GOS :: Volume #9

#814: Cuts certainly

The surprise attack killed Pangjia, the backhand gives Feng Rao to strike, making Feng Rao cut and bruised, gets sucked unable to work loose in the endocrater, mentioned slowly, this series of method actually quickly like lightning. 突袭杀死庞加,反手给了丰娆一击,让丰娆遍体鳞伤,深陷在巨坑中挣脱不出,说来缓慢,这一连串的手段其实快如闪电。 A Ganji hand was penetrated by three Bone Thorn, sews on the hard stony soil, saw with own eyes that Shi Yan across the sky comes, the Ganji ache is incomparable, air/Qi must spit blood simply. 甘基一只手被三根骨刺穿透,钉在坚硬的石地上,眼见石岩横空而来,甘基疼痛无比,气的简直要吐血。 How whatever he imagines, had not expected that Shi Yan plans unexpectedly gloomy evil and cruel in this way, star light precise chains, the illness clashes to come suddenly, must tie up his body, Ganji discolored. 任凭他如何想象,也没有预料到石岩心机竟然阴沉歹毒如斯,一道道星光凝炼的锁链,突然疾冲而来,要将他身子捆缚起来,甘基勃然变色 kacha! 咔嚓 He makes an effort to raise, does not attend to palm fresh blood drip flowinging, the gravitational field promotes again. 他用力一提,不顾手掌鲜血淋漓,重力场再一次提升。 200 times of gravity! 200倍重力! Shi Yan hits, the body potential was affected by the gravitational field immediately, the submersion, crashes toward Ganji suddenly. 石岩一头撞来,身势马上受到重力场的影响,霍然下沉,往甘基坠落。 Boy courts death!” “小子找死!” Ganji roars, the under foot huge stone, flies together immediately, as if the shell, the bang hits Stone Ruo. 甘基怒吼,脚下一块庞大的石头,顿时飞出来,仿佛炮弹,轰撞石若。 pā pā pā! 啪啪啪 Was penetrated by star light chain links, that giant stone explodes loudly broken, the crushed stone stirs up the plaster to shoot. 被一道道星光链条穿透,那巨石轰然爆碎,碎石激垩射。 In everywhere slungshot, Shi Yan, the whole face is with irresistible force callous, the lead(er) of boundary god fluctuates in vain. 在漫天飞石中,石岩势如破竹,满脸冷酷,神之领境徒然变幻。 Space imprisonment! 空间禁锢! Circles in flight stone of sputtering, stagnates baseless, motionlessly, stopped strangely. 飞旋溅射的石头,凭空凝滞住,一动不动,诡异的停了下来。 Achieves Third Sky of God King Realm Ganji, the deep meaning of god greatly is also affected, looks at Shi Yan helplessly approaches, in the body plaster power stops to transfer fiercely. 就连达到神王三重天之境甘基,神之奥义也大受影响,眼睁睁的看着石岩逼近,体垩内力量猛地停转下来。 Broken!” “破!” Ganji face upwards to whoosh, red that the complexion rises, urges round of power forcefully, imprisons the space broken seals. 甘基仰天嘶吼,脸色涨的通红,强行催发力量,将空间禁锢破封。 Fine tooth precise to become Guangren, shoots from the Ganji body plaster implosion, shoots up to the sky, performs to scold to Shi Yan. 精牙凝炼成光刃,从甘基体垩内爆射出来,冲天而起,尽数落向石岩 The Shi Yan complexion is invariable, person in void, the deep meaning fluctuates, the horizon was torn an opening, embezzles Ganji innumerable light blade edge one, threatening, fluctuated once more God's Domain. 石岩脸色不变,人在虚空,奥义变幻,天际被撕裂一道口子,将甘基无数光刃一口吞没下来,来势汹汹,再次变幻了神之领域 Huge hand imprints, as if the shutter, radiantly presses, the bang of surface coating shoots right in the face on Ganji. 一块块巨大的手印,仿佛门板,璀璨压迪,劈头罩面的轰射在甘基身上。 hōng hōng hōng! 轰轰轰 Seal of Death falls, Ganji fleshly body such as was tampered to strike by the steelyard weight, God Body appeared the obvious saw notch, the expression sudden dispirited. 死印落下,甘基肉身如被重锤夯击,神体显出明显的凹口,神色突然萎靡了下来。 