GOS :: Volume #9

#809: Small role, major function!

Shi Yan puts out a hand to move, is the First Level level unusual barrier that is formed by the wood grain, these wood grains connect, azure brown, likely is a crowded forest, had vegetation aura to pass from. 石岩伸手触碰到的,是一层层由木纹形成的奇特结界,那些木纹连接起来,青褐色,像是一片密集的森林,有草木气息从内传了出来。 Close your eyes, he imitates, if arrives at the luxuriant big deep woods, can smell the vegetation delicate fragrance, perceives natural aura. 闭上眼,他仿若来到茂盛的大森林深处,能够闻到草木清香,觉察到自然的气息 Innumerable wood grain connection connection, has become the trees sea, the essence of wood emits, crowded, full of vitality. 无数木纹交汇连接,成了树木海洋,木之精气散溢开来,密集非常,生机勃勃 Meanwhile, other four people, one and hand according to barrier. 同时,其余四人,也都一并将手按在结界上。 From the Feng Rao direction, transmits shining golden light, Ganji, Pangjia and Handi three people locates, has the scarlet-red flame separately, white mist, with rustic overflowing of yellow. 丰娆的方向,传来灿灿金光,甘基庞加汉狄三人处,分别有赤红的火光,白茫茫的水雾,和黄色的土气四溢。 The strength of Five Elements! 五行之力! Shi Yan shot a look at one, then in vain realized that finally First Level barrier, contains Five Elements to be mysterious, seems also has the marvelous induction. 石岩只是瞥了一眼,便徒然意识到最后一层结界,蕴含五行奥妙,相互间好似还有着奇妙的感应。 Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth Five Elements barrier, can always the marvelous fusion be one, connection palace finally such First Level barrier, implied Five Elements to be exquisite, was balanced, once broke balanced, instead will have the accident that expected. 金木水火土五行结界,向来可以奇妙融合为一,连通宫殿的最后这么一层结界,暗含五行精妙,非常平衡,一旦打破了平衡,反而会出现预料不及的意外。 Secret observation a while peripheral, Shi Yan does not worry, marvelous life force that in comprehension wood grain is narrowing the eye, calming the mind. 暗暗观察了一会儿周边,石岩并不着急,眯着眼睛,静心的领悟木纹上的奇妙生机 Quickly, a thought flashes in mind, his thoughts move. 倏地,一个念头在脑海中闪现出来,他心思一动。 Death Deep Meaning displays suddenly, Soul Burial Field covers, spreads from his side, slowly covers the cover forest that wood grain forms. 死亡奥义骤然施展,灵魂葬场覆盖开来,从他身边蔓延,慢慢地将那木纹形成的茂密森林笼罩住。 The life force wooden strength that a marvelous wood grain piece by piece, emits, under the influence of Soul Burial Field, as if fell power by gradual deriving, has vigorous life force through Soul Burial Field, gathers to Shi Yan itself. 一片片的奇妙木纹,散溢出来的生机木力,在灵魂葬场的影响下,似乎被逐渐的汲取掉力量,有勃勃生机通过灵魂葬场,汇聚向石岩本身。 His God Body, obtains vigorous life force suddenly, qi and blood exuberantly, in close Five Elements the life force different strength, changes into faint trace pure power, integrates in his bloodlines skeleton. 他的神体,霍然得到勃勃生机,气血旺盛之极,细密的五行生机异力,化为一丝丝精纯的力量,融入他血脉骨骼内。 barrier of that finally First Level wood, under the function of his characteristics deep meaning, unexpectedly easily is explaining, got down according to this speed, how long cannot want, this First Level barrier, will then vanish finally. 那最后一层木之结界,在他特色奥义的作用下,居然被轻易的破解着,依照这个速度下去,要不了多久,这最后一层结界,便会消失。 