GOS :: Volume #9

#815: Romantic bloody battle

The snow white flesh special fat that the Feng Rao king, the bare thunderclap comes out step by step slides tenderly, the beforehand bloodstain, as if integrates the azure mark on her skin, already did not see. 丰娆一步步老开,裸霹出来的雪白肌肤特脂般嫩滑,之前的血迹,似乎融入她皮肤上的青纹,早就不见。 short skirt leather clothing that a clothing/taking pastes, tattered, cannot cover up her whole body scenery, walks, the beautiful leg sways, in faintly visible legs wonderful, lets person blood spray out, cannot contain the desire of innermost feelings. 一身服贴的短裙皮衣,破破烂烂,遮掩不住她满身风光,行走间,美腿晃荡,隐隐可见腿间美妙,让人血脉喷张,遏制不住内心的欲望。 She spoke, the nasal was loud, um, did not confuse the will of the people the note sleep talking snort|hum, such as the drumbeats struck in the Shi Yan inner world, rippled the giant ripples. 她讲话间,鼻音粗重,嗯、啊、唔一个个迷惑人心的音符梦呓般哼出,如鼓点敲打在石岩心海,荡漾出巨大涟漪。 In the beautiful pupil, accumulated the sea affection, can melt the person soul, making Divine Sense weak, gathers with her monster different body, the obsequious attitude enticement that type seizes the person heart and soul, cannot endure including Shi Yan. 美眸中,蕴着海洋般的深情,能将人灵魂融化,让神休酥软一般,和她妖异的身子汇聚起来,那种夺人心魄的媚态诱惑,连石岩也吃不消。 Many of killing are not good, we can have a pleasant chat the hand, chatted the cooperation well.” Feng Rao is tender, the plentiful wonderful body sways from side to side, the infinite scenery appeared the Shi Yan eye to be suddenly red quietly, this time has not displayed Rampage Third Sky, by opposite party leading into confusion cancelling. “打打杀杀的多不好,我们可以把手言欢,好好谈谈合作嘛。”丰娆娇笑盈盈,丰腴美妙的身体扭动间,无限风光悄悄显现出来石岩眼睛突然红了,这次并没有施展暴走三重天,是被对方的魁惑给勾起来的。 He gasps for breath gently, the look burning hot like the fire, likely is a youth, is staring at the body of Feng Rao stubbornly, cannot help but closes up toward Feng Rao. 他轻轻喘着气,眼神炙热如火,像是个愣头青般,死死盯着丰娆的身子,不由自主的朝着丰娆靠拢。 The Feng Rao large flame extends, is hovering around lip angle, appears astonishing beautiful grace and bearing. 丰娆火舌伸出来,绕着唇角游动着,显出惊人的美艳风情 Shi Yan breathed was loud, separated ten meters Feng Rao to hear continually, on her face joyful heavier a point, inwardly proud of oneself, the beautiful pupil affection was infinite, in heart actually ice-cold gloomy. 石岩呼吸更加粗重了,连隔了十米的丰娆都能听到,她脸上的欣喜更重了一分,暗暗得意,美眸深情无限,心中却冰冷阴森。 Her sound power deep meaning, is near that leaves, suddenly goes well possibly is bigger, might also terrifying even more. 她的声音力量奥义,越是离的近,突然得手的可能越大,威力也愈发的恐怖 3 Shi Yan approach, then must strike to go well, does not give a Shi Yan opportunity. 3石岩凑近,便是要一击得手,再也不给石岩一丝的机会。 After these days suffering setbacks, she already does not dare to despise Shi Yan, instead regards Shi Yan compared with Ganji and Pangjia also wants the fearful match, she knows that opposite party plans gloomy, for fear that was planned, has prepared carefully, as if not wait for Shi Yan to move her body, will not seek getting rid that loses absolutely again. 经过这段时间的受挫,她早就不敢小看石岩,反而将石岩当成比甘基庞加还要可怕的对手,她又知道对方心机阴沉,生怕被算计了,一直小心准备,似乎不等石岩碰触到她的身子,绝对不会再寻失的出手了。 Such, was similar to lost soul, Shi Yan look fiery was staring her, walked step by step, finally arrived at side Feng Rao. 