GOS :: Volume #9

#816: Meteorite broken language

On the cold and still meteorite, the quarry stone builds, the Shi Yan plate clears out sits, the sitting well one side, solemn and respectful eyes closed controls one's breathing, the body is only throwing over a azure black gown. 冷寂的陨石上,乱石堆砌,石岩盘滕坐地,端坐一旁,肃穆闭目调息,身上只披着一件青黑色袍子。 In his not far away, in the cylindrical ice-cold stone, the Feng Rao tender and delicate ketone rests together is covering a homochromy gown, the snow arm exposed outside, just like already the faint deep sleep. 在他不远处,一块柱形的冰冷石头上,丰娆娇嫩的酮休盖着一件同色的袍子,雪臂裸露在外,俨然已经昏厥沉睡。 The hard ice piece, coagulates her and stone together covers, the thick ice layer has five meters thick, Cold Qi is dense, braves the light white rime fog, the extremely cold air/Qi overflows. 坚硬的冰块,将她和石头一起凝固覆盖,厚厚的冰层有五米厚,寒气森森,冒着淡淡的白色冰雾,极寒之气四溢。 This is the Profound Ice Cold Flame merit. 这是玄冰寒焰的功劳。 Feng Rao has God King Third Sky Realm cultivation base, after Shi Yan causes heavy losses, has a counterforce capacity, imprisons her with the Profound Ice Cold Flame side cold strength, has no other choice, as soon as otherwise she revives to launch an attack, Shi Yan deals hurriedly also troubles. 丰娆有着神王三重天境界修为,被石岩重创之后,也不是没有一点反击能力,用玄冰寒焰的极寒之力禁锢她,也是不得已,不然一等她苏醒过来发难,石岩匆忙应对也麻烦。 The thick clear ice layer, her plump and smooth-skinned fair body imprisonment, the sparkling white ice, as if together cuts complete white crystal, she is in crystal the living fossil, has different kind sense of beauty. 厚厚的晶莹冰层,将她丰润白皙身子禁锢,亮晶晶的白冰,仿佛一块切割完整的白水晶,她则是水晶内活化石,有着别样的美感 Shi Yan closes one's eyes, controls one's breathing secretly revolution power, Soul Altar is gyrating slowly. 石岩闭着眼睛,暗自调息运转力量,灵魂祭台缓缓旋动着。 After a long time, a continuously mystical different strength, emits the whole body, changes into flesh and blood essence in his Divine Sense skeleton, veins and a flesh and blood, making a he injury restore such as beginning. 不知道过了多久,一缕缕神秘异力,散溢全身,化为他神休骨骼、筋脉、血肉中的一股血肉精华,让他一身的伤势恢复如初。 breakthrough arrives at God King Realm, precise Divine Sense, Shi Yan knows that the fleshly body intensity does not have the limit simply, so long as is willing to work hard, this Divine Sense forever can continue to get down strongly. 突破神王境,凝炼了神休,石岩才知道肉身的强度简直没有止境,只要肯下功夫,这具神休永远能够继续强健下去。 The Divine Sense formation, under nourishing of that mystical different strength, his whole body hoodwinks First Level to scatter pale bloody glow, is quite close with the gloss that in Blood Vein Ring releases, looks from afar, to person a mystical unpredictable feeling. 神休形成,在那神秘异力的滋养下,他周身蒙着一层涣淡血光,和血纹戒中释放的光泽颇为相近,远远看去,给人一种神秘难测的感觉。 His bloodlines and skeleton, are similar to sponge absorbing water are common, the massive mystical different strength will derive, making God Body even more firmly fear wan at the same time, Soul Altar that gyrates, had the marvelous change likely, these unusual energy that emits by the black hole, branches out to wander about destitute in his sacrificial altar each region. 他的血脉、骨骼,如同海绵吸水一般,将大量的神秘异力汲取,使得神体愈发坚固恐惋同一时间,旋动的灵魂祭台,也像是有了奇妙的变化,那些由黑洞内散溢出来的奇特能量,分出一股股流落在他祭台各个区域。 His god Sea of Consciousness ocean, with the help of these power, is even more broad, each wisp of Divine Sense fining such as just, receiving and dispatching that also soft such as the cotton-wadded quilt is repeatedly tempered as one desires. 