GOS :: Volume #9

#827: breakthrough!

That year, with the World Extinguishing Thunder Flame battle, several Heavenly Flame on complete, has fought a mutual wounds, consumed his many soul energy, cannot subdue World Extinguishing Thunder Flame, but sent into exile temporarily to the Outer Territory turbulent flow. 那一年,和灭世雷炎争斗,数种天火齐上,也只是斗了个两败俱伤,耗费他许多灵魂能量,也未能将灭世雷炎收服,只是暂时放逐向域外乱流。 After many years, today we are no longer as we have been of Shi Yan to the space mysterious understanding, Realm also had already achieved God King First Sky, has formed Divine Soul and God Body, attaches to his Heavenly Flame, mostly entered the step, similarly had the brand-new change. 时隔多年,石岩对空间奥妙的认识早已今非昔比,境界也达到了神王一重天,形成了神魂神体,依附他的天火,也大多进阶了,同样有了全新的变化。 Today, by seven green flame that he sends into exile, never knows how remote Outer Territory pulls, gathers at his Heavenly Flame Altar, making World Extinguishing Thunder Flame have a new lease of life. 今天,被他放逐的七朵青色火苗,从不知道多么遥远的域外拉扯回来,在他天火祭台重新聚集,使得灭世雷炎重获新生。 The space slit mouth of riot, Shi Yan static float, narrows the eyes to focus, communicates World Extinguishing Thunder Flame by the soul. 暴乱的空间缝隙口,石岩静静悬浮着,眯着眼,以灵魂沟通灭世雷炎 Several Heavenly Flame, sphere the World Extinguishing Thunder Flame green flame, various self-scattering transgresses energy, releases different aura to come, is carrying on the exchange with him. 数种天火,将灭世雷炎的青色火苗围住,各自散逸出能量,释放出不同的气息来,和他进行着交流。 Being damaged World Extinguishing Thunder Flame, was imprisoned in the Outer Territory many years, suddenly returns to gathers, the soul restores, his strive to excel characteristics have come up, tries to melt the Heavenly Flame absorption in Heavenly Flame Altar, strengthens his power. 受创的灭世雷炎,被禁锢在域外多年,忽然重新返回聚集,灵魂一恢复过来,他那好强的特性又上来了,试图将天火祭台内的天火吸收融化,增强他的力量 What a pity , is beyond control he to do evil today. 可惜,今天再也由不得他来作恶。 Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame, Yin Spirit Ghost Flame and Vermilion Bird True Flame unusual energy, suppresses fiercely, has pressed immediately his close thunder and lightning, letting him to leave Heavenly Flame Altar. 九幽噬魂焰阴灵鬼火朱雀真火的奇特能量,猛地压制过来,顿时将他的细密雷电给生生按了下来,让他不能离开天火祭台 Earthcore Flame and Profound Ice Cold Flame and Vanishing Corpse Flame, spreads quietly energy, the extremely cold strength, the burning hot flame energy, the quiet cold soul seepage, twines together, lives in that thunder and lightning small snake restraint, making World Extinguishing Thunder Flame unable to move. 地心火玄冰寒焰毗绝尸火,也悄悄将能量蔓延过来,极寒之力,炙热炎能,幽冷的灵魂渗透,一起缠绕过来,将那一道道雷电小蛇束缚住,让灭世雷炎动弹不得。 You do not have other choice, either is staying honestly, either, ruins you!” The Shi Yan complexion is indifferent, spreads soul thought that a Sea of Consciousness slightly activity, ice-cold disappears the consciousness of life, goes directly to the World Extinguishing Thunder Flame innermost soul. “你没有别的选择,要么老实呆着,要么,毁掉你!”石岩脸色冷漠,传出灵魂念头,识海略一活动,一股冰冷泯灭生灵的意识,直达灭世雷炎灵魂深处。 Death mysterious launched, the life thorough obliterate willpower, along with gyration of Soul Altar, layer upon layer bound directly World Extinguishing Thunder Flame. 