GOS :: Volume #9

#808: Dark chain

Their four people, and Jiang Ge as if differs from, Jiang Ge to palace in secret, although is equally curious, may not can be their degrees by far, because of that secret, will not be willing to keep this place, does not reach the goal not to give up. 他们四人,和江戈似乎有所不同,江戈对宫殿中的秘密虽然一样好奇,可远远达不到他们的程度,不会因为那个秘密,甘愿留在此地,不达目的不罢休。 Very good to be very good, it seems like had such a boy, on our speed quick many.” That skinny old man, grins, smiles quite disgusting. “很好很好,看来有了这么一个小子,我们的速度会快上许多。”那枯瘦的老头,龇着牙,笑的颇为恶心。 That then walked, our goals, then understand clearly hidden secret of palace. The hearsay, before that is Dark Sky God Country , the fifth generation country masters establish, are relating riddle of the heaven shaking, I do not exit, then for this, secret.” Feng Rao shot a look at other three people „to come, you also and was I equally curious?” “那便走了,我们的目的,便是洞悉宫殿之秘辛。传闻,那是天涅神国五代国师建立,关系着一个惊天之谜,我迟迟不出去,便是为了这个,秘密。”丰娆瞥了其余三人“想来,你们也都和我一样好奇吧?” Three old men also nod. 三个老头同时点头。 „Did boy, what you call?” Feng Rao shouted lightly. “小子,你叫什么?”丰娆轻呼。 Shi Yan.” 石岩。” Un, Shi Yan, Jiang Ge advances on his responsibility you, you then substituted for him. Good, you do is very good , to continue to try hard, surplus barrier, one and will break.” Feng Rao indifferent instruction, a natural appearance. “嗯,石岩,江戈将他的责任推到你头上,那你便取代他了。不错,你做的很好,继续努力,将剩余的结界,一并破掉。”丰娆淡然吩咐,一副理所当然的模样。 Shi Yan knit the brows, has hesitated, suddenly he he the chuckle got up, the stagnation in barrier was motionless. 石岩皱眉,沉吟了一下,忽然呵呵轻笑起来,在结界内停滞不动了。 Three raised old man complexions gloomy gets down immediately. 三个凸老头脸色顿时阴沉下来。 What temperament do you make?” The Feng Rao curved brow raises, on the slender cheek, in the eye pupil appears profound does not see the bottom different light you not to be interested?” “你闹什么脾气?”丰娆弯弯眉头扬起,修长的脸蛋上,眼眸中显出深邃不见底的异光“你不感兴趣?” Naturally interested.” Shi Yan shook the head, said indifferently: But I do not want to be kept in the dark, I must know why you must enter. You are different from Jiang Ge, Jiang Ge is not really as if clear to the matter, I think you, seems knows that what inside has? Un you perhaps...... Isn't forced to enter says purgatory field extremely?” “自然有兴趣。”石岩摇了摇头,淡然说道:“可我不想被蒙在鼓里,我要知道,为何你们要进入其中。你们和江戈不一样,江戈对事情似乎不甚清楚,我看你们,好似知道里面有什么?嗯你们或许……并非被迫进入极道炼狱场吧?” Four people of simultaneously knit the brows. 四人齐齐皱眉。 I looked that you should enter on own initiative say the purgatory field extremely, its goal, then for here forbidden land, right?” Shi Yan grins cold smiles. “我看,你们应该是主动进入极道炼狱场,其目的,便是为了这儿的禁地,对吧?”石岩咧嘴冷然一笑。 The Feng Rao four people are suddenly silent. 丰娆四人忽然沉默下来。 Half sound, Feng Rao hesitated, the probe asked: None who does not becomes you also knows?” 半响,丰娆迟疑了一下,试探问道:“莫不成你也知道一点?” In the Shi Yan heart moves calm saying: Good, I am same as you, is comes specially for this reason. Jiang Ge frames with me, pulls into this place me, actually suits me. I who you know also approximately understand, Hehe, I want to confirm.” 石岩心中一动冷静的说道:“不错,我和你们一样,也是专门为此地而来。江戈陷害与我,将我扯入此地,其实正合我意。你们所知的我也大致明白,嘿嘿,我只是想确认一下。” „Do you have Jade Token?” Feng Rao did not deceive snort|hum one easily five Jade Token our four people of separately same place, together in the Jiang Ge hand. If you do not have Jade Token, what can know?” “你有玉牌没?”丰娆并不容易糊弄哼了一声“五块玉牌我们四人分别一块,其中一块在江戈手中。你要是没玉牌,能知道什么?” I do not have Jade Token.” Shi Yan shook the head may Jiang Ge obtained Jade Token, actually from our family, waits for by our family, is only my family decline a while, goes through many places wanderingly, was obtained by Jiang Ge. Although he obtains Jade Token, but does not know true secret, my this entry, the goal and you are completely consistent.” “我没玉牌。”