GOS :: Volume #9

#819: Blood Skull Chief battleship

Feng Rao is means does not have with Shi Yan seriously...... 丰娆石岩当真是一点办法都没有…… Shi Yan does not walk, she cannot drive away , can only hide in the place of lake bathes the wash, for a long time has not seen the clean water, she does not want to let up the opportunity of this taking a bath easily. 石岩不走,她也驱赶不掉,也只能躲藏在湖泊之地沐浴洗涤,好久没有见过干净的水,她可不想轻易放过这个洗身的机会。 The lake water is limpid, is she hides in the lake bottom, Shi Yan can see the fair moving place as before, has occupied many advantage/cheap in vain. 湖水清澈,便是她藏身在湖底,石岩依旧可以看到白皙动人之处,白白占了不少便宜 The Feng Rao body was traced by him, a little has accepted likely fate, does not avoid suspicion, whatever he occupies small advantage/cheap, from attending to combs the hair and wash the face. 丰娆身子都被他摸遍了,也像是有点认命了,不避嫌的任由他占点小便宜,自顾的梳洗起来。 Shi Yan lies crooked in the bulge stone, the facial expression is solemn, after a while, smiles one suddenly lowly , the diving posture falls into lake central, has dozens meters distance with Feng Rao, soaks in the lake water, face upwards the looks at radiant starry sky, comfortable serene. 石岩斜躺在凸起的石块上,神情冷峻,过了一会儿,忽然低笑一声,也飞身落入湖中垩央,与丰娆有着数十米的距离,浸泡在湖水,仰天看着璀璨的星空,自在安详。 Feng Rao startled, this thinks that Shi Yan can have the evil intention, guards in secret, when to her discovered that Shi Yan really do not occupy the meaning of her advantage/cheap, relaxes. 丰娆惊慌了一下,本以为石岩会起歹心,暗中提防,待到她发现石岩并没有真要占她便宜的意思,才放松下来。 This Lie Yan Star Field and Grace Mainland great distance infinite space, long ago to was he by Immortal Devil Blood, was hard to induce to that side trend. 烈焰星域神恩大陆相隔无穷空间,久远到就算是他以不死魔血,也难以感应到那边的动向。 A person one person alone in the strange star territory wanderer, had the leisure with great difficulty, looks at that has imitated such as consistent Star Sea, the giving birth homesickness of not controlling self. 一个人孤身在陌生的星域闯荡,好不容易有了闲暇,看着那彷如一致的星海,不自禁的生出思乡之情。 Arrives at since Grace Mainland, the past dozens years, many memories of another world, were gradually fuzzy. 降临神恩大陆至今,已过去数十年时间,另一世界的许多记忆,渐渐模糊。 Extremely he who early then loses the parents, has not realized from experience the kinship in another starry sky, that time he was wild, is infatuated in challenging the limit, sought for the pleasure, did not have the hand and foot brothers, did not have the life-and-death friendship, nobody was worth him treating wholeheartedly. 极早便失去父母的他,在另外一个星空并没有体悟到亲情,那时候的他狂放不羁,醉心于挑战极限,寻找乐趣,没有手足兄弟,没有生死之交,也没有什么人值得他全心全意对待。 Instead after arriving at Grace Mainland, he by another Shi Yan status, realized that move of kinship, regarded the hope to regard by Shi Jian and Shi Family, meticulous concern. 反而来到神恩大陆后,他以另外一个石岩的身份,体会到了亲情的感动,被石坚石家当成希望看待,无微不至的关怀。 He experiences his entire life, after arriving at Grace Mainland, truly blooms eye-catching luminous, thought that the life had the significance and pursue. 他一生经历,来到神恩大陆以后,才真正绽放出夺目的光亮,觉得人生有了意义和追求。 At here many matters, has become his soul the moving process that is hard to put behind, the looks at starry sky, familiar and strange influences, as if in his mind living appears. 