GOS :: Volume #9

#828: Outstanding heroes tumult

Southwest Divine Punishment Grounds, an outside ore dry crowded dark dry territory, searches for the battleship that the evil dragon skeleton builds becomes, anchors in an ore on-board. 神罚之地西南角,一外矿旱密集的幽暗旱域,一搜有孽龙骸骨打造而成的战舰,停靠在一颗矿星上。 A thin and small old man, on face was turned round to suffuse by the green flower mark, two shrink in the sleeve cuff, stands in the evil dragon bone head top place, looks with rapt attention to the Divine Punishment Grounds direction. 一个瘦小的老头,脸上被青色huā纹覆盖满,两手缩在袖口内,站在孽龙骨头颅顶尖处,凝神看向神罚之地的方向。 His eye profound does not see the bottom, deeply frowns, seems fondly remembering anything. 他眼睛深邃不见底,深深地皱着眉头,似乎在怀念着什么。 After half double-hour, shakes the youth of mark clan, suddenly flashes before, shouted in his behind lightly: Father.” 半个时辰后,一个晃纹族的青年,突然闪现出来,在他身后轻呼:“父亲。” Feng Ke turns head, looks at second son Feng Xiao, sinking sound track: Didn't have your younger sister's news?” 丰岢回头,看着二儿子丰枭,沉声道:“还没有你妹妹的消息?” Feng Xiao shook the head does not have. She should not come nearby Divine Punishment Grounds, will otherwise not contact with us.” 丰枭摇了摇头“没有。她应该没有来神罚之地附近,不然不会不联系我们。” What accident won't have?” Feng Ke thought aloud, sighed „more than 200 years, initially for Star Chart, she on own initiative volunteered for military service, must go to the purgatory star. The time in a flash, such for a long time passed by, now finally had the news, for the father does not think seriously she has the matter.” “不会有什么意外吧?”丰岢自言自语了一句,叹息一声“200多年了,当初为了星图,她主动请缨,非要去炼狱星。时间一晃,这么久过去了,如今终于有了消息,为父当真不想她有事。” Younger sister strategy is outstanding, definitely will not have the matter, the father but please feel relieved that I already[ hundred degree celsius post first round] sent for waiting for in various footholds, so long as had younger sister's news, we can know immediately.” Feng Xiao lowers the head, was somewhat moved past younger sister to be willful, must pass for me, I guilty many years, this time she went home, I must compensate surely well.” “妹妹智谋出众,肯定不会有事的,父亲但请放心,我已经[百度贴吧首发]派人在各处据点守候了,只要一有妹妹的消息,我们立即就可以知道。”丰枭垂着头,也有些伤感“当年妹妹任性,非要替我过去,我愧疚了多年,这次她回家,我定要好好补偿。” Yeah, more than 200 years passed by, your big brother died in battle, for father, only then you.” The Feng Ke visual distant place, the complexion is serious for Star Chart, we paid too, does not know that was worth unworthy.” “哎,200多年过去了,你大哥战死,为父只有你们两个了。”丰岢目视远方,脸色沉重无比“为了星图,我们付出太多了,不知道值得不值得。” Is worth!” A Feng Xiao face is firm and resolute, gets hold of fist, numerous saying: Our Marauder has been suppressed by three big influences, as soon as they have the leisure, then sweeps us, for these years, many people were killed by three big influences! Our these exile, only then such place of finding a place to live, they do not let off, so long as obtains Star Chart, we can change all these!” “值得!”丰枭一脸坚毅,握紧拳头,重重的说道:“我们掠夺者一直被三大势力压制,他们一有闲暇,便来扫荡我们,这么多年来,多少人被三大势力所杀!