GOS :: Volume #9

#826: Meets again World Extinguishing Thunder Flame!

You can know Shi Yan, is you your entire life biggest luck, nobody because of three individual medicine cauldrons, will pay that big price. ” 你们能够结识石岩,是你们一生最大的幸运,没有人会因为三个人身药鼎,付出那么大的代价的。” Feng Rao deeply looks to Bao Ao, Jie Ji and Bo Ruo three people, some little time, lightly sighed one, expression complex saying. 丰娆深深看向暴骜桀棘波若三人,好一会儿,才轻叹一声,神色复杂的说道。 If this fellow, is willing for me, to pay Star Chart to come out, then, anything can forgive...... 如果这家伙,愿意为了我,付出星图出来,那么,什么都可以原谅的…… Feng Rao thinks secretly. 丰娆暗暗想。 Star Chart? What has?” The Jie Ji brow moves, is astonished however inquired. 星图?有什么?”桀棘眉头动了动,讶然询问。 Nova territory that has not opened! And stars of the ten lives, have seventh rank! In addition, innumerable ores and spirit medicine spirit grass! Even if three big influences, knows that Star Chart whole-heartedly, will also dispatch the Feng Rao explanation all Expert. “一处未曾开辟的新星域!其中有十来个生命之星,有七品的!除此之外,还有无数的矿石和灵药灵草!就算是三大势力,知道星图也会全力以赴,将所有强者派遣过来”丰娆解释。 If the thunder strikes the in the brain sea, Bo Ruo, Bao Ao and Jie Ji three people, dumbstruck, the eye blows out the crystal light immediately, unbelievable. 如雷霆击中脑海,波若暴骜桀棘三人,当即目瞪口呆,眼睛爆出晶光,难以置信。 They have swayed for ten years in Lie Yan Star Field, naturally knows that the importance of star of life, star of this life life is Grace Mainland, is the heaven and earth energy full, seventh rank, what concept is this? 他们在烈焰星域晃荡了十来年,自然知道生命之星的重要性,一今生命之星就是一个神恩大陆,还是天地能量充盈的,七品,这是什么概念? Three people cannot believe simply that cannot believe Shi Yan for them, is willing to give up such same great treasure! 三人简直不敢相信,不敢相信石岩为了他们,甘愿放弃这么一样至宝 Shi Yan, is unworthy, really unworthy.” Bao Ao has gawked a while, responded swiftly that said hastily: Wants you clansman of my clan, migrates Lie Yan Star Field, we are then deeply grateful. Does not dare the extravagant demands to be too many, I held the death not to have the well, continued for the race, you should understand that gave up.” 石岩,不值得,真的不值得。”暴骜愣了一会儿,倏然反应过来,连忙说道:“只要你将我族的族人,迁移到烈焰星域,我们便感激不尽。不敢奢求太多,我扪死亡没井么,为了种族延续,你应该懂得放弃。” Bo Ruo and Jie Ji are moved, has not thought for them, Shi Yan is willing to give up such together the enticement that is hard to imagine. 波若桀棘感动之极,没有想到为了他们,石岩愿意放弃这么一块难以想象的诱惑。 Initially, on Grace Mainland, they rendered the assistance of Shi Yan, could not go to this situation by far, the graciousness of water drop, when the bubbling spring reported that but Shi Yan this was not the bubbling spring reports, this has given them simply the innumerable sea! 当初,在神恩大陆上,他们给予石岩的帮助,远远达不到这个地步啊,滴水之恩,当涌泉相报,可石岩这不是涌泉相报,这简直给了他们无数海洋啊! Let alone.” Shi Yan beckons with the hand, we come a previous not hope together, I gave up you, these years have been guilty. Today says goodbye, I will not give you, Star Chart did not have might as well, I can certainly seek star of everybody new life to be able in the future to say goodbye, is the rare fate, I hope your live well.” “别说了。”石岩摆手,“我们一同而来上次没有一点希望,我放弃了你们,这些年一直愧疚。今天再见,我绝不会割舍你们,星图没了无妨,我将来一定可以寻到新的生命之星大家能够再见,就是难得的缘分,我希望你们活的好好的。” The Bao Ao three people, do not know that should say anything, two overflowed excitedly completely. 暴骜三人,已经不知道该说些什么了,两眼溢满了激动。 How do we hit to discuss?” Feng Rao has smiled suddenly, purses the lips, said: You give me Star Chart, I promise you, not only lets they restore such as beginning, but also promises you, once seeks Star Chart, keeps star of this life life to you, making you place your friend, how?” “我们打个商量如何?”丰娆忽然笑了,抿着嘴,说道:“你将星图给我,我答应你,不但让他们三人恢复如初,还答应你一旦寻到星图,留一今生命之星给你,让你安置你的朋友,如何?” Shi Yan is astonished however. 