GOS :: Volume #9

#821: Butting in

The phantom crystal can well up the dry territory continually, makes a connection with void passage also to have compared with this gadget has the function blue to him? 幻晶可以连涌旱域,打通虚空通道兰还有比这玩意对他更有作用? After arriving at Lie Yan Star Field, he keeps thinking to admit frequently the Grace Mainland relatives and friends good friend, the entering step of unceasing place on Space Deep Meaning realizes from experience, to can realize this goal as soon as possible. 来到烈焰星域后,他时刻惦记着将神恩大陆的亲朋挚友接纳过来,在空间奥义上不断地的进阶体悟,也是为了尽快能够实现这个目的。 The appearance of spatial phantom crystal, as if together lightning, has shone in his soul, making him unable to repress again. 空幻晶的出现,仿佛一道电光,在他灵魂内亮了起来,让他再也按捺不住了。 „Do you want? Are you what kind of?” The Feng Rao forced smile, is extremely precious in the Lie Yan Star Field spatial phantom crystal, hundred high grade Divine Crystal cannot trade together the spatial phantom crystal, if on that great ship has , is also the most precious thing, how do you obtain?” “你要?你怎么样?”丰娆苦笑,“在烈焰星域空幻晶极其珍贵,百块上品神晶也换不来一块空幻晶,如果那巨船上真有,也是其中最珍贵的东西,你怎么得到?” , Feng Rao continued to stimulate him, Nine Star Chamber of Commerce as one of the three big influences, you thinks that is so easy to cope? Let alone Nine Star Chamber of Commerce, this also had the blood ge shoes head of Russell, you want to snatch the food from his hand, live is impatient?” 顿了一下,丰娆继续刺激他,“九星商会作为三大势力之一,你以为那么容易对付?别说九星商会了,这趟还有拉塞尔的血骼鞋头,你想从他手中抢食,活的不耐烦了?” I exert its utmost Shi Yan calm face coldly snorted. “我势在必得”石岩沉着脸冷哼一声。 You must court death, do not tow me, I no matter your broken matter.” Feng Rao shook the head, sees to console invalid, has not continued suo anything. “你要找死,可不要拖着我,我才不管你的破事。”丰娆摇了摇头,见劝解无效,也没有继续愣嗦什么。 Shi Yan does not respond her, looks with rapt attention to that Nine Star Chamber of Commerce battleship, is planning secretly. 石岩也不搭理她,凝神看向那九星商会的战舰,暗暗算计着。 That battleship, to abandoning the ore star was getting more and more near, nearly to he even can see on the battleship compared with the ant also small person's shadow. 那战舰,离废弃的矿星越来越近了,近到他甚至可以看到战舰上的比蚂蚁还小的人影。 Bang! 轰! Ore star, transmits violent reacted suddenly, such as the earth was roaring, deafening, terrifying was incomparable. 矿星内部,突然传来猛烈的震动,如大地在咆哮,震耳欲聋,恐怖无比。 Russell moved Feng Rao to drink lowly. 拉塞尔行动了”丰娆低喝。 Her words fall, see only War Chariot, suddenly the cavern from ore star howls, a straightforward sound resounds through,( 6 Fan Ye! Your grandfather wanted you to assign 她话语一落,只见一艘艘战车,突然从矿星内部的洞穴呼啸而出,一个粗豪的声音响彻起来,(6梵夜!你爷爷要你命来了” Wild earth energy, erupts turbulently, the ore on-board innumerable rocks explode, form the meteorite turbulent flow, hits loudly toward that Nine Star Chamber of Commerce great ship, the biggest stone, hundred meters hill size, are carrying astonishing power, verve fierce. 狂暴的大地能量,汹涌爆发出来,矿星上无数山石爆裂,形成陨石乱流,朝着那九星商会的巨船轰然撞去,最大的石头,有百米小山大小,携带着惊人的力量,刚猛狂烈。 Is Russell a Feng Rao face with amazement, he really arrived “是拉塞尔丰娆一脸骇然,“他果然亲临了” Who is Fan Ye?” Shi Yan low and deep asking, complexion with deep veneration. 