GOS :: Volume #9

#825: Outer Territory Milky Way

A broad Outer Territory Milky Way. 一条宽阔的域外天河。 Milky Way is surfacing the boat the five colors spot Xian's giant stones, the smallest giant stone also has the kilometer, has the island to be so gigantic greatly. 天河上浮着一块块五彩斑娴的巨石,最小的巨石也有千米,大一点的,有小岛那么硕大。 These unusual stones, fluctuate on the Outer Territory Milky Way, will not sink, is mysterious. 那些奇特的石头,浮动在域外天河上,并不会沉落,非常神奇。 The river water of Outer Territory Milky Way, is the dusky opacitas color, under cannot see has any thing. 域外天河的河水,是灰蒙蒙的浑浊颜色,看不到底下有什么东西。 Broad Milky Way, does not have end, does not know to where, boundless boundless general. 宽阔的天河,没有尽头,不知道通往何处,无垠无际一般。 By the Outer Territory Milky Way, is proliferating the terrifying space slits, is pasting various color rays, as if there is countless meteors to speed along. 域外天河旁边,遍布着一道道恐怖的空间缝隙,其中流转着各种色彩的光线,似乎有数不尽的流星在飞驰着。 The innumerable space slits, wind around outside Milky Way, probably swallows the Demonic Beast macrostomias of all lives to be ordinary, lets the person palpitation. 无数空间缝隙,缭绕在天河外侧,好像吞食一切生灵的妖兽巨口一般,让人心悸。 Shi Yan one line, on the Outer Territory Milky Way in giant dark blue a stone, do not have the life at this time, does not have the plant, Death Qi heavy. 石岩一行人,此时在域外天河上一块巨大的暗绿色的石头上,没有生灵,没有植物,死气沉沉的。 That spatial phantom crystal, side him, one mu place size, glittering the unusual crystal light, fiercely was looking that will discover the illusory crystal interior unit, some innumerable close slits, are extremely similar to the surrounding space slit. 那空幻晶,就在他身旁,有一亩地大小,闪烁着奇特的晶光,猛地一看,会发现空幻晶内部,也有无数细密的缝隙,和周围的空间缝隙极其相似。 Feng Rao complexion unusually poor, looks at scene, did not say for a very long time. 丰娆脸色奇差,看着身旁的场景,久久不言。 Shi Yan actually safely free, a appearance, then immediately to Bao Ao, Jie Ji and Bo Ruo three people, once more transported life force swiftly, at once sits well, does not send. 石岩倒是安然自若,倏一出现,便立即向暴骜桀棘波若三人,再次输送了生机,旋即端坐下来,一眼不发。 For a long time after for a long time, emits energy in acupoint, quenchings the meat " to set sail the not to have watermark " body, strengthens power, is precise several hundred drops of Immortal Devil Blood, he revives, the eye, looks at nearby Outer Territory Milky Way, looks at that close space slits to split a satisfactory smiling face brightly. 许久许久之后,将穴窍内的能量散溢出来,淬炼肉「启航冇水印」身,增强力量,凝炼出数百滴不死魔血,他才苏醒过来,眼睛明亮之极,看着旁边的域外天河,望着那一道道细密的空间缝隙绽出一个满意的笑容。 Shi Yan......” Jie Ji weak light shouted a delay look not, although was still thin, on the face had a scarlet. 石岩……”桀棘虚弱的轻呼一声呆滞的眼神不在了,虽然依然消瘦,脸上却有了点血色。 Bao Ao whole body twitches suddenly, is curling up the body, the whole face pain. 暴骜突然浑身抽搐,蜷曲着身子,满脸痛楚。 That covers his whole body attracts spirit Demon Flower, shakes the rope, extracted time his life force, the Demon Flower bright desire dropped, the Bao Ao complexion became pale. 那覆盖他全身的吸灵妖花,抖索着,抽取了一次他的生机,妖花鲜艳欲滴,暴骜的脸色又变得苍白起来。 Bo Ruo worried looks at he, cannot bear shouts lightly: Violent female mandarin duck Sir......”. 波若苦恼的看着他,忍不住轻呼:“暴鸯大人……”。 