GOS :: Volume #9

#830: Heaven Punishment City

Divine Punishment Grounds is unusual place N 神罚之地是个奇特的地方N Expert that Lie Yan Star Field all parties do not accommodate, the hoodlum who makes the bloody massacre, the thief, the felons of major influences, wants certain special cultivation treasures Expert, the crazy ruthless person, likes appearing and disappearing in Divine Punishment Grounds. 烈焰星域各方不容的强者,造下血腥惨案的暴徒,窃贼,各大势力的重犯,想要某些特殊修炼宝物的强者,疯狂的狠人,都喜欢在神罚之地出没。 Here, gathered the Lie Yan Star Field cruelest lunatic, dozens big size small Marauder influences, in Divine Punishment Grounds da Yang's Heaven Punishment City, is the Lie Yan Star Field biggest transaction field, every day has the massive commodities to transport. 这儿,聚集了烈焰星域最残暴的疯子,有数十股大大小小的掠夺者势力,神罚之地中龘央的天罚城,也是烈焰星域最大的交易场,每天都有大量的物资输送过来。 Marauder in the commodity that other Lie Yan Star Field region robs, will make, received exchange for their scarce commodities, huge Divine Crystal, various types cultivation material that strengthens power. 掠夺者烈焰星域别的区域抢夺的物资,都会弄过来,换取他们紧缺的物资,庞大的神晶,各种增强力量修炼材料。 Three big influence some cultivation materials, Heaven Punishment City will have, three big influence no materials, here will also appear. 三大势力有的修炼材料,天罚城会有,三大势力没有的材料,这儿也会出现。 Present Divine Punishment Grounds, becomes a region that Lie Yan Star Field most Chaos most has also enticed, is dominated by four big Marauder leaders, keeps the order. 如今的神罚之地,成了烈焰星域混乱也最为诱惑的一个区域,由四大掠夺者魁首把持,维持秩序。 Feng Ke, is one of the four big Marauder leaders, is strongest one. 丰岢,就是四大掠夺者魁首之一,也是最强的一个。 His Entourage is Green Demon and Russell Blood Skull Chief Barrett Black Curtain Jie Nong blood rain is called Divine Punishment Grounds four ominously, prestige illustrious. 他的扈从为“青鬼”和拉塞尔的“血骷髅头巴雷特的“黑幕介侬的“血雨”称为神罚之地的四凶,威名赫赫。 A Heaven Punishment City biggest auction market day punishes rare object, is together collaborates to form by Feng Ke, Russell, Barrett and Jie Nong four people. 天罚城最大的拍卖场一天罚奇物,就是由丰岢拉塞尔巴雷特介侬四人一起联手形成。 The day punishes rare object, is the Lie Yan Star Field biggest auction market, the heavy treasure of auction, majority of unknown origin, often robs to come from three big influence and various Lie Yan Star Field strong side big power, be only the day punishes rare object to dare to sell blatantly. 天罚奇物,也是烈焰星域最大的拍卖场,其中拍卖的重宝,大多数都是来历不明的,往往是从三大势力和烈焰星域方强力量抢夺而来,也只有天罚奇物才敢公然出售。 Divine Punishment Grounds is a giant waste barrow star, is broader than Grace Mainland, Heaven Punishment City is the Divine Punishment Grounds only city is extremely huge, is more vast than the general state. 神罚之地是一个巨大的废弃矿星,比神恩大陆还要广阔,其中天罚城乃是神罚之地唯一的城池极其巨大,比一般的国度还要辽阔。 In Divine Punishment Grounds, many regions are used for the prestige to put battleship War Chariot, the formidable Marauder influence, has the special location, has recreation area that alone is. 神罚之地内,很多区域都用来威放战舰战车,强大的掠夺者势力,有自己专门的场地,有独属的休憩区。 Entire Divine Punishment Grounds, is divided into innumerable big size small region each region to have master each master, after the slaughtering of blood and fire, obtained approval Expert. 