In the hand imprint is containing death mystery, broke in Ganji God Body, then crazily was destroying his function, making the essence in his flesh and blood be hard to be precise, can only avoid with every effort. 手印中蕴藏着的死亡奥妙,一冲入甘基神体,便在疯狂破坏他的机能,让他血肉中的精气难以凝炼起来,只能尽力躲避。 He and Pangjia, Feng Rao, after half a month the pursuit of hardship, power cannot obtain to restore, arrives on this meteorite, three people battle mutually, are heavily engaged, power consumes once more greatly. 他和庞加丰娆三人,经过半月的苦苦追击,力量得不到恢复,一来到这陨石上,三人相互交战,不可开交,力量再次消耗巨大。 Seized the chance to sneak attack by Shi Yan, a hand almost discards, to the Seal of Death bang, seriously is the spent force, is damaged seriously. 石岩趁机偷袭,一只手几乎废掉,又给死印轰中,当真是强弩之末,受创严重。 The vital function in body plaster, in opening perishes under nibbling of energy, the fast consumption, Ganji God Body and complexion pale like the paper, the corners of the mouth blood are out of control in vain overflows, sad and shrill distressed. 体垩内的生命机能,在开亡能量的蚕食下,快速的消耗掉,甘基神体和脸色徒然苍白如纸,嘴角鲜血禁不住的流溢出来,凄厉狼狈之极。 Shi Yan a meaning of showing mercy, the intention change, the howling sounds of three thorns have not begun. 石岩没有一点手下留情的意思,心念变动,三根个刺的呼啸声再起。 He, then precise death energy, stimulated to movement negative energy unceasingly, huge Seal of Death void were appearing, as if evil eye, stubbornly was an Ganji, at once falls once more loudly. 他本人,则是不断地凝炼死亡能量,催动负面之力,一个个巨大的死印又在虚空显现出来,仿佛一只只邪恶的眼睛,死死盯着甘基,旋即再次轰然落下。 xiū xiū xiū! 咻咻咻 Three Bone Thorn sounds, grating, is similar to urges the soul in the Ganji ear, lets Ganji heart and gall entirely Huan. 三根骨刺的声响,刺耳之极,如同在甘基耳边催魂,让甘基心胆俱鬟。 pā pā pā! 啪啪啪 Seal of Death falls, Ganji such as the bean curd was hit in region, the crushed stone has become the powder powder, the dissipation, Ganji strives the light cover that offers a sacrifice to with the wind , the hit distortion, pale exhausted God Body, reveals immediately. 死印落下,甘基所在区域如豆腐块被撞击,碎石成了齑粉,随风消散,甘基勉力祭出来的光罩,也被打的变形,苍白疲惫的神体,顿时显露出来。 The Bone Thorn visualization, sews in the Ganji chest cavity fiercely directly, making his five main internal organs (entrails) smashing, the intestines broken bone fly from the body plaster. 骨刺猛地显形,直接钉在甘基胸腔,让他五脏六腑粉碎,肠子碎骨都从体垩内飞了出来。 This strikes, Ganji was hit thoroughly remnantly, God's Domain vanished, hundred times of gravitational fields did not see. 这一击,甘基算是被彻底打残了,神之领域消失,百倍的重力场不见。 We can chat!” Ganji screamed that in the eye appeared finally frightened restless, face upwarded to call out, gave me the time of speech.” “我们可以谈谈!”甘基尖叫起来,眼中终于显现出恐惧不安,仰天暴喝,“给我个讲话的时间。” Peng! 嘭! The stars great hammer is crashed by the day, such as beyond the day the meteorite falls to the ground, center Ganji chest cavity. 星辰巨锤由天坠落,如天外陨石落地,正中甘基胸腔。 His a few words said that God Body could not withstand finally, exploded to break to pieces thoroughly, outside the hands and feet projectile of break, thorough fleshly body died. 他一句话才讲完,神体终于承受不住,彻底爆碎开来,断裂的手脚抛射体外,彻底肉身陨落。 