GOS :: Volume #9

#813: Reveals the fang

Is floating together on gigantic meteorite, the dust stone scatters bunches, bleak ice lonesome, not having the life to fluctuate. 一块浮游着的硕大陨石上,灰褐色的石块散落一簇簇,荒凉冰寂,没有生命波动。 Shi Yan expression is pale, is difficult to cover exhaustedly tired, the obvious power consumption is really big, in the eye was disclosing the faint trace despairs. 石岩神色苍白,难掩疲惫乏倦,明显力量消耗甚大,眼中透露着丝丝绝望无奈。 Ganji and Pangjia complexion has shone suddenly, cannot stop to sneer constantly, approaches step by step toward Shi Yan. 甘基庞加脸色突然亮了起来,止不住冷笑不迭,一步步朝着石岩逼近过来。 Feng Rao is quite discrete, first frowns, has nosed around, discovered that does not have barrier and formation to suppose, secretly relaxed, but the look is still careful, sneers saying: How to run?” 丰娆颇为谨慎,先是皱着眉头,查探了一下周围,发现没有结界阵法设下,才暗暗松了一口气,可眼神依然小心,冷笑道:“怎么不跑了?” The Shi Yan forced smile was too tired to move any further.” 石岩苦笑“跑不动了。” Boy courage is actually very big, unexpectedly dares to dare the greatest danger, dares to covet including our things, acts recklessly seriously.” Pangjia cruel grins fiendishly , helping beginning. “小子胆子倒是挺大,居然敢虎口拔牙,连我们的东西都敢贪,当真是不知死活。”庞加残忍的狞笑起来,便于率先动手。 Ganji also slowly approaches, God's Domain displays, several hundred times of gravitational field appearances, these crushed stones of oppression ka-beng the straight sound, explode to break to pieces. 甘基也慢慢靠近,神之领域施展开来,数百倍的重力场一出现,压迫的那些碎石嘎嘣直响,块块爆碎开来。 Thing gives you.” Shi Yan was really as if scared, knew that is difficult to run away a tribulation, then by Star Chart of Immortal wooden synthesis, has not accepted as a memento, projects directly, in the da Yang region toward three people flies horizontally. “东西给你们。”石岩仿佛真的胆寒了,自知难逃一劫般,那由不朽木合成的星图,一点没有留念,直接抛射出来,朝着三人中龘央区域横飞。 Ganji, Pangjia and Feng Rao three people, the greedy color in eye, the violent shoots fiercely, the subconsciousness must pass to fight. 甘基庞加丰娆三人,眼中的贪婪之色,猛地暴射出来,下意识要过去争抢。 Feng Rao kept a mind, the plump and smooth-skinned lip transgression ice-cold curve, throws conveniently the thunder and lightning ball. 丰娆多留了一个心眼,丰润的嘴唇逸出冰冷的弧度,随手将雷电球抛出来。 Immediately, several thousand blue electric arcs, such as spirit snake windings to Shi Yan in position. 顿时,数千道蓝色电弧,如一条条灵蛇缠绕向石岩所在方位。 Shi Yan as if knows the thunder and lightning ball power, a face scared color, fully avoidance. 石岩似乎知道雷电球的力量,一脸胆寒之色,全力退避。 However several thousand blue electric arcs, are interlinked with the Feng Rao intention, by her was attached[ body] in the pure strength, cannot avoid completely. 然而数千道蓝色电弧,和丰娆心念相通,被她附有〖体〗内精纯之力,根本不是能够全部躲避的。 Even if the rapidness of Shi Yan escape, ten blue lightning illness shoot on him, in a flash, the Shi Yan then sad and shrill pitiful yell, God Body has become the burnt color, is scarred, God Body that as if could not endure, cannot withstand again, the losing one's voice pain was calling, distressed was dodged outside the electric shock rolling into ice-cold starry sky. 就算是石岩逃逸的快,也有十来道蓝色闪电疾射在他身上,一瞬间,石岩便凄厉的惨叫起来,神体成了焦糊色,伤痕累累,似乎本就吃不消的神体,再也承受不住,失声痛叫着,狼狈的被闪电击的滚入外面的冰冷星空。 