GOS :: Volume #9

#818: Keeps the hand

The Feng Rao words said that Shi Yan silent for a long time...... 丰娆一番话说完,石岩沉默许久…… New star territory that has not opened up, is enormous to his impulse, making he excited whole body tremble to dig up simply. Rainbow literature % ingee 一处未曾开垦的新的星域,对他的冲击力极大,让他简直激动的浑身颤扒。彩虹文学%ingee He works loose from Grace Mainland, must look for an outlet for the family member friend, star of this life life then can satisfy his wish, this thinks that this wish also needs to cross again can come true for a long time, but hidden secret of Feng Rao related Star Chart, has actually lifted the new mentality to him. 他从神恩大陆挣脱出来,就是要为亲人朋寻找一条出路,一今生命之星便能满足他的心愿,本以为这个心愿还需要再过许久才能实现,可丰娆有关星图秘辛,却给他掀开了新的思路。 Ten, the star of life, has to achieve seventh rank, and has the Divine Crystal ore, with the innumerable spirit medicine spirit grass, any Lie Yan Star Field influence, once occupies that new star territory, then can obtain the huge resources strength. 十来个,生命之星,其中还有达到七品的,并有神晶矿,和无数的灵药灵草,任何一个烈焰星域的势力,一旦占据那新的星域,便能获得庞大的资源实力。 Dark Sky God Country and Hidden League and Nine Star Chamber of Commerce, any obtains that new star territory, then can press other two sides, perhaps so long as the short several hundred years, can dominate Lie Yan Star Field truly, become the final King. 天涅神国幽盟九星商会,其中任何一股得到那新的星域,便可以压过其余两方,只要短短数百年时间,或许就能真正称雄烈焰星域,成为最终的王者。 Abundant all and Outer Space Robber, reason that inferior Dark Sky God Country, Hidden League and Nine Star Chamber of Commerce, are because does not have one to stop over truly. 丰皆和域外掠夺者,之所以逊色天涅神国幽盟九星商会,就是因为没有一个真正落脚地。 Divine Punishment Grounds peripheral, without heaven and earth energy the star of fresh shed, in region bad risk numerous, can only gather to have no place to go the hoodlum and person condemned to death, if Feng Ke can obtain that new star territory, Feng Ke then can become beyond three big influences, Lie Yan Star Field new tyrannical. 神罚之地周边,没有天地能量的生舍之星,区域内凶险重重,只能聚集无处可逃的暴徒、死囚,如果丰岢可以得到那新的星域,丰岢便可以成为三大势力之外,烈焰星域新的一股强横。 If Shi Yan obtained the nova territory, not only the Grace Mainland crisis can relieve immediately, there are to aspire to seize Lie Yan Star Field to the qualifications of strong influence. 石岩要是得到了新星域,不但神恩大陆的危机立即能够解除,也有问鼎烈焰星域至强势力的资格。 To that time, let alone advocation of Du Tianji god country, even if Hidden League and Nine Star Chamber of Commerce is also very difficult to have the restraint to him, gives him to expand some time, in the future can also become Lie Yan Star Field Fang Haoxiong. 到了那时候,别说神国之主镀天奇,就算是幽盟九星商会也很难对他有约束,给他一段时间壮大,未来也能成为烈焰星域一方豪雄。 This hidden secret, was disclosed by Feng Rao that made him shock seriously wild with joy inexplicable. 这个秘辛,由丰娆透露出来,当真让他震惊狂喜莫名。 A nova territory's investigation control, light depends on his strength, is impossible to realize, that region between Divine Punishment Grounds and Nine Star Chamber of Commerce, wants to base, is not an easy matter. 只是,一片新星域的探查掌控,光靠他一人之力,绝不可能实现,那处区域又在神罚之地九星商会之间,想要立足,绝不是一件容易的事情。 