GOS :: Volume #9

#822: Blood Soul Sea

Fights luxurious, the Shi Yan disappearing head, changes into stream of light suddenly, the direct impact on the great ship fragment of having free time phantom crystal. 战斗正酣中,石岩突然消头,化为一道流光,直冲向有空幻晶的巨船碎块。 In the dark galaxy, the stars are radiant, blood rain descends, on burns the flame, to cover entirely the scar the shadow, crashes from the galaxy, life force extinction. 幽暗的星河内,繁星璀璨,蓬蓬血雨降落,一道道身上燃着火焰、布满伤痕的影子,从星河中坠落,生机绝灭。 The fight of Blood Skull Chief Marauder and Nine Star Chamber of Commerce, to this moment, reached the superheating stage, Russell and Fan Ye these two achieves Source God Realm Expert, has wrested away battlefield most central, life-and-death gets rid to fight, they battle the region, the myriad things vanish. 血骷髅头掠夺者九星商会的战斗,到了这一刻,已经到了白热化阶段,拉塞尔梵夜这两名达到源神境强者,霸占了战场最中垩央,殊死摒斗,两人交战区域,万物绝迹。 Nobody to dares to stop over in their power impact area brave, completely hides distant, lives to fear is affected. 没有谁胆大到敢在他们力量冲击区逗留,全部躲的远远的,生恐受到波及。 Russell comes prepared, subordinates villain Bloodthirsty is cruel, got the winning side faintly, numerous Nine Star Chamber of Commerce Fan Family Warrior, was being suppressed stubbornly, cannot on the commodity the great ship protecting. 拉塞尔有备而来,麾下凶徒嗜血暴戾,隐隐占据了上风,众多九星商会梵家武者,被死死压制着,根本不能将巨船上物资给守护好。 That this Marauder, is riding War Chariot, in the battle, once goes well the murder, will gather various bright ores on War Chariot , to continue to howl slaughtering, roared is laughing wildly. 那此掠夺者,乘坐着战车,交战中,一旦得手杀人,就会将各类明亮的矿石汇聚在战车上,继续呼啸着杀戮,咆哮着狂笑不已。 Some many Nine Star Chamber of Commerce Warrior, were torn the smashing, God Body turns into, some heads were ripped, by Marauder optional hanging on War Chariot, as their wars. 有很多九星商会武者,都被撕裂成粉碎,神体化成一块块,有的脑袋被割掉,被掠夺者随意的吊在战车上,作为他们的战到品。 Although Fan Family the potential is big, but this bumps into Russell had bad luck, was been deliberately right by Cen, suddenly the sneak attack, deals appears is incapable gradually. 梵家虽然势大,可这趟碰到拉塞尔算是倒了大霉,被蓄意岑对,突然偷袭,应对起来显得逐渐无力。 Shi Yan is solemn is flushing crazily, person's shadow plunders the mistake, often puts out a hand to pull, the Dead body belts of falling from the sky starry skies to him, seizes the chance to absorb the dead not to dissipate the essence between heaven and earth. 石岩冷峻着狂冲,人影掠过处,不时的伸手拉扯,将一具具陨落星空的尸体带向他,趁机吸收死者尚未消散天地间的精气。 Among the short ten breaths, gathered dozens Dead body at his side, half in True God Realm half in God King First Sky, 1-2 achieve God King Second Sky Realm Expert. 短短十息间,在他身旁已经聚集了数十具尸体,一半在真神境一半在神王一重天,也有一两个达到神王二重天境界强者 These death essence, changed into the energy mighty current, converged in his body plaster crazily, let his acupoint painfully swollen, even has emitted the milky white smog. 那些死亡精气,化为能量洪流,疯狂的汇入他体垩内,让他穴窍胀痛,甚至冒出了乳白色的烟雾。 Takes a quick look around, his whole body belched smoke is combustion qie came to be extremely strange probably. 一眼看去,他浑身冒烟好像是燃烧了趄来极其诡异。 Xiu! 咻! energy light beam suddenly to rush, wants swift and fierce ten times compared with sharpest Arrow, these light beams stir up the plaster to shoot under waste barrow star, on-board stays behind in the ore deeply does not see the bottom the cavern. 