石岩摇了摇头“可江戈所得的玉牌,却是来自于我们家族,由我们家族守候,只是我家族没落一阵子,辗转流离,才被江戈得到。他虽然得到玉牌,但并不知道其中真正秘密,我这趟进入,目的和你们全然一致。” This lie, his extreme thoughts, thought that should be able to be effective. 这番谎话,他煞费心思,觉得应该可以奏效。 Really, the Feng Rao four people listened to his such saying, terrified changed countenance, as if had several points to believe. 果然,丰娆四人听他这么一说,都是悚然动容,似乎真有了几分相信。 No wonder Jiang Ge cannot insist that it seems like he really knows not many.” That skinny such as the old man of skeleton, eye glittering, secret nodded „, since our goal is consistent, does not have anything said that the secret in palace, could change the Lie Yan Star Field pattern, everybody respectively depending on skill. “难怪江戈没有能坚持下去,看来他果然所知不多。”那枯瘦如骷髅的老者,眼睛闪烁了一下,暗暗点了点头“既然我们目的一致,也没什么好说的了,宫殿中的秘密,或许可以改变烈焰星域的格局,大家各凭本事吧。 Feng Rao also nodded boy, urgent matter, eradicates barrier first. Your speed is extremely fast, making our barrier also relax, got down according to this situation, how long cannot want, we then can enter. Has any matter, waited to break barrier outside palace to say first again.” 丰娆点了点头“小子,当务之急,还是先破除结界。你的速度极快,让我们的结界也松弛下来,按照这个情况下去,要不了多久,我们便可以进入其中了。有什么事情,等先破掉宫殿外的结界再说吧。” Other three people nod together. 其余三人一起点头。 Shi Yan has pondered, did not have to continue to dispute with them at this time, he reached the conclusion that he wanted. 石岩沉思了一下,也没有这时候和他们继续争执,他已经得到他想要的结论。 The Feng Rao four people, are come for here forbidden land specially, this does not have the doubts again. 丰娆四人,是专程为此处禁地而来,这点再无疑惑。 Was imprisoned in the purgatory star, is only their method, four people are Third Sky of God King Realm, each thoughts very ruthless, the method should extremely be ominous severely, by their can the ore, hunt and kill a participant to leave is by no means impossible, reason that does not walk, for same goal. 被禁锢在炼狱星,只是他们的一个手段而已,四人都是神王三重天之境,每一个都心思狠辣,手段应该都极其凶厉,以他们的能矿,猎杀一个参与者离开并非不可能,之所以迟迟不走,都是为了同一目的。 Can change the Lie Yan Star Field pattern the secret, he came the interest suddenly. 可以改变烈焰星域格局的秘密,他忽然来了兴致。 He starts to explain that surplus Seventh Level barrier with single-hearted devotion. 他开始专心破解那剩余的七层结界 First Level barrier breaks, he will rest, exchanges with the Feng Rao four people, through the conversation, he knows that Feng Rao came from Lie Yan Star Field most Chaos Divine Punishment Grounds, seems special. 一层结界破开,他会歇息一下,和丰娆四人交流一番,通过交谈,他知道丰娆来自于烈焰星域最为混乱神罚之地,似乎出身不凡。 Other three people, skinny such as skeleton, called Ganji, Nine Star Chamber of Commerce that side Warrior. The other two, called Pangjia, called Handi, was Hidden League that side person, these four people, did not have family background Dark Sky God Country unexpectedly, this graduated arm was surprises him quite. 其余三人,枯瘦如骨架者,叫甘基,九星商会那边的武者。另外两人,一个叫庞加,一个,叫汉狄,都是幽盟那边的人,这四个人,居然没有一个出身天涅神国,这衡是让他颇为意外。 Five people of goals are consistent, had not been eradicated in barrier, before has not entered the palace, the atmosphere is also harmonious, has not had the quarrel. 五人目的一致,在结界不曾被破除,没有进入宫殿之前,相互间气氛还算是和谐,没有发生争吵。 As Shi Yan here advancement speeds up, other four people of barrier explain the speed, as if also gradual promotion, quickly, in Shi Yan at present, only remaining only First Level barrier. 随着石岩这边的进程加快,其余四人的结界破解速度,似乎也逐渐的提升,很快地,在石岩的眼前,只剩下唯一的一层结界了。 Then in this time, Feng Rao spoke has been able to stop slightly.” 便在此时,丰娆讲话了“可以稍停一下了。” Shi Yan receives the hand in watermark barrier, float in stack-up mark central, expression is tranquil, in the heart the startled guest, on the face has not actually revealed the slightest. 石岩在水纹般的结界中收手,悬浮在层叠纹中垩央,神色平静,心中惊宾,脸上却没有显露分毫。 