GOS :: Volume #9

#807: Meeting in barrier

Jiang Ge leaves after the purgatory drought, in the Nine Star Chamber of Commerce direction crazily spreads, he does not have battleship War Chariot, all alone, is galloping at the God King Third Sky Expert quickest speed. 江戈从炼狱旱离开后,一路朝着九星商会的方向狂驰,他没有战舰战车,孤身一人,以神王三重天强者最快速度驰骋着。 Three months later, he nearby the star territory across day star, is marching forward in the ice-cold dark starry sky. 三个月后,他穿过天涅星附近的星域,在冰冷黑暗的星空行进着。 Whenever Jiang Ge almost of power consumption, will then seek for a foothold, restores power by Divine Crystal, then continues to speed along. 江戈每当力量消耗的7788,便会寻找一个落脚点,以神晶恢复力量,然后继续飞驰。 On this day, his within the body power similar consumption were many, saw an ore star of abandoning. 这一天,他体内力量同样消耗不少,见到了一个废弃的矿星。 That ore star, was mined completely, on the stars has the innumerable big size small caverns, looks, looks like a giant hornet's nest, energy already dried up, did not have any together precious ore. 那一个矿星,被开采殆尽,星辰上有着无数大大小小的洞穴,一眼望去,就像是一个巨大的马蜂窝,能量早已枯竭,也没有了任何一块珍贵的矿石。 Jiang Ge grinning gives a calm smile, body such as executes the shade, immediately falls to that ore on-board. 江戈咧嘴淡然一笑,身如毙影,顿时落到那矿星上。 Ten middle grade Divine Crystal, brave from his Imaginary Space Ring, he wants to sit the restoration, suddenly the complexion changes. 十块中品神晶,从他幻空戒内冒出来,他才欲坐下来恢复,忽然脸色一变。 Absolutely dark, such as the backdrop is common, immediately sees the region to cover him. 绝对黑暗,如天幕一般,顿时将他所见区域笼罩。 In that darkness, a silken luster of mercerized cotton cloth point has not overflowed, puts out a hand not to see the five fingers, such as by the day firm imprisonment, the soul was transmitted a decadent feeling. 在那黑暗中,没有一丝光点流溢出来,伸手不见五指,如被天牢禁锢,灵魂都传来一股颓败感。 Jiang Ge expression changes countenance, had a scare, looks all around, discovered that anything cannot find, a heart sinks to the valley. 江戈神色动容,吓了一跳,环顾四周,发现什么也瞧不见,一颗心不由地沉入谷底。 He has gawked, responded quickly that suddenly startled palpitated the restless single knee to be well-grounded, respectful saying: Has seen Sir Lianna.” 他只是愣了一下,倏地反应过来,忽然惊悸不安的单膝着地,恭敬的说道:“见过莉安娜大人。” In Lie Yan Star Field, has the innumerable type power deep meanings, however, several special power deep meanings are famous, is known to everybody, is known to everybody. 烈焰星域,有着无数种类的力量奥义,然而,有几种特殊的力量奥义却闻名天下,无人不知,无人不晓。 Absolute Darkness Deep Meaning, is the Dark Sky God Country five big feudal lords first Lianna is then in sole possession, no other semicolon. 绝对黑暗奥义,便是天涅神国五大诸侯之首莉安娜独有的,别无分号。 Therefore, saw that endless was covered dark, he has gawked, immediately knows he has run into anyone. 因此,一见到被无尽黑暗覆盖,他只是愣了一下,马上知道他遇到了谁。 The bloody butcher in god country's, the armed forces regimental commander of bloody regiment, that ominous demon of five big heads, Sir Lianna. 神国的血腥屠夫,血腥军团的军团长,五大之首的那个凶魔,莉安娜大人。 The meaning that a Jiang Ge point has not wanted to revolt against, the single knee is well-grounded, lowers the head slightly, does not know that Sir Lianna does condescend to come, has what granting instruction?” 