Is very good, thank you told me this news.” “很好,谢谢你告诉我这个消息。” Silent for a long time, the Shi Yan complexion has stood solemnly, looks up to the vast starry sky, flaming combustion that the lofty aspirations and high ideals cannot be restrained is getting up, that nova territory, I exert its utmost, will obtain not at any cost.” 沉默了许久,石岩脸色冷峻的站了起来,仰望着浩瀚星空,雄心壮志不可抑止的熊熊燃烧起来,“那片新星域,我势在必得,将会不惜一切代价得到。” You found the place, how can also?” Feng Rao ridicule looks to him, the ridicule said: Depends on you? God King First Sky Realm Warrior, under the audiences observe the situation, can you control in the hand?” “你就算是找到地方,又能如何?”丰娆嘲弄的看向他,讥讽说道:“就凭你?一个神王一重天境界武者,在众强环视下,你能掌控在手中?” Now cannot, after not representative, cannot.” The Shi Yan cold mouth smiles, mixes not to care about her ridicule, I am young, have enough time to achieve this matter. Just like you said that that side nova territory all parties influence scheme, still cannot enter, Star Chart on my hand, so long as I accumulate enough, grips it in the control, what has not to be impossible?” “现在不能,不代表以后不能。”石岩冽嘴一笑,混不在意她的嘲笑,“我还年轻,有足够的时间达成此事。正如你所说,那边新星域各方势力图谋,依然不能进入,星图应我手,只要我积累到足够,将其攥在手心,有什么不可能?” „Is accumulation enough? So is really easy?” Feng Rao snort|hum, Lie Yan Star Field God King Realm Expert was as numerous as the hairs of an ox, the Source God Realm master is not rarely seen, you initially enter the threshold, thinks really world Warrior is a fool? Can appointed you do urge?” “积累足够的?真有那么容易?”丰娆哼了一声,“烈焰星域神王境强者多如牛毛,源神境高手也不鲜见,你才初入门槛,真以为天下武者都是笨蛋?可以任你驱使?” Hehe, what do you want to say?” Shi Yan smiles lowly, the eye is staring her. 嘿嘿,你想说什么?”石岩低笑,眼睛瞪着她。 Actually, we can cooperate.” Feng Rao lowers the head, in the heart hates the tooth itchy deer, but also knows that at this time can only win over Shi Yan vigorously, may before the tripartite influence, grasps that star territory in their hands. “其实,我们可以合作。”丰娆垂头,心中恨得牙痒鹿,但也知道此时只能极力拉拢石岩,才有可能在三方势力之前,将那片星域掌握在他们手中。 Cooperation? Cooperation law?” The chuckle, Shi Yan is collecting to Feng Rao, can smell the delicate fragrance that her body gladdens the heart, a eyes eyeball is patrolling in her snow white neck, the look is fiery, not mincing matter innermost feelings, you are the Feng Ke daughter, he he, has the reality of flesh with me, none who does not becomes, do you want to incur to gather together me?” “合作?怎么合作法?”轻笑着,石岩凑向丰娆,能够闻到她身沁人心脾的幽香,一双眼睛在她雪白脖颈游弋着,眼神火热,丝毫不掩饰内心,“你是丰岢的女儿,呵呵,与我又有肌肤之实,莫不成,你想要招拢我?” Feng Rao gains ground suddenly, beautiful pupil flashes through wisp of cold You luminous, does not fear collects with his look, my father is a side overlord, I have God King Third Sky Realm cultivation base, but you, are only non- root little warrior, do I match you not to be inadequate?” 丰娆忽地抬头,美眸闪过一缕冷幽的光亮,不惧的和他眼神相汇,“我父亲乃一方霸主,我本人又有神王三重天境界修为,而你,只是一个无根的小武者,难道我配不你不成?” Shi Yan chuckled, the look had the profound meaning greatly, the rough big hand extends, bold has traced in Feng Rao tender and delicate neck, does not give a thought to her angry anger, including saying with a smile: Is I cannot seek friendships.” 