Reviews the Feng Rao four people, did not have him to be so relaxed, explained that dignified, on the forehead revealed the perspiration mark, concentrated on, does not dare slight diverting attention. 反观丰娆四人,就没有他这么轻松了,破解的时候,神情凝重之极,额头上显出汗迹,全神贯注,不敢丝毫的分心。 As can be seen, power in their four people of God Body are consuming extremely quickly, to barrier that Shi Yan can break easily, falls to their heads, may not be relaxed. 可以看到,他们四人神体内的力量在极快的消耗着,对石岩来说轻易能破掉的结界,落到他们的头上,可一点不轻松。 Four people, are stimulating to movement power crazily, whole body rays of light glittering, breaks in power respective barrier, closes one's eyes, careful seeks for the barrier slit, fills up by own power. 四个人,疯狂的催动着力量,周身光芒闪烁着,将力量冲入各自的结界内,闭着眼,精心的找寻结界的缝隙,以自身力量填满。 Their cultivation deep meaning, is not the strength of Five Elements, before their God's Domain has not shown, Shi Yan also supposes is not, but he knows that four people of power is tyrannical, so long as insists, once power in barrier were consumed, can definitely burst to depart. 他们修炼的奥义,并不是五行之力,在他们神之领域不曾展现之前,石岩也估摸不在,可他知道,那四人的力量非常强横,只要坚持下去,结界内的力量一旦被消耗掉,肯定可以破裂飞出。 When he looks at carefully the Feng Rao four people, the marvelousness of his Soul Burial Field, in First Level barrier will be containing finally wooden energy absorption almost. 在他端详丰娆四人之时,他灵魂葬场的奇妙,已将最后一层结界内蕴藏着的木之能量吸收的7788。 Saw that this First Level barrier soon will break finally, Shi Yan receives the hand suddenly, God's Domain vanishes, does not worry, other such relaxed looks at four people, immediately have not started to tear that matter barrier thin film. 眼看这最后一层结界即将破掉,石岩忽然收手,神之领域消失,不着急了,就这么轻松的看着其余四人,没有马上下手撕裂那层结界薄膜。 He does not know that in five palaces, has anything, does not know bad risk. 他不知道,在五处宫殿内,到底有着什么,也不知道其中的凶险。 Therefore, he does not think that first breaking, planned that said according to Feng Rao, temporarily stays outside, first clarifies inside condition, what to do then in the consideration should. 因此,他不想第一个冲入,打算按照丰娆所说,暂时留在外面,先弄清楚里面的状况,然后在思量应该怎么办。 Quickly. 很快地。 The Feng Rao four people, put together completely power, finally finally First Level barrier breakage. 丰娆四人,拼尽力量,终于将最后一层结界破裂。 ka ka ka! 咔咔咔 An intermittent clear explosive, resounds through in the region from four people of institutes, is mixing with four color luminous spots. 一阵阵清脆的爆响,从四人所在区域响彻开来,夹杂着四色的光点。 Four person's shadows, such as the meteor is common, under continuously the rainbow light, the illness fires into five palaces. 四道人影,如流星一般,在缕缕虹光下,疾冲向五个宫殿内。 Most quickly, is Ganji, he almost in moves, then arrives in a palace, afterward is Pangjia and Handi, on the contrary is people most worry Feng Rao, draws finally. 最快地,乃是甘基,他几乎在一动之间,便来到其中一处宫殿内,随后则是庞加汉狄,反倒是众人最顾忌丰娆,拉在最后。 Feng Rao treats to three people of breaking in not awfully, suddenly stagnated, the line of sight looked at one in the Shi Yan direction, the equally blue tearful pellet, was wrapped by the lightning, flew suddenly to Shi Yan. 