Ganji and Pangjia they, see Feng Rao to begin, Shi Yan was hit by thunder and lightning, tumbles from this meteorite, does not worry to execute, fires into that Star Chart hurriedly. 甘基庞加两人,一见丰娆动手,石岩雷电击中,从这块陨石上滚落,也不着急格杀,急忙冲向那块星图 Before coming, they decided that puts in an appearance then must execute Shi Yan, however, saw that Shi Yan takes to lose on own initiative Star Chart, after formerly computation by the brain of their throwing, the greed in heart was in the upper hand, at the maximum speed fights for Star Chart. 过来之前,两人打定了主意,一照面便要将石岩率先格杀,然而,一见到石岩主动将星图取出来丢到,先前的计算都被他们抛之脑后,心中的贪欲占了上风,以最快速度争抢星图 Cannot restrain, Ganji and Pangjia that lived in peace with each other, get rid immediately mutually, gratefully. 不可抑止的,本来相安无事的甘基庞加,马上相互出手,毫不客气。 Feng Rao sees Shi Yan to be hit by the thunder and lightning ball, does not dare to waste the time, knows that Shi Yan then temporarily avoids a tribulation, is impossible to escape their informers truly, therefore has not caused complications, similarly joins to fight the circle, fights for Star Chart with that Ganji and Pangjia. 丰娆一见石岩雷电球击中,也不敢多浪费时间,知道石岩便是暂时躲过一劫,也不可能真正逃过他们的耳目,所以也没节外生枝,同样加入战圈,和那甘基庞加一起争抢星图 Three people are God King Third Sky Realm, any person has resulted in Star Chart, so long as speeds along fully, has to throw off the possibility of opposite party. 三人都是神王三重天境界,任何一人得了星图,只要全力飞驰,都有甩掉对方的可能。 Therefore, first obtains Star Chart, without doubt will have the enormous superiority. 因此,先得到星图者,无疑会占据极大的优势。 Shortly, three achieve the God King Third Sky Realm villain, for that contains enormous hidden secret Star Chart together, has carried out the life and death fight, gets rid is very ruthless is decisive, urges to send to the pinnacle the power deep meaning, hates unable the quickest speed to execute the other two, attains Star Chart first. 顷刻间,三个达到神王三重天境界的凶徒,为了那一块蕴含极大秘辛星图,就展开了生死搏斗,出手都是狠辣果断,将力量奥义催发到极致,恨不得以最快速度格杀掉其余两人,最先拿到星图 Side the meteorite, in the dim starry sky, the Shi Yan look is callous, the corners of the mouth are holding the ice-cold chill in the air, clenches teeth to repel blue lightnings. Each blue lightning, extremely verve swift and fierce, in his god[ body] in clashes the clash horizontally, making the body of his flesh and blood unable to withstand all of a sudden, the skin appears close wounds. 陨石侧面,昏暗星空内,石岩眼神冷酷,嘴角噙着冰冷的寒意,咬着牙将身上一道道蓝色闪电排斥掉。每一道蓝色闪电,都极其的刚猛凌厉,在他神〖体〗内横冲猛撞,让他血肉之体一下子承受不住,皮肤显出一道道细密的伤口。 Feng Rao has Third Sky of God King Realm after all, the thunder and lightning ball is also the Divine level treasure, thunder and lightning stimulates, he a little cannot endure. 丰娆毕竟有着神王三重天之境,雷电球也是神级的宝物,其中雷电激发出来,他也有点吃不消。 Is good because of his power fining, being repeatedly tempered God Body has the average man the tenacity that is hard to imagine, this does not have, when true body defeated/carrying heavy losses, urge a round of potential, " perishing deep meaning drives out by tooth. 好在他力量精炼之极,千锤百炼的神体有着常人难以想象的坚韧,这才没有当真身负重创,催发潜能,以牙」亡奥义来驱除。 Not long time, invasions[ body] in thunder and lightning, was eliminated stiffly by him. 多时,一道道侵入〖体〗内的雷电,被他硬生生消泯掉。 