整个神罚之地,划分为无数大大小小的区域每一个区域都有主人每个主人,都是经过血与火的杀戮,得到了认可的强者 Shi Yan in the Divine Punishment Grounds horizon, the bird's eye view , the facial expression shocking look is bright. 石岩神罚之地天际,俯瞰着下方,神情震惊眼神明亮。 Takes a quick look around, should this gigantic ore on-board, some innumerable abyss has the battleship and War Chariot activity, on horizon once for a while obviously War Chariot howling scope, there are with him is the same, by Warrior that fleshly body speeds along. 一眼看去,应这硕大的矿星上,有无数深渊内部都有战舰、战车活动,天际上时不时可见战车呼啸面过,也有和他一样,以肉身飞驰的武者 These Warrior, come from each different race, some expression are faint, some look ominous severe gloomy and cold, some Hehe are grinning fiendishly, looked that the game same takes a look at the surrounding person, likely is savage wild beast, momentarily wants to do a ticket. 那些武者,来自于各个不同的种族,有的神色淡漠,有的眼神凶厉阴冷,有的嘿嘿狞笑着,看猎物一样打量周围的人,像是凶残野兽,随时想要干一票。 Divine Punishment Grounds is the Chaos place, left Heaven Punishment City, goes on an expedition nobody to go to the tube, regardless.” Feng Rao is very as if interested, directs to, explained in a soft voice: Many people, purchased the cultivation material in Heaven Punishment City, because the strength is bad, leaves the city ** fell, ends up to turn out the relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish fate. You look, near Heaven Punishment City, some ominous people observes the situation, under may see on the ice-cold land, there are many clan corpses?” 神罚之地是个混乱的地方,出了天罚城,征战无人去管,死活不论。”丰娆似乎很有兴趣,指点向下方,轻声解释:“很多人,在天罚城收购了修炼材料,因为实力不济,才离开城池就**掉了,落得个形神俱灭的下场。你看,在天罚城附近,是不是有很多凶人环视,可见到底下冰冷的土地上,有许多各族尸首?” Shi Yan goes along the power and reputation, the complexion slightly changes, gently nodded. 石岩顺势望去,脸色微微一变,轻轻点了点头 Nearby Heaven Punishment City, many Expert grin fiendishly is staring at the game, once discovers to rob, then can starting gratefully. 天罚城附近,有不少强者狞笑着盯着猎物,一旦发现可以抢夺,便会毫不客气的下手。 By that city, in giant gully, once for a while obviously remnant corpse, there is a Monster Clan broken bone, looked fiercely that such as the Shura hell is unexpectedly fearful. 在那城池旁边,巨大的沟壑内,时不时可见残尸,也有妖族碎骨,猛地一看,竟如修罗地狱般可怕。 In Heaven Punishment City, was not peaceful before, formulates natural law until my father and Russell, Barrett, Jie Nong together, does not permit the battle in Heaven Punishment City, is peaceful.” The Feng Rao detailed explanation anybody dares to act unreasonably in Heaven Punishment City, will receive four power collaborates to annihilate, after killing did not know many people, Heaven Punishment City like today, in the city forbids the resort to violence. This also to prevent small and weak, purchased the heavy treasure, cannot leave Heaven Punishment City.” 天罚城内,以前也不太平,直到我父亲和拉塞尔巴雷特介侬四人一起制定规则,不准在天罚城内争斗,才太平起来。”丰娆详细的解释起来“任何人胆敢在天罚城乱来,会受到四股力量的联手围歼,杀了不知道多少人以后,天罚城才像今天一样,城内禁止武斗。这也是为了防止弱小者,收购了重宝,不能离开天罚城。” „According to you that punished in rare object on that day, purchased heavy valuable Warrior, if own small and weak, can never leave Heaven Punishment City? Remains for a lifetime?” Shi Yan is astonished however. “按你这么说,在那天罚奇物内,收购了重宝的武者,如果自身弱小,岂不是永远不能离开天罚城?