石岩讶然。 Cannot certainly make the Source God Realm Alchemist master help you by your power and prestigious Realm, I am not good. But my father can achieve. “以你的力量和声望境界当然不能让源神境炼药师帮你,我也不行。可我父亲能够做到。 , Feng Rao is also open about the facts him, for they three lives, the Star Chart price was also too big, my father can pay enough chip. I also believe that if you are willing to hand over Star Chart, he can be willing to keep star of this life life to you, this point dot I can swear that the guarantee cannot treat unjustly you, what kind of?” ,丰娆也不瞒他,“为了他们三个的活命,星图的代价也太大了,我父亲可以付出足够的筹码。我也相信,如果你愿意将星图交出来了,他会愿意留一今生命之星给你,这一点丶我可以立誓担保绝不会亏待你,怎么样?” Feng Rao for Star Chart, more than 200 years defends the purgatory star painstakingly, naturally knows the Star Chart value. 丰娆为了星图,200多年时间苦守炼狱星,自然知道星图的价值。 New star territory innumerable great treasure, anybody is for the lives of it crazy trivial three individual medicine cauldrons, and on Star Chart is unimportant. 一处新的星域无数至宝,任何人都为为之疯狂区区三个人身药鼎的活命,怎么也及不上星图重要的。 Line Shi Yan neat complies, Star Chart I am remaining temporarily, once they lived, I can hand over immediately, will not make an indiscreet remark.” “行”石岩干净利落的答应下来,“星图我暂时留着,一旦他们三人活下来了,我可以马上交出,绝不会失言。” Happy Feng Rao has smiled finally cheerfully. “痛快”丰娆终于欢快的笑了起来。 Bao Ao three people excited inexplicable, eye shines, inwardly pleasantly surprised. 暴骜三人激动莫名,眼睛放光,暗暗惊喜 If can maintain a livelihood, who is willing dead? 如果可以活命,谁甘愿去死? Knows that had better solution, three people did not raise to go, secretly was anticipating, hoped to work loose Demon Flower restraint, on a martial arts way, continued to strengthen, comes the date to kill Nine Star Chamber of Commerce these people personally, avenges a grievance. 知道有了更好的解决方法,三人也不提赴死了,都暗暗期待着,希望挣脱妖花束缚,在武道一途上,继续增强,来日亲手将九星商会的那些人干掉,报仇雪恨。 Where is here?” Side Shi Yan looks at, vision strange, „can you know?” “这里是什么地方?”石岩看着身旁,目光奇异,“你可知道?” Knows.” Feng Rao nods with a smile, Divine Punishment Grounds surrounding strange star territory, the death star of including bad risk, by dead star has such a Outer Territory Milky Way, does not know to where, not having end to be ordinary. We, should in that Milky Way.” “知道。”丰娆含笑点头,“神罚之地周围一处诡异的星域,其中有一处凶险的死星,死星旁边就有这么一条域外天河,不知道通往何处,没有尽头一般。我们,应该就在那条天河。” Her taishou refers to a Milky Way head, we march forward toward the front, should be able to arrive at that dead star Milky Way end, as for another head, he he, have not thought that some innumerable Marauder have used hundred years of exploration, could not find end, instead dies.” 她抬手指向一天河一头,“我们一路往前方行进,应该能够到达那死星的天河尽头,至于另外一头,呵呵,就别想了,有无数掠夺者用了百年时间探索,也找不到尽头,反而死在其中。” Shi Yan with amazement. 石岩骇然。 Another direction, limitless, toward the interior, the bad risk is bigger. Naturally, I have not explored, does not know that actually to have any bad risk, we do not take risk.” Feng Rao and Shi Yan achieved the transaction, seems to be happy, „, so long as our round trip walks, the luck is good, perhaps several months 1-2 years, can arrive at that dead star. To that side, I naturally had the means to leave, go to Divine Punishment Grounds.” “另外一个方向,无边无际,越往内部,凶险越大。当然,我不曾探索过,不知道究竟有什么凶险,我们不要冒险。”丰娆石岩达成了交易,心情似乎不错,“只要我们往回走,运气好的话,说不定几个月一两年时间,就可以来到那死星处。到了那边,我自然有办法离开,去神罚之地。” Shi Yan nodded, according to you, but I departure, I am not needing the stay temporarily anxiously some time.” 石岩点了点头,“依你了,但我暂时不急着离开,我需要逗留一段时间。” Why?” Feng Rao inquired. “为何?”丰娆询问。 You did not think that this place for me, is the place of extremely good cultivation?” Shi Yan smile. “你不觉得,这个地方对我来说,乃是极佳的修炼之地?”