GOS :: Volume #9

#831: Blustery( three asked monthly ticket!!)

Sir, who is he? „ That beautiful Sea Clan female, the curious inquiry said that the eye pupil is bright and intelligent, smiling face person. “大人,他是谁啊?“那名妖艳的海族女子,好奇的询问道,眼眸水汪汪的,笑容可人。 Wears Warrior of Blood Skull Chief clothing, shoves open the Sea Clan woman in bosom, lowly chuckled gets up: ** go away, don't, when father gets rich.” 身穿血骷髅头衣衫的武者,一把将怀中的海族女人推开,嘿嘿低笑起来:“**滚开,别当老子发大财。” This person tags along in Shi Yan behind, has been fixing the eyes on, looks at Shi Yan went to the Ka Fu store, the eye one brightly, at once immediately leaves. 此人尾随在石岩身后,一直紧盯着,看着石岩去了卡夫的商铺,眼睛一亮,旋即立即离开。 He transferred on the street, arrives at a covert practice field, the old man who found skin and bones, shouted to clear the way: Pharaoh ghost, I had that boy news.” 他在街道上转了一圈,来到一处隐蔽的修练场,找到一个瘦骨嶙峋的老头,喝道:“萨法老鬼,我有那小子消息了。” Which boy?” The old man is narrowing the eye, inquiry that does not care about. “哪个小子?”老头眯着眼睛,不在意的询问。 Initially you gave me a portrait, lets boy who I pay attention, understands to utilize Strength of Space, a while ago hid under from our eyes, snatches that the spatial phantom crystal fled.” Warrior strangely chuckled, reward gives me, where I told him.” “当初你给我一张画像,让我留意的小子,懂得运用空间之力,前段时间从我们眼皮子底下,抢了空幻晶遁走的那个。”武者嘿嘿怪笑,“酬劳给我,我告诉他在什么地方。” Suffa eyes suddenly one bright, not slightly hesitant, light shout, long time, Warrior does not come, took Imaginary Space Ring to him. 萨法眼睛骤然一亮,没有丝毫犹豫,轻喝一声,不多时,有一名武者过来,将一枚幻空戒拿了给他。 He gives that Warrior Imaginary Space Ring, said: Raises the row, your 0.1 points, have a look at the amount enough.” 他将幻空戒递给那武者,说道:“提列,你0.1点,看看数额够不够。” Is called raises arranges in order Warrior, laughs, Divine Sense loafed in illusory crystal interior, the eye has shone quickly, good, many, good good, the boy in the multitude of people store, you sought.” 被称为提列武者,哈哈大笑,神识在空幻晶内游荡了一圈,眼睛倏地亮了起来,“好,一点不少,不错不错,那小子在千夫商铺,你自己找寻吧。” Did not wait for Suffa to say anything, proposed the row to leave immediately since then. 不等萨法多说什么,提列马上从此地离开。 Suffa and others he disappeared, immediately takes out communication Transmission Stone, after the connection, bends the waist slightly, said in a low voice: „The person who Sir Kashewen, you must find, came.” 萨法等他消失了,马上取出传讯音石,连通之后,略略弯着腰,低声说道:“卡修恩大人,你要找的人,现身了。” After raising the row leaves, has circled, arrives at the Blood Skull Chief Marauder foothold, the speaker shouts to clear the way: I must see the leader.” 提列离开后,又绕了一圈,来到血骷髅头掠夺者的据点,扬声喝道:“我要见魁首。” What do you ask the leader to make?” “你找魁首做什么?” Important matter.” “大事。” Leader in the secret room, you goes.” “魁首在密室,你自己去吧。” Good.” “好。” Raises the row of excited firing into secret rooms, has knocked on Stone Gate gently, shouted to clear the way lowly: Leader, I have vital information Bing Bao! Understands the Strength of Space boy about that.” 提列兴奋的冲向密室,轻轻叩了一下石门,低喝道:“魁首,我有重要消息禀报!关于那个懂得空间之力的小子。” kacha! 咔嚓 Stone Gate opens wide suddenly, Blood Skull Chief leader Russell, sits well on a blue tearful lotus throne, narrows the eyes to focus, said: He where?” 石门突然洞开,血骷髅头的魁首拉塞尔,端坐在一个蓝汪汪的莲台上,眯着眼,道:“他在何处?” In the Ka Fu store, I just found, at this time should not leave.” Raises arranges in order respectful sound track. “在卡夫的商铺,我刚刚才瞧见,此时应该还没有离开呢。”