GOS :: Volume #9

#811: Immortal wooden( asked monthly ticket!)

The forbidden land center that five sides unite, the rainbow light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), shine eight ten places, reveals slits. 五方合一的禁地中央,虹光万丈,照射八面十地,显露一道道缝隙。 Feng Rao, Ganji and Pangjia three people, Divine Sense hides in the slit, looks dignified, looked from afar to hard shell that five pieces of syntheses rest, starts to attempt to use power to gather. 丰娆甘基庞加三人,神休藏匿在缝隙内,神情凝重,远远看向那五片合成一休的硬壳,开始尝试动用力量收取。 However, the Feng Rao sound deep meaning, is Ganji and Pangjia special deep meaning, is a little at wit's end. 然而,不论是丰娆的声音奥义,还是甘基庞加的特殊奥义,都有点无计可施。 And Pangjia, reduces ten times silhouette, becomes, only then average man 1/10 big, arrives at the slit of that region most deep place, extends an index finger, making the index finger contract the needle to be generally thin, difficult moves that unusual hard shell little. 其中庞加,将身影缩小十倍,变得只有常人1大,来到那区域最深处的缝隙,伸出一根食指,让食指收缩成针一般细,艰难的一点点去触碰那奇特的硬壳。 What a pity, when to his pintle finger, arrives around the hard shell, shakes the unusual energy fluctuation to transmit, rays of light that stops, fluctuated quickly. 可惜,待到他那细针般手指,才来到硬壳附近,一震奇特的能量波动传来,停止的光芒,倏地变幻了一下。 The bolt of white silk rainbow light, suddenly to launch, pierces his index finger together. 一道匹练般的虹光,暴射而出,将他食指洞穿。 The Pangjia extremely fast withdraws, compared with dwarf small Divine Sense, is also out of control to shiver, restores the normal index finger, breaks obviously a section, fresh blood drip flowings. 庞加极速后撤,比侏儒还小的神休,禁不住颤抖了一下,恢复正常的食指,明显断裂一截,鲜血淋漓。 Whole face Pangjia with amazement, does not dare to attempt, honestly leaves distant, immediately takes out spirit medicine to restore, smudges the wound, the look trembles. 满脸骇然的庞加,再也不敢尝试了,老老实实离的远远的,立即取出灵药恢复,涂抹伤口,眼神颤颤。 Three people of power deep meanings, but also counts him to hold the superiority, however, he so cautiously, actually still has been damaged, makes him scared, does not dare to act rashly again. 三人的力量奥义,还数他占有优势,然而,他如此小心翼翼,却依然受创了,真的让他胆寒,不敢再轻举妄动。 Ganji and Feng Rao they, did not have idea, eager looks at that unusual hard shell, the hope of innermost feelings not covers up slightly, does not have means that has a headache incomparably, is considering the new solution agitated. 甘基丰娆两人,更加没辙了,眼巴巴的看着那奇特的硬壳,内心的渴望丝毫不加掩饰,就是没有一点办法,头疼无比,烦躁的思量着新的解决之道。 Shi Yan is silent throughout, the meaning of not having started, the indifferent looks at three people, shoot a look at that hard shell once for a while. 石岩始终沉默,没有下手的意思,冷眼看着三人,时不时瞥上那一眼硬壳。 He does not know that gadget is anything, but he actually clear awareness, twines rays of light on that gadget to pierce all materials, even if he does not have the well to Divine Sense self-confidently, does not dare to attempt rashly. 他并不知道那玩意是什么,可他却清晰的知道,缠绕在那玩意上的光芒可以洞穿一切物质,就算是他对神休自信无井,也不敢冒然尝试。 The meddlesome sound, without any progress, Feng Rao, Ganji and Pangjia three people, frowns with hardship, seems seething anything in Imaginary Space Ring, mutual accusation opposite party is not, the words are getting more and more virulent, look at their stances, likely has a life and death to battle at any time. 