能量光束暴冲,比最锋利的箭矢还要凌厉十倍,那些光束激垩射在底下废弃矿星,在矿星上留下一个个深不见底的洞穴。 Dead body intertwine in together, in his power imperial moves to proceed to well up his silhouette to hide under Dead body, finally approached the great ship fragment of that having free time phantom crystal. 一具具尸体纠结在一块儿,在他力量的御动下往前涌去他身影潜藏在尸体下方,终于接近了那有空幻晶的巨船碎块。 Silver metal fragment has three mu ground product, above ten Warrior are slaughtering Nine Star Chamber of Commerce Warrior, dresses the silver clothing vest to leave to have the designs of nine stars, one was clear-sighted, on Blood Skull Chief Marauder armband, there is a Blood Skull Chief badge, making them distinguish right from wrong, can distinguish the enemy and ourselves rapidly. 银色的金属碎块有三亩地面积,上面十来个武者正在厮杀九星商会武者,穿戴着银色衣衫背心出有九星的图案,一眼明了,血骷髅头掠夺者的袖标上,也有血骷髅头徽章,让他们泾渭分明,能够迅速辨别出敌我。 Shi Yan towering appearance, falls on that silver regulus, a line of sight revolution, then looks to the fragment. 石岩突兀的现身,在那银色金属块上落下,视线一转,便看向碎片底部。 Close cracks, appear on that fragment, the crack, exposes Chaos Strength of Space, as if can bend to move the space slit, extremely fearful. 一道道细密的裂纹,在那碎片上浮现出来,裂纹内部,暴露出混乱空间之力,似乎能够弓动空间缝隙,极其的可怕。 Marauder and Nine Star Chamber of Commerce in battle Warrior, strongly avoids approaching that crack, for fear that by the Chaos space power influence, easily was cut to kill by the opposite party. 交战中的掠夺者九星商会武者,都竭力避免靠近那裂纹,生怕被其中的混乱空间力量影响下,被对方给轻易斩杀。 Shi Yan Jane to appear, inspires the attention of warring parties immediately, the two sides person found time to look at his one eyes, the complexion simultaneously gloomy has gotten down. 石岩简出现,顿时引动交战双方的注意,两边人抽空看了他一眼,脸色同时阴沉下来。 On him, does not have the symbol of Nine Star Chamber of Commerce, does not have the Blood Skull Chief Marauder micro chapter, clearly, this is Outsider. 在他身上,没有九星商会的标志,也没有血骷髅头掠夺者的微章,很明显,这是外来者 wave! 波! The clear explosive transmits, the body that Feng Rao flatters clear, comes out in the Shi Yan rear end dew, her tall and slender eyebrow twists, shouted to clear the way lowly: Hard to deal with!” 清脆的爆响传来,丰娆清媚的身子,在石岩后侧露出来,她细长眉毛一拧,低喝道:“难缠!” Battle, three Warrior achieve God King Second Sky Realm, one of them came from Nine Star Chamber of Commerce, two, belong to Marauder, the surplus several people are First Sky of God King Realm, any, from Realm, not inferior Shi Yan. 交战者,有三个武者达到神王二重天境界,其中一人来自于九星商会,两个,属于掠夺者,剩余几人都是神王一重天之境,任何一个,从境界上来看,都不逊色石岩 At this time had a hand to meddle in forcefully, not necessarily can end up to turn out the advantage, perhaps also instead will be killed by the opposite party. 这时候强行插手进去,不见得能够落得好处,说不定还会被对方给反杀了。 Feng Rao leaves the Divine Punishment Grounds hundred years to continue, many Marauder already forgot her, that several Russell subordinate, does not know her, but has swept one, then leaves goes excessively. 丰娆离开神罚之地百年不止,很多掠夺者早已遗忘她,那几个拉塞尔的手下,也都不认识她,只是扫了一眼,便别过头去。 power was consumed by Shi Yan most, the Feng Rao life magnetic field was also quite weak, did not have God King Third Sky Expert terrifying aura, was despised. 力量石岩消耗大半,丰娆生命磁场也颇为虚弱,没了神王三重天强者恐怖气息,以至于受到了轻视。 As for Shi Yan, God King First Sky Realm one was clear-sighted, does not constitute the tremendous influence to the fight, both sides looked at one, extremely has not paid attention, both sides continue together. 