在这儿的许多事情,成了他灵魂难以忘却的动人过程,看着星空,一个个熟悉又陌生的影响,似乎在他脑海中活生生的浮现出来。 rays of light, appears from top of the head Star Sea, luminous gradual increasing, faintly visible is a battleship appearance, emerges from the stars, leaves for quickly toward here. 一点光芒,从头顶星海内显现出来,光亮逐渐的变大,隐隐可见乃是一艘战舰模样,从点点星辰内脱颖而出,朝着这边快捷开赴过来。 Awakes to turn around in vain, shakes loudly, he arrives at the lake immediately the Feng Rao position, shouted to clear the way lowly: Has the battleship!” 徒然醒转过来,轰然一震,他顿时来到湖泊处丰娆方位,低喝道:“有战舰!” Feng Rao was panic-stricken, is busy at binding to flatter the moving body with the leather clothing clear, stared his one eyes that the eye pupil hated darkly, looked up the day. 丰娆惊慌失措,忙用皮衣裹住清媚动人身子,眼眸暗恨的瞪了他一眼,才抬头看天。 After Pangjia, Handi and Ganji three people died, their jade entire tribes to the Shi Yan hand , the jade have the mystery of marvelous concealing life fluctuation, Shi Yan take out the same place immediately, grasps in the palm, relaxes slightly. 庞加汉狄甘基三人死亡后,他们三人的玉石全部落到石岩手中,玉石有着奇妙的隐匿生命波动的奥妙,石岩立即取出一块,握在掌心,稍稍放松一点。 Feng Rao responded, took out her jade, got up life trace concealing. 丰娆反应过来,也取出她的玉石,将身上的生命痕迹隐匿起来。 Ka mou! 咔牟! Lake bottom adamant blasting open, deep cave appears, Shi Yan rashly is drawing Feng Rao, hides in lake bottom cave, blocks much cave entrance with the stone, only reveals cold You the eyes, looks at the day by the lake water. 湖底硬石炸裂,一个,深深的石洞显现出来,石岩不由分说的拉着丰娆,潜藏在湖底石洞内,又用石块将洞口堵住不少,只露出冷幽的眼睛,透过湖水看天。 concealing life fluctuation, God Body was also hidden, Expert on that battleship, only if achieves Source God extremely high Realm, otherwise is impossible to perceive them. 隐匿了生命波动,神体也被隐藏起来,那战舰上的强者,除非达到源神极高境界,否则绝不可能觉察到他俩。 „Who can be?” Shi Yan frowns, he is not quite still familiar with the Lie Yan Star Field layout, does not know that this region belongs to where, has any person to appear and disappear frequently, therefore this one asked that looked to Feng Rao. “会是什么人?”石岩皱着眉头,他对烈焰星域的布局依然不太熟悉,不知道这一块区域属于何处,有什么人经常出没,所以有此一问,看向了丰娆 Feng Rao black eyebrows micro Chu, this region, only then the Nine Star Chamber of Commerce battleship occasionally passes, there is Marauder to appear and disappear, seeks the Nine Star Chamber of Commerce commodity, but compared with other region, here relative peace, has the fight meeting the opportunity to be really few.” 丰娆黛眉微楚,“这片区域,只有九星商会的战舰偶尔通过,也有掠夺者出没,猎取九星商会的物资,不过和别的区域相比,这儿相对太平,发生战斗会面的机会甚少。” Is been big by cave that Shi Yan drives out, they hide, the arm by in together, the body clothing was soaked by the immerse, the arm depends, can feel each other body temperature. 石岩轰开的石洞并不大,两人潜藏在内,手臂靠在一块儿,身上衣衫都被浸没湿透,手臂相靠,能够感觉到彼此的体温。 On the Feng Rao face appears the color of difference, the subconsciousness looked under the arm pasting place, the knitting the brows head, then wants to make way. 丰娆脸上显出异样之色,下意识看了下手臂贴处,皱了皱眉头,便想要让开一点。 Shi Yan realized immediately that looked at her one eyes with a smile, your body where I have not bumped, it is necessary such to look on as an outsider?” 