Bao Ao only reveals a head, squeezes out small " to set sail reluctantly the not to have watermark " face, comforts saying: Relax, temporarily cannot die.” 暴骜只露出一个头,勉强挤出一个小「启航冇水印」脸,宽慰道:“放心,暂时死不了的。” „Did you, what encounter? Why falls to so is out?” Shi Yan complexion gloomy, looks to three people, the anger is dreadful. “你们,到底遭遇了什么?为什么落到这般下场?”石岩脸色阴沉,看向三人,怒火滔天。 In that ore on-board, bumped into with Nine Star Chamber of Commerce Warrior, holds under duress our Hidden League Warrior to be killed. Our four, were imprisoned by them, was brought to a region, has been some time ore slave, mines for them.” The Jie Ji whole face is bitter and astringent, said slowly. “在那矿星上,和九星商会武者碰到,挟持我们的幽盟武者都被杀了。我们四个,被他们禁锢起来,被带到一处区域,做了一段时间的矿奴,为他们采矿。”桀棘满脸苦涩,缓缓说道。 „ The day of ore slave, has continued for about five years. “矿奴的日子,持续了五年左右。 Bo Ruo has supplemented one, the eye obviously deeply ingrained hatred. 波若补充了一句,眼显刻骨的仇恨。 I and Bao Ao, in this day breakthrough, have achieved God King Realm.” Jie Ji sighed, this thinks this can comfortable, which knows that on the contrary has become the nightmare.” “我和暴骜两人,在这段日子突破了,达到了神王境。”桀棘叹息一声,“本以为这样可以过的舒坦点,哪知道,反倒是成了噩梦。” My breakthrough to True God Third Sky, what a pity, our ore slave could not make quickly. Was imprisoned, has become the person medicine cauldron, " sets sail the not to have watermark " in Blood Qi to raise this to attract spirit Demon Flower by body.” Bo Ruo clenches teeth sooner or later, I must make Nine Star Chamber of Commerce pay the price!” “我也突破真神三重天,可惜,很快地,我们就连矿奴也做不成了。被囚禁起来,成了人身药鼎,以体「启航冇水印」内血气饲养这吸灵妖花。”波若咬着牙“早晚有一天,我要让九星商会付出代价!” Depends on your three?” Feng Rao digression one suddenly, in Lie Yan Star Field, Nine Star Chamber of Commerce is one of the three big influences, Expert like clouds, Source God Realm Warrior has several, God King Third Sky, as numerous as the hairs of an ox. You want to contend with Nine Star Chamber of Commerce, a point that really overreaches oneself, my father, does not dare to have this brave words.” “就凭你们三个?”丰娆冷不防的插话一句,“在烈焰星域,九星商会乃是三大势力之一,强者如云,源神境武者都有数名,神王三重天者,多如牛毛。你们想和九星商会抗衡,实在太不自量力的一点,就连我父亲,也不敢有此豪言。” This words, the Bo Ruo three people are silent immediately, expression is dim, as if also knows to revenge, absolutely is not the easy matter. 此话一处,波若三人顿时沉默下来,神色黯淡,似乎也知道想要报仇,绝对不是容易的事情。 Three people showed the bitter experience that looked together to Shi Yan, asked: You......”. 三人将遭遇说明,一起看向了石岩,同时问道:“你……”。 After you separate, I do not have what good opportunity, has made some time person medicine cauldron.” Shi Yan sighed lightly, „, but I good, got rid of the destiny shackles, went to Dark Sky God Country.......” “和你们分开之后,我也没有什么好机遇,做了一段时间人身药鼎。”石岩轻叹,“但我好一点,摆脱了命运枷锁,去了天涅神国……。” Shi Yan simple declaration, does not have many concealment. 石岩简单说明情况,没有过多的隐瞒。 „Do you also achieve God King First Sky Realm?” Bao Ao is quite shocking, „when you really compared with our potential big many, initially one and arrived at Lie Yan Star Field, as if...... Has First Sky of True God Realm, short about ten years time, your unexpectedly breakthrough to God King Realm, inconceivable.” “你也达到神王一重天境界子?”