梵夜是谁?”石岩低沉的问道,脸色肃然。 He is the Fan Tian younger brother. Fan Family is the Nine Star Chamber of Commerce pillar, the biggest family, the influence is abundant, is hard to deal with. Fan Ye also has Source God First Sky Realm cultivation base, this is a fierce battle Feng Rao replies. “他是梵天的弟弟。梵家可谓是九星商会的支柱,最大的家族,势力雄厚,非常难缠。梵夜也有着源神一重天境界修为,这是一场恶战啊”丰娆答道。 Nine Star Chamber of Commerce comprised of the big size small family, is the family alliance situation, Fan Family, is the Nine Star Chamber of Commerce biggest family, the chamber of commerce backbone, Fan Tian is the chairman of the chamber of commerce, in the Nine Star Chamber of Commerce effective and influential word, with Hidden League Union Master Dark Sky God Country a character of Du Tianji rank. 九星商会由大大小小的家族组成,是家族联盟形势,梵家,便是九星商会最大的家族,商会顶梁柱,梵天乃商会会长,在九星商会一言九鼎,和幽盟盟主天涅神国镀天奇一个级别的人物。 The Fan Family master like clouds, besides new first generation most dazzling Fan Tianpo, the older generation is also Expert stands in great numbers. 梵家高手如云,除了新一代最为耀眼的梵天破外,老一辈也是强者林立。 Fan Ye, is one of the Fan Family older generation Expert, the Fan Tian blood brother, Source God First Sky Realm Expert, is responsible for the Nine Star Chamber of Commerce Fan Family materials transportation, in entire Lie Yan Star Field, is the power and influence dreadful characters. 梵夜,便是梵家老一辈的强者之一,梵天的亲弟弟,源神一重天境界强者,负责九星商会梵家的物资运输,在整个烈焰星域,都是权势滔天的人物。 It seems like, on that great ship had the heavy treasure, can be worth Fan Ye going into action personally, was worth Russell arriving absolutely.” Feng Rao has endless emotion, no wonder having free time phantom crystal, Fan Ye above, Shi Yan, you finally do not act rashly, how otherwise dead does not know.” “看来,那巨船上定有重宝了,能值得梵夜亲自出马,也绝对值得拉塞尔亲临。”丰娆感慨不已,“难怪有空幻晶了,原来梵夜在上面,石岩,你最后别轻举妄动,不然怎么死的都不知道。” Russell, is Fan Ye, is Source God First Sky Realm Expert, these two any finds Shi Yan, can destroy completely him. 不论是拉塞尔,还是梵夜,都是源神一重天境界强者,这两人任何一个瞧见石岩,都能灭掉他。 Numerous God King Realm Expert, God King Third Sky, are definitely many, the ginseng gathers this war, absolutely is not the wise action. 还有众多神王境强者,神王三重天者,也肯定不少,参合进这一战,绝对不是明智之举。 Shi Yan silent a while, frowns, suddenly asked: In Lie Yan Star Field, wants to obtain the spatial phantom crystal to be easy?” 石岩沉默了一会儿,皱着眉头,忽然问道:“在烈焰星域,想要得到空幻晶容易吗?” Feng Rao was astonished however, considered earnestly, shook the head, was not very easy. The spatial phantom crystal only then place of Hidden League spatial warping produces, every hundred years of output is also limited, our Divine Punishment Grounds auction market, little sees.” 丰娆讶然,认真的思量了一下,摇了摇头,“很不容易。空幻晶只有幽盟一处空间扭曲之地出产,每百年的产量也非常有限,就连我们神罚之地的拍卖场,也很少一见。” If misses this opportunity, I also do have to obtain the possibility of spatial phantom crystal? Within ten years, there is this possibility?” Shi Yan asked again. “如果错过这次机会,我还有得到空幻晶的可能没?十年之内,有没有这个可能?”石岩再问。 Feng Rao shakes the head. 丰娆摇头。 Has been OK, I know how to do.” The Shi Yan look is firm and resolute, risk then take risks, this I must put together, the spatial phantom crystal is worth me such doing “可以了,我知道怎么做了。”