GOS :: Volume #9

#829: Agreement

Four months later. 四个月后。 One line of five people die in one suddenly on-board arrive, this dead star does not have heaven and earth energy, the life has not fluctuated slightly, does not have any valuable ore. 一行五人突然在一个死星上降临,这死星没有天地能量,没有丝毫生命波动,也没有任何有价值的矿石。 The dead star was winding around by the dust thick smoke all round, a direction has the unusual Outer Territory Milky Way, does not know that end where, as if no boundary, boundless endless. 死星被团团灰褐色浓烟缭绕着,一个方向有奇特的域外天河,不知道尽头在何处,仿佛没有边际,无垠无尽。 These five people, are Shi Yan, Feng Rao, Bao Ao, Jie Ji and Bo Ruo, suffices to shuttle back and forth to speed along after four months, arrives at this. 这五人,正是石岩丰娆暴骛桀棘波若,经过四个月够穿梭飞驰,才来到这一块。 This place, is Divine Punishment Grounds peripheral unusual strange chaotic place, can isolate the exploration of Divine Sense, not having power can seep. 此地,乃是神罚之地周边一处奇特怪乱之地,能够隔绝神识的探索,没有力量可以渗透进来。 Without the life, not having energy to wind around, the surrounding dust thick smoke does not know how to form, likely is together the unslaked lime colored goods group, here tight bound to tie. 没有生灵,没有能量缭绕,周围的灰褐色浓烟也不知道怎么形成的,像是一块块灰色布团,将这儿紧紧的裹缚住了。 Goes to Divine Punishment Grounds from here, has one month of distance, was very near.” Feng Rao power restores peak, is in high spirits, the interest also surges upward, we try harder, can arrive at Divine Punishment Grounds as soon as possible, but must be careful, so as to avoid bumps into fierce Marauder.” “从这儿前往神罚之地,只有一个月的路程,很近了。”丰娆力量恢复巅峰,神采飞扬,兴致也高涨,“我们加把劲,可以尽快到达神罚之地,不过要小心一点,免得碰到厉害的掠夺者。” Nearby Divine Punishment Grounds, Outer Space Robber runs amuck, the Lie Yan Star Field all parties fierce person and villain nowhere hides, will move in the nearby region. 神罚之地附近,域外掠夺者横行,烈焰星域各方猛人、凶徒无处躲藏,都会在附近区域内活动。 The periphery does not have the star of life, flooding, is the ore stars that abandons, the dead star, numerous meteorite sea, the Chaos energy storm, isolates Divine Sense the place of bad risk. 周边没有生命之星,充斥着的,都是废弃的矿星,死星,众多的陨石海洋,混乱能量风暴,隔绝神识的凶险之地。 Dark Sky God Country, Hidden League and Nine Star Chamber of Commerce once in a while, will send out Expert to sweep, may because of the peripheral special situation, often unable to eliminate Marauder. 天涅神国幽盟九星商会每隔一段时间,都会派出强者扫荡,可正是因为周边特殊的形势,往往不能真的将掠夺者肃清。 These all parties' hoodlums and ruthless people, once hides in the place of nearby bad risk, even if three big influences is also at wit's end, to search, because not the familiar terrain and danger, instead will lose are counter-attacked by Marauder seriously. 那些各方的暴徒、狠人,一旦藏匿在附近的凶险之地,就算是三大势力也无计可施,冲进去搜寻因为不熟悉地形和危险,反而会损失惨重被掠夺者反击。 The Lie Yan Star Field cruelest very ruthless fellows frequently appear and disappear in the, once discovers the game to be small and weak, will not be definitely lenient. 烈焰星域最残暴狠辣的家伙都经常在附近出没,一旦发现猎物弱小,肯定不会手软。 Nearby Divine Punishment Grounds, is the Lie Yan Star Field most Chaos bloody place, has almost the fight occurrence every second, has the skeletons of Expert falling pistil many master, will scatter in Star Sea wanders, energy storm to mingle with heaven and earth, forms the Shi Shan marvelous sight, making the person mind tremble with fear. 神罚之地附近,也是烈焰星域混乱血腥之地,几乎每一秒都有战斗发生,都有强者陨蕊很多高手的尸骸,会散落在星海游荡,和天地能量风暴混杂,形成尸山奇观,让人心神惊颤。 Feng Rao peripheral grew up in Divine Punishment Grounds since childhood to here situation is too clear knows activity in this who was, therefore spoke the reminder. 丰娆从小在神罚之地周边长大对这儿的形势太清楚不过了知道活动在这一块的都是什么人,所以才出言提醒。 Their five people, only then Feng Rao and Shi Yan have the battle efficiency, was bound Bao Ao King people who ties up by Demon Flower, not only cannot render any assistance, is the burden. In the fight, must be careful take care of they, once otherwise was approached by the master, immediately is the fate that the soul withers away. 