GOS :: Volume #9

#823: The old friends suffer disaster

Do not move!” “别动!” Feng Rao drinks one suddenly tenderly, prevents him to begin seriously. 丰娆突然娇喝一声,严肃的阻止他动手。 What's wrong?” A Shi Yan face is astonished however, what issue has?” “怎么?”石岩一脸讶然,“有什么问题?” Your cultivation Space Deep Meaning, is easy to have the change with spatial phantom crystal power, perhaps carelessly, stimulated the space sudden change, shifts us to place of not the well-known bad risk.” Feng Rao expression is dignified, has not grasped imperial moves the spatial phantom crystal power, cannot grasp the mystery first, should better not to move easily.” “你修炼空间奥义,和空幻晶力量容易发生异动,说不定一个不慎,激发了空间突变,将我们转移到不知名的凶险之地。”丰娆神色凝重起来,“没有把握御动空幻晶的力量,不能先掌握奥妙,最好不要轻易触碰。” She is experienced, in Lie Yan Star Field birth cultivation, the characteristics of ground-to-air phantom crystal knew well, spoke hurriedly the reminder. 她见多识广,在烈焰星域出生修炼,对空幻晶的特点非常熟识,急忙出言提醒。 At this time surrounding battled the most intense situation, Marauder and Nine Star Chamber of Commerce Warrior, was made the anger, the attack left no ground, some people died unceasingly the death, few people cared about this actually specially. 此时周围交战到了最为激烈的地步,掠夺者九星商会武者,都被打出了怒火,攻击不留余地,不断有人陨落死亡,倒是没有几人特别在意这一块。 Shi Yan gave her such a saying, stopped the movement temporarily, considered fast, nodded, said: Evidently, should seek War Chariot first, will empty the phantom crystal to transfer to say again.” 石岩给她这么一说,也暂时停下了动作,快速思量了一下,点了点头,道:“看样子,应该先寻一艘战车,将空幻晶挪移出去再说。” This is the best method.” The Feng Rao hurried statement, the look is discrete, feared that he acts unreasonably. “这是最好的方法。”丰娆急忙表态,眼神谨慎,多怕他乱来。 Good, you defend this to me, I seize War Chariot.” Shi Yan takes the bull by the horns, set firm resolve, must henceforth fly from. “好,你给我守住这一块,我夺一艘战车。”石岩当机立断,下定了决心,就要从此地飞离。 Why do I help you?” Feng Rao complexion one cold, I am not your enslaving, what did you tell to me? You think seriously that I will help you be inadequate wholeheartedly? You, Realm is not high, which comes extremely arrogant self-confident?” “我凭什么帮你?”丰娆脸色一寒,“我又不是你的奴役,你对我吩咐什么?你当真以为,我会一心一意帮助你不成?你这人,境界不高,哪来的狂妄自信?” Shi Yan knits the brows slightly, look glittering, said indifferently: Star Chart in my hands, if you also some read think that might as well took a walk with me about. Felt relieved that I must have your advantage.” 石岩略略皱眉,眼神闪烁了一下,淡然说道:“星图在我手中,如果你也有念想,不妨和我走动更近一点。放心我少不得你的好处。” These words said that also did not wait for Feng Rao saying that he then changed into stream of light, immediately was far away, plundered toward recent Nine Star Chamber of Commerce silver shuttle War Chariot. 这番话讲完,也不等丰娆多说,他便化为一道流光,顿时远离,朝着最近一艘九星商会的银梭战车掠去。 In dark Star Sea, Feng Rao expression cloudy clear uncertain, looks at vicissitude corpses had recalled more than half minute of fight look of complex is difficult to distinguish. 幽暗的星海内,丰娆神色阴晴不定,看着浮沉着的一具具尸首回想了一下才过半分钟的战斗眼神复杂难辨。 Some little time, she lowers the head lowly snort|hum, has not acted rashly seriously, defends in this honestly, helping Shi Yan nurse the spatial phantom crystal. 