石岩眼神坚毅,“冒险便冒险吧,这趟我要拼一拼了,空幻晶值得我这么做” What do you want that gadget to make?” Feng Rao a little has a headache, „, only then most excellent Refiner Master, can refine Imaginary Space Ring by the spatial phantom crystal, the plum constructs mysterious spatial, spatial can the connected space, only then the tripartite will influence build, connects with the main star, your little warrior, thinks were too many?” “你要那玩意做什么?”丰娆有点头疼,“只有最高超的炼器师,才可以以空幻晶炼制幻空戒,梅建神奇的空阵,空阵可以连通空间,只有三方势力会搭建,和主星连接起来,你一个小武者,想的太多了吧?” She does not know that Shi Yan comes Lie Yan Star Field, only then ten years, does not know that Shi Yan has the thing of caring, the nature is unreadable. 她并不知道石岩烈焰星域只有十来年时间,也不知道石岩有惦记的东西,自然难以理解。 When they spoke, Marauder riding War Chariot, crazy fired into the Nine Star Chamber of Commerce great ship, that Russell the anger of deep meaning earth displayed, this ore star quarry stone like meteorite shower, shelled to the great ship. 两人讲话之时,一个个掠夺者乘坐者战车,疯狂的冲向九星商会的巨船,那拉塞尔的奥义大地之怒施展开来,这矿星乱石如陨石雨,也纷纷轰击向巨船。 ! The time, on that great ship splits the tricolor wave light, forms the marvelous light cover, gives to bind the great ship. !时间,那巨船上绽出三色波光,形成奇妙的光罩,将巨船都给裹住。 Even but if so, under the Russell earth deep meaning, the great ship cannot withstand, under the bombardment of crowded meteorite shower, fierce sways, that tricolor light covers gradually is also dim Russell! Can you suicide inadequately?” On the great ship, tall thin silhouette, appears together immediately, is cold the face, „ past years has rubbed you 可即便如此,在拉塞尔的大地奥义下,巨船也承受不住,在密集的陨石雨的轰击下,剧烈的摇晃起来,那三色光罩也逐渐的黯淡下来“拉塞尔!你非要寻死不成?”巨船上,一道颀长消瘦的身影,顿时显现出来,寒着脸,“当年揉了你 Has not utterly destroyed your family, you send drag out an ignoble existence suitably consider as finished, must do right with my Fan Family, thinks how seriously Fan Family can't take you? ” 没有将你家族斩尽杀绝,你寄宜偷生就算了,非要与我梵家做对,当真以为梵家不能拿你如何?” That was Fan Ye.” Feng Rao explained in a low voice that evidently Russell and Fan Family hatred is not small, the hatred of extermination of the clan, is not easy to forget, the Russell mad dog is no wonder common, throughout stares at Nine Star Chamber of Commerce not to put.” “那就是梵夜了。”丰娆低声解释,“看样子拉塞尔梵家仇恨不小啊,灭族的仇恨,不是那么容易遗忘的,难怪拉塞尔疯狗一般,始终盯着九星商会不放了。” Has changed me, has the hatred of extermination, meets does not count the retaliations at all costs, Immortal continuous.” The Shi Yan complexion is solemn, said lightly. “换了我,有着灭门的仇恨,也会不计一切代价的报复,不死不休。”石岩脸色冷峻,淡淡说道。 hōng hōng hōng! 轰轰轰 War Chariot, above Marauder releases power, the innumerable dazzling light beams, the bang shoots on the great ship, these Marauder are calling, collects to the great ship. 一艘艘战车,上方的掠夺者释放力量,无数炫目的光束,轰射在巨船上,那些掠夺者吆喝着,凑向巨船。 Together tall and strong such as the guy of mountain, whole face whiskers, is sharp-eyed the fierce scabs, the one person alone fires into the great ship together, face upwards to laugh wildly, your Fan Family had not massacred me in the past, is you biggest taking a rash step, so long as I am living, then must make your Fan Family forever not probably be peaceful! Fan Ye, you extinguished my whole families in the past, substitutes for my family in Earth Realm of chamber of commerce, today, I then take you to operate, making you know that your Fan Family will pay what kind of price.” 