Sorry, you have God King Third Sky cultivation base, I do not dare discretely.” Shi Yan then opens the mouth, the person fell to Ganji side, three Bone Thorn such as three dazzling lightning, gather round him to revolve to keep. “抱歉,你有神王三重天修为,我不敢不谨慎。”石岩这才开口,人已落到甘基身旁,三根骨刺如三道耀眼的电光,围着他旋转不停。 The Ganji fleshly body destruction, the Soul Altar clear has not exploded the broken dissipation, sees to fall to so the region, knew that is very difficult to continue to resist, does not hesitate, the Soul Altar escape comes out, wants the escaping divergence starry sky, preserves Divine Soul. 甘基肉身毁灭,灵魂祭台浏是并没有爆碎消散,一见落到如此境地,自知很难继续对抗,也不犹豫,灵魂祭台飞逸出来,就要遁离向星空,将神魂保存下来。 God Body destruction, so long as soul imprint has not vanished, his also two roads may elect, either the lodging new body practices again, either integrates in the pregnant woman body plaster the new student. 神体毁灭,只要灵魂烙印不曾消失,他还有两条路可选,要么寄宿新身体重练,要么融入孕妇体垩内新生。 So long as god undying soul, he is always hopeful, if given time, obtains today's Realm cultivation base, is not impossible. 只要神魂不灭,他总有希望,假以时日,获得今日的境界修为,也不是不可能。 Soul Altar is very mysterious, in this world, can the rare treasure deep meaning that Soul Altar thoroughly destroys, rarely seen, Ganji Third Level Soul Altar, likely is the ghost of float, clenches jaws, ice-cold hatred looked at Shi Yan, then wants to flee. 灵魂祭台无比玄妙,这世上,能够将灵魂祭台彻底摧毁的秘宝奥义,并不多见,甘基三层灵魂祭台,像是漂浮的幽魂,咬牙切齿,冰冷怨毒的看了一眼石岩,便想要遁走。 Leaves!” “出!” Shi Yan complexion ice-cold, forehead, his Soul Altar floats similarly, the Second Level dark sacrificial altar region, has a strange evil attracting customer interest immediately. 石岩脸色冰冷,一点眉心,他的灵魂祭台同样漂浮出来,第二层黑暗般的祭台区域,顿时生出一股诡异邪恶的吸扯力。 Ganji Third Level Soul Altar, struggles unceasingly, Divine Soul appears most deep layer fears, how with putting to discuss him to struggle, cannot get rid of attracting of Shi Yan to pull, under Shi Yan that black hole lion sacrificial altar embezzled, little vanished does not see. 甘基三层灵魂祭台,不断地挣扎,神魂显出最深层的噜惧,和放论他如何挣扎,地摆脱不掉石岩的吸扯,在石岩那黑洞般狮祭台吞没下,一点点的消失不见。 Third Level Soul Altar, stiffly fell to embezzling by the Shi Yan strange deep meaning unexpectedly, sediment does not remain. 三层灵魂祭台,竟被石岩的诡异奥义给硬生生的吞没掉,一点渣滓都不剩。 wave! 波! Then in this time, an abnormal noise filament comes, the sound and power come out concise, runs out fiercely, goes directly to the Shi Yan God Body chest cavity. 便在此时,一声异响纤来,声响和力量凝练出来,猛地冲出,直达石岩神体胸腔。 Loses God Body that Soul Altar assumes, is quite weak, was flushed by this power, the front splits a beautiful blood splash, distension of the abdomen covered with blood, the chest breaks a cavern. 失去灵魂祭台坐镇的神体,颇为虚弱,被这股力量一冲,胸前绽出一朵妖艳的血花,腹胀血肉模糊,胸口破开一个洞穴。 Ka how leaf! 咔咋叶! Should not have Feng Rao of ample force, is cleaning the corners of the mouth and bloodstain, floated from that giant gulf slowly, look alarmed and afraid looks to Shi Yan float God Body Soul Altar. 本来应该没有余力的丰娆,擦拭着嘴角和身上的血迹,从那巨大深坑内缓缓浮了出来,眼神惊惧的看向石岩悬浮神体灵魂祭台 Can swallow Soul Altar deep meaning Divine Ability, Feng Rao sees what one never saw before, hears something never heard of before, this and evil strange mysterious, never appears in Lie Yan Star Field, does not have anybody to hear, so evil, making Feng Rao also fearful and apprehensive. 