That splits the wound of blood, in he consumes ten drops of Immortal Devil Blood rapidly under restores, healed slowly. 那绽出鲜血的伤口,在他耗费十来滴不死魔血的快速恢复下,也慢慢愈合了。 hōng hōng hōng! 轰轰轰 The wild energy fluctuation, transmits from the present gigantic meteorite, in his heart understands that these three seek after Star Chart Expert, finally life preying, urges to send the deep meaning for Star Chart exquisitely. 狂暴的能量波动,从眼前的硕大陨石上传来,他心中明白,这三个贪图星图强者,终于性命搏杀,为了星图将奥义精妙催发。 In his eyes cold intent is getting deeper and deeper, sneers lowly, not anxiously cropping up. 他眼中冷意越来越深,低低冷笑,不急着冒头。 Three people, compared with his Realm power profound many Expert, the deep meaning also side door are unusual, if he acts willfully, to by an enemy three, he extremely arrogantly can die is very miserable. 三个人,都是比他境界力量高深不少的强者,奥义也偏门奇特,如果他一意孤行,狂妄到以一敌三,他会死的很惨。 Half a month craziness spreads, that three people of power consume enormously, now gets rid for Star Chart wild, regardless of result how, their power even more weak, once that fight had the result, he then can save many times. 半个月的狂驰,那三人力量消耗极大,如今为了星图狂暴出手,不论结果如何,他们三人的力量都会愈发的微弱,一旦那战斗有了结局,他便可以省却不少功夫。 Reason that withstands Feng Rao to strike stiffly, to dispel three people of misgivings, making them feel that one received the heavy losses, cannot toss about any storm. 之所以硬生生承受丰娆一击,就是为了打消三人的顾虑,让他们觉得自己受了重创,折腾不出什么风浪来。 Really, Feng Rao sees him to be hit by thunder and lightning, the whole body blood splash, the tight nerve also quietly had relaxed, when to discovering Ganji and Pangjia began, is disinclined to continue to him to be ruthless, immediately has joined the fight. 果然,丰娆一见他被雷电击中,浑身鲜血飞溅,一直紧绷的神经也悄悄放松了一下,待到发现甘基庞加已经动手,也懒得继续对他赶尽杀绝,马上加入了战斗。 If Feng Rao can, fly carefully from that meteorite, has a look his[ really] solid situation, perhaps will not be negligent. 如果丰娆能够更加小心一点,从那陨石上飞出来,看看他的〖真〗实情况,或许不会那么大意。 What a pity, she has again misplaced the Shi Yan ability. 可惜,她再一次错估了石岩的能耐。 medicinal pills, eat broad bean to swallow, Shi Yan hides silently in the meteorite border, restores power vigorously. 一枚枚丹药,吃蚕豆般吞服下去,石岩默默躲藏在陨石边沿,极力恢复力量 Deafening rumbled, the stone splash explodes the broken fluctuation, transmits from the side meteorite constantly, in his heart is quite pleased, sneers constantly, is calculating the best opportunity of starting. 震耳欲聋的轰鸣,块块石头飞溅爆碎的波动,不迭从旁边陨石上传来,他心中颇为快意,冷笑不迭,在盘算着下手的最佳时机。 medicinal pills power, in[ body] in fell by melt, changes into life force that rushes, nourishes his five main internal organs (entrails), half a month dashing about wildly, has not beaten him, drew support died the energy of later essence Handi, his condition compared with being better many of too Feng Rao saw. 丹药力量,在〖体〗内被消融掉,化为澎湃的生机,滋养他五脏六腑,半月来的狂奔,并没有真的击垮他,借助于汉狄死亡之后的精气之能,他的状态比丰娆所见的要好的太多。 Shows weakness, deceives the enemy slightly to be willing being damaged three to relax vigilantly, was he already. 示弱,迷惑敌人小愿受创让三人放松警惕,都是他早就算好的。 The development of matter, is deferring to the script performance that he writes, he does not worry, Hehe is sneering, is waiting for the fight closure sound on meteorite. 