我们这些放逐者,只有这么一个安身之地,他们还是不放过,只要得到星图,我们就可以改变这一切!” Hope so.” The Feng Ke look is gloomy that side Dark Sky God Country, there is a rumor to transmit, said that Star Chart will appear in our Divine Punishment Grounds. Recently, our, will not be definitely peaceful, I heard that three influences sent the master to come, how long cannot want, Divine Punishment Grounds must raise fights.” “希望如此。”丰岢眼神灰暗“天涅神国那边,有流言传来,说星图将会在我们神罚之地出现。最近一段时间,我们这一块,肯定不会太平,我听说,那三股势力都派遣高手过来,要不了多久,神罚之地又要掀起大战了。” Damn!” Did Feng Xiao shout angrily how to disclose the news?” “该死!”丰枭怒喝一声“怎么会走漏了消息?” Is staring at Star Chart, solely is not only we, that Star Chart is important, anybody will be jealous.” Feng Ke sighed to help my communication, I must ask the major leaders to discuss, was only our side influence, even if obtained Star Chart, was hard to open, must work together heart and soul.” “盯着星图的,不单单只是我们,那星图事关重大,任何人都会眼红的。”丰岢叹息一声“帮我传讯,我要找各大魁首谈一谈,单凭我们一方势力,就算得到了星图,也难以开辟出来,还是要同心合力啊。” Father, once other leader knows, that Star Chart, impossible to be controlled by our side, you wanted three to think next.” Feng Xiao as if too did not agree that spoke the persuasion. “父亲,一旦别的魁首知晓,那星图,就不可能由我们一方掌控了啊,你要三思后行。”丰枭似乎不太同意,出言劝说。 Beckons with the hand, Feng Ke replied: If the news has not disclosed that I naturally cannot share with them, but now, the tripartite influence can come, other leader also knows quickly. Let alone, cannot affirm to the present that Star Chart whether by your younger sister obtained, if acts willfully, we cannot come to a stop in Divine Punishment Grounds, impossible and three big influence resistances.” 摆摆手,丰岢回答:“如果消息没有走漏,我自然不会和他们分享,可现在,三方势力都会过来,很快地,别的魁首也会知道。更何况,到现在也不敢肯定,星图是否被你妹妹所得,要是一意孤行,我们自己就不能在神罚之地站稳,更不可能和三大势力对抗。” Feng Xiao hear of his such explanations, nodded I arranged.” 丰枭听他这么一解释,也点了点头“我去安排了。” Un.” “嗯。” A giant bronze battleship, flies slowly in the Divine Punishment Grounds direction. 一艘巨大的青铜战舰,缓缓朝着神罚之地的方向飞来。 Hidden League commands Bi Tian greatly, crosses the hands behind the back to stand in the battleship front, expression is tranquil. 幽盟的大统领碧天,在战舰前方负手站立着,神色平静。 Side him, Bi Rou and several Warrior also looks at front, looking pensive. 在他身旁,碧柔和几名武者看着前方,若有所思。 Father, will Star Chart appear in Divine Punishment Grounds really?” If supple inquired in a soft voice. “父亲,星图真会在神罚之地出现?”若柔轻声询问。 Bi Tian homespun cloth hempen garments, have not thrown over the armor, aura is distant, gives a calm smile „people should not be wrong, person who our Hidden League sends out, already[ hundred degree celsius post first round] determination died. At present is surviving, as if has Divine Punishment Grounds little girl, Star Chart definitely in her hand.” 碧天一身粗布麻衣,没有披铠甲,气息悠远清淡,淡然一笑“应该不会错的,我们幽盟派出的人,已经[百度贴吧首发]确定死亡了。目前存活着的,似乎只有神罚之地的一个小丫头,星图肯定在她之手。” Father, if can obtain Star Chart, whether we can be separated from Hidden League, is self-contained?” The Bi Rou beautiful pupil glistens, red lip wriggled, secret excited. “父亲,如果能够得到星图,我们是不是可以脱离幽盟,自成一体?”碧柔美眸闪亮,红唇蠕动了一下,暗暗〖兴〗奋 Bi Tian as one of the Hidden League three big commanding, is abundant in the Hidden League influence, the subordinates master like clouds, has the stars of several life. 碧天身为幽盟三大统领之一,在幽盟势力雄厚,麾下高手如云,拥有几个生命之星。 