死亡奥头展开,将生灵彻底抹杀的意志力,随着灵魂祭台的旋动,直接将灭世雷炎给层层裹住。 Present he, the deep meaning is exquisite, the method is many, must cope with World Extinguishing Thunder Flame not to be difficult, did not fear actually World Extinguishing Thunder Flame continues to do evil. 如今的他,奥义精妙,手段繁多,要对付灭世雷炎并不困难,倒是不怕灭世雷炎继续作恶。 Even, is needless he to begin, is only all sorts of Heavenly Flame energy covers, sufficiently makes World Extinguishing Thunder Flame unable to escape. 甚至,不消他动手,光是种种天火能量覆盖,就足以让灭世雷炎逃脱不掉。 Hehe, I had interest to give to fuse you very much, do you want to try?” The Yin Spirit Ghost Flame interest however, unceasing mother frightens discontented, so long as if Shi Yan nods, he will begin immediately. 嘿嘿,我很有兴趣将你给融合了,你想不想试试?”阴灵鬼火兴致怏然,不断妈吓,似乎只要石岩点点头,他马上就会动手。 Original Fifth-Step World Extinguishing Thunder Flame, after this exile, power consumes enormously, is not Yin Spirit Ghost Flame and Vermilion Bird True Flame match, if really the life-and-death fight, World Extinguishing Thunder Flame is difficult to run away the fused destiny. 本来五阶灭世雷炎,经过这番放逐,力量消耗极大,已经不是阴灵鬼火朱雀真火的对手,真要是殊死搏斗,灭世雷炎难逃被融合的命运。 , He then realized quickly the disadvantage of condition, under being ready to make trouble of threat and Heavenly Flame of Shi Yan, World Extinguishing Thunder Flame admitted defeat finally, gives up escaping the resistance, the mark of his soul, achieved the relation with Heavenly Flame Altar honestly, has become in Heavenly Flame Altar green power, making Heavenly Flame Altar have a change again. 很快地,他便认识到了境况的不利,在石岩的威胁和天火的蠢蠢欲动下,灭世雷炎最终服软,放弃了逃脱抵抗,老老实实地,将他灵魂的印记,和天火祭台达成联系,成了天火祭台内一股青色力量,让天火祭台再次发生了一次变化。 Narrows the eyes to focus, induced carefully some little time, when to discovering World Extinguishing Thunder Flame truely is law-abiding, Shi Yan withdrawing Soul Consciousness, calms down , to continue to let loose Divine Sense, clearly is spatially peaceful Divine Soul, senses the surrounding space the mystical rhyme to move. 眯着眼,仔细感应了好一会儿,待到发现灭世雷炎真正安分下来,石岩才抽回灵魂意识,重新冷静下来,继续放开神识,将神魂空明安静下来,感悟周围空间的神秘韵动。 Feng Rao has not disturbed him, in swallowing medicinal pills, digests power in Divine Crystal, is restoring own power. 丰娆也没有打搅他,一直在吞食丹药,消化神晶内的力量,恢复着自己的力量 After these days absorption, power that she loses restores 788, Realm as if also slightly promotes some, is quite joyful, with Shi Yan same, understands clearly the power deep meaning that she majors in earnestly, during the comprehension the mystery. 经过这段时间的吸收,她失去的力量恢复化788,境界似乎还略略提升一些,颇为欣喜,和石岩一样,认真地洞悉她主修的力量奥义,领悟当中奥妙。 Bao Ao, Jie Ji and Bo Ruo three people, had been supplemented soul life force by Shi Yan, although was attracted spirit Demon Flower to derive time power once in a while, but the life magnetic field is also stable, in a short time, will not appear loses the possibility of life force death. 暴骜桀棘波若三人,被石岩补充了灵魂生机,虽每隔一段时间被吸灵妖花汲取一次力量,但生命磁场还算是稳定,短时间内,不会出现失去生机死亡的可能性。 The group, in the Outer Territory Milky Way center, meditation, have not been going to manage the change of outside world silently. 一行人,在域外天河中央,默默苦修着,没有去管外界的变化。 Ore star that abandons, tattered and torn, deeply does not see the bottom the cavern, passes through the ore star. 