石岩微笑。 Abundant eye one bright, immediately responded that good, these proliferated the innumerable space slits, you can comprehend Space Deep Meaning here, to your Realm, indeed was of great help. ” 丰眼睛一亮,马上反应过来,不错,这几遍布无数空间缝隙,你可以在这儿来领悟空间奥义,对你的境界来说,的确大有裨益。” I give them to transport life force first once more, then cultivation some time, when my cultivation finished, we leave.” Shi Yan suo, has not arrived by the Bao Ao three people, blooms Life and Death Deep Meaning, takes in the body plaster vigorous life force for the source, pours into their soul sea directly. “我先给他们再次输送生机,然后修炼一段时间,等我修炼完毕,我们离开。”石岩没有愣嗦,来到暴骜三人身旁,绽放生死奥义,以体垩内勃勃生机为源泉,直接灌注他们的灵魂海洋。 The Bao Ao three people, under his power transportation, complexion are gradually ruddy, in the eye has appeared life force. 暴骜三人,在他的力量输送下,面色渐渐红润起来,眼中显出了生机 In a short time, attracts spirit Demon Flower unable their life force and Blood Qi derives cleanly, they at least six months, do not need to worry that can die. 短时间内,吸灵妖花不能够将他们生机血气汲取干净,他们至少半年时间,不用担心会死亡。 Completes all these, Shi Yan looks to Feng Rao, said with a smile: From now on, my restraint you, you cannot restore well , to promote power to the peak condition.” 做完这一切,石岩看向丰娆,笑道:“从现在起,我不会束缚你了,你可以好好恢复,将力量提升到巅峰状态。” Un, looks in the Star Chart share, I forgive you temporarily.” Feng Rao shouted one in a low voice, lowers the head, on neck spills over blushes, may you to other damage that I cause, I remember, the bastard, I will make you know to offend me sooner or later, will suffer anything......” “嗯,看在星图的份上,我暂时原谅你。”丰娆低声呼了一句,垂着头,脖颈上泛出红晕,“可你给我造成的另外伤害,我还是会记得,混蛋,我早晚让你知道得罪我,会遭受什么……” Shi Yan smiled, knows that she does not have to be so easy to put aside the hatred, but under the major premise of Star Chart, the Feng Rao short time will definitely not get rid. 石岩笑了笑,知道她没有那么容易放下仇恨,但在星图的大前提下,丰娆短时间肯定不会出手。 „The later matter, we later again said that now we have the common benefit, temporarily puts down.” He has dodged one at will, then on own initiative leaves, suddenly flies toward that space slit places. “以后的事情,我们以后再说了,如今我们有着共同的利益,就暂时放下吧。”他随意搪塞了一句,便主动离开,忽然朝着那一道道空间缝隙处飞去。 Feng Rao gains ground, beautiful pupil bright looks to him, the complexion is quite complex, does not know that is thinking any thoughts. 丰娆抬头,美眸熠熠的看向他,脸色颇为复杂,不知道想着什么心思。 Stays in space slit places, feels the marvelousness of space fluctuation, Shi Yan is sitting cross-legged slowly sits down void, lets loose Divine Sense, Soul Altar gyrates slowly, profound truths imprint in Divine Soul is bright, the fluctuation of space, the dissipation from his body plaster comes, as if had the direct relation communication with that space slits gradually. 停留在一道道空间缝隙处,感受着空间波动的奇妙,石岩缓缓盘膝虚空坐下,放开神识,灵魂祭台缓缓旋动,神魂内的奥义烙印明净起来,空间的波动,从他体垩内散逸开来,似乎渐渐和那一道道空间缝隙有了直接的联系沟通。 Continuously Divine Sense, seeps to space slits, long time, all Divine Sense in his Sea of Consciousness, quietly do not fly from, drills into spatial Ran slits completely. 一缕缕神识,渗透向一道道空间缝隙内,不多时,他识海内的所有神识,都悄悄飞离出来,全部钻入一道道空冉缝隙。 An extremely mysterious feeling, appears immediately from his mind. 一种极其玄妙的感觉,顿时从他脑海中浮现出来。 He had to plant oneself has become the space key position, the marvelous misconception of gate of space, continuously Divine Sense drilled in the space slit, as if has connected the spaces of innumerable not being able to see, has become marvelous Gate of Heaven can connect other star territory. 他有种自身成了空间枢纽,空间之门的奇妙错觉,一缕缕神识在空间缝隙内钻来钻去,仿佛连通了无数看不见的空间,成了奇妙的“天门”可以连接别的星域。 Also only then cultivation Space Deep Meaning, Divine Sense by Strength of Space precise Expert, can stay in the space slit Divine Sense, did not fear that was embezzled vanishes. 