: Has Expert to arrive! Source God Realm! Quite quick!” 卡托就要抽身离开之时,脸色蓦地一变,眼神显出一抹惊骇之色,低喝道:“有强者到来!源神境!好快!” Was Ka Fu in great surprise, Feng Ke comes?” 卡夫大惊,“难道是丰岢过来了?” „, motherfucker, was really not most likely trustworthy!” Shi Yan gloomy face, slightly one hesitant, clenches jaws saying: Plays cloudy to me, I will not make him prevail easily.” “十有八九了,妈的,果然不值得信任!”石岩阴沉着脸,略一犹豫,咬牙切齿道:“给我耍阴的,我不会让他轻易得逞。” Twists Strength of Space, immediately erupts from his within the body, he stands there, the surroundings space appears the close slit, five colors stream ray is dazzling, the large flame that such as emits, wants to drill from the slit. 一股扭曲空间之力,顿时从他体内爆发出来,他站在那儿,周围空间显出细密的缝隙,五彩流光炫目,如喷吐的火舌,想要从缝隙内钻出来似的。 Imaginary Space Ring has shone quickly, is quenchinged Star Chart that becomes by the Immortal wood, under the hauling of his power pulls, immediately stirs up da to shoot, dodges toward a slit. 幻空戒倏地亮了一下,那由不朽木淬炼而成的星图,在他力量的牵引拉扯下,顿时激龘射出来,朝着一道缝隙闪去。 Massive power, pass from his within the body, wisp of pure Divine Sense, has cut off the relation with Soul Altar, attaches on the Immortal wood, is hidden in that space slit mouth does not see. 大量的力量,从他体内流逝掉,一缕精纯之极的神识,和灵魂祭台切断了联系,依附在不朽木上,在那空间缝隙口隐没不见。 Has hesitated, he sheds Blood Vein Ring, a thought revolution, invests the space slit Blood Vein Ring. 迟疑了一下,他将血纹戒褪下来,念头一转,将血纹戒也投入空间缝隙。 Tears a space slit, places in the goods prestige is the strong point of Space Deep Meaning Warrior, is only, to Shi Yan, utilizes a little to be reluctant, God King Second Sky Realm energy, very difficult long time to maintain Divine Sense not to extinguish, throughout maintains the relation to the goods that the prestige puts. 撕裂一条空间缝隙,将物品威放在里面乃是空间奥义武者的强项,只是,对石岩来说,运用起来还有点勉强,神王二重天境界能量,很难长时间维持神识不灭,对威放的物品始终保持联系。 In the Outer Territory space turbulent flow, all sorts of Strength of Space extremely disorder cannot withstand, once Divine Sense falls, then gradually will weaken passes. 域外空间乱流内,种种空间之力太过紊乱不堪,一旦神识落入,便会逐渐的消弱流逝。 Especially, his wisp of Divine Sense, but must connect with the Immortal wood. 尤其是,他的那一缕神识,还要和不朽木连接起来。 This needs the power persistent support. 这更加需要力量的持续支撑。 World Extinguishing Thunder Flame is not the entity, initially was the broken soul reads, Divine Sense maintained the relation to be more relaxed, consumption power also wanted few several thousand times. 灭世雷炎不是实体,当初是残破的魂念,神识维持联系要轻松许多,消耗的力量也要少数千倍。 Also is for this reason, after that World Extinguishing Thunder Flame remnant soul was sent into exile by him, but can also seek easily, does not have extremely reluctantly. 也是因为这个原因,那灭世雷炎的残魂被他放逐后,还能轻易的找寻回来,没有太过勉强。 However achieves relation Divine Sense and entity, puts in the space slit the entity, must pull once more, power that needs took several hundred times to promote. 但是将神识和实体达成联系,将实体放入空间缝隙,要再次拉扯出来,需要的力量就要数百倍的提升了。 Xiu! 咻! The Immortal wood with Blood Vein Ring, one and vanishes in the slit, crowded lines on face, vanishes fast. 不朽木和血纹戒,一并消失在缝隙,一条条密集的细纹,也快速消失。 The Shi Yan complexion is gloomy, shouted lowly: „ No matter who comes, the goal should for Star Chart, you for the time being to be too intense. 石岩脸色阴暗,低呼道:“不管是谁过来,目的应该都是为了星图,你们暂且不要太紧张。 So long as Star Chart also in my hand, opposite party not easily under killer. ” 只要星图还在我手,对方就不会轻易下杀手。” Ka Tuo and Ka Fu two brothers, secret nod, calms down. 