GOS :: Volume #9

#817: Heavy treasure!

Feng Rao looks at Shi Yan quarts discussed that the look is gloomy, spills over one in vain, but is dehumanizing. 丰娆看着石岩夸夸而谈,眼神灰暗,徒然泛出一股无奈凄苦来。 If she can restore to power of boundary of peak, execution Shi Yan without hesitation, will capture Star Chart, seeks the biggest interests for oneself. 如果她可以恢复到巅峰之境的力量,将会毫不犹豫的格杀石岩,夺取星图,为自己谋取最大的利益。 But Shi Yan this all the way, handles affairs does not press the common sense to play a card, often has astonishing planning and does not know the survey power, and gets rid very ruthless, role that is not easy to cope with. 石岩这一路上,行事不按常理出牌,每每有惊人的算计和不知探测的力量,并且出手狠辣,绝不是容易对付的角色。 She understands that she can live now, at is not Shi Yan seeks after the beauty, but wants from her mouth, obtains the Star Chart secret, will not have given her an opportunity. 她明白,她能够活到现在,根本不是石岩贪图美色,而是想要从她口中,获得星图的秘密,还不会给她一点机会。 Once her power restores points slightly, had has threatened the Shi Yan opportunity, Shi Yan will not be definitely softhearted, will again cause inevitably heavy losses to her, making her never possibly really restore such as beginning. 一旦她力量稍稍恢复一点,有了威胁石岩的机会,石岩肯定不会心慈手软,必然将会再一次重创她,让她永远不可能真的恢复如初。 The idea of Shi Yan, she is clear, the means of not having dealt with. 石岩的想法,她一清二楚,偏偏没有应对的办法。 You , if willing to give me Star Chart, I will forget that what you have made to me, but can also promise you, gives you riches and honors, compared with you in thing many many that Dark Sky God Country obtains, how?” Feng Rao has hesitated, thinking Shi Yan should not be willing to keep in balance by Dark Sky God Country, proposed the high interest, hoping Shi Yan can be swindled. “你如果肯将星图交给我,我会忘记你对我做过什么,还可以答应你,给你荣华富贵,比你在天涅神国得到的东西多的多,如何?”丰娆沉吟了一下,觉得石岩应该不会甘愿受天涅神国制衡,不由地提出重利,希望石岩能够上当。 You such care about Star Chart, I will not give you.” Shi Yan pulls the mouth to smile, a face ridiculed, you, once restored, will not let off me inevitably, this stroke of I can look.” “你这么在意星图,我更加不会给你了。”石岩扯嘴笑了笑,一脸嘲弄,“你一旦恢复起来,必然不会放过我,这划我还是能够看出来的。” The hatred ice in Feng Rao eye is cold, how won't he be able to find? Restores power to Feng Rao, does she make this woman honest? 丰娆眼中的怨毒冰寒,他岂会瞧不见?给丰娆力量全部恢复过来,她又怎么让这女人老实? „Are you what kind of?” Feng Rao is dark, indignant said angrily: You have occupied completely advantage/cheap, knows nothing about Star Chart, the back nobody supports, you then obtain Star Chart, how can also?” “那你到底想怎么样?”丰娆暗恼,愤愤然道:“你已经占尽了便宜,又对星图一无所知,背后又没有什么人支撑,你便是得到星图,又能如何?” Narrowed the eye, Shi Yan has been smiling once more, in Lie Yan Star Field, I was only newly-arrived, anything was not clear. But because of so, me by any restraint, not having the family member can be threatened, I want to make anything, no one coerced. Un, you have Third Sky of God King Realm, if massacres you, can seize your soul memory, I will not waste that among long time.” 眯着眼睛,石岩再次笑了,“在烈焰星域,我只是初来乍到,什么都不清楚。但也正是因为如此,我不受任何约束,没有家人可以被威胁,我想做什么,谁也要挟不了。