也只有修炼空间奥义,神识空间之力凝炼的强者,才可以将神识在空间缝隙内停留,不怕被吞没消失。 Divine Sense extends in the space slit slowly, Soul Altar is gyrating, his Divine Soul spatial bright calm, continuously is exploring. 神识在空间缝隙内慢慢延伸,灵魂祭台旋动着,他神魂空明冷静,在不断地探索着。 , His aura vanished gradually, as if the space merges into one organic whole, has become that innumerable space slit in which together. 渐渐地,他身上气息消失了,似乎和空间融为一体,成了那无数空间缝隙的其中一道。 After a long time, a faint trace weak relation, appears from his mind soul. 不知道过了多久,一丝丝微弱之极的联系,从他脑海灵魂内浮现出来。 In the space slits, as if has more space slits to exist, the space slits such as the overlapping space path, extend in all directions, can connect all endless star territories to be ordinary. 一个个空间缝隙内,似乎有着更多空间缝隙存在,一个个空间缝隙如交叉的空间道路,四通八达,可以连接一切无尽星域一般。 His Divine Sense is extending, After a long time, Divine Sense, felt together suddenly familiar fluctuation, probably is Divine Sense that he sends into exile, induced master's summon. 神识延伸着,不知道过了多久,其中一道神识,忽然感觉了熟悉的波动,好像是他放逐的神识,感应到了主人的召唤。 Divine Soul is shivering gently, he is precise soul power, toward that familiar fluctuation direction endless look, wisp of Divine Sense, shuttled back and forth the innumerable space crossings, marches forward in each different space shuttle. 神魂轻轻颤抖着,他将灵魂力量凝炼起来,朝着那熟悉的波动方向无尽的眼神,一缕神识,穿梭了无数空间岔道,在各个不同的空间穿梭行进。 azure light, has flashed in a space turbulent flow suddenly, Divine Sense that wisp of weak Divine Sense, extends with him, merges into one organic whole fiercely. 一点青光,在一处空间乱流内骤然闪现了一下,其中一缕微弱的神识,和他延伸过来的神识,猛地融为一体。 Displays the big supernatural power, he fuses is Divine Sense, binds azure light, never knows that has separated in the chaotic basins of many space bands, pulls stiffly that azure light, shuttled back and forth continuously several hundred space crossings, immediately from the space slit, the wind shoots together fiercely. 施展大法力,他融合为一的神识,将青光裹住,从不知道隔了多少空间夹层的乱流域内,硬生生将那一点青光拉扯过来,连续穿梭了数百空间岔道,顿时从一道空间缝隙之内,猛地飙射出来。 That is azure misty flame, by the strength of precise formation thunder and lightning, a appearance, the peripheral region then thunder, lightnings such as Dragon Snake walks randomly swiftly void, is extremely scary. 那是一朵青蒙蒙的火苗,由雷电之力凝炼形成,倏一出现,周边区域便电闪雷鸣,一道道闪电如龙蛇游走虚空,极其骇人。 World Extinguishing Thunder Flame indulges in his Soul Altar Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame, immediately transmits the fluctuation, you suddenly found him 灭世雷炎”沉溺在他灵魂祭台九幽噬魂焰,顿时传来波动,“你竟然找到他了” Returns “回” The Shi Yan look is staring at that multi- green flame, the soul pulls, pulls into it Soul Altar fiercely, integrates Heavenly Flame Altar. 石岩眼神盯着那多青色火苗,灵魂拉扯,猛地将其扯入灵魂祭台之内,融入天火祭台 Has not replied, he calms down once more , to continue by the Divine Sense exploration, sought is sent into exile World Extinguishing Thunder Flame the remnant soul by him in the past in space turbulent flow. 没有答话,他再次冷静下来,继续以神识探索,找寻当年被他放逐在空间乱流内的灭世雷炎的残魂。 In a while, the new relation induces, his whole body chase search, not long time, green flame, appears from a space slit, integrated Soul Altar by him. 没过多久,新的联系感应到,他全身追逐搜寻,不多时,又有一朵青色火苗,从一个空间缝隙内显现出啦,被他融入灵魂祭台 The time in a hurry, two months pass by quietly, altogether seven green flame, by him are known stiffly never in how remote space turbulent flow searches, fuses the accumulation in his Soul Altar. 时间匆匆,两个月时间悄然过去,一共有七朵青色火苗,被他硬生生从不知道多么遥远的空间乱流内搜寻回来,在他灵魂祭台内重新融合聚集。 World Extinguishing Thunder Flame has a new lease of life! 灭世雷炎重获新生! The dike three finished, asks the monthly ticket! 圳三更完毕,求下月票!
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