GOS :: Volume #9

#824: Space riot

Xiu! 咻! lightning flashes through together. 一道电光闪过。 Body of Bao Ao submersion, was grasped firmly suddenly, one avulses to the God's Domain extrusion intersection point, ran away the birth day. 暴骛下沉的身体,突然被攥住,一把扯离向神之领域挤压交汇处,逃出生天。 Bao Ao is absent-minded, only thinks that shook the strong fierce gust of wind to pass over gently and swiftly, waits for slow the god to come, suddenly side discovery were many a person. 暴骜恍恍惚惚,只觉一震强猛的疾风掠过,等缓过神来,忽然发现身旁多了一人。 He is quicker, but has gawked that Bo Ruo restores, immediately responded that could not stop to be wild with joy called out in alarm: Shi Yan!” 他比波若恢复的快许多,只是愣了一下,立即反应过来,止不住欣喜若狂的惊呼起来:“石岩!” Sir Jie Ji?” The Shi Yan complexion sinks to the water, some murderous intention abundant, Gu Dasi in which position? First does not raise other, the life-saving is important!” 桀棘大人呢?”石岩脸色沉入水,某种杀机盎然,“古达思在哪个方位?先不提其它,救人要紧!” At this time Marauder and Nine Star Chamber of Commerce war, already[ hundred degree celsius post first round] to the stage of superheating, Russell and Fan Ye they fought really hot, the body hung out colored streamers, the power fluctuation that they formed, swept across in all directions, nobody dared to approach. 此时掠夺者九星商会的战哼,已经[百度贴吧首发]到了白热化的阶段,拉塞尔梵夜两人斗出真火,身上都挂了彩,两人形成的力量波动,席卷四面八方,无人胆敢靠近。 More slaves, were covered the body by Demon Flower, in the continuous submersion, Shi Yan this sound, actually does not have many people to pay attention. 更多的奴隶,被妖花覆盖身体,都在接连不断的下沉,石岩这一块的动静,倒是没有多少人留意。 Battle, these oil completely lamp dry slaves were really nothing to speak, die died, nobody loved dearly. 在交战者来看,那些油尽灯枯的奴隶实在不值一提,死了就死了,无人心疼。 The Bao Ao eye socket gets sucked, on the face scarlet does not have, the life fluctuation weak dispirited, the life flame, will be the next quarter will be probably put out. 暴骜眼眶深陷,脸上一点血色都没有,生命波动虚弱萎靡,生命的火焰,好像是下一刻就会熄灭。 Shi Yan in the question, two according to the Bao Ao neck place, the life deep meaning blooms, vigorous life force pours into forcefully to Bao Ao within the body , helping him to be metastable, was insufficient dead in a short time. 石岩在问话的时候,两手按在暴骛脖颈处,生命奥义绽放,勃勃生机强行灌注向暴骜体内,助他暂时稳定下来,不至于短时间内死亡。 Gu Dasi has not supported now, already[ hundred degree celsius post first round] first one step left.” Bao Ao is quickly calm, whole face bitter and astringent grieved, Jie Ji should live, you found him as soon as possible , the accident sentiment.” 古达思没有撑到现在,已经[百度贴吧首发]先一步离开了。”暴骛很快镇定下来,满脸的苦涩酸楚,“桀棘应该活着,你尽快找到他,千万不要也出了什么事情。” Good!” “好!” Shi Yan is raising Bao Ao, Divine Sense like the flying shuttle, shuttles back and forth to keep in the slave who peripheral sinks, searches for the life fluctuation of Jie Ji. 石岩一手提着暴骜,神识如飞梭,在周边沉落的奴隶中穿梭不停,搜寻桀棘的生命波动。 One bunch of brights, flash through in his mind, do not have shade invisible space Divine Sense, accurate assurance to new goal. 一束亮光,在他脑海中闪过,无影无形的空间神识,准确的把握到新的目标。 Not a wee bit hesitant, he entrains Bao Ao to escape to leave, silhouette rocks again and again, evaded that the slaves of crash, arrive under the great ship's bottom. 没有丁点犹豫,他拽着暴骛遁离,身影连连晃动,避过一个个坠落的奴隶,来到巨船底下。 