就这么,如同失了魂似的,石岩眼神火热的瞪着她,一步步走来,终于来到丰娆身旁。 This was right, we can chat well, why must put together life and death *......” Feng Rao chi chi to smile, leading into confusion was moving, the sound direct link will of the people, probed is extending the tender white hands, has traced toward the blood hole of Shi Yan chest. “这就对了嘛,我们可以好好聊一聊的,何必非要拼个你死我活*……”丰娆嗤嗤笑着,魁惑动人,声音直达人心,试探着伸出柔嫩的玉手,朝着石岩胸口的血洞摸了过去。 Her look, observation the Shi Yan facial features, were not letting off the slight clue, so long as is not a little wonderful, she immediately under cruel methods, and will leave to draw back. 她的眼神,一直观察石岩面容,不放过丝毫的端倪,只要有一点不妙,她会马上下狠手,并且会抽身退开。 Shi Yan Space Deep Meaning, has the unusual restraint to her power deep meaning, she also knows that Space Deep Meaning can the short time imprison itself, even if to this time , does not dare to relax. 石岩空间奥义,对她的力量奥义有着奇特的克制,她也知道空间奥义能够短时间禁锢自己,所以即便到了这个时候,也是一点不敢放松。 White hands sluggish searches, Feng Rao discrete is staring at Shi Yan, a section of middle finger, fell to Shi Yan splits the bleeding hole chest cavity. 玉手慢吞吞的探出来,丰娆谨慎的盯着石岩,一截中指,已落到石岩出血洞的胸腔。 Drinks “喝” Shi Yan lowers roars, the eye still delay fiery, fiercely stubbornly grasps the Feng Rao body, it pushes over all of a sudden , is together slanting on giant stone. 石岩低吼一声,眼睛依然呆滞火热,猛地将丰娆身子死死抱住,将其一下子按倒在一块斜着的巨石上。 Startled that the Feng Rao beautiful pupil flashes through avoiding mentioning, but she has not actually acted rashly, because she discovered that the Shi Yan manner delay, very much obviously is still still receiving the control of sound of her leading into confusion, although was closely preserved by Shi Yan, she also only works as this is the man instinct, instead chuckles to oneself secretly. 丰娆美眸闪过一丝隐讳的惊慌,可她却没有轻举妄动,因为她发现石岩的神态依然呆滞,很明显还在受她魁惑之音的掌控,所以虽然被石岩紧紧保住,她也只当这是男人本能,反而暗暗窃喜。 Her white hands, fall to the Shi Yan chest cavity blood hole little finally, so long as proceeds again, as if can catch the Shi Yan heart, struck the crumb. 她的玉手,一点点地,终于落到石岩胸腔血洞,只要再往前一点,似乎就可以抓到石岩心脏,一击捏碎了。 But at this time, makes an effort Shi Yan that her enclasps, same starts to do things recklessly with all men, the rough big hand, moves in her beautiful buttocks and waist abdomen place. 而此时,将她用力抱紧的石岩,和所有男人一样开始毛手毛脚,粗糙的大手,在她美臀和腰腹处活动开来。 Restrains by force the loathing of innermost feelings, the Feng Rao smiling face is not reducing, look actually ice-cold mean, is staring at the eye of Shi Yan stubbornly, her hand, first time moves the blood hole of Shi Yan chest cavity, soon bumps into the veins that has broken to pieces. 强压着内心的厌恶,丰娆笑容不减,眼神却冰冷阴狠,死死盯着石岩的眼睛,她的那只手,第一次触碰到石岩胸腔的血洞,就快要碰到了一根碎断的筋脉。 Feng Rao changes color in vain, pink smooth red lips slightly opened, then must drink note awfully. 丰娆徒然变色,粉润红唇微张,便要喝出要命的音符。 Then in this time, ice-cold energy, fiercely covers it, the extremely cold strength, seeps her snow white torso to rest, bustles about in her flesh and blood. 便在此时,一股冰冷之极的能量,猛地将其笼罩,极寒之力,渗透她雪白胴休,在她血肉之躯内大肆活动起来。 