GOS :: Volume #9

#810: Hiding one's incompetence by remaining silent

Five pieces of exactly the same Turtle Shell, were split, now by some and power hauling, meets again suddenly is one. 五片一模一样的龟壳,本来被分裂了,现在被某和力量牵引,忽然重聚为一。 After five pieces of Turtle Shell unite, a marvelous fluctuation, blooms fiercely from Turtle Shell. 在五片龟壳合一之后,一股奇妙的波动,猛地从龟壳内绽放出来。 Feng Rao discolored, as if perceived that any fearful matter, without demur, left to retreat instantaneously. 丰娆勃然变色,似乎觉察到了什么可怕的事情,二话不说,瞬间抽身退走。 Her silhouette, oneself leaves after the diving posture in a flash, is distant to that Turtle Shell of five uniting. 身影一晃间,己经飞身离开,离那五片合一的龟壳远远的。 Also in this time, from that Turtle Shell, splits several thousand seven color rays of light immediately, each light, the glow swiftly and fiercely, can penetrate. 也在此时,从那龟壳内部,顿时绽出数万道七彩的光芒,每一道光,芒都凌厉之极,可以穿透起来。 exceed approaches Turtle Shell rays of light, is crowded, toward disperses in all directions stirs up the plaster to shoot, is farther, rays of light is scattered. 越靠近龟壳光芒,越是密集,朝着四面八方分散激垩射,越远,光芒越是分散。 ! 咻咻噜! Ten thousand light salvos. 万光齐射。 Unexpected Handi, was penetrated by dozens rays of light, on God Body appears innumerable small spatial, such, Handi God Body then ended, his Soul Altar, was put on to pass the heart to be cool, altar explodes the broken dissipation. 猝不及防的汉狄,被数十道光芒穿透,神体上显出无数个小空,就这么一下,汉狄神体便完了,就连他的灵魂祭台,也被穿了个透心凉,祭坛爆碎消散。 Ganji and Pangjia they, does not realize wonderfully, after Feng Rao, leaves to escape. 甘基庞加两人,也意识到不妙,在丰娆之后,抽身远遁。 However, even if this, they have not escaped thoroughly, was penetrated God Body by several rays of light, the arm and waist, left an eyelet, such as not can see treasured sword penetrates thoroughly. 然而,即便这样,两人也没有彻底逃开,也被几道光芒穿透神体,手臂和腰间,多出了个小孔,如被看不见的宝剑一击穿透。 Is good because has not injured to arrive at strategic point, they do not have Handi to carry, lived, swallows medicinal pills hurriedly, stops the blood, draws in the flesh and blood, blocks that cave entrance, is insufficient to have the intestines to brave. 好在并没伤到要害,两人没有汉狄那么背,都活了下来,急忙吞服丹药,止住鲜血,收拢血肉,将那洞口堵住,不至于有肠子冒出来。 Had not been injured, only then evades Qi to come Feng Rao first, farthest Shi Yan that leaves. 没有被伤到的,只有最先避亓来的丰娆,还有离的最远的石岩 Even but if is Shi Yan, had a scare, because penetrated in his side not far away also Divine Light, is extremely near to him. 可即便是石岩,也吓了一跳,因为在他身旁不远处也有一道道神光穿透了过来,离他极近。 If not he listened to Feng Rao, coming, perhaps will not have been receiving neck anxiously, is nearer to Turtle Shell, rays of light precise is more crowded, gradual spread rays of light and rays of light slit will be then bigger. 若非他听了丰娆的话,没有急着进来,说不定也会受到脖颈,离龟壳越近,光芒凝炼的越密集,逐渐的扩散光芒光芒的缝隙便会越大。 Shi Yan and Feng Rao they in the rays of light slit place, have then avoided a tribulation. 石岩丰娆两人便是在光芒的缝隙处,躲过了一劫。 