废弃的矿星,千疮百孔,一个个深不见底的洞穴,将矿星贯穿。 The fight of Blood Skull Chief Marauder and Nine Star Chamber of Commerce, the past three months, nearby ore star, many battleships and wars sought the fragment at this time , many Warrior stump residual limbs are floating, the ominous severe degree of fight, one was clear-sighted. 血骷髅头掠夺者九星商会的战斗,过去三个多月了,此时矿星附近,有很多战舰、战牟碎片,也有不少武者残肢浮游着,战斗的凶厉程度,一眼明了。 A giant blue asbestus spar battleship, appears from the darkness, on-board anchors in the ore. 一艘巨大的蓝晶战舰,从黑暗中显现出来,在矿星上停靠下来。 Thin silhouette of outstanding ability, flashes before quickly, on-board has loafed in the ore, covers Divine Sense, covers each corner. 一个俊逸消瘦的身影,倏地闪现出来,在矿星上游荡了一圈,将神识覆盖,笼罩各个角落。 Meanwhile, two person's shadows, from the battleship fly, to search nearby broken corpse, probably must determine anything. 同时,又有两道人影,从战舰上飞出来,去搜索附近的碎尸,好像要确定什么。 long time, that silhouette does not return to battleship, knits the brows slightly. 多时,那身影返回战舰,微微皱眉。 „Can Sir Kashewen, what have to discover?” The cabin, emits graceful silhouette, the curve is exquisite, wears one to decorate completely the broken crystal dress, beautiful unparalleled. 卡修恩大人,可有什么发现?”船舱内部,冒出一个曼妙的身影,曲线玲珑,着一身缀满碎水晶的裙装,美艳无双。 Princess Zi Yao. 正是紫耀公主 Ao Gela of golden hair, flashes before from side, lowers the head slightly, follows with a smile, such as most modest Zhuo's servant. 一头金发的奥格拉斯,也从旁边闪现出来,微微垂着头,含笑跟随,如最谦卓的仆人。 Sir, without any harvest.” Aranza returns from outside, bows slightly, toward a Kashewen ritual, said: Only then a region, has the obvious space fluctuation trace.” “大人,没有任何收获。”亚兰从外面返回,略略躬身,朝着卡修恩一礼,道:“只有一处区域,有过明显的空间波动痕迹。” Kashewen eye one bright, aims according to Aranza, such as the light blade edge plunders quickly. 卡修恩眼睛一亮,按照亚兰指向,倏地如光刃掠去。 He initially stimulated the place of appearance spatial phantom crystal in Shi Yan, stretches out the slender left hand touching space, frowns, in heart in secret surprised. 他在石岩当初激发空幻晶之地出现,伸出修长的左手触摸空间,皱着眉头,心中暗中惊讶。 Zi Yao flashes before quietly, the beautiful pupil extraordinary splendor flow of tears, flicker are staring at that same place that does not move, inquired in a low voice: „Can Sir Kashewen, have discovery?” 紫耀悄悄闪现出来,美眸异彩涟涟,一瞬不移的盯着那一块,低声询问:“卡修恩大人,可有发现?” Indeed is the space power trace, but also drew support spatial phantom crystal energy......” Kashewen nodded, turned the head to look at an ore star direction, saw with own eyes that Ao Gela has not come up on own initiative, lowered the sound, said: But not necessarily is that boy.” “的确是空间力量的痕迹,还借助于了空幻晶的能量……”卡修恩点了点头,别头看了一眼矿星方向,眼见那奥格拉斯没有主动上来,才压低声音,说道:“但不一定就是那小子。” Understood that utilizes Strength of Space, the recent hundred years do not have one person.” The Zi Yao eye glistens, pinches fist secretly, shouted to clear the way lowly: Definitely is he!” “懂得运用空间之力的,最近百年都没有一人。”紫耀眼睛闪亮,暗地里捏拳,低喝道:“肯定是他!” Kashewen optional smiling, shows neither approval nor disapproval, how to think as you like.” 卡修恩随意的笑了笑,不置可否,“随你怎么想了。” That war, situation how?” Zi Yao seems to be happy, indifferent chuckle, Kashewen and the others, Divine Punishment Grounds you are most familiar, in many Marauder teams, has your arrangement personnel, should you be clear?” “那一战,情况如何?”