提列恭声道。 Calculates that your great merit, oneself receives 100 high grade Divine Crystal, moreover stroke to you War Chariot.” Russell has stood suddenly, looks excited, laughs. “算你大功一件,自己领取100块上品神晶,另外划给你一艘战车。”拉塞尔霍然站了起来,神情兴奋,哈哈大笑。 Raised the row to lower the head chuckled smiling, turned around to leave. 提列低头嘿嘿笑了笑,转身离开。 The Divine Punishment Grounds southwest direction, a battleship calmly is floating void, motionless. 神罚之地西南方向,一艘战舰虚空静静浮着,一动不动。 Kashewen in the battleship front, the hand feels Transmission Stone, the facial expression changes countenance together. 卡修恩在战舰前方,手摸着一块音石,神情动容。 His eye narrows the eyes slightly, wisp of Divine Sense releases, falls directly to the Zi Yao cultivation room. 他眼睛微微一眯,一缕神识释放开来,直接落向紫耀修炼室。 The Zi Yao diving posture, flushed from cultivation fiercely, arrives at side Kashewen quickly, shouted to clear the way: „Did Uncle Kashewen, have his news?” 紫耀猛地飞身而起,从修炼室内冲了出来,很快来到卡修恩身旁,喝道:“卡修恩叔叔,有他消息了?” Un, really appeared in Divine Punishment Grounds, now is in the Ka Fu store.” Kashewen shows a faint smile, „, since determined that boy is living, I then make the person pay attention him, today finally has harvested. He He, we are just about to go to Divine Punishment Grounds, how long could not want evidently, should be able and he met with in Divine Punishment Grounds.” “嗯,果然在神罚之地出现了,如今正在卡夫的商铺内。”卡修恩微微一笑,“自从确定那小子活着,我便让人留意他,今天终于有了收获了。呵呵,我们正要前往神罚之地,看样子要不了多久,应该就可以在神罚之地和他会面了。” The Zi Yao beautiful pupil glistens, the corners of the mouth are holding the happy expression, I know that he has good luck ever.” 紫耀美眸闪亮,嘴角噙着笑意,“我就知道他命大。” Three months ago, Kashewen receives message, had determined uses the Strength of Space person, is Shi Yan. Definitely after this point, in a while, they receive the news from Dark Sky God Country, said that purgatory star mutation occurrence, temple loudly avalanche that the first several generations of country masters establish. 三个月前,卡修恩收到消息,确定了利用空间之力的人,正是石岩。肯定了这一点后,没过多久,他们就从天涅神国受到消息,说炼狱星异变发生,前几代国师建立的神殿轰然崩塌。 The related Star Chart matter, Dù Tiān also knows happily, said that Star Chart in legend was possibly obtained. 有关星图的事情,镀天乐也知道一点,说传说中的星图可能被人得到了。 This news determines that this desire goes to Nine Star Chamber of Commerce Kashewen and Zi Yao, immediately changes the route, catches up toward Divine Punishment Grounds. 这个消息一确定下来,本欲前往九星商会卡修恩紫耀,马上改变航线,往神罚之地赶来。 „If no accident, Star Chart should in a hand of Shi Yan and in woman, the crown prince previous time spreads message, said that Lianna and Ao Guduo are going to Divine Punishment Grounds fully, already[ hundred degree celsius post first round] embarked for two months, how long could not want, these two should come in Divine Punishment Grounds.” Kashewen explained. “如果没有意外的话,星图应该在石岩和一个女人的手中,亲王上次传出讯息,说莉安娜奥古多正全力前往神罚之地,已经[百度贴吧首发]出发了两个月了,要不了多久,这两人应该就会在神罚之地现身。”卡修恩解释。 „The bastard also is really the disaster, the place that he presents, will not have the peace.” Zi Yao clenches teeth, hates and happy, hopes that he is all right is good.” “那混蛋还真是祸害啊,他出现的地方,就不会有太平。”