能够吞食灵魂祭台的奥义神通,丰娆见所未见,闻所未闻,这和邪恶诡异奥妙,从来不曾在烈焰星域出现,也没有任何人听说过,如此的邪恶,让丰娆也心惊胆颤。 Boy, your cultivation what He evil deep meaning?” The Feng Rao face whiten, is grasping the thunder and lightning ball, manner unnatural quite. “小子,你到底修炼了何和邪恶奥义?”丰娆脸色苍白,一手握着雷电球,神态颇为的不自然 She slandered the words sound, each character and power deep meaning fusion, suddenly, the great sound shook, has formed the wild shock-wave, shot toward the Shi Yan God Body bang. 她诽话的声音,每一个字都和力量奥义融合,一时间,宏大的声音震荡开来,形成了狂暴的冲击波,朝着石岩神体轰射。 Similarly by Shi Yan that Feng Rao had a scare, wants not to think that Soul Altar sneaks God Body immediately, does not attend to large cave of chest cavity, takes Space Deep Meaning as the root, forms God's Domain once more. 同样被丰娆吓了一跳的石岩,想也不想,灵魂祭台顿时潜入神体,不顾胸腔的大洞,以空间奥义为根源,再次形成神之领域 Space blockade! 空间封锁! The syllable characters, fall to his God's Domain, was imprisoned by the short time, Shi Yan did not talk, in ten fingers the star light exploded shoots, gave to explode broken these syllables, look ice-cold. 一个个音节字符,一落到他神之领域内,都被短时间禁锢住,石岩也不搭话,十指中星光爆射,将那些音节都给爆碎,眼神冰冷。 Grasps conveniently, that Star Chart, is hidden in his palm together, he turns the head deeply to look to Feng Rao, expression dignifiedly, looks like, same plans Yang Chen with me, you.” 随手一抓,那一块星图,在他掌心内隐没,他别头深深看向丰娆,神色凝重之极,“看来,和我一样算计阳沉的,还有你。” The Feng Rao condition, are quite more than Shi Yan imagination, she coped with by Ganji and Pangjia two first, was rumbled to enter in the crushed stone, is submerged by the innumerable stones, Shi Yan adds on potent drug, the precise stars armored hand, has given all her of a sudden. 丰娆的状态,比石岩想象中好不少,她先被甘基庞加两手对付,被轰入碎石内,由无数石块淹没,石岩又加上一剂猛药,凝炼星辰铁拳,给了她一下子。 Even but if this, suffers continually heavy losses Feng Rao, at this time still Blood Qi prosperous prestige, power circulation in body plaster continuous, obvious still have ample force. 可即便这样,遭受连番重创的丰娆,此时依然血气旺威,体垩内的力量流转不休,明显犹有余力。 The strength of this woman, surpasses the imagination of Shi Yan similarly, terrifying is unusual. 这女人的实力,同样超过石岩的想象,恐怖非常。 I misjudged.” Mou Rao the yin cold the face, I am calculating that Ganji and Pangjia, was been right by their power long neck hair, was submerged by several thousand stone bombardments, this thinks that can wait till them to decide the victory and defeat to come out to clean up the aftermath, had not actually expected that you must hit a person when he is down unexpectedly, injured me once more.” “我还是失算了。”牟娆阴寒着脸,“我算到了甘基庞加,被他们力量鬃对,被数万石头轰击淹没,本以为可以等到他们分出胜负出来收拾残局,却没有预料到你居然还要落井下石,再次伤了我。” She stares maliciously to Shi Yan, genuine impatient gloomy, should be you, regardless of me, Ganji and Pangjia have looked down on you completely, now they die in your hand, most unvalued you, instead again took the lead, I think Ganji and under the Pangjia dwelling place of the dead, will not die content.” 她狠狠地瞪向石岩,“真正心急阴沉者,应该是你,不论我,还是甘基庞加全部小瞧了你,如今两人都死在你手上,最不受重视的你,反再占据了主动,我想甘基庞加九泉之下,也不会瞑目。” Shi Yan is ridiculing shaking the head, „ my Realm is lowest, does not cause a trick, feared that was already killed by you. 石岩讥笑着摇了摇头,“我境界最低,不使点伎俩,怕是早就被你们所杀了。 