At the same time, short skirt of her lower part of the body, was torn, does not wait for her to respond that then thinks roads between two legs, was punctured by a hard fiery hard object, side the severe pain raids the whole body fiercely, the Feng Rao eyeground appears the deep fear, awakes to turn around in vain, realized that the pure and chaste has not guaranteed. 同一时间,她下身的短裙,被一把撕裂开来,不等她反应过来,便觉两腿间的甬道,被一坚硬火热硬物刺破,剧痛猛地袭边全身,丰娆眼底显出深深的恐惧,徒然醒转过来,意识到贞洁已经不保。 Looks at Shi Yan again, the original delay fiery eye, appears one of the light mocks, where has by the sound of attracting trigging appearance? 再看石岩,本来呆滞火热的眼睛,显出淡淡的讥诮之一,哪有被魅惑之音给制住的样子? „” “啊” The severe pain wells up from the lower part of the body, Feng Rao is out of control the losing one's voice pain shouted, perceived that the crazy fierce impact of that bastard, has only thought rested such as is torn, that pain, she did not adapt unexpectedly for a while. 剧痛从下身涌来,丰娆禁不住的失声痛呼,觉察到了那混蛋的狂猛冲击,只觉下休如被撕裂了,那种痛苦,她竟然一时适应不了。 Most makes her frightened, from the body of that bastard, but also transmits cuts certainly life force evil energy, spreads from her two legs, invades her flesh and blood to be dirty, making her veins be restrained, power stagnates. 最让她恐惧不安的,是从那混蛋的身下,还传来斩绝生机的邪恶能量,从她两腿之间蔓延开来,侵入她血肉脏聩,让她筋脉受制,一身的力量都凝滞下来。 Explodes “爆” In the sad and shrill scream, Feng Rao strives remains many power precise, unites with the note, tries to explode to break to pieces the Shi Yan heart, destroys his Divine Sense most essential spot. 凄厉尖叫中,丰娆勉力凝炼所剩不多的力量,和音符合一,试图将石岩心脏爆碎掉,毁去他神休最关键的部位。 **, Isn't feeling well crisply?” Shi Yan grins, the peak body six fiercely were very attacking, Space Deep Meaning also along with releasing the Feng Rao note, precise power, stagnated immediately, her reached the Shi Yan chest cavity blood hole tender palm, was gripped by a big hand stubbornly tightly, power exploded in her control, making her small hand ache want to crack, counter-attack power passed in her skeleton. “**,爽不爽?”石岩咧嘴,挺耸着身子六猛地冲击了一下,空间奥义也随着释放出来丰娆的音符,凝炼的力量,顿时停滞下来,她那伸向石岩胸腔血洞的柔嫩手掌,也被一个大手死死攥紧,力量在她手心爆炸开来,让她小手疼痛欲裂,反击的力量在她自己骨骼内流逝掉。 On looks at that is encroaching upon own callous youth wantonly, is feeling the lower part of the body such as the great hammer bombardment, the Feng Rao beautiful pupil appears the incomparable fear, what a pity Divine Sense temporarily was imprisoned, the scream cannot. 看着身上那大肆侵犯着自己的冷酷青年,感受着下身如巨锤般的轰击,丰娆美眸显出无比的恐惧,可惜神休暂时被禁锢,连尖叫都不能。 You bring about own destruction, cannot complain about me.” Shi Yan is sneering, gratefully is going on a punitive expedition against on her, two hands are pressing two small hands separately, pastes it stubbornly on the giant stone, a point has not shown tender affection, with the crudest arbitrary way, holds her forcefully. “你自寻死路,怨不得我。”石岩冷笑着,毫不客气的在她身上征伐着,两只手分别按着两个小手,将其死死贴在巨石上,没有一点怜香惜玉,用最粗暴蛮横的方式,将她给强行占有。 I and you put together after all have Third Sky of God King Realm, Feng Rao by this humiliation, screamed not awfully that unexpectedly worked loose the space wall barrier, the small hand such as the slippery snake has also worked loose, nail digging out bitterly to the Shi Yan flesh and blood. “我和你拼了”毕竟有着神王三重天之境,丰娆受此屈辱,不要命地尖叫起来,居然挣脱了空间壁障,小手也如滑蛇般挣脱出来,指甲恨恨的抠向石岩血肉。 