好事响,没有任何进展,丰娆甘基庞加三人,苦苦皱着眉头,似乎在幻空戒翻腾着什么,相互指责对方的不是,话语越来越恶毒,看他们的架势,随时可能发生一场生死激战。 On Feng Rao fine green pattern, is engraving on her jade porcelain fair flesh, when her Life Qi/angry, these fine wonderful patterns, is hovering slowly, making her have a monster different beautiful condition. 丰娆身上精美的青色花纹,在她玉瓷般的白皙肌肤上镌刻着,在她生气之时,那些精致美妙的花纹,慢慢游动着,让她别有一番妖异的美态。 Shi Yan is calm and composed even in press of work, once for a while looks to her, looks at Ganji and Pangjia, does not worry. 石岩好整以暇,时不时看向她,望一望甘基庞加,一点不着急。 Compared with these three people, he just like has become an outsider, does not care to the result desert, so long as preserves own life then foot enough. 和这三人相比,他俨然成了一名局外人,对结果漠不在意,只要保全自己的性命便足够了 Does not know that the jade can whether be effective.” Feng Rao has hesitated a while, suddenly thinks of anything, the thoughts move, raise hand to grasp. “不知道玉石能否有效。”丰娆沉吟了一会儿,忽然间想到什么,心思一动,扬手一抓。 That hangs Square Stone on Handi remnant corpse together, immediately flies, accurate falls into her white hands palm, with jade dot Stone Tan who she has together. 那一块吊在汉狄残尸上的方石,顿时飞起,精准的落入她玉手掌心,和她掌有的一块玉丶石摊在一块儿。 Ganji and Pangjia they, have become aware suddenly, knitting the brows head, Square Stone that also the calm face, has them contributes, has thrown to Feng Rao. 甘基庞加两人,突有所悟,皱了皱眉头,也都沉着脸,将他们持有的方石贡献出来,抛给了丰娆 Shi Yan focuses attention on to examine carefully, discovered that four Square Stone, with exactly the same of Jiang Ge, likely is a key, four Square Stone gather obviously in the same place, the shape of key even more. 石岩注目细看,发现那四块方石,和江戈的一模一样,像是一件钥匙,四块方石合在一起,钥匙的形态愈发的明显。 The Feng Rao three people of eyes have shone in vain, had discovered likely the feasible plan, the facial expression rouses, simultaneously takes a look to Shi Yan, different. Shouted to clear the way simultaneously: Your that together?” 丰娆三人眼睛徒然亮了起来,像是发现了可行性方案,神情振奋,同时瞅向石岩,异。同声喝道:“你的那一块儿?” ............ Shi Yan cannot help but smiles bitterly, under three people of staring attention, shook the head gently, spreads out the hand, shrugs saying: „ Sorry, I do not have. “呃…………”石岩不由得苦笑起来,在三人的凝视注意下,轻轻摇了摇头,摊开手,耸肩道:“抱歉,我没有。 „Hasn't Jiang Ge given you thing?” Feng Rao beautiful pupil stern countenance dodges, had the anger obviously, this thinks that can solve the difficult problem, actually had problems Shi Yan, she lost one's temper naturally. 江戈没有将东西给你?”丰娆美眸厉色一闪,明显有了火气,本以为可以解决难题,却在石岩这边出了问题,她自然而然的动怒了。 Ganji and Pangjia, complexion gloomy gets down, killing intent in eye pupil not covers up, obviously. 甘基庞加,脸色阴沉下来,眼眸中的杀意不加掩饰,明显之极。 The poisonous snake that three different aura fluctuations, such as cannot see, ambushes quietly, surrounds around Shi Yan, so long as carelessly, suddenly will be collaborated to execute to slaughter by three people. 三股不同的气息波动,如看不见的毒蛇,悄悄潜伏过来,环绕在石岩四周,只要一个不慎,就会被三人给突然联手格杀屠戮。 In Shi Yan heart imposing, cannot bear coldly snorted one, left that central region hard shell far him, transferred rapidly, arrives in recent rays of light slits, precise power, prepares to deal with three people of anger at any time. 石岩心中凛然,忍不住冷哼一声,本来离那中央区域硬壳较远的他,飞速挪移了一下,来到最近的一处光芒缝隙间,凝炼力量,随时准备应对三人的怒火。 