至于石岩,神王一重天境界一眼明了,对战斗不构成大影响,双方只是看了一眼,也都没有太过留心,双方继续都在一块儿。 Withered corpses, float around Shi Yan, the massive death essence formed the brook that could not see, poured into his body plaster. 一具具干瘪的尸身,悬浮在石岩四周,大量的死亡精气汇成看不见的溪流,注入他体垩内。 , Cavity cruel and bloody malignant influences, multiply from his heart gradually, spread the whole body. 渐渐地,一腔暴戾、血腥煞气,从他心底滋生,蔓延全身。 The negative malignant influences just like the essence, a while time, has become snow boundless cloud cluster, bunch of accumulations, fill the crazy violent plaster to move. 负面煞气犹如实质,一会儿功夫,成了雪茫茫的云簇,一团团的聚集起来,弥漫出疯狂的暴垩动。 The Feng Rao elegant face slightly changes, looked at these bloody malignant influences, looked at a Shi Yan manner, has a sleep suddenly, has not acted rashly, but also on own initiative silently retreat several steps. 丰娆俏脸略变,看了看那些血腥煞气,又望了一眼石岩的神态,忽有所觉,没有轻举妄动,还主动默默后退几步。 Rumbling! 轰轰! Two God King Second Sky Realm Marauder, collaborates the joint effort, by the God's Domain extrusion, ties up Nine Star Chamber of Commerce same level Expert, a hit in the past, grinned fiendishly is cutting his head. 两个神王二重天境界掠夺者,联手合力,以神之领域挤压,将九星商会的同级强者捆缚住,一头撞击过去,狞笑着去斩他头颅。 Several Nine Star Chamber of Commerce God King Warrior, saw the most dangerous time, without hesitation, displays fully, together imperial enemy. 数名九星商会神王武者,一见到了最危险的时刻,毫不犹豫,也纷纷施展出全力,共同御敌。 Then in this time, the Shi Yan Blood Pupil burning hot gets up, God Body of fining contracts slightly, bunches of snow boundless cotton cloud of winding around body side, circle in flight is pounding to Lou battle both sides. 便在此时,石岩血瞳炙热起来,精炼的神体略略收缩,缭绕身侧的一簇簇雪茫茫的云棉,飞旋着砸向娄战双方。 Soul Burial Field! 灵魂葬场 God's Domain displays, Blood Pupil is scarlet, selects the light of point Bloodthirsty, appears from the eye pupil, as if suddenly with that bunches of snow boundless cotton cloud fusions is one. 神之领域施展,血瞳猩红诡异,点点嗜血之光,从眼瞳内部浮现出来,似乎突然和那一簇簇雪茫茫的云棉融合为一。 Peng! 嘭! The scarlet cloud cluster splash, changes into piece of scarlet Blood Sea, all around a region will thoroughly cover. 血色云簇飞溅,化为一片猩红血海,将周遭一片区域彻底罩住。 Extremely evil aura, pasts from Shi Yan, various kinds desperate, bloodthirsty, hatred and bloody Negative Emotions, multiplies crazily, rises suddenly again and again. 一股极其邪恶的气息,从石岩身上流转出来,各类绝望、嗜杀、怨毒、血腥的负面情绪,疯狂滋生,连连暴涨。 Arrives at Shi Yan side not far away Feng Rao, Soul Altar stagnates quickly, the beautiful pupil appears a confusedness, such as was corroded Divine Soul, with amazement color deterioration. 来到石岩身旁不远处的丰娆,灵魂祭台倏地停滞起来,美眸显出一丝迷茫,如被侵蚀了神魂,骇然变色。 Blood Sea coverage, gradual fills the air, has not actually covered her, however, has been separated by ten rice, she thought that Divine Soul loses is affected, a little receiving and dispatching not as one desires. 血海覆盖面,逐渐的弥漫开来,却并没有将她笼罩,然而,相隔了十来米,她都觉得神魂迷失受到影响,有点收发不随心了。 The Feng Rao panic-stricken avoidance, is separated by hundred meters with Shi Yan, looks with amazement to that. 丰娆惊恐的退避开来,和石岩相隔百米,骇然看向那一块。 Strange scene, outbreak. 诡异之极的场景,突然发生了。 Was covered by Blood Sea, by both sides that God's Domain covers, at this time sprinkles the body such as by blood congestion, the eye socket appears cruel crazy bloody, lost the reason, mutually tearing attack not awfully. It is not the battle of Marauder and Nine Star Chamber of Commerce, but shares everything, operates independently. 