pā pā pā! 啪啪啪 The silver gold/metal iron stone under great ship, blasts open, more slaves reveal, in the room of great ship's bottom next seal, the life fluctuation of Jie Ji is partly visible, the situation was been as if awful by Bao Ao. 巨船下的银色金铁石头,炸裂开来,更多的奴隶显露出来,其中巨船底下一处密封的房间内,桀棘的生命波动若隐若现,情况似乎被暴骜还要糟糕。 Bang! 轰! In his power wanton bombing, that secret room changes into the stone chip to flutter about immediately, middle a face of withered thin inadequate human form, appears fiercely. 在他力量狂轰滥炸中,那密室顿时化为石屑纷飞,当中一张枯槁消瘦的不成人形的面孔,猛地显现出来。 Waits for the thorn. 正是等棘。 The Jie Ji eye delay, the soul pulled out to, saw Shi Yan, the look did not have the focal point, fell into some nightmare likely, cannot awake to turn around all of a sudden. 桀棘眼睛呆滞,灵魂好像是被抽离了,看到了石岩,眼神没有焦点,像是陷入了某种梦魇,不能一下子醒转过来。 Puts out a hand to grasp, a strong fierce attracting customer interest transmits, Jie Ji and attracts the spirit Demon Flower same place, had been grasped by him stiffly. 伸手一抓,一股强猛的吸扯力传来,桀棘和吸灵妖花一起,被他硬生生抓了过来。 Is raising Bao Ao, grabs Jie Ji, Shi Yan urges to send to the pinnacle power, wants not to think that immediately departs toward the Feng Rao position. 一手提着暴骜,一手抓着桀棘,石岩力量催发到极致,想也不想,立即朝着丰娆的位置飞出。 Duo duo! 咄咄! That side, the Feng Rao red lip is wriggling, blows out the notes of blasting open, forms naked eye obvious power Arrow. 那边,丰娆红唇蠕动着,爆出一个个炸裂的音符,形成肉眼可见的力量箭矢 Two grandiose silhouette, Hehe is grinning fiendishly, gathers round Feng Rao, displays the power deep meaning, must stop up the stance of capturing alive Feng Rao. 两道壮硕的身影,嘿嘿狞笑着,将丰娆围着,施展出力量奥义,一副要将丰娆堵住生擒的架势。 A Shi Yan appearance, Feng Rao calls out in alarm swiftly fiercely: Be careful! They recognize me!” 石岩倏一出现,丰娆猛地惊叫起来:“小心!他们认得我!” The two, two meters heights, wear Blood Dripping Gem war armor, on the exposed arm covers entirely the staggered scar, God King Third Sky Realm cultivation base, is Russell subordinates most savage Outer Space Robber. 那两人,都有两米身高,身穿血淋琳的战甲,裸露的手臂上布满交错的疤痕,神王三重天境界修为,乃拉塞尔麾下最为凶残域外掠夺者 These two, know that the Feng Rao status, sees her to appear, appears excited exceptionally, probably after Feng Rao captures, can make the great merit, is used to threaten the Feng Rao father. 这两人,都知道丰娆的身份,见到她出现,显得兴奋异常,好像将丰娆擒拿后,能立下大功,用来威胁丰娆的父亲。 Feng Ke in Marauder, although sound, if illustrious, but Russell does not fear, Expert of his subordinates, because of the Feng Ke prestige, the choice will not let off Feng Rao. 丰岢掠夺者中,虽然声若赫赫,但拉塞尔并不惧怕,他麾下的强者,也不会因为丰岢的威名,选择放过丰娆 On the contrary, once captured alive to capture alive Feng Rao, Russell even can bargains back and forth through Feng Rao and Feng Ke, gained the substantive advantage. 相反,一旦将丰娆生擒活捉了,拉塞尔甚至可以通过丰娆丰岢讨价还价,获得实质的好处。 Captured Feng Rao, is great merit one, the two naturally cannot receive the hand, appears excited exceptionally. 擒拿了丰娆,便是大功一件,那两人自然不会收手,显得兴奋异常。 Body of Bo Ruo, falling of being exhausted on silver fragment, motionless. 波若的身子,软塌塌的落在银色碎块上,一动不动。 That two Marauder, trivial Nine Star Chamber of Commerce slave, regardless of life, value limited tight, will therefore not divert attention to start, making Bo Ruo safe and sound. 