他们五个人,只有丰娆石岩有战斗力,被妖花裹缚的暴骛王人,不但不能给予任何帮助,还是累赘。战斗中,必须要小心照顾他们,不然一旦被高手靠近,立即就是灵魂消亡的下场。 One month of distance, um was quick.” Shi Yan frowns, has sized up four sides a while, looks emphatically to that strange Outer Territory Milky Way. “一个月的路程,嗯很快了。”石岩皱着眉头,打量了一会儿四面,着重看向那条奇异的域外天河。 So long as draws support breakthrough to Third Sky of God King Realm the spatial phantom crystal, he has 80% assurances to be able in that space slit densely covered place, builds the space shintoism, direct connectivity Grace Mainland. 只要突破神王三重天之境借助于空幻晶,他有八成的把握可以在那空间缝隙密布之地,搭建空间神道,直接连通神恩大陆 He must return to one sooner or later, naturally must record this position sincerely, so as to avoid later seeks difficultly. 他早晚还是要返回一趟的,自然要谨记这个位置,免得以后寻找起来困难。 Observes the situation all around, general territory characteristics imprint in the mind deep place, his Divine Sense moves, from Imaginary Space Ring, took that Star Chart, looks at Star Chart with rapt attention. 环视四周,将星域特征烙印在脑海深处,他神识一动,不由地从幻空戒内,将那星图拿了出来,凝神去看星图 The Feng Rao bright eyes have shone fiercely, the facial expression moves, attention centralized Star Chart in his hands, sizes up secretly. 丰娆明眸猛地亮了起来,神情一动,也注意力集中在他手中的星图,暗暗打量起来。 Star Chart is drawn by the Immortal wood engraving, natural wood grains were connected by the special supernatural power, have formed troublesome mystical Star Chart, looked fiercely that Star Chart as if also slowly is fluctuating, probably does not have qualitative general, extremely mystical. 星图不朽木刻绘而成,一条条天然木纹被特殊法力连接,形成了繁碎神秘星图,猛地一看,星图似乎还缓缓浮动着,好像是没有定性一般,极其神秘 The Shi Yan eye stares at Star Chart, Sea of Consciousness is shaking loudly, in his Sea of Consciousness, immediately appears great troublesome Star Chart, stars rays are interweaving, has marked some direction precisely, his Divine Sense wanders in Sea of Consciousness Star Chart, strength of fast consumption soul. 石岩眼睛盯着星图,识海轰然一震,就在他识海之内,顿时浮现出一副广阔无垠的繁碎星图,一条条星辰光线交织着,精确的标明了某个方向,他神识识海星图内游荡,灵魂之力快速的消耗起来。 Star Chart, shines da Yang directly in the mind, occupied a broad region. 星图,直接映照在脑海中龘央,占据了一片广阔的区域。 If understands clearly the fan of Star Chart, soul energy must consume fast, must use the strength of touching exploration soul, can grasp the Star Chart mark position. 若要洞悉星图之迷,灵魂能量必须快速的消耗,要用灵魂之力触摸探索,才能将星图标明的位置把握住。 His Divine Sense is fluttering, is moving in tedious Star Chart, patrols in the star light branches of illusory, had the soul weak feeling gradually. 他的神识飘荡着,在繁琐的星图活动着,在一条条虚幻的星光支线游弋,渐渐有了种灵魂不支的感觉。 Star Chart is direct-viewing, three-dimensional, tedious mystical, unceasingly is actually fluctuating, very strange power, as if are towing his Divine Sense, explores in some direction, however, the accurate position, is extremely as if remote profoundly, if Divine Sense explores, the strength of consumption soul is big. 星图是直观的,立体的,却繁琐神秘,不断地变幻着,有一股非常奇异的力量,似乎在牵引着他的神识,朝着某个方向探索,然而,准确的位置,似乎极其遥远深邃,神识若要探索,灵魂之力消耗非常大。 After half double-hour, he has the feeling of soul dizziness, closes one's eyes suddenly. 半个时辰后,他有种灵魂眩晕的感觉,冷不防闭上眼。 Appears Star Chart in Sea of Consciousness, immediately vanishes without the trace, he just explored to remember that does not remain, seemed is erased from the mind. 浮现在识海内的星图,顿时消失无踪,他刚刚的探索记忆,一点不剩,好似被从脑海内抹除了。 Is surprised, Shi Yan deeply frowns, mutters to whisper: Strange......” 一脸惊讶,石岩深深地皱着眉头,喃喃低语道:“古怪……” What's wrong? Hadn't found the position?” Feng Rao extremely curious collects, opened the eye, the jade lip wriggled, what had to discover?” “怎么?没有找到方位?”