一辈子留下来?”石岩讶然。 „It is not this.” Feng Rao laughed at them with large sum of money to seek harbour. My father's Green Demon, with Russell Blood Skull Chief, can the guard they leave. Naturally, needs to pay heavy Divine Crystal to take the expense of guard. In Heaven Punishment City, punishes rare object this giant auction market besides the day, sells medicinal pills, the spirit grass, the unusual ore, slave, the beautiful woman, the deep meaning rare book and War Chariot innumerably, even the shop of battleship, these shops, majority are other Marauder robs to trade. Some shops, directly is a Marauder important person are responsible for assuming personal command, the thing that here sells is of unknown origin, majority are the stolen goods, only then this place dares to recognize to trade.” “也不是这样。”丰娆笑了笑“他们可以用重金寻求庇护。我父亲的青鬼,和拉塞尔血骷髅头,都可以护卫他们离开。当然,需要缴纳一份沉甸甸的神晶作为护卫的费用。天罚城内,除了天罚奇物这个巨大的拍卖场之外,还有无数出售丹药、灵草、奇特矿石、奴隶、美艳的女人、奥义秘文、战车、甚至战舰的店铺,那些店铺,大多数都是其它掠夺者抢夺过来贩卖的。有的店铺,直接就是一股掠夺者的要员负责坐镇,这儿出售的东西都是来历不明,大多数都是赃物,也只有此地才敢公认贩卖。” Shi Yan secret nod. 石岩暗暗点头。 Initially after he and blood slaughter Ka Tuo bid good-bye, Ka Tuo once gave him blue Crystal Stone is the faith token, making him go to Heaven Punishment City to seek for Ka Fu. 当初他和血屠卡托分手后,卡托曾经给他一块蓝色晶石为信物,让他去天罚城内寻找卡夫 Ka Fu, should be a master of Heaven Punishment City store, specifically is responsible for is Ka Tuo disposes stolen goods, sells Warrior that Ka Tuo robs, received exchange various battleships and kind of cultivation materials that Ka Tuo needs, lets Ka Tuo blushing tired power, making the  influence more formidable. 卡夫,应该就是天罚城其中一家商铺的主人,专门负责为卡托销赃,将卡托抢夺的武者出售掉,换取卡托需要的战舰和各类修炼材料,让卡托赧累力量,令势力更加强大。 In Heaven Punishment City, the stores of dozens Marauder influences, near Divine Punishment Grounds, Third Sky of God King Realm the leader of plundering are many, blood slaughter Ka Tuo is only one of them, known, is not the how fierce character.” Feng Rao smiles you to look for Ka Tuo to be also simple, he there is a blood brother called Ka Fu, in the east side store. He He, others do not know that Ka Fu is his blood brother, I naturally know that the fellow is deceitful, you deal with carefully, don't by Brother Ka Tuo pit.” 天罚城内,有数十股掠夺者势力的商铺,在神罚之地附近,神王三重天之境的掠夺的魁首很多,血屠卡托只是其中之一,小有名气罢了,也算不上多么厉害的人物。”丰娆抿嘴一笑“你要找卡托也简单,他有个亲弟弟叫卡夫,就在东面商铺。呵呵,别人不知道卡夫是他亲弟弟,我自然知道,那家伙可是非常狡诈,你小心应付,别被卡托兄弟坑了。” I have the idea, you felt relieved.” Shi Yan gives a calm smile. “我有主意,你放心好了。”石岩淡然一笑。 Entry of Heaven Punishment City, does not need any status command token, all Warrior regardless of any race anything status, can come directly. 天罚城的进入,不需要任何的身份令牌,所有武者不论什么种族什么身份,都可以直接过来。 Even if you violates the countless important law case outside, issued a warrant for arrest by the tripartite influence together, even behind has the master to chase down, can come the day to carry together the city. 就算是你在外面犯下累累重案,被三方势力一起通缉,甚至身后就有高手追杀,也可以来天舁城。 