紫耀心情似乎不错,淡然轻笑,“卡修恩等人,神罚之地你最为熟悉,很多掠夺者团队中,都有你的安排人员,你应该非常清楚吧?” Russell and fight of Nine Star Chamber of Commerce Fan Family, in the Fan Ye battle suffers defeat, is wounded escapes, the loss is under serious, carries the commodity that from Hidden League, was looted. One gigantic spatial phantom crystal, has not sought afterward, according to my news, with using Strength of Space that fellow, one and vanished.” Kashewen explained with a smile that princess, the boy is only your under Entourage, being worth changing the route, comes to have a look specially, is good to determine his life and death?” 拉塞尔九星商会梵家的战斗,梵夜交战中败北,负伤远遁,手下损失惨重,从幽盟那边携带的物资,都被洗劫了。只有一块硕大的空幻晶,事后没有找寻到,按照我的消息,和利用空间之力的那家伙,一并消失了。”卡修恩含笑解释,“公主殿下,那小子只是你手下一名扈从,值得你改变航线,专门过来看看,好确定他的生死?” Kashewen is escorts Princess Zi Yao to go to Nine Star Chamber of Commerce, the distance to half, Kashewen received the news, knows that this region has the war, including a boy to use Strength of Space. 卡修恩是护送紫耀公主前往九星商会的,路程到了一半,卡修恩受到消息,知道这块区域发生大战,其中有个小子动用了空间之力 After he explained this news, Zi Yao the facial expression moved immediately greatly, must change the route rashly, must come to look at an outcome, Kashewen stubborn was not excessive, can only come, satisfying was quite curious puzzled. 当他将这个消息说明以后,紫耀马上神情大动,不由分说的,非要改变航线,要过来看个究竟,卡修恩拗不过头,只能前来,可心中却颇为好奇不解。 He has rescued my life.” Zi Yao replied earnestly. “他救过我的命。”紫耀认真地回答。 Is such simple?” Kashewen smiled, as far as I know, has saved princess's person, not solely only then his? The numerous followers of your highness subordinates, there are many, the critical moment had saved you, how does the princess so care not necessarily?” “就是这么简单?”卡修恩笑了笑,“据我所知,救过公主殿下的人,不单单只有他一个吧?殿下麾下的众多追随者,也有不少,曾经关键时刻救过你,怎不见得公主如此在意?” Zi Yao bites Bei Chi lightly, white his eyes, light snort|hum, had not replied. 紫耀轻咬贝齿,白了他一眼,轻哼一声,没有回答。 Kashewen laughs, has not closely examined, princess felt relieved that walked, my other sent for searching for the news, um, will enter Blood Skull Chief, but also had that boy portrait, if were really he, quick can determine.” 卡修恩哈哈大笑,也没有追问下去,“公主殿下放心就走了,我另外派人搜寻消息了,嗯,会进入血骷髅头内部,还携有那小子画像,如果真是他,很快就可以确定了。” A Zi Yao beautiful pupil bright, plentiful waist light pendulum, thanks Uncle Kashewen fiercely.” 紫耀美眸猛地一亮,丰腴的腰肢轻摆,“谢谢卡修恩叔叔。” Ha, before also called Sir Kashewen, a blink, turned into the uncle, good present peaceful girl.” Kashewen smiles, shook the head with a smile. “哈,之前还叫卡修恩大人,一眨眼,就变成叔叔了,好一个现安的丫头。”卡修恩莞尔,笑着摇了摇头。 In Outer Territory Milky Way. 域外天河内。 The innumerable crowded space slit mouth, space power is confused, from a everywhere space slit center, splits dazzling five colors stream ray. 无数密集的空间缝隙口,空间力量错乱,从一处处空间缝隙中央,绽出炫目的五彩流光 Shi Yan silhouette, shuttles back and forth in the space slits quickly, flashes before one after another, hunchback wisp of Divine Sense, in the space band like the snake activity, very intense soul is turbulent, multiplies in the region from him. 石岩身影,倏地在一个个空间缝隙内穿梭,接连闪现,一偻缕的神识,在空间夹层内如蛇般活动开来,非常强烈的灵魂动荡,从他所在区域滋生。 