丰娆待到三人不要命的冲入其中,忽然停滞了一下,视线朝着石岩的方向瞄了一眼,一样蓝汪汪的小球,被闪电包裹住,突然间飞向石岩 Shi Yan has gawked, will fall immediately restraint tearing finally, in a hand makes a debut precise snake general Essence Qi, puts out a hand to grasp, grasps firmly that blue tearful pellet. 石岩愣了一下,当即将最后一掉束缚撕裂,一只手上凝炼出道道蛇一般的精元,伸手一抓,将那蓝汪汪的小球攥住。 The pellet is not big, a hand can get hold of exactly, starts extremely heavily, the marvelous thorns, look like, looks like hedgehog that rolls up, has covered entirely the blue tearful electric current. 小球不大,一只手恰恰可以握紧,入手极其沉重,有一根根奇妙的刺,看起来,就像是蜷缩的刺猬,布满了蓝汪汪的电流。 The pellet falls the hand, the strength of innumerable say|way lightning is precise, likely is the string winding to his arm. 小球落手,无数道闪电之力凝炼起来,像是绳子般缠绕向他手臂。 The blue lightning and his Essence Qi fusion is one, Shi Yan Divine Sense moves, relies on the method that beforehand Feng Rao informs, connects the pellet internal region in the special mystique. 蓝色闪电和他精元融合为一,石岩神识一动,依循之前丰娆告知的方法,以特殊的秘法来连接小球内部一处区域。 Among instants, he and pellet achieve continuously, had the palm imperial power, looks like control amethyst War Chariot, can direct imperial move with Divine Sense. 一霎间,他和小球达成连续,拥有了掌御权,就像是操控紫晶战车般,可以用神识直接御动。 Lightnings, mix with his Essence Qi, enabling him to use the strength of blue lightning easily. 一道道的闪电,和他的精元糅合起来,让他可以轻易的动用蓝色闪电之力。 This gadget, is Feng Rao loses to him specifically is used to cope with Handi, said according to Feng Rao that the Handi cultivation power deep meaning, can restrain with thunder and lightning, so long as he uses in the thunder and lightning ball is containing the strength of thunder and lightning, will get up toward Handi covers, Chaos that Handi God's Domain stirred gets up. 这玩意,是丰娆丢给他专门用来对付汉狄的,按照丰娆所说,汉狄修炼力量奥义,可以用雷电克制,只要他动用雷电球内蕴藏着的雷电之力,将起朝着汉狄覆盖,汉狄神之领域都会被搅的混乱起来。 The thunder and lightning ball starts, Shi Yan still not anxiously departure, no matter also Ganji, Pangjia and Handi three people, have fought in the palace group, but looks from afar to Feng Rao. 雷电球入手,石岩依然不急着离开,也不管甘基庞加汉狄三人,已经在宫殿群内交手,只是远远看向丰娆 Feng Rao toward his nodded, had not said that silhouette blurs immediately, next quarter, her image trail, appears by Ganji, Pangjia and Handi, as soon as she appears, attacks Ganji gratefully immediately. 丰娆朝着他点了点头,没有多说,身影顿时模糊起来,下一刻,她的影像踪迹,也出现在甘基庞加汉狄旁边,她一出现,毫不客气的,马上对甘基进行攻击。 Four God's Domain, show together finally in a palace, this all of a sudden, Shi Yan knows these four people finally, respective cultivation what kind power deep meaning. 四个神之领域,一起在一处宫殿终于展现出来,这一下子,石岩终于知道这四人,各自修炼何种力量奥义了。 The main deep meaning of Ganji comprehension, is the gravity, he displays in the region gravity, the giant stone of that construction palaces, shakes fiercely, as if caved in toward below. 甘基领悟的主奥义,乃是重力,他所在区域重力施展开来,那一块块构建宫殿的巨石,猛地一震,似乎朝着下面塌陷了起来。 In the gravitational field of his god, the gravity promotes several hundred times, besides him, anybody will be affected. 在他神之重力场内,重力提升数百倍,除他外,任何人都会受到影响。 