Is ominous illustrious, is the method cruel cut-throat fellow, in Heaven Punishment City, more was respected. 越是凶名赫赫,越是手段残暴凶狠的家伙,在天罚城,越是受到尊重。 Marauder, only then formidable power and bloody method, this kind of Expert, is No. 1 character, the weak and incompetent fellow, will not attach great importance to Heaven Punishment City, not when your matter. 掠夺者来看,只有强大的力量和血腥的手段,这类的强者,才算是一号人物,软弱无能的家伙,在天罚城不会被人重视,不会当你一回事。 Also is so, Shi Yan one line of enter Heaven Punishment City, has not encountered a point hindrance, relaxed. 也是如此,石岩一行人进入天罚城,没有遇到一点的阻碍,轻轻松松。 In the city, is the strange giant stone constructs the store of city, on the spacious giant street, Warrior was clamoring, happy drank wine to make music, side many manor entrances, have many enchanting females that the attire exposed, the appearance arouse, look charming enticement. 城内,都是稀奇古怪的巨石建城的商铺,宽敞巨大的街道上,武者叫嚣着,痛快的饮酒作乐,旁边许多庄园门口,有着衣着暴露的莺莺燕燕,模样撩人,眼神妩媚诱惑。 Many Warrior go to these places, by these beautiful female look checks, could not take a walk, roared to clash directly. 很多武者来到那些地方,被那些妖艳的女子眼神一勾,就走不动了,直接咆哮着冲了进去。 Marauder is the cutting edge licks the life of blood, referred to uncertain that day dying, after arriving at Heaven Punishment City, will indulge recklessly, the large bowl liquor large bowl meat, lingered in the woman bed, too happy to think of home and duty. 掠夺者过的都是刀口舔血的生活,指不定那一天就死了,来到天罚城后,都会肆意放纵,大碗酒大碗肉,流连在女人床第之间,乐不思蜀。 Various kinds sell the spirit medicine spirit grass, the ore, unusual lumber gold/metal Tie, God Weapon sharp weapon, ** the store of servant, is found in each region, walks on the spacious street, sees with own eyes store that sees, has Warrior to choose anything. 各类出售灵药灵草,矿石,奇特的木材金铁,神兵利器,**仆人的商铺,遍布各个区域,行走在宽敞的街道上,眼见所见的商铺内部,都有武者在挑选着什么。 Was attracted Bao Ao, Jie Ji and Bo Ruo that three people spirit monster flower binds to tie up, after arriving here, is two shines, the facial expression changes countenance, was shocked by this place abnormal liveliness. 被吸灵妖huā裹缚的暴骛桀棘波若三人,来到这儿后,也是两眼发亮,神情动容,被此地畸形的繁华震惊到。 Communication Warrior, after three people by, appearance that also being unalarmed by strange sights, when only the Bao Ao three people the medicine slave who is Shi Yan and Feng Rao captures, is preparation and other monster flower is mature, in this Heaven Punishment City sell monster flower fruit. 来往的武者,经过三人身旁,也一副见怪不怪的模样,只当暴骜三人是石岩丰娆擒拿下来的药奴,是准备等妖huā成熟,在这天罚城出售妖huā果实的。 The Heaven Punishment City person, any scene has seen, is not surprised, does not have excessively to pay attention Shi Yan one line. 天罚城的人,什么场面都见过,一点不吃惊,也没有过多留意石岩一行人。 You take care, next time will meet, I hope that you are safe and sound.” Shi Yan stopped suddenly, deeply looked that to the Bao Ao three people I believes you will not have the matter, for Feng Ke in my hand Star Chart, should make things difficult you, you but not be possible to feel relieved.” “你们保重,下次见面的时候,我希望你们安然无恙。”石岩忽然停了下来,深深看向暴骜三人“我相信你们不会有事的,丰岢为了我手中星图,应该不会为难你们,你们但可放心。” Bao Ao, Jie Ji and Bo Ruo nod gently, in 1 heart sighed slightly, has not said anything. 暴骛桀棘波若轻轻点头,1心中微微叹息,没有多说什么。 