暴骜颇为震惊,“你果然比我们潜力大的多,当初一并来到烈焰星域之时,也似乎……只有真神一重天之境,短短十年左右时间,你居然突破到了神王境,不可思议。” Jie Ji and Bo Ruo, is looked that the monster looks generally to him. 桀棘波若,也都是看怪物一般看向他。 Stayed some time in Lie Yan Star Field, has been the ore slave, has made the person medicine cauldron, Bao Ao and Jie Ji experience nature is uncommon, knows that from True God First Sky, surmounts entire big Realm, arrives at Third Sky of God King Realm, has difficultly how. 烈焰星域呆了一段时间,做过矿奴,也做过人身药鼎,暴骜桀棘的见识自然不凡,知道从真神一重天,跨越整整一个大境界,到达神王三重天之境,有多么的艰难。 Some Warrior, perhaps hundred years several hundred years, not necessarily stepped over this ridge. 有的武者,或许百年数百年的时间,都不一定迈过这个坎。 But he, but has used the trivial about ten years time! 而他,只是用了区区十年左右时间! Feng Rao dull such as wooden chicken, listening to several people of exchanges, the eye to brave Venus, has to plant " sets sail not really the not to have watermark " the solid illusory feeling. 丰娆呆如木鸡,听着几人的交流,眼睛直冒金星,有种不真「启航冇水印」实的虚幻感。 Are these fellows, so abnormal? 这些家伙,都这么变态? Bao Ao, Jie Ji and Bo Ruo three people, during taking ore slave, can breakthrough, this be inconceivable enough. 暴骜桀棘波若三人,在作为矿奴期间,都可以突破,这就足够不可思议了。 But Shi Yan, ten years, from True God Realm, enters into God King Realm, this almost never at Lie Yan Star Field has had the miracle. 石岩,十年时间,从真神境,迈入神王境,这几乎是从来没有在烈焰星域发生过的奇迹。 In the Feng Rao heart understands that opposite party impossible this time to deceive her, absolutely did not have this necessity. 丰娆心中明白,对方不可能这时候欺瞒她,也完全没有这个必要。 So, she shocking indescribable, looked that the monster looks generally to Shi Yan. 正是如此,她才震惊的难以言喻,看怪物一般看向石岩 Who is? Fellow who who came from where? Why so abnormal? 都是什么人?从何处来的的家伙?为何一个个如此变态? On Grace Mainland heaven and earth energy is deficient, there, Bao Ao, Jie Ji, Bo Ruo and the others is peak, breakthrough to the True God pinnacle, they are on Grace Mainland most have Expert of talent, will otherwise not stand peak. 神恩大陆天地能量非常贫乏,在那儿,暴骜桀棘波若等人都是巅峰,突破真神极致,他们是神恩大陆上最有天赋的强者,不然不会站到巅峰 The Lie Yan Star Field cultivation environment, be better than to be too many Grace Mainland, Divine Crystal available, talented Bo Ruo, Jie Ji, Bao Ao and the others, after arriving at this place, after some time accumulation, breakthrough, comes to see in Shi Yan is not unreadable, thinks logically. 烈焰星域修炼环境,要比神恩大陆好了太多,还有神晶可用,本就才华横溢的波若桀棘暴骜等人,来到此地后,经过一段时间的积累,纷纷突破,在石岩来看并不难以理解,觉得还是顺理成章。 May to Feng Rao, be inconceivable, thought that this line of talent intelligence, was outstanding to the extreme. 可对丰娆来说,却不可思议,觉得这一行人的天赋资质,都是出类拔萃到了极点了。 Especially Shi Yan! 尤其是石岩 May be called the miracle! 堪称奇迹啊! At this moment, Feng Rao looks again to Shi Yan expression, had the brand-new change. 这一刻,丰娆再看向石岩神色,有了全新的变化。 Perhaps can one day this people stand seriously Lie Yan Star Field peak? 或许有一日这人当真可以站到烈焰星域巅峰吧? Her subconscious thinking. 她下意识的心想。 I help you destroy completely Demon Flower.” Shi Yan silent, coldly snorted, then must start. “我帮你们将妖花灭掉。”石岩沉默了一下,冷哼一声,便要下手。 May not!” Feng Rao awakens immediately, calls out in alarm fiercely, you do not think the words that they died immediately, do not act rashly!” “不可!”