Several thousand rays of light in Turtle Shell, the crowded violent plaster shoots, stopped, forgets that Turtle Shell said rays of light binds precise, in that formation energy obvious region turning round revolving. 龟壳内的数万道光芒,密集的激垩射出去,停止了下来,一眼忘去那龟壳被道道光芒凝炼裹住,在那一处阵法能量明显的区域滴溜溜的旋转着。 Ganji and Pangjia simple treatment an injury, simultaneously looked angrily at Feng Rao to shout abuse: **! Good deed that you do!” 甘基庞加简单处理了一下伤势,齐齐怒视丰娆破口大骂:“**!你干的好事!” These two, already transferred the body are also at the rays of light slit places, is insufficient injured again, but these two face whiten, obviously are damaged at this time heavily. 这两人,早就挪移身子也处在光芒缝隙处,不至于再一次受伤,可这两人此时都脸色苍白,显然受创不轻。 You are the same with my thoughts, if not coping with me anxiously, does not make five Turtle Shell unite, is insufficient to make into this, can only say that you get what one deserves!” Feng Rao sneers, does not show weakness. “你们和我心思一样,如果不急着对付我,不让五块龟壳合一,也不至于弄成这样,只能说你们活该!”丰娆冷笑,毫不示弱。 We do not detain you, did the advantage make your occupying completely? Some where that many good deeds? If you heart is good, why doesn't give us?” The Ganji manner is fierce, look ice-cold Chen An, a lot of anger. “我们不拦阻你,岂不是好处让你一人给占尽了?哪有那么多好事?你如果心好,为何不让给我们?”甘基神态狰狞,眼神冰冷陈暗,一肚子的怒火。 Pangjia is also sneering, looks at Feng Rao, shot a look at Shi Yan at once, ** is good to plan seriously, unexpectedly has early won over such a boy, making him help you involve Handi, made the God's Domain expiration of Handi, really sinister virulent.” 庞加也冷笑着,看着丰娆,旋即瞥了一眼石岩,“**当真是好算计,居然早早拉拢了这么一个小子,让他帮你牵扯汉狄,令汉狄神之领域失效,果然阴险恶毒。” Your three people early plan, feign the war, when I am caught, wants to kill power strongest me first, when I don't know?” Feng Rao raises the eyebrow, snort|hum, had allowed that you cope with me, can't I counter-attack?” “你们三人早有算计,佯装大战,等我落网,想要先杀力量最强的我,当我不知?”丰娆扬眉,哼了一声,“容许你们对付我,我就不能反击了?” Shi Yan is astonished however, is listening to their exchange, in the heart imposing. 石岩讶然,听着他们的交流,心中凛然。 The role that these four people, is not good to deceive, really has own axe to grind. 这四人,没有一个好糊弄的角色,果然各怀鬼胎。 Ganji, Pangjia and Handi three people, know that the Feng Rao most difficult opposite party, some complete plan, first is feigns to compete from the beginning, directing Feng Rao to come, Feng Rao that at once three people with joint forces, must be most difficult to gnaw first kills, then three people attempt this place again the treasure. 甘基庞加汉狄三人,都知道丰娆最难对方,一开始就有了周全的打算,先是佯装争夺,引丰娆进来,旋即三人合力,要先将最难啃的丰娆杀死,然后三人再图此地的宝物。 But their planning, Feng Rao had already guessed correctly, to be deceived, instead quietly and Shi Yan collaborates, making Shi Yan help to involve Handi, keeps her most worry Handi from starting power. 可他们三人的算计,丰娆早就猜到了,并没有上当受骗,反而悄悄和石岩联手,让石岩帮忙牵扯汉狄,以至于让她最顾忌汉狄无法发动力量 Such one, Ganji, Pangjia and Handi three people of sinister planning, naturally also expired, is Feng Rao obtains the winning side on the contrary, instead suppressed Ganji and Pangjia, then has almost gone well, first obtains together Turtle Shell fragments. 