血海笼罩,被神之领域覆盖的双方,此时泼身如被充血,眼眶显出暴戾的疯狂血腥,失去了理智,相互不要命的撕扯攻击。不是掠夺者九星商会的交战,而是不分彼此,各自为战。 Between Marauder and Marauder, as if had the Blood Sea deep enmity, bombardment that the crazy battle, among Nine Star Chamber of Commerce Warrior, clenches jaws in one. 掠夺者掠夺者之间,也似乎有了血海深仇,疯狂交战,九星商会武者之间,也咬牙切齿的轰击在一块。 Suddenly, all by the person who Blood Sea and God's Domain cover, the intelligence loses, was similar to the spell, in the heart only saved a thought: Destruction therefore life! 一时间,所有被血海神之领域笼罩的人,都神智迷失,如同中了魔咒,心中仅存一个念头:毁灭所以生灵! Short several, the respiration interbreath, Nine Star Chamber of Commerce and Blood Skull Chief Marauder casualties are then serious, 50% people, were strangled to death by friend heartlessly. 短短几个,呼吸间隔,九星商会血骷髅头掠夺者便伤亡惨重,有一半人,被身边朋友无情绞杀。 The strength looked small and weakly that God Body is split up, Soul Altar also crushes, sacrificial altar of these smashing, the fragment such as was attracted, dodges void, strange vanishes in the Shi Yan direction does not see, was similar to embezzles void. 实力弱小看,纷纷神体四分五裂,灵魂祭台也粉碎,那些粉碎的祭台,碎片如被吸引,虚空一闪,诡异的在石岩方向消失不见,如同虚空吞没了。 In the scarlet sea, Shi Yan Blood Pupil is scarlet, the manner is fierce, the corners of the mouth spill over the ice-cold chill in the air, as if in subconscious pulls to sway from side to side, the bloody malignant influences are all round precise, change into the distortion soul Chaos energy, breaks in peripheral loses sane Warrior God Body. 血色海洋中,石岩血瞳猩红,神态狰狞,嘴角泛出冰冷的寒意,似乎在下意识的拉扯扭动,团团血腥煞气凝炼,化为扭曲灵魂的混乱能量,冲入周边失去理智的武者神体 Was being hit by these bloody malignant influences windings, such as was urged to send the life potential, the rave, wears, God Body explodes blood with amazement, the power crazy promotion, slaughters with the peripheral person together. Shi Yan is similar to enjoys all these, in scarlet sea, even closes the eye slowly, strolls, is craziest to stimulate at the same time these people, whatever they are mutually wild to the bang. The Bedevilment crazy hoodlum, as if cannot see him in that scarlet sea, to his unseemly behavior, the measure does not have, gradually, but also in battling, only to be remaining them, is in Marauder, two Second Sky of God King Realm that only remains. 被那些血腥煞气缠绕击中着,一个个如被催发了生命潜力,狂吼,着,神体爆裂出骇然的鲜血,力量疯狂提升,和周边人厮杀在一块儿。石岩如同非常享受这一切,在血色海洋中,甚至缓缓闭上眼睛,闲庭信步般,将那些人最疯狂一面激发出来,任由他们相互狂暴对轰。入魔般的疯狂暴徒,似乎在那血色海洋内看不见他,任由他作怪,一点措施没有,渐渐地,还在交战着,只剩两人,是掠夺者之中,仅剩的两个神王二重天之境 Tragic death, before the point of death crazy and cruel, the mood of hate, fills the air in the scarlet sea, lets that the desire promotion that brings back mind most deep layer to slaughter. 一个个惨死者,临死前的疯狂、暴戾、怨恨之情绪,也都弥漫在血色海洋,让那一处勾起心灵最深层杀戮的欲望提升。 Is separated by hundred meters, the Feng Rao looks at scarlet sea, thinks the soul to get sucked, has crazy Killing Intent of product hysteria to increase, wants to break through the reason, goes in kills greatly kills especially. She changes colors with amazement, does not dare to look, stares at last a while, then hurriedly will turn the head, when restored sanely, dares to continue to look at carefully. 