Feng Rao, Ganji and Pangjia three people, all hopes pin in Square Stone, now Square Stone four meet again, combines a key appearance faintly, so long as comes the same place again, the key will thoroughly then form, as if can make a connection enters the hard shell the path. 丰娆甘基庞加三人,所有希望寄托在过来的方石上,如今方石四块重聚,隐隐组合成一把钥匙模样,只要再来一块,钥匙便会彻底形成,仿佛可以打通进入硬壳的道路。 Most essential means of livelihood, because of Shi Yan a few words, were stopped up, this lets three people of natural violent angers. 最关键的一条活路,因为石岩的一句话,被堵住了,这让三人自然暴怒。 In three people of eyes, ominous severe killing intent thick like ink, gloomy, simultaneously locks Shi Yan. 三人的眼睛中,凶厉的杀意浓稠如墨汁,阴森森的,同时锁定石岩 Shi Yan Divine Soul, spills over the intense restless palpitation to come in vain, the fluctuation thought power deep meaning, in Sea of Consciousness Space Deep Meaning displays again and again, each wisp of Divine Sense, attaches the space to be marvelous, twines from Sea of Consciousness, Soul Altar covering. 石岩神魂,徒然泛出强烈的不安心悸来,连连变幻念头力量奥义,识海空间奥义施展,每一缕神识,都附有空间奇妙,从识海内缠绕起来,将灵魂祭台给笼罩了。 The intense restlessness, vanishes gradually, three people to his soul locking, suddenly expiration. 强烈的不安,渐渐消失,三人对他的灵魂锁定,忽然失效。 On the Feng Rao monster different fine face, splits an extraordinary splendor, the corner of the eye moves, lowers the head shouts lightly: Good, unexpectedly can evade that our soul locking, no wonder continuously unflustered, has not revealed the color of fearing, evidently, our nephews look down on you.” 丰娆妖异的精致脸孔上,绽出一丝异彩,眼角一动,低头轻呼:“不错嘛,居然可以避过我们的灵魂锁定,难怪一直从容不迫,没有露出惧怕之色,看样子,我们侄是小瞧你了。” I do not have, you have killed me, no helps.” Shi Yan bitter and astringent smiling, helpless saying: Or, you exit, looks for Jiang Ge?” “我真的没有,你们就算是杀了我,也于事无补。”石岩苦涩的笑了笑,无奈的说道:“要不,你们出去一趟,将江戈找回来?” motherfucker, where some that many free time? Do you work as the purgatory star to be so good? „ Pangjia cannot stop to cryShi Yan, that is the Immortal wood, is not Turtle Shell that you think.” Quickly, the soul thought that appears together in his Sea of Consciousness, the one who spreads message is Vermilion Bird True Flame, I have the Vermilion Bird knowledge, knows that the Immortal wood is mysterious, is in Five Elements the wood is great treasure, is harder than the hardest metal, almost does not have what sharp weapon to disrupt.” 妈的,哪有那么多闲工夫?你当炼狱星那么好出?“庞加止不住大哭起来“石岩,那是不朽木,不是你所想的龟壳。”倏地,一道灵魂念头,在他识海内显现出来,传出讯息的乃是朱雀真火,“我有朱雀的知识的,知道不朽木非常神奇,乃是五行中木系一种至宝,比最为坚硬的金属还要硬,几乎没有什么利器可以碎裂。” Immortal wood?” Shi Yan is secretly discrete, in the heart moves, besides hardness, what characteristics but also there is?” 不朽木?”石岩暗暗谨慎着,心中一动,“除了坚硬之外,还有什么特性?” „The Immortal wood is wooden is rare treasure, has the natural marvelous wood grain, some wood grains are having the mysterious effect, if were quenchinged to portray Array Diagram by big Divine Ability Refiner Master, depends on the wood grain to form deep meaning god, will have the inconceivable mystery.” 