江戈没有一点想要反抗的意思,单膝着地,微微垂着头,“不知莉安娜大人屈尊前来,有何赐教?” A glimmer, flashes before quietly, in ice-cold covers entirely the direct link bottom a hole **, a gloomy and cold female of shape same evil spirit, cold severe sitting well on the curbstone ground that the hole said that was narrowing the eye, tranquil saying: You have two choices.” 一点微光,悄悄闪现出来,在冰冷布满直达地底的一个洞**,一个形同厉鬼的阴冷女子,冷厉的端坐在洞曰的边沿石地上,眯着眼睛,平静的说道:“你有两个选择。” Jiang Ge expression is solemn and respectful, hanging was lower, hopes hear Qixiang. zieither, I have killed you, destroys your Soul Altar, imprisons Divine Soul, learns all your memories in the mystique.” The Lianna expression is light, was saying one likely with she irregular matter. 江戈神色肃穆,头垂的更加低了,“愿闻其详。鼒“要么,我杀了你,将你灵魂祭台摧毁,囚禁神魂,以秘法获知你的一切记忆。”莉安娜语气平淡,像是说着一件与她不相干的事情。 I want to listen to another choice.” The Jiang Ge heart lives the deep fear to be restless, the sound vibrato, Sir Lianna, I wants to go on living, please give me such an opportunity.” “我想听听另外一个选择。”江戈心生深深的恐惧不安,声音都略带颤音,“莉安娜大人,我想活下去,请给我这么一个机会。” Sees in forbidden land you, the related Shi Yan situation stated clearly to me, naturally, you can attempt to lie,...... If you thought that can deceive me.” Lianna is aloof, as if not cares a whoop to his life and death, does not have any intention that wants to get rid , the tranquil letting person thinks the palpitation. “将你在禁地所见,有关石岩的情况给我言明,当然,你可以尝试说谎,……如果你觉得可以欺瞒我的话。”莉安娜无动于衷,似乎对他的生死毫不在意,也没有任何想要出手的意图,平静的让人觉得心悸。 Jiang Ge gains ground fiercely, the body slightly shivers, does not have to hesitate excessively, immediately replied: He had not died, but is in forbidden land, temporarily was imprisoned by forbidden land barrier. That purgatory command token, I obtain from him together, but has not actually struck a vicious blow to him. In forbidden land, the palace, the palace surrounding pulls up around four ten Ninth Level barrier, must be the god country the country masters established before, is containing some unknowable secret......” 江戈猛地抬头,身子略一颤抖,没有过多犹豫,马上答话:“他并没有死去,而是处于禁地之内,暂时被禁地结界禁锢住。那一块炼狱令牌,我从他身上得到,但却没有对他下毒手。在禁地内,有一处宫殿,宫殿外围撩绕着四十九层结界,应当是神国以前国师建立,其中蕴藏着某种不可知的秘密……” He as if knows in front of Lianna, only then an opportunity, if lies, this woman illustrious ominous remoteness, will not have one to him benevolently hesitant. 他似乎知道在莉安娜面前,只有一次机会,若是说谎,这女人赫赫凶名远扬,绝不会对他有一丝仁慈犹豫。 Therefore, Jiang Ge does not dare to lie, even does not dare to stop such one second the narration, for fear that the opposite party thought that he organizes the rumor, a series of words, the continuous artillery wells up from his mouth, does not dare to have slight hesitation. 因此,江戈没有敢说谎,甚至不敢将叙述停顿那么一秒,生怕对方觉得他组织谎言,一连串的话语,连珠炮般从他口中涌出来,不敢有丝毫的迟疑。 Lianna static is listening, midway has not interrupted, when narrated to Jiang Ge, she was still silent. 莉安娜静静的听着,中途没有插嘴一句,待到江戈叙述完毕,她依然沉默。 Jiang Ge raises head slightly, restless looks at she, moves does not dare to move, is waiting for the trial of opposite party. 