丰娆顿时惊醒,猛地惊叫起来,“你不想他们立即死亡的话,千万不要妄动!” Bao Ao, Bo Ruo and Jie Ji three people, screamed that left!” 暴骜波若桀棘三人,也同时尖叫起来,“别!” Shi Yan stunned, knits the brows to look that what issue has to Feng Rao?” 石岩愕然,皱眉看向丰娆“有什么问题?” Attracted spirit Demon Flower and their Divine Soul achieves the marvelous relation, the Demon Flower death, their Divine Soul similarly will also dissipate to fall from the sky.” Feng Rao expression, this attracts spirit Demon Flower to be strange dignifiedly, slurps strength of Blood Qi and soul, can have the spirit fruit, to Third Sky of God King Realm Expert, has the uncommon use. Attracts spirit Demon Flower, once achieves the relation with the Warrior soul, almost does not have the good means to eliminate, has absorbed the life and Blood Qi will give up until the Warrior death.” “吸灵妖花和他们神魂达成奇妙联系,妖花死亡,他们的神魂也会同样消散陨灭。”丰娆神色凝重之极,“这吸灵妖花非常诡异,吸食血气和灵魂之力,能够结出灵果,对神王三重天之境强者,都有不凡的用途。吸灵妖花一旦和武者灵魂达成联系,几乎没有好办法消除,会一直吸收生命和血气直到武者死亡才会罢休。” She said right.” Bao Ao forced smile, initially Nine Star Chamber of Commerce Alchemist master, when our bodies " set sail the not to have watermark " to implant Demon Flower, had said. Once by Demon Flower to restraint, has been meant we died, was only death time sooner or later matter, said according to him that was almost irrelievable.” “她说的没错。”暴骜苦笑,“当初九星商会炼药师,在我们体「启航冇水印」内植入妖花的时候,也曾经这么说过。一旦被妖花束缚了,就意味着我们已经死了,只是死亡时间早晚的事,按照他所说,几乎不能解除。” Demon Flower extinguishes, their Divine Soul will also extinguish, once the Demon Flower exsomatize, will wither the death, they also meet the soul to dissipate.” Feng Rao nodded, best not to act unreasonably.” 妖花灭,他们神魂也会灭一旦妖花离体,会枯萎死亡,他们也会灵魂消散。”丰娆点了点头,“你最好别乱来。” Listens to them, as soon as explained that Shi Yan complexion ugly, a giant stone of hot tempered fist bombardment under body. 听他们一解释,石岩脸色难看之极,暴躁的一拳轰击在身下巨石。 Bang! 轰隆隆! The giant stone, transmits immediately explodes the broken sound, the stone chip flutters about, a great stony fracture becomes several. 巨石内部,顿时传来爆碎声响,石屑纷飞,一块巨石裂成好几块。 Feng Rao had a scare, deeply looked that to him no wonder you said that even if I restore peak, is impossible to put to death me, I did not believe before, but now, I believed.” 丰娆吓了一跳,深深地看向他“难怪你说即便我恢复巅峰,也不可能诛杀我,我之前不信,但现在,我相信了。” " Sets sail the not to have watermark " body to quenching after this meat, precise of Immortal Devil Blood, a Shi Yan foot enters into God King Second Sky, the meat " sets sail the not to have watermark " body formidable explosive force, perhaps compares true God King Second Sky Expert also to want the fierce several fold, loses one's temper power reacted that fiercely forms, making Feng Rao change countenance terrified. 经过这次肉「启航冇水印」身淬炼,不死魔血的凝炼,石岩一只脚迈入神王二重天,肉「启航冇水印」身强大的爆发力,或许比真正的神王二重天强者还要厉害数倍,猛地动怒形成的力量震动,让丰娆悚然动容。 Doesn't have the means?” Shi Yan turns head, looks to Feng Rao, wicked asking. “就没有办法么?”石岩扭头,看向丰娆,恶狠狠的问道。 