He does not worry to begin, the front blood hole place veins have broken several, once battles, will affect the circulation of power, when he spoke, Immortal Devil Blood also stimulated to movement, rapidly was restoring the injury. 他不着急动手,胸前的血洞处筋脉断裂了几根,一旦交战,会影响力量的流转,他讲话之时,不死魔血也催动开来,正快速的恢复着伤势。 Feng Rao seems to be same as his idea, knows him to be hard to deal with, similarly, Feng Rao also received the heavy losses, before the start to talk, then swallowed medicinal pills to enter the abdomen, restored energy quietly. 丰娆似乎和他想法一样,也知道他难缠,同样的,丰娆也受了重创,开口之前,便吞服了丹药入腹,也悄悄恢复能量 She has Third Sky of God King Realm, medicinal pills that takes is also Divine level, she believes speed that she restores, will be quicker than Shi Yan, now Ganji and Pangjia died, this place is desolate and uninhabited, remote, some people will not pass through. 她有神王三重天之境,服用的丹药也是神级,她相信她恢复的速度,怎么也会比石岩快捷,如今甘基庞加已经死了,此地荒无人烟,偏僻之极,不会有人经过。 In other words, she only then a Shi Yan rival, so long as kills Shi Yan, this time then perfectly achieved the goal. 也就是说,她只有石岩一个敌手,只要干掉石岩,她这次便完美的达成了目的。 Swallows the Soul Altar evil deep meaning, I have never listened, I am very curious, what background are you?” Feng Rao and Shi Yan are maintaining the distance, feared that he gets rid suddenly, speaks, while is guarding secretly. “吞食灵魂祭台的邪恶奥义,我从未听过,我很好奇,你到底是什么来路?”丰娆石岩保持着距离,也怕他突然出手,一边讲着话,一边暗暗提防着。 I am also curious, in curious Star Chart is hiding any secret to background, being worth scheming for hundred years, is worth fight not awfully.” Shi Yan smiles, that Star Chart appears in his palm, he lowers the head to look, at once looks to Feng Rao, does not know whether to dispel doubt for me?” “我也好奇,好奇星图中到底蕴藏着什么秘密,值得你们图谋百年,值得你们不要命的争抢。”石岩莞尔一笑,那星图又在他掌心浮现出来,他低头瞧了一眼,旋即看向丰娆,“不知能否为我解惑?” If your agree told me, your swallowed the Soul Altar method and mystery, what I then told you in Star Chart to have, how?” Feng Rao is in front of his, graceful cleaning bloodstain. “如果你肯告诉我,你的那吞食灵魂祭台的方法和奥妙,我便告诉你星图内有着什么,如何?”丰娆当着他的面,优雅的擦拭着身上的血迹。 Her that clothing was extremely short, cannot cover up a wonderful scenery, now is tattered, is the spring scenery releases for the first time, attractive, the white hands hover, snow white is clamping the skin of fine azure mark, splits the monster different beautiful condition, making the person mind drag. 她那衣衫本就极短,遮掩不住一身美妙风光,如今破破烂烂,更是春光乍泄,诱人之极,玉手游动间,雪白中夹着精美青纹的皮肤,绽出妖异的美态,让人心神摇曳。 Come, we enter, well chat.” The Feng Rao line, beautiful leg is swaying leisurely, the spring scenery is partly visible, from her nasal cavity, snort|hum the sleep talking note, intoxicating people. “来,我们走进一点,好好谈谈。”丰娆款款行来,美腿晃荡着,春光若隐若现,从她鼻腔内,也哼出梦呓般的音符,让人如痴如醉。 The burning hot that Shi Yan soul, the eye does not control self gets up, such as was brought back the evil fire of innermost feelings most deep place, the breath is gradually loud. 石岩灵魂一荡,眼睛不自禁的炙热起来,如被勾起内心最深处的邪火,呼吸渐渐粗重。 In his heart understands that this woman, already in secret under killer, this is the sound of attracting. 他心中明白,这女人,已经暗中下杀手了,这是魅惑之音。
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