江戈微微仰着头,不安的看着她,一动不敢动,等候着对方的审判。 He deeply is bright this woman vicious terrifying, all the legend about this woman, and massacres to relate bloody, he also knows that opposite party Realm, his obliterate easily, here, nobody can know him once to be crushed by the crush sufficiently. 他深明这个女人的狠毒恐怖,所有关于这个女人的传说,都和血腥残杀联系起来,他也知道对方的境界,足以将他轻易的抹杀,在这儿,无人能够知晓他曾经被碾压粉碎。 Therefore, he does not dare to move, does not dare to speak irresponsibly, such silently waits. 所以,他不敢动,不敢乱说一句,就这么默默等候。 You can walk.” The good half sound, Lianna to wave, catches up with the fly not to bear generally, remembers that I have not seen you, you have not seen me.” “你可以走了。”好半响,莉安娜挥挥手,赶苍蝇一般不耐,“记得,我不曾见过你,你也不曾看到过我。” In next life-long records sincerely.” Jiang Ge raises hand, distributes the pledge neatly, looks at she, sees her not to have the unusual action earnestly seriously, the restless little transfers, leaves the Lianna darkness to lead, then the reckless craziness spreads, does not dare to stop over that to fear for one second. “在下终生谨记。”江戈举手,干净利落发下誓言,认真地看着她,见她当真没有异常举动,才不安的一点点挪移出去,一离开莉安娜的黑暗领成,便不顾一切的狂驰起来,不敢逗留那怕一秒。 In the darkness, Lianna has stood slowly, that pair of dark green eye pupil, deeply looked at a while in the direction of purgatory star, curled the lip snort|hum, brat, harmed me to lose star of the life, I remember to you first.” 黑暗中,莉安娜缓缓站了起来,那双暗青色的眼眸,朝着炼狱星的方向深深望了一会儿,撇嘴哼了一声,“臭小子,害我损失一个生命之星,我先给你记下了。” Absolutely dark such as dark clouds, quietly elegant to the vast star territory, swayed to dodge a while continuously, concealing did not see. 绝对黑暗如一片黑云,悄然飘逸向浩瀚星域,连续晃荡闪了一会儿,隐匿不见。 Ore star of depletion, restored peacefully. 枯竭的矿星,重新恢复了安静。 Purgatory star...... The side that was sealed up said in the purgatory field forbidden land. 炼狱星……被封闭起来的极道炼狱场内处禁地 da Yang of Shi Yan layer upon layer in watermark barrier, surprise looks to imitating, if the near at hand that grand palace, in his eye pupil, that palace deep place, has transmitted the extremely obvious marvelous fluctuation. 石岩处在水纹般的层层结界中龘央,诧异的看向仿若近在咫尺的那雄伟宫殿,在他眼瞳内,那宫殿深处,传来了极其明显的奇妙波动。 If the change of the seasons, that palace as if moves, the intermittent unusual rumbled sound, he hanging below forbidden land earth interior resounds through. 如物换星移,那宫殿仿佛挪动起来,阵阵奇特的轰鸣声,才他悬空下方的禁地大地内响彻。 Similar change , occurred in other dish locates forbidden land, four achieve God King Third Sky Realm Warrior, is the same with Shi Yan, was imprisoned by barrier temporarily, similarly gains ground the palace that looks at they see, perceived internal reacted wave. 同样的变化,也发生在别的皿处禁地,有四个达到神王三重天境界武者,和石岩一样,也被结界暂时禁锢,同样抬头看着他们所见的宫殿,觉察到了内部的震动波。 Five forbidden land, in said in the purgatory field extremely, could not imagine the way of not being able to see by the average man, closed up slowly on own initiative. 五个禁地,在极道炼狱场内,以常人想象不到也看不见的方式,缓缓主动靠拢。 This speed seems like slow, is actually extremely quick, is only the quarter time, distributes was saying extremely purgatory field five positions forbidden land, unexpectedly the marvelous fusion is. 