GOS :: Volume #9

#812: Star Chart

Five pieces of Immortal wooden synthesis same place, formed unusual Star Chart, Shi Yan has swept one, discovered that in Star Chart sectioned out a dot, as if hid Treasure Map to label emphatically. 五片不朽木合成一块,形成奇特的星图,石岩只是扫了一眼,就发现星图中标出一个小点,仿佛藏宝图般着重标注。 Followed Zi Yao to be so long, has also treated some time in the Zi Yao star, Shi Yan was also a little knew to the Lie Yan Star Field arrange screen. 跟了紫耀那么久,在紫耀星也待了一段时间,石岩烈焰星域的布屏还算是有点认识。 He looked at one, discovered position that in Star Chart the stress point leaves, in Nine Star Chamber of Commerce and Divine Punishment Grounds the place of border, seems is the Divine Punishment Grounds peripheral most unusual region, can evade that all Divine Sense search. 他瞄了一眼,就发现星图内着重点出的位置,在九星商会神罚之地的边沿之地,好似是神罚之地周边最为奇特的区域,能够避过一切神识搜寻。 Divine Punishment Grounds in the region, has the Desolate lonesome dead territory, is similar to the special region of Desolate lonesome dead territory, that Star Chart approximate position, is similar in one to the special position of Desolate lonesome dead territory, on Star Chart has the detailed portray, but he looks at carefully without enough time well. 神罚之地所在区域,有荒寂死域,还有更多类似于荒寂死域的特殊区域,那星图的大致方位,就在一处类似于荒寂死域的特殊位置,星图上有详细的刻画,只是他来不及好好端详。 Because of Feng Rao, Ganji and Pangjia three people, the rush of devils, has tried to capture him to fall Star Chart of hand at this time. 因为丰娆甘基庞加三人,此时已凶神恶煞的冲杀过来,试图夺取他落手的星图 coldly snorted, Shi Yan puts in Imaginary Space Ring Star Chart immediately, sees with own eyes the palace avalanche, barrier vanishes, takes the bull by the horns, launches Stars Deep Meaning, the wonder of Divine Sense agreeing without consultation space, stimulates to movement completely power, such as the star light, from said in the purgatory field the illness to clash the heaven together immediately extremely. 冷哼一声,石岩立即将星图放入幻空戒,眼见宫殿崩塌,结界消失,当机立断,展开星辰奥义,神识暗合空间之妙,催动全部力量,如一道星光,顿时从极道炼狱场内疾冲上天。 barrier was shattered, the seal said extremely power of purgatory field, vanishes completely, this place is also unhindered. 结界破碎,封印了极道炼狱场的力量,全部消失,此地再也不受阻碍。 The star light soars to the heavens together, is only an instant, then has been separated from the dusky cloud layer of purgatory star, goes far away toward the vast star territory. 一道星光冲天起,只是一霎,便脱离了炼狱星的灰蒙蒙云层,朝着浩瀚星域远去。 Under his body, Feng Rao, Ganji and Pangjia three people clench jaws, the eye must spout the fire, chase of going all out, is separated from purgatory star, invested the dark deathly silence starry sky. 在他身下,丰娆甘基庞加三人咬牙切齿,眼睛都要喷出火来,拼命的追赶,也纷纷从炼狱星脱离,投入了黑暗死寂的星空。 These three people, schemed Star Chart are not a day two days, has spent the innumerable date and time strengths, saw with own eyes that then must go well, was given to insert a foot by him, instead finally profited, this made three people be hard to accept. 这三人,图谋星图不是一天两天了,花费了无数时日力气,眼见便要得手,被他给插上一脚,反而最终得利了,这让三人难以接受。 