这么一来,甘基庞加汉狄三人的阴险算计,自然也就失效了,反倒是丰娆取得上风,将甘基庞加给反压制了,差一点便得手了,先取得一块龟壳残片 What a pity, the person calculates that is inferior to the day to calculate, does not have including Feng Rao, five pieces of Turtle Shell will unite the complete speed so to be unexpectedly quick, will link her to evade the point temporarily, cannot be successful. 可惜,人算不如天算,连丰娆也没有算准,五片龟壳合一完整的速度竟然会那么快,以至于连她都不得不暂避锋芒,没有能够成功。 Really is sinister deceitful old foxes. 果然都是阴险狡诈的老狐狸。 In the Shi Yan heart is discrete, when they spoke, was careful that in the rays of light slit internal breaks, has arrived to the Handi remnant corpse closest, derived the strong essence that Handi emitted secretly. 石岩心中谨慎起来,在他们讲话之时,小心在光芒缝隙内穿过,来到离汉狄残尸最近处,神不知鬼不觉的偷偷汲取汉狄散溢出来的浓烈精气。 Handi in Third Sky of God King Realm, even if died, power of innumerable year of accumulation have not dissipated all of a sudden, his arrival, lets the essence of these derelictions, as if had found the new direction, converges in his body plaster secretly, making him profit. 汉狄神王三重天之境,即便死了,无数年积累的力量也没有一下子消散掉,他的到来,让那些无主的精气,似乎找到了新的方向,暗暗的汇入他体垩内,让他受益。 A God King Realm Expert essence, quite huge, Shi Yan sees Feng Rao, Ganji and Pangjia to quarrel, in heart dark crisp, wishes one could them to continue to quarrel, is good to give him the making every effort to succeed abundant harvest the time. 一个神王境强者的精气,颇为的庞大,石岩丰娆甘基庞加争吵,心中暗爽,恨不得他们继续争吵下去,好给他争气丰收的时间。 Now five pieces of Turtle Shell unite, now was good, what to do can you know?” The Ganji ruthless tooth is itchy, is at wit's end, is looking angrily at Feng Rao, „a very good matter, gave you such to stir to gather, Otsuka with looking bad luck.” “如今五片龟壳合一,现在好了,你可知道怎么办?”甘基狠的牙痒痒,也无计可施,怒视着丰娆,“本来很好的一件事情,给你们这么一搅合,大冢都跟看倒霉。” „Do you blame me?” Feng Rao expression cold severe, what qualifications „do you have to blame me? Haven't you killed me to seize valuable the thoughts? Everybody is not good thing, no one had the qualifications to say who!” “你怪我?”丰娆神色冷厉,“你有什么资格责怪我?你们就没有杀我夺宝的心思?大家都不是什么好东西,谁也没资格说谁!” Such remarks, Ganji and Pangjia they, were silent temporarily. 此话一出,甘基庞加两人,暂时沉默了下来。 Five pieces of Turtle Shell unite, I do not know how to have managed, um, if you have any good method, can pass through these crowded rays, enters the Turtle Shell place, may try. This time, I can guarantee that will not start suddenly.” Feng Rao has hesitated, has a little worried, slightly alarmed and afraid looks to the Turtle Shell position, before the lyue of having a headache about a volume, filament. “五片龟壳合一,我也不知道如何办了,嗯,你们如果有什么好方法,可以穿越那些密集的光线,进入龟壳处,可试试。这一次,我可以保证,不会突然下手。”丰娆沉吟了一下,也有点烦心了,略显惊惧的看向龟壳所处的方位,头疼的锊了一下额前长丝。 Shi Yan has about 50 meters to the Handi remnant corpse, knits the brows looks from afar to that. 石岩汉狄的残尸有50米左右,皱眉远远看向那一块。 