石岩立即察觉,含笑看了她一眼,“你身子什么地方我没有碰过,有必要这么见外么?” Feng Rao hates, to clench teeth darkly, the eye pupil spills over look of hate, said in a low voice: I pledged that sooner or later, will make you pay the price!” 丰娆暗恨,咬着牙,眼眸泛出怨恨之色,低声道:“我发誓,早晚有一天,会让你付出代价!” She did not say that the ruthless words are good, such a threat, Shi Yan immediately chuckled, has not been concerned about face gathers up her, the body space reveals mysteriously, imprisons in the region her fiercely. 她不说狠话还好,这么一威胁,石岩顿时嘿嘿笑了起来,不要脸的凑上她,身上空间奥妙一显,将她所在区域猛地禁锢。 When she is panic-stricken, Shi Yan preserves her, makes Feng Rao pour in his arms actually, saying of smiling: I said that my this person was tenderhearted, if you wanted me and your father cooperate, other method was invalid, the beauty most was effective. About your I had the husband and wife to be solid, a wedding then sufficed to win over me.” 在她惊慌失措之时,石岩一把将她保住,硬是让丰娆倒在他怀里,笑眯眯的说道:“我都说了,我这人最是心软了,你如果想要我和你父亲合作,别的手段无效,美色最是管用了。左右你我都有夫妻之实了,一桩婚事便够拉拢我了。” what rubbish would believe you!” Feng Rao clenches jaws, will revolt to struggle, suddenly the complexion changes, drinks lowly: Blood Skull Chief Marauder, is the Russell person! Be careful!” 鬼才信你!”丰娆咬牙切齿,正要反抗挣扎,突然脸色微变,低喝:“血骷髅头掠夺者,是拉塞尔的人!小心!” Shi Yan stunned, stopped the frivolous movement, looks up the day, the complexion is gradually serious. 石岩愕然,也停下了轻薄动作,抬头看天,脸色渐渐沉重下来。 Battleship that gradually appears, liuqibai meters in length, by the unusual dust lumber construction, the lumber bloodstained, some regions is the black red all over the body, is the blood is dried up obviously. 逐渐显现的战舰,长六七百米,通体由奇特的灰褐色木材建造而成,木材血迹斑斑,有的区域呈黑红色,明显是鲜血干枯而成。 Surface layer the battleship, is hanging the Blood Dripping Gem pirate-like skulls, some Yamato people, size, Blood Skull Chief ties up by the string on the battleship, looked sketchily that Blood Skull Chief feared has several thousand, scary, bloody fearsome. 在战舰表层,吊着一颗颗血淋琳的骷髅头,有各大和族的,大小不等,一个个,血骷髅头由细绳拴在战舰上,粗略一看,血骷髅头怕是有数千颗,骇人之极,血腥可怖。 Above the battleship, the bright Blood Skull Chief multicolored silk banner flutters, the flag as if had been soaked by the blood, dripping wet, but also is dropping the blood, is quite scary. 战舰上方,一个,鲜艳的血骷髅头锦旗飘扬,旗子似乎被鲜血浸泡过,湿淋淋的,还在滴着鲜血般,颇为吓人。 Warrior, appear on battleship, vigilant is sizing up all around, each crops up, valiant very ruthless, in the pupil the ominous light overflows. 一名名武者,在战舰上浮现出来,警惕的打量着四周,每一个冒头的,都彪悍狠辣,眸中凶光四溢。 Blood Skull Chief Marauder, is power that Divine Punishment Grounds hates greatly strengthened, the leader is Russell, the boundary of Source God First Sky, is next to my father in the Divine Punishment Grounds influence.” Feng Rao is cold the face, Russell ominous illustrious, likes the Blood Dripping Gem pirate-like skull, after he commits murder, will fall the Expert head system, regards the spoils of war to tie up on the battleship. His that Blood Skull Chief battleship, is made by the blood sulphur tree, gold/metal iron is hard, but can also above concealing aura, the speed be quick, is hard to deal with.” 血骷髅头掠夺者,是神罚之地一股极强恨的力量,首领是拉塞尔,源神一重天之境,在神罚之地势力仅次于我父亲。”丰娆寒着脸,“拉塞尔凶名赫赫,喜欢血淋琳的骷髅头,他行凶过后,会将强者脑袋制掉,当成战利品绑在战舰上。