But, he is not Hidden League Union Master, for these years occupies under the person, has not had the superior opportunity. 可是,他并不是幽盟盟主,这么多年来屈居人下,没有得到上位的机会。 Star Chart, possibly changes all these, even if cannot make him become Hidden League new Union Master, can let the advantage that he harvests unable to imagine, becomes Hidden League strongest power, even can be separated from Hidden League, becomes Fang Juxiao an overlord. 星图,就可能改变这一切,即使不能令他成为幽盟的新盟主,也能让他收获想象不到的好处,成为幽盟最强的一股力量,甚至能脱离幽盟,自成一方巨枭霸主。 Hehe, if Star Chart eternal truth rumor such, this by us obtained, we can change the situation inevitably, becomes the Lie Yan Star Field abundant influence in the future. Our family, becomes the star territory biggest family.” Bi Tian grins to laugh. 嘿嘿,如果星图真如传言那样,这趟被我们所得了,我们必然能扭转局势,在未来成为烈焰星域的雄厚势力。我们家族,也将成为星域最大的家族。”碧天咧嘴大笑。 The Bi Rou fine small face, full is the color of anticipation. 碧柔精美的小脸,满是期待之色。 Outer Territory Milky Way. 域外天河。 On giant stone that Shi Yan sits well in floating, sits half a month, suddenly opens the eye. 石岩端坐在浮起来的巨石上,一坐半个月,突然睁开眼睛。 Feng Rao brilliant looks to him, sees him to awake to turn around, beautiful pupil fiercely one bright breakthrough?” 丰娆灼灼看向他,见他醒转过来,美眸猛地一亮“突破了?” Smiles nodded, the Shi Yan long body, sprinkles however said: Is very smooth, Soul Altar again precise one time, Second Sky of God King Realm.” 笑着点了点头,石岩长身而起,洒然说道:“很顺利,灵魂祭台重新凝炼了一次,神王二重天之境。” „To come, even if I restores to power of boundary of God King peak, was at wit's end to you.” Feng Rao bitter and astringent shaking the head of your this fellow, is really different races, I acknowledged that I underestimated you before.” “想来,即便是我恢复到神王巅峰之境的力量,也真的对你无计可施了。”丰娆苦涩的摇了摇头“你这家伙,果然是个异类,我承认,我以前小看你了。” This boy is our Grace Mainland anomaly.” Bo Ruo whispered, envies. “这小子是我们神恩大陆的变态。”波若嘀咕了一句,羡慕不已。 Bao Ao and Jie Ji look at each other to smile bitterly. 暴骜桀棘相视苦笑。 When restored to you, quick breakthrough, I will know your abilities.” Shi Yan looks to the Bao Ao three people, comforts saying: Can arrive at the boundary of peak in Grace Mainland that place this, this proved your abilities and talents sufficiently.” “待到你们恢复了,也会很快突破的,我知道你们的能力。”石岩看向暴骜三人,宽慰道:“能够在神恩大陆那种地方这到巅峰之境,这足以证明你们的能力和天赋了。” Hope can get rid of this Damn it monster flower, motherfucker, father wishes one could to kill to Nine Star Chamber of Commerce, Damn it!” Jie Ji looks fierce to say. “希望能够摆脱这该死的huā,妈的,老子恨不得杀向九星商会,该死的!”桀棘龇牙咧嘴道。 Will have the opportunity.” Shi Yan smiled, turns the head to look to Feng Rao we now, how long wants to enter Divine Punishment Grounds?” “会有机会的。”石岩笑了笑,别头看向丰娆“我们现在出发,要多久能够进入神罚之地?” Luck good words, six months about.” “运气好的话,半年时间左右。” Un, did not calculate slowly.” “嗯,不算慢了。” Puts out a hand to grasp, that gigantic spatial phantom crystal, was pulled by him baseless, invests a nearby space slit mouth fiercely. 伸手一抓,那一块硕大的空幻晶,被他凭空拉扯,猛地投入旁边的一道空间缝隙口。 That spatial phantom crystal, dodges to pass, vanished in the space slit. 那空幻晶,一闪而逝,在空间缝隙内消失了。 You?” Feng Rao is astonished however. “你?”丰娆讶然。 What's wrong?” Bao Ao also gawked. “怎么?”暴骜也愣了。 „The gate of connection space, needs huge power, I also almost.” Shi Yan frowns, explained: My breakthrough to God King Third Sky, should be able to achieve, now is not good. The spatial phantom crystal cannot put in Imaginary Space Ring, carries inconveniently, I put in it here space slit first. I must make a connection with the gate of space, needs to use here special environment, sooner or later must come.” “连接空间之门,需要庞大的力量,我还差一点。”石岩皱着眉头,解释道:“等我突破神王三重天,应该可以做到,现在还不行。空幻晶不能放入幻空戒,携带不便,我将其先放入这儿的空间缝隙内。我要打通空间之门,也需要利用这儿特殊的环境,早晚要重新过来一趟。” The Bao Ao three people of facial expressions rouse. 暴骛三人神情振奋。 Really?” Jie Ji whole face anticipation. “真的可以?”桀棘满脸期待。 They and Grace Mainland leave , to continue for the race, seeks for means of livelihood the Grace Mainland clansman, for ten years, jolt the circulation in Lie Yan Star Field, the bitter experience is pitiful, reading in heart thinks little was eliminated completely. 他们和神恩大陆离开,就是为了种族延续,将神恩大陆的族人寻找一条活路,十年来,在烈焰星域颠簸流转,遭遇凄惨,心中的念想一点点的被消泯殆尽了。 Now Shi Yan said suddenly this goal can be realized, and is gate of the connected space, does not need them to return to Grace Mainland from afar, naturally makes them pleasantly surprised. 如今石岩突然说这个目标能够实现,并且是连通空间之门,不用他们千里迢迢重返神恩大陆,自然让他们惊喜莫名。 Good, once my breakthrough to God King Third Sky, the gate of space from, when was opened by me forcefully.” The Shi Yan affirmative nod when the time comes, we can go to the hometown directly, leads their series.” “不错,一旦我突破神王三重天,空间之门自当被我强行开启。”石岩肯定的点头“到时候,我们可以直接前往故乡,将他们统统带过来。” Bao Ao three people of wild with joy, the aware ten years of painful tribulations, had some type to compensate finally. 暴骛三人狂喜,自觉十来年的痛苦磨难,终于有了某种补偿了。 Walks, we leave here, goes to Divine Punishment Grounds.” Shi Yan smiled, sees their excited, in the heart is also very excited, said to Feng Rao: „Have you contacted with your father?” “走吧,我们离开这儿,去神罚之地。”石岩笑了笑,见他们〖兴〗奋不已,心里面也很激动,冲丰娆说道:“你和你父亲联系了没有?” Feng Rao stares, at once responds that said awkwardly: My previous time is to deceive your, I at all impossible in that remote distance, achieves the relation with my father, my Realm is insufficient.” 丰娆一愣,旋即反应过来,尴尬道:“我上次是骗你的,我根本不可能在那么遥远的距离,和我父亲达成联系,我的境界不够。” Shi Yan is astonished however. 石岩讶然。 Might as well, so long as enters Divine Punishment Grounds, I naturally can contact with on my father, when the time comes anything said.” Feng Rao smiling „, so long as has Star Chart, nothing is impossible, you feel relieved and that's the end.” “无妨,只要进入神罚之地,我自然可以联系上我父亲,到时候什么都好说的。”丰娆笑盈盈的“只要有星图在,没有什么事情不可能,你放心就是了。” „Won't I be given to frame by you?” Shi Yan looks at could she to Divine Punishment Grounds, have innumerable Expert to imprison me earnestly fiercely, then robs my Star Chart, but do you execute me directly, carry Star Chart to go calmly?” “我不会被你给陷害吧?”石岩认真地看着她“到了神罚之地,会不会有无数强者猛地将我禁锢,然后抢夺我星图,而你直接将我格杀,携带着星图从容而去?” Feng Rao purses the lips chuckled, earnestly nodded „, this idea is very good, my this has not thought that now should such do.” 