卡托卡夫两兄弟,暗暗点头,也冷静下来。 kacha! 咔嚓 Under three human feet, the place bottom of store caved, at once the flagstone changes into the powder powder to dissipate, grand silhouette, drilled from the place bottom together, the body does not dye the dust. 在三人脚下,商铺的地底塌陷了一块,旋即石板化为齑粉消散,一道雄伟的身影,从地底钻了出来,身上不染尘埃。 Russell!” The Ka Tuo look changes, coldly snorted, sound hoarse say|way: What do you make?” 拉塞尔!”卡托眼神一变,冷哼一声,声音沙哑道:“你来做什么?” Blood Skull Chief leader Russell, grins strangely chuckled, a hand according to approaching store cliff. 血骷髅头的魁首拉塞尔,咧嘴嘿嘿怪笑一声,一只手按向商铺石壁。 In stone wall has the earth yellow dust gradually gathers precise, is centered on the Russell control, by the naked eye obvious speed spread in all directions, sees only these earth yellow dust, thick has covered the store wall. 石壁上有土黄色的灰尘逐渐的凝炼聚集起来,以拉塞尔手心为中心,以肉眼可见的速度蔓延四面八方,只见那些土黄色的灰尘,厚厚的覆盖了商铺墙壁。 The front door of that store, was seen the yellow wall to stop up , the ray does not reveal. 那商铺的大门,也被一睹黄色墙壁堵实了,一点光线不露。 Shortly, this store by the power deep meaning blockade of Russell, fell into dimly. 顷刻间,这商铺就被拉塞尔力量奥义封锁,陷入昏暗中。 In the store, in the side cabinet seven color stones, send out the misty halo, enabling this store still to have luminously obviously, is insufficient to put out a hand not to see the five fingers. 商铺内,旁边橱柜内一块块七彩石头,散发出蒙蒙光晕,使得这商铺内部依然有光亮可见,不至于伸手不见五指。 Russell completes all these, relaxes, a move, a White Jade chair flies conveniently, falls steadily to his behind, he sat lazily, the smiling face is bright, looked slowly to Shi Yan, spread out the left hand, languid saying: Thing gives me.” 拉塞尔做完这一切,才放松下来,随手一招,一把白玉椅子飞来,稳稳落向他身后,他懒洋洋的坐了下来,笑容粲然,缓缓看向了石岩,摊开左手,懒洋洋的说道:“东西给我。” What thing?” Shi Yan knits the brows, feigns the inquiry that does not know. “什么东西?”石岩皱眉,佯装不知的询问。 Do not play the fool to me.” Russell lowly chuckled, Star Chart gives me, I leave immediately and ensure does not disturb you.” “别给我装傻了。”拉塞尔嘿嘿低笑,“星图给我,我立即离开,保证不打搅你们。” Russell, do not go too far!” Ka Tuo calls out one, Heaven Punishment City does not get the battle, this custom is you one and formulates, do you want to violate?” 拉塞尔,你别欺人太甚!”卡托暴喝一声,“天罚城不得争斗,这规矩是你们一并制定下来的,难道你要自己违背?” Custom?” Russell grins to laugh, custom that I set, I am naturally unrestricted, left wordy, Ka Tuo, you also know that my yu with, this place was imprisoned temporarily, you * Yao could not take off. Ying attempts to give me me naturally to leave, when we what has not occurred, how?” “规矩?”拉塞尔咧嘴大笑,“我定下的规矩,我自然不受约束,别啰嗦了,卡托,你也知道我的腴与,此地被暂时禁锢,你们※个姚脱不掉。‘缨图给我’我自然会离开,我们就当什么都没有发生,如何?” Russell has Source God First Sky Realm, in strongest Ka Tuo compared with three people also wants the high entire big rank, once battles, Ka Tuo, Shi Yan and Ka Fu three people collaborate, is very difficult to escape to ascend to heaven. 拉塞尔有着源神一重天境界,比三人中最强势的卡托还要高整整一个大级别,一旦交战,卡托石岩卡夫三人联手,也很难逃脱升天。 Although blood slaughter Ka Tuo is known as ominous name, but compared with the big owlet great demon of Russell this rank, wants inferior many, therefore does not dare to get rid, instead the spoken language negotiated, this was the performance that power was insufficient. 血屠卡托虽然素有凶名,但是与拉塞尔这个级别的大枭巨魔相比,还是要逊色不少,所以没敢出手,反而言语交涉,这是力量不足的表现。 