相隔百米,丰娆只是怔怔看着血色海洋,都觉得灵魂深陷,有积歇斯底里的疯狂杀念攀升,想要冲破理智,进去大杀特杀一番。她骇然失色,不敢多看,盯上一会儿,便会急忙别头,等理智恢复了,才敢继续端详。 Once more when turns the head to look, she discovers in the scarlet sea, did not have the live person, final two also died. 再次别头去看时,她发现血色海洋内,已没了活人,最后的两人也已经死亡。 In the bloody war circle of greeting the nostrils, Shi Yan such as bathes in the scarlet sea, opens eyes slowly, in Blood Pupil does not have touch of humanity, only then destruction Bloodthirsty of essence, making the person soul frightened ice-cold. 扑鼻的血腥战圈内,石岩如沐浴在血色海洋内,缓缓睁开眼,血瞳内没有一丝人情味,只有最本质的毁灭嗜血,让人灵魂恐惧冰冷。 At this moment, Shi Yan likely is not life, is more like the Bloodthirsty god of death, significance that he has, as if is destroys all living things to be ordinary. 这一刻,石岩不像是生灵,更像是嗜血死神,他存在的意义,仿佛便是毁灭众生一般。 Feng Rao hand and foot ice-cold, the back sends coldly, suddenly realized that Star Chart falls on this person of hand, perhaps, not solely lucky. 丰娆手足冰冷,背脊发寒,忽然意识到星图落在此人之手,或许,并不单单只是侥幸。 The dark red blood, under the evaporation of Death Deep Meaning, dissipates gradually, blood mist continuously drills into Shi Yan acupoint quickly, integrates in acupoint, was purified fast. 殷红的鲜血,在死亡奥义的蒸发下,渐渐消散开来,一缕缕的血雾倏地钻入石岩穴窍,融入穴窍内,被快速净化起来。 Blood Pupil gradually returns to normal, the Shi Yan complexion is wooden, after a while, deeply inspired, is similar to from the nightmare the awaking revolutions, changes color with amazement. He, a little feels helpless, looks at scattered broken corpse, expression unprecedented is dignified. 血瞳逐渐恢复正常,石岩脸色木然,过了一会儿,深深吸了口气,如同从梦魇中醒转,也是骇然变色。就连他自己,都有点不知所措,看着身旁零散的碎尸,神色前所未有的凝重起来。 Divine Ability that Blood Soul Sea, Death Deep Meaning God's Domain evolves, can urge the round of will of the people negative bloodthirsty desire, does not know exhausted slaughters, in Negative Emotions stimulates thoroughly, can form the blood soul regret...... If the memory of by the dust being carved raised Qi, a wisp of memory wave came out in a mind corner/horn obviously, shortly, he then realized that this so-called Blood Soul Sea, was Soul Burial Field God's Domain evolving Divine Ability, was the ultimate mysterious performance of Martial Skills. 血魂海,死亡奥义神之领域衍变的神通,能催发人心负面嗜杀欲望,不知疲惫的杀戮下去,只有在负面情绪彻底激发之时,才可以形成血魂悔……如被尘刻的记忆掀亓了,一缕记忆波在脑海一角明显出来,顷刻间,他便意识到这所谓的血魂海,乃是灵魂葬场神之领域的衍变神通,是武技的终极奥妙表现。 Dozens Dead body that he tows, Negative Emotions of short time irrigation is extremely rich, stimulated to movement Rampage Third Sky by him forcefully, making that terrifying Negative Emotions well up together crazily, with the Soul Burial Field fusion is one, forms the so-called Blood Soul Sea Divine Ability change, lets all by Blood Soul Sea coverage, in instantaneous was insane, thorough degenerates into slaughters enslaving that. 他牵引的数十具尸体,短时间灌注的负面情绪太过浓郁,被他强行催动暴走三重天,让那恐怖负面情绪一起狂涌而出,和灵魂葬场融合为一,形成所谓的血魂海神通变化,让所有被血魂海覆盖者,都在瞬间疯了,彻底的沦为杀戮的奴役。 A series of thoughts passed over gently and swiftly in the mind, the Shi Yan complexion is dignified, calms down, unable to think forcefully temporarily that puts out a hand to grasp the spatial phantom crystal in great ship fragment. 一连串念头在脑海中掠过,石岩脸色凝重起来,强行冷静下来,暂时不敢多想,伸手去抓巨船碎块内的空幻晶。
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