他那血骷髅头战舰,由血磺树制成,比金铁坚硬,还能隐匿上方气息,速度快捷,非常难缠。” Blood Skull Chief Marauder leader Russell, is in Divine Punishment Grounds Outer Space Robber, Expert of another Source God Realm, this person gets rid very ruthless, in Divine Punishment Grounds, is a few can dare with the ruthless person who Feng Ke confronts. 血骷髅头掠夺者的首领拉塞尔,便是神罚之地域外掠夺者之中,另外一名源神境界的强者,此人出手狠辣,在神罚之地,是少数几个可以敢和丰岢对峙的狠人。 „Is this region that he moves?” Shi Yan knits the brows, said according to you that nearby region, little doesn't have the fight to appear?” “这是他活动的区域?”石岩皱眉,“按照你所说,附近一块区域,不是很少有战斗出现么?” Indeed few, but actually does not represent not to have.” Feng Rao has rubbed the head, saying that a little has a headache about: Russell and Blood Skull Chief Marauder, will not leave the place of their being dormant generally, now appeared in this, definitely has the big trend. I can affirm, for several days, has certainly to carry the commodity the battleship through this place, Russell one step comes first, must prepare to ambush.” “的确很少,但却不代表没有啊。”丰娆揉了揉头,有点头疼的说道:“拉塞尔血骷髅头掠夺者,一般不会离开他们蛰伏之地,如今在此出现了,肯定有大动向。我敢肯定,最近几日,一定有携带物资的战舰通过此地,拉塞尔先一步过来,是要准备伏击的。” Shi Yan expression is dignified, two arms surround Feng Rao, body power wells up darkly, is preparing carefully, once Feng Rao had the unusual action, then wants the heavy hand to destroy the flower. 石岩神色凝重起来,两条手臂环抱住丰娆,身上力量暗涌,小心准备着,一旦丰娆有了异常举动,便要辣手摧花。 The Feng Rao father is Feng Ke, is the Divine Punishment Grounds true fierce and ambitious great demon, perhaps and Russell relates significantly, if knows Feng Rao to Russell in his hands, the whereabouts exposes, he is very difficult to escape from a tribulation. 丰娆的父亲是丰岢,乃是神罚之地真正的枭雄巨魔,说不定和拉塞尔关系非浅,如果给拉塞尔知道丰娆在他手中,行踪暴露,他很难逃出一劫。 You do not use that discretely.” The Feng Rao plentiful twin peaks by his arm extrusion deformation, such as were hit by the electric arc, both cheeks have spilled over blushing of unnatural, actually secretly clenches teeth, Russell and my father do not gather, this is everybody is clear, if he knows that I was imprisoned by you, will not save me, instead will hit a person when he is down.” “你不用那么谨慎。”丰娆丰满双峰被他手臂挤压变形,如被电弧击中了一下,两腮泛出不自然的红晕,却暗暗咬牙,“拉塞尔与我父亲不合,这是大家都清楚的,他要是知道我被你禁锢住,绝不会救我,反而会落井下石。” Shi Yan chuckled with a forced smile, does not believe her, still enclasps her, gathers her ear bank to say in a low voice: No matter he, we are attractive.” 石岩嘿嘿干笑,并不信她,依然抱紧她,凑到她耳畔低声说道:“不管他,我们好好看看。” The Feng Rao air/Qi extremely, knows Shi Yan this occupies her advantage/cheap intentionally, is actually at wit's end. 丰娆气极,知道石岩这是故意占她便宜,却无计可施。 Was being such hugged, the twin peaks by the extrusion, she spilled over the intense humiliation to come restlessly, does not control self, has remembered the romantic bloody battle on that meteorite, at that time and with Jane Jing, just liked the nightmare appears in her mind. 被这么抱着,双峰被压挤,她泛出强烈的屈辱不安来,不自禁的,想起了那陨石上的香艳血战,当时和和简景,犹如梦魇般在她脑海中浮现出来。 Before Shi Yan, she has not undergone the man to moisten, for the fan of Star Chart, when is young then personally arrives at the purgatory star, initially the body went on a punitive expedition against, although she wild with rage, actually also first time realized that the wonderful taste, remembering cannot help but, will be able hardly be removed these days frequently. 