嗯,你有神王三重天之境,如果杀掉你,能够将你的灵魂记忆攫取,我不会浪费那么多时间的。” In general, only then Realm surpasses enormously, has the possibility to run metal into cracks opposite party god Soul Restriction, carves the memory consciousness in Divine Soul, knows that the opposite party thinks, all that experiences. 一般来说,只有境界超出极大,才有可能将对方神魂禁锢,刻去神魂内的记忆意识,知道对方所想,所经历的一切。 In other words, only if he achieves Source God Realm, otherwise very difficult through massacring Feng Rao, obtains the thing of wish from her Divine Soul. 也就是说,除非他达到源神境,否则很难通过杀掉丰娆,从她神魂内得到想要的东西。 This is toward good direction judgment, if Feng Rao is content to fall from the sky, one step explodes Divine Soul broken, even if he has Source God Realm cultivation base, anything cannot obtain. 这还是往好的方向判断,要是丰娆自甘陨灭,将神魂率先一步爆碎,就算他有着源神境修为,也什么都得不到。 Also is so, he after killing Pangjia and Ganji, left behind a living witness. 也是如此,他才会在杀了庞加甘基之后,留下一名活口了。 During speech, Shi Yan complexion ice-cold, arrives at side Feng Rao, looks indifferently to her, perhaps, tortures is possibly effective.” 讲话间,石岩脸色冰冷下来,来到丰娆身旁,漠然看向她,“或许,用刑可能有效一点。” „Do you work for whom?” The Feng Rao beautiful pupil lightens startled, „can your youth, why participate? You may know that Pangjia and Ganji they, separately are Nine Star Chamber of Commerce and Hidden League person? But I, does the back have an influence? If you do not strive for anything for Du Tianji, I urged you should better to receive the hand, many ran away far, because was only your power, even if obtains Star Chart, was difficult the achievement, only if with a side cooperation.” “你到底为谁做事?”丰娆美眸闪出一丝惊慌,“你一个愣头青,为何非要参与进来?你可知道,庞加甘基他们,分别是九星商会幽盟的人?而我,背后也有一股势力?你如果不是为镀天奇争取什么,我劝你最好收手,有多远逃多远,因为单凭你的力量,就算是得到星图,也难有作为,除非和一方合作。” The Shi Yan eye has shone in vain, the facial expression shakes, listened to you saying that the matter of Star Chart concerning, imagined compared with me also wants importantly, let Nine Star Chamber of Commerce and Hidden League unexpectedly schemes for hundred years, behavior what? Also, who are you? Who behind you are?” 石岩眼睛徒然亮了起来,神情一震,“听你这么说,星图关乎之事,比我想象中还要重要了,竟然让九星商会幽盟图谋百年,到底所为何事?还有,你是谁?你背后是谁?” „Have you listened to Feng Ke?” The Feng Rao black eyebrows micro Chu, has hesitated, spooky inquiry. “你听过丰岢么?”丰娆黛眉微楚,沉吟了一下,幽幽询问。 Divine Punishment Grounds Feng Ke? The leader in Outer Space Robber?” Shi Yan changes countenance terrified, the complexion changes. 神罚之地丰岢域外掠夺者中的领袖?”石岩悚然动容,脸色微变。 He since has contacted with blood slaughter Ka Tuo, then extremely cares to Outer Space Robber, has studied to Divine Punishment Grounds. 他自从和血屠卡托接触过,便对域外掠夺者极其在意,也对神罚之地研究过。 In Lie Yan Star Field, the strongest influence naturally is Dark Sky God Country, Hidden League and Nine Star Chamber of Commerce. 烈焰星域,最强的势力自然是天涅神国幽盟九星商会 However, besides these three power, Lie Yan Star Field also have several the stock not weak influence similarly, Feng Ke is, that most does not allow to look down upon. 然而,除了这三股力量之外,烈焰星域同样还有数股不弱的势力,丰岢便是其中一股,还是最不容小视的一股。 Marauder is a quite loose organization, conceals in various Lie Yan Star Field place risk areas, Outer Space Robber that nearby Divine Punishment Grounds gathers are most, is most fearful, the influence is also most widespread. 