Although they have God King Third Sky Realm cultivation base, Stars Deep Meaning that but Shi Yan displays is extremely marvelous, relies on the stars path to speed along, arc vanguard, stimulates to movement energy precise Strength of Space, as if can the short time stretch across void, making Feng Rao, Ganji and Pangjia three people unable to overtake immediately, looks at Shi Yan silhouette helplessly was getting more and more far, being burning with anger. 他们虽然有着神王三重天境界修为,可石岩施展的星辰奥义极其奇妙,依循星辰轨迹飞驰,弧线般前行,又催动能量凝炼空间之力,仿佛可以短时间横跨虚空,令丰娆甘基庞加三人也不能立即追上,眼睁睁的看着石岩身影越来越远,更加的怒火中烧。 Four silhouette, from said in the purgatory field to escape to leave quietly extremely, other purgatory star at the same time assuming personal command, in said extremely when the purgatory field occurred suddenly Mao moved, keen perceiving. 四道身影,悄然从极道炼狱场内遁离,炼狱星另外一边坐镇者,在极道炼狱场发生暴冇动之时,也敏锐的觉察到。 Quick, the prison main has then issued the order, War Chariot leave, also invests to dark Outer Territory. 很快的,狱主便下达了命令,一艘艘战车开赴出来,也投入向黑暗的域外 Said extremely purgatory field is a Dark Sky God Country magical thing, to the new generation of Expert tempering field, the outbreak such big accident, even/including Yuzhu is also very scared, hurried communication Dù Tiān is happy, making him know that had anything. 极道炼狱场乃是天涅神国一处神奇之处,对新一辈强者的磨炼场,突然发生这么大的变故,连狱主也很恐慌,又急忙传讯镀天乐,让他知道发生了什么。 In purgatory star War Chariot is circling in flight, beyond the bygone days pursue, that part of assuming personal command looks like says the purgatory field extremely, the purgatory field of looks at everything may become vulnerable, is feeling accident, complexions, know heavily has any extremely not wonderful matter, occurrence that has been hard to prevent. 炼狱星内战车飞旋着,往天外追逐,一部分坐镇的强看来到极道炼狱场内部,看着地动山摇的炼狱场,感受着其中的变故,一个个脸色沉重之极,都知道有什么极其不妙的事情,已经难以阻止的发生了。 Dù Tiān learns of the news happily, extremely annoyed startled, at the maximum speed catches up, and transmits message, reported that reported advocation of Du Tianji god country. 镀天乐得知消息,也极其恼火惊慌,以最快的速度赶过来,并且传递讯息,禀报了神国之主镀天奇 What a pity, Du Tianji once more has as if closed up, his news likes a stone dropped into the sea, has not obtained any chapter of news, this lets the Dù Tiān happily more terrified restless, unceasing issuing order, making the prison main probably pursue surely the person who escapes from purgatory star. 可惜,镀天奇似乎再次闭关了,他的消息石沉大海,没有得到任何回讯,这让镀天乐更加惶恐不安,不断的下达命令,让狱主定要将从炼狱星逃脱的人追击到。 The dark ice-cold starry sky, Shi Yan narrows the eye, Soul Altar is rotating, the stars and Space Deep Meaning one and displays. 黑暗冰冷的星空,石岩眯着眼睛,灵魂祭台转动着,星辰、空间奥义一并施展。 The space ripple of First Level level, releases from him, as if short time connection the gate of space, his silhouette, such as meteor shuttle in layer upon layer ripple, quick can only induce including Feng Rao, Ganji and Pangjia three people faintly, is actually hard to be short the time to pursue. 一层层的空间波纹,从他身上释放开来,似乎短时间连接了空间之门,他的身影,如流星般穿梭在层层波纹中,快的连丰娆甘基庞加三人都只能隐隐感应,却难以短时间追击上来。 motherfucker, was really mistaken! We have defended that many years, finally in vain advantage/cheap this boy!” Ganji cursed angrily, ugliness of complexion gloomy. 妈的,真是看走眼了!我们守了那么多年,最终白白便宜了这个小子!”甘基怒骂,脸色阴沉的难看。 Makes me catch that boy, must skinning pulls out the bone!” Pangjia look ominous severe, tooth bites ka-beng straight sound. “让我抓到那小子,必然要将剥皮抽骨!”