这个速度看似缓慢,其实极快,只是一刻钟时间,分布在极道炼狱场五个方位的禁地,居然奇妙的融合为。 Five marvelous palaces, under the stimulation of movement of some mystical power, simultaneously appear together. 就连五个奇妙的宫殿,也在某种神秘力量的催动下,同时出现在一块儿。 Immediately, palace that Shi Yan sees, no longer is one, but is five. 顿时,石岩所见的宫殿,不再是一座,而是五座。 Five palaces, just like five dazzling radiant big gems, hold in passing the buck of thick long huge towering stone pillar, fluctuates in the top of the head vault of heaven. 五座宫殿,宛如五块炫目璀璨的大宝石,在一根根粗长巨大的参天石柱的推拖托下,浮动在头顶苍穹。 Five palaces, present the unusual symbols of five glow stars, is the same with Shi Yan, similarly four people, raise head in barrier the looks at palace, a face is amazed. 五座宫殿,呈现五芒星的奇特标志,和石岩一样,同样有四人,也在结界内仰头看着宫殿,一脸惊诧。 That four people, the bitter experience is inferior to Shi Yan, they have spent the innumerable sun and moon date and time, eradicates 20-30 barrier, cannot be the Shi Yan efficiency. 那四人,遭遇不如石岩,他们花费了无数日月时日,也只是破除二三十层结界,达不到石岩的效率。 Well!” “咦!” Four surprised sounds, convey from four corners, the intonation is consistent, looks completely to the Shi Yan direction. 四个惊讶的声音,从四个角落同时传来,声调一致,全部看向石岩的方向。 Shi Yan in barrier, turns head, looks to that four people, in the vision lightens astonished rays of light. 石岩结界内,也扭着头,看向那四人,目光中闪出惊异的光芒 Four Third Sky of God King Realm, three male female, three male is the old man, whole body is dirty, dishevelled hair and dirty face, seems very long has not cleaned up the body, the appearance slightly is distressed, is only the look, has avoiding mentioning ominous severe hot tempered. 四个神王三重天之境,三男一女,三个男的都是老头,浑身脏兮兮,蓬头垢面,似乎很久不曾清理身体,模样都略显狼狈,只是眼神,却有着隐讳的凶厉暴躁。 An only female, 30 -year-old ages, many quite pretty, wears a snakewood leather skirt, leather skirt complete Xi, reveals two sections fairly such as the calf of jade. 唯一的一名女性,30来岁的年龄,多的颇为貌美,穿一件蛇纹皮裙,皮裙齐膝,露出两截白皙如玉的小腿。 The woman is not the person clan, but is the Ghost Mark clan, the arm and beautiful leg that exposes, on the fair flesh, have a continuously fine green pattern, with the skin perfect conjunction of abundant rhyme, has a monster different flavor. 那女人并非人族,而是鬼纹族,裸露出来的手臂和美腿,白皙的肌肤上,有着一缕缕精美的青色花纹,和丰韵的皮肤完美契合,别有一番妖异的韵味。 30 -year-old ages, such as the fresh flower blooms to the most beautiful moment, neck also has the close azure mark, on the slender cheeks, the earlobe is hanging two fine jade, falls, ling-ling the transmitting resounding, the beautiful pupil like the sea, profound is inobservable. 30来岁的年龄,如鲜花绽放到最美的一刻,脖颈也有细密的青纹,修长的脸颊上,耳垂吊着两个精致的玉,坠,嘀铃铃的传来脆响,美眸如海洋,深邃不可测。 She looks from afar to Shi Yan, in eye appears color of the difference, the curved brow wrinkles slightly, micro cannot be looked up light snort|hum. 她远远看向石岩,眼睛内显出一丝异样之色,弯弯的眉头略略皱起,微不可查的轻哼一声。 When four people look to Shi Yan, Shi Yan secretly is also inquiring them, has not looked at a while, his complexion will be then dignified a point. 四人看向石岩之时,石岩也在暗暗打探他们,没多看一会儿,他脸色便会凝重一分。 