If her shape is crazy, opened mouth bites to the Shi Yan shoulder, by biggest strength revolt. 她状若疯狂,张口咬向石岩肩膀,以最大的力气反抗。 God King Third Sky Realm God Body, is not be ignored, Shi Yan fleshly body a little cannot endure, was given fresh blood drip that grasps to flowing by her. 神王三重天境界神体,不可小视,就连石岩肉身也有点吃不消,被她给抓的鲜血淋漓。 Happy Shi Yan calls out one, the movement under body keeps, the armored hand wields, the impolite bombardment in the Feng Rao lower abdomen place, Feng Rao that hits shouts wildly sad and shrill. “痛快”石岩暴喝一声,身下的动作不停,铁拳挥出,不客气的轰击在丰娆的小腹处,打的丰娆凄厉狂叫起来。 These two, are maintaining on a giant stone being on good terms posture, mutual worry bombardment, such as insane wild beast, that giant stone already could not withstand, explodes to break to pieces, they tumble in the place, the crazy under cruel methods, power attacks mutually, the flesh and blood hits mutually, appears a bloody romantic picture. 这两人,在一块巨石上保持着交好姿势,相互撕咬轰击,如疯了的野兽,那巨石早已承受不住,爆碎开来,两人滚落在地,疯狂的相互下狠手,力量相互冲击,血肉相互撞击,显出一副血腥香艳的画面来。 Why does not know, although Shi Yan grasped fresh blood drip flowings, never has actually felt so exciting, only thinks the lower part of the body to be full, batters in the wet thinned narrow path, unprecedented is overwhelmed with emotion carefree. 不知为何,石岩虽被抓的鲜血淋漓,却从未感受过如此刺激,只觉下身酣畅淋漓,在湿泞窄道横冲直撞,前所未有的销魂畅快。 Is going on a punitive expedition against under the body forcefully the beautiful woman, but he starts not to be forgiving, the fist such as the rain falls, falls on the Feng Rao lower abdomen numerously, Feng Rao that hits wails bitterly, two doom grasps, making Shi Yan Divine Sense many deep obvious bones the wound. 强行征伐着身下美女,可他下手一点不留情,拳头如雨落下,纷落在丰娆小腹,打的丰娆哭天喊地,两手更加死命的去抓,让石岩神休多出一道道深可见骨的伤口。 In ice-cold dark Outer Territory, on a gigantic meteorite, these two likely were insane, such as sexual intercourse wild beast, rolled, the place visited, the crushed stone ruptured in abundance, easily accomplished, ground all. 在冰冷黑暗的域外,一块硕大的陨石上,这两人都像是疯了,如交合的野兽,滚来滚去,所过之处,碎石纷纷爆裂,摧枯拉朽般,碾碎一切。 Feng Rao is injured after all too heavily, two leg strategic points fall into enemy hands, by the wild impact, the lower abdomen by hammer bitterly, gradually was been also weak, slowly, she grasps pulls the Shi Yan Divine Sense strength, was getting more and more light. 丰娆毕竟受伤太重,两腿间要害失守,被狂暴的冲击,小腹又被恨恨的锤,渐渐不支,慢慢地,她抓扯石岩神休的力道,越来越轻了。 The Feng Rao beautiful pupil appears filled with grief desire chilly color certainly, hatred looked is wresting away her fleshly body stubbornly to this, rests the man who batters in her charming snow white ketone, the cheek appears the crimson of unnatural, gasps for breath, wishes one could to alienate oneself at the scene, this is the insult that she wants unable to think. 丰娆美眸显出悲怆欲绝的凄色,怨毒的死死看向这个霸占着她肉身,在她娇媚雪白酮休横冲直撞的男人,脸蛋显出不自然的绯红,喘着气,恨不得自绝当场,这是她连想都不敢想的侮辱。 In Divine Punishment Grounds, she who Outer Space Robber and innumerable hoodlums do not dare to look straight ahead, in the present, on such an ice-cold meteorite, is rolling in the crushed stone, was pressed on the ground, suffers nightmare that had a dream cannot imagine. 