在那两个掠夺者来看,区区一个九星商会的奴隶,不论死活,价值都有限的紧,所以不会分心下手,使得波若安然无恙。 Space Cutting Blade!” 空间利刃!” Shi Yan calms down suddenly, the eye looks at also distance, fiercely releases God's Domain, suddenly calls out. 石岩忽然冷静下来,眼看着还有一段距离,猛地释放神之领域,突然暴喝。 Light of blade edge the cutting edge spaces, stirs up da to shoot immediately from his God's Domain, the goal points to Marauder of that Russell subordinates. 一道道锋刃之极的空间之光刃,顿时从他神之领域内激龘射出去,目标直指那面名拉塞尔麾下的掠夺者 The space launches mysteriously, Space Cutting Blade stirs up da to shoot, belongs to approach that same place, originally long and narrow Space Cutting Blade, as if suddenly and spatial phantom crystal had a subtle relation, Space Cutting Blade power rose suddenly, became long and quick, such as hundred meters sharp sword, across the sky divided to chop. 空间奥妙展开,空间利刃激龘射,属于靠近那一块,本来狭长的空间利刃,似乎突然和空幻晶有了一丝微妙的联系,空间利刃力量骤升,变得又长又快,如一道道百米利剑,横空劈砍下来。 Space Cutting Blade can cut all bodies, this is the place of space mysterious terrifying, even if the two has Third Sky of God King Realm, saw with own eyes that was emptied phantom crystal amplification Space Cutting Blade to divide to shoot to come, is the winnow basket however changes color. 空间利刃可以切割一切身体,这是空间奥妙的恐怖之处,即便是那两人有着神王三重天之境,眼见被空幻晶增幅空间利刃劈射而来,也是箕然变色。 Does not dare extremely to approach Feng Rao, these two damn general, extremely fast leaving recession. 不敢太过靠近丰娆,这两人见了鬼一般,极速抽身退离。 Shi Yan gloomy the face, God Body across Space Cutting Blade, is arriving at side Feng Rao, conveniently loses Bao Ao and Jie Ji, places with Bo Ruo together, has not looked at behind one, drinks one lowly: Helps me look.” 石岩阴沉着脸,神体穿过一道道空间利刃,来到丰娆身旁,随手将暴骜桀棘丢出来,和波若放在一块儿,没有看身后一眼,低喝一声:“帮我照看一下。” Feng Rao power only restored 50% at this time, although is also Third Sky of God King Realm, may probably with that two Marauder dying wars, not ask for the advantage really inevitably, ends up to turn out to be captured alive the situation of capturing alive. 丰娆此时力量只恢复了五成,虽然也是神王三重天之境,可真要与那两个掠夺者死战,必然讨不到好处,落得个被生擒活捉的地步。 She also understands that the nowadays condition, has hesitated, then has not continued to display the power deep meaning, stands honestly Shi Yan behind, nurses Bo Ruo and Bao Ao three people. 她也明白现今的状况,迟疑了一下,便没有继续施展力量奥义,老实站到石岩身后,将波若暴骜三人看护起来。 Boy, who are you? Aren't you Nine Star Chamber of Commerce, butt to want from my Blood Skull Chief to snatch the food? You tired of living inadequate?” Avoid Space Cutting Blade to affect one person of region, does not dread, smiles cold, „the words that knows the limitation, hand over Feng Rao, I can give your way out, otherwise you forever stay behind.” “小子,你是什么人?你不是九星商会的,来插一脚想从我血骷髅头抢食?你活腻了不成?”躲开空间利刃波及区域的一人,也不畏惧,冷然一笑,“识相的话,将丰娆交出来,我可以放你一条生路,不然你就永远留下。” They looked, Shi Yan real Realm, had God King First Sky. 他们看出来了,石岩真实的境界,具有神王一重天 Although Space Deep Meaning strange formidable, because of the huge detection of Realm, they do not fear, so long as careful, first wears down Shi Yan power, naturally can win easily. 空间奥义虽然诡异强大,但因为境界的巨大察觉,两人并不惧怕,只要小心一点,先消磨石岩力量,自然可以轻易获胜。 They take for granted thinks. 