Five pieces of Turtle Shell, unite completely, Turtle Shell was being twined by rays of light, intermittent glare hold-up Turtle Shell, the turning round rotation, the mysterious vast energy fluctuation, is stirring up the plaster to shoot unceasingly, making the person not dare to move easily close. 五片龟壳,完整合一,龟壳被一道道光芒缠绕着,阵阵强光托浮着龟壳,滴溜溜的转动着,神奇浩瀚的能量波动,不断地从中激垩射出来,让人不敢轻易触碰接近。 Corruptly Ganji and Pangjia they, burn looks to Turtle Shell, the desire in sunlight not covers up, however, these two under the Feng Rao words, does not have means that looks at helplessly, with hardship consideration. 甘基庞加两人,贪焚的看向龟壳,日光中的欲望不加掩饰,然而,这两人在丰娆的一番话下,也是没有一点办法,眼睁睁的看着,苦苦思量。 Feng Rao did not reply, has hesitated, toward Shi Yan to approaching. 丰娆不答话,迟疑了一下,朝着石岩的古向凑近。 Perceived that closing up of Feng Rao, Shi Yan knits the brows slightly, is quickly concise power, secret careful. 觉察到丰娆的靠拢,石岩略略皱眉,倏地将力量凝练起来,暗暗小心。 Thing also me, Handi died, that thing you also had no need.” As if perceived that being careful of Shi Yan, Feng Rao stopped quickly, looks from afar to him, reveals one smiling face, the fair arm extends, on the arm the fine green pattern is clearly discernible, seems moving slowly. “将东西还我吧,汉狄已死,那东西你也用不着了。”似乎觉察到了石岩的小心谨慎,丰娆很快停了下来,远远看向他,露出一个浅浅的笑容,白皙的手臂伸出来,手臂上精美的青色花纹清晰可见,似乎在慢慢活动着。 Ganji and Pangjia they, pay attention suddenly, looks fiercely to Shi Yan. 甘基庞加两人,忽然留心起来,猛地瞧向石岩 Has gawked, Ganji chuckled, Shi Yan, that thunder and lightning ball, but the Divine level second rank treasure, in which the strength of thunder and lightning is strong, uses to be very refreshed, just had you also tried? Can you give back to her the thunder and lightning ball really?” 愣了一下,甘基嘿嘿笑了起来,“石岩啊,那雷电球可是神级二品的宝物,其中的雷电之力非常浓烈,用起来很爽快的,刚刚你也试过了?你真要将雷电球还给她?” If I, fall in the thing to my hand, does not have the possibility of honest restore decidedly.” Pangjia with smiles strangely, that is the Divine level second rank treasure, increases own power to be very easy-to-use, you among us, Realm are weakest badly, has such same treasure, but can also many several points take advantage. Returns to others in vain, fool? Using you, must give you a reward, is?” “要是我,落到我手上的东西,断然没有老实归还的可能性。”庞加和怪笑起来,“那可是神级二品的宝物,增加自己的力量很好使,你在我们当中,境界最弱最差,有这么一样宝物在,还能多几分依仗。白白归还给人家,岂不是傻子一个?利用完了你,总要给你一点报酬的,是不是?” Ganji and Pangjia left, right, instigated their relations deliberately. 甘基庞加左一句,右一句,蓄意挑拨两人的关系。 Feng Rao has not replied, is holding the light smiling face, calmly thinks so to Shi Yan, seems waiting for his decision. 丰娆并没答话,噙着淡淡的笑容,就这么静静看向石岩,似乎在等候着他的决定。 Shi Yan has also smiled, is holding appreciatively the thunder and lightning ball, the smiling face on face even more bright, the thunder and lightning ball, he had already gotten up to small tricks, such looks at Feng Rao, he has not spoken. 石岩也笑了,把玩着雷电球,脸上的笑容愈发的灿烂,雷电球内部,他早已做了点小手脚,就这么看着丰娆,他并未讲话。 Likes?” The Feng Rao pursing the lips chuckle, the crescent moon brow tip moved lightly, „, if likes, grants you also to might as well, but I also use temporarily, when the matter had ended, I promise you, this thing can give you, how?” “喜欢么?”