If quick, fortnight they will restore.” Feng Rao smiled that source Divine level other Alchemist master, once in a while, will then come Heaven Punishment City to stay a while. I come time, discovered that his direction gathered many people, he should at this time in the city, relax, their three quick unobstructive, can continue cultivation to get down.” “如果快的话,十天半月他们就会恢复过来。”丰娆笑了笑“那个源神级别的炼药师,每隔一段时间,便会来天罚城小住。我过来的时候,发现他的方向聚集了不少人,他此时应该就在城内,放心吧,他们三个很快就会无碍,能够继续修炼下去。” That Source God Realm Alchemist master, to come Heaven Punishment City sells special medicinal pills, person who or gives the high price, certain restriction medicinal pills of refinement special pointedness. 那名源神境炼药师,也为来天罚城出售特殊丹药,或者给出大价钱的人,炼制专门针对性的某些禁制丹药 Many medicinal pills, virulent, evil surreptitious, does not permit the appearance in other region, has the Heaven Punishment City no restriction of any kind. 很多丹药,恶毒非常,邪恶诡秘,在别的区域是不允许出现的,也只有天罚城百无禁忌。 That Alchemist master, before it is said that is also because studies diligently in toxicant, was not accommodated by the common people, has to arrive at Divine Punishment Grounds to continue the advancement, he develops medicinal pills to need various innumerable kind of unusual spirit grass spirit medicine, needs the special medicine to direct, these want the flower high price, therefore he through will refine medicinal pills for others, supplements consumption. 那个炼药师,据说以前也是因为在毒药方面钻研,才被世人不容,不得不来到神罚之地继续进境,他研制丹药需要无数各类奇特灵草灵药,需要特殊药引,这些都要huā大价钱,所以他会通过为别人炼制丹药,来补充消耗。 That was good.” The Shi Yan facial expression moves, said with a smile: I, so long as determines them to be safe and sound, Star Chart naturally can give you, will not make you difficult to do.” “那太好了。”石岩神情一动,笑着说道:“我只要确定他们三人安然无恙,星图自然会交给你,不会让你难做。” Un, I led them to walk first, you...... At will. ” The Feng Rao bright eyes stared at him to look at a while, then no longer stopped over, was towing the Bao Ao three people by power, went toward Heaven Punishment City one direction fast line. “嗯,我带他们先走了,你”……随意吧。”丰娆明眸盯着他看了一会儿,便不再逗留,以力量牵引着暴骜三人,朝着天罚城一个方向快速行去。 Shi Yan stands da Yang in the crowded street, looks at Feng Rao little disappearance, gives a calm smile, then the change direction, toward the Ka Fu store region slowly line. 石岩立在人来人往的街道中龘央,看着丰娆一点点的消失,淡然一笑,便改变方向,朝着卡夫的商铺区域慢慢行去。 In Heaven Punishment City, can not spread crazily flight, this is the stipulation, he does not worry in any case specially, on the move, once for a while looks to the street two sides stores, the look is curious. 天罚城内,不得狂驰飞行,这是规定,他反正不是特别着急,行进间,时不时的看向街道两边的商铺,眼神好奇。 In his behind hundred meters place, on has Warrior of Blood Skull Chief design, is hugging a beautiful Sea Clan female, the big hand recklessly feels that female ballooning the milk-white bosom, look dissolute looking around, suddenly the facial expression is startled, the eye blows out the none remaining, drinks one lowly: Unexpectedly is that boy!” 在他身后百米处,一名身上有着血骷髅头图案的武者,搂着一名妖艳的海族女子,大手肆意的摸着那女子鼓胀的酥胸,眼神放肆的东张西望,突然神情一怔,眼睛爆出精光,低喝一声:“竟是那个小子!”
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