不朽木是木系异宝,有天然的奇妙木纹,有的木纹拥有着神奇的功效,如果被大神通炼器师淬炼刻画阵图,依着木纹形成奥义神阵,将会拥有不可思议的奥妙。” Can approach?” “能否靠近?” Final First Level barrier that you explained before, isn't the essence of absorption massive wood? You use these essence to cover the whole body, life force cover entirely the whole body, can try to attempt.” Vermilion Bird True Flame message transmits fast, my these knowledge come from before Vermilion Bird leaves Grace Mainland, understanding of Immortal wood deeper First Level, is not clear, it is said the Immortal wood from is probably decayed after one god tree, the god sets up decayed, wooden actually Immortal, is called the Immortal wood, is unusual.” “你之前破解的最后一层结界,不是吸收大量木之精气吗?你用那些精气覆盖全身,生机布满全身,可以试着尝试一下。”朱雀真火讯息快速传来,“我的这些知识来自于朱雀离开神恩大陆之前,不朽木更深一层的认识,也不清楚,据说不朽木好像是来自于一株腐朽后的神树,神树腐朽,木质不朽,称为不朽木,非常奇特。” The Immortal wood, came from the decayed god tree, the god tree will be decayed, wooden actually Immortal that forms, what truth is this? 不朽木,来自于腐朽的神树,神树会腐朽,形成的木质不朽,这是什么道理? In the Shi Yan heart is astonished however, is listening earnestly, immediately spills over a strange feeling, always thought that the Immortal wooden formation, seems contrary to some true meaning between heaven and earth. 石岩心中讶然,认真听着,顿时泛出一股古怪的感觉,总觉得不朽木的形成,似乎有违天地间的某种真谛。 That finally First Level by wood grain barrier that you explain, imitates the Immortal wooden natural wood grain, your mysterious drew, now can refine, covers the whole body? At least, covers an arm to attempt?” Vermilion Bird True Flame continues communication. “那最后一层被你破解的木纹结界,就是模仿不朽木的天然木纹,你神奇的收拢了,现在能否提炼出来,覆盖全身?至少,覆盖一条手臂尝试一下?”朱雀真火继续传讯 Shi Yan has gawked, subconscious according to the word attempt, from the God Body skeleton veins, extracts immediately the essence of these wood, tries imperial to move, guides to an arm. 石岩愣了一下,下意识的依言尝试,顿时从神体骨骼筋脉中,将那些木之精气抽取出来,试着御动,导引向一条手臂。 His arm, has become the dust color, looked fiercely that as if has become section of dead wood trunk and branches, is quite unusual. 他那条手臂,成了灰褐色,猛地一看,仿佛成了一截枯木枝干,颇为奇特。 At this time, Feng Rao, Pangjia and Ganji three people of cloudy severe looks, were still surrounding on him, murderous aura was imposing, as if must be ready. 这时候,丰娆庞加甘基三人的阴厉眼神,依然在他身上环绕着,杀气凛然,似乎要蓄势待发了。 You are patient.” Shi Yan calls out one suddenly, the facial expression stern, Wait a moment, gives me time, making me try. I am Refiner Master, has the exquisite understanding to various barrier formation, this also why I explain the barrier speed, will be more rapid than you. Un, that central region, has master that energy of unusual light forms, making me try.” “你们稍安勿躁。”石岩突地暴喝一声,神情正色,“等一下,给我一点时间,让我试一试。我是一名炼器师,对各类结界阵法有着精湛的认识,这也是为什么我破解结界的速度,会比你们迅疾了。嗯,那中央区域,也是有奇特光之能量形成的爷界,让我试试吧。” The Feng Rao three people, have anchored immediately, the whole face is astonished however. 丰娆三人,顿时停住了,满脸讶然。 They to the condition in central region, many a little knew that understands that by no means anything barrier, therefore to the Shi Yan excuse, has the enormous suspicion. 他们对中央区域的状况,多少有点认识,明白那并非什么结界,所以对石岩的说辞,抱有极大的怀疑。 But Shi Yan said that must try, makes them change countenance terrified, thinks badly, is Shi Yan the ray stirs the smashing, does not need them to begin, characteristics that but can also careful observation energy erupt. 石岩说要试试,却让他们悚然动容,觉得最不济,也是石岩被其中光线搅成粉碎,不用他们多动手,还可以仔细观察一下其中能量爆发的特性。 