他的神识海洋,在那些力量的帮助下,愈发广阔,每一缕神识都精炼如刚,又柔软如棉被千锤百炼的收发随心。 Is gyrating Soul Altar, in Divine Soul of most upper extreme profound truths imprint is bright his understanding to three power deep meanings, imitates, if had further boat promotion. 旋动着的灵魂祭台,最上端的神魂奥义烙印明净起来他对三种力量奥义的认识,仿若有了更进一步舟提升。 Heavenly Flame Altar, several Heavenly Flame jump for joy exceptionally, in going all out pulls these to emit energy that integrates oneself it, enabling the wisdom to understand, the life form obtained the sublimation. 天火祭台,数种天火一个个雀跃异常,都在拼命的拉扯那些散溢出来的能量,将其融入自身,使得智慧通达,生命形态得到了升华。 That power, the major effect on Soul Altar makes Shi Yan also stare dumbfounded, because all sorts of Heavenly Flame all pass on the incoming signal to read, told him to obtain the greatest advantage. 那股力量,对灵魂祭台的大作用让石岩也为之瞠目结舌,因为种种天火全部传来讯念,告诉他都得到了莫大好处。 And, Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame, Profound Ice Cold Flame and Vanishing Corpse Flame are dormant unexpectedly, wants breakthrough First-Step. 其中,九幽噬魂焰玄冰寒焰毗绝尸火居然蛰伏起来,要突破一阶 This accident, making Shi Yan shock inexplicably may embezzle the Soul Altar black hole to that had the wild with joy understanding. 这个变故,让石岩震惊莫名对那一处可吞没灵魂祭台的黑洞,有了狂喜的认识。 Embezzles the Soul Altar deep meaning, let alone Feng Rao has not listened, he also never hears, but actually occurred on him now, how unhappy making him? 吞没灵魂祭台的奥义,别说丰娆不曾听过,他也从未耳闻,可如今却发生在他身上,让他如何不喜? After three Heavenly Flame profit, unexpectedly wants breakthrough First-Step, this means energy that these emit really has may be called the mystery of miracle lets his even more amazed great happiness. 三种天火受益后,居然就要突破一阶,这意味着那些散溢出来的能量果然有着堪称奇迹的奥妙让他愈发的惊诧大喜。 Controls one's breathing silently the restoration, After a long time, he opens eyes, the pupil such as stars rays of light is radiant. 默默调息恢复,不知道过了多久,他睁开眼,眸如星辰光芒璀璨。 This war, he has consumed the plans and power has not disappointed him finally, had the enormous harvest seriously. 这一战,他耗费了心机和力量总算是没有让他失望,当真是有了极大的收获。 power that loses not only restores such as beginning, but also goes a step further, the Essence Qi old tree was full clear power, Soul Altar is washed, Divine Soul can be bright, is indistinct, he thought to Second Sky of God King Realm, as if had the one pace. 失去的力量不但恢复如初,还更进一步,精元古树充盈了晶莹的力量,灵魂祭台被洗涤,神魂得以明净,隐隐约约间,他觉得离神王二重天之境,似乎只有一步之遥了。 As if, if in the power deep meaning, some understanding of new First Level, his logical breakthrough, will then have gone directly to Second Sky Realm. 仿佛,若是在力量奥义上,有了新一层的认识,他便会顺理成章突破,直达二重天境界 This cultivation speed, is Lie Yan Star Field innumerable Expert wants unable to think. 这个修炼速度,是烈焰星域无数强者连想也不敢想的。 If Anna, Zi Yao, Kashewen and the others, know him in the short time, from the boundary of First Sky, achieves breakthrough to the Second Sky Realm condition, does not know that must be shocked the what kind degree. 如果lì安娜、紫耀卡修恩等人,知道他在短短时间,从一重天之境,又达到突破二重天境界的状态,不知道要被震惊到何种程度。 Looks distantly to the direction of purgatory star, the Shi Yan look ice-cold, is out of control dense to smile. 遥遥看向炼狱星的方向,石岩眼神冰冷,禁不住森然一笑。 He naturally remembers that the initial boastful talk, within hundred years, took in Ao Guduo head, must execute Ao Gela, paid the grievous cost this maternal uncle nephew. 