Star Chart not in my hand.” Shi Yan brow deep lock, the complexion is gloomy, said lightly: Thing there Feng Rao, she, as soon as returns to Heaven Punishment City, went to that side Green Demon. You want Star Chart, asks her to go, I am penniless, words that does not believe that you can have a look carefully.” 星图不在我手。”石岩眉头深锁,脸色阴暗,淡淡说道:“东西在丰娆那儿,她一回到天罚城,就去青鬼那边了。你要星图,找她去吧,我两手空空,不相信的话,你可以仔细看看。” Pa! 啪! He points at Imaginary Space Ring that wears, suddenly disrupts, every kind goods appear, had the universe to turn over to Yuanding, Flowing Clouds Heaven Breaking Shuttle and Lei Ji wood and Five Elements Crystal Marrow wait / etc. collection of the rare treasures to quenching, these materials float in him at present, the arrangement was neat, turning round revolving. 他手指佩戴的一枚幻空戒,突然碎裂开来,一样样物品从中显现出来,有乾坤归元鼎、流云破天梭雷亟木、五行晶髓等等收藏的秘宝淬炼,那些材料悬浮在他眼前,排列整齐,滴溜溜的旋转起来。 Imaginary Space Ring bursts, the goods can reveal that will not have anything to hide once more. 幻空戒破裂,其中物品会显露,不会有任何东西可以再次藏匿。 Ka Tuo and Brother Ka Fu, are astonished however look to him, the look is strange. 卡托卡夫兄弟,讶然看向他,眼神怪异。 Russell also terrified changes countenance, the knitting the brows head, flickers looked that to every kind rare treasure and unusual cultivation that material that does not move float gyrates. 拉塞尔也是悚然动容,皱了皱眉头,一瞬不移的看向那悬浮旋动的一样样的秘宝和奇特修炼材料。 „It is not, is not, is not right.” The Russell calm face whispered, the vision was bright, the Divine Sense exploration on that material rare treasure, is every kind cold at once the face. Shouting to clear the way: „It is not!” “不是,不是,不对。”拉塞尔沉着脸低语,目光熠熠,在那一样样材料秘宝上神识探索,旋即冷着脸。喝道:“都不是!” His goal is only Star Chart, other goods were totally not placed in the eye by him, saw that does not have Star Chart to appear, Russell clenches teeth secretly, the complexion is gradually unattractive. 他的目标只是星图,别的物品一概不被他放在眼中,看到没有星图出现,拉塞尔暗暗咬牙,脸色渐渐不好看了。 My Imaginary Space Ring, it already[ hundred degree celsius post first round] explodes, all materials in you at present, you can the as one wishes inspection.” Shi Yan is calm, on me does not have the thing again, by your cultivation base, will unable to see that I do not have the Immortal wood to carry.” “我就一枚幻空戒,它已经[百度贴吧首发]爆裂开来,所有材料都在你眼前,你可以随便检查。”石岩冷静自若,“我身上再也没有东西,以你的修为,不会看不出我没有不朽木携带。” His Realm is not very high, with God King peak Feng Rao in the same place, how could to dominate Star Chart?” Ka Tuo relaxed secretly, following the Shi Yan words, said: „The Star Chart nature in the Feng Rao hand, I heard, Sir Feng Ke at this time not in Heaven Punishment City, that side Green Demon, only then Feng Xiao assumes personal command. If Sir Russell moves quickly, can catch up before Feng Ke returns, Star Chart first one step capturing.” “他境界不够高,和神王巅峰丰娆在一起,岂能把持星图?”卡托暗暗松了一口气,顺着石岩的话,说道:“星图自然在丰娆手中,我听说,丰岢大人此时并不在天罚城,青鬼那边,只有丰枭坐镇。拉塞尔大人如果行动快一点的话,可以赶在丰岢返回之前,将星图先一步给夺取了。” Russell eye glittering, seemed to be excited, grinned chuckled. 拉塞尔眼睛闪烁了一下,仿佛心动了,咧嘴嘿嘿笑了起来。 Ka Tuo discolored, the strength in within the body Chaos comes out precise, is out of control the violent to shout to clear the way: Russell, you, if murder silence a witness, feared that is not easy. On road that Sir Feng Ke should in catching up, if you must waste time silence a witness. Indeed can achieve, but feared that will miss to obtain the Star Chart opportunity.” 卡托勃然变色,体内混乱之力凝炼出来,禁不住暴喝道:“拉塞尔,你若要杀人灭口,怕是没那么容易。丰岢大人应该在赶来的路上,如果你要浪费时间灭口。