丰娆极好奇的凑上来,睁大眼,玉唇蠕动了一下,“有什么发现没有?” Shook the head, in the heart covered entirely doubts to be puzzled, Shi Yan explained: This Star Chart is a little strange, shines da Yang directly in the mind, that Star Chart is great, seems moving. Marvelous power, are towing Divine Sense, toward a direction vanguard, needs to consume the strength of huge soul. Star Chart marks the position that we were , the direction of soul, should be the goal, but the strength of my soul, seems not enough to arrive at the goal, cannot remember......” 摇了摇头,心中布满了疑惑不解,石岩解释道:“这星图有点古怪,直接映照在脑海中龘央,那星图广阔无垠,似乎在活动着。有一股奇妙的力量,牵引着神识,朝着一个方向前行,需要消耗庞大的灵魂之力。星图标明了我们所在的位置,灵魂的指向,应该是目标,但我的灵魂之力,似乎不足以到达目标,也记忆不住……” Worthily is Dark Sky God Country the thing of country master quenching, is mysterious not measured seriously.” Feng Rao is not strange, gives a calm smile, this kind of Star Chart, can never draw carves one, cannot remember. Only then has grasped Star Chart, continuously searches for with the soul, by the energy direction, can slowly closes up toward the destination, until one day arrives at the precise position, Star Chart will have the instruction.” “不愧是天涅神国的国师淬炼之物,当真是神奇莫测。”丰娆并不奇怪,淡然一笑,“这类的星图,永远不能重新绘刻一件,也不能记忆。只有一直手持星图,不断地用灵魂搜寻,被其中的能量指引,才能慢慢的朝着目的地靠拢,直到有一天来到精确的位置,星图才会另有指示。” No wonder.” Shi Yan nodded, Star Chart is only, only then had throughout, continuously searches for the vanguard, can approach the direction of nova territory. Such, I must hand over Star Chart, only if with having Star Chart together, otherwise will never arrive at the nova territory.” “难怪了。”石岩点了点头,“星图是唯一的,只有被始终持有,不断地搜寻前行,才可以靠近新星域的方向。这么来看,我要将星图交出来,除非和持有星图者一道,否则永远不可能到达新星域了。” Is this.” Feng Rao said. “就是这样。”丰娆笑着说。 „Does your father, give up star of the life seriously?” Shi Yan silent a while, suddenly inquired. “你父亲,当真舍得一颗生命之星?”石岩沉默了一会儿,忽然询问道。 How to give up?” Feng Rao manner nature, „, if that nova territory, stars of the dozens lives, give you really one, me, should be very normal.” “怎么不舍得?”丰娆神态自然,“如果那新星域,真有数十个生命之星,给予你一颗,在我来看,应该是很正常的。” Comes to see in you?” Shi Yan knits the brows, half sound, said suddenly: I believe you, but believes your father not, I feared Star Chart, once hands over, my not only anything cannot obtain, will also suffer the killed destiny.” “在你来看?”石岩皱眉,半响,忽然说道:“我相信你,但并不真的相信你父亲,我怕星图一旦交出,我不但什么都得不到,还会遭受被杀的命运。” The Feng Rao complexion changes. 丰娆脸色一变。 Bao Ao, Jie Ji and Bo Ruo three people, are standing by far, has not closed up, but is taking a look at them quietly. 暴骛桀棘波若三人,远远站立着,没有靠拢过来,只是悄悄打量着两人。 „Don't you believe my father?” Feng Rao black eyebrows limps, „, if saves them, must through my father, you bring Star Chart to see that Alchemist master, can the whole body draw back not necessarily. Although my father reputation is not good, but also calculates the heavy commitment, once the transaction achieves, will not renege on a promise. Also, you do not believe him, should believe me, I...... I will not harm your.” “你不相信我父亲?”丰娆黛眉微蹩,“若要救他们三人,必须要通过我父亲,你就算是带着星图去见那炼药师,也不见得能够全身而退。我父亲名声虽然不好,但还算重承诺,交易一旦达成,不会反悔的。还有,你不信他,也应该信我,我……我不会害你的。” I believe you, but Star Chart is important, I must keep a road to myself.” “我信你,可星图事关重大,我要给自己留条路。” Shi Yan said earnestly. 石岩认真地说。 What road keeps?” Feng Rao is astonished however. “留什么路?”丰娆讶然。 Has waited till Divine Punishment Grounds, you have the Bao Ao three people to see your father, then, when the Bao Ao three people restore such as beginning, you have given the blood slaughter Ka Tuo person them. When I ensure they were well, will give you Star Chart, wants me to accompany as for you, explores nova territory, when the time comes on as you wish, so long as they are safe and sound, even if your father reneges on a promise afterward, does not give me the star of life, I can also accept.” Shi Yan said indifferently. “等到了神罚之地,你带暴骜三人去见你父亲,然后,等暴骛三人恢复如初了,你将他们交给血屠卡托的人。