丰娆抿嘴轻笑一声,也很认真地点了点头“嗯,这个主意不错,我本没有想到,现在应该会这么做。” I may be better consider.” The Shi Yan brow twists, looking pensive looks to Feng Rao, suddenly badly said with a smile: One day husband and wife hundred days graciousness, you must really that to my words, but did not think of the former friendship, when the time comes do not blame me to ruin your fame and integrity.” “那我可要好好好考虑考虑了。”石岩眉头一拧,若有所思的看向丰娆,忽然坏笑道:“一日夫妻百日恩,你真要那么对我的话,可就一点不念旧情了,到时候可别怪我败坏你名节。” Fame and integrity is nothing, I in Divine Punishment Grounds Marauder, did not have the good reputation, but also pats you to splash ink inadequately?” Feng Rao as if remembers anything, oneself have smiled getting up first „there, everybody knows me every night the music and song, not male not happy.” “名节算个屁,我在神罚之地掠夺者中,本就没有好名声,还拍你泼墨不成?”丰娆似乎想起什么,自己先笑了起来“在那儿,大家都知道我夜夜笙歌,无男不欢的。” „, Initially, can't you bleed?” Having a big shock of Shi Yan face. “不是吧,当初,你可以流血了啊?”石岩一脸的大惊失色。 Is that...... Came by chance, do you think?” The Feng Rao look trembles, clenches teeth secretly, snort|hum. “是那个……恰巧来了,你以为呢?”丰娆眼神一颤,暗暗咬牙,哼了一声。 Shi Yan has pulled the corners of the mouth, false smile saying: Said that you don't mind?” Isn't he a fool? That aspect experiences richly, a woman is intact, he personally experienced, how can not know? 石岩扯了扯嘴角,皮笑肉不笑的说道:“这么说,你一点都不介意了?”他又不是傻子?那方面经验丰富之极,一个女人是否完璧,他亲身经历了,岂会不知? Bao Ao three people, a face strange looks to this, has hesitated, suddenly like corpse, initiative rebounds. Monster flower restraint, they are moving extremely inconveniently. 暴骜三人,一脸怪异的看向这一块,迟疑了一下,忽然如僵尸般,主动的跳开来。一妖huā束缚着,他们行动极其不便。 I did not mind that the multi- important matters......” the Feng Rao complexion is gradually ugly, at once loses one's temper saying: „Do you have not to end? Is concerned about face?” “我才不介意,多大事呀……”丰娆脸色渐渐难看起来,旋即动怒道:“你有完没完?要不要脸?” Hahaha!” Shi Yan laughs wildly suddenly, is covering the belly, twitches saying: Well good, I do not say.” 哈哈哈!”石岩突然狂笑起来,捂着肚子,抽搐道:“好好好,我不说了。” , His ghosts and demons appear in Feng Rao suddenly at present, enclasps Feng Rao fiercely, has kissed toward her maliciously. 突地,他鬼魅般在丰娆眼前出现,猛地将丰娆抱紧,狠狠朝着她吻了下去。 Feng Rao struggles intensely, two at his front wanton bombing, but, has not attached the power deep meaning, these God Body stir up power that da shoots, cannot injure Shi Yan truly. 丰娆激烈挣扎起来,两手在他胸前狂轰滥炸,只是,并未附有力量奥义,那些神体激龘射的力量,并不能真正伤害到石岩 Gradually, Feng Rao struggled to stop fiercely, unexpectedly also enclasped him, crazy response. 渐渐地,丰娆的剧烈挣扎停了下来,居然也将他抱紧,疯狂的回应起来。 The good half sound, two talented people to separate, Shi Yan lowers the head, deep looks at she, said seriously: „ With me. 好半响,两人才分开来,石岩低着头,深深看着她,一本正经道:“跟我吧。 I must consider.” The Feng Rao jade refers to wiping red lip, has cleaned under the Shi Yan saliva, the fine face covers entirely to blush, bright eyes glittering the extraordinary splendor, is feigning calm saying: I have not forgiven you, do not think that can obtain my heart easily, you slowly diligently.” “我要好好考虑考虑。”丰娆玉指抹着红唇,擦拭了下石岩的口水,精美的脸布满红晕,明眸闪烁着异彩,佯装镇定的说道:“我还没原谅你,别以为可以轻易得到我的心,你慢慢努力吧。” The voice falls, she does not dare to look at the Shi Yan fiery vision, suddenly departs, flushes away in a Milky Way direction. 话音一落,她不敢多看石岩火热的目光,突然飞出,朝着天河一个方向冲去。
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