事情的发展,正按照他撰写的剧本上演,他一点不着急,嘿嘿冷笑着,等候着陨石上的战斗截止声。 May be called the terrifying energy crazy bang, making the meteorite tattered and torn, looks from his direction, can see the meteorite to present the giant cavern, his position, the meteorite caves, chaotic Petrification is stream ray four shoots, obviously the fight is fierce. 堪称恐怖能量狂轰,让陨石千疮百孔,从他的方向瞧去,都能看到陨石出现巨大的洞穴,他身旁方位,陨石塌陷,乱石化流光四射,可见战斗何等凶猛。 Precise First Level power, has covered the whole body quietly, he ambushes toward the battle region slowly. 悄悄凝炼一层力量,覆盖了全身,他慢慢朝着交战区域潜伏。 ka ka ka! 咔咔咔 Side Ganji, giant stones by his power hauling, were battered, each stone one mu place is big, circling in flight, is containing terrifying energy reacted. 甘基身旁,一块块巨石被他力量牵引,横冲直撞,每一块石头都有一亩地大,飞旋着,蕴藏着恐怖能量震动 Pangjia reduced the body, only then average man 1/10, resemble in joint forces to line Feng Rao. 庞加缩小了身子,只有常人1,似在合力对行丰娆 That Star Chart, still steadily falls together same place, not by trace of move. 那一块星图,依然稳稳落入原地,并没有被动弹的痕迹。 Broken! 破破破! Feng Rao flies to roar fierce, power and sound fusion is one, turns into sharpness that cannot see, strikes the smashing the Ganji giant stone. 丰娆厉声飞啸,一身力量和声音融合为一,化成看不见的锋锐,将甘基的巨石击成粉碎。 Three people fight just luxurious, power fast is passing, after half a month speeding along, the moment has not stopped over they who restores, power has consumed almost, so the battle, God's Domain of release was inferior to the past at risk of life, the battle efficiency dropped First Level obviously. 三人战斗正酣,力量飞快的流逝着,经过半个月的飞驰,一刻不曾逗留恢复的他们,力量消耗了7788,这般拼死争斗,释放的神之领域都不及以往,战斗力明显下降了一层 From the Shi Yan angle, discovered obviously to his recent Feng Rao, the fine cheek appears a paleness, should be the power consumption too causes. 石岩角度去看,明显发现离他最近的丰娆,精美的脸蛋显出一丝苍白,应该是力量消耗太多导致的。 Ganji and Pangjia are utterly exhausted similarly, actually clenches teeth to insist that as if thought that so long as massacres the opposite party, oneself then can be finally triumphing. 甘基庞加同样疲惫不堪,却都咬牙坚持下来,似乎觉得只要杀掉对方,自己便会是最终得胜者。 Gravity lock!” “重力锁!” Ganji drinks one suddenly lowly, covers the gravitational field of whole body, draws in fiercely, at once eruption. 甘基突然低喝一声,覆盖全身的重力场,猛地收拢起来,旋即更加的爆发出来。 The Feng Rao float void body, such as was suppressed by the great mountain, sinks unexpectedly, slightly distressed falls toward below. 丰娆悬浮虚空的身体,如被巨山压住,蓦地一沉,略显狼狈的朝着下面落来。 Contracts silhouette, ambushes in that position Pangjia, two arms such as the snake searches generally, the soft characterless, outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted woods cold energy, seeped immediately to the enchanting body of Feng Rao, Feng Rao startled spirit hits to tremble, the body potential was not even more steady. 收缩身影,潜伏在那一个方位的庞加,两条手臂如蛇一般探出来,柔软无骨,一股阴柔森寒的能量,顿时渗透向丰娆的妖娆身子,丰娆激灵灵的打了个寒颤,身势愈发不稳。 Several hundred one mu place size giant stones, across the sky oppress, pounding of surface coating falls right in the face, buries the body of Feng Rao instantaneously. 数百块一亩地大小的巨石,横空压迫下来,劈头罩面的砸落下来,瞬间将丰娆的身子掩埋。 