The Pangjia power deep meaning, contracts the body willfully, after his God's Domain launches, the hands and feet and finger can extend to draw at will, likely is a monster, a hand deep place, the skeleton flesh and blood like the spring, elongates ten times fiercely. 庞加力量奥义,乃是任意收缩身体,他神之领域展开以后,手脚、指头可以随意的延伸收拢,像是一个怪物,一只手深处,骨骼血肉如弹簧般,猛地伸长十倍。 This is Shi Yan sees, very scarce one power deep meaning. 这是石岩所见,非常稀少的一种力量奥义。 The Handi deep meaning, involves for the soul, in his God's Domain, is patrolling ghost evil ghosts, by his palm easily imperial, will enter his God's Domain, Divine Soul seems pulled restraint, will be uncontrolled. 汉狄的奥义,为灵魂牵扯,他的神之领域内,游弋着一道道幽魂邪鬼,都被他轻易的掌御了,进入他神之领域者,神魂似乎会被拉扯束缚,不受控制。 Shi Yan understands suddenly why Feng Rao to him the thunder and lightning ball, because of the Handi power deep meaning, can the restraint ghost evil ghost, but this kind of life, most feared that the thunder and lightning bombardment electricity shoots, the strength of thunder and lightning, exactly is the Handi domain difficult adversary. 石岩霍然明白,为何丰娆会给他雷电球了,因为汉狄力量奥义,可以束缚幽魂邪鬼,而这一类的生灵,最怕雷电的轰击电射,雷电之力,恰恰便是汉狄的领域克星。 Ganji, Pangjia and Handi three people of God's Domain, a little side door, but is most weird, is not their three, but is Feng Rao. 甘基庞加汉狄三人的神之领域,都有点偏门,但最邪门的,还不是他们三个,而是丰娆 The Feng Rao power deep meaning, is sound! 丰娆力量奥义,是声音! Her God's Domain displays, the region broadcasts the innumerable grating sad and shrill sounds, these sounds can be controlled by her willfully, calls out, Essence Qi attaches on, is similar to the sharp sword is swift and fierce. 她的神之领域施展开来,所处的区域传来无数刺耳凄厉的声音,那些声音可以受她任意掌控,一声暴喝,精元附加在上,如同利剑般凌厉凶狠。 Pangjia and Handi their power, fall into her God's Domain, under her marvelous incantation law, or locks suddenly, explodes to break to pieces fiercely, cannot have any influence to her. 庞加汉狄他们的力量,一落入她的神之领域内,在她奇妙的咒法下,或是突然锁定,或是猛地爆碎开来,对她不能造成任何的影响。 These four people do not know that actually any background, God's Domain is quite special marvelously, in that palace, four people have as if found any great treasure, being heavily engaged that the mutual attack, hits, simply has not paid attention Shi Yan. 这四人也不知道究竟什么来路,神之领域都颇为特殊奇妙,在那一处宫殿内,四人似乎瞧见了什么至宝,相互攻击,打的不可开交,根本没有留意石岩 Perhaps, in their hearts, only then God King First Sky Shi Yan, but is a small role, impossible to produce anything to affect to the war, by their selective negligences. 或许,在他们心中,只有神王一重天石岩,只不过是一个小角色,不可能对战局产生什么影响,被他们选择性的忽视了。 Feng Rao in four people, in the marvelous sound incantation law, suppressed other three people unexpectedly. 丰娆在四人中,以奇妙的声音咒法,居然压制了其余三人。 Her speaker severe loudly shout, the sad and shrill sound and power are precise, forms the naked eye the ominous severe point that is difficult to see, clashes the four directions horizontally, gives to cover Ganji, Pangjia and Handi three people. 她扬声厉喝声,凄厉的声音和力量凝炼起来,形成肉眼难见的凶厉锋芒,横冲四方,将甘基庞加汉狄三人都给罩住。 