GOS :: Volume #9

#820: Spatial phantom crystal

Blood Skull Chief Marauder slowly to abandoning the ore star closes up...... In a while, that giant battleship, then falls to the ore on-board. 血骷髅头掠夺者缓缓向废弃的矿星靠拢……没过多久,那一艘巨大的战舰,便落到矿星上。 This ore star has the innumerable giant caverns, the direct link bottom deep place, some caverns even can the prestige put ten to be similar to the Blood Skull Chief giant battleship, hides one, is easy. 这个矿星有着无数巨大的洞穴,直达地底深处,有的洞穴甚至可以威放十来艘类似于血骷髅头巨大的战舰,藏匿一艘,更是轻而易举。 That Blood Skull Chief battleship, falls steadily to one does not see the bottom darkly the pothole, Marauder of Russell subordinates, collects the surrounding crushed stone, has covered the Blood Skull Chief battleship, lets the outside world person, impossible to see from the starry sky. 血骷髅头战舰,稳稳落向一个幽暗不见底的坑洞,拉塞尔麾下的掠夺者,采集周围的碎石,将血骷髅头战舰盖了起来,让外界的人,不可能从星空看见。 The Blood Skull Chief battleship manufacture suffices the material quality to be special, can hide the life to fluctuate, so long as these Marauder stay, in certain distance, will not be surveyed by Expert Divine Sense. 血骷髅头战舰制造够材质特殊,能够隐藏生命波动,那些掠夺者只要呆在当中,在一定距离内,不会被强者神识探测到。 Russell has the thorough plan obviously, covers the battleship in the ore star, all Marauder stay inside, gets up aura concealing, this will not need to be worried discovered by Expert and battleship of way that can play the effect of surprise attack. 拉塞尔显然有着周密的计划,在矿星将战舰掩盖,所有掠夺者都停留里面,把气息隐匿起来,这样就不用担心会被途径的强者和战舰发现,能够起到突袭的效果。 Shi Yan and Feng Rao they, are hiding in lake cave, eye looks at Blood Skull Chief Marauder arranges appropriately, does not dare to leave, is in secret discrete. 石岩丰娆两人,在湖泊底下的石洞内躲着,眼看着血骷髅头掠夺者安排妥当,没有敢离开,暗中谨慎。 Evidently, we must seek place of the finding a place to live.” Shi Yan already let loose Feng Rao, frowns to consider, said: This ore star, only then this place lake, guarantees does not permit these Marauder to take a bath, um, we toward under thorough.” “看样子,我们也要寻个安身之地了。”石岩早已放开丰娆,皱着眉头思量了一下,道:“这矿星只有此地一处湖泊,保不准那些掠夺者会来洗澡,嗯,我们往底下深入。” Feng Rao nods, agreed with his decision. 丰娆点头,同意了他的决定。 ka ka ka! 咔咔咔 cave under two person, under the bombardment of Shi Yan power, gradual tearing increase. 两人身下的石洞,在石岩力量的轰击下,逐渐的撕裂变大。 Not long time, under two people, cave scale big about ten times, is only cave entrance still tight narrow, and was covered by the crushed stone, even if Marauder comes, does not come here to nose carefully, cannot discover the clue. 多时,在两人身下,石洞的规模就大了十倍左右,只是洞口依然紧窄,并且被碎石覆盖,就算是掠夺者过来,不来到这儿细心查探,也不能发现端倪。 Spacious cave, Shi Yan and Feng Rao are separated by five meters, sits cross-legged to sit facing each other. 宽敞的石洞内部,石岩丰娆相隔五米,盘膝对坐着。 „Do you also want to stay?” Feng Rao is a little astonished however puzzled you and Blood Skull Chief Marauder does not have the connection, has not related with Nine Star Chamber of Commerce, do you want to meddle a foot?” “你还要呆下去?”丰娆有点讶然不解“你和血骷髅头掠夺者没有瓜葛,与九星商会也没有关系,你想插手一脚?” Shook the head, Shi Yan explained: I do not want to meddle actually, but the ore on-board has covered entirely the Russell informer now, if we departure, is not depending upon the jade hideaway life magnetic field anxiously, should not be discovered. However, insists to leave from ore star, once breaks in the aerosphere, difficult insurance not to be seen.” 摇了摇头,石岩解释:“我倒是不想插手,不过如今矿星上布满了拉塞尔的眼线,我们如果不急着离开,依靠玉石隐藏生命磁场,应该不会被发现。但是,硬要从矿星离开,一旦冲入气层,难保不被看见。” , He has frowned, said: You also said that Russell has Source God First Sky Realm cultivation base, under also several achieve God King Third Sky Expert. So long as were discovered by him, in this star territory, we want safe and sound escaping, is not quite easy.” 顿了一下,他皱着眉头,又道:“你也说了,拉塞尔有着源神一重天境界修为,手下还有数名达到神王三重天强者。