掠夺者是一个较为松散的组织,暗藏在烈焰星域各处危险区域,其中神罚之地附近聚集的域外掠夺者最多,也最强最可怕,影响力也是最为广泛。 The Divine Punishment Grounds situation is special, the peripheral too many fearful bad risks, have not suited Warrior cultivation the star of life, there, could form except beside Dark Sky God Country, Hidden League and Nine Star Chamber of Commerce, fourth Lie Yan Star Field strong presence. 神罚之地情况特殊,要不是周边太多可怕凶险,没有适合武者修炼的生命之星,那儿,或许可以形成除去天涅神国幽盟九星商会之外,第四股烈焰星域的强大势力。 Innumerable Marauder, to deal with encirclements of three big influences checks, spontaneously forms the loose organization, that Feng Ke is in Marauder, influence most abundant, faintly becomes the Marauder leader. 无数股掠夺者,为了应付三大势力的围刹,自发形成松散的组织,那丰岢乃是掠夺者中,势力最雄厚的一股,隐隐成为掠夺者的首领。 Divine Punishment Grounds is the refuge shelter of innumerable hoodlum, Marauder, madman, gathered the numerous Expert fierce people not awfully, Feng Ke, is Divine Punishment Grounds essence operating the rudder secretly, there transaction field, belongs to Feng Ke to handle. 神罚之地乃是无数暴徒、掠夺者、狂人的避难所,聚集了众多不要命的强者猛人,丰岢,就是神罚之地暗地里的实质掌舵者,那儿很多交易场,都归于丰岢打理。 Feng Ke I, is Expert that Lie Yan Star Field ranks among the best, Source God Second Sky Realm cultivation base, power terrifying, the subordinates ruthless person are countless. 丰岢本人,也是烈焰星域数一数二的强者,源神二重天境界修为,力量恐怖,麾下狠人无数。 Compared with Feng Ke, with is Marauder blood slaughter Ka Tuo, is not worth mentioning, at a lot, but also needs to rely on Feng Ke. 丰岢相比,同为掠夺者的血屠卡托,根本不值得一提,在很多事情上,还都需要依赖丰岢 This person of balls PS prince consort person, method cruel scarlet sentiment, in infliction from god also peripheral reputation illustrious, if not that area bestows on the seam limit, by three, the influence was often swept clear, perhaps Feng Ke seriously can side by side Dark Sky God Country, Hidden League and Nine Star Chamber of Commerce. 此人胆PS驸人,手段残忍赤情,在神罚也地周边声名赫赫,若非那块区赋缝限制,被三个,势力时常清扫,说不定丰岢当真可以比肩天涅神国幽盟九星商会 This person, influence and strength , is also next to Du Tianji , etc. chats several people, is a character of side fierce and ambitious great demon rank. 这个人,势力和实力之强,也仅次于镀天奇等聊聊数人,算是一方枭雄巨魔级别的人物。 Naturally has listened.” Shi Yan dark startled, complexion gloomy gets down, is related with you?” “自然听过。”石岩暗惊,脸色阴沉下来,“和你有关?” He is my father.” Feng Rao proudly, raises head coldly snorted, in Divine Punishment Grounds peripheral, my Feng Rao also has not the weak reputation, but to obtain Star Chart, desirably enters the purgatory star.” “他是我父亲。”丰娆傲然,仰头冷哼一声,“在神罚之地周边,我丰娆也有不弱的名声,只是为了得到星图,才刻意进入炼狱星。” Shi Yan with amazement, has hesitated, then some headaches has rubbed the forehead, your father reputation is not small, in Lie Yan Star Field seriously is a side overlord, why does he want to scheme Star Chart?” 石岩骇然,迟疑了一下,便有些头疼的揉了揉额头,“你父亲名声不小,在烈焰星域当真是一方霸主,他为何要图谋星图?” Forgot to tell you, matter that here had, I have transmitted in the mystique to my father. Regardless of I am what kind, so long as later you dare to crop up in Lie Yan Star Field, my father will not let off you.” Feng Rao said the threat, you want to make you know that whom you have provoked!” “忘记告诉你了,这边发生的事情,我已经以秘法传递给我父亲。