他自然记得当初的狂言,百年之内,取奥古多项上人头,要格杀奥格拉斯,将这舅侄付出惨痛代价。 Ao Gela, Ao Guduo, to frame Anna, makes the fish with him, almost then makes him beyond redemption. 奥格拉斯、奥古多两人,为了陷害lì安娜,拿他做鱼儿,差一点便让他万劫不复。 In that purgatory on-board, Ao Guduo rashly, then must cut to kill him, if not Anna acts, he is from the start impossible to live is entering says the purgatory field extremely. 在那炼狱星上,奥古多不由分说,便要将他斩杀,若非lì安娜出面,他压根不可能活着进入极道炼狱场。 This hatred, he easily does not put behind. 这个仇恨,他可不会轻易忘却。 Hundred years, to other Wu Kanlai said that are not anything, perhaps big Realm breakthrough, may for him, hundred years have more than enough to spare, could bridge over the barrier continuously, achieves Source God Realm. 百年时间,对别的武看来说并不算什么,或许一个大境界突破不了,可对他来说,百年时间已绰绰有余,或许能够连续跨过屏障,达到源神境 By his hiding method and ability, if real breakthrough arrives at Source God Realm, executes Ao Guduo is not the idle talk vernacular, has the successful possibility very much. 以他的潜藏手段和能力,如果真的突破源神境,格杀奥古多并不是空口白话,很有成功的可能性。 Has stood slowly, he arrives at side Feng Rao, frowns to take a look at this woman, the look ice-cold, is considering secretly. 缓缓站了起来,他来到丰娆身旁,皱着眉头打量着这个女人,眼神冰冷,暗暗思量着。 Meddlesome sound, he light snort|hum, extends the left hand according to the clear ice layer, the solar flame strength pasts. 好事响,他轻哼一声,伸出左手按在晶莹的冰层,太阳炎力流转出来。 r circle circle scarlet red wave light, spreads from his palm, that extremely thick ice rock covering. r圈圈赤红色的波光,从他掌心蔓延开来,将那极厚的冰岩给覆盖了。 Under his focuses attention on with rapt attention, the side cold strength in ice rock, forms the rich rime fog to dissipate, a little bit cold water forms the brook, the crevice from Feng Rao body flows. 在他的凝神注目下,冰岩内的极寒之力,形成浓郁的冰雾消散掉,一滴滴的冷水汇成溪流,从丰娆身下的石缝流淌掉。 Feng Rao that enchanting beautiful torso rests, gradual defrosting, the tight tall and slender brow, as if quietly moved Shi Yan to grin, lowly chuckled, vision, in she had to concave-convex in the curve loafed, in the look held the strange happy expression. 丰娆那妖娆美艳的胴休,也逐渐的解冻,紧毫的细长眉头,似乎悄悄动了一下石岩咧嘴,嘿嘿低笑了一声,目光在她凹凸有致的曲线上游荡了一圈,眼神内噙出奇异的笑意。 A warm current, wells up from his palm, is hidden in the Feng Rao lower abdomen place does not see. 一股暖流,从他掌心涌出来,在丰娆小腹处隐没不见。 This is the life fluctuation of Life and Death Deep Meaning, has vigorous life force, can nourish the life, marvelous precinct. 这是生死奥义的生命波动,有着勃勃生机,能滋养生命,奇妙无比。 That warm current falls into the Feng Rao radical and abdomen, she then subconscious light shouted, the brow of tight soap stretched, likely was very carefree, the threes of not controlling self led that warm current, in the body plaster in the veins has moved. 那股暖流一落入丰娆刂、腹,她便下意识的轻呼起来,紧皂的眉头舒展,像是很畅快,不自禁的3导那暖流,在体垩内筋脉内活动了一圈。 , Feng Rao thought gradually one as if bathe in the hot spring pool of water, exhausted disappears, the spirit is exuberant. 渐渐地,丰娆觉得自己仿佛沐浴在温泉池水,一身疲惫顿消,精神都旺盛起来。 , She is fanning quickly the long eyelash, opens the beautiful pupil. 很快地,她便扇动着长长睫毛,睁开美眸。 The Shi Yan firm and resolute callous facial features, the moment appears in her pupil deep place. 石岩坚毅冷酷的面容,第一刻在她瞳仁深处显现出来。 The shame memory, such as the flood submerges her instantaneously, Feng Rao that sticks blurry, suddenly is sober, on the fine face splits hatred ice cold intent unexpectedly, but also the pale jade lip wriggled, a sonic boom drinks: Death 耻辱的记忆,如洪水瞬间将她淹没,迷糊糊的丰娆,突然清醒,精致的脸上蓦地绽出怨毒冰寒冷意,还苍白的玉唇蠕动了一下,一个爆音喝出:“死” Bang! 