只要被他发现,在这一片星域,我们想要安然无恙的逃生,不太容易啊。” Does not circle expression to be also dignified, nodded is not indeed easy. That Russell is not friendly kind, perhaps knows that I go to the purgatory star the goal. If gave him to discover I sufficed the whereabouts, can perhaps guess correctly that I have gone well Star Chart, decides however will not let off us.” 非绕也神色凝重起来,点了点头“的确不容易。那拉塞尔可不是善类,或许知道我去炼狱星的目的。要是给他发现了我够行踪,说不定能够猜到我得手了星图,定然不会放过我们。” Temporarily stays here, no matter they make anything, we do not interfere, excessively do not pay attention. Un, when their this ticket did, naturally can depart, the ore star that such abandoning his long time stay......” Shi Yan will definitely not have hesitated, offering advice. “暂时呆在这儿,不管他们做什么,我们不干涉,也不要过多留意。嗯,等他们这一票干完了,自然会离去,这么一处废弃的矿星他肯定不会长时间逗留……”石岩沉吟了一下,给出了主意。 Feng Rao thinks that thought also can only, not talk too much anything like this. 丰娆想了想,觉得也只能这样了,没有多言什么。 The time in a hurry, the time, ten days passed by in an instant. 时间匆匆,一转眼功夫,十来天过去了。 Shi Yan and Feng Rao they, always hide the cavern under lake, has not gone out one step, once for a while, will gain ground by the cave slit, has a look at beyond the day condition, has not discovered anything. 石岩丰娆两人,始终藏匿在湖泊底下的洞穴,不曾外出一步,时不时的,会抬头透过石洞的缝隙,看看天外的境况,也没有发现什么。 Their da most time, each other did not speak, respective eyes closed maintained mental tranquility. 两人龘大多数时间,都彼此不讲话,各自闭目养神。 Ten days of time is very short, to Shi Yan above the comprehension of Stars Deep Meaning, will indulges short, did not have comprehends with enough time well. 十天时间很短暂,短暂到石岩星辰奥义的领悟之上,才堪堪沉溺下去,还没来得及好好领悟。 Achieves God King Realm, his three progress of deep meanings are quite slow, as for the accumulation of power, comes to see in him does not constitute actually troublesome, so long as kills people, through the transformation of acupoint, power can maintain the peak condition, does not need to be worried. 达到神王之境,他三种奥义的进展颇为缓慢,至于力量的积累,在他来看倒是不构成麻烦,只要杀人,通过穴窍的转化,力量可以保持巅峰状态,一点不用担心。 Be only the entering step of deep meaning, concerns his Realm height, can help his breakthrough. 只有奥义的进阶,才关乎他境界的高低,能够助他突破 A that meteorite war, has killed Pangjia, has embezzled Ganji Soul Altar, his Divine Soul profits, profound truths imprint is bright, had the breakthrough sign faintly, he then wants to seize all opportunities at this time, must the deep meaning regards the breakthrough mouth formidable. 那陨石一战,杀了庞加,吞没了甘基灵魂祭台,他自己神魂受益,奥义烙印明净,隐隐有了突破的迹象,他此时便想要抓紧一切时机,要将奥义的强大当成突破口。 He does not have F butterfly Feng Rao the motion of extremely, ten days of time, Feng Rao undergoes a restoration,[ body] in energy restores 30%, had entire prestige time 50% power. 他没有太过F蝴丰娆的行动,十天时间,丰娆经过一番恢复,〖体〗内能量恢复三成,有了全威时期一半的力量 In the past time, he will start personally, reduced Feng Rao power, making her power maintain at 20-30% conditions throughout, this can guarantee that she will not pose the threat. 往常的这个时刻,他会亲自下手,将丰娆力量消减,让她的力量始终维持在二、三成状态,这样才可以保证她不会构成威胁。 Feng Rao also knows that his planning, therefore after ten days, Feng Rao awakes to turn around, the eye pupil is splendid, static looks at he, seems waiting for him to start. 丰娆也知道他的算计,所以在十天过后,丰娆醒转过来,眼眸熠熠生辉,静静的看着他,似乎在等候着他下手。 Opens eyes, Shi Yan beams into a smile, to say indifferently: Situation is special, this I will not continue the P butterfly you. Un, you restored half power, if really had the accident, there is the strength of self-preservation.” 睁开眼,石岩灿然一笑,淡然说道:“形势特殊,这趟我不会继续P蝴你。嗯,你恢复了一半力量,真要是有了意外,也有自保之力了。” Feng Rao relaxed quietly, reveals one smiling faceto calculate that for the first time you do not have to that degree stingily. 丰娆悄悄松了一口气,首次露出一个浅浅的笑脸“算你没有心狠到那个程度。 