石岩嘿嘿笑了起来,眼神大有深意,粗糙的大手伸出来,大胆的在丰娆娇嫩的脖颈摸了一把,不顾她的愤慨怒火,含笑道:“是我高攀不起啊。” Feng Rao was enraged suddenly, suddenly, facial expression ice-cold, raises head, shouts to clear the way: I know you not to let off me, you begin.” 丰娆突地被激怒了,霍然而起,神情冰冷,仰着头,喝道:“我知你不会放过我,你动手。” Do not lose one's temper, I do not reject.” The Shi Yan shameless laughter continues, your beautiful appearance is so moving, do I give up to kill you? I have not thought temporarily, about we must go to that position, how allowing my many points of time to consider?” “别动怒嘛,我没有要拒绝啊。”石岩恬不知耻的笑声不止,“你这般美貌动人,我怎舍得杀你?只是我暂时还没有想好,左右我们要去那个方位,容我多点时间考虑如何?” During the speech, his big hand slides, then falls to the Feng Rao mind in the snow white place, the eye actually bright calm, does not have reading. 讲话间,他大手一路下滑,便落到丰娆胸襟内雪白处,眼睛却明亮冷静,没有之念。 Moves away your dirty hand!” A Feng Rao white hands ball, the bold light blooms, forms to twist the strength, carries off his hand, pulls out behind to draw back hundred meters, vigilant looks to him, you, if dares to raise a rumpus again, I will not let off you, even if the type Soul Altar is exploding broken, must make you not ask for advantage/cheap.” “把你的脏手拿开!”丰娆玉手一弹,一点豪光绽放,形成拧动之力,将他那只手带走,抽身后退百米,警惕的看向他,“你若是再敢动手动脚,我绝不会放过你,即便是样着灵魂祭台爆碎,也要让你讨不到便宜。” So is why heartless? One day husband and wife hundred days graciousness, your I am so intimate, my this person is sentimental, if you communicate with me well, many points of tender feelings honey intent, referred to being uncertain I to be then tenderhearted from thrust out...... Cannot Shi Yan help laughing? “何必这般无情呢?一日夫妻百日恩,你我这般亲密,我这人最是多情,如果你好好与我沟通,多点柔情蜜意,指不定我便心软从了腆只……石岩哑然失笑? Few glibs, your this and person is ruthless, how can by woman restraint the hands and feet?” Feng Rao coldly snorted. “少油腔滑调,你这和人无情无义,岂会被一个女人束缚了手脚?”丰娆冷哼一声。 Shi Yan deep looks at she, expression is faint, did not explain anything, said: Time of stay was very long, we then, if otherwise and other god country pursuing troops search to arrive, your I trouble.” 石岩深深看着她,神色淡漠下来,也不解释什么,说道:“停留的时间很长了,我们即可出发,不然若是等神国追兵搜寻到来,你我都麻烦。” Feng Rao did not reply, then looks at he, the hate in heart has not reduced bitterly. 丰娆也不答话,则是恨恨地看着他,心中的怨恨一点不曾减少。 Does not have what to be good to tidy up, Shi Yan takes one's bearings, from this meteorite to flying, to look back to hint Feng Rao with coming, together goes toward Divine Punishment Grounds and Nine Star Chamber of Commerce direction line. 也没有什么好收拾的,石岩辨别方向,从这陨石冲飞出来,回首示意丰娆跟来,一同朝着神罚之地九星商会的方向行去。 The time in a hurry, a blink, one month then passes by 时间匆匆,一眨眼,一个月便过去 He and Feng Rao, early left the Dark Sky God Country domain, marches forward in the Nine Star Chamber of Commerce influence border, they the region also has the star of life, is the places of some Lie Yan Star Field small influence life, attaches to Nine Star Chamber of Commerce. 