紫耀咬着牙,又恨又喜,“希望他没事才好。” The news that Star Chart presents, why does not know, already[ hundred degree celsius post first round] disseminated. Not solely we, Hidden League and Nine Star Chamber of Commerce also came, how long Divine Punishment Grounds could not want to live it up.” Kashewen has rubbed the forehead, a little headache said: Must obtain Star Chart not to be easy, the boy and Star Chart had the relations, the situation was worrying.” 星图出现的消息,不知道为何,已经[百度贴吧首发]传播出去了。不单单我们,幽盟九星商会也都过来了,要不了多久神罚之地就会热闹了。”卡修恩揉了揉额头,有点头疼道:“要得到星图可不容易,那小子和星图扯上了关系,形势堪忧啊。” Uncle Kashewen, Divine Punishment Grounds you are familiar, do we leave for immediately?” Zi Yao slightly is anxious. 卡修恩叔叔,神罚之地你熟悉,我们是不是马上开赴过去?”紫耀略显焦急。 Naturally must pass, but cannot take the battleship, must pass quietly, but also wants the concealing status.” “当然要过去,不过不能乘坐战舰,要悄悄过去,还要隐匿身份。” Kashewen early has to decide the idea, explained: „The Divine Punishment Grounds fellow, is hostile toward us extremely, particularly I, for these years, have encircled them. If I left for the battleship in the past, has made widely known, will make the unnecessary trouble. Un, I only bring Aranza and Tie Mu, you most take Ao Gela, ride War Chariot, after Divine Punishment Grounds, cannot indicate the status easily, otherwise wants to leave safe and sound difficultly. Feng Ke and Russell, Barrett and Jie Nong this fellow, is Source God Realm, not weak with me. That Feng Ke, Realm also wants high to plan compared with me, if I come flagrantly, will enrage them.” 卡修恩早有定计,解释道:“神罚之地的家伙,极其仇视我们,尤其是我,这么多年来,一直围剿他们。我要是开赴战舰过去,太张扬了,会惹来不必要的麻烦。嗯,我只带亚兰和铁牧,你最多将奥格拉斯带上,乘坐一艘战车,到了神罚之地后,也决不可轻易表明身份,不然想安然无恙离开都困难。丰岢拉塞尔巴雷特介侬这个家伙,都是源神境,不弱与我。那丰岢,境界比我还要高一筹,我要是明目张胆现身,会激怒他们。” Also only then this.” Zi Yao nods. “也只有这样了。”紫耀点头。 And other Lianna came, will not have the issue, when the time comes must run away, was these Marauder.” Kashewen smiled, we cross the small-mouthed jar hideaway status first...... Heaven Punishment City that place, never meets the hitch to cough the person status in any case lost to view.” “等莉安娜来了,就不会有问题了,到时候要逃的,就是那些掠夺者了。”卡修恩笑了笑,“我们先过罂隐藏身份……反正天罚城那地方,从来不会栓杳嗽人身份。” Good, I arrange, then we then rode War Chariot in the past.” Zi Yao is also very decisive. “好,我安排一下,然后我们便乘坐战车过去。”紫耀也很果断。 „, Ao Gela, if can not bring, try not to bring, he and that boy do not satisfy the need, once met, perhaps will make comes contradictory.” Kashewen hesitant, the friendship reminder said. “呃,奥格拉斯如果可以不带,就尽量不要带了,他和那小子不对路,一旦见面了,说不定会闹出矛盾来。”卡修恩犹豫了一下,友情提醒道。 Difficult. So long as he is living, I cannot throw off his. Relax, if really has the contradiction with Shi Yan, I will process well.” “难。他只要活着,我甩不掉他的。放心吧,真要是和石岩闹出矛盾,我会好好处理的。” That as one wishes, has when the time comes made to be heavily engaged, do not blame me not to remind you.” “那随便了,到时候弄得不可开交了,可别怪我没有提醒你。” Un, i got it.” “嗯,我知道了。” Heaven Punishment City, Green Demon Marauder rallying point. 天罚城,青鬼掠夺者聚集点。 Feng Rao is bringing Bao Ao, Jie Ji and Bo Ruo three people, appears swiftly, Marauder of this place then shocks inexplicably, shouted loudly again and again: „The small da elder sister comes back! The small da elder sister comes back!” 丰娆带着暴骛桀棘波若三人,倏一显现出来,此地的掠夺者便震惊莫名,连连高呼:“小龘姐回来啦!小龘姐回来啦!” Numerous Green Demon Marauder, bow to salute one after another, the manner is excited. 众多青鬼掠夺者,鱼贯而出,一个个躬身行礼,神态兴奋。 Before Feng Rao had not left in the past, is known as the prestige in Green Demon Marauder, many people have received her kindness, respects to her. 