不论我怎么样,以后只要你敢在烈焰星域冒头,我父亲绝不会放过你。”丰娆口出威胁,“你想让你知道,你到底招惹了谁!” Was disrespectful.” Shi Yan sets out, bows to bend the waist, including saying with a smile: Has neglected the beloved daughter of Divine Punishment Grounds overlord unexpectedly, but also makes you be insulted, really lets in my heart difficult secure.” “失礼了。”石岩起身,躬身弯腰,含笑道:“竟然怠慢了神罚之地霸主的掌上明珠,还让你受辱,实在让我心中难安啊。” You also dare to mention that matter!” The Feng Rao violent anger, she finds to tease the taunt from the Shi Yan eye, has not seen to be panic-stricken, remembers own bitter experience, cannot bear sadly from the heart, gets angry lives from the balls. “你还敢提那事!”丰娆暴怒,她从石岩眼中瞧见戏谑嘲讽,没有看见惊慌失措,一想起自身的遭遇,忍不住悲从心来,怒从胆生。 Your father, even if the supernatural power is dreadful, but the Lie Yan Star Field area is broad, how does he seek me?” Shi Yan grins, expression is solemn, said again, calculation that Lie Yan Star Field also he did not say, if he dares to reveal the body in Dark Sky God Country, does not need me to begin, the god country five big feudal lords then can make him forever stay behind.” “你父亲即便法力滔天,可烈焰星域疆域广阔,他如何寻我?”石岩咧嘴,神色冷峻,“再说了,烈焰星域又非他说的算,他若是胆敢在天涅神国显身,不用我动手,神国五大诸侯便能让他永远留下。” The threat of Feng Rao, for him, a binding force does not have, so long as nearby his not initiative bump into Divine Punishment Grounds, in the sphere of influence activity of Feng Ke, has what is worth fearing? 丰娆的威胁,对他来说,一点约束力没有,只要他不主动一头撞入神罚之地附近,在丰岢的势力范围活动,有何值得惧怕的? But the Star Chart roll-call position, measured according to us, in Divine Punishment Grounds peripheral.” Feng Rao sneers, direction that you run away, is this, this showed that our formerly guesses is right. My father the duty however knows Star Chart now in your hand, knows that you must go to nearby Divine Punishment Grounds, you think that you can live were finding the Star Chart mark the region? Even if were you can find, solely your, you think that what you can obtain? Can you move out the star of life? Transfers the star territory that piece has not opened up?” “可星图点名方位,据我们所测,就在神罚之地周边。”丰娆冷笑,“你逃窜的方向,也是这一块,这证明我们先前的猜测对的。我父亲现在职然知道星图在你手上,又知道你必会去神罚之地附近,你以为你能活着找到星图标明的区域?就算是你可以找到,单单你一人,你以为你能得到什么?你能将生命之星搬走?将那一片未曾开垦的星域挪移掉?” Shi Yan changes color with amazement, eyes splits bolt of white silk strange light, is out of control to shout to clear the way: What did you say? The star of life? Not opened up wasteland star territory?” 石岩骇然变色,双眸绽出匹练般的奇光,禁不住喝道:“你说什么?生命之星?未被开垦的星域?” Really knows nothing.” Feng Rao ridiculed that silly laughable, what does not know, wants to insert a foot, does not know how really the dead characters did write?” “果然一无所知。”丰娆嘲笑起来,“傻的可笑,什么都不知道,就想插入一脚,真不知死字怎么写?” Deeply inspired, Shi Yan has not lost one's temper, dignified saying: Understanding that could say?” 