好一会儿,她才垂头低哼一声,当真没有妄动,老老实实守在这一块,帮助石岩看护空幻晶。 The Warrior crazy bombardment of Blood Skull Chief Marauder and Nine Star Chamber of Commerce, has Warrior God Body to explode unceasingly broken, da Yang of Soul Altar dissipation in Star Sea. 血骷髅头掠夺者九星商会武者疯狂的轰击,不断有武者神体爆碎,灵魂祭台消散在星海中龘央。 Various kind of dazzling energy colorful power deep meanings, flash in the dark starry sky toward the boundless boundary one after another extend the impact, does not know that violent da shot at where. 各类炫目的能量五颜六色的力量奥义,在幽暗星空内接连闪现朝着无垠边际延伸冲击,不知道激龘射向了何处。 Russell and war of avaricious night, is this fight biggest variable, they are Source God Realm Expert, surmounts in the field all people, so long as a side wins, can strive to turn the tide, changes the entire situation. 拉塞尔和婪夜之战,是这场战斗最大的变数,两人都是源神境强者,超越场内所有人,只要一方获胜,就可以力挽狂澜,扭转整个局势。 These two in the region, the power distortion, the quarry stone dance, thunder and lightning rumbled, such as destroy Heaven Destroyer terrifying, lets all Warrior heart startled being far away, does not dare to approach, in order to avoid being affected. 这两人所在区域,力量扭曲,乱石狂舞,雷电轰鸣,如毁天灭地般恐怖,让所有武者都心惊的远离,不敢靠近,以免受到波及。 Shi Yan also secretly pays attention to that same place, in the heart imposing, secret excited. 石岩也暗暗注意那一块,心中凛然,暗暗激动。 Source God Realm, really worthily is Lie Yan Star Field peak Realm, the power fluctuation that creates, as if can give the crush the ore star becomes the smashing, dark void Star Sea, splits the crack, Outer Territory can scurry about. 源神境,果然不愧是烈焰星域巅峰境界,造成的力量波动,仿佛可以将矿星都给碾压成粉碎,幽暗的虚空星海,也绽出裂纹,域外之能乱窜。 They battle the region, was also wanted dangerous ten times by the fiercest energy storm, God King Realm Expert God Body, cannot endure, so long as were shelled, direct Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group smoke. 他们交战区域,被最狂烈的能量风暴还要危险十倍,神王境强者神体,也吃不消,只要被轰击到,将会直接成飞烟。 To God Body hardly extremely self-confident Shi Yan, knows that cannot touch that wild region, although there has War Chariot of without owner, he by far avoids, rather seeks to battle, War Chariot that some people are stationed. 就连对神体坚硬极其自信的石岩,也知道不能触及那狂暴区域,虽然那儿有着无主的战车,他还是远远避开,宁愿寻找交战着的,有人驻扎的战车 When he will soon approach War Chariot, he suddenly discovered that from Nine Star Chamber of Commerce great ship of disruption, crashes facial features withered silhouette, looked with rapt attention that discovered these people are skinny, thin is similar to the evil spirit, life magnetic field weakly, oil completely lamp dry, momentarily can extinguish the death. 就在他即将靠近一个战车之时,他忽然发现从碎裂的九星商会巨船下方,坠落一道道面容枯槁的身影,凝神一看,发现那些人都皮包骨头,瘦的如同厉鬼般,生命磁场虚弱之极,油尽灯枯般,随时可以熄灭死亡。 That should be slave of Nine Star Chamber of Commerce captivity, is used to mine the mining area, or takes the person medicine cauldron pitifully, the situation each desperate. 那应该是九星商会囚禁的奴隶,用来开采矿区,亦或者作为人身药鼎,处境各个凄惨绝望。 Slaves, this were imprisoned when Nine Star Chamber of Commerce great ship most under First Level, in the great ship explodes is broken, the strength of imprisonment is rumbled broken, in abundance crashes. 一个个奴隶,本被囚禁在九星商会巨船最下一层,在巨船爆碎之时,禁锢之力被轰破,才纷纷坠落下来。 