的确可以做到,但就怕会错过得到星图的时机。” Russell coldly snorted, the ice-cold ominous severe vision, observes the situation in Shi Yan, Ka Tuo and Ka Fu three people, said lightly: Calculates that you are in luck.” 拉塞尔冷哼一声,冰冷凶厉的目光,在石岩卡托卡夫三人身上环视一圈,淡淡说道:“算你们走运。” Scoff! 嗤! The bottom pear opens passage, Russell changes into earth yellow smog. Drills into passage, dodges to pass. 地底梨开一条通道,拉塞尔化为一条土黄色烟雾。钻入通道内,一闪而逝。 Covers the imprisonment strength of layer upon layer in store, quietly dissipation, becomes the yellow smoke cloud, one and emerges passage. 覆盖在商铺内的层层禁锢之力,悄悄消散,也成为黄色烟云,一并涌入通道 The Ka Fu paralysis on soft collapsing, wipes the cold sweat of forehead, in the look the color of fear has not been fading thoroughly. 卡夫一屁股瘫在软塌上,抹着额头的冷汗,眼神中恐惧之色还没有彻底消褪。 Before Russell just before leaving, had the silence a witness thoughts obviously, Ka Tuo that words, they feared that is difficult to run away a tribulation. 拉塞尔临走之前,明显动了灭口的心思,要不是卡托的那一番话,他们三人怕是难逃一劫。 motherfucker!” Ka Tuo clenches teeth, the whole face sinister aspect, and other father breakthrough arrive at Source God Realm, must ask for today's gathering place! *** Russell, wants to kill our silence a witness unexpectedly, good Senior Brother is intelligent, enters the space slit thing conceal, otherwise our could not live.” 妈的!”卡托咬着牙,满脸凶相,“等老子突破源神境,必然要讨回今日的场子!***拉塞尔,竟然想杀我们灭口,还好师兄聪明,将东西都藏入空间缝隙,不然我们一个活不了。” How long could not hide the truth from, we left first, seek for the safe location.” Shi Yan is also the back sends coldly, the mind is restless, has rejoicing of being survivor of disaster. “瞒不了多久的,我们先离开,找寻安全的场地。”石岩也是背脊发寒,心神不安,有种劫后余生的庆幸。 Source God First Sky Realm Russell, stands there a Hao jumps to him the boundless constriction, under this person wants the killer, even if he and Brother Ka Tuo collaborates, is very difficult to win, has enormously is possibly executed. 源神一重天境界拉塞尔,站在那儿就给他一种浩蹦无际的压迫感,此人真要下杀手,就算他和卡托兄弟联手,也很难获胜,有极大可能被诛。 He beforehand prepares, initiative explodes broken Imaginary Space Ring, indicates Star Chart not on the body, there is Ka Tuo to try to cover up a lie the fill afterward, perhaps Russell seriously will slaughter, in imprisoning in store, one and destroys completely them, ruins all fight traces, making the person not have the mark to seek. 要不是他事先准备好,主动的将幻空戒爆碎,表明星图不在身上,又有卡托事后圆谎填补,说不定拉塞尔当真会大开杀戒,在禁锢着的商铺内,将他们三人一并灭掉,毁掉所有战斗痕迹,让人无迹可寻。 „, Gives you new Imaginary Space Ring, the thing receives first, we walk immediately.” Ka Fu slips off Imaginary Space Ring, throws to Shi Yan by far. “诺,给你一枚新的幻空戒,东西先收好,我们马上走。”卡夫褪下一枚幻空戒,远远抛给石岩 Puts out a hand to grasp, colludes the Divine Sense soul, these float goods crash-bang falling to new Imaginary Space Ring. 伸手一抓,勾连神识灵魂,那些悬浮的物品哗啦啦的落向新的幻空戒 Ka Fu presents as a gift Imaginary Space Ring, wants to be bigger, many bands his original that can the goods minute, but the prestige puts, is quite marvelous, the value should not poor. 卡夫所赠幻空戒,比他原先的那一枚要大许多,还有许多夹层,可以将物品分而威放,颇为奇妙,价值应该不菲。 Many thanks.” Shi Yan nodded, not too many modesties. Turns the head to look to Ka Tuo, „do you arrange?” “多谢了。”石岩点了点头,也没有太多客气话。别头看向卡托,“你来安排?” Un, comes with me, first lay low until something blows over said again.” Ka Tuo turns around in the future the line. “嗯,跟我来,先避避风头再说。”卡托转身往后行去。 Shi Yan follows at once. 石岩旋即跟上。
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