Like Jiang Ge, is Third Sky of God King Realm, everyone, but also is the people condemned to death of purgatory star, two are stained with the full blood, unfriendly kind. 江戈一样,都是神王三重天之境,每一个人,还都是炼狱星的死囚,两手沾满鲜血,都绝非善类。 Boy, you were Jiang Ge said that substituted for his person?” Like bamboo pole old man, skinny, such as binds the skeleton of person skin, the eye is braving spooky luminous, evidently, your speed many that we are quicker, what you have made, why nowhere forbidden land fusion was one?” “小子,你便是江戈所说,取代他的人?”一个如竹竿般的老者,皮包骨头,如裹着人皮的骷髅,眼睛冒着幽幽的光亮,“看样子,你的速度比我们快的多,你做了什么,为何将无处禁地融合为一了?” Other three people, one and looks like toward him, the complexion surprised is bringing avoiding mentioning ominous severe. 其余三人,也一并朝着他看来,脸色惊奇中带着隐讳的凶厉。 Good, Jiang Ge frames me, making me be involved.” Shi Yan knits the brows slightly, said indifferently: He should leave, I have been explaining these barrier, to the present, altogether 42 barrier had been relieved by me. Last barrier by unsealed that instant, the palace that I see, at once occurred to fluctuate, lets you and others one and pulls, um, this is the special effect in forbidden land, is not my original intention.” “不错,江戈陷害我,让我深陷其中。”石岩略略皱眉,淡然说道:“他应该离开了,我一直在破解这些结界,到了现在,一共有42个结界被我解除。最后一个结界解封的那一霎,我所见的宫殿,旋即发生变幻,让你等被一并拉扯过来,嗯,这是禁地内的特殊作用,并非我的本意。” Feng Rao, how do you see?” That old man who spoke first, has hesitated, cannot help but looked that has the strange female of fine trace to that whole body. 丰娆,你怎么看?”最先讲话的那老头,沉吟了一下,不由得看向那名浑身有着精美纹路的奇异女子。 Like him, other two old men, looks to that named Feng Rao Ghost Mark clan female, as if, that Feng Rao, is their leaders. 和他一样,其余两个老头,也都望向那名为丰娆鬼纹族女子,仿佛,那丰娆,才是他们的领头人。 Naturally is the good deed.” The Feng Rao corners of the mouth pull, smiling face strange, the eye pupil flows out the bright slightly, our four people spend such a long time, everyone also explains about 20, Jiang Ge was worst, drags our retreat, now he left, has arranged such a boy, actually exceeds us in the extremely short time, a good fortune?” “当然是好事。”丰娆嘴角一扯,笑容奇异,眼眸微微流出亮光,“我们四人花费那么长时间,每个人也只是破解20层左右,江戈本来最差,拖我们后退,如今他离开了,安排了这么一个小子,却在极短时间超越我们,岂不是一件幸事?” Such remarks, that three grotesqueness, likely are not the old men of good person, lowly chuckled get up, as if quite approves. 此言一出,那三个怪模怪样,都不像是好人的老头,一个个嘿嘿低笑起来,似乎颇为赞同。 Everybody persists for a long time, wanting to know that in the palace has anything, this boy came, making the speed speed up, had the advantage to us.” Feng Rao is smiling, you had not detected, barrier...... As if are the relaxation many?” “大家坚持这么久,都想知道宫殿内有着什么,这小子来了,令速度加快,对我们都有好处。”丰娆微笑着,“难道你们没有发觉,结界……似乎松弛不少?” Naturally discovered.” Three old men smiled with one voice. “当然发现了。”三个老头齐声笑了。 The Shi Yan complexion sinks, suddenly some not good premonitions, these four people display too with ease, regarding this hope of place so strongly, probably already has anything to plan. 石岩脸色一沉,忽然有种不好的预感,这四人表现太轻松,对此地的渴望如此的浓烈,好像早就有着什么打算了。
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