深深吸了一口气,石岩并没有动怒,神情凝重的说道:“能否说的明白点?” Feng Rao looks at he, hesitant a while, has weighed under the success and failure, how long this matter could not hide the truth from. The Dark Sky God Country fifth generation country master, came nearby Divine Punishment Grounds to move, in many years ago, outside world then has the rumor, said that Dark Sky God Country country master, discovers has a dense say|way to nova territory near Divine Punishment Grounds. It is said that that star territory, although is not big, actually stars of the ten from now on lives, including the star of life to achieve seventh rank, several big ore stars, contain the huge Divine Crystal ore, the unusual ore, has spirit grass spirit medicine that can swallow directly, is Warrior is all long-awaited, there does not have any influence to enter, not having the life to survive.” 丰娆看着他,犹豫了一会儿,衡量了下得失,“这事也瞒不了多久。天涅神国五代国师,都曾经来过神罚之地附近活动,在很多年前,外界便有传言,说天涅神国的国师,发现在神罚之地附近有通往一处新星域的密道。据说,那片星域虽然不大,却有十来今生命之星,其中有生命之星达到七品,还有几大矿星,蕴含庞大神晶矿,还有更多奇特矿石,有可以直接吞服的灵草灵药,全是武者梦寐以求的,那儿却没有任何势力进驻,没有生灵存活。” , Feng Rao again said: Has many people, went to that side survey, tripartite influence and Outer Space Robber , the attempt seeks, actually has achieved nothing. But outside said that the Dark Sky God Country country master, had entered, and drew has carved Star Chart, we did not know the genuine and fake, but I have believed now, I think that the news passed on, many people also believe that and was crazy!” 顿了一下,丰娆再说:“有很多人,都去过那边勘测,三方势力和域外掠夺者,也尝试找寻,却一无所获。但外面却说,天涅神国的国师,曾经进入过,并且绘刻了星图,我们一直不知真假,但现在我相信了,我想,消息传出去,很多人也会相信,并且为之疯狂!” The Shi Yan body shakes greatly. 石岩身躯巨震。 The stars of ten life, achieve seventh rank from now on, and there is a Divine Crystal ore, the innumerable spirit medicine spirit grass, this enticement, makes three influences sufficiently crazy. 十来今生命之星,还有达到七品的,并且有神晶矿,无数灵药灵草,这个诱惑,足以让三股势力为之疯狂。 Present Lie Yan Star Field, the star of life, although are many, has not actually achieved seventh rank, even if the Dark Sky God Country day star, it is said is also situated between fifth rank and sixth rank. 如今的烈焰星域,生命之星虽然不少,却没有达到七品的,即便是天涅神国的天涅星,据说也只是介于五品六品之间。 seventh rank the star of life, will breed the innumerable spirit medicine treasures, the heaven and earth energy full, energy even can substantialize, changes into the light mist to be clearly discernible, has the unquantifiable advantage to Warrior cultivation. 七品的生命之星,将会孕育出无数灵药珍宝,天地能量充盈之极,能量甚至可以实质化,化为淡淡的雾气清晰可见,对武者修炼有着难以估量的好处。 Is the star of life has only been able to make any influence be jealous, the Divine Crystal ore, there are various spirit medicine spirit grass, who can not be crazy? 光是生命之星已经可以让任何势力眼红,还有神晶矿,有各类灵药灵草,谁能不为之疯狂? Shi Yan pulls in Lie Yan Star Field, attaches to Zi Yao and Dark Sky God Country, to seek star of this life life , to look for one to stop over to the Grace Mainland family member friend. 石岩烈焰星域打样,依附紫耀天涅神国,就是为了寻一今生命之星,好给神恩大陆的亲人朋友找一处落脚地。 Even if second rank the star of life, if can obtain, satisfied his wish sufficiently. 就算是二品的生命之星,如果能够得到,也足以满足他的心愿了。 However, now Feng Rao actually ejects such a heavy case bomb, how can not make his excited trembling dig up? 然而,现在丰娆却抛出这么一个重磅炸弹来,怎能不让他激动的颤扒不已? He understands finally why Ganji, Pangjia, Feng Rao and the others, why are willing to hide for hundred years, schemed Star Chart. 他终于明白,为什么甘基庞加丰娆等人,为何甘愿隐藏百年,图谋星图了。
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