他们想当然的这么认为。 The Shi Yan complexion is solemn, did not reply, narrowed the eyes to focus slightly, expedited Space Deep Meaning God's Domain in secret, coverage gradual spread comes. 石岩脸色冷峻,并不答话,微微眯着眼,暗中催生空间奥义神之领域,覆盖面逐渐的扩散开来。 Keeps the fight, extremely for the non- wisdom, formidable Blood Skull Chief Warrior, solely is not only they.” Feng Rao drinks one lowly, finds the opportunity to leave! Otherwise late causes trouble!” “留下来战斗,殊为不智,强大的血骷髅头武者,不单单只是他们两个。”丰娆低喝一声,“找机会离开!不然迟则生变!” They, the imperial enemy, pour fully a little grasp, if many Expert close up, wants to leave again, then countless sufferings and hardships. 只是两人,全力御敌,倒有一点把握,如果更多强者靠拢,再想离开,便千难万难了。 When that two Marauder people replied, another person as if spread message, told Russell here situation. 那两个掠夺者一人答话之时,另外一人似乎传出了讯息,将这边的情况告诉了拉塞尔 As before and Fan Ye fierce combat the leader of Blood Skull Chief, after the news read, has gawked, the speaker drank fiercely severely: Leaves behind Feng Rao to me! I must live!” 依旧和梵夜激战的血骷髅头的首领,受到讯念之后,愣了一下,猛地扬声厉喝:“给我留下丰娆!我要活的!” His voice resounds through, transmission of order, many Marauder close up toward Shi Yan in abundance, the manner is crazy. 他声音响彻起来,命令传达,更多的掠夺者纷纷朝着石岩靠拢,神态疯狂。 Feng Rao changes color with amazement, in the look appears is panic-stricken, was a little at a loss. 丰娆骇然变色,眼神中显出惊慌失措,有点束手无策了。 If she also has God King Third Sky Realm the strength of peak, Russell was being involved, she also has confidence to leave. 如果她还有神王三重天境界巅峰之力,拉塞尔被牵扯着,她还有把握离开。 But now...... 可现在…… A Feng Rao heart sinks, spills over one share to be bitter and astringent, but. 丰娆一颗心不由地沉落,泛出一股子苦涩无奈来。 Jie Ji still vacant does not awake, whole body power does not have, his front attracts spirit Demon Flower, actually bright strangeness. 桀棘依然茫然不醒,浑身一点力量没有,他胸前的吸灵妖花,却鲜艳的诡异。 Bao Ao obtains the supplement of Shi Yan power, restored several points of scarlet slightly, the shock looks to Shi Yan, the eye is quiet, as if had not expected that today's Shi Yan, had so terrifying power unexpectedly. 暴骛得到石岩力量的补充,稍稍恢复了几分血色,震惊的看向石岩,眼睛幽亮,似乎没有预料到今日的石岩,居然有了如此恐怖力量 At this time battles, indeed non- wisdom, we first walk.” The Shi Yan silent three seconds, calm setting firm resolve, shouted to clear the way lowly: Pulls them to spatial phantom crystal.” “此时激战,的确不智,我们先走。”石岩沉默三秒,冷静的下定决心,低喝道:“将他们扯向空幻晶上面。” Feng Rao has gawked for one second, immediately responded that without demur, Bo Ruo, Bao Ao and Jie Ji three people, one and brought to the spatial phantom crystal above. 丰娆愣了一秒,顿时反应过来,二话不说,把波若暴骜桀棘三人,一并带到空幻晶之上。 They do not have cultivation Space Deep Meaning, even if falls to the spatial phantom crystal on, is impossible to stimulate the spatial phantom crystal power, forms the space change. 他们都没有修炼空间奥义,就算落到空幻晶上面,也不可能激发空幻晶的力量,形成空间变动。 What boy cultivation is Space Deep Meaning, that is together spatial the phantom crystal, above!” God King Third Sky Realm Blood Skull Chief Marauder that formerly spoke, responded suddenly that could not bear call out in alarm. “那小子修炼的是空间奥义,那一块空幻晶,正在上面!”先前讲话的神王三重天境界血骷髅头掠夺者,忽然反应过来,忍不住惊叫起来。 