石岩之前,她没有经受过男人滋润,为了星图之迷,还年少时便亲自来到炼狱星,当初身子被征伐的时候,她虽然狂怒之极,却也第一次体会到妙味,这段时间常常会不由自主的想起,挥之不去。 At this time, she sticks to with Shi Yan once more in together, by teasing desirably, actually slightly a little could not help. 此时,她再次和石岩紧贴在一块儿,又被刻意的挑逗,竟然稍稍有点情不自禁起来。 Criticizes itself to degenerate despicable, the Feng Rao hurried stable intelligence, strong restores calmly, does not go to think that said maliciously: You let loose first.” 暗骂自己堕落下贱,丰娆急忙稳定神智,强迪自己恢复冷静,不去多想,狠狠地说道:“你先放开一点。” You looked that they came to here, I think that they wanted to regard the foothold this place.” Shi Yan does not respond her, puts out a hand to aim at the top of the head, this ore star has abandoned, some internal actually innumerable mine tunnels, do not need to take the trouble additionally, hid to be OK directly. Evidently, that Russell prepares 1100 big tickets, does not know that who so will be bad luck, was given by him so premeditates to plan.” “你看,他们来这儿了,我想他们想要将此地当成据点。”石岩不搭理她,伸手指向头顶,“这矿星废弃了,内部却有无数矿洞,都不需要额外费力,直接潜藏进去就可以了。看样子,那拉塞尔是准备1100大票了,不知道谁会那么倒霉,被他给这般预谋算计。” Naturally is Nine Star Chamber of Commerce, Russell and Nine Star Chamber of Commerce it is said that has the deep hatred, these many years, have nipped Nine Star Chamber of Commerce not to put. I heard, before he probably is, is Nine Star Chamber of Commerce, exterminated the clan to chase down, runs away to Divine Punishment Grounds nearby.” Feng Rao sees him not to drop, has no alternative, clenches the teeth explained: Nine Star Chamber of Commerce wants to kill his many years, nearby Divine Punishment Grounds has the innumerable bad risk hiding place, Russell already died. But Russell has achieved Source God Realm now, then had the capital that and Nine Star Chamber of Commerce contended with, these years looked like the mad dog to stare at Nine Star Chamber of Commerce, this time should be also no exception.” “自然是九星商会,拉塞尔九星商会据说有血仇,这么多年,一直咬着九星商会不放。我听说,他好像是以前也是九星商会的,被灭族追杀,才逃到神罚之地附近。”丰娆见他不放手,也无可奈何,咬着银牙解释:“九星商会想杀他多年了,要不是神罚之地附近有着无数凶险的藏身之地,拉塞尔早就死了。可现在拉塞尔已经达到源神境,便有了和九星商会抗衡的资本,这些年来像疯狗般盯着九星商会,此次应该也不会例外。” He He, has you in side, I looked like an eye, in Divine Punishment Grounds should relaxed many.” Shi Yan has smiled, the big mouth has added in the Feng Rao clear earlobe. “呵呵,有你在身边,我就像是多了一只眼睛,在神罚之地应该会轻松不少。”石岩笑了,大嘴在丰娆晶莹的耳垂添了一下。 Feng Rao such as suffers the electric shock, the plentiful body cannot bear tremble to shoulder, the fair flesh spills over the moist red. 丰娆如遭电击,丰腴的身子忍不住颤扛起来,白皙肌肤泛出潮红色。 Shi Yan laughs in one's heart, the look after Feng Rao neck, calmly in this way, really with emotions has not actually wanted. 石岩暗笑,在丰娆颈后的眼神,却冷静如斯,并没有真的动情欲。 He had decided that must conquer this woman with every effort, making Feng Rao be dead set on to follow, becomes his arm , helping him to capture the new star territory. 他已决定,要尽力征服这个女人,让丰娆死心塌地跟随,成为他一只臂膀,助他夺取新的星域。
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