庞加眼神凶厉之极,牙齿咬的嘎嘣直响。 Feng Rao sinks to keep silent, the complexion is also quite gloomy, a lot of resentful angers, she thinks that very good to have used Shi Yan, the development of discovery matter thoroughly has actually been separated from her control, she is unable to imagine why, only then First Sky of God King Realm Shi Yan, can speed along in Star Sea is so quick, quick they can only not fall by far, is unapproachable. 丰娆沉默不作声,脸色也颇为阴暗,一肚子的怨怒,她本以为很好的利用了石岩,却发现事情的发展彻底脱离了她的掌控,她无法想像只有神王一重天之境石岩,为何能够在星海飞驰的那么快,快的他们只能远远跟着不落,根本不能接近。 He, only then the God King First Sky boundary, power is limited, so spreads not awfully crazily, will be enormous to his consumption.” Ganji has hesitated, facial expression is fierce: Lets him the first Chinese zither, I do not believe that he can throw off us. When his power consumption was similar, we decide however to pursue.” “他只有神王一重天境,力量有限,这般不要命的狂驰,对他的消耗将会极大。”甘基沉吟了一下,神情狰狞道:“让他先得瑟,我就不信,他真的可以甩掉我们。等他力量消耗的差不多了,我们定然可以追击上。” Good, the First Sky Realm toughness was limited, cannot support too for a long time.” Pangjia nodded, „, so long as can look for the accurate direction, I do not believe unable to grasp him!” “不错,一重天境界的韧性有限,支撑不了太长时间的。”庞加点了点头,“只要能找准方向,我就不信拿不住他!” Careful, before just I escaped the purgatory star, discovered that had War Chariot to depart, it seems like that the prison of purgatory star main also perceived that the situation, has sent for chasing down.” Feng Rao they are not self-confident, „the Dark Sky God Country fellow, is not easy to cope, we cannot make them perceive our direction.” “小心一点,刚刚我遁出炼狱星之前,发现已经有战车飞出,看来炼狱星的狱主也觉察到了情况,派人追杀上来了。”丰娆没他们那么自信,“天涅神国的家伙,没那么容易对付的,我们不能让他们觉察到我们的方向。” Such remarks, Ganji and Pangjia complexion is also dignified, as if knows the fearfulness of Dark Sky God Country Expert. 此言一出,甘基庞加也脸色凝重起来,似乎都知道天涅神国强者的可怕。 These three people immediately concealing aura, life fluctuation reduction cautiously, 这三人马上隐匿气息,将生命波动小心翼翼的缩小, And the jade that each one will grasp closely is gripping, stimulation mysterious energy. 并且各自将掌握的玉石紧紧攥着,激发其中的神奇能量 That several jades, solely were extremely not saying in the purgatory field to have the marvelous function, after being separated, same has to hinder the ability that Expert Divine Sense induced, they released concealing energy in jade, life aura gradually vanished, was similar to the stealth in the galaxy gets up. 那几块玉石,不单单只是在极道炼狱场内有着奇妙作用,脱离以后,一样有着阻碍强者神识感应的能力,他们纷纷将玉石内的隐匿能量释放出来,生命气息都渐渐消失了,如同在星河内隐形起来。 War Chariot that flies from purgatory star, above Expert, lets loose Divine Sense, a life fluctuation cannot induce. 从炼狱星内飞出来的战车,上面的强者,放开神识,一点生命波动都感应不出。 Unavoidablily, these War Chariot disperse, the rug -type search, such one, the population greatly dispersed, although War Chariot already Divine Crystal ore power stimulation of movement, but the true speed is not necessarily fast God King Third Sky Expert to urge in round of body not to have power to dash about wildly. 不得已,那些战车分散开来,地毯式的搜寻起来,这么一来,人数就大大的分散了,战车虽然已神晶矿石力量催动,可真正的速度不见得快过神王三重天强者催发体冇内力量狂奔。 , That War Chariot, to Pangjia and Feng Rao three people of positions, instead was gradually getting more and more far. 渐渐地,那一艘艘战车,离庞加丰娆三人的方位,反而越来越远了。 Shi Yan knows certainly that Feng Rao, Ganji and Pangjia three people are not affable, therefore he does not dare to stay, Stars Deep Meaning and Space Deep Meaning all sorts of heaven and earth highest good, responded in his Soul Altar that making him puncture the starry sky the speed, such as the light arrow was common. 石岩当然知道丰娆甘基庞加三人不好惹,所以他不敢停留,星辰奥义空间奥义的种种天地至理,在他灵魂祭台内反应过来,让他刺破星空的速度,如光箭一般。 Is speeding along fully, he large does not arrive to look at the accurate position in Star Chart, but knows approximately that his present direction, goes toward Divine Punishment Grounds and Nine Star Chamber of Commerce direction. 全力飞驰着,他也硕不到去看星图内的准确方位,只是大致知道,他现在的方向,正朝着神罚之地九星商会的方向而去。 Star Chart should be by the Dark Sky God Country first several generations of country masters precise, the mark region has the enormous secret inevitably, otherwise, the Feng Rao three people will not be willing to hide for hundred years, to obtain Star Chart, is grasped hidden secret by them. 星图应该是由天涅神国前几代国师凝炼而成,标明的区域必然有着极大的秘密,要不然,丰娆三人不会甘愿潜藏百年,就是为了获得星图,由他们自己掌握当中的秘辛 He does not know that is any secret, is so important, but this gadget, since falls to his hand, he naturally cannot hand over obediently. 他不知道到底是什么秘密,如此重要,可这玩意既然落到他手上,他自然不会乖乖交出来。 Ganji or Pangjia, or Feng Rao, does not have what good intentions to him, that Feng Rao uses him, to cope with Handi, good to harvest Star Chart. 不论是甘基还是庞加,亦或者丰娆,对他都没有什么善意,那丰娆利用他,也只是为了对付汉狄,好自己收获星图 His Shi Yan is not friendly kind, has used to the person, understood Star Chart forgives the huge secret, the thing in the hand, the truth how can there be to wrest away? 石岩本不是善类,给人利用了,又知道了星图包涵巨大秘密,东西又在手上,岂有不霸占的道理? As for the pursuit of three God King Third Sky Expert, him, can want his life not necessarily. 至于三个神王三重天强者的追击,在他来看,也不见得真的能够要他的命。 In that forbidden land, explains to the barrier First Level level, to the understanding clearly comprehension of heaven and earth power deep meaning, making his three power deep meanings even more exquisite profoundly. 在那禁地内,对结界一层层破解,对天地力量奥义的洞悉领悟,让他的三种力量奥义愈发精湛深刻。 He believes that so long as gives him to achieve mastery through a comprehensive study some time, so long as in body not to have power enough full, breakthrough to new First Level Realm, achieves God King Second Sky, is not the extremely difficult matter. 他相信,只要给他一段时间融会贯通,只要体冇内力量足够充盈,突破到新一层境界,达到神王二重天,并不是太过困难的事。 He has the self-confidence, self-confident, once bridges over God King Second Sky, Ganji, Feng Rao and Pangjia three people are one and stop up him, how also cannot take him. 他有自信,自信一旦跨过神王二重天,甘基丰娆庞加三人就算是一并堵住他,也不能拿他如何。 Because there is an energy, he does not fear, in the heart is sneering, spreads independently crazily. 因为有底气,他并不惧怕,心中冷笑着,放手狂驰。 A essence after Handi death, converged in his body not to have, under the purification of his acupoint, emitted energy to come out gradually. 汉狄死亡后的一身精气,汇入他体冇内,在他穴窍的净化之下,渐渐散溢能量出来。 Shi Yan grinned chuckled, led in these energy director not to have, the speeding along speed was also fast a point. 