丰娆抿嘴轻笑,弯月般的眉梢轻动了一下,“若是真的喜欢,赠与你也无妨,不过我暂时还有用,等事情结束了,我答应你,这东西可以给你,如何?” Gentleman does not seize the person to love, this thunder and lightning ball you receive.” Shi Yan Ha Ha has smiled, points at the light shell, that thunder and lightning departs immediately, changes into a blue lightning, fell into the Feng Rao hand. “君子不夺人所爱,这雷电球你收好。”石岩哈哈笑了起来,手指轻弹,那雷电顿时飞出,化为一道蓝色闪电,落入了丰娆手中。 Idiot!” “蠢货!” Fool!” “傻子!” Ganji and Pangjia, simultaneously snort|hum, complexion Yang severe. 甘基庞加,同时哼了一声,脸色阳厉。 Others are intelligent.” Feng Rao takes back the thunder and lightning ball, on the fine cheek split a beautiful smile, the chess Ganji and Pangjia, said lightly: Real idiot, should be you, thinks fierce that plans, what has ended up to turn out finally?” “人家是聪明。”丰娆收回雷电球,精致的脸蛋上绽出一个明媚的微笑,棋了甘基庞加一眼,淡淡说道:“真的蠢货,应该是你俩,自以为算计的厉害,最终落得了什么?” Ganji and Pangjia, the complexion is even more ugly. 甘基庞加,脸色愈发难看起来。 Shi Yan looks earnestly to Feng Rao, sees her not to inspect, its receives Imaginary Space Ring directly, has smiled secretly. 石岩认真地看向丰娆,见她没有检查,直接将其收入幻空戒,暗暗笑了起来。 In his heart understands that this Feng Rao, is actually same as Ganji and Pangjia, has not cared him from the start. 他心中明白,这丰娆,其实和甘基庞加一样,也压根没有将他放在心上。 Otherwise, Feng Rao will not give him the thunder and lightning ball, making him cope with Handi, that is Feng Rao thought that by his true power, does not draw support the thunder and lightning ball, is unable to cause any damage to Handi. 要不然,丰娆也不会将雷电球给他,让他来对付汉狄,那是丰娆觉得以他真正的力量,不借助于雷电球,根本无法对汉狄造成任何的伤害。 Also is so, Feng Rao does not think that he can get up to any tricks on the thunder and lightning ball, therefore has not nosed. 也是如此,丰娆不认为他能够在雷电球上做什么手脚,所以根本未曾查探。 This is the subconscious contempt. 这是下意识的轻视。 God King Third Sky Realm Warrior, naturally cannot think highly to lower Second-Step First Sky Warrior, this is the common sense of understanding, is not they are not discrete, but is they cannot think absolutely that Shi Yan true power has anomaly how. 神王三重天境界武者,自然不会看得起低了两阶一重天武者,这是认识的常理,不是他们不谨慎,而是他们绝对想不到,石岩真正的力量有多么的变态。 These three people, regard the opposite party fearfully right and enemy, but Shi Yan, in their eyes, is only one, anything not clear stupid boy, will not have anything to affect to the situation. 这三人,都将对方当成最可怕的对乎和敌人,而石岩,在他们眼中,只是一个,什么都不清楚的笨小子,不会对局势有什么影响。 Regarding three people of contempt, Shi Yan has not lost one's temper, on the contrary, his happy, others have not known that your real plaster solid component, will neglect you, once battles, will suffer a loss. 对于三人的轻视,石岩并没有动怒,相反,他还非常高兴,别人不知道你真垩实的份量,才会忽视你,一旦交战,会吃大亏。 His secret precise power, the manner relaxes, is preparing carefully, does not have alarmed and afraid scared, he must have a look but actually, these three people, can do any positive result to come out. 他暗暗凝炼力量,神态放松,小心准备着,一点没有惊惧恐慌,他倒要看看,这三人,到底能够搞出什么名堂出来。
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