一道魁梧如山的大汉,满脸络腮胡,眼尖有一道狰狞的伤疤,孤身冲向巨船,仰天狂笑起来,“你们梵家当年没有杀掉我,是你们最大的失策,我只要活着,便要让你们梵家永远不得安宁!梵夜,当年你们灭我满门,取代我家族在商会的地位,今日,我便拿你开刀,让你知道你们梵家会付出怎样的代价。” This person naturally was Russell, the blood stuck the marrow Marauder leader, was skilled in the earth deep meaning, God's Domain launches, numerous Outer Territory meteorites imperial were moved by him, wild hit on the Nine Star Chamber of Commerce great ship. 这人自然便是拉塞尔了,血粘髓头掠夺者的首领,精通大地奥义,神之领域展开,众多域外陨石被他御动,狂暴的撞击在九星商会的巨船上。 The tricolor light covers, under his continual bombardment, how long cannot support, then suddenly explodes to break to pieces. 三色光罩,在他的连续轰击下,没能支撑多久,便突然爆碎掉。 Marauder of numerous waiting for an opportunity, are riding War Chariot, falls to the great ship, suddenly, frigid fight eruption. 众多伺机的掠夺者,骑乘着战车,都落向巨船,一时间,惨烈的战斗爆发。 Shi Yan and Feng Rao they, no longer that cautiously hides, arrives in the lake from cave, raises head the fierce battle in looks at cloud layer, expression is panic-stricken. 石岩丰娆两人,不再那么小心翼翼的潜藏起来,从石洞内来到湖泊上,仰头看着云层内的激烈交战,神色惊骇。 The energy bombardment of terrifying, collides in that dark starry sky collection, such as the most brilliant smoke and fire flash eye, intermittent energy stirs up the plaster to shoot, likely is five colors meteors, projects different God's Domain deep meanings toward four sides, appears on the great ship, suddenly, the great ship cannot withstand, splits gradually, as if must explode to break to pieces. 恐怖能量轰击,在那幽暗的星空汇集碰撞,如最绚烂的烟火般耀目,阵阵能量激垩射开来,像是一道道五彩流星,朝着四面抛射下来各种不同的神之领域奥义,在巨船上显现出来,一时间,巨船承受不住,渐渐分裂开来,似乎要爆碎掉。 Achieves God King Realm Warrior, has God's Domain, different God's Domain attack mutually, will erupt wild power reacted, looked from their direction that will discover strange God's Domain appears, astonishing. 达到神王境武者,拥有神之领域,不同的神之领域相互冲击,会爆发出狂暴的力量震动,从两人方向去看,会发现许多稀奇古怪的神之领域显现出来,惊人之极。 Russell these years plunder the countless commodities, wholeheartedly cultivation, it is said soon breakthrough Source God Second Sky. This person cruel, intention hatred, fight experience extremely rich, that Fan Ye not necessarily is a match.” Feng Rao said in a low voice. 拉塞尔这些年掠夺数不尽的物资,一心修炼,据说快要突破源神二重天了。这人残暴非常,心怀仇恨,战斗经验极其的丰富,那梵夜不一定就是对手。”丰娆低声说道。 It would be the best.” Shi Yan immovability, they best mutually wounded to be good, to destroy indiscriminately is best, I want the spatial phantom crystal.” “最好不过了。”石岩不动如山,“他们最好两败俱伤才好,玉石俱焚最佳,我只要空幻晶。” „It is not easy.” Feng Rao shook the head, sighed one lightly, did not have the attention of Russell and Fan Ye, once your ginseng has gathered, stared by God King Third Sky Realm Expert, cannot withdraw.” “没那么容易的。”丰娆摇了摇头,轻叹一声,“就算是没有拉塞尔梵夜的注意,一旦你参合了,被神王三重天境界强者盯上,也根本不能脱身。” Stopped, Feng Rao looked to him, what was main, the spatial phantom crystal cannot put in Imaginary Space Ring, the goal was too obvious, you wanted to carry off quietly, was impossible, I urged you not to presumptuously think well.” 