丰娆当年没有离开之前,在青鬼掠夺者中素有威名,很多人受过她的恩惠,对她非常敬重。 Her appearance, making here numerous Warrior excited, crops up to greet from the place of cultivation. 她的出现,让这儿众多武者激动起来,都从修炼之地冒头迎接。 Younger sister!” Feng Xiao flashes before fiercely, the whole face is wild with joy, laughs, „ you came back finally, the father has been worried about you very much, good. “小妹!”丰枭猛地闪现,满脸狂喜,哈哈大笑起来,“你终于回来了,父亲一直很担心你,太好了。 Father? In here?” Feng Rao inquired. “父亲呢?在这儿么?”丰娆询问。 In Heaven Punishment City, but in the Divine Punishment Grounds foothold, I do not inform his, he will catch up quickly. Ha Ha, the father knows you to be safe and sound, certainly happy, will immediately come.” Feng Xiao, deeply looks joyfully to her, said: Six Bo younger sisters, before you compare, was thin. ” “不在天罚城,但在神罚之地的据点,我通知他一下,他会很快赶来。哈哈,父亲知道你安然无恙,一定非常高兴,马上就会过来。”丰枭喜悦之极,深深看向她,道:六卜妹,你比以前清瘦许多了。” Big brother?” Feng Rao looks all around, is astonished however said: „Isn't here has guarded by big brother?” “大哥呢?”丰娆环顾四周,讶然道:“这儿不是一直由大哥驻守么?” On the Feng Xiao face the smiling face stagnates, the eye is dim immediately, big brother died in battle, was killed by Nine Star Chamber of Commerce encircling, already[ hundred degree celsius post first round] died for more than 100 years.” 丰枭脸上笑容一滞,眼睛顿时黯淡下来,“大哥战死了,被九星商会的围剿者所杀,已经[百度贴吧首发]死了100多年了。” The Feng Rao complexion is suddenly pale, eye socket is moist, atheistic standing there, said at a loss: How can such?” 丰娆脸色忽然苍白下来,眼眶湿润,无神的站在那儿,茫然道:“怎会那样?” We live in Divine Punishment Grounds, had the preparation of dying in battle, who can guarantee that was forever well?” A Feng Xiao face is also moved, „after big brother died, father low a long time, has talked over you, hopes all your is well. Now you came back finally, father should feel at ease slightly a point, yeah, only hates our power to be insufficient, can only , whatever three big influences sweep us, we do not have the strength, goes to their territories to revenge.” “我们在神罚之地生活,都有战死的准备,谁能保证永远无恙?”丰枭也一脸伤感,“大哥死后,父亲低落过很长一段时间,一直念叨你,希望你平安无事。现在你终于回来了,父亲应该也能够稍稍心安一点了,哎,只恨我们力量不够,只能任由三大势力扫荡我们,我们却没有实力,去他们的领土报仇。” Forever this, my this coming back, will not bring reversed all these possibilities!” Feng Rao clenches teeth, bitterly saying of place. “不会永远这样的,我这趟回来,就带来了扭转这一切的可能!”丰娆咬着牙,恨恨地的说道。 The Feng Xiao eye has shone immediately, younger sister, passes on the buckle...... You obtained Star Chart, is really?” 丰枭眼睛顿时亮了,“小妹,传扣……你得到了星图,可是真的?” Star Chart not in my hand, but obtains also similarly with me, I must see the father immediately, explained the situation.” 星图不在我手,不过和我得到也差不多,我要立即见父亲,将情况说明。” Good, I inform father immediately!” Feng Xiao takes out Transmission Stone immediately, spreads message. “好,我马上通知父亲!”丰枭立即取出音石,传出讯息 I come!” In Transmission Stone, hears the Divine Punishment Grounds overlord Feng Ke wild with joy sound, Rao'er, is waiting for me, sees you for the father immediately!” “我就过来!”音石内,传来神罚之地霸主丰岢的狂喜之声,“娆儿,等着我,为父马上就来见你!” In a vast separation big store, is placing the dazzling five colors wonder stone, many prestige place the spirit medicine spirit grass in household utensils, is sending out the attractive delicate fragrance taste. 一间阔大的商铺内,摆放着琳琅满目的五彩奇石,还有许多威放在器皿内的灵药灵草,散发着诱人的清香味。 