石岩咧嘴嘿嘿笑了起来,将那些能量导引向体冇内,飞驰速度又快了一分。 If in the past, mystical Martial Spirit when purifying these essence, cannot divert attention, must be careful Negative Emotions backlash. 如果说以往,神秘武魂在净化那些精气之时,不能分心,要小心负面情绪反噬 But he recently, has explained barrier, the soul was stable, obtained the sublimation, when Negative Emotions released, has not given him too to affect, still mental well-illuminated. 可他最近一段时间,一直破解结界,灵魂稳固安详,得到了升华,以至于负面情绪释放之时,并没有给他太多影响,依然心智通明。 Obtains newborn power to supplement, Essence Qi that he soon dried up, is once more full, this lets the speed that he speeds away, not slow. 得到新生力量补充,他本来快要枯竭的精元,再次爆满起来,这让他疾驰的速度,一点没有缓慢。 Feng Rao, Ganji and Pangjia three people, track down in the galaxy with hardship, for half a month the time passes by quietly. 丰娆甘基庞加三人,在星河内苦苦追寻,半个月时间悄然过去。 The three person original self-confidence, already vanished without the trace, this thinks that has God King First Sky Realm Shi Yan, early should support needlessly, the speeding along speed affirmation is slow. 三个人原来的自信满满,早就消失无踪了,本以为只有神王一重天境界石岩,早该支撑不消,飞驰速度肯定缓慢下来。 They misjudged completely. 他们全部失算了。 Half a month passed by, their power has consumed most probably, speed slightly slow. 半月过去了,他们三人力量消耗了大半,速度都稍稍缓慢了下来。 But Shi Yan, the speed is still invariable, even also faintly sped up much, this change, making them be almost wild with rage, the complexion was getting more and more bad. 石岩,依然速度不变,甚至还隐隐加快了不少,这个变化,让他们差点气疯了,脸色越来越差了。 motherfucker, does he have God King First Sky really? Were we mistaken?” Ganji was foul-mouthed, when speech, breath was loud, this was the power consumption too big indication. 妈的,他真的只有神王一重天?我们是不是看走眼了?”甘基骂骂咧咧,讲话时,呼吸粗重,这是力量消耗太大的征兆。 Pangjia clenches teeth, the look like the evil spirit, huh gasping for breath, makes me catch him, will certainly he suffer until death! This boy was too hard to deal with!” 庞加咬着牙,眼神如厉鬼,哼哧的喘了一口气,“让我逮着他,必将他折磨至死!这小子太难缠了!” Evidently, our had been played, thinks that his most inadequate threat, has not thought finally, instead makes him give to go well.” Feng Rao regrets awfully. “看样子,我们被人耍了,以为他最不成威胁,没想到最后,反而让他给得手了。”丰娆后悔的要命。 To this moment, they have not dared to despise Shi Yan, can in Outer Territory crazy spreading half a month, the speed be so quick, and a energy depletion sign, hasn't such God King First Sky Realm fellow, who seen? 到了这一刻,他们三人再不敢轻视石岩,能够在域外狂驰半月,速度如此快捷,并且能量没有一点枯竭迹象,这样的神王一重天境界的家伙,谁见过? Three people were cursing, front was at heart heavy, did not regard a small role to regard Shi Yan secretly again, and was quietly vigilant, after the consideration saw Shi Yan, must hit surely 12 attention, did not may despise, causing oneself Yingouli to capsize. 三人咒骂着,心里面前沉重起来,暗地里再没有将石岩当成一个小角色看待,并且悄悄警惕,思量看见到石岩以后,定要打起12分的注意,万万不可轻视,导致自己阴沟里翻船了。 Well!” Feng Rao pleasantly surprised low shouted suddenly, boy is not finally good, the speed slowed down one time, quick! Speed up! Pursues!” “咦!”丰娆突然惊喜的低呼起来,“小子终于不行了,速度放慢了一倍,快!加快!追上去!” Ganji and Pangjia facial expression big quake, is excited. 甘基庞加神情大震,也都激动起来。
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