If you this condition, but must start to me, seriously was too subordinate. ” 你要是这个境况,还要对我下手,当真是太小人了。” Smiled, Shi Yan does not care about her satire „you are the Feng Ke daughter, I want to ask, your father besides you, male offspring?” 笑了笑,石岩也不在意她的讽刺“你是丰岢的女儿,我想问问,你父亲除你之外,还有子嗣没?” I have two elder brothers.” Feng Rao knits the brows, has thought, also explained: „ It is not a mother. “我还有两个哥哥。”丰娆皱眉,想了下,又解释:“不是一个母亲。 Does Shi Yan smile that your father to love you not to be sore? In your father eyes, who importantly?” 石岩莞尔“那个你父亲疼你不疼?在你父亲眼中,谁更加重要一点?” Feng Rao complexion micro cold, snort|hum, had not replied. 丰娆脸色微冷,哼了一声,并未答话。 I understood.” Shi Yan from attending to nodded you if is really more important than your two elder brothers, goes to the purgatory star, should not be you. Also no wonder, in Lie Yan Star Field, daughter is always inferior to the son.” “我明白了。”石岩自顾点了点头“你真要是比你两个哥哥重要,去炼狱星的,应该就不是你了。也难怪,在烈焰星域,女儿总是不如儿子的。” Was Feng Rao angry, is cold face actually you to say what?” 丰娆恼怒,寒着脸“你究竟想说什么?” I want to say that even if you return to Divine Punishment Grounds, some day, was impossible to receive your father's secondary roles. But also perhaps, will be started to frame by your two elder brothers, might as well get along with me.” Shi Yan is thick the facial skin to say. “我想说,你即便是返回神罚之地,有朝一日,也不可能接过你父亲的班底。说不定,还会被你两个哥哥下手陷害,不如跟我好了。”石岩厚着脸皮道。 With you?” Feng Rao is stunned, what breathless you to have at once? You to my? Let me with you? If you have not obtained Star Chart, you are nothing! First Sky of God King Realm, your I cannot fight, what can give me? Really laughable!” “跟你?”丰娆愕然,旋即气急败坏起来“你有什么?你怎么对我的?让我跟你?你若是没有得到星图,你算个屁啊!才神王一重天之境,你连我都斗不过,能够给与我什么?真是可笑!” She definitely has the ambition woman, and is skilled to plan, otherwise the one person alone will not enter the purgatory star, schemes the Star Chart hundred years. 她绝对是个有野心的女人,并且精于算计,不然不会孤身进入炼狱星,图谋星图百年。 If there are man, various aspects strong she, can give her enormous power and influence power, but also has the reality of flesh with her, perhaps she will submit, treats wholeheartedly. 如果有个男人,各方面强过她,能够给予她极大的权势力量,还与她有着肌肤之实,说不定她会臣服,一心一意对待。 power and influence that Shi Yan appears at this time, was too inferior, does not have too strong persuasive power, no wonder she thinks laughable. 只是,石岩此时显现出来的力量和势力,实在太逊色了一点,没有太强的说服力,也难怪她觉得可笑。 I indeed cannot give you now anything.” Shi Yan expression is dignified „, but after actually not representative. Although this Lie Yan Star Field is big, actually restraint is not occupied by me, sooner or later, I can dominate above on the 1st all people, you with me, can enjoy all my now in the future.” “我现在的确不能给你什么。”石岩神色凝重“但却不代表以后。这烈焰星域虽大,却束缚不住我,早晚有一日,我可以凌驾所有人之上,你如今跟我,未来可以享用我的一切。” You one day to prove, came to say these with me again.” Feng Rao disdains coldly snorted, obviously does not have is so easy to bow the head to profess allegiance. “等你有一天证明了,再来和我说这些吧。”丰娆不屑冷哼,显然没那么容易俯首称臣。 Shi Yan smiled, has not continued to talk too much, he also knows that is not easy to conquer this woman, he also has the time, he also believes that so long as this woman treats some time in his side, will change the attitude gradually, will refer to erratically one day, then wholeheartedly to him. 石岩笑了笑,也没有继续多言,他也知道没有那么容易征服这个女人,他还有时间,他也相信,只要这个女人在他身旁多待一段时间,会渐渐改变态度,指不定有一天,便会一心向他了。 Although Lie Yan Star Field is big, but he does not have his secondary roles, what wants to do to select not to be convenient, nobody available, how can dominate a side? 烈焰星域虽大,可他却没有自己的班底,想要做点什么都不方便,无人可用,怎能称霸一方? Him, Feng Rao this female sinister and ruthless very ruthless, the method is also uncommon, if can obtain her favor, the opening will be easier. 在他来看,丰娆这女子阴毒狠辣,手段也不凡,如果能够得到她的青睐,开头会容易许多。 