And, only then the Handi special power deep meaning, can bring troublesome to her, the marvelous deep meaning of Handi palm imperial soul, making the innumerable ghost evil ghosts attack, blocks that sound point, is insufficiently distressed. 其中,也只有汉狄的特殊力量奥义,能够给她带来麻烦,汉狄掌御灵魂的奇妙奥义,让无数幽魂邪鬼冲击上来,去挡住那一个个声音锋芒,不至于狼狈。 The sound does not have the gravity, by the influence of Ganji gravity deep meaning, was not battered in his God's Domain, making Ganji be at a loss. 声音没有重力,丝毫不受甘基重力奥义的影响,在他神之领域内横冲直撞,让甘基束手无策。 Pangjia same is unable, even if his arm is long, once were penetrated by the sound , can only draw in the body instantaneously, reduces ten times God Body, deals with killing of these sounds fully. 庞加一样无法,就算是他手臂再长,一旦被声音穿透进来,也只能瞬间收拢肢体,将神体缩小十倍,全力应付那些声音的袭杀。 Shi Yan!” 石岩!” , By enemy three Feng Rao, calls out one in three people of center suddenly. 突地,以一敌三的丰娆,在三人中央暴喝一声。 Walked from barrier, got up palace border Shi Yan, hear Yanlve one hesitant, the thunder and lightning ball in hand projects, 结界内走了出来,也上了宫殿边沿的石岩,闻言略一犹豫,手中的雷电球抛射出来, Several hundreds arrive at the blue tearful lightning, is the electric eel is likely ordinary, rushes Handi God's Domain completely. 数百到蓝汪汪的闪电,像是电鳗一般,全部涌向汉狄神之领域 Each blue lightning, falls into his God's Domain, makes the numerous ghost evil ghosts emit the blue tearful smog, restrained stubbornly. 每一道蓝色闪电,落入他神之领域内,都让众多的幽魂邪鬼冒出蓝汪汪的烟雾,被克制的死死的。 Handi God's Domain, under coverages of these blue lightnings, is torn to pieces, as if cannot play the complete role. 就连汉狄神之领域,在那些蓝色闪电的覆盖下,也支离破碎,似乎不能将全部的作用发挥出来。 Boy courts death!” Handi is angry, unexpected, God's Domain Chaos, was given to hit by the Feng Rao incantation method, God Body broken above leaves the Blood Dripping Gem openings, the whole face violent anger, is staring Shi Yan from afar, the anger flaming. “小子找死!”汉狄大怒,猝不及防下,神之领域混乱,被丰娆的咒法给击中,神体上裂出一道道血淋琳的口子,满脸暴怒,远远瞪着石岩,怒火熊熊。 Being damaged of his God's Domain, causes Feng Rao power even more terrifying, lets that Ganji and Pangjia is suppressed thoroughly, the means do not have. 神之领域的受创,导致丰娆力量越发恐怖,让那甘基庞加被彻底压住,一点办法没有。 Feng Rao looks the happy expression, when dealing with them, diverts attention a region to search the hand to grasp toward the palace , the bolt of white silk rainbow light, splits together from her tender control, goes directly to that region. 丰娆面露喜色,在对付两人之时,分心朝着宫殿内一处区域探手抓去,一道匹练般的虹光,从她柔嫩的手心绽出,直达那区域。 Together like Turtle Shell graph fragments, in that region dead center, by marvelous formation covering, the Feng Rao rainbow light fell into, the formation automatic breakage, saw that Turtle Shell fragments, then must fall into her hand. 一块如龟壳般的图形残片,在那区域正中心,被一个奇妙的阵法给覆盖了,丰娆的虹光落入其中,阵法自动破裂,眼看那龟壳般的残片,便要落入她手。 Quickly, five palaces transmit fiercely shake the fluctuation, in another four palaces, formation of four regions flew instantaneously, puts out a hand to grasp the region that with Feng Rao to connect, as if has formed the complete design. 倏地,五处宫殿猛地传来一震波动,另外四个宫殿内,四个区域的阵法瞬间飞了过来,和丰娆伸手欲抓的区域连接起来,似乎形成了完整的图案。 ...
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