looks at they, Shi Yan remembered his past bitter experience immediately, was imprisoned by Bi Rou, became the person medicine cauldron of opposite party, was used for Alchemist by the opposite party, the sorrow was no use, cannot see any hope, in the future is a blind alley. 看着他们,石岩立即想起他当年的遭遇,被碧柔囚禁起来,成为对方的人身药鼎,被对方用来炼药,悲苦无助,看不见任何的希望,未来就是一条死路。 The Lie Yan Star Field three big influences, will imprison the slave to work as the mineralization slave and person medicine cauldron, has complete disregard for human life, does not regard the life to regard the slave, sometimes their situations, were inferior including the bastard that is pitiful. 烈焰星域的三大势力,都会囚禁奴隶当成矿奴和人身药鼎,草菅人命,不将奴隶当成生灵看待,他们的处境,有时候连畜生都不如,非常悲惨。 Slaves, crash from the great ship, the life magnetic field oil lamp is completely dry, was covered the whole body by a monster different fresh flower, cannot move, only reveals one withered and yellow not to have the scarlet thin face, such as the flesh and blood was drained, extremely fearsome. 一个个奴隶,从巨船下层坠落,生命磁场油尽灯枯,都被一种妖异的鲜花覆盖全身,动弹不得,只露出一张枯黄没有血色的瘦脸,如血肉被抽干般,极其可怖。 Marauder, is Nine Star Chamber of Commerce Expert, does not regard a matter them, falls to God's Domain of battle, these people will then crush the broken bone, thorough death certainly. 不论是掠夺者,还是九星商会强者,都不将他们当成一回事,一落到交战者的神之领域,那些人便会粉碎碎骨,彻底的死绝。 These people, has Realm not low Warrior, what a pity, power was drained, the life magnetic field dries up, was covered the whole body by the monster different fresh flower, energy cannot release. 那些人,其中也有境界不低的武者,可惜,一身力量被抽干,生命磁场枯竭,又被妖异的鲜花覆盖全身,一点能量都释放不出来。 Under this condition, they at the worst are too more than mortal, fall to battle God's Domain Ran of extrusion, cannot survive by luck, connected the death. 这种状态下,他们比凡人强大不了太多,落入交战着挤压的神之领域冉,没有一个能够侥幸存活下来,接连死亡。 Shi Yan shot a look at one from afar, does not want to cause complications, plans to capture nearby War Chariot, however, when he plans to turn head, the eye pupil sudden contraction, complexion gloomy gets down fiercely. 石岩远远瞥了一眼,本不想节外生枝,打算夺取旁边一艘战车,然而,就在他打算回头之时,眼瞳突然收缩,脸色猛地阴沉下来。 In the slave of crash, he saw an acquaintance. 坠落的奴隶中,他看到了一个熟人。 Bo Ruo! 波若 Was covered by a monster different bright fresh flower, the cheekbone gets sucked, before was also a charming face, thin scary! The eye is gloomy, pale lip is shivering gently, scarlet does not have. 被一朵妖异鲜艳的鲜花覆盖,颧骨深陷,以前还算是娇媚的一张脸,瘦的吓人!眼睛灰暗绝望,苍白的嘴唇轻轻颤抖着,一点血色都没有。 Her life magnetic field weakly, such as in the wind the remaining years of life, seems momentarily will extinguish general. 她的生命磁场虚弱之极,如风中残烛,好似随时都会熄灭一般。 Compared with her scary appearance, that covers the fresh flower of her whole body, actually the bright desire drops, has the beautiful condition of monster change person, as if arrived at the most gorgeous time. 和她吓人的容颜相比,那朵覆盖她全身的鲜花,却鲜艳欲滴,有着妖异动人的美态,似乎到了最绚丽的时刻。 In Bo Ruo heart desperate no use, the look a little delay, from the start has not noted the gaze of Shi Yan, such alone crashes toward dark Star Sea, sinks gradually toward a Warrior God's Domain intersection point. 波若心中绝望无助,眼神有点呆滞,压根没有注意到石岩的注视,就这么孤零零的朝着黑暗星海坠落,渐渐朝着一处武者神之领域交汇处沉去。 