他和丰娆两人,早离开了天涅神国的领域,在九星商会势力边沿行进,两人所走区域也有生命之星,是烈焰星域一些小势力生活之处,依附九星商会 Their for fear that tripartite influence paid attention to find them, sought for the remote region desirably, does not dare the star of extremely close life, such to circle was very long, was still remote to that Divine Punishment Grounds and Nine Star Chamber of Commerce. 两人生怕三方势力留意找到他们,刻意寻找偏僻的区域,不敢太过接近生命之星,就这么绕了很久,离那神罚之地九星商会依然遥远。 And, Feng Rao was often imprisoned by Shi Yan, consumes in the body plaster, throughout cannot restore such as beginning, to other party inadequate threat. 其中,丰娆每每被石岩禁锢,消耗体垩内的,始终不能恢复如初,对他造不成威胁。 Road dagger Feng Rao gradually has also accepted fate, knows that is similar to the person who Shi Yan this and is careful, will not give her the opportunity. 路匕丰娆也渐渐认命了,知道类似于石岩这和小心谨慎的人,不会给她机会。 To afterward, her no longer has also swallowed medicinal pills to restore, so as to avoid restores slightly, was destroyed life force by Shi Yan at one fell swoop, lets again the failure. 以至于到了后来,她也不再吞食丹药恢复,免得稍稍恢复一下,又被石岩给一举摧毁生机,让重新衰竭。 So long as she does not pose the threat, Shi Yan will then not begin, the line, he often asked about the Feng Rao related Divine Punishment Grounds situation. 只要她不构成威胁,石岩便不会动手,一路行来,他每每询问丰娆有关神罚之地的情况。 More deep of understanding, he is panic-stricken, dreaded to Divine Punishment Grounds and peripheral Outer Space Robber very much that the Marauder influence has dozens, blood slaughter Ka Tuo, frequently moves the gathering place in that piece of ominous person, hoodlum and lunatic, Marauder of Ka Tuo and his subordinates is also only the second-class influence. 了解的越深,他越是惊骇,对神罚之地和周边的域外掠夺者很是忌惮,掠夺者势力有数十股,其中血屠卡托只是其中一股罢了,在那片凶人、暴徒、疯子频繁活动聚集之地,卡托和他麾下的掠夺者也只是二流势力罢了。 That side, same has the Source God Realm fellow with Feng Ke, three people, are only another three people, only then the boundary of Source God First Sky, the influence and is inferior to Feng Ke. 那边,和丰岢一样有着源神境的家伙,还有三人,只是另外三人,都只有源神一重天之境,势力和不如丰岢 Compared with blood slaughter Ka Tuo, that three people of actually formidable many, not for the terrifying hoodlum who the tripartite influence accommodates, subordinates lunatic not awfully are innumerable, that piece of region Chaos, Expert is Venerable extremely, every day in killing and burning to plunder, among Marauder also the mutual battle continuous, simply is the place of Lie Yan Star Field most bad risk riot. 和血屠卡托相比,那三人却强大的多,都是不为三方势力所容的恐怖暴徒,麾下不要命的疯子无数,那片区域极为混乱,强者为尊,每日都在烧杀抢掠,掠夺者之间也相互争斗不休,简直是烈焰星域最为凶险暴乱之地。 Average people, if no enough to protect oneself, once enters, gnawed bone dregs possibly not remaining. 一般人,如果没有足够自保的,一旦进入,被啃的连骨头渣可能都不剩下。 By his Jane, wanted to find Star Chart to show the position in that region only, was far from an easy matter, might not see the goal very much, eating uncooked carved by these lunatics exactly. 单靠他简,想要在那区域找到星图所示位置,绝非易事,很有可能没有见着目标,就被那些疯子给生吃活刻了。 On this day, they somewhat exhausted the ore star that arrives at abandoning, considers must seek War Chariot to travel, otherwise light depends on the body plaster to speed along, the consumption was too big. 这一天,两人有些疲惫的来到一处废弃的矿星,思量着要寻一个战车行路,不然光靠体垩内飞驰,消耗实在太大了。 