Quickly, in the innumerable space slits, simultaneously transmits obvious Strength of Space, such as several thousand the strings of not being able to see, give the winding him together, has covered his whole body. 倏地,无数空间缝隙内,同时传来明显的空间之力,如数万看不见的绳子,一起将他给缠绕,覆盖了他全身。 Feng Rao restores to wake up from power in vain, the eye blows out the none remaining immediately, flickers looks to the space slit of Milky Way surrounding does not move, is opening the mouth slightly, on the fine face, is surprised. 丰娆徒然从力量恢复中醒来,眼睛顿时爆出精光,一瞬不移的看向天河外围的空间缝隙,微微张着口,精美的脸上,全是惊讶。 Was attracted Bao Ao, Jie Ji and Bo Ruo that three people spirit Demon Flower binds to tie up, is the eye one bright, holds up the head the looks at space slit. 被吸灵妖花裹缚的暴骜桀棘波若三人,也是眼睛一亮,昂头看着空间缝隙。 Shi Yan God Body, was being twined by continuously Strength of Space. Soul Altar escapes God Body, such as was brushed general by the whip, is shivering unceasingly. 石岩神体,被缕缕空间之力缠绕着。灵魂祭台遁出神体,如被鞭子抽打一般,不断地颤抖着。 In deep meaning sacrificial altar, strong Strength of Space Chaos, looked fiercely that will discover that deep meaning sacrificial altar center, appears the crowded space small slits, spreads the intense space to palpitate. 奥义祭台内,浓烈的空间之力混乱,猛地一看,会发现那奥义祭台中央,也显出一个个密集的空间小缝隙,传出强烈的空间悸动。 His God Body is serene, closes one's eyes, does not know to have anything likely, but also is calming the mind to realize from experience anything. 神体安详,闭着眼睛,像是并不知道发生什么,还在静心体悟着什么。 But his Soul Altar uppermost layer, that and his main body exactly the same illusory Divine Soul, is opening the eye greatly, in the pupil, appears the crack, is the external embodiment of space power. 可他灵魂祭台最上层,那和他本体一模一样的虚幻神魂,则是大睁着眼睛,瞳仁内,显出裂纹,是空间力量的外在表现。 power of imprisoned space, spreads from his Divine Soul place, covers in all directions, lets the surrounding space slit, as if framed. 禁锢空间的力量,从他神魂处蔓延开来,笼罩四面八方,让周围的空间缝隙,似乎都定格了。 Bang! 轰! Soul Altar shakes suddenly fiercely, deep meaning sacrificial altar exits from the soul Sea of Consciousness escape, shuttles back and forth in the space slits, derives power. 灵魂祭台突然猛地一震,奥义祭台从灵魂识海飞逸出去,在一个个空间缝隙内穿梭,汲取其中力量 Innumerable stream ray collect on deep meaning sacrificial altar, Shi Yan Divine Soul flutters, reacted is floating unceasingly, seems precise Strength of Space, with his Divine Sense fusion is one. 无数流光汇集在奥义祭台上,石岩神魂飘飘荡荡,不断地震动漂浮着,似乎在将空间之力凝炼起来,和他神识融合为一。 , His Divine Soul stopped shivering gradually, the gradual contraction, that escapes to deep meaning sacrificial altar, returns to above Sea of Consciousness, with the Soul Altar same place, indulges in his God Body. 渐渐地,他神魂停止了颤抖,逐渐的收缩起来,那遁离出去的奥义祭台,也重返识海之上,和灵魂祭台一起,沉溺在他神体之内。 The confused space fluctuates, the gradual restoration is tranquil. 错乱的空间波动,逐渐的恢复平静。 Has stared was looking at for a long time Feng Rao, the red lip wriggled, muttered whispers: breakthrough, Second Sky of God King Realm, so was unexpectedly relaxed smoothly.” 一直盯着看了许久的丰娆,红唇蠕动了一下,喃喃低语:“突破了,神王二重天之境,居然这般轻松顺利。” Bao Ao, Jie Ji and Bo Ruo three people, eye fiercely one bright, excited. 暴骜桀棘波若三人,眼睛猛地一亮,兴奋不已。
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