She does not have a wee bit defensive powers, so long as the body falls into God's Domain, will tear shortly the smashing, the life magnetic field that must dry up, will vanish truly, is impossible to restore to come. 她没有丁点的防御力,只要身子落入神之领域内,会在顷刻间撕裂成粉碎,就要枯竭的生命磁场,将会真正消失,再也不可能恢复过来。 The complexion is cloudy, Shi Yan spills over intense anger immediately, did not speak, to speed along fully, arrived at side Bo Ruo in a flash, pulled taut her body, leading her then to flush away toward the Feng Rao position. 脸色阴厉,石岩顿时泛出强烈的怒意,也不吭声,以全力飞驰,转瞬来到波若身旁,一把将她身子扯住,带着她便朝着丰娆所处的位置冲去。 Bo Ruo delay eye, but also is a little vacant, does not know quite the same as had anything, when was being raised by Shi Yan to her, draws to Feng Rao side, as if slightly restores soberly, at once screams fiercely: Shi Yan!” 波若呆滞的眼睛,还有点茫然,浑然不知发生了什么,待到她被石岩提着,拉到丰娆身旁,似乎才稍稍恢复清醒,旋即猛地尖叫起来:“石岩!” The sound is shivering, rays of light in Bo Ruo eye has shone little, as if has ignited the fire of hope, looks at that does not dare to believe he, you how in this?” 声音颤抖着,波若眼中的光芒一点点亮了起来,似乎燃起了希望之火,不敢置信的看着他,“你怎会在此?” Bao Ao?” Shi Yan did not answer asked back that the manner was anxious, „was also imprisoned the slave?” 暴骛呢?”石岩不答反问,神态焦急,“也被囚禁成了奴隶?” Bo Ruo is pale the face, by body that covers brightly large scale shivers, the corners of the mouth dropped out the blood, Blood Qi in within the body are extracted forcefully one time. 波若苍白着脸,被鲜活覆盖的身体大幅度的颤抖起来,嘴角滴出鲜血,体内的血气被强行抽取了一次。 That fresh flower shakes the rope, actually even more tender and beautiful...... 那朵鲜花抖索着,却愈发的娇艳了…… The pain that the Bo Ruo whole face remembers with eternal gratitude, clenches the teeth, has no time to talk too much radically, when vanishes to the strength of extraction, she is shivering, sound weak saying: Sir, the Sir also in middle, saves the Sir! Saves the Sir quickly!” 波若满脸刻骨铭心的痛苦,咬紧牙关,根本无暇多言,待到抽取之力消失,她才颤抖着,声音虚弱之极的说道:“大人,大人也在当中,救大人!快去救大人啊!” These words said that Bo Ruo fainted, the whole body flesh and blood dried up immediately, in life magnetic field the strength of soul, little passed. 这番话讲完,波若当即昏厥过去,全身血肉枯竭,生命磁场内灵魂之力,一点点的流逝起来。 Shi Yan eyes must spout the fire simply, two hands fiercely according to arriving at the Bo Ruo forehead, the deep meaning of god display, vigorous life force, transports from his control, pours into to Bo Ruo within the body, helped her to be metastable, is insufficient to fall from the sky the death. 石岩双眸简直要喷出火来,两只手猛地按到波若额头,神之奥义施展,一股勃勃生机,从他手心输送出去,灌注向波若体内,助她暂时稳定,不至于陨落死亡。 At this time did not want outside the knot Ox Zhi, was attracted spirit Demon Flower to derive such long Blood Qi, she already[ hundred degree celsius post first round] was incurable, do not waste the time, do not make any piffle.” Feng Rao is very calm, this kind of matter she sees has been too many, already[ hundred degree celsius post first round] was numb, you must obtain the spatial phantom crystal, must capture War Chariot, only then has the opportunity to leave while us randomly. Otherwise, once and other both sides were divided into victory and defeat, we escape certainly difficultly.” “这个时候不要节外牛枝,被吸灵妖花汲取了这么久的血气,她已经[百度贴吧首发]没救了,别浪费时间,也别做什么傻事。”