轰! Dead characters arouse her remaining energy, such as the landslide, locks the near at hand youth to raid fiercely. 一个死字激起她残余能量,如山崩,锁定近在咫尺的青年猛地袭来。 Imprisonment “禁锢” The Shi Yan facial skin has not moved, in heart calls out the Space Deep Meaning imprisonment to suddenly have, solely aims, at present covers. 石岩脸皮都没动,心中暴喝空间奥义禁锢顿起,单单针对一点,将眼前覆盖。 That dead characters syllable flushed, before letting the Shi Yan body , the space surges, the space ripple of First Level level appears, such as was punctured by the sharp weapon. 那个死字音节冲了过来,让石岩身前空间激荡开来,一层层的空间波纹显现,如被利器刺来。 However, that unusual syllable has not caused the harm, in which power, was dissipated quickly. 然而,那奇特音节并未真的造成危害,其中的力量,很快被消散掉。 Narrows the eyes to focus slightly, Shi Yan lifts hand to grasp Feng Rao snow white neck fastens tightly, lowers the head to look to her, sneers to say densely: Also wants to kill me? Haven't you as if understood the situation clearly?” 微微眯着眼,石岩抬手一抓将丰娆的雪白脖颈扣紧,垂头看向她,森然冷笑道:“还想杀我?你似乎没有认清形势吧?” Feng Rao look hatred, stubbornly stared him to wish one could to eat uncooked the live medicinal preparation he. 丰娆眼神怨毒,死死的瞪着他恨不得生吃活剂了他。 „When Hehe, your this woman rude and unreasonable hate, we are on good terms, like that suffices the flavor, I like.” Shi Yan grins to smile, look actually ice-cold heartless, fastens tightly the big hand of Feng Rao neck, a strength slightly relax point. 嘿嘿,你这娘们泼辣的恨啊,就连我们交好之时,都那般够味道,我喜欢。”石岩咧嘴笑着,眼神却冰冷无情,扣紧丰娆脖颈的大手,力道稍稍松懈一点。 Shameless Feng Rao works loose is drinking the snow white arm to brandish the gown to tear off severely carelessly, fair reveals immediately that the white ketone rests the fine azure mark activity, lets the person of string god fan. “无耻”丰娆挣脱着厉喝雪白手臂挥舞着不慎将身上袍子扯掉,一身白皙顿时显露出来,白晃晃的酮休上精美青纹活动,让人目弦神迷。 A Shi Yan coldly snorted look mocked forgot to return in she very full twin peaks place abundantly, in the mouth expressed admiration is learned actually, this stature, this chest measurement, Hehe, magnificent.” 石岩冷哼一声眼神讥诮的在她丰挺饱满的双峰处流连忘返,口中啧啧称奇“倒是真的有料,这身材,这胸围,嘿嘿,壮观啊。” The Feng Rao whole face shame, bit mandibular joint, the lip was having the bloodstain, extremely angrily hated looked to him, wished one could to eat his meat. 丰娆满脸耻辱,咬着牙关,嘴唇都有了血迹,极度愤怒怨恨的看向他,恨不得吃了他的肉。 I have not provoked you on own initiative, is you plots against me first, tries to kill me, I only go out of the hand counter-attack.” Shi Yan sneers, snort|hum, received the hand suddenly, has not continued to press her, and rests to her exposed torso the gown lid conveniently, has transferred the body, said: „ Do not try to enrage me, by your present condition, wants to kill my wishful thinking. Present you, power less than 20%, is far from my match, words that gets rid of rashly, but brings about own destruction.” “我并没有主动招惹你,是你们先暗算我,试图杀我,我只走出手反击罢了。”石岩冷笑,“哼了一声,忽然收手,没有继续难为她,并且随手将袍子盖向她裸露的胴休,转过身子,道:“别试图激怒我,以你如今的状态,想要杀我痴心妄想。现在的你,力量不足两成,绝非我的对手,冒然出手的话,只是自寻死路。” Feng Rao is staring his back stubbornly, silent several seconds, takes out leather clothing chaps from Imaginary Space Ring silently, dressed, has swallowed medicinal pills, did not utter a word. 