Zi Yao is the Dark Sky God Country princess, does not have certainly possibly at risk of life spells to disappear with him, god country power and influence several, fight mutually darkly, even if he one day wants with the aid of Zi Yao anything, if no enough power, will make the person look down upon. 紫耀乃是天涅神国的公主,绝无可能与他拼死拼消,神国权势数股,相互暗斗,就算是他有一天想要借助紫耀什么,如果没有足够的力量,也会让人瞧不起。 Had the ship to come......” Feng Rao to shout suddenly lowly, collects to the cave entrance slit, beyond the looks at day, tender face changed. “有船来了……”丰娆忽然低呼,凑向洞口缝隙,看着天外,娇颜微变。 Shi Yan puts down to read temporarily thinks, collects to the cave entrance crack, closes right up against with Feng Rao shoulder to shoulder, was hearing her delicate fragrance aura, somewhat cannot help but capricious, if the secret passage can the sincerity subdue this woman, perhaps will scheme the nova territory smoothly too to be many. 石岩暂时放下念想,也凑向洞口裂缝,和丰娆并肩靠着,闻着她身上的幽香气息,不由得有些心猿意马,暗道如果能够真心收服这个女人,说不定图谋新星域会顺利太多。 Has the silver great ships of nine star badges, in dark starry sky slowly xiGood, the great ship enlarges gradually, is getting more and more near to this waste barrow star. 一艘有着九星徽章的银色巨船,在幽暗星空缓缓舾】行着,巨船逐渐放大,离这废弃矿星越来越近。 Nine stars symbolized that the newcomer really Nine Star Chamber of Commerce person, looked the scale of that great ship was not small, decides however has carried numerous commodities, the Shi Yan eye micro bright. 九星标志,来者果然正是九星商会的人,看那巨船的规模不小,定然携带了众多物资,石岩眼睛微亮。 Wisp of Divine Sense lets loose, in secret revolution Space Deep Meaning, making Divine Sense concealing fluctuate, drills in the space band, diving quietly to that battleship. 一缕神识放开来,暗中运转空间奥义,让神识隐匿波动,在空间夹层钻来钻去,悄悄的潜向那战舰。 Understands clearly space mysterious him, Divine Sense does not have the mark to seek, very difficult assurance to perceive, however, this wisp of Divine Sense, falls into that Nine Star Chamber of Commerce great ship, as if likes a stone dropped into the sea, such as had been disturbed by inexplicable Strength of Space, a trail has not induced. 洞悉空间奥妙的他,神识无迹可寻,很难把握觉察,然而,这一缕神识,才落入那九星商会的巨船,似乎石沉大海般,如被莫名的空间之力干扰了,一点踪迹都没有感应到。 The complexion changes, Shi Yan is in vain dignified „that Nine Star Chamber of Commerce great ship, can disturb Strength of Space? Such fierce?” 脸色一变,石岩徒然凝重起来“那九星商会的巨船,能够干扰空间之力?这么厉害?” Has not heard.” Feng Rao shook the head, is astonished however said: In Lie Yan Star Field, not having what battleship to disturb Strength of Space, absolutely impossible!” “没有听说啊。”丰娆摇了摇头,讶然说道:“在烈焰星域,没有什么战舰可以干扰空间之力的,绝无可能!” My Divine Sense, approaches that great ship, then lost the contact, anything cannot realize.” Shi Yan knits the brows, the sinking sound said. “我的神识,才靠近那巨船,便失去了联系,什么都察觉不到。”石岩皱眉,沉声说道。 Your Divine Sense, by space mysteriously precise?” Feng Rao slightly obviously shocks. “你的神识,由空间奥妙凝炼而成?”丰娆略显震惊。 Shi Yan nods. 石岩点头。 Should be on the ship has any special thing.” Feng Rao was experienced, has hesitated , the beautiful pupil has shone getting up immediately spatial phantom crystal! Only the having free time phantom crystal has this special effect!” “应该是船上有什么特殊的东西。”丰娆见多识广,沉吟了下,美眸顿时亮了起来“空幻晶!只有空幻晶有此特效!” Is illusory......” “空幻得……” Un, refines material that Imaginary Space Ring most to attach most importance wants, builds principal of space formation. Is more precious than ten times Ethereal Crystal, it is said good of spatial phantom crystal utilization, can achieve connects void passage of star territory, naturally, needs to grasp Space Deep Meaning Expert to come Divine Soul to support imperial moves.” Feng Rao explained. “嗯,炼制幻空戒为主要的材料,也是搭建空间阵法的主材。比空灵晶珍贵十倍,据说空幻晶运用的好,能够达成连接星域的虚空通道,当然,需要掌握空间奥义强者神魂支撑御动。”丰娆解释。 Shi Yan eye suddenly Liang, the body shook this gadget I to want fiercely!” 石岩眼睛暴亮,身子猛地一震“这玩意我要了!”
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