Three people have tacitly consented, stopped the accumulation survey of power, light snort|hum, is paying attention the Shi Yan action. 三人默许了,停下了力量的聚集探测,轻哼一声,留意着石岩的举动。 Stares to tighten these three people to me!” The thought transmits together, several Heavenly Flame simultaneously circle in flight in sacrificial altar, the energy flame that the secret release is in sole possession, is ready. “给我盯紧这三人!”一道念头传递开来,数种天火齐齐祭台内飞旋,暗暗释放独有的能量火焰,蓄势待发。 Many wooden essence, were refined forcefully from the body plaster by him, wraps the whole body, a while time, he as if has become a dead tree of activity, Divine Sense becomes the dust color, such as decayed bough. 更多的木之精气,被他从体垩内强行提炼出来,包裹全身,一会儿功夫,他仿佛成了一株活动的枯树,神休成灰褐色,如腐朽的树干。 Under this special shape, he stretches out a finger discretely, by little moving together light. 在这个特殊的形态下,他谨慎的伸出一根手指,一点点的触碰旁边一道光。 chi chi chi! 嗤嗤嗤 The light and refers to the abdomen contact, transmits the unusual sound, that swift and fierce ray, such as mysterious is weak, the terrifying penetrating power loses! 光和指腹接触,传来奇特声响,那凌厉之极的光线,如被神奇的酥软下来,恐怖的穿透力顿失! The Shi Yan facial expression rouses, the corners of the mouth split a bright smiling face. Throughout pays attention his action Ganji, Feng Rao and Pangjia three people, in the eye Divine Light greatly Sheng, publicized., Unthinkable of whole face. 石岩神情振奋,嘴角绽出一个灿烂的笑容。始终留意他举动的甘基丰娆庞加三人,眼中神光大盛,张大了。,满脸的匪夷所思。 Ha Ha long smiles one, body such as the dust rainbow light, Shi Yan does not give a thought to the back six fiery line of sight together, the illness fires into the central Immortal wood. 哈哈长笑一声,身如一道灰褐色虹光,石岩也不顾背后的六道火热视线,疾冲向中央的不朽木。 Rays, shine on him, likely is weak, emitschi chi when his whole body, light smog, his God Body, falls to Immortal fiercely wooden in the region, without demur, searched the hand to grasp maliciously. 一道道光线,照射在他身上,都像是酥软下来,在他浑身冒出“嗤嗤,淡淡烟雾之时,他的神体,猛地落到不朽木所在区域,二话不说,探手狠狠地抓了过去。 Ten thousand rainbow light, point in him move the Immortal wooden that mildew, immediately vanishes without the shade, draws in completely to Immortal Kinouchi. 万道虹光,在他手指碰触不朽木的那一霉,顿时消失无影,全部收拢向不朽木之内。 The Immortal wood, becomes unadorned, actually heavy like mountain, that above fine wood grains, spread comes fiercely, looks, as if has become vast Star Chart, is unusual. 不朽木,变得朴实无华,却沉重如山,那上面一道道精美的木纹,猛地扩散开来,一眼望去,似乎成了一个浩瀚星图,非常奇特。 Pangjia, Ganji and Feng Rao three people of eyes were suddenly red, did not say a word, emitted God's Domain respectively, at the maximum speed, toward Shi Yan direction suddenly to rush. 庞加甘基丰娆三人眼睛忽然红了,一言不发,各自散溢出神之领域,以最快的速度,朝着石岩的方向暴冲而来。 The energy fluctuations of three boundless terrifying, such as beyond three days the meteor, crosses, imposing manner astonishingly. 三股磅礴恐怖能量波动,如三道天外流星,横贯出来,气势惊人之极。 hōng hōng hōng rumbling! 轰轰轰轰轰! Five palaces, transmit everything may become vulnerable explodes the broken sound, gets up at the fast avalanche. 五处宫殿,传来地动山摇的爆碎声响,在快速的崩塌起来。 Covers this place huge barrier, such as was torn suddenly, the outside dusky smoke cloud emerges, said extremely the purgatory field unusual magnetic field, vanishes baseless. 笼罩此地的巨大结界,如被突然撕裂,外面灰蒙蒙的烟云涌入,极道炼狱场奇特的磁场,凭空消失。
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