停了一下,丰娆看向他,“最主要的是,空幻晶不能放入幻空戒,目标太明显了,你想要悄悄带走,根本就不可能的,我劝你最好别妄想了。” That captures War Chariot.” Shi Yan snort|hum, Marauder, is Nine Star Chamber of Commerce, has War Chariot available, delivers the spatial phantom crystal not to be difficult with War Chariot.” “那就夺取战车。”石岩哼了一声,“不论是掠夺者,还是九星商会,都有战车可用,用战车运载空幻晶并不困难。” During the speech, his Divine Sense launched, falls to the battle central region, wisp of Divine Sense was loafing slowly, careful the Strength of Space rejection, Soul Altar will be rotating, was only the attentive induction space is turbulent. 讲话间,他的神识展开,落向了交战中央区域,一缕神识慢慢游荡着,小心将其中空间之力剔除,灵魂祭台转动着,只是用心感应空间动荡。 The fight occurred, Divine Sense scurries about, his wisp of Divine Sense nobody cares, Strength of Space can eliminate by him, will not be emptied the influence of phantom crystal. 战斗发生了,神识乱窜,他的那一缕神识没有人在意,其中空间之力被他可以消除,也不会受空幻晶的影响。 But Space Deep Meaning that he comprehends, is extremely sensitive to the space fluctuation, is only mildew, he had then found the spatial phantom crystal position. 而他领悟的空间奥义,对空间波动极其敏感,只是一霉,他便找到了空幻晶的位置。 Great ship rear corner/horn. 巨船后侧一角。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! The energy wild attack, under the destruction of Marauder, the Nine Star Chamber of Commerce great ship splits slowly, has become several hundred bulk silver fragments. 能量狂暴抨击,在掠夺者的破坏下,九星商会的巨船慢慢分裂,成了数百大块银色碎片。 A great ship fragment of phantom crystal fluctuation, stirs up the plaster to shoot, crashes toward the ore star following dark starry sky, is together the silver meteor, the speed is extremely likely quick. 有空幻晶波动的一处巨船碎片,激垩射出来,朝着矿星下面幽暗星空坠落,像是一道银色流星,速度极快。 Great ship near kilometer, that fragment also ten War Chariot size, has the obvious life fluctuation, should have the master to hide. 巨船近千米长,那碎片也有十个战车大小,其中还有明显的生命波动,应该有高手躲藏其中。 The Shi Yan eye is staring at the broken fragment of that great ship stubbornly, in the pupil the none remaining was bright, stopped, suddenly said: This matter has nothing to do with you, you can not mix.” 石岩眼睛死死盯着那巨船的破碎块,眸中精光熠熠,停了一下,突然道:“此事与你无关,你可以不掺和进去。” Feng Rao gawked. 丰娆愣了。 No matter you do believe my sincerity, I must say one, you are very beautiful.” The Shi Yan dew tooth smiles, suddenly draws Feng Rao, has kissed one maliciously, has another chance to meet.” “不管你信不信我真心,我都要说一句,你真的很美。”石岩露齿一笑,忽然将丰娆拉过来,狠狠的亲了一口,“后会有期。” lightning blooms together, his silhouette vanishes immediately, the life fluctuation hidden goes. 一道电光绽放,他的身影顿时消失,生命波动隐去。 Feng Rao dull there, the beautiful pupil appears the strange stunned color, the subconscious feeling cheeks, half sound, stamps the feet, said bitterly: Now actually wants to throw off me, does not have is so easy 丰娆呆愣在那儿,美眸显出奇异错愕的色彩,下意识的摸着脸颊,半响,才跺脚,恨恨道:“现在倒是想要甩掉我了,没那么容易” She knows the Shi Yan goal, although cannot induce to Shi Yan aura fluctuates, actually knows the direction, flew suddenly, before Shi Yan the look gathering place flushes away. 她知道石岩目标,虽不能感应到石岩气息波动,却知道方向,也忽然飞了起来,朝着石岩之前眼神聚集之地冲去。
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