丰娆很淡定,这类事她见过太多,已经[百度贴吧首发]麻木了,“你要得到空幻晶,必须要夺取一艘战车,只有趁乱我们才有机会离开。不然,一旦等双方分成胜负,我们绝难逃掉。” Helps my take care of, waits a bit the moment, several people, I must rescue!” Shi Yan gloomy the face, was saying categorically: Even if lost the spatial phantom crystal, I must live to bring them!” The words, he disappears immediately does not see. “帮我照顾一下,稍等片刻,有几人,我必须要搭救!”石岩阴沉着脸,斩钉截铁道:“即便损失了空幻晶,我也必须将他们活着带出来!”话罢,他顿时消失不见。 Feng Rao stunned. 丰娆愕然 After being together of this time, she thinks that had the quite profound understanding to Shi Yan, thought that this person of cruel and merciless, the callous unfeeling, should not care to anybody's life and death, resorts to all means for the goal, can sacrifice all people. 经过这番时间的相处,她自认为对石岩有了相当深刻的认识,觉得此人心狠手辣,冷酷绝情,应该不会对任何人的生死在意,为了目的不择手段,可以牺牲所有人。 But now, obviously leaves spatial phantom crystal to have the one pace, can have the enormous opportunity to escape while the warring parties, because the trivial several slaves, he actually suddenly set firm resolve, must brave death to rescue. 可现在,明明离空幻晶只有一步之遥,趁着交战双方可以有极大机会逃掉,但因为区区几个奴隶,他却忽然下定决心,要冒死搭救。 The Shi Yan unusual performance, lets Feng Rao is astonished very much however the difficult solution, she understanding to Shi Yan, there is a completely different view. 石岩反常的表现,让丰娆很是讶然难解,她对石岩的认识,也有了全然不同的看法。 He is not the real unfeeling certainly righteousness, but the friend who is worth him seriously treating has not appeared, it seems like, this person, by no means really ruthless...... 他不是真的绝情绝义,只是没有值得他认真对待的朋友出现呀,看来,这人,也并非真的无情无义…… Feng Rao silent a while, wants to say secretly. 丰娆默然了一会儿,暗暗想道。 Slaves, crash from the great ship, Shi Yan continuously Divine Sense lets loose, flies to flee in that slave crowded place, searching. 一个个奴隶,从巨船下方坠落,石岩一缕缕神识放开,在那处奴隶密集处飞窜,搜寻着。 Familiar life fluctuation, appears fiercely from Sea of Consciousness, the Shi Yan eye has shone suddenly, reckless clashes toward silhouette that crashes together crazily. 熟悉的生命波动,猛地从识海内显现出来,石岩眼睛骤然亮了起来,不顾一切的朝着一道坠落的身影狂冲。 That silhouette, God's Domain that battles to, only then the one pace, the next second, as if will be stirred broken, the soul dissipates thoroughly. 身影,离底下交战的神之领域,只有一步之遥了,下一秒,似乎就会被搅碎,灵魂彻底消散。 Bao Ao. 正是暴骜 One of Grace Mainland Devil Clan leaders, once rendered the Shi Yan greatest assistance, arrives at Lie Yan Star Field with him together, shares joys and sorrows. 神恩大陆魔族首领之一,曾经给予石岩莫大帮助,和他一道来到烈焰星域,同甘共苦。 This moment Bao Ao, the weak inadequate human form, the look is gloomy, does not have the scarlet corners of the mouth, pulls one, but the dehumanizing curve, as if knew that is difficult to run away a tribulation, the mind despairs. 这一刻的暴骜,虚弱的不成人形,眼神黯淡无光,没有血色的嘴角,扯出一个无奈凄苦的弧度,似乎自知难逃一劫,心神绝望。 Similarly by one body that attracts spirit Demon Flower to cover, the willow catkin is fluttered to crash, Demon Flower, with he pale fearsome complexion, has formed the striking contrast brightly. 同样被一朵吸灵妖花覆盖的身体,柳絮般飘荡坠落,妖花鲜艳之极,和他苍白可怖的脸色,形成了鲜明对比。
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