Our four lanes was similar, the joint effort, the thrusting out hydrazine has barrier to rip huan together, simultaneously enters palaceFeng Rao to look that to barrier that he...... now we quite wink still, you break forcefully, we four will have the upheaval, when the time comes five palaces cannot simultaneously unsealed, everybody not ask for the advantage. ” “等我们四个弄的差不多了,一起合力,腆胼有结界撕鬟,同时进入宫殿杰“丰娆看向他……”现在我们好眨的结界犹在,你强行破开,我们四边会发生变乱,到时候五个宫殿不能同时解封,大家都讨不到好处。” Ganji, Pangjia and Handi three people, nodded. 甘基庞加汉狄三人,也同时点了点头 Shi Yan does not know that Feng Rao said genuine and fake, but he has not take risked, he does not know that in the palace has anything, for fear that all alone submerged, suddenly suffered the enormous risk, the gain does not equal the loss. 石岩不知丰娆所言真假,但他没有冒险,他并不知道宫殿内有着什么,生怕孤身一人潜入,突然遭受巨大风险,得不偿失。 Therefore, he suspends acting according to the word, the vicissitude in layer upon layer the watermark, is hearing the eye, realizes from experience a period of time feeling, barrier that layer upon layer will explain, appears in the mind, comprehends in these barrier and with the marvelous formation mysterious place. Each marvelous formation, is containing the different heaven and earth highest good, the solution, then relies on a energy line, by him understanding to formation barrier, with Divine Sense and power slowly unlocking. 因此,他依言暂停动作,在层层水纹内浮沉着,闻着眼睛,体悟最近一段时间的感受,将破解的层层结界,在脑海中显现出来,去领悟那些结界内和和奇妙阵法的奥妙之处。每一个奇妙阵法,都蕴含着不同的天地至理,破解之道,便是依循一点能量线条,以他对阵法结界的认识,用神识力量慢慢解锁。 During this process, he to world different power characteristics, some understanding of deeper First Level, he three and power deep meaning going breakthrough desirably, may also conform with naturally had not had the new understanding. 在此过程中,他对世间不同的力量特性,有了更深一层的认识,他三和力量奥义并没有刻意的去突破,可也顺乎自然的有了新的认识。 Sinks to keep silent, he takes out Divine Crystal, restores power secretly, calms the mind to comprehend unusual of power, no matter also that three people of worry explains. 沉默不作声,他取出神晶,暗暗恢复力量,静心领悟着力量的奇特,也不管那三人的着急破解。 Time in a flash, passes for a long time. 时间一晃,又是许久过去。 On this day, Feng Rao achieves finally First Level, she relaxed, looks at Shi Yan that restored calmly to become aware from afar, did not speak, similarly took out the Divine Crystal restoration. 这一天,丰娆率先达到最后一层,她松了一口气,远远看了一眼恢复静悟的石岩,也不讲话,同样取出神晶恢复。 Also is some time passes, other three people, achieves finally First Level successively, eyes shine, the facial expression changes countenance, secret excited. 又是一段时间过去,其余三人,也先后达到最后一层,一个个眼睛放光,神情动容,暗暗激动。 Like Shi Yan and Feng Rao, three people do not have to carry on finally explaining of First Level anxiously, secretly restores, gathers the boundary of peak power by Divine Crystal. 石岩丰娆一样,三人都没有急着进行最后一层的破解,都暗暗恢复,以神晶力量聚集到巅峰之境。 Shi Yan that already restored, observation, the complexion was sinking quietly gradually. 早就恢复过来的石岩,悄悄观察着,脸色渐渐沉了下去。 That four people of caution and care, he looks in the eyeground, is popular the plaster to exert obviously anxiously incomparably, actually repressed, first controlled one's breathing the restoration, will be in the boundary of peak, the intention was very obvious. 那四人的谨慎小心,他都看在眼底,明明焦急兴垩奋无比,却都按捺住了,先调息恢复,将自己处于巅峰之境,意图很明显。 Four people as if know that then could use fully, perhaps, in entering that instant after palace, each other harmonious relations, in vain will then be torn, cannot restore such as beginning. 四人似乎都知道,接下来可能要动用全力,或许,在进入宫殿之后的那一霎,彼此融洽的关系,便会徒然被撕裂,再也不能恢复如初。 In his heart understands, once barrier explains completely, enters in the palace with them, the war will then stimulate, to have First Sky of God King Realm him, in five people, should be the most potential weak side outwardly. 他心中明白,一旦结界全部破解,和他们一起进入宫殿内,大战便会随之激发,只有神王一重天之境的他,在五人中,明面上来看,应该是最为势弱的一方。 Shi Yan deeply frowned. 石岩深深皱起眉头。 