等我确保他们无恙了,会将星图交给你们,至于你们要不要我一路随行,去探索新星域,到时候就随便你们了,只要他们三人安然无恙,就算你父亲事后反悔,不给予我生命之星,我也可以接受。”石岩淡然说道。 „Don't you such favor us?” Feng Rao sighed spookily. “你就这么不看好我们?”丰娆幽幽一叹。 Shi Yan looks into the distance, the look is gloomy, „, since I arrive at Lie Yan Star Field, has not been seeing one friendly kind, walks to plan. I am not do not believe your father , because my Realm is too low, power is insufficient, cannot pose any threat to your father. God King Second Sky Realm Warrior, how will your father be serious? Unilaterally tears the prestige, executes me, whom can I ask to complain?” 石岩眺望远方,眼神阴暗,“自从我来到烈焰星域,就没有见着一个善类,一路走来都是算计。我不是不相信你父亲,是因为我境界太低,力量不足,对你父亲构不成任何威胁。一个神王二重天境界武者,你父亲岂会当一回事?单方面撕毁信誉,将我格杀,我又能找谁诉苦去?” Feng Ke is Divine Punishment Grounds region strongest Warrior, Source God Second Sky, the Marauder strongest influence leader, to this kind of great owlet overlord, subordinates God King Realm Expert are innumerable, a Second Sky fellow's commitment, how will be taken seriously 9 by him 丰岢神罚之地区域最强武者,源神二重天,掠夺者的最强势力魁首,对这类巨枭霸主来说,麾下神王境强者无数,一个只有二重天家伙的承诺,岂会被他重视9 Let alone, but also contains star of the life, the division so great treasure comes out, his so will be natural? 更何况,还包含一颗生命之星,分割如此巨宝出来,他怎的会那么大方? Shi Yan suspected very much. 石岩很怀疑。 Feng Rao knew in the heart him to be discrete, knits the brows to think deeply a while, suddenly said: „Will you know blood slaughter Ka Tuo? Do you believe him?” 丰娆心知他谨慎,皱眉深思了一会儿,忽然道:“你怎会认识血屠卡托的?你相信他?” Reasons, I and Funto a little origin, compared with your father, I believes him.” Shi Yan explained. “有一面之缘,我和丰托有点渊源,和你父亲相比,我更加相信他。”石岩解释。 Good, I promise you, first makes my father help you restore that three people such as beginning. I will give blood slaughter Ka Tuo them personally, but do not play me, otherwise I...... I hate you for a lifetime!” Feng Rao clenches teeth, deeply looks to him. “那好,我答应你,先让我父亲帮你将那三人恢复如初。我会亲自将他们交给血屠卡托,但你别耍我,不然我……我恨你一辈子!”丰娆咬着牙,深深看向他。 Believes me, this matter I could not have done, will not make you difficult to cultivate the behavior.” Shi Yan smiled, speaks to comfort. “相信我,这种事我还做不出来,也不会让你难做人。”石岩笑了笑,出言宽慰。 We walk, you with me, I know that the remote move, can avoid running into these ominous people. Divine Punishment Grounds has the Divine Punishment Grounds order, once enters, instead will not have the too big bad risk.” Feng Rao nodded, agreed with his decision. “那我们走吧,你跟着我,我知道偏僻的走法,可以避免遇到那些凶人。神罚之地神罚之地的秩序,一旦进入,反而不会有太大的凶险。”丰娆点了点头,同意了他的决定。 „After Divine Punishment Grounds, we then separate. Right, I must contact with you, how should do?” Shi Yan nods, decides darkly, arrives at Divine Punishment Grounds, immediately relates blood slaughter Ka Tuo, this person and he has the origin, compares Feng Ke, he thought that Ka Tuo is worth trusting a point. “到了神罚之地后,我们便分开来。对了,我要联系你,应该怎么做?”石岩点头,暗下决心,一到神罚之地,立即联系血屠卡托,此人和他颇有渊源,相比丰岢而言,他觉得卡托更值得信赖一点。 In Divine Punishment Grounds da Yang, has Heaven Punishment City, my father's contact person year to year is stationed, you looked for Mott on the line.” Feng Rao has thought that also said: I will tell him, you called Shi Yan, so long as you reported on the name, he will lead you to see me.” 神罚之地中龘央,有天罚城,我父亲的联系人常年驻扎,你找莫特就行了。”丰娆想了一下,又道:“我会告诉他,你叫石岩,只要你报上名字,他会带你见我。” Is good to suffice.” “好够。” Five people step the formation once more, destination is Divine Punishment Grounds. 五人再次踏上形成,目的地是神罚之地 ps: The new week, asked to recommend the ticket, today meets three ps:新的一周,求下推荐票,今天会三更
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