They more walk more leaning, this line, does not see passing ship, has not met War Chariot of chamber of commerce, at this time thinks that must ride instead of walking by War Chariot, suddenly became is a little difficult. 只是他们越走越偏,这一路行来,不见一艘过往的船舰,也没有遇到商会的战车,此时想起来要靠战车代步,忽然变得有点困难起来了。 Ore star that abandons, the small lakes, the water of lake is clean, in the lake bottom has to Warrior does not have the five colors stone of value, the wave light is bright. 废弃的矿星,有一处小小的湖泊,湖泊之水干净清白,湖底内有对武者没有价值的五彩石头,波光鲜艳。 Feng Rao is exhausted, whenever precise, then by heartless erasing, in heart angry very much, the body has not washed, sees the lake fiercely, the Feng Rao interest is striking, does not need Shi Yan to order, then the diving posture enters in the lake, the body soaks in the water, recognizes the dirt of wipe body. 一路丰娆疲惫非常,每当凝炼一点,便被无情的抹掉,心中恼怒的很,身子也没有洗涤过,猛地见到湖泊,丰娆兴致斐然,也不待石岩下令,便飞身进入湖泊内,身子浸在水中,认擦拭身的污垢。 The Shi Yan languid side lies down near lake together bulge the giant stone, lowers the head to look at the following lake, the corners of the mouth is holding the faint happy expression, has not strolled the meaning of disliking. 石岩懒洋洋的侧躺在湖泊边一块凸起的巨石,低头瞄着下面的湖泊,嘴角噙着淡漠笑意,一点没有逛嫌的意思。 I must bathe, you don't by me, whether a little demeanor?” Feng Rao gained ground, shot a look at his one eyes , the dangling head, as if has not looked, I was suppressed by you stubbornly, the short time will not bring the influence to you, what did you have not to feel relieved?” “我要沐浴,你别在我旁边,能否有点风度?”丰娆抬头,瞥了他一眼,又垂下头,仿佛没有看过,“我被你死死压制,短时间不会给你带来影响,你还有什么不放心的?” I feared that you communicate with your father in secret, has to guard.” The meaning that Shi Yan has not left, said lightly. “我怕你暗中和你父亲沟通,不得不防啊。”石岩没有动身的意思,淡淡说道。 He already in Feng Rao Sea of Consciousness, left behind the deep meaning thought that he is in sole possession, attaches the wonder of space, so long as Feng Rao Soul Altar has the slight change, he will realize immediately then that will not give its opportunity. 他早已在丰娆识海之内,留下他独有的奥义念头,附有空间之妙,只要丰娆灵魂祭台有丝毫异动,他立即便会察觉,再也不会给其一点机会。 Feng Ke formidable savage, if has set the direction to this person, sought, he has three lives, insufficiently dies, has to be prudent. 丰岢强大凶残,如果给此人确定了方向,寻了来,他就算是有三条命,都不够死的,不得不慎重。 Feng Rao hates, to clench teeth darkly, the turn one's back, undresses, the snow white back appears little, sinks to the lake bottom slowly, gets up body concealing. 丰娆暗恨,咬着牙,背转身子,宽衣解带,雪白背脊一点点显现出来,缓缓沉入湖底,将身子隐匿起来。 Shi Yan is narrowing the eye, in the looks at limpid lake bottom the slightly fuzzy tender and delicate body, expression is solemn, has not relaxed. 石岩眯着眼睛,看着清澈湖底内略显模糊的娇嫩身子,神色冷峻,并没有放松。 This female is deceitful, so long as gives her a turning over opportunity, will then take advantage of a favorable situation, but, will start definitely not to hesitate, Shi Yan does not want to bring in the trouble that will unable to hide. 此女狡诈阴狠,只要给她一次翻身机会,便会乘势而,下手肯定不会犹豫,石岩可不想引来躲不掉的麻烦。 ...... To be continued RT ……未完待续RT
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