神罚之地,连域外掠夺者和无数暴徒都不敢直视的她,今朝,在这么一个冰冷的陨石上,在碎石中滚动着,被按在地上,遭受了做梦都想象不到的噩梦。 Finally, Feng Rao weak to did not have including counter-attack, the corner of the eye drops out the tears, desperate closing eye, whatever Shi Yan goes on a punitive expedition against, as if known difficult running away violent treachery. 终于,丰娆虚弱到连反击都没了,眼角滴出泪水,绝望的闭上眼睛,任由石岩征伐,似乎已知难逃毒手了。 The Shi Yan look still, sees her callously so, suspended the hands and feet attack, coldly snorted, is discrete looks to her, does not dare to relax. 石岩眼神冷酷依然,见她如此,暂停了手脚攻击,冷哼一声,也还是谨慎的看向她,不敢放松。 Ganji and Pangjia these two God King Third Sky Realm Expert essence, by the fast purification, Negative Emotions that forms can release by him, making his cruel unfeeling, the heavy hand destroys flower a point not hesitate. 甘基庞加这两个神王三重天境界强者的一身精气,在此期间,被快速的净化掉,形成的负面情绪被他可以释放出来,让他暴戾绝情,辣手摧huā的没有一点迟疑。 acupoint crazy purification energy, has swallowed the Ganji Soul Altar mystical black hole, in strange is gyrating, slowly has to nourish the Soul Altar marvelous different functions to overflow, mixes in his Sea of Consciousness and in the power deep meaning level, the Heavenly Flame Altar level and Divine Soul. 穴窍疯狂的净化能量,吞食了甘基灵魂祭台神秘黑洞,也在诡异的旋动着,慢慢有滋养灵魂祭台的奇妙异能流溢,混入他识海力量奥义层、天火祭台层和神魂之内。 These unusual different functions, as if can wash to nourish Soul Altar, Heavenly Flame jump for joy, excited, as if obtained the greatest advantage. 那些奇特的异能,仿佛可以洗涤滋养灵魂祭台,天火都雀跃起来,〖兴〗奋之极,似乎得到了莫大好处。 Under his Divine Soul, nourishes in energy that these overflow, profound truths imprint seems to be bright, making him have a more direct-viewing profound understanding to the space, life and death and Stars Deep Meaning, but power in acupoint, under the function of Immortal Martial Spirit, was starting to restore his fleshly body severe wound, integrated his Essence Qi old tree, quenchinged his God Body. 他的神魂,在那些流溢的能量滋养下,奥义烙印似乎都明净起来,让他对空间、生死、星辰奥义有了更加直观深刻的认识,而穴窍内的力量,在不死武魂的作用下,已经在开始恢复他肉身重伤,融入他精元古树,淬炼他的神体 The harvest that this fights, stems from the hugeness that he imagines, has the enhancement to his cultivation base Realm. 这一战的收获,出乎他想象的巨大,对他的修为境界都有着增强。 Especially swallows the Soul Altar mystery, although he broken, actually knows that this is in world is absolutely worst strange power, is above anybody imagines beside, he has the premonition, that swallows the terrifying evil function of Soul Altar, is Blood Vein Ring biggest hidden secret! 尤其是吞食灵魂祭台的奥妙,他虽然勒破不透,却知道这绝对是世间最为邪恶奇诡的力量,超乎任何人想象之外,他有预感,那吞食灵魂祭台恐怖邪恶作用,才是血纹戒最大的秘辛 Nourishes Soul Altar, bright profound truths imprint, said that feared is Du Tianji this kind of Expert cannot believe. 滋养灵魂祭台,明净奥义烙印,说出去,怕是连镀天奇这类的强者都不敢相信。 Shi Yan realized suddenly, all sorts of marvelous additional bodies , he if cannot monopolize the power in a place in Lie Yan Star Field, simply the gracious gift that does a disservice to Blood Vein Ring, does not do right by the deep affection of Blood Vein Ring master. 石岩忽然意识到,种种奇妙加身,他如果不能在烈焰星域独霸一方,简直对不起血纹戒的恩赐,对不住血纹戒主人的厚爱。
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