Broke straightforward Warrior of right arm, languid lying down on soft collapsing, narrows the eyes focuses to size up on the street comes the person. 一个断了右臂的粗豪武者,懒洋洋的躺在软塌上,眯着眼打量街道上的来人。 This is the store that blood slaughter Ka Tuo disposes stolen goods, but recently, actually quite lonely. 这是血屠卡托销赃的商铺,可最近一段时间,却颇为的冷清。 Since Ka Tuo is in unfavorable situation in Solar Stars Exploding Fragment Field, ominous dropped, and concealing gets up cultivation, for a long time has not come out to loot the battleship, in these days store does not have the wonderful treasure of what high value, makes this store relative is lonely. 自从卡托日星爆碎场失利,凶名下降了,并且隐匿起来修炼,很长时间没有出来洗劫战舰,以至于这段时间商铺内没有什么高价值的奇宝,也让这商铺相对的冷清下来。 The entrance, vigorous silhouette appears together, passing through the gate, then lowly shouted to clear the way swiftly: Who is Ka Fu?” 门口,一道雄健的身影显现出来,倏一进门,便低喝道:“谁是卡夫?” „Am I? The young fellows, what do you want to buy?” Breaking arm Warrior that collapses softly, quickly grasps the meaning of something, passionate coming slightly, is all smile, here has everything expected to find......” “我是?小伙子,你要买点什么?”那软塌上的断臂武者,一个激灵,热情洋溢的略过来,满脸堆笑,“我这儿应有尽有……” I look for Ka Tuo!” Does not wait for him saying that Shi Yan has interrupted directly, takes out the faith token, shouted to clear the way: „Has he told you?” “我找卡托!”不等他讲完,石岩直接截断了,取出信物,喝道:“他吩咐过你没有?” Broke arm Ka Fu to stare, awoke to turn around quickly, received the faith token to look at carefully carefully, said: „Are you Shi Yan?” 断臂卡夫愣了一下,倏地醒转过来,接过信物仔细端详了一下,道:“你是石岩?” Un.” “嗯。” Big brother this place!” “大哥正在此地!” xiū xiū xiū! 咻咻咻 The strength of Chaos has flashed before quickly, from store in the bottom, emits the person's shadow to come lonesomely and quietly fiercely together, is blood slaughter Ka Tuo. 混乱之力倏地闪现了一下,从商铺后方的幽静地底内,猛地冒出一道人影来,正是血屠卡托 You came finally!” The Ka Tuo great happiness, I wait for you to give me the deep meaning another, the boundary of good breakthrough Source God! Ha Ha, my good Senior Brother, I to have been waiting for you!” “你总算来了!”卡托大喜,“我就等你给我奥义的另一份,好突破源神之境呢!哈哈,我的好师兄,我可是一直在等你啊!” Big brother, you do not hear Star Chart to appear, catches up from the old haunt? Feng Ke early said that must gather all leaders, conspires this matter.” Ka Fu cannot help laughing. “大哥,你不是听说星图出现,才从老窝赶来的?丰岢可是早早放话了,要聚集各方魁首,共谋此事呢。”卡夫哑然失笑。 What manages his Star Chart, has Feng Ke, Russell, Barrett and Jie Nong these fellows, how to be one's turn me to slice?” Blood slaughter Ka Tuo mixed snort|hum one that did not care, must snatch the food from these old ghost hands, so to be how easy? Reason that I come, must wait for Senior Brother your honorable self to visit, Ha Ha, only then my breakthrough Source God Realm, some schemes Star Chart one to count on, otherwise is the futile effort plows the air.” “管他什么星图星图的,有丰岢拉塞尔巴雷特介侬这些家伙在,怎会轮到我分一杯羹?”血屠卡托混不在意的哼了一声,“要从那些老鬼手中抢食,岂会那么容易?我之所以过来,是要等师兄大驾光临啊,哈哈,只有我突破源神境,才有图谋星图的一丝指望,不然全是徒劳白费力气。” Is uncertain.” Shi Yan gives a calm smile, Star Chart in my hand, you also really has the opportunity.” “也不一定。”石岩淡然一笑,“星图就在我手,你还真有机会。” Ka Tuo and Ka Fu two brothers, listened to his such saying, immediately dumbfounded. 卡托卡夫两兄弟,听他这么一说,当即呆住了。 ps: Three finished, asking the monthly ticket to support!!! ps:三更完毕,求月票支援!!!
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