Expert that closes up toward here, has realized anything, a face is panic-stricken, immediately temporarily stopped. 朝着这边靠拢的一个个强者,也都意识到了什么,一脸惊骇,顿时暂时停了下来。 In this time, Shi Yan swiftly arrives above the spatial phantom crystal, two hands, fierce underground press. 就在此时,石岩倏然来到空幻晶之上,两只手,猛地下按。 One intermittently may be called the terrifying space changes, blooms from the Shi Yan two hearts, since reassignment spatial phantom crystal unusual comparison, affected four sides the space suddenly. 一阵阵堪称恐怖的空间异动,从石岩两手之心绽放,调动起空幻晶的奇特空间磁场,骤然影响了四面空间。 Space Cutting Blade, the rising suddenly several fold, does not have the goal once more across the sky stirs up da to shoot, the surrounding great ship fragment, shortly will be cut a smaller fragment, the Space Cutting Blade place visited, Marauder with amazement suddenly to retreat. 一道道空间利刃,再次暴涨数倍,没有目的的横空激龘射,周围的巨船碎块,顷刻间被斩成更小的碎块,空间利刃所过之处,一个个掠夺者骇然暴退。 The space dent, strange formation more than color variegated cave entrance, including the spatial phantom crystal, Shi Yan one line of little sinking, enter that five colors variegated cave entrance, the dissipation does not see gradually. 空间塌陷下来,诡异的形成一个多彩斑斓的洞口,包括空幻晶在内,石岩一行人一点点的沉落,进入那五彩斑斓的洞口,渐渐消散不见。 Space Cutting Blade, after wreaking havoc, contracts fiercely, in that five colored light glow stirred up in cave entrance that da shot to vanish. 一道道空间利刃,肆虐一番后,也猛地收缩,在那五彩光芒激龘射的洞口内消失了。 Blood Skull Chief Marauder, closes up in abundance, the careful end looked that discovered that side did not have any exceptionally, Shi Yan one line, with the spatial phantom crystal, such baseless disappeared, the trail does not have. 血骷髅头掠夺者,纷纷靠拢过来,仔细端看,发现那边没有了任何异常,石岩一行人,和空幻晶,就这么凭空消失了,一点踪迹没有。 motherfucker, this boy really draws support from the spatial phantom crystal, stimulating the space to transfer!” A person calls out one agitated, the whole face has no alternative. 妈的,这小子果然借助空幻晶,激发了空间挪移!”一人烦躁的暴喝一声,满脸无可奈何。 Understood that space mysterious Warrior, the recent several hundred years, our Lie Yan Star Field has not appeared, fellow, what background?” “懂得空间奥妙的武者,最近数百年时间,我们烈焰星域可没有出现过,那家伙,什么来路?” who knows, the beforehand Dark Sky God Country first generation country master, probably the attainments on Space Deep Meaning was extremely it is said deep, crossed that many years, who knows that had to stay behind to inherit.” 鬼知道,据说以前天涅神国一代国师,好像在空间奥义上造诣极深,过了那么多年了,谁知道有没有留下传承来。” Feng Rao vanished for more than 200 years, how sudden to appear? When she already died. 丰娆消失了200多年,怎的突然出现了?都当她早就死了呢。 She the rose that but initially a Divine Punishment Grounds belt punctured, has not thought that separated was so long, has moved, does not know why Feng Ke hid her.” “她当初可是神罚之地一朵带刺的玫瑰啊,没想到隔了这么久,又活动了,不知道丰岢为何将她藏起来。” who knows.” 鬼知道。” One crowd of Marauder, regarding in Shi Yan and the others the disappearance place, whispered a while, sees with own eyes has not begun the mighty waves, dejected dispersing, vented the anger on Nine Star Chamber of Commerce Warrior, continued to attack wild. 一群掠夺者,围绕在石岩等人消失处,嘀咕了一会儿,眼见没有再起波澜,都垂头丧气的散开,将怒气发泄在九星商会武者头上,继续狂暴攻击。
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