Ganji and Pangjia facial expression rouses, no matter also the Feng Rao life, hurries to fight for that Star Chart, formerly also acted in harmony two, gets rid mutually, the different power seal strikes fiercely, blows out dazzling rays of light on Star Chart. 甘基庞加神情振奋,也不管丰娆死活,慌忙去争抢那块星图,先前还配合默契的两人,相互出手,不同的力量猛地印击,在星图上爆出令人炫目之极的光芒 Pangjia power is not as good, the mouth spits blood, the God Body also attacked atrophy of reduction, look quickly dispirited. 庞加力量稍逊,口吐鲜血,缩小的神体也被冲击的萎缩起来,眼神倏地萎靡了一下。 Ten bases Ha Ha laugh wildly struggle with me, you were tender a point!” 十基哈哈狂笑“跟我争,你还嫩了一点!” During the speech, he then receives hand to rob that Star Chart, complacent is unusual, as if thought that hundred years of effort, had the rich repayment today finally. 讲话间,他便收手去抢夺那星图,得意非常,似乎觉得百年的努力,今日终于有了丰厚的回报。 In this time, roar towering resounds. 就在此时,厉啸突兀响起。 xiū xiū xiū! 咻咻咻 Three bunches of snow white rays of light, dodge to pass, grips maliciously on the palm that Ganji stretches out, penetrates his palm, sews in Star Chart nearby stone. 三束雪白的光芒,一闪而逝,狠狠地扎在甘基伸出的手掌上,将他手掌穿透,钉在星图旁边的石块上。 At the same time, the terrifying great fist that is been precise by the star light, is similar to the hammer of deity, falls loudly, covers Pangjia of that God Body flying upside down. 同一时间,一个由星光凝炼起来的恐怖巨拳,如同天神之锤,轰然落下,将那神体倒飞的庞加罩住。 kacha! kacha! 咔嚓咔嚓 The clear skeleton explodes the broken sound, transmits from Pangjia God Body, the Pangjia God Body scrap, the bone the violent from the body highlights, blood mist of whole face, this was struck suffocation of sneak attack bombing. 清脆的骨骼爆碎声,从庞加神体传来,庞加神体炸碎,骨头都从皮肉内暴突出来,满脸的血雾,被这一击偷袭轰炸的奄奄一息。 That stars great fist by innumerable star point, strikes to sneak attack precise, does not stagnate, from the day wild bombardment, falls to that Feng Rao by the place of innumerable crushed stone submergence. 那星辰巨拳由无数星点凝炼而出,一击偷袭完毕,毫不停滞,从天狂暴的轰击下来,落向那丰娆被无数碎石淹没之地。 pā pā pā! 啪啪啪 Giant stones blast open, was mixing with Feng Rao wild with rage roar, the stars great fist crush the crushed stone, rumbled stiffly the meteorite a terrifying big hole. 一块块巨石炸裂开来,夹杂着丰娆的狂怒厉啸,星辰巨拳碾压了碎石,硬生生将陨石轰出一个恐怖的大坑。 The body of Feng Rao beautiful fascinating'winsome, appears from that big hole most base, cut and bruised, the fine azure mark convergence on faint trace blood and snow white skin, splits the monster different beautiful bloody design. 丰娆婀娜的身子,从那大坑最底部显现出来,遍体鳞伤,丝丝鲜血和雪白皮肤上的精美青纹汇合,绽出妖异美丽的血腥图案。 Shi Yan callous silhouette, the ghosts and demons appear side Pangjia, pain under without hesitation the killer, precise Strength of Space, forms space cracks, does not have Pangjia of ample force to cover that severe wound, lets him[ extremity] body is remnant, Soul Altar also immediately explodes to break to pieces. 石岩冷酷的身影,鬼魅般在庞加身旁显现,毫不犹豫的痛下杀手,凝炼空间之力,形成一道道空间裂缝,将那重伤没有余力的庞加覆盖,让他〖肢〗体残碎,灵魂祭台也顿时爆碎开来。 Pangjia dies, he not slightly hesitant, stretches across the distance, arrives at side Ganji, Hehe is grinning fiendishly, reveals the Bloodthirsty fang 庞加一死,他没有丝毫犹豫,横跨距离,又来到甘基身旁,嘿嘿狞笑着,露出嗜血獠牙
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