丰娆死死瞪着他的背影,沉默了几秒,默默从幻空戒取出一件皮衣皮裤,穿戴好了,又吞服了丹药,一声不吭。 Shi Yan turned head suddenly, expression was faint, stares at her deeply to look at a while, tranquil saying: By your situation, if restores completely power, at least fortnight time. But you experience personally the heavy losses, the time of restoring naturally can slow down, um, in other words, at least in one month, you are far from my match. Was right, forgot one, even if you achieved peak, was impossible to kill me, went against, you can the whole body draw back.” 石岩忽然回过头来,神色淡漠,盯着她深深看了一会儿,平静的说道:“以你的情况,若要恢复全部力量,至少十天半月时间。可你身受重创,恢复的时间自然会变慢,嗯,也就是说,至少在一个月内,你绝非我对手。哦,对了,忘记说一声了,即便你达到巅峰,也不可能杀死我,顶死了,你能够全身而退罢了。” Who gives your self-confidence?” Feng Rao for a long time, lowers the head silent, cannot see clearly the facial expression, you think that the sneak attack kills Pangjia Ganji, then really has God King peak Expert power? If not Pangjia and Ganji have consumed too many power, mutual battle rests the scale wound, you think that you can sneak attack successfully.” “谁给你的自信?”丰娆沉默许久,垂着头,看不清神情,“你以为偷袭杀死庞加甘基,便真的有神王巅峰强者力量?若非庞加甘基消耗了太多力量,又相互争斗的遍休鳞伤,你以为你能偷袭成功。” „It is not naturally relaxed.” Smiling of Shi Yan does not care about reason that I the sneak attack plan, is your three, if only a person, I will pour such will not take time.” “自然没那么轻松。”石岩不在意的笑了笑,“我之所以偷袭算计,是你们有三个,如果只是一个人,我倒也不会这么费事。” Feng Rao gains ground, beautiful pupil ice cold cloudy severe, you think really that your power, sufficiently and God King Third Sky Realm Expert does contend?” 丰娆抬头,美眸冰寒阴厉之极,“你真以为,你的力量,足以和神王三重天境界强者抗衡?” I such think.” Shi Yan nodded, then said very much earnestly: Was a pity that I not to the opportunity that you attempt, do not presumptuously think to prod me., Dot „ are you what kind of?” Feng Rao clenches jaws, criticizes him to be shameless, you know nothing about Star Chart radically, why participates? Are you influence of that side? Is Du Tianji sends you to come?” “我就是这么以为。”石岩很认真地点了点头,然后说道:“可惜,我不会给你尝试的机会,你也别妄想激将我。,丶“你想怎么样?”丰娆咬牙切齿,暗骂他无耻卑鄙,“你根本对星图一无所知,为何参与进来?你到底是那一方的势力?是镀天奇派遣你过来的?” Shi Yan does stunned, manage the Du Tianji trifling thing? I was plotted against by Jiang Ge from the start, plans to pull to him? Do your three people desirably plan me, I why like mad? Do you hate me to come actually? Laughable 石岩愕然,“管镀天奇屁事?我压根就是被江戈暗算,给他算计扯进来的?要不是你们三人刻意算计我,我何必拼死拼活?你倒是怨恨起我来?可笑” , Shi Yan suddenly has smiled, non- mistake has the mistake, now I have come, Star Chart in my hand, I naturally will not give up, um, said with me that Star Chart has any secret, you spoke the truth, can trade your life.” 顿了一下,石岩忽然笑了,“不过错有错着,现在我进来了,星图又在我手,我当然不会善罢甘休,嗯,和我说说,星图到底有什么秘密吧,你老实说来,可以换你一命。” Dike today only then one, sorry, yesterday the wife getting sick nephew, mother-in-law take care of she, I nursed the son, the brat spirit was too exuberant, must hug, otherwise made a tearful scene to continue, today a day has tormented to death to him, the solid energy was bad, can only a code chapter come out, looks at everybody to forgive, tomorrow I will make up, said again was sorry collected to be continued. 圳今天只有一更,抱歉,昨天老婆病侄,丈母娘照顾她,我看护儿子,臭小子精神太旺盛,必须抱着,不然就哭闹不止,今天一天给他整死了,实在精力不济,只能码一章出来,望大家谅解,明天我会补,再说一声抱歉汇未完待续。
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