By vision staring of his ice-cold bloodthirsty, Feng Rao is also in the heart one cold, the complexion changes, hurried say|way: Means have. Source God Realm Expert, if the itself Alchemist master, can interrupt Demon Flower and their life relation, but, needs to consume quite a lot power, the Alchemist master of many this rank will not have helped.” 被他冰冷嗜杀的目光凝视,丰娆也是心中一寒,脸色一变,急忙道:“办法还是有的。源神境强者,如果本身还是炼药师,是能够截断妖花和他们的生命联系的,不过,需要耗费颇多的力量,没有多少这个级别的炼药师会帮忙的。” Shi Yan, do not waste the energy, we knew that is difficult to run away a tribulation, before can die, sees one side you, told you our bitter experiences, has satisfied.” Bao Ao gives a calm smile, mixes not to care, you, so long as remembers that came the date to avenge a grievance for us, under our dwelling place of the dead also died content.” 石岩,别浪费精力了,我们自知难逃一劫,能够死前见你一面,将我们的遭遇告诉你,已经满足了。”暴骜淡然一笑,混不在意,“你只要记得,来日替我们报仇雪恨,我们九泉之下也瞑目了。” Jie Ji is also he he smiles, in Grace Mainland they are the Devil Clan overlords, already saw the life and death, even if falls to today's this fate, does not have a tenth soft egg. 桀棘也是呵呵一笑,在神恩大陆两人都是魔族霸主,早就见惯了生死,即便落到今天这个下场,也没有成软蛋。 Nearby Divine Punishment Grounds, can have the Source God Realm Alchemist master?” Shi Yan snort|hum, turned the head to look to Feng Rao. 神罚之地附近,可有源神境炼药师?”石岩哼了一声,别头看向丰娆 „......”, Feng Rao reply cautiously, that fellow temperament strange ringworm, is hard to deal with, method also very ruthless, I think that he has that ability, is willing to help you not necessarily. But your power, cannot force him, I urged you not to take risk.” “有一个……”,丰娆小心翼翼的回答,“那家伙脾气怪癣,非常难缠,手段也狠辣之极,我想,他就算是有那个能力,也不见得愿意帮你。而你的力量,也不能胁迫他,我劝你别冒险。” I cannot force, but if exchanges with the thing?” Shi Yan cold voice said. “我不能胁迫,可如果用东西交换呢?”石岩冷声道。 What thing do you have?” Feng Rao smiled, you can know that the interruption attracts spirit Demon Flower and soul relation of person medicine cauldron, how many power needs to consume? Carelessly, the soul will be damaged. To the Alchemist master of that rank, the soul is damaged is the injury of most terrifying, he will not take risk for you, you do not have enough chip.” “你有什么东西?”丰娆笑了笑,“你可以知道,截断吸灵妖花和人身药鼎的灵魂联系,需要耗费多少力量?一个不慎,灵魂都会受创。对那种级别的炼药师来说,灵魂受创是最恐怖的伤害,他不会为你冒险的,你也没有足够的筹码啊。” This enough?” Shi Yan coldly snorted, in the control, appears the same thing. “这个够不够?”石岩冷哼,手心内,显出一样东西来。 The Feng Rao beautiful pupil is bright immediately, dull looks at that thing, is out of control to shout to clear the way: You are really natural!” 丰娆美眸顿时崭亮起来,呆呆的看着那东西,禁不住喝道:“你还真大方啊!” That is Star Chart. 那是星图 I only asked you, this chip enough?” Shi Yan is staring at her, flickers does not move. “我只问你,这个筹码够不够?”石岩盯着她,一瞬不移。 Has had more than enough to spare, nobody can reject Star Chart.” Feng Rao is astonished however puzzled, has hesitated, asking cautiously: Is worth?” “绰绰有余了,没有人能够拒绝星图。”丰娆讶然不解,迟疑了一下,才小心翼翼的问道:“值得么?” Is worth!” Shi Yan is categorical. “值得!”石岩斩钉截铁。 Bao Ao, Jie Ji and Bo Ruo three people, doubts looks Star Chart to the Shi Yan hand, does not know has any mystery, the look is surprised. 暴骜桀棘波若三人,疑惑的看向石岩手中星图,不知道其中有什么奥妙,眼神惊讶。 ... ” ( to be continued ) …”(未完待续)
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