Ganji, Pangjia and Handi three people, although with is Third Sky of God King Realm, but Handi is weakest, enters the step the time to be shortest......” 甘基庞加汉狄三人,虽然同为神王三重天之境,可汉狄最弱,进阶的时间最短……” The soul fluctuation that a wisp micro may not look up suddenly, crosses First Level level broken barrier quietly, transmits from the Feng Rao direction, the monster different female of that Ghost Mark clan, lowers the head, the eye opens, calmly looks to him. 忽地,一缕微不可查的灵魂波动,悄悄地,越过一层层残破的结界,从丰娆的方向传来,那鬼纹族的妖异女子,垂着头,眼睛睁开来,静静地看向他。 At this time, that Ganji, Pangjia and Handi three people, but also was carrying on the restoration of power, as if has not perceived the Feng Rao petty action. 这时候,那甘基庞加汉狄三人,还在进行着力量的恢复,似乎没有觉察到丰娆的小动作。 Your other soul communication, your Realm is low, once the soul fluctuates, they must induce immediately.” The Feng Rao thought that continued to transmit you to listen to be OK.” “你别灵魂传讯,你的境界低,一旦有一丝灵魂波动,他们必会马上感应。”丰娆的念头,继续传递过来“你听就可以了。” barrier thorough shatter that instant, once we simultaneously enter the palace group, fights inevitably. Your Realm is lowest, I do not know how you come, but I believe that once has battled, you can die quickest.” 结界彻底破碎的那一霎,一旦我们同时进入宫殿群,相互间大战不可避免。你境界最低,我不知道你是怎么进来的,但我相信,一旦交战了,你会死的最快。” I have a proposition, once we simultaneously break in the palace, other three people launch the attack, your my they collaborate, you help me divert Handi. Un, do not worry to enter the war, first hides outside, does not want the thing in impatient palace. Although Handi is weakest, is not you can deal with, my so-called diversion, will then be to you same thing, you will pour into energy to be used to cope with him, as for Ganji and Pangjia, will not need you to go to the tube, they must battle first, if I can harvest, will not minus inevitably your, if you agreed that can nod gently.” “我有个提议,一旦我们同时冲入宫殿,其余三人发动攻击,你我两人联手,你帮我牵制一下汉狄。嗯,你不要着急参战,先躲在外面,不要心急宫殿内的东西。汉狄虽然最弱,也不是你可以应付的,我所谓的牵制,便是会给你一样东西,你灌注能量用来对付他,至于甘基庞加,不用你去管,两人必会最先交战,如果我能有所收获,必然不会少掉你那一份,你如果同意,可以轻轻点头。” Shi Yan narrows the eyes to focus, looks at she, the good half sound, gently to lower the head silently. 石岩眯着眼,默默看着她,好半响,才轻轻垂头。 Feng Rao smiles, the look has shone, at once will utilize such thing the method to inform. 丰娆抿嘴一笑,眼神亮了一下,旋即将运用那样东西的方法告知。 In four people, her Feng Rao Realm seems to be exquisitest, to is also most profound, therefore her soul communication that the deep meaning of soul grasps, has evaded other three people unexpectedly. 四人中,似乎她丰娆境界最为精湛,对灵魂的奥义掌握的也最为深刻,所以她的灵魂传讯,居然避过了其余三人。 Shouted.” “呼。” Ganji exhaled foul air gently, in the hand Divine Crystal changes into the stone chip to flutter about, is refreshing, shot a look around Feng Rao, suddenly low smiled, the smiling face was worth going into seriously very much. 甘基轻轻呼出一口浊气,手中神晶化为石屑纷飞,神清气爽,瞥了一眼旁边的丰娆,忽然低低一笑,笑容很值得深究。 He looks at Feng Rao, looked at one in the Shi Yan direction, in the pupil, has the meaning of obvious contempt, obviously has not regarded the genuine match Shi Yan. 他看完丰娆,又朝着石岩的方向看了一眼,瞳仁内,有着明显的轻视之意,显然并没有将石岩当成真正的对手。 Quickly, Pangjia and Handi also in abundance awake to turn around, when they look to Feng Rao, quite dreaded that as if knows this woman is not good to provoke, but they look at Shi Yan time, the vision dodges to pass. 很快地,庞加汉狄也纷纷醒转过来,两人看向丰娆之时,都颇为忌惮,似乎知道这女人不好招惹,可他们去看石岩的时候,目光只是一闪而逝。 Very obviously, is the same with Ganji, they do not think similarly Shi Yan can constitute anything to threaten. 很显然,和甘基一样,他们同样不认为石岩可以构成什么威胁。 Starts!” Feng Rao drinks one lowly. “开始吧!”丰